path: root/XPath/Node/
diff options
authorLorry Tar Creator <>2003-01-26 19:35:03 +0000
committer <>2015-02-23 10:18:26 +0000
commita2d12bc84fb2af87dd1c0c6e5bc854554902cd67 (patch)
tree7665979c7c281b21971de576d93246a022bff649 /XPath/Node/
Imported from /home/lorry/working-area/delta_perl-xml-xpath/XML-XPath-1.13.tar.gz.HEADXML-XPath-1.13master
Diffstat (limited to 'XPath/Node/')
1 files changed, 503 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/XPath/Node/ b/XPath/Node/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dbafac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/XPath/Node/
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+# $Id:,v 1.14 2002/12/26 17:24:50 matt Exp $
+package XML::XPath::Node::Element;
+use strict;
+use vars qw/@ISA/;
+@ISA = ('XML::XPath::Node');
+package XML::XPath::Node::ElementImpl;
+use vars qw/@ISA/;
+@ISA = ('XML::XPath::NodeImpl', 'XML::XPath::Node::Element');
+use XML::XPath::Node ':node_keys';
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my ($tag, $prefix) = @_;
+ my $pos = XML::XPath::Node->nextPos;
+ my @vals;
+ @vals[node_global_pos, node_prefix, node_children, node_name, node_attribs] =
+ ($pos, $prefix, [], $tag, []);
+ my $self = \@vals;
+ bless $self, $class;
+sub getNodeType { ELEMENT_NODE }
+sub isElementNode { 1; }
+sub appendChild {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $newnode = shift;
+ if (shift) { # called from internal to XML::XPath
+# warn "AppendChild $newnode to $self\n";
+ push @{$self->[node_children]}, $newnode;
+ $newnode->setParentNode($self);
+ $newnode->set_pos($#{$self->[node_children]});
+ }
+ else {
+ if (@{$self->[node_children]}) {
+ $self->insertAfter($newnode, $self->[node_children][-1]);
+ }
+ else {
+ my $pos_number = $self->get_global_pos() + 1;
+ if (my $brother = $self->getNextSibling()) { # optimisation
+ if ($pos_number == $brother->get_global_pos()) {
+ $self->renumber('following::node()', +5);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ eval {
+ if ($pos_number ==
+ $self->findnodes(
+ 'following::node()'
+ )->get_node(1)->get_global_pos()) {
+ $self->renumber('following::node()', +5);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ push @{$self->[node_children]}, $newnode;
+ $newnode->setParentNode($self);
+ $newnode->set_pos($#{$self->[node_children]});
+ $newnode->set_global_pos($pos_number);
+ }
+ }
+sub removeChild {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $delnode = shift;
+ my $pos = $delnode->get_pos;
+# warn "removeChild: $pos\n";
+# warn "children: ", scalar @{$self->[node_children]}, "\n";
+# my $node = $self->[node_children][$pos];
+# warn "child at $pos is: $node\n";
+ splice @{$self->[node_children]}, $pos, 1;
+# warn "children now: ", scalar @{$self->[node_children]}, "\n";
+ for (my $i = $pos; $i < @{$self->[node_children]}; $i++) {
+# warn "Changing pos of child: $i\n";
+ $self->[node_children][$i]->set_pos($i);
+ }
+ $delnode->del_parent_link;
+sub appendIdElement {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($val, $element) = @_;
+# warn "Adding '$val' to ID hash\n";
+ $self->[node_ids]{$val} = $element;
+sub DESTROY {
+ my $self = shift;
+# warn "DESTROY ELEMENT: ", $self->[node_name], "\n";
+# warn "DESTROY ROOT\n" unless $self->[node_name];
+ foreach my $kid ($self->getChildNodes) {
+ $kid && $kid->del_parent_link;
+ }
+ foreach my $attr ($self->getAttributeNodes) {
+ $attr && $attr->del_parent_link;
+ }
+ foreach my $ns ($self->getNamespaceNodes) {
+ $ns && $ns->del_parent_link;
+ }
+# $self->[node_children] = undef;
+# $self->[node_attribs] = undef;
+# $self->[node_namespaces] = undef;
+sub getName {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->[node_name];
+sub getTagName {
+ shift->getName(@_);
+sub getLocalName {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $local = $self->[node_name];
+ $local =~ s/.*://;
+ return $local;
+sub getChildNodes {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return wantarray ? @{$self->[node_children]} : $self->[node_children];
+sub getChildNode {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($pos) = @_;
+ if ($pos < 1 || $pos > @{$self->[node_children]}) {
+ return;
+ }
+ return $self->[node_children][$pos - 1];
+sub getFirstChild {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return unless @{$self->[node_children]};
+ return $self->[node_children][0];
+sub getLastChild {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return unless @{$self->[node_children]};
+ return $self->[node_children][-1];
+sub getAttributeNode {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ my $attribs = $self->[node_attribs];
+ foreach my $attr (@$attribs) {
+ return $attr if $attr->getName eq $name;
+ }
+sub getAttribute {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $attr = $self->getAttributeNode(@_);
+ if ($attr) {
+ return $attr->getValue;
+ }
+sub getAttributes {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ($self->[node_attribs]) {
+ return wantarray ? @{$self->[node_attribs]} : $self->[node_attribs];
+ }
+ return wantarray ? () : [];
+sub appendAttribute {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $attribute = shift;
+ if (shift) { # internal call
+ push @{$self->[node_attribs]}, $attribute;
+ $attribute->setParentNode($self);
+ $attribute->set_pos($#{$self->[node_attribs]});
+ }
+ else {
+ my $node_num;
+ if (@{$self->[node_attribs]}) {
+ $node_num = $self->[node_attribs][-1]->get_global_pos() + 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $node_num = $self->get_global_pos() + 1;
+ }
+ eval {
+ if (@{$self->[node_children]}) {
+ if ($node_num == $self->[node_children][-1]->get_global_pos()) {
+ $self->renumber('descendant::node() | following::node()', +5);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($node_num ==
+ $self->findnodes('following::node()')->get_node(1)->get_global_pos()) {
+ $self->renumber('following::node()', +5);
+ }
+ };
+ push @{$self->[node_attribs]}, $attribute;
+ $attribute->setParentNode($self);
+ $attribute->set_pos($#{$self->[node_attribs]});
+ $attribute->set_global_pos($node_num);
+ }
+sub removeAttribute {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $attrib = shift;
+ if (!ref($attrib)) {
+ $attrib = $self->getAttributeNode($attrib);
+ }
+ my $pos = $attrib->get_pos;
+ splice @{$self->[node_attribs]}, $pos, 1;
+ for (my $i = $pos; $i < @{$self->[node_attribs]}; $i++) {
+ $self->[node_attribs][$i]->set_pos($i);
+ }
+ $attrib->del_parent_link;
+sub setAttribute {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($name, $value) = @_;
+ if (my $attrib = $self->getAttributeNode($name)) {
+ $attrib->setNodeValue($value);
+ return $attrib;
+ }
+ my ($nsprefix) = ($name =~ /^($XML::XPath::Parser::NCName):($XML::XPath::Parser::NCName)$/o);
+ if ($nsprefix && !$self->getNamespace($nsprefix)) {
+ die "No namespace matches prefix: $nsprefix";
+ }
+ my $newnode = XML::XPath::Node::Attribute->new($name, $value, $nsprefix);
+ $self->appendAttribute($newnode);
+sub setAttributeNode {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($node) = @_;
+ if (my $attrib = $self->getAttributeNode($node->getName)) {
+ $attrib->setNodeValue($node->getValue);
+ return $attrib;
+ }
+ my ($nsprefix) = ($node->getName() =~ /^($XML::XPath::Parser::NCName):($XML::XPath::Parser::NCName)$/o);
+ if ($nsprefix && !$self->getNamespace($nsprefix)) {
+ die "No namespace matches prefix: $nsprefix";
+ }
+ $self->appendAttribute($node);
+sub getNamespace {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($prefix) = @_;
+ $prefix ||= $self->getPrefix || '#default';
+ my $namespaces = $self->[node_namespaces] || [];
+ foreach my $ns (@$namespaces) {
+ return $ns if $ns->getPrefix eq $prefix;
+ }
+ my $parent = $self->getParentNode;
+ return $parent->getNamespace($prefix) if $parent;
+sub getNamespaces {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ($self->[node_namespaces]) {
+ return wantarray ? @{$self->[node_namespaces]} : $self->[node_namespaces];
+ }
+ return wantarray ? () : [];
+sub getNamespaceNodes { goto &getNamespaces }
+sub appendNamespace {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($ns) = @_;
+ push @{$self->[node_namespaces]}, $ns;
+ $ns->setParentNode($self);
+ $ns->set_pos($#{$self->[node_namespaces]});
+sub getPrefix {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->[node_prefix];
+sub getExpandedName {
+ my $self = shift;
+ warn "Expanded name not implemented for ", ref($self), "\n";
+ return;
+sub _to_sax {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($doch, $dtdh, $enth) = @_;
+ my $tag = $self->getName;
+ my @attr;
+ for my $attr ($self->getAttributes) {
+ push @attr, $attr->getName, $attr->getValue;
+ }
+ my $ns = $self->getNamespace($self->[node_prefix]);
+ if ($ns) {
+ $doch->start_element(
+ {
+ Name => $tag,
+ Attributes => { @attr },
+ NamespaceURI => $ns->getExpanded,
+ Prefix => $ns->getPrefix,
+ LocalName => $self->getLocalName,
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ $doch->start_element(
+ {
+ Name => $tag,
+ Attributes => { @attr },
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ for my $kid ($self->getChildNodes) {
+ $kid->_to_sax($doch, $dtdh, $enth);
+ }
+ if ($ns) {
+ $doch->end_element(
+ {
+ Name => $tag,
+ NamespaceURI => $ns->getExpanded,
+ Prefix => $ns->getPrefix,
+ LocalName => $self->getLocalName
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ $doch->end_element( { Name => $tag } );
+ }
+sub string_value {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $string = '';
+ foreach my $kid (@{$self->[node_children]}) {
+ if ($kid->getNodeType == ELEMENT_NODE
+ || $kid->getNodeType == TEXT_NODE) {
+ $string .= $kid->string_value;
+ }
+ }
+ return $string;
+sub toString {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $norecurse = shift;
+ my $string = '';
+ if (! $self->[node_name] ) {
+ # root node
+ return join('', map { $_->toString($norecurse) } @{$self->[node_children]});
+ }
+ $string .= "<" . $self->[node_name];
+ $string .= join('', map { $_->toString } @{$self->[node_namespaces]});
+ $string .= join('', map { $_->toString } @{$self->[node_attribs]});
+ if (@{$self->[node_children]}) {
+ $string .= ">";
+ if (!$norecurse) {
+ $string .= join('', map { $_->toString($norecurse) } @{$self->[node_children]});
+ }
+ $string .= "</" . $self->[node_name] . ">";
+ }
+ else {
+ $string .= " />";
+ }
+ return $string;
+=head1 NAME
+Element - an <element>
+=head1 API
+=head2 new ( name, prefix )
+Create a new Element node with name "name" and prefix "prefix". The name
+be "prefix:local" if prefix is defined. I know that sounds wierd, but it
+works ;-)
+=head2 getName
+Returns the name (including "prefix:" if defined) of this element.
+=head2 getLocalName
+Returns just the local part of the name (the bit after "prefix:").
+=head2 getChildNodes
+Returns the children of this element. In list context returns a list. In
+scalar context returns an array ref.
+=head2 getChildNode ( pos )
+Returns the child at position pos.
+=head2 appendChild ( childnode )
+Appends the child node to the list of current child nodes.
+=head2 getAttribute ( name )
+Returns the attribute node with key name.
+=head2 getAttributes / getAttributeNodes
+Returns the attribute nodes. In list context returns a list. In scalar
+context returns an array ref.
+=head2 appendAttribute ( attrib_node)
+Appends the attribute node to the list of attributes (XML::XPath stores
+attributes in order).
+=head2 getNamespace ( prefix )
+Returns the namespace node by the given prefix
+=head2 getNamespaces / getNamespaceNodes
+Returns the namespace nodes. In list context returns a list. In scalar
+context returns an array ref.
+=head2 appendNamespace ( ns_node )
+Appends the namespace node to the list of namespaces.
+=head2 getPrefix
+Returns the prefix of this element
+=head2 getExpandedName
+Returns the expanded name of this element (not yet implemented right).
+=head2 string_value
+For elements, the string_value is the concatenation of all string_values
+of all text-descendants of the element node in document order.
+=head2 toString ( [ norecurse ] )
+Output (and all children) the node to a string. Doesn't process children
+if the norecurse option is a true value.