/(?.*/)foo" /this/is/a/very/long/line/in/deed/with/very/many/slashes/in/it/you/see/ "(?>.*/)foo" /this/is/a/very/long/line/in/deed/with/very/many/slashes/in/and/foo /(?>(\.\d\d[1-9]?))\d+/ 1.230003938 1.875000282 *** Failers 1.235 /^((?>\w+)|(?>\s+))*$/ now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party *** Failers this is not a line with only words and spaces! /(\d+)(\w)/ 12345a 12345+ /((?>\d+))(\w)/ 12345a *** Failers 12345+ /(?>a+)b/ aaab /((?>a+)b)/ aaab /(?>(a+))b/ aaab /(?>b)+/ aaabbbccc /(?>a+|b+|c+)*c/ aaabbbbccccd /((?>[^()]+)|\([^()]*\))+/ ((abc(ade)ufh()()x /\(((?>[^()]+)|\([^()]+\))+\)/ (abc) (abc(def)xyz) *** Failers ((()aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa /a(?-i)b/i ab *** Failers Ab aB AB /(a (?x)b c)d e/ a bcd e *** Failers a b cd e abcd e a bcde /(a b(?x)c d (?-x)e f)/ a bcde f *** Failers abcdef /(a(?i)b)c/ abc aBc *** Failers abC aBC Abc ABc ABC AbC /a(?i:b)c/ abc aBc *** Failers ABC abC aBC /a(?i:b)*c/ aBc aBBc *** Failers aBC aBBC /a(?=b(?i)c)\w\wd/ abcd abCd *** Failers aBCd abcD /(?s-i:more.*than).*million/i more than million more than MILLION more \n than Million *** Failers MORE THAN MILLION more \n than \n million /(?:(?s-i)more.*than).*million/i more than million more than MILLION more \n than Million *** Failers MORE THAN MILLION more \n than \n million /(?>a(?i)b+)+c/ abc aBbc aBBc *** Failers Abc abAb abbC /(?=a(?i)b)\w\wc/ abc aBc *** Failers Ab abC aBC /(?<=a(?i)b)(\w\w)c/ abxxc aBxxc *** Failers Abxxc ABxxc abxxC /(?:(a)|b)(?(1)A|B)/ aA bB *** Failers aB bA /^(a)?(?(1)a|b)+$/ aa b bb *** Failers ab /^(?(?=abc)\w{3}:|\d\d)$/ abc: 12 *** Failers 123 xyz /^(?(?!abc)\d\d|\w{3}:)$/ abc: 12 *** Failers 123 xyz /(?(?<=foo)bar|cat)/ foobar cat fcat focat *** Failers foocat /(?(?a*)*/ a aa aaaa /(abc|)+/ abc abcabc abcabcabc xyz /([a]*)*/ a aaaaa /([ab]*)*/ a b ababab aaaabcde bbbb /([^a]*)*/ b bbbb aaa /([^ab]*)*/ cccc abab /([a]*?)*/ a aaaa /([ab]*?)*/ a b abab baba /([^a]*?)*/ b bbbb aaa /([^ab]*?)*/ c cccc baba /(?>a*)*/ a aaabcde /((?>a*))*/ aaaaa aabbaa /((?>a*?))*/ aaaaa aabbaa /(?(?=[^a-z]+[a-z]) \d{2}-[a-z]{3}-\d{2} | \d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2} ) /x 12-sep-98 12-09-98 *** Failers sep-12-98 /(?<=(foo))bar\1/ foobarfoo foobarfootling *** Failers foobar barfoo /(?i:saturday|sunday)/ saturday sunday Saturday Sunday SATURDAY SUNDAY SunDay /(a(?i)bc|BB)x/ abcx aBCx bbx BBx *** Failers abcX aBCX bbX BBX /^([ab](?i)[cd]|[ef])/ ac aC bD elephant Europe frog France *** Failers Africa /^(ab|a(?i)[b-c](?m-i)d|x(?i)y|z)/ ab aBd xy xY zebra Zambesi *** Failers aCD XY /(?<=foo\n)^bar/m foo\nbar *** Failers bar baz\nbar /(?<=(?]&/ <&OUT /^(a\1?){4}$/ aaaaaaaaaa *** Failers AB aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa /^(a(?(1)\1)){4}$/ aaaaaaaaaa *** Failers aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa /(?:(f)(o)(o)|(b)(a)(r))*/ foobar /(?<=a)b/ ab *** Failers cb b /(?a+)ab/ /(?>a+)b/ aaab /([[:]+)/ a:[b]: /([[=]+)/ a=[b]= /([[.]+)/ a.[b]. /((?>a+)b)/ aaab /(?>(a+))b/ aaab /((?>[^()]+)|\([^()]*\))+/ ((abc(ade)ufh()()x /a\Z/ *** Failers aaab a\nb\n /b\Z/ a\nb\n /b\z/ /b\Z/ a\nb /b\z/ a\nb *** Failers /^(?>(?(1)\.|())[^\W_](?>[a-z0-9-]*[^\W_])?)+$/ a abc a-b 0-9 a.b 5.6.7 the.quick.brown.fox a100.b200.300c 12-ab.1245 ***Failers \ .a -a a- a. a_b a.- a.. ab..bc the.quick.brown.fox- the.quick.brown.fox. the.quick.brown.fox_ the.quick.brown.fox+ /(?>.*)(?<=(abcd|wxyz))/ alphabetabcd endingwxyz *** Failers a rather long string that doesn't end with one of them /word (?>(?:(?!otherword)[a-zA-Z0-9]+ ){0,30})otherword/ word cat dog elephant mussel cow horse canary baboon snake shark otherword word cat dog elephant mussel cow horse canary baboon snake shark /word (?>[a-zA-Z0-9]+ ){0,30}otherword/ word cat dog elephant mussel cow horse canary baboon snake shark the quick brown fox and the lazy dog and several other words getting close to thirty by now I hope /(?<=\d{3}(?!999))foo/ 999foo 123999foo *** Failers 123abcfoo /(?<=(?!...999)\d{3})foo/ 999foo 123999foo *** Failers 123abcfoo /(?<=\d{3}(?!999)...)foo/ 123abcfoo 123456foo *** Failers 123999foo /(?<=\d{3}...)(?