diff options
authorMax Maischein <>2013-10-03 18:38:36 +0200
committerMax Maischein <>2013-10-06 19:48:08 +0200
commitfc134225747f7f6b1e38daa4f85f3c36c99755ee (patch)
parent192f56b06136953e14ef490067000185cc351337 (diff)
Elide use of `ls`, `find` and `touch`
File::Find and code copied from ExtUtils::Command do the same. This patch makes the code to remove the exec bit a little less efficient by not restricting itself to files that now have the exec bit set, but instead looking at all files. This change also uses $ENV{TEMP} in preference to /tmp as a temp directory for caching the CPAN index.
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/Porting/sync-with-cpan b/Porting/sync-with-cpan
index 9f8fb544c5..0fe3733bcb 100755
--- a/Porting/sync-with-cpan
+++ b/Porting/sync-with-cpan
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Archive::Tar;
use File::Path qw( remove_tree );
+use File::Find;
$| = 1;
@@ -144,9 +145,11 @@ require "Porting/";
my %IGNORABLE = map {$_ => 1} @IGNORABLE;
+my $tmpdir= $ENV{ TEMP } // '/tmp';
my $package = "02packages.details.txt";
my $package_url = "$package";
-my $package_file = "/tmp/$package";
+my $package_file = "$tmpdir/$package"; # this is a cache
my @problematic = (
'podlators', # weird CUSTOMIZED section due to .PL files
@@ -160,6 +163,16 @@ GetOptions ('tarball=s' => \my $tarball,
die "Usage: $0 module [args] [cpan package]" unless @ARGV == 1 || @ARGV == 2;
+sub find_type_f {
+ my @res;
+ find( { no_chdir => 1, wanted => sub {
+ my $file= $File::Find::name;
+ return unless -f $file;
+ push @res, $file
+ }}, @_ );
+ @res
my ($module) = shift;
my $cpan_mod = @ARGV ? shift : $module;
@@ -245,7 +258,12 @@ Archive::Tar->extract_archive( $new_file );
(my $new_dir = $new_file) =~ s/\.tar\.gz//;
# ensure 'make' will update all files
-system('find', $new_dir, '-exec', 'touch', '{}', ';');
+my $t= time;
+for my $file (find_type_f($new_dir)) {
+ open(my $fh,">>$file") || die "Cannot write $file:$!";
+ close($fh);
+ utime($t,$t,$file);
say "Renaming directories";
rename $pkg_dir => $old_dir;
@@ -264,8 +282,7 @@ if ($$info {EXCLUDED}) {
-FILE: for my $file ( `find $new_dir -type f` ) {
- chomp $file;
+FILE: for my $file ( find_type_f( $new_dir )) {
my $old_file = $file;
$file =~ s{^$new_dir/}{};
@@ -309,14 +326,12 @@ if (-f "$old_dir/.gitignore") {
system git => 'checkout', "$pkg_dir/.gitignore";
-my @new_files = `find $pkg_dir -type f`;
-chomp @new_files;
+my @new_files = find_type_f( $pkg_dir );
@new_files = grep {$_ ne $pkg_dir} @new_files;
s!^[^/]+/!! for @new_files;
my %new_files = map {$_ => 1} @new_files;
-my @old_files = `find $old_dir -type f`;
-chomp @old_files;
+my @old_files = find_type_f( $old_dir );
@old_files = grep {$_ ne $old_dir} @old_files;
s!^[^/]+/!! for @old_files;
my %old_files = map {$_ => 1} @old_files;
@@ -343,8 +358,7 @@ foreach my $file (@old_files) {
# Find all files with an exec bit
-my @exec = `find $pkg_dir -type f -perm +111`;
-chomp @exec;
+my @exec = find_type_f( $pkg_dir );
my @de_exec;
foreach my $file (@exec) {
# Remove leading dir
@@ -408,7 +422,7 @@ if (@commit) {
print "Running a make ... ";
-system "make > make.log 2>&1" and die "Running make failed, see make.log";
+system "$Config{make} > make.log 2>&1" and die "Running make failed, see make.log";
print "done\n";
@@ -427,16 +441,16 @@ unlink "cpan/$new_file" unless $tarball;
chdir "t";
say "Running module tests";
-my @test_files = `find ../cpan/$pkg_dir -name '*.t' -type f`;
-chomp @test_files;
-my $output = `./perl TEST @test_files`;
+my @test_files = grep { /\.t$/ } find_type_f( $pkg_dir );
+my $exe_dir= $^O =~ /MSWin/ ? "..\\" : './';
+my $output = `${exe_dir}perl$Config{_exe} TEST @test_files`;
unless ($output =~ /All tests successful/) {
say $output;
exit 1;
print "Running tests in t/porting ";
-my @tests = `ls porting/*.t`;
+my @tests = glob 'porting/*.t';
chomp @tests;
my @failed;
foreach my $t (@tests) {