#!perl -w # -*- perl -*- # vim:sw=4:ts=8 $|=1; use strict; use warnings; use Cwd; use Config; use Data::Dumper; use Test::More 0.84; use Getopt::Long; use DBI qw(dbi_time); if (my $ap = $ENV{DBI_AUTOPROXY}) { # limit the insanity plan skip_all => "transport+policy tests skipped with non-gofer DBI_AUTOPROXY" if $ap !~ /^dbi:Gofer/i; plan skip_all => "transport+policy tests skipped with non-pedantic policy in DBI_AUTOPROXY" if $ap !~ /policy=pedantic\b/i; } do "t/lib.pl"; # 0=SQL::Statement if avail, 1=DBI::SQL::Nano # next line forces use of Nano rather than default behaviour # $ENV{DBI_SQL_NANO}=1; # This is done in zvn_50dbm.t GetOptions( 'c|count=i' => \(my $opt_count = (-t STDOUT ? 100 : 0)), 'dbm=s' => \my $opt_dbm, 'v|verbose!' => \my $opt_verbose, 't|transport=s' => \my $opt_transport, 'p|policy=s' => \my $opt_policy, ) or exit 1; # so users can try others from the command line if (!$opt_dbm) { # pick first available, starting with SDBM_File for (qw( SDBM_File GDBM_File DB_File BerkeleyDB )) { if (eval { local $^W; require "$_.pm" }) { $opt_dbm = ($_); last; } } plan skip_all => 'No DBM modules available' if !$opt_dbm; } my @remote_dsns = DBI->data_sources( "dbi:DBM:", { dbm_type => $opt_dbm, f_lockfile => 0, f_dir => test_dir() } ); my $remote_dsn = $remote_dsns[0]; ( my $remote_driver_dsn = $remote_dsn ) =~ s/dbi:dbm://i; # Long timeout for slow/overloaded systems (incl virtual machines with low priority) my $timeout = 240; if ($ENV{DBI_AUTOPROXY}) { # this means we have DBD::Gofer => DBD::Gofer => DBD::DBM! # rather than disable it we let it run because we're twisted # and because it helps find more bugs (though debugging can be painful) warn "\n$0 is running with DBI_AUTOPROXY enabled ($ENV{DBI_AUTOPROXY})\n" unless $0 =~ /\bzv/; # don't warn for t/zvg_85gofer.t } # ensure subprocess (for pipeone and stream transport) will use the same modules as us, ie ./blib local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = join $Config{path_sep}, @INC; my %durations; my $getcwd = getcwd(); my $username = eval { getpwuid($>) } || ''; # fails on windows my $can_ssh = ($username && $username eq 'timbo' && -d '.svn' && system("sh -c 'echo > /dev/tcp/localhost/22' 2>/dev/null")==0 ); my $perl = "$^X -Mblib=$getcwd/blib"; # ensure sameperl and our blib (note two spaces) my %trials = ( null => {}, pipeone => { perl=>$perl, timeout=>$timeout }, stream => { perl=>$perl, timeout=>$timeout }, stream_ssh => ($can_ssh) ? { perl=>$perl, timeout=>$timeout, url => "ssh:$username\@localhost" } : undef, #http => { url => "http://localhost:8001/gofer" }, ); # too dependant on local config to make a standard test delete $trials{http} unless $username eq 'timbo' && -d '.svn'; my @transports = ($opt_transport) ? ($opt_transport) : (sort keys %trials); note("Transports: @transports"); my @policies = ($opt_policy) ? ($opt_policy) : qw(pedantic classic rush); note("Policies: @policies"); note("Count: $opt_count"); for my $trial (@transports) { (my $transport = $trial) =~ s/_.*//; my $trans_attr = $trials{$trial} or next; # XXX temporary restrictions, hopefully if ( ($^O eq 'MSWin32') || ($^O eq 'VMS') ) { # stream needs Fcntl macro F_GETFL for non-blocking # and pipe seems to hang on some windows systems next if $transport eq 'stream' or $transport eq 'pipeone'; } for my $policy_name (@policies) { eval { run_tests($transport, $trans_attr, $policy_name) }; ($@) ? fail("$trial: $@") : pass(); } } # to get baseline for comparisons if doing performance testing run_tests('no', {}, 'pedantic') if $opt_count; while ( my ($activity, $stats_hash) = each %durations ) { note(""); $stats_hash->{'~baseline~'} = delete $stats_hash->{"no+pedantic"}; for my $perf_tag (reverse sort keys %$stats_hash) { my $dur = $stats_hash->{$perf_tag} || 0.0000001; note sprintf " %6s %-16s: %.6fsec (%5d/sec)", $activity, $perf_tag, $dur/$opt_count, $opt_count/$dur; my $baseline_dur = $stats_hash->{'~baseline~'}; note sprintf " %+5.1fms", (($dur-$baseline_dur)/$opt_count)*1000 unless $perf_tag eq '~baseline~'; note ""; } } sub run_tests { my ($transport, $trans_attr, $policy_name) = @_; my $policy = get_policy($policy_name); my $skip_gofer_checks = ($transport eq 'no'); my $test_run_tag = "Testing $transport transport with $policy_name policy"; note "============="; note "$test_run_tag"; my $driver_dsn = "transport=$transport;policy=$policy_name"; $driver_dsn .= join ";", '', map { "$_=$trans_attr->{$_}" } keys %$trans_attr if %$trans_attr; my $dsn = "dbi:Gofer:$driver_dsn;dsn=$remote_dsn"; $dsn = $remote_dsn if $transport eq 'no'; note " $dsn"; my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, undef, undef, { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, ShowErrorStatement => 1 } ); die "$test_run_tag aborted: $DBI::errstr\n" unless $dbh; # no point continuing ok $dbh, sprintf "should connect to %s", $dsn; is $dbh->{Name}, ($policy->skip_connect_check) ? $driver_dsn : $remote_driver_dsn; END { unlink glob "fruit.???" } ok $dbh->do("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fruit"); ok $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE fruit (dKey INT, dVal VARCHAR(10))"); die "$test_run_tag aborted ($DBI::errstr)\n" if $DBI::err; my $sth = do { local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 0; $dbh->prepare("complete non-sql gibberish"); }; ($policy->skip_prepare_check) ? isa_ok $sth, 'DBI::st' : is $sth, undef, 'should detect prepare failure'; ok my $ins_sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO fruit VALUES (?,?)"); ok $ins_sth->execute(1, 'oranges'); ok $ins_sth->execute(2, 'oranges'); my $rowset; ok $rowset = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT dKey, dVal FROM fruit ORDER BY dKey"); is_deeply($rowset, [ [ '1', 'oranges' ], [ '2', 'oranges' ] ]); ok $dbh->do("UPDATE fruit SET dVal='apples' WHERE dVal='oranges'"); ok $dbh->{go_response}->executed_flag_set, 'go_response executed flag should be true' unless $skip_gofer_checks && pass(); ok $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT dKey, dVal FROM fruit"); ok $sth->execute; ok $rowset = $sth->fetchall_hashref('dKey'); is_deeply($rowset, { '1' => { dKey=>1, dVal=>'apples' }, 2 => { dKey=>2, dVal=>'apples' } }); if ($opt_count and $transport ne 'pipeone') { note "performance check - $opt_count selects and inserts"; my $start = dbi_time(); $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT dKey, dVal FROM fruit") for (1000..1000+$opt_count); $durations{select}{"$transport+$policy_name"} = dbi_time() - $start; # some rows in to get a (*very* rough) idea of overheads $start = dbi_time(); $ins_sth->execute($_, 'speed') for (1000..1000+$opt_count); $durations{insert}{"$transport+$policy_name"} = dbi_time() - $start; } note "Testing go_request_count and caching of simple values"; my $go_request_count = $dbh->{go_request_count}; ok $go_request_count unless $skip_gofer_checks && pass(); ok $dbh->do("DROP TABLE fruit"); is ++$go_request_count, $dbh->{go_request_count} unless $skip_gofer_checks && pass(); # tests go_request_count, caching, and skip_default_methods policy my $use_remote = ($policy->skip_default_methods) ? 0 : 1; note sprintf "use_remote=%s (policy=%s, transport=%s) %s", $use_remote, $policy_name, $transport, $dbh->{dbi_default_methods}||''; SKIP: { skip "skip_default_methods checking doesn't work with Gofer over Gofer", 3 if $ENV{DBI_AUTOPROXY} or $skip_gofer_checks; $dbh->data_sources({ foo_bar => $go_request_count }); is $dbh->{go_request_count}, $go_request_count + 1*$use_remote; $dbh->data_sources({ foo_bar => $go_request_count }); # should use cache is $dbh->{go_request_count}, $go_request_count + 1*$use_remote; @_=$dbh->data_sources({ foo_bar => $go_request_count }); # no cached yet due to wantarray is $dbh->{go_request_count}, $go_request_count + 2*$use_remote; } SKIP: { skip "caching of metadata methods returning sth not yet implemented", 2; note "Testing go_request_count and caching of sth"; $go_request_count = $dbh->{go_request_count}; my $sth_ti1 = $dbh->table_info("%", "%", "%", "TABLE", { foo_bar => $go_request_count }); is $go_request_count + 1, $dbh->{go_request_count}; my $sth_ti2 = $dbh->table_info("%", "%", "%", "TABLE", { foo_bar => $go_request_count }); # should use cache is $go_request_count + 1, $dbh->{go_request_count}; } ok $dbh->disconnect; } sub get_policy { my ($policy_class) = @_; $policy_class = "DBD::Gofer::Policy::$policy_class" unless $policy_class =~ /::/; _load_class($policy_class) or die $@; return $policy_class->new(); } sub _load_class { # return true or false+$@ my $class = shift; (my $pm = $class) =~ s{::}{/}g; $pm .= ".pm"; return 1 if eval { require $pm }; delete $INC{$pm}; # shouldn't be needed (perl bug?) and assigning undef isn't enough undef; # error in $@ } done_testing; 1;