path: root/Performance
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diff --git a/Performance b/Performance
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index 0000000..2bb4b96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Performance
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+Some comparisons of PCRE with the original Henry Spencer (1986) regular
+expression functions were done on a SPARCstation IPC using gcc version 2.6.3
+with -O optimization, to give some idea as to how the two libraries compare.
+This is not a major statistical investigation.
+Code size
+The code size of PCRE is a bit over twice the size of the Henry Spencer
+functions (roughly 33K vs 14K bytes on a SPARCstation with gcc -O).
+Store size for compiled expressions
+For expressions that are compatible with both libraries, PCRE uses less store
+for the examples tried, except in some cases that involve the use of character
+classes. Except in the special case of a negated charcter class containing only
+one character (e.g. [^a]), PCRE uses a 32-byte bit map for each character
+class, in order to get the maximum matching speed. By contrast the Spencer code
+uses a strchr() call.
+The Spencer functions have an overhead of 92 bytes per expression, because
+there is a table for up to 10 matched substrings held with every compiled
+expression. In contrast, PCRE's overhead is just 9 bytes, since it requires the
+caller to supply a vector to receive the offsets of the matched substrings. In
+the table below, the size without the overhead is shown in brackets.
+PCRE Spencer Pattern
+---- ------- -------
+ 18 (09) 109 (17) /^$/
+ 25 (16) 120 (28) /^.*nter/
+ 26 (17) 121 (29) /^12.34/
+ 37 (28) 126 (34) /the quick brown fox/
+ 50 (41) 114 (22) /^[]cde]/
+ 50 (41) 114 (22) /^[^]cde]/
+ 51 (42) 125 (33) /^[.^$|()*+?{,}]+/
+ 52 (43) 126 (34) /^[0-9]+$/
+ 56 (47) 153 (61) /^(abc)(abc)?zz/
+ 57 (48) 133 (41) /^xxx[0-9]+$/
+ 57 (48) 145 (53) /([0-9a-fA-F:]+)$/
+ 62 (53) 171 (79) /^([^!]+)!(.+)=apquxz\.ixr\.zzz\.ac\.uk$$/
+ 70 (61) 170 (78) /^(b+|a)(b+|a)?c/
+ 74 (65) 173 (81) /^(ba|b*)(ba|b*)?bc/
+ 99 (90) 235 (143) /^(a(b(c)))(d(e(f)))(h(i(j)))$/
+119 (110) 157 (65) /^.+[0-9][0-9][0-9]$/
+165 (156) 446 (354) /^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*(\.[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-z0-9\-]*)*\.$/
+451 (442) 605 (513) /^From +([^ ]+) +[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z] +[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z] +[0-9]?[0-9] +[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]/
+Compilation time
+Timing was done using the clock() function to time 2000 compilations of each
+expression and then dividing by twice the number of clocks per second, to get a
+value in milliseconds. The variation observed over several runs was never more
+than 0.01:
+PCRE Spencer Pattern
+---- ------- -------
+0.04 0.07 /^$/
+0.06 0.12 /^.*nter/
+0.06 0.13 /^12.34/
+0.06 0.09 /^[]cde]/
+0.07 0.14 /^[0-9]+$/
+0.07 0.10 /^[^]cde]/
+0.08 0.17 /^xxx[0-9]+$/
+0.08 0.14 /the quick brown fox/
+0.09 0.14 /^[.^$|()*+?{,}]+/
+0.10 0.33 /([0-9a-fA-F:]+)$/
+0.12 0.26 /^.+[0-9][0-9][0-9]$/
+0.12 0.42 /^(abc)(abc)?zz/
+0.14 0.51 /^(b+|a)(b+|a)?c/
+0.15 0.53 /^(ba|b*)(ba|b*)?bc/
+0.19 0.51 /^([^!]+)!(.+)=apquxz\.ixr\.zzz\.ac\.uk$/
+0.34 1.59 /^(a(b(c)))(d(e(f)))(h(i(j)))$/
+0.47 1.32 /^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*(\.[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-z0-9\-]*)*\.$/
+0.66 1.78 /^From +([^ ]+) +[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z] +[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z] +[0-9]?[0-9] +[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]/
+Execution time
+Execution timing was done in a similar manner. Blank entries in the "pattern"
+column below indicate the use of the same pattern as before.
+PCRE Spencer Subject Pattern
+---- ------- ------- -------
+0.03 0.02 <null string> /^$/
+0.04 0.04 enter /^.*nter/
+0.04 0.04 uponter
+0.03 0.03 12\r34 /^12.34/
+0.03 0.03 0 /^[0-9]+$/
+0.04 0.03 100
+0.03 0.03 ]thing /^[]cde]/
+0.03 0.03 ething
+0.03 0.03 athing /^[^]cde]/
+0.04 0.04 xxx0 /^xxx[0-9]+$/
+0.04 0.04 xxx1234
+0.04 0.07 .^\$(*+)|{?,?} /^[.^$|()*+?{,}]+/
+0.03 0.03 the quick brown fox /the quick brown fox/
+0.06 0.08 What do you know about the quick brown fox?
+0.04 0.07 0abc /([0-9a-fA-F:]+)$/
+0.04 0.07 abc
+0.05 0.13 5f03:12C0::932e
+0.06 0.07 x123 /^.+[0-9][0-9][0-9]$/
+0.06 0.07 123456
+0.06 0.09 abczz /^(abc)(abc)?zz/
+0.06 0.12 abcabczz /^(abc)(abc)?zz/
+ /^([^!]+)!(.+)=apquxz\.ixr\.zzz\.ac\.uk$/
+0.23 0.28 abc!
+0.09 0.15 bc /^(b+|a)(b+|a)?c/
+0.09 0.15 bbc
+0.08 0.15 bbbc
+0.09 0.15 bac
+0.09 0.15 bbac
+0.07 0.14 aac
+0.09 0.15 abbbbbbbbbbbc
+0.09 0.15 bbbbbbbbbbbac
+0.09 0.18 babc /^(ba|b*)(ba|b*)?bc/
+0.12 0.24 bbabc
+0.07 0.15 bababc
+0.06 0.10 a. /^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*(\.[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-z0-9\-]*)*\.$/
+0.13 0.34 ab-c.pq-r.
+0.24 0.58
+0.12 0.34 x-.y-.
+0.20 0.38 abcdefhij /^(a(b(c)))(d(e(f)))(h(i(j)))$/
+ /^From +([^ ]+) +[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z] +[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z] +[0-9]?[0-9] +[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]/
+0.18 0.30 From abcd Mon Sep 01 12:33:02 1997
+In general, PCRE runs faster than the Spencer function, but remember, this
+is just for one particular compiler on one set of hardware and operating
+system. Until comprehensive tests have been run in other environments, the most
+one can plausibly say is that it is probably no worse on average for the kinds
+of expression tested here.
+Speeding up matching
+A character class is much more efficient than a set of bracketed alternatives.
+Matching /^[abc]{12}/ against "abcabcabcabc" took 0.03 ms, whereas
+/^(a|b|c){12}/ took 0.33 ms. This is because brackets and alternatives involve
+Serious test
+One of the tests of PCRE is the monster regular expression from "Mastering
+Regular Expressions" (O'Reilly's "hip owls" book, 1997, ISBN 1-56592-257-3)
+which recognizes email addresses. There are two versions, unoptimized and
+optimized. For interest, here are their timings, again on a SPARCstation IPC.
+The compile times were 55 ms and 94 ms, and the compiled expressions
+occupied 11010 and 15426 bytes of store, respectively. The following strings
+were matched in the times shown (unoptimized first):
+0.34 0.38 user@dom.ain
+0.38 0.42 <user@dom.ain>
+0.88 0.60 Alan Other <user@dom.ain>
+1.87 0.82 "A. Other" <user.1234@dom.ain> (a comment)
+1.77 1.19 A. Other <user.1234@dom.ain> (a comment)
+2.21 0.42 "/s=user/ou=host/o=place/prmd=uu.yy/admd= /c=gb/"@x400-re.lay
+The optimization of the expression clearly has a dramatic effect in some cases.
+Philip Hazel <>
+October 1997