#! /usr/bin/python # Multistage table builder # (c) Peter Kankowski, 2008 import re import string import sys MAX_UNICODE = 0x110000 NOTACHAR = 0xffffffff # Parse a line of CaseFolding.txt, Scripts.txt, and DerivedGeneralCategory.txt file def make_get_names(enum): return lambda chardata: enum.index(chardata[1]) def get_case_folding_value(chardata): if chardata[1] != 'C' and chardata[1] != 'S': return 0 return int(chardata[2], 16) - int(chardata[0], 16) def get_other_case(chardata): if chardata[12] != '': return int(chardata[12], 16) - int(chardata[0], 16) if chardata[13] != '': return int(chardata[13], 16) - int(chardata[0], 16) return 0 # Read the whole table in memory def read_table(file_name, get_value, default_value): file = open(file_name, 'r') table = [default_value] * MAX_UNICODE for line in file: line = re.sub(r'#.*', '', line) chardata = map(string.strip, line.split(';')) if len(chardata) <= 1: continue value = get_value(chardata) m = re.match(r'([0-9a-fA-F]+)(\.\.([0-9a-fA-F]+))?$', chardata[0]) char = int(m.group(1), 16) #PH last = char if m.group(3) is None else int(m.group(3), 16) if m.group(3) is None: last = char else: last = int(m.group(3), 16) for i in range(char, last + 1): table[i] = value file.close() return table # Get the smallest possible C language type for the values def get_type_size(table): type_size = [("uschar", 1), ("pcre_uint16", 2), ("pcre_uint32", 4), ("signed char", 1), ("pcre_int16", 2), ("pcre_int32", 4)] limits = [(0, 255), (0, 65535), (0, 4294967295), (-128, 127), (-32768, 32767), (-2147483648, 2147483647)] minval = min(table) maxval = max(table) for num, (minlimit, maxlimit) in enumerate(limits): if minlimit <= minval and maxval <= maxlimit: return type_size[num] else: raise OverflowError, "Too large to fit into C types" def get_tables_size(*tables): total_size = 0 for table in tables: type, size = get_type_size(table) total_size += size * len(table) return total_size # Compress the table into the two stages def compress_table(table, block_size): blocks = {} # Dictionary for finding identical blocks stage1 = [] # Stage 1 table contains block numbers (indices into stage 2 table) stage2 = [] # Stage 2 table contains the blocks with property values table = tuple(table) for i in range(0, len(table), block_size): block = table[i:i+block_size] start = blocks.get(block) if start is None: # Allocate a new block start = len(stage2) / block_size stage2 += block blocks[block] = start stage1.append(start) return stage1, stage2 # Print a table def print_table(table, table_name, block_size = None): type, size = get_type_size(table) ELEMS_PER_LINE = 16 s = "const %s %s[] = { /* %d bytes" % (type, table_name, size * len(table)) if block_size: s += ", block = %d" % block_size print s + " */" table = tuple(table) if block_size is None: fmt = "%3d," * ELEMS_PER_LINE + " /* U+%04X */" mult = MAX_UNICODE / len(table) for i in range(0, len(table), ELEMS_PER_LINE): print fmt % (table[i:i+ELEMS_PER_LINE] + (i * mult,)) else: #PH fmt = "%3d," * (ELEMS_PER_LINE if block_size > ELEMS_PER_LINE else block_size) + "\n" if block_size > ELEMS_PER_LINE: fmt = "%3d," * ELEMS_PER_LINE + "\n" else: fmt = "%3d," * block_size + "\n" if block_size > ELEMS_PER_LINE: fmt = fmt * (block_size / ELEMS_PER_LINE) for i in range(0, len(table), block_size): print ("/* block %d */\n" + fmt) % ((i / block_size,) + table[i:i+block_size]) print "};\n" # Extract the unique combinations of properties into records def combine_tables(*tables): records = {} index = [] for t in zip(*tables): i = records.get(t) if i is None: i = records[t] = len(records) index.append(i) return index, records def print_records(records): print 'const ucd_record ucd_records[] = { /* %d bytes */' % (len(records) * 4) records = zip(records.keys(), records.values()) records.sort(None, lambda x: x[1]) for i, record in enumerate(records): print (' {' + '%6d, ' * len(record[0]) + '}, /* %3d */') % (record[0] + (i,)) print '};\n' script_names = ['Arabic', 'Armenian', 'Bengali', 'Bopomofo', 'Braille', 'Buginese', 'Buhid', 'Canadian_Aboriginal', \ 'Cherokee', 'Common', 'Coptic', 'Cypriot', 'Cyrillic', 'Deseret', 'Devanagari', 'Ethiopic', 'Georgian', \ 'Glagolitic', 'Gothic', 'Greek', 'Gujarati', 'Gurmukhi', 'Han', 'Hangul', 'Hanunoo', 'Hebrew', 'Hiragana', \ 'Inherited', 'Kannada', 'Katakana', 'Kharoshthi', 'Khmer', 'Lao', 'Latin', 'Limbu', 'Linear_B', 'Malayalam', \ 'Mongolian', 'Myanmar', 'New_Tai_Lue', 'Ogham', 'Old_Italic', 'Old_Persian', 'Oriya', 'Osmanya', 'Runic', \ 'Shavian', 'Sinhala', 'Syloti_Nagri', 'Syriac', 'Tagalog', 'Tagbanwa', 'Tai_Le', 'Tamil', 'Telugu', 'Thaana', \ 'Thai', 'Tibetan', 'Tifinagh', 'Ugaritic', 'Yi', \ 'Balinese', 'Cuneiform', 'Nko', 'Phags_Pa', 'Phoenician'] category_names = ['Cc', 'Cf', 'Cn', 'Co', 'Cs', 'Ll', 'Lm', 'Lo', 'Lt', 'Lu', 'Mc', 'Me', 'Mn', 'Nd', 'Nl', 'No', 'Pc', 'Pd', 'Pe', 'Pf', 'Pi', 'Po', 'Ps', 'Sc', 'Sk', 'Sm', 'So', 'Zl', 'Zp', 'Zs' ] script = read_table('Unicode.tables/Scripts.txt', make_get_names(script_names), script_names.index('Common')) category = read_table('Unicode.tables/DerivedGeneralCategory.txt', make_get_names(category_names), category_names.index('Cn')) other_case = read_table('Unicode.tables/UnicodeData.txt', get_other_case, 0) # case_fold = read_table('CaseFolding.txt', get_case_folding_value, 0) table, records = combine_tables(script, category, other_case) # Find the optimum block size for the two-stage table min_size = sys.maxint for block_size in [2 ** i for i in range(5,10)]: size = len(records) * 4 stage1, stage2 = compress_table(table, block_size) size += get_tables_size(stage1, stage2) #print "/* block size %5d => %5d bytes */" % (block_size, size) if size < min_size: min_size = size min_stage1, min_stage2 = stage1, stage2 min_block_size = block_size print "#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H" print "#include \"config.h\"" print "#endif" print "#include \"pcre_internal.h\"" print print "/* Unicode character database. */" print "/* This file was autogenerated by MultiStage2.py script. */" print "/* Total size: %d bytes, block size: %d. */" % (min_size, min_block_size) print_records(records) print_table(min_stage1, 'ucd_stage1') print_table(min_stage2, 'ucd_stage2', min_block_size) print "#if UCD_BLOCK_SIZE != %d" % min_block_size print "#error Please correct UCD_BLOCK_SIZE in pcre_internal.h" print "#endif" """ # Three-stage tables: # Find the optimum block size for 3-stage table min_size = sys.maxint for stage3_block in [2 ** i for i in range(2,6)]: stage_i, stage3 = compress_table(table, stage3_block) for stage2_block in [2 ** i for i in range(5,10)]: size = len(records) * 4 stage1, stage2 = compress_table(stage_i, stage2_block) size += get_tables_size(stage1, stage2, stage3) # print "/* %5d / %3d => %5d bytes */" % (stage2_block, stage3_block, size) if size < min_size: min_size = size min_stage1, min_stage2, min_stage3 = stage1, stage2, stage3 min_stage2_block, min_stage3_block = stage2_block, stage3_block print "/* Total size: %d bytes" % min_size */ print_records(records) print_table(min_stage1, 'ucd_stage1') print_table(min_stage2, 'ucd_stage2', min_stage2_block) print_table(min_stage3, 'ucd_stage3', min_stage3_block) """