# -*- perl -*- # # DBD::File - A base class for implementing DBI drivers that # act on plain files # # This module is currently maintained by # # H.Merijn Brand & Jens Rehsack # # The original author is Jochen Wiedmann. # # Copyright (C) 2009,2010 by H.Merijn Brand & Jens Rehsack # Copyright (C) 2004 by Jeff Zucker # Copyright (C) 1998 by Jochen Wiedmann # # All rights reserved. # # You may distribute this module under the terms of either the GNU # General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in # the Perl README file. require 5.008; use strict; use warnings; use DBI (); package DBD::File; use strict; use warnings; use base qw(DBI::DBD::SqlEngine); use Carp; use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION $drh); $VERSION = "0.40"; $drh = undef; # holds driver handle(s) once initialized my %accessors = ( get_meta => "get_file_meta", set_meta => "set_file_meta", clear_meta => "clear_file_meta", ); sub driver ($;$) { my ($class, $attr) = @_; # Drivers typically use a singleton object for the $drh # We use a hash here to have one singleton per subclass. # (Otherwise DBD::CSV and DBD::DBM, for example, would # share the same driver object which would cause problems.) # An alternative would be not not cache the $drh here at all # and require that subclasses do that. Subclasses should do # their own caching, so caching here just provides extra safety. $drh->{$class} and return $drh->{$class}; $attr ||= {}; { no strict "refs"; unless ($attr->{Attribution}) { $class eq "DBD::File" and $attr->{Attribution} = "$class by Jeff Zucker"; $attr->{Attribution} ||= ${$class . "::ATTRIBUTION"} || "oops the author of $class forgot to define this"; } $attr->{Version} ||= ${$class . "::VERSION"}; $attr->{Name} or ($attr->{Name} = $class) =~ s/^DBD\:\://; } $drh->{$class} = $class->SUPER::driver ($attr); my $prefix = DBI->driver_prefix ($class); if ($prefix) { my $dbclass = $class . "::db"; while (my ($accessor, $funcname) = each %accessors) { my $method = $prefix . $accessor; $dbclass->can ($method) and next; my $inject = sprintf <<'EOI', $dbclass, $method, $dbclass, $funcname; sub %s::%s { my $func = %s->can (q{%s}); goto &$func; } EOI eval $inject; $dbclass->install_method ($method); } } # XXX inject DBD::XXX::Statement unless exists return $drh->{$class}; } # driver sub CLONE { undef $drh; } # CLONE # ====== DRIVER ================================================================ package DBD::File::dr; use strict; use warnings; use vars qw(@ISA $imp_data_size); @DBD::File::dr::ISA = qw(DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::dr); $DBD::File::dr::imp_data_size = 0; sub dsn_quote { my $str = shift; ref $str and return ""; defined $str or return ""; $str =~ s/([;:\\])/\\$1/g; return $str; } # dsn_quote sub data_sources ($;$) { my ($drh, $attr) = @_; my $dir = $attr && exists $attr->{f_dir} ? $attr->{f_dir} : File::Spec->curdir (); my %attrs; $attr and %attrs = %$attr; delete $attrs{f_dir}; my $dsnextra = join ";", map { $_ . "=" . dsn_quote ($attrs{$_}) } keys %attrs; my ($dirh) = Symbol::gensym (); unless (opendir $dirh, $dir) { $drh->set_err ($DBI::stderr, "Cannot open directory $dir: $!"); return; } my ($file, @dsns, %names, $driver); $driver = $drh->{ImplementorClass} =~ m/^dbd\:\:([^\:]+)\:\:/i ? $1 : "File"; while (defined ($file = readdir ($dirh))) { my $d = File::Spec->catdir ($dir, $file); # allow current dir ... it can be a data_source too $file ne File::Spec->updir () && -d $d and push @dsns, "DBI:$driver:f_dir=" . dsn_quote ($d) . ($dsnextra ? ";$dsnextra" : ""); } return @dsns; } # data_sources sub disconnect_all { } # disconnect_all sub DESTROY { undef; } # DESTROY # ====== DATABASE ============================================================== package DBD::File::db; use strict; use warnings; use vars qw(@ISA $imp_data_size); use Carp; require File::Spec; require Cwd; use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr); # in CORE since 5.7.3 @DBD::File::db::ISA = qw(DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::db); $DBD::File::db::imp_data_size = 0; sub set_versions { my $dbh = shift; $dbh->{f_version} = $DBD::File::VERSION; return $dbh->SUPER::set_versions (); } # set_versions sub init_valid_attributes { my $dbh = shift; $dbh->{f_valid_attrs} = { f_version => 1, # DBD::File version f_dir => 1, # base directory f_ext => 1, # file extension f_schema => 1, # schema name f_meta => 1, # meta data for tables f_meta_map => 1, # mapping table for identifier case f_lock => 1, # Table locking mode f_lockfile => 1, # Table lockfile extension f_encoding => 1, # Encoding of the file f_valid_attrs => 1, # File valid attributes f_readonly_attrs => 1, # File readonly attributes }; $dbh->{f_readonly_attrs} = { f_version => 1, # DBD::File version f_valid_attrs => 1, # File valid attributes f_readonly_attrs => 1, # File readonly attributes }; return $dbh->SUPER::init_valid_attributes (); } # init_valid_attributes sub init_default_attributes { my ($dbh, $phase) = @_; # must be done first, because setting flags implicitly calls $dbdname::db->STORE $dbh->SUPER::init_default_attributes ($phase); # DBI::BD::SqlEngine::dr::connect will detect old-style drivers and # don't call twice unless (defined $phase) { # we have an "old" driver here $phase = defined $dbh->{sql_init_phase}; $phase and $phase = $dbh->{sql_init_phase}; } if (0 == $phase) { # check whether we're running in a Gofer server or not (see # validate_FETCH_attr for details) $dbh->{f_in_gofer} = (defined $INC{"DBD/Gofer.pm"} && (caller(5))[0] eq "DBI::Gofer::Execute"); # f_ext should not be initialized # f_map is deprecated (but might return) $dbh->{f_dir} = Cwd::abs_path (File::Spec->curdir ()); $dbh->{f_meta} = {}; $dbh->{f_meta_map} = {}; # choose new name because it contains other keys # complete derived attributes, if required (my $drv_class = $dbh->{ImplementorClass}) =~ s/::db$//; my $drv_prefix = DBI->driver_prefix ($drv_class); my $valid_attrs = $drv_prefix . "valid_attrs"; my $ro_attrs = $drv_prefix . "readonly_attrs"; my @comp_attrs = (); if (exists $dbh->{$drv_prefix . "meta"} and !$dbh->{f_in_gofer}) { my $attr = $dbh->{$drv_prefix . "meta"}; defined $attr and defined $dbh->{$valid_attrs} and !defined $dbh->{$valid_attrs}{$attr} and $dbh->{$valid_attrs}{$attr} = 1; my %h; tie %h, "DBD::File::TieTables", $dbh; $dbh->{$attr} = \%h; push @comp_attrs, "meta"; } foreach my $comp_attr (@comp_attrs) { my $attr = $drv_prefix . $comp_attr; defined $dbh->{$valid_attrs} and !defined $dbh->{$valid_attrs}{$attr} and $dbh->{$valid_attrs}{$attr} = 1; defined $dbh->{$ro_attrs} and !defined $dbh->{$ro_attrs}{$attr} and $dbh->{$ro_attrs}{$attr} = 1; } } return $dbh; } # init_default_attributes sub disconnect ($) { %{$_[0]->{f_meta}} = (); return $_[0]->SUPER::disconnect (); } # disconnect sub validate_FETCH_attr { my ($dbh, $attrib) = @_; # If running in a Gofer server, access to our tied compatibility hash # would force Gofer to serialize the tieing object including it's # private $dbh reference used to do the driver function calls. # This will result in nasty exceptions. So return a copy of the # f_meta structure instead, which is the source of for the compatibility # tie-hash. It's not as good as liked, but the best we can do in this # situation. if ($dbh->{f_in_gofer}) { (my $drv_class = $dbh->{ImplementorClass}) =~ s/::db$//; my $drv_prefix = DBI->driver_prefix ($drv_class); exists $dbh->{$drv_prefix . "meta"} && $attrib eq $dbh->{$drv_prefix . "meta"} and $attrib = "f_meta"; } return $attrib; } # validate_FETCH_attr sub validate_STORE_attr { my ($dbh, $attrib, $value) = @_; if ($attrib eq "f_dir") { -d $value or return $dbh->set_err ($DBI::stderr, "No such directory '$value'"); File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute ($value) or $value = Cwd::abs_path ($value); } if ($attrib eq "f_ext") { $value eq "" || $value =~ m{^\.\w+(?:/[rR]*)?$} or carp "'$value' doesn't look like a valid file extension attribute\n"; } (my $drv_class = $dbh->{ImplementorClass}) =~ s/::db$//; my $drv_prefix = DBI->driver_prefix ($drv_class); if (exists $dbh->{$drv_prefix . "meta"}) { my $attr = $dbh->{$drv_prefix . "meta"}; if ($attrib eq $attr) { while (my ($k, $v) = each %$value) { $dbh->{$attrib}{$k} = $v; } } } return $dbh->SUPER::validate_STORE_attr ($attrib, $value); } # validate_STORE_attr sub get_f_versions { my ($dbh, $table) = @_; my $class = $dbh->{ImplementorClass}; $class =~ s/::db$/::Table/; my (undef, $meta); $table and (undef, $meta) = $class->get_table_meta ($dbh, $table, 1); unless ($meta) { $meta = {}; $class->bootstrap_table_meta ($dbh, $meta, $table); } my $dver; my $dtype = "IO::File"; eval { $dver = IO::File->VERSION (); # when we're still alive here, everthing went ok - no need to check for $@ $dtype .= " ($dver)"; }; $meta->{f_encoding} and $dtype .= " + " . $meta->{f_encoding} . " encoding"; return sprintf "%s using %s", $dbh->{f_version}, $dtype; } # get_f_versions sub get_single_table_meta { my ($dbh, $table, $attr) = @_; my $meta; $table eq "." and return $dbh->FETCH ($attr); (my $class = $dbh->{ImplementorClass}) =~ s/::db$/::Table/; (undef, $meta) = $class->get_table_meta ($dbh, $table, 1); $meta or croak "No such table '$table'"; # prevent creation of undef attributes return $class->get_table_meta_attr ($meta, $attr); } # get_single_table_meta sub get_file_meta { my ($dbh, $table, $attr) = @_; my $gstm = $dbh->{ImplementorClass}->can ("get_single_table_meta"); $table eq "*" and $table = [ ".", keys %{$dbh->{f_meta}} ]; $table eq "+" and $table = [ grep { m/^[_A-Za-z0-9]+$/ } keys %{$dbh->{f_meta}} ]; ref $table eq "Regexp" and $table = [ grep { $_ =~ $table } keys %{$dbh->{f_meta}} ]; ref $table || ref $attr or return &$gstm ($dbh, $table, $attr); ref $table or $table = [ $table ]; ref $attr or $attr = [ $attr ]; "ARRAY" eq ref $table or croak "Invalid argument for \$table - SCALAR, Regexp or ARRAY expected but got " . ref $table; "ARRAY" eq ref $attr or croak "Invalid argument for \$attr - SCALAR or ARRAY expected but got " . ref $attr; my %results; foreach my $tname (@{$table}) { my %tattrs; foreach my $aname (@{$attr}) { $tattrs{$aname} = &$gstm ($dbh, $tname, $aname); } $results{$tname} = \%tattrs; } return \%results; } # get_file_meta sub set_single_table_meta { my ($dbh, $table, $attr, $value) = @_; my $meta; $table eq "." and return $dbh->STORE ($attr, $value); (my $class = $dbh->{ImplementorClass}) =~ s/::db$/::Table/; (undef, $meta) = $class->get_table_meta ($dbh, $table, 1); $meta or croak "No such table '$table'"; $class->set_table_meta_attr ($meta, $attr, $value); return $dbh; } # set_single_table_meta sub set_file_meta { my ($dbh, $table, $attr, $value) = @_; my $sstm = $dbh->{ImplementorClass}->can ("set_single_table_meta"); $table eq "*" and $table = [ ".", keys %{$dbh->{f_meta}} ]; $table eq "+" and $table = [ grep { m/^[_A-Za-z0-9]+$/ } keys %{$dbh->{f_meta}} ]; ref ($table) eq "Regexp" and $table = [ grep { $_ =~ $table } keys %{$dbh->{f_meta}} ]; ref $table || ref $attr or return &$sstm ($dbh, $table, $attr, $value); ref $table or $table = [ $table ]; ref $attr or $attr = { $attr => $value }; "ARRAY" eq ref $table or croak "Invalid argument for \$table - SCALAR, Regexp or ARRAY expected but got " . ref $table; "HASH" eq ref $attr or croak "Invalid argument for \$attr - SCALAR or HASH expected but got " . ref $attr; foreach my $tname (@{$table}) { my %tattrs; while (my ($aname, $aval) = each %$attr) { &$sstm ($dbh, $tname, $aname, $aval); } } return $dbh; } # set_file_meta sub clear_file_meta { my ($dbh, $table) = @_; (my $class = $dbh->{ImplementorClass}) =~ s/::db$/::Table/; my (undef, $meta) = $class->get_table_meta ($dbh, $table, 1); $meta and %{$meta} = (); return; } # clear_file_meta sub get_avail_tables { my $dbh = shift; my @tables = $dbh->SUPER::get_avail_tables (); my $dir = $dbh->{f_dir}; my $dirh = Symbol::gensym (); unless (opendir $dirh, $dir) { $dbh->set_err ($DBI::stderr, "Cannot open directory $dir: $!"); return @tables; } my $class = $dbh->FETCH ("ImplementorClass"); $class =~ s/::db$/::Table/; my ($file, %names); my $schema = exists $dbh->{f_schema} ? defined $dbh->{f_schema} && $dbh->{f_schema} ne "" ? $dbh->{f_schema} : undef : eval { getpwuid ((stat $dir)[4]) }; # XXX Win32::pwent my %seen; while (defined ($file = readdir ($dirh))) { my ($tbl, $meta) = $class->get_table_meta ($dbh, $file, 0, 0) or next; # XXX # $tbl && $meta && -f $meta->{f_fqfn} or next; $seen{defined $schema ? $schema : "\0"}{$tbl}++ or push @tables, [ undef, $schema, $tbl, "TABLE", "FILE" ]; } closedir $dirh or $dbh->set_err ($DBI::stderr, "Cannot close directory $dir: $!"); return @tables; } # get_avail_tables # ====== Tie-Meta ============================================================== package DBD::File::TieMeta; use Carp qw(croak); require Tie::Hash; @DBD::File::TieMeta::ISA = qw(Tie::Hash); sub TIEHASH { my ($class, $tblClass, $tblMeta) = @_; my $self = bless ({ tblClass => $tblClass, tblMeta => $tblMeta, }, $class); return $self; } # new sub STORE { my ($self, $meta_attr, $meta_val) = @_; $self->{tblClass}->set_table_meta_attr ($self->{tblMeta}, $meta_attr, $meta_val); return; } # STORE sub FETCH { my ($self, $meta_attr) = @_; return $self->{tblClass}->get_table_meta_attr ($self->{tblMeta}, $meta_attr); } # FETCH sub FIRSTKEY { my $a = scalar keys %{$_[0]->{tblMeta}}; each %{$_[0]->{tblMeta}}; } # FIRSTKEY sub NEXTKEY { each %{$_[0]->{tblMeta}}; } # NEXTKEY sub EXISTS { exists $_[0]->{tblMeta}{$_[1]}; } # EXISTS sub DELETE { croak "Can't delete single attributes from table meta structure"; } # DELETE sub CLEAR { %{$_[0]->{tblMeta}} = () } # CLEAR sub SCALAR { scalar %{$_[0]->{tblMeta}} } # SCALAR # ====== Tie-Tables ============================================================ package DBD::File::TieTables; use Carp qw(croak); require Tie::Hash; @DBD::File::TieTables::ISA = qw(Tie::Hash); sub TIEHASH { my ($class, $dbh) = @_; (my $tbl_class = $dbh->{ImplementorClass}) =~ s/::db$/::Table/; my $self = bless ({ dbh => $dbh, tblClass => $tbl_class, }, $class); return $self; } # new sub STORE { my ($self, $table, $tbl_meta) = @_; "HASH" eq ref $tbl_meta or croak "Invalid data for storing as table meta data (must be hash)"; (undef, my $meta) = $self->{tblClass}->get_table_meta ($self->{dbh}, $table, 1); $meta or croak "Invalid table name '$table'"; while (my ($meta_attr, $meta_val) = each %$tbl_meta) { $self->{tblClass}->set_table_meta_attr ($meta, $meta_attr, $meta_val); } return; } # STORE sub FETCH { my ($self, $table) = @_; (undef, my $meta) = $self->{tblClass}->get_table_meta ($self->{dbh}, $table, 1); $meta or croak "Invalid table name '$table'"; my %h; tie %h, "DBD::File::TieMeta", $self->{tblClass}, $meta; return \%h; } # FETCH sub FIRSTKEY { my $a = scalar keys %{$_[0]->{dbh}->{f_meta}}; each %{$_[0]->{dbh}->{f_meta}}; } # FIRSTKEY sub NEXTKEY { each %{$_[0]->{dbh}->{f_meta}}; } # NEXTKEY sub EXISTS { exists $_[0]->{dbh}->{f_meta}->{$_[1]} or exists $_[0]->{dbh}->{f_meta_map}->{$_[1]}; } # EXISTS sub DELETE { my ($self, $table) = @_; (undef, my $meta) = $self->{tblClass}->get_table_meta ($self->{dbh}, $table, 1); $meta or croak "Invalid table name '$table'"; delete $_[0]->{dbh}->{f_meta}->{$meta->{table_name}}; } # DELETE sub CLEAR { %{$_[0]->{dbh}->{f_meta}} = (); %{$_[0]->{dbh}->{f_meta_map}} = (); } # CLEAR sub SCALAR { scalar %{$_[0]->{dbh}->{f_meta}} } # SCALAR # ====== STATEMENT ============================================================= package DBD::File::st; use strict; use warnings; use vars qw(@ISA $imp_data_size); @DBD::File::st::ISA = qw(DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::st); $DBD::File::st::imp_data_size = 0; my %supported_attrs = ( TYPE => 1, PRECISION => 1, NULLABLE => 1, ); sub FETCH { my ($sth, $attr) = @_; if ($supported_attrs{$attr}) { my $stmt = $sth->{sql_stmt}; if (exists $sth->{ImplementorClass} && exists $sth->{sql_stmt} && $sth->{sql_stmt}->isa ("SQL::Statement")) { # fill overall_defs unless we know unless (exists $sth->{f_overall_defs} && ref $sth->{f_overall_defs}) { my $all_meta = $sth->{Database}->func ("*", "table_defs", "get_file_meta"); while (my ($tbl, $meta) = each %$all_meta) { exists $meta->{table_defs} && ref $meta->{table_defs} or next; foreach (keys %{$meta->{table_defs}{columns}}) { $sth->{f_overall_defs}{$_} = $meta->{table_defs}{columns}{$_}; } } } my @colnames = $sth->sql_get_colnames (); $attr eq "TYPE" and return [ map { $sth->{f_overall_defs}{$_}{data_type} || "CHAR" } @colnames ]; $attr eq "PRECISION" and return [ map { $sth->{f_overall_defs}{$_}{data_length} || 0 } @colnames ]; $attr eq "NULLABLE" and return [ map { ( grep m/^NOT NULL$/ => @{ $sth->{f_overall_defs}{$_}{constraints} || [] }) ? 0 : 1 } @colnames ]; } } return $sth->SUPER::FETCH ($attr); } # FETCH # ====== SQL::STATEMENT ======================================================== package DBD::File::Statement; use strict; use warnings; @DBD::File::Statement::ISA = qw( DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::Statement ); sub open_table ($$$$$) { my ($self, $data, $table, $createMode, $lockMode) = @_; my $class = ref $self; $class =~ s/::Statement/::Table/; my $flags = { createMode => $createMode, lockMode => $lockMode, }; $self->{command} eq "DROP" and $flags->{dropMode} = 1; return $class->new ($data, { table => $table }, $flags); } # open_table # ====== SQL::TABLE ============================================================ package DBD::File::Table; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; require IO::File; require File::Basename; require File::Spec; require Cwd; # We may have a working flock () built-in but that doesn't mean that locking # will work on NFS (flock () may hang hard) my $locking = eval { flock STDOUT, 0; 1 }; @DBD::File::Table::ISA = qw( DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::Table ); # ====== FLYWEIGHT SUPPORT ===================================================== my $fn_any_ext_regex = qr/\.[^.]*/; # Flyweight support for table_info # The functions file2table, init_table_meta, default_table_meta and # get_table_meta are using $self arguments for polymorphism only. The # must not rely on an instantiated DBD::File::Table sub file2table { my ($self, $meta, $file, $file_is_table, $respect_case) = @_; $file eq "." || $file eq ".." and return; # XXX would break a possible DBD::Dir my ($ext, $req) = ("", 0); if ($meta->{f_ext}) { ($ext, my $opt) = split m/\//, $meta->{f_ext}; if ($ext && $opt) { $opt =~ m/r/i and $req = 1; } } # (my $tbl = $file) =~ s/$ext$//i; my ($tbl, $basename, $dir, $fn_ext, $user_spec_file); if ($file_is_table and defined $meta->{f_file}) { $tbl = $file; ($basename, $dir, $fn_ext) = File::Basename::fileparse ($meta->{f_file}, $fn_any_ext_regex); $file = $basename . $fn_ext; $user_spec_file = 1; } else { ($basename, $dir, undef) = File::Basename::fileparse ($file, $ext); $file = $tbl = $basename; $user_spec_file = 0; } if (!$respect_case and $meta->{sql_identifier_case} == 1) { # XXX SQL_IC_UPPER $basename = uc $basename; $tbl = uc $tbl; } if( !$respect_case and $meta->{sql_identifier_case} == 2) { # XXX SQL_IC_LOWER $basename = lc $basename; $tbl = lc $tbl; } my $searchdir = File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute ($dir) ? ($dir =~ s|/$||, $dir) : Cwd::abs_path (File::Spec->catdir ($meta->{f_dir}, $dir)); -d $searchdir or croak "-d $searchdir: $!"; $searchdir eq $meta->{f_dir} and $dir = ""; unless ($user_spec_file) { $file_is_table and $file = "$basename$ext"; # Fully Qualified File Name my $cmpsub; if ($respect_case) { $cmpsub = sub { my ($fn, undef, $sfx) = File::Basename::fileparse ($_, $fn_any_ext_regex); $sfx = '' if $^O eq 'VMS' and $sfx eq '.'; # no extension turns up as a dot $fn eq $basename and return (lc $sfx eq lc $ext or !$req && !$sfx); return 0; } } else { $cmpsub = sub { my ($fn, undef, $sfx) = File::Basename::fileparse ($_, $fn_any_ext_regex); $sfx = '' if $^O eq 'VMS' and $sfx eq '.'; # no extension turns up as a dot lc $fn eq lc $basename and return (lc $sfx eq lc $ext or !$req && !$sfx); return 0; } } opendir my $dh, $searchdir or croak "Can't open '$searchdir': $!"; my @f = sort { length $b <=> length $a } grep { &$cmpsub ($_) } readdir $dh; @f > 0 && @f <= 2 and $file = $f[0]; !$respect_case && $meta->{sql_identifier_case} == 4 and # XXX SQL_IC_MIXED ($tbl = $file) =~ s/$ext$//i; closedir $dh or croak "Can't close '$searchdir': $!"; my $tmpfn = $file; if ($ext && $req) { # File extension required $tmpfn =~ s/$ext$//i or return; } } my $fqfn = File::Spec->catfile ($searchdir, $file); my $fqbn = File::Spec->catfile ($searchdir, $basename); $meta->{f_fqfn} = $fqfn; $meta->{f_fqbn} = $fqbn; defined $meta->{f_lockfile} && $meta->{f_lockfile} and $meta->{f_fqln} = $meta->{f_fqbn} . $meta->{f_lockfile}; $dir && !$user_spec_file and $tbl = File::Spec->catfile ($dir, $tbl); $meta->{table_name} = $tbl; return $tbl; } # file2table sub bootstrap_table_meta { my ($self, $dbh, $meta, $table) = @_; exists $meta->{f_dir} or $meta->{f_dir} = $dbh->{f_dir}; defined $meta->{f_ext} or $meta->{f_ext} = $dbh->{f_ext}; defined $meta->{f_encoding} or $meta->{f_encoding} = $dbh->{f_encoding}; exists $meta->{f_lock} or $meta->{f_lock} = $dbh->{f_lock}; exists $meta->{f_lockfile} or $meta->{f_lockfile} = $dbh->{f_lockfile}; defined $meta->{f_schema} or $meta->{f_schema} = $dbh->{f_schema}; defined $meta->{sql_identifier_case} or $meta->{sql_identifier_case} = $dbh->{sql_identifier_case}; } # bootstrap_table_meta sub init_table_meta { my ($self, $dbh, $meta, $table) = @_; return; } # init_table_meta sub get_table_meta ($$$$;$) { my ($self, $dbh, $table, $file_is_table, $respect_case) = @_; unless (defined $respect_case) { $respect_case = 0; $table =~ s/^\"// and $respect_case = 1; # handle quoted identifiers $table =~ s/\"$//; } unless ($respect_case) { defined $dbh->{f_meta_map}{$table} and $table = $dbh->{f_meta_map}{$table}; } my $meta = {}; defined $dbh->{f_meta}{$table} and $meta = $dbh->{f_meta}{$table}; unless ($meta->{initialized}) { $self->bootstrap_table_meta ($dbh, $meta, $table); unless (defined $meta->{f_fqfn}) { $self->file2table ($meta, $table, $file_is_table, $respect_case) or return; } if (defined $meta->{table_name} and $table ne $meta->{table_name}) { $dbh->{f_meta_map}{$table} = $meta->{table_name}; $table = $meta->{table_name}; } # now we know a bit more - let's check if user can't use consequent spelling # XXX add know issue about reset sql_identifier_case here ... if (defined $dbh->{f_meta}{$table} && defined $dbh->{f_meta}{$table}{initialized}) { $meta = $dbh->{f_meta}{$table}; $self->file2table ($meta, $table, $file_is_table, $respect_case) or return unless $dbh->{f_meta}{$table}{initialized}; } unless ($dbh->{f_meta}{$table}{initialized}) { $self->init_table_meta ($dbh, $meta, $table); $meta->{initialized} = 1; $dbh->{f_meta}{$table} = $meta; } } return ($table, $meta); } # get_table_meta my %reset_on_modify = ( f_file => "f_fqfn", f_dir => "f_fqfn", f_ext => "f_fqfn", f_lockfile => "f_fqfn", # forces new file2table call ); my %compat_map = map { $_ => "f_$_" } qw( file ext lock lockfile ); sub register_reset_on_modify { my ($proto, $extra_resets) = @_; %reset_on_modify = (%reset_on_modify, %$extra_resets); return; } # register_reset_on_modify sub register_compat_map { my ($proto, $extra_compat_map) = @_; %compat_map = (%compat_map, %$extra_compat_map); return; } # register_compat_map sub get_table_meta_attr { my ($class, $meta, $attrib) = @_; exists $compat_map{$attrib} and $attrib = $compat_map{$attrib}; exists $meta->{$attrib} and return $meta->{$attrib}; return; } # get_table_meta_attr sub set_table_meta_attr { my ($class, $meta, $attrib, $value) = @_; exists $compat_map{$attrib} and $attrib = $compat_map{$attrib}; $class->table_meta_attr_changed ($meta, $attrib, $value); $meta->{$attrib} = $value; } # set_table_meta_attr sub table_meta_attr_changed { my ($class, $meta, $attrib, $value) = @_; defined $reset_on_modify{$attrib} and delete $meta->{$reset_on_modify{$attrib}} and $meta->{initialized} = 0; } # table_meta_attr_changed # ====== FILE OPEN ============================================================= sub open_file ($$$) { my ($self, $meta, $attrs, $flags) = @_; defined $meta->{f_fqfn} && $meta->{f_fqfn} ne "" or croak "No filename given"; my ($fh, $fn); unless ($meta->{f_dontopen}) { $fn = $meta->{f_fqfn}; if ($flags->{createMode}) { -f $meta->{f_fqfn} and croak "Cannot create table $attrs->{table}: Already exists"; $fh = IO::File->new ($fn, "a+") or croak "Cannot open $fn for writing: $! (" . ($!+0) . ")"; } else { unless ($fh = IO::File->new ($fn, ($flags->{lockMode} ? "r+" : "r"))) { croak "Cannot open $fn: $! (" . ($!+0) . ")"; } } if ($fh) { $fh->seek (0, 0) or croak "Error while seeking back: $!"; if (my $enc = $meta->{f_encoding}) { binmode $fh, ":encoding($enc)" or croak "Failed to set encoding layer '$enc' on $fn: $!"; } else { binmode $fh or croak "Failed to set binary mode on $fn: $!"; } } $meta->{fh} = $fh; } if ($meta->{f_fqln}) { $fn = $meta->{f_fqln}; if ($flags->{createMode}) { -f $fn and croak "Cannot create table lock for $attrs->{table}: Already exists"; $fh = IO::File->new ($fn, "a+") or croak "Cannot open $fn for writing: $! (" . ($!+0) . ")"; } else { unless ($fh = IO::File->new ($fn, ($flags->{lockMode} ? "r+" : "r"))) { croak "Cannot open $fn: $! (" . ($!+0) . ")"; } } $meta->{lockfh} = $fh; } if ($locking && $fh) { my $lm = defined $flags->{f_lock} && $flags->{f_lock} =~ m/^[012]$/ ? $flags->{f_lock} : $flags->{lockMode} ? 2 : 1; if ($lm == 2) { flock $fh, 2 or croak "Cannot obtain exclusive lock on $fn: $!"; } elsif ($lm == 1) { flock $fh, 1 or croak "Cannot obtain shared lock on $fn: $!"; } # $lm = 0 is forced no locking at all } } # open_file # ====== SQL::Eval API ========================================================= sub new { my ($className, $data, $attrs, $flags) = @_; my $dbh = $data->{Database}; my ($tblnm, $meta) = $className->get_table_meta ($dbh, $attrs->{table}, 1) or croak "Cannot find appropriate file for table '$attrs->{table}'"; $attrs->{table} = $tblnm; # Being a bit dirty here, as SQL::Statement::Structure does not offer # me an interface to the data I want $flags->{createMode} && $data->{sql_stmt}{table_defs} and $meta->{table_defs} = $data->{sql_stmt}{table_defs}; $className->open_file ($meta, $attrs, $flags); my $columns = {}; my $array = []; my $tbl = { %{$attrs}, meta => $meta, col_names => $meta->{col_names} || [], }; return $className->SUPER::new ($tbl); } # new sub drop ($) { my ($self, $data) = @_; my $meta = $self->{meta}; # We have to close the file before unlinking it: Some OS'es will # refuse the unlink otherwise. $meta->{fh} and $meta->{fh}->close (); $meta->{lockfh} and $meta->{lockfh}->close (); undef $meta->{fh}; undef $meta->{lockfh}; $meta->{f_fqfn} and unlink $meta->{f_fqfn}; $meta->{f_fqln} and unlink $meta->{f_fqln}; delete $data->{Database}{f_meta}{$self->{table}}; return 1; } # drop sub seek ($$$$) { my ($self, $data, $pos, $whence) = @_; my $meta = $self->{meta}; if ($whence == 0 && $pos == 0) { $pos = defined $meta->{first_row_pos} ? $meta->{first_row_pos} : 0; } elsif ($whence != 2 || $pos != 0) { croak "Illegal seek position: pos = $pos, whence = $whence"; } $meta->{fh}->seek ($pos, $whence) or croak "Error while seeking in " . $meta->{f_fqfn} . ": $!"; } # seek sub truncate ($$) { my ($self, $data) = @_; my $meta = $self->{meta}; $meta->{fh}->truncate ($meta->{fh}->tell ()) or croak "Error while truncating " . $meta->{f_fqfn} . ": $!"; return 1; } # truncate sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; my $meta = $self->{meta}; $meta->{fh} and $meta->{fh}->close (); $meta->{lockfh} and $meta->{lockfh}->close (); undef $meta->{fh}; undef $meta->{lockfh}; } # DESTROY 1; __END__ =head1 NAME DBD::File - Base class for writing file based DBI drivers =head1 SYNOPSIS This module is a base class for writing other Ls. It is not intended to function as a DBD itself (though it is possible). If you want to access flat files, use L, or L (both of which are subclasses of DBD::File). =head1 DESCRIPTION The DBD::File module is not a true L driver, but an abstract base class for deriving concrete DBI drivers from it. The implication is, that these drivers work with plain files, for example CSV files or INI files. The module is based on the L module, a simple SQL engine. See L for details on DBI, L for details on SQL::Statement and L, L or L for example drivers. =head2 Metadata The following attributes are handled by DBI itself and not by DBD::File, thus they all work as expected: Active ActiveKids CachedKids CompatMode (Not used) InactiveDestroy AutoInactiveDestroy Kids PrintError RaiseError Warn (Not used) =head3 The following DBI attributes are handled by DBD::File: =head4 AutoCommit Always on. =head4 ChopBlanks Works. =head4 NUM_OF_FIELDS Valid after C<< $sth->execute >>. =head4 NUM_OF_PARAMS Valid after C<< $sth->prepare >>. =head4 NAME Valid after C<< $sth->execute >>; undef for Non-Select statements. =head4 NULLABLE Not really working, always returns an array ref of ones, except the affected table has been created in this session. Valid after C<< $sth->execute >>; undef for non-select statements. =head3 The following DBI attributes and methods are not supported: =over 4 =item bind_param_inout =item CursorName =item LongReadLen =item LongTruncOk =back =head3 DBD::File specific attributes In addition to the DBI attributes, you can use the following dbh attributes: =head4 f_dir This attribute is used for setting the directory where the files are opened and it defaults to the current directory (F<.>). Usually you set it on the dbh but it may be overridden per table (see L). When the value for C is a relative path, it is converted into the appropriate absolute path name (based on the current working directory) when the dbh attribute is set. See L. =head4 f_ext This attribute is used for setting the file extension. The format is: extension{/flag} where the /flag is optional and the extension is case-insensitive. C allows you to specify an extension which: =over =item * makes DBD::File prefer F over F. =item * makes the table name the filename minus the extension. =back DBI:CSV:f_dir=data;f_ext=.csv In the above example and when C contains both F and F
, DBD::File will open F and the table will be named "table". If F does not exist but F
does that file is opened and the table is also called "table". If C is not specified and F exists it will be opened and the table will be called "table.csv" which is probably not what you want. NOTE: even though extensions are case-insensitive, table names are not. DBI:CSV:f_dir=data;f_ext=.csv/r The C flag means the file extension is required and any filename that does not match the extension is ignored. Usually you set it on the dbh but it may be overridden per table (see L). =head4 f_schema This will set the schema name and defaults to the owner of the directory in which the table file resides. You can set C to C. my $dbh = DBI->connect ("dbi:CSV:", "", "", { f_schema => undef, f_dir => "data", f_ext => ".csv/r", }) or die $DBI::errstr; By setting the schema you affect the results from the tables call: my @tables = $dbh->tables (); # no f_schema "merijn".foo "merijn".bar # f_schema => "dbi" "dbi".foo "dbi".bar # f_schema => undef foo bar Defining C to the empty string is equal to setting it to C so the DSN can be C<"dbi:CSV:f_schema=;f_dir=.">. =head4 f_lock The C attribute is used to set the locking mode on the opened table files. Note that not all platforms support locking. By default, tables are opened with a shared lock for reading, and with an exclusive lock for writing. The supported modes are: 0: No locking at all. 1: Shared locks will be used. 2: Exclusive locks will be used. But see L below. =head4 f_lockfile If you wish to use a lockfile extension other than C<.lck>, simply specify the C attribute: $dbh = DBI->connect ("dbi:DBM:f_lockfile=.foo"); $dbh->{f_lockfile} = ".foo"; $dbh->{f_meta}{qux}{f_lockfile} = ".foo"; If you wish to disable locking, set the C to C<0>. $dbh = DBI->connect ("dbi:DBM:f_lockfile=0"); $dbh->{f_lockfile} = 0; $dbh->{f_meta}{qux}{f_lockfile} = 0; =head4 f_encoding With this attribute, you can set the encoding in which the file is opened. This is implemented using C<< binmode $fh, ":encoding()" >>. =head4 f_meta Private data area which contains information about the tables this module handles. Table meta data might not be available until the table has been accessed for the first time e.g., by issuing a select on it however it is possible to pre-initialize attributes for each table you use. DBD::File recognizes the (public) attributes C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C and C. Be very careful when modifying attributes you do not know, the consequence might be a destroyed or corrupted table. C is an attribute applicable to table meta data only and you will not find a corresponding attribute in the dbh. Whilst it may be reasonable to have several tables with the same column names, it is not for the same file name. If you need access to the same file using different table names, use C as the SQL engine and the C keyword: SELECT * FROM tbl AS t1, tbl AS t2 WHERE t1.id = t2.id C can be an absolute path name or a relative path name but if it is relative, it is interpreted as being relative to the C attribute of the table meta data. When C is set DBD::File will use C as specified and will not attempt to work out an alternative for C using the C
and C attribute. While C is a private and readonly attribute (which means, you cannot modify it's values), derived drivers might provide restricted write access through another attribute. Well known accessors are C for L, C for L and C for L. =head3 Internally private attributes to deal with SQL backends: Do not modify any of these private attributes unless you understand the implications of doing so. The behavior of DBD::File and derived DBDs might be unpredictable when one or more of those attributes are modified. =head4 sql_nano_version Contains the version of loaded DBI::SQL::Nano. =head4 sql_statement_version Contains the version of loaded SQL::Statement. =head4 sql_handler Contains either the text 'SQL::Statement' or 'DBI::SQL::Nano'. =head4 sql_ram_tables Contains optionally temporary tables. =head4 sql_flags Contains optional flags to instantiate the SQL::Parser parsing engine when SQL::Statement is used as SQL engine. See L for valid flags. =head2 Driver private methods =head3 Default DBI methods =head4 data_sources The C method returns a list of subdirectories of the current directory in the form "dbi:CSV:f_dir=$dirname". If you want to read the subdirectories of another directory, use my ($drh) = DBI->install_driver ("CSV"); my (@list) = $drh->data_sources (f_dir => "/usr/local/csv_data"); =head4 list_tables This method returns a list of file names inside $dbh->{f_dir}. Example: my ($dbh) = DBI->connect ("dbi:CSV:f_dir=/usr/local/csv_data"); my (@list) = $dbh->func ("list_tables"); Note that the list includes all files contained in the directory, even those that have non-valid table names, from the view of SQL. =head3 Additional methods The following methods are only available via their documented name when DBD::File is used directly. Because this is only reasonable for testing purposes, the real names must be used instead. Those names can be computed by replacing the C in the method name with the driver prefix. =head4 f_versions Signature: sub f_versions (;$) { my ($table_name) = @_; $table_name ||= "."; ... } Returns the versions of the driver, including the DBI version, the Perl version, DBI::PurePerl version (if DBI::PurePerl is active) and the version of the SQL engine in use. my $dbh = DBI->connect ("dbi:File:"); my $f_versions = $dbh->f_versions (); print "$f_versions\n"; __END__ # DBD::File 0.39 using SQL::Statement 1.28 # DBI 1.612 # OS netbsd (5.99.24) # Perl 5.010001 (x86_64-netbsd-thread-multi) Called in list context, f_versions will return an array containing each line as single entry. Some drivers might use the optional (table name) argument and modify version information related to the table (e.g. DBD::DBM provides storage backend information for the requested table, when it has a table name). =head4 f_get_meta Signature: sub f_get_meta ($$) { my ($table_name, $attrib) = @_; ... } Returns the value of a meta attribute set for a specific table, if any. See L for the possible attributes. A table name of C<"."> (single dot) is interpreted as the default table. This will retrieve the appropriate attribute globally from the dbh. This has the same restrictions as C<< $dbh->{$attrib} >>. =head4 f_set_meta Signature: sub f_set_meta ($$$) { my ($table_name, $attrib, $value) = @_; ... } Sets the value of a meta attribute set for a specific table. See L for the possible attributes. A table name of C<"."> (single dot) is interpreted as the default table which will set the specified attribute globally for the dbh. This has the same restrictions as C<< $dbh->{$attrib} = $value >>. =head4 f_clear_meta Signature: sub f_clear_meta ($) { my ($table_name) = @_; ... } Clears the table specific meta information in the private storage of the dbh. =head1 SQL ENGINES DBD::File currently supports two SQL engines: L and L. DBI::SQL::Nano supports a I limited subset of SQL statements, but it might be faster for some very simple tasks. SQL::Statement in contrast supports a much larger subset of ANSI SQL. To use SQL::Statement, you need at least version 1.28 of SQL::Statement and the environment variable C must not be set to a true value. =head1 KNOWN BUGS AND LIMITATIONS =over 4 =item * This module uses flock () internally but flock is not available on all platforms. On MacOS and Windows 95 there is no locking at all (perhaps not so important on MacOS and Windows 95, as there is only a single user). =item * The module stores details about the handled tables in a private area of the driver handle (C<$drh>). This data area is not shared between different driver instances, so several C<< DBI->connect () >> calls will cause different table instances and private data areas. This data area is filled for the first time when a table is accessed, either via an SQL statement or via C and is not destroyed until the table is dropped or the driver handle is released. Manual destruction is possible via L. The following attributes are preserved in the data area and will evaluated instead of driver globals: =over 8 =item f_ext =item f_dir =item f_lock =item f_lockfile =item f_encoding =item f_schema =item col_names =item sql_identifier_case =back The following attributes are preserved in the data area only and cannot be set globally. =over 8 =item f_file =back The following attributes are preserved in the data area only and are computed when initializing the data area: =over 8 =item f_fqfn =item f_fqbn =item f_fqln =item table_name =back For DBD::CSV tables this means, once opened "foo.csv" as table named "foo", another table named "foo" accessing the file "foo.txt" cannot be opened. Accessing "foo" will always access the file "foo.csv" in memorized C, locking C via memorized C. You can use L or the C attribute for a specific table to work around this. =item * When used with SQL::Statement and temporary tables e.g., CREATE TEMP TABLE ... the table data processing bypasses DBD::File::Table. No file system calls will be made and there are no clashes with existing (file based) tables with the same name. Temporary tables are chosen over file tables, but they will not covered by C. =back =head1 AUTHOR This module is currently maintained by H.Merijn Brand < h.m.brand at xs4all.nl > and Jens Rehsack < rehsack at googlemail.com > The original author is Jochen Wiedmann. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by H.Merijn Brand & Jens Rehsack Copyright (C) 2004-2009 by Jeff Zucker Copyright (C) 1998-2004 by Jochen Wiedmann All rights reserved. You may freely distribute and/or modify this module under the terms of either the GNU General Public License (GPL) or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L, L, L, and L =cut