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#include <pcre.h>

pcre *pcre_compile(const char *pattern, int options, const char **errptr, int *erroffset, const unsigned char *tableptr);


This function compiles a regular expression into an internal form. Its arguments are:

  pattern       A zero-terminated string containing the
                  regular expression to be compiled
  options       Zero or more option bits
  errptr        Where to put an error message
  erroffset     Offset in pattern where error was found
  tableptr      Pointer to character tables, or NULL to
                  use the built-in default

The option bits are:

  PCRE_ANCHORED         Force pattern anchoring
  PCRE_CASELESS         Do caseless matching
  PCRE_DOLLAR_ENDONLY   $ not to match newline at end
  PCRE_DOTALL           . matches anything including NL
  PCRE_EXTENDED         Ignore whitespace and # comments
  PCRE_EXTRA            PCRE extra features
                          (not much use currently)
  PCRE_MULTILINE        ^ and $ match newlines within data
  PCRE_NO_AUTO_CAPTURE  Disable numbered capturing paren-
                          theses (named ones available)
  PCRE_UNGREEDY         Invert greediness of quantifiers
  PCRE_UTF8             Run in UTF-8 mode

PCRE must have been compiled with UTF-8 support when PCRE_UTF8 is used.

The yield of the function is a pointer to a private data structure that contains the compiled pattern, or NULL if an error was detected.

There is a complete description of the PCRE API in the pcreapi page.