diff options
authorLarry Wall <>1992-06-08 04:52:11 +0000
committerLarry Wall <>1992-06-08 04:52:11 +0000
commit32c2e4fbb7ba898d9e58e8d2292dd45b8692070d (patch)
parent83025b217962b0369a18edad3fa14dc1087f3c2a (diff)
perl 4.0 patch 30: patch #20, continued
See patch #20.
8 files changed, 1342 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/atarist/test/ b/atarist/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7766bb7e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atarist/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# pi.perl computes pi (3.14...) about 5120 Digits
+# W. Kebsch, July-1988 {uunet!mcvax}!unido!nixpbe!kebsch
+$my_name = $0;
+$version = $my_name . "-1.2";
+# some working parameter
+$smax = 5120; # max digits
+$lmax = 4; # digits per one array element
+$hmax = 10000; # one array element contains: 0..9999
+$smin = $lmax; # min digits
+$mag = 7; # magic number
+# subroutines
+sub mul_tm # multiply the tm array with a long value
+ $cb = pop(@_); # elements(array)
+ $x = pop(@_); # value
+ $c = 0;
+ for($i = 1; $i <= $cb; $i++)
+ {
+ $z = $tm[$i] * $x + $c;
+ $c = int($z / $hmax);
+ $tm[$i] = $z - $c * $hmax;
+ }
+sub mul_pm # multiply the pm array with a long value
+ $cb = pop(@_); # elements(array)
+ $x = pop(@_); # value
+ $c = 0;
+ for($i = 1; $i <= $cb; $i++)
+ {
+ $z = $pm[$i] * $x + $c;
+ $c = int($z / $hmax);
+ $pm[$i] = $z - $c * $hmax;
+ }
+sub divide # divide the tm array by a long value
+ $cb = pop(@_); # elements(array)
+ $x = pop(@_); # value
+ $c = 0;
+ for($i = $cb; $i >= 1; $i--)
+ {
+ $z = $tm[$i] + $c;
+ $q = int($z / $x);
+ $tm[$i] = $q;
+ $c = ($z - $q * $x) * $hmax;
+ }
+sub add # add tm array to pm array
+ $cb = pop(@_); # elements(array)
+ $c = 0;
+ for($i = 1; $i <= $cb; $i++)
+ {
+ $z = $pm[$i] + $tm[$i] + $c;
+ if($z >= $hmax)
+ {
+ $pm[$i] = $z - $hmax;
+ $c = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $pm[$i] = $z;
+ $c = 0;
+ }
+ }
+$m0 = 0; $m1 = 0; $m2 = 0;
+sub check_xb # reduce current no. of elements (speed up!)
+ $cb = pop(@_); # current no. of elements
+ if(($pm[$cb] == $m0) && ($pm[$cb - 1] == $m1) && ($pm[$cb - 2] == $m2))
+ {
+ $cb--;
+ }
+ $m0 = $pm[$cb];
+ $m1 = $pm[$cb - 1];
+ $m2 = $pm[$cb - 2];
+ $cb;
+sub display # show the result
+ $cb = pop(@_); # elements(array);
+ printf("\n%3d.", $pm[$cb]);
+ $j = $mag - $lmax;
+ for($i = $cb - 1; $i >= $j; $i--)
+ {
+ printf(" %04d", $pm[$i]);
+ }
+ print "\n";
+sub the_job # let's do the job
+ $s = pop(@_); # no. of digits
+ $s = int(($s + $lmax - 1) / $lmax) * $lmax;
+ $b = int($s / $lmax) + $mag - $lmax;
+ $xb = $b;
+ $t = int($s * 5 / 3);
+ for($i = 1; $i <= $b; $i++) # init arrays
+ {
+ $pm[$i] = 0;
+ $tm[$i] = 0;
+ }
+ $pm[$b - 1] = $hmax / 2;
+ $tm[$b - 1] = $hmax / 2;
+ printf("digits:%5d, terms:%5d, elements:%5d\n", $s, $t, $b);
+ for($n = 1; $n <= $t; $n++)
+ {
+ printf("\r\t\t\t term:%5d", $n);
+ if($n < 200)
+ {
+ do mul_tm((4 * ($n * $n - $n) + 1), $xb);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ do mul_tm((2 * $n - 1), $xb);
+ do mul_tm((2 * $n - 1), $xb);
+ }
+ if($n < 100)
+ {
+ do divide(($n * (16 * $n + 8)), $xb);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ do divide((8 * $n), $xb);
+ do divide((2 * $n + 1), $xb);
+ }
+ do add($xb);
+ if($xb > $mag)
+ {
+ $xb = do check_xb($xb);
+ }
+ }
+ do mul_pm(6, $b);
+ do display($b);
+ ($user,$sys,$cuser,$csys) = times;
+ printf("\n[u=%g s=%g cu=%g cs=%g]\n",$user, $sys, $cuser, $csys);
+# main block ----------------------------------------------------------------
+$no_of_args = $#ARGV + 1;
+print("$version, ");
+die("usage: $my_name <no. of digits>") unless($no_of_args == 1);
+$digits = int($ARGV[0]);
+die("no. of digits out of range [$smin\..$smax]")
+ unless(($digits >= $smin) && ($digits <= $smax));
+do the_job($digits);
+exit 0;
+# That's all ----------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/atarist/test/readme b/atarist/test/readme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b75f99b91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/atarist/test/readme
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+this directory contain simple tests for the atariST port. to run a test
+simply enter
+ perl file
diff --git a/hints/ b/hints/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7569e48d57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hints/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ccflags="$ccflags -DULTRIX_STDIO_BOTCH"
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 09ba1d2041..89fc230ff2 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
;# - keeps track of current working directory in PWD environment var
-;# $Header:,v 4.0 91/03/20 01:26:03 lwall Locked $
+;# $RCSfile:,v $$Revision: $$Date: 92/06/08 13:45:22 $
;# $Log:,v $
+;# Revision 92/06/08 13:45:22 lwall
+;# patch20: support added to to strip automounter crud
;# Revision 4.0 91/03/20 01:26:03 lwall
;# 4.0 baseline.
@@ -25,9 +28,20 @@ sub main'initpwd {
if ($ENV{'PWD'}) {
local($dd,$di) = stat('.');
local($pd,$pi) = stat($ENV{'PWD'});
- return if $di == $pi && $dd == $pd;
+ if ($di != $pi || $dd != $pd) {
+ chop($ENV{'PWD'} = `pwd`);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ chop($ENV{'PWD'} = `pwd`);
+ }
+ if ($ENV{'PWD'} =~ m|(/[^/]+(/[^/]+/[^/]+))(.*)|) {
+ local($pd,$pi) = stat($2);
+ local($dd,$di) = stat($1);
+ if ($di == $pi && $dd == $pd) {
+ $ENV{'PWD'}="$2$3";
+ }
- chop($ENV{'PWD'} = `pwd`);
sub main'chdir {
diff --git a/patchlevel.h b/patchlevel.h
index 46afcbbb08..256548d46a 100644
--- a/patchlevel.h
+++ b/patchlevel.h
@@ -1 +1 @@
-#define PATCHLEVEL 29
+#define PATCHLEVEL 30
diff --git a/perly.y b/perly.y
index 5f31fd1c3c..abcac233d0 100644
--- a/perly.y
+++ b/perly.y
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $RCSfile: perly.y,v $$Revision: $$Date: 91/11/05 18:17:38 $
+/* $RCSfile: perly.y,v $$Revision: $$Date: 92/06/08 17:33:25 $
* Copyright (c) 1991, Larry Wall
@@ -6,6 +6,17 @@
* License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
* $Log: perly.y,v $
+ * Revision 92/06/08 17:33:25 lwall
+ * patch20: one of the backdoors to expectterm was on the wrong reduction
+ *
+ * Revision 92/06/08 15:18:16 lwall
+ * patch20: an expression may now start with a bareword
+ * patch20: relaxed requirement for semicolon at the end of a block
+ * patch20: added ... as variant on ..
+ * patch20: fixed double debug break in foreach with implicit array assignment
+ * patch20: if {block} {block} didn't work any more
+ * patch20: deleted some minor memory leaks
+ *
* Revision 91/11/05 18:17:38 lwall
* patch11: extra comma at end of list is now allowed in more places (Hi, Felix!)
* patch11: once-thru blocks didn't display right in the debugger
@@ -47,8 +58,8 @@ ARG *arg5;
%token <ival> '{' ')'
-%token <cval> WORD
+%token <cval> WORD LABEL
@@ -95,6 +106,7 @@ prog : /* NULL */
#if defined(YYDEBUG) && defined(DEBUGGING)
yydebug = (debug & 1);
+ expectterm = 2;
/*CONTINUED*/ lineseq
@@ -116,15 +128,16 @@ else : /* NULL */
{ $$ = $2; }
| ELSIF '(' expr ')' compblock
{ cmdline = $1;
- $$ = make_ccmd(C_ELSIF,$3,$5); }
+ $$ = make_ccmd(C_ELSIF,1,$3,$5); }
block : '{' remember lineseq '}'
{ $$ = block_head($3);
- if (cmdline > $1)
+ if (cmdline > (line_t)$1)
cmdline = $1;
if (savestack->ary_fill > $2)
- restorelist($2); }
+ restorelist($2);
+ expectterm = 2; }
remember: /* NULL */ /* in case they push a package name */
@@ -150,9 +163,11 @@ line : decl
else {
$$ = Nullcmd;
cmdline = NOLINE;
- } }
+ }
+ expectterm = 2; }
| label sideff ';'
- { $$ = add_label($1,$2); }
+ { $$ = add_label($1,$2);
+ expectterm = 2; }
sideff : error
@@ -181,28 +196,28 @@ cond : IF '(' expr ')' compblock
$$ = invert(make_icmd(C_IF,$3,$5)); }
| IF block compblock
{ cmdline = $1;
- $$ = make_ccmd(C_IF,cmd_to_arg($2),$3); }
+ $$ = make_icmd(C_IF,cmd_to_arg($2),$3); }
| UNLESS block compblock
{ cmdline = $1;
- $$ = invert(make_ccmd(C_IF,cmd_to_arg($2),$3)); }
+ $$ = invert(make_icmd(C_IF,cmd_to_arg($2),$3)); }
loop : label WHILE '(' texpr ')' compblock
{ cmdline = $2;
$$ = wopt(add_label($1,
- make_ccmd(C_WHILE,$4,$6) )); }
+ make_ccmd(C_WHILE,1,$4,$6) )); }
| label UNTIL '(' expr ')' compblock
{ cmdline = $2;
$$ = wopt(add_label($1,
- invert(make_ccmd(C_WHILE,$4,$6)) )); }
+ invert(make_ccmd(C_WHILE,1,$4,$6)) )); }
| label WHILE block compblock
{ cmdline = $2;
$$ = wopt(add_label($1,
- make_ccmd(C_WHILE, cmd_to_arg($3),$4) )); }
+ make_ccmd(C_WHILE, 1, cmd_to_arg($3),$4) )); }
| label UNTIL block compblock
{ cmdline = $2;
$$ = wopt(add_label($1,
- invert(make_ccmd(C_WHILE, cmd_to_arg($3),$4)) )); }
+ invert(make_ccmd(C_WHILE,1,cmd_to_arg($3),$4)) )); }
| label FOR REG '(' expr crp compblock
{ cmdline = $2;
@@ -229,7 +244,7 @@ loop : label WHILE '(' texpr ')' compblock
- make_ccmd(C_WHILE,
+ make_ccmd(C_WHILE, 0,
make_op(O_ARRAY, 1,
Nullarg,Nullarg ),
@@ -239,7 +254,7 @@ loop : label WHILE '(' texpr ')' compblock
else {
$$ = wopt(over($3,add_label($1,
- make_ccmd(C_WHILE,$5,$7) )));
+ make_ccmd(C_WHILE,1,$5,$7) )));
| label FOR '(' expr crp compblock
@@ -256,7 +271,7 @@ loop : label WHILE '(' texpr ')' compblock
- make_ccmd(C_WHILE,
+ make_ccmd(C_WHILE, 0,
make_op(O_ARRAY, 1,
Nullarg,Nullarg ),
@@ -266,7 +281,7 @@ loop : label WHILE '(' texpr ')' compblock
else { /* lisp, anyone? */
$$ = wopt(over(defstab,add_label($1,
- make_ccmd(C_WHILE,$4,$6) )));
+ make_ccmd(C_WHILE,1,$4,$6) )));
| label FOR '(' nexpr ';' texpr ';' nexpr ')' block
@@ -275,9 +290,9 @@ loop : label WHILE '(' texpr ')' compblock
yyval.compval.comp_alt = $8;
cmdline = $2;
$$ = append_line($4,wopt(add_label($1,
- make_ccmd(C_WHILE,$6,yyval.compval) ))); }
+ make_ccmd(C_WHILE,1,$6,yyval.compval) ))); }
| label compblock /* a block is a loop that happens once */
- { $$ = add_label($1,make_ccmd(C_BLOCK,Nullarg,$2)); }
+ { $$ = add_label($1,make_ccmd(C_BLOCK,1,Nullarg,$2)); }
nexpr : /* NULL */
@@ -286,13 +301,13 @@ nexpr : /* NULL */
texpr : /* NULL means true */
- { (void)scanstr("1"); $$ = yylval.arg; }
+ { (void)scanstr("1",SCAN_DEF); $$ = yylval.arg; }
| expr
label : /* empty */
{ $$ = Nullch; }
- | WORD ':'
decl : format
@@ -339,6 +354,7 @@ package : PACKAGE WORD ';'
curstash->tbl_coeffsize = 0;
Safefree($2); $2 = Nullch;
cmdline = NOLINE;
+ expectterm = 2;
@@ -409,7 +425,8 @@ sexpr : sexpr '=' sexpr
{ $$ = make_op(O_BIT_OR, 2, $1, $3, Nullarg); }
| sexpr DOTDOT sexpr
{ arg4 = Nullarg;
- $$ = make_op(O_F_OR_R, 4, $1, $3, Nullarg); }
+ $$ = make_op(O_F_OR_R, 4, $1, $3, Nullarg);
+ $$[0].arg_flags |= $2; }
| sexpr ANDAND sexpr
{ $$ = make_op(O_AND, 2, $1, $3, Nullarg); }
| sexpr OROR sexpr
@@ -449,6 +466,7 @@ term : '-' term %prec UMINUS
$$ = make_op($1, 1,
Nullarg, Nullarg);
+ Safefree($2); $2 = Nullch;
| FILETEST sexpr
{ opargs[$1] = 1;
@@ -487,11 +505,12 @@ term : '-' term %prec UMINUS
{ $$ = make_op(O_ARRAY, 1,
Nullarg, Nullarg); }
- | REG '{' expr '}' %prec '('
+ | REG '{' expr ';' '}' %prec '('
{ $$ = make_op(O_HELEM, 2,
- Nullarg); }
+ Nullarg);
+ expectterm = FALSE; }
| '(' expr crp '[' expr ']' %prec '('
{ $$ = make_op(O_LSLICE, 3,
@@ -507,16 +526,24 @@ term : '-' term %prec UMINUS
Nullarg); }
- | ARY '{' expr '}' %prec '('
+ | ARY '{' expr ';' '}' %prec '('
{ $$ = make_op(O_HSLICE, 2,
- Nullarg); }
- | DELETE REG '{' expr '}' %prec '('
+ Nullarg);
+ expectterm = FALSE; }
+ | DELETE REG '{' expr ';' '}' %prec '('
{ $$ = make_op(O_DELETE, 2,
- Nullarg); }
+ Nullarg);
+ expectterm = FALSE; }
+ | DELETE '(' REG '{' expr ';' '}' ')' %prec '('
+ { $$ = make_op(O_DELETE, 2,
+ stab2arg(A_STAB,hadd($3)),
+ jmaybe($4),
+ Nullarg);
+ expectterm = FALSE; }
| ARYLEN %prec '('
{ $$ = stab2arg(A_ARYLEN,$1); }
| RSTRING %prec '('
@@ -543,17 +570,22 @@ term : '-' term %prec UMINUS
+ Safefree($2); $2 = Nullch;
$$->arg_flags |= AF_DEPR; }
| AMPER WORD '(' ')'
{ $$ = make_op((perldb ? O_DBSUBR : O_SUBR), 2,
- Nullarg); }
+ Nullarg);
+ Safefree($2); $2 = Nullch;
+ }
{ $$ = make_op((perldb ? O_DBSUBR : O_SUBR), 2,
- Nullarg); }
+ Nullarg);
+ Safefree($2); $2 = Nullch;
+ }
| DO REG '(' expr crp
{ $$ = make_op((perldb ? O_DBSUBR : O_SUBR), 2,
@@ -609,12 +641,16 @@ term : '-' term %prec UMINUS
{ $$ = make_op(O_OPEN, 2,
- Nullarg); }
+ Nullarg);
+ Safefree($2); $2 = Nullch;
+ }
| OPEN '(' WORD ')'
{ $$ = make_op(O_OPEN, 2,
- Nullarg); }
+ Nullarg);
+ Safefree($3); $3 = Nullch;
+ }
| OPEN '(' handle cexpr ')'
{ $$ = make_op(O_OPEN, 2,
@@ -763,7 +799,9 @@ listop : LISTOP
{ $$ = make_op($1,2,
- Nullarg); }
+ Nullarg);
+ Safefree($2); $2 = Nullch;
+ }
{ $$ = make_op($1,2,
@@ -823,6 +861,7 @@ bareword: WORD
"\"%s\" may clash with future reserved word",
$1 );
+ Safefree($1); $1 = Nullch;
%% /* PROGRAM */
diff --git a/pstruct b/pstruct
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99ce646f24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pstruct
@@ -0,0 +1,1071 @@
+# c2ph (aka pstruct)
+# Tom Christiansen, <>
+# As pstruct, dump C structures as generated from 'cc -g -S' stabs.
+# As c2ph, do this PLUS generate perl code for getting at the structures.
+# See the usage message for more. If this isn't enough, read the code.
+$RCSID = '$RCSfile: pstruct,v $$Revision: $$Date: 92/06/08 15:19:40 $';
+# some handy data definitions. many of these can be reset later.
+$bitorder = 'b'; # ascending; set to B for descending bit fields
+%intrinsics =
+%template = (
+ 'char', 'c',
+ 'unsigned char', 'C',
+ 'short', 's',
+ 'short int', 's',
+ 'unsigned short', 'S',
+ 'unsigned short int', 'S',
+ 'short unsigned int', 'S',
+ 'int', 'i',
+ 'unsigned int', 'I',
+ 'long', 'l',
+ 'long int', 'l',
+ 'unsigned long', 'L',
+ 'unsigned long', 'L',
+ 'long unsigned int', 'L',
+ 'unsigned long int', 'L',
+ 'long long', 'q',
+ 'long long int', 'q',
+ 'unsigned long long', 'Q',
+ 'unsigned long long int', 'Q',
+ 'float', 'f',
+ 'double', 'd',
+ 'pointer', 'p',
+ 'null', 'x',
+ 'neganull', 'X',
+ 'bit', $bitorder,
+delete $intrinsics{'neganull'};
+delete $intrinsics{'bit'};
+delete $intrinsics{'null'};
+# use -s to recompute sizes
+%sizeof = (
+ 'char', '1',
+ 'unsigned char', '1',
+ 'short', '2',
+ 'short int', '2',
+ 'unsigned short', '2',
+ 'unsigned short int', '2',
+ 'short unsigned int', '2',
+ 'int', '4',
+ 'unsigned int', '4',
+ 'long', '4',
+ 'long int', '4',
+ 'unsigned long', '4',
+ 'unsigned long int', '4',
+ 'long unsigned int', '4',
+ 'long long', '8',
+ 'long long int', '8',
+ 'unsigned long long', '8',
+ 'unsigned long long int', '8',
+ 'float', '4',
+ 'double', '8',
+ 'pointer', '4',
+($type_width, $member_width, $offset_width, $size_width) = (20, 20, 6, 5);
+($offset_fmt, $size_fmt) = ('d', 'd');
+$indent = 2;
+$CC = 'cc';
+$CFLAGS = '-g -S';
+$DEFINES = '';
+$perl++ if $0 =~ m#/?c2ph$#;
+require '';
+eval '$'.$1.'$2;' while $ARGV[0] =~ /^([A-Za-z_]+=)(.*)/ && shift;
+&Getopts('aixdpvtnws:') || &usage(0);
+$opt_d && $debug++;
+$opt_t && $trace++;
+$opt_p && $perl++;
+$opt_v && $verbose++;
+$opt_n && ($perl = 0);
+if ($opt_w) {
+ ($type_width, $member_width, $offset_width) = (45, 35, 8);
+if ($opt_x) {
+ ($offset_fmt, $offset_width, $size_fmt, $size_width) = ( 'x', '08', 'x', 04 );
+eval '$'.$1.'$2;' while $ARGV[0] =~ /^([A-Za-z_]+=)(.*)/ && shift;
+sub PLUMBER {
+ select(STDERR);
+ print "oops, apperent pager foulup\n";
+ $isatty++;
+ &usage(1);
+sub usage {
+ local($oops) = @_;
+ unless (-t STDOUT) {
+ select(STDERR);
+ } elsif (!$oops) {
+ $isatty++;
+ $| = 1;
+ print "hit <RETURN> for further explanation: ";
+ <STDIN>;
+ open (PIPE, "|". ($ENV{PAGER} || 'more'));
+ select(PIPE);
+ }
+ print "usage: $0 [-dpnP] [var=val] [files ...]\n";
+ exit unless $isatty;
+ print <<EOF;
+-w wide; short for: type_width=45 member_width=35 offset_width=8
+-x hex; short for: offset_fmt=x offset_width=08 size_fmt=x size_width=04
+-n do not generate perl code (default when invoked as pstruct)
+-p generate perl code (default when invoked as c2ph)
+-v generate perl code, with C decls as comments
+-i do NOT recompute sizes for intrinsic datatypes
+-a dump information on intrinsics also
+-t trace execution
+-d spew reams of debugging output
+-slist give comma-separated list a structures to dump
+Var Name Default Value Meaning
+ &defvar('CC', 'which_compiler to call');
+ &defvar('CFLAGS', 'how to generate *.s files with stabs');
+ &defvar('DEFINES','any extra cflags or cpp defines, like -I, -D, -U');
+ print "\n";
+ &defvar('type_width', 'width of type field (column 1)');
+ &defvar('member_width', 'width of member field (column 2)');
+ &defvar('offset_width', 'width of offset field (column 3)');
+ &defvar('size_width', 'width of size field (column 4)');
+ print "\n";
+ &defvar('offset_fmt', 'sprintf format type for offset');
+ &defvar('size_fmt', 'sprintf format type for size');
+ print "\n";
+ &defvar('indent', 'how far to indent each nesting level');
+ print <<'EOF';
+ If any *.[ch] files are given, these will be catted together into
+ a temporary *.c file and sent through:
+ and the resulting *.s groped for stab information. If no files are
+ supplied, then stdin is read directly with the assumption that it
+ contains stab information. All other liens will be ignored. At
+ most one *.s file should be supplied.
+ close PIPE;
+ exit 1;
+sub defvar {
+ local($var, $msg) = @_;
+ printf "%-16s%-15s %s\n", $var, eval "\$$var", $msg;
+$recurse = 1;
+if (@ARGV) {
+ if (grep(!/\.[csh]$/,@ARGV)) {
+ warn "Only *.[csh] files expected!\n";
+ &usage;
+ }
+ elsif (grep(/\.s$/,@ARGV)) {
+ if (@ARGV > 1) {
+ warn "Only one *.s file allowed!\n";
+ &usage;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (@ARGV == 1 && $ARGV[0] =~ /\.c$/) {
+ local($dir, $file) = $ARGV[0] =~ m#(.*/)?(.*)$#;
+ $chdir = "cd $dir; " if $dir;
+ &system("$chdir$CC $CFLAGS $DEFINES $file") && exit 1;
+ $ARGV[0] =~ s/\.c$/.s/;
+ }
+ else {
+ $TMP = "/tmp/c2ph.$$.c";
+ &system("cat @ARGV > $TMP") && exit 1;
+ &system("cd /tmp; $CC $CFLAGS $DEFINES $TMP") && exit 1;
+ unlink $TMP;
+ $TMP =~ s/\.c$/.s/;
+ @ARGV = ($TMP);
+ }
+if ($opt_s) {
+ for (split(/[\s,]+/, $opt_s)) {
+ $interested{$_}++;
+ }
+$| = 1 if $debug;
+main: {
+ if ($trace) {
+ if (-t && !@ARGV) {
+ print STDERR "reading from your keyboard: ";
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "reading from " . (@ARGV ? "@ARGV" : "<STDIN>").": ";
+ }
+ }
+STAB: while (<>) {
+ if ($trace && !($. % 10)) {
+ $lineno = $..'';
+ print STDERR $lineno, "\b" x length($lineno);
+ }
+ next unless /^\s*\.stabs\s+/;
+ $line = $_;
+ s/^\s*\.stabs\s+//;
+ &stab;
+ }
+ print STDERR "$.\n" if $trace;
+ unlink $TMP if $TMP;
+ &compute_intrinsics if $perl && !$opt_i;
+ print STDERR "resolving types\n" if $trace;
+ &resolve_types;
+ &adjust_start_addrs;
+ $sum = 2 + $type_width + $member_width;
+ $pmask1 = "%-${type_width}s %-${member_width}s";
+ $pmask2 = "%-${sum}s %${offset_width}${offset_fmt}%s %${size_width}${size_fmt}%s";
+ if ($perl) {
+ # resolve template -- should be in stab define order, but even this isn't enough.
+ print STDERR "\nbuilding type templates: " if $trace;
+ for $i (reverse 0..$#type) {
+ next unless defined($name = $type[$i]);
+ next unless defined $struct{$name};
+ $build_recursed = 0;
+ &build_template($name) unless defined $template{&psou($name)} ||
+ $opt_s && !$interested{$name};
+ }
+ print STDERR "\n\n" if $trace;
+ }
+ print STDERR "dumping structs: " if $trace;
+ foreach $name (sort keys %struct) {
+ next if $opt_s && !$interested{$name};
+ print STDERR "$name " if $trace;
+ undef @sizeof;
+ undef @typedef;
+ undef @offsetof;
+ undef @indices;
+ undef @typeof;
+ $mname = &munge($name);
+ $fname = &psou($name);
+ print "# " if $perl && $verbose;
+ $pcode = '';
+ print "$fname {\n" if !$perl || $verbose;
+ $template{$fname} = &scrunch($template{$fname}) if $perl;
+ &pstruct($name,$name,0);
+ print "# " if $perl && $verbose;
+ print "}\n" if !$perl || $verbose;
+ print "\n" if $perl && $verbose;
+ if ($perl) {
+ print "$pcode";
+ printf("\nsub %-32s { %4d; }\n\n", "${mname}'struct", $countof{$name});
+ print <<EOF;
+sub ${mname}'typedef {
+ local(\$${mname}'index) = shift;
+ defined \$${mname}'index
+ ? \$${mname}'typedef[\$${mname}'index]
+ : \$${mname}'typedef;
+ print <<EOF;
+sub ${mname}'sizeof {
+ local(\$${mname}'index) = shift;
+ defined \$${mname}'index
+ ? \$${mname}'sizeof[\$${mname}'index]
+ : \$${mname}'sizeof;
+ print <<EOF;
+sub ${mname}'offsetof {
+ local(\$${mname}'index) = shift;
+ defined \$${mname}index
+ ? \$${mname}'offsetof[\$${mname}'index]
+ : \$${mname}'sizeof;
+ print <<EOF;
+sub ${mname}'typeof {
+ local(\$${mname}'index) = shift;
+ defined \$${mname}index
+ ? \$${mname}'typeof[\$${mname}'index]
+ : '$name';
+ print "\$${mname}'typedef = '" . &scrunch($template{$fname})
+ . "';\n";
+ print "\$${mname}'sizeof = $sizeof{$name};\n\n";
+ print "\@${mname}'indices = (", &squishseq(@indices), ");\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print "\@${mname}'typedef[\@${mname}'indices] = (",
+ join("\n\t", '', @typedef), "\n );\n\n";
+ print "\@${mname}'sizeof[\@${mname}'indices] = (",
+ join("\n\t", '', @sizeof), "\n );\n\n";
+ print "\@${mname}'offsetof[\@${mname}'indices] = (",
+ join("\n\t", '', @offsetof), "\n );\n\n";
+ print "\@${mname}'typeof[\@${mname}'indices] = (",
+ join("\n\t", '', @typeof), "\n );\n\n";
+ $template_printed{$fname}++;
+ $size_printed{$fname}++;
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ print STDERR "\n" if $trace;
+ unless ($perl && $opt_a) {
+ print "\n1;\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+ foreach $name (sort bysizevalue keys %intrinsics) {
+ next if $size_printed{$name};
+ print '$',&munge($name),"'sizeof = ", $sizeof{$name}, ";\n";
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ sub bysizevalue { $sizeof{$a} <=> $sizeof{$b}; }
+ foreach $name (sort keys %intrinsics) {
+ print '$',&munge($name),"'typedef = '", $template{$name}, "';\n";
+ }
+ print "\n1;\n";
+ exit;
+sub stab {
+ next unless /:[\$\w]+(\(\d+,\d+\))?=[\*\$\w]+/; # (\d+,\d+) is for sun
+ s/"// || next;
+ s/",([x\d]+),([x\d]+),([x\d]+),.*// || next;
+ next if /^\s*$/;
+ $size = $3 if $3;
+ $line = $_;
+ if (($name, $pdecl) = /^([\$ \w]+):[tT]((\d+)(=[rufs*](\d+))+)$/) {
+ print "$name is a typedef for some funky pointers: $pdecl\n" if $debug;
+ &pdecl($pdecl);
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/(([ \w]+):t(\d+|\(\d+,\d+\)))=r?(\d+|\(\d+,\d+\))(;\d+;\d+;)?/) {
+ local($ident) = $2;
+ push(@intrinsics, $ident);
+ $typeno = &typeno($3);
+ $type[$typeno] = $ident;
+ print STDERR "intrinsic $ident in new type $typeno\n" if $debug;
+ next;
+ }
+ if (($name, $typeordef, $typeno, $extra, $struct, $_)
+ = /^([\$ \w]+):([ustT])(\d+|\(\d+,\d+\))(=[rufs*](\d+))?(.*)$/)
+ {
+ $typeno = &typeno($typeno); # sun foolery
+ }
+ elsif (/^[\$\w]+:/) {
+ next; # variable
+ }
+ else {
+ warn "can't grok stab: <$_> in: $line " if $_;
+ next;
+ }
+ #warn "got size $size for $name\n";
+ $sizeof{$name} = $size if $size;
+ s/;[-\d]*;[-\d]*;$//; # we don't care about ranges
+ $typenos{$name} = $typeno;
+ unless (defined $type[$typeno]) {
+ &panic("type 0??") unless $typeno;
+ $type[$typeno] = $name unless defined $type[$typeno];
+ printf "new type $typeno is $name" if $debug;
+ if ($extra =~ /\*/ && defined $type[$struct]) {
+ print ", a typedef for a pointer to " , $type[$struct] if $debug;
+ }
+ } else {
+ printf "%s is type %d", $name, $typeno if $debug;
+ print ", a typedef for " , $type[$typeno] if $debug;
+ }
+ print "\n" if $debug;
+ #next unless $extra =~ /[su*]/;
+ #$type[$struct] = $name;
+ if ($extra =~ /[us*]/) {
+ &sou($name, $extra);
+ $_ = &sdecl($name, $_, 0);
+ }
+ elsif (/^=ar/) {
+ print "it's a bare array typedef -- that's pretty sick\n" if $debug;
+ $_ = "$typeno$_";
+ $scripts = '';
+ $_ = &adecl($_,1);
+ }
+ elsif (s/((\w+):t(\d+|\(\d+,\d+\)))?=r?(;\d+;\d+;)?//) { # the ?'s are for gcc
+ push(@intrinsics, $2);
+ $typeno = &typeno($3);
+ $type[$typeno] = $2;
+ print STDERR "intrinsic $2 in new type $typeno\n" if $debug;
+ }
+ elsif (s/^=e//) { # blessed by thy compiler; mine won't do this
+ &edecl;
+ }
+ else {
+ warn "Funny remainder for $name on line $_ left in $line " if $_;
+ }
+sub typeno { # sun thinks types are (0,27) instead of just 27
+ local($_) = @_;
+ s/\(\d+,(\d+)\)/$1/;
+ $_;
+sub pstruct {
+ local($what,$prefix,$base) = @_;
+ local($field, $fieldname, $typeno, $count, $offset, $entry);
+ local($fieldtype);
+ local($type, $tname);
+ local($mytype, $mycount, $entry2);
+ local($struct_count) = 0;
+ local($pad, $revpad, $length, $prepad, $lastoffset, $lastlength, $fmt);
+ local($bits,$bytes);
+ local($template);
+ local($mname) = &munge($name);
+ sub munge {
+ local($_) = @_;
+ s/[\s\$\.]/_/g;
+ $_;
+ }
+ local($sname) = &psou($what);
+ $nesting++;
+ for $field (split(/;/, $struct{$what})) {
+ $pad = $prepad = 0;
+ $entry = '';
+ ($fieldname, $typeno, $count, $offset, $length) = split(/,/, $field);
+ $type = $type[$typeno];
+ $type =~ /([^[]*)(\[.*\])?/;
+ $mytype = $1;
+ $count .= $2;
+ $fieldtype = &psou($mytype);
+ local($fname) = &psou($name);
+ if ($build_templates) {
+ $pad = ($offset - ($lastoffset + $lastlength))/8
+ if defined $lastoffset;
+ if (! $finished_template{$sname}) {
+ if ($isaunion{$what}) {
+ $template{$sname} .= 'X' x $revpad . ' ' if $revpad;
+ } else {
+ $template{$sname} .= 'x' x $pad . ' ' if $pad;
+ }
+ }
+ $template = &fetch_template($type) x
+ ($count ? &scripts2count($count) : 1);
+ if (! $finished_template{$sname}) {
+ $template{$sname} .= $template;
+ }
+ $revpad = $length/8 if $isaunion{$what};
+ ($lastoffset, $lastlength) = ($offset, $length);
+ } else {
+ print '# ' if $perl && $verbose;
+ $entry = sprintf($pmask1,
+ ' ' x ($nesting * $indent) . $fieldtype,
+ "$prefix.$fieldname" . $count);
+ $entry =~ s/(\*+)( )/$2$1/;
+ printf $pmask2,
+ $entry,
+ ($base+$offset)/8,
+ ($bits = ($base+$offset)%8) ? ".$bits" : " ",
+ $length/8,
+ ($bits = $length % 8) ? ".$bits": ""
+ if !$perl || $verbose;
+ if ($perl && $nesting == 1) {
+ $template = &scrunch(&fetch_template($type) x
+ ($count ? &scripts2count($count) : 1));
+ push(@sizeof, int($length/8) .",\t# $fieldname");
+ push(@offsetof, int($offset/8) .",\t# $fieldname");
+ push(@typedef, "'$template', \t# $fieldname");
+ $type =~ s/(struct|union) //;
+ push(@typeof, "'$type" . ($count ? $count : '') .
+ "',\t# $fieldname");
+ }
+ print ' ', ' ' x $indent x $nesting, $template
+ if $perl && $verbose;
+ print "\n" if !$perl || $verbose;
+ }
+ if ($perl) {
+ local($mycount) = defined $struct{$mytype} ? $countof{$mytype} : 1;
+ $mycount *= &scripts2count($count) if $count;
+ if ($nesting==1 && !$build_templates) {
+ $pcode .= sprintf("sub %-32s { %4d; }\n",
+ "${mname}'${fieldname}", $struct_count);
+ push(@indices, $struct_count);
+ }
+ $struct_count += $mycount;
+ }
+ &pstruct($type, "$prefix.$fieldname", $base+$offset)
+ if $recurse && defined $struct{$type};
+ }
+ $countof{$what} = $struct_count unless defined $countof{$whati};
+ $template{$sname} .= '$' if $build_templates;
+ $finished_template{$sname}++;
+ if ($build_templates && !defined $sizeof{$name}) {
+ local($fmt) = &scrunch($template{$sname});
+ print STDERR "no size for $name, punting with $fmt..." if $debug;
+ eval '$sizeof{$name} = length(pack($fmt, ()))';
+ if ($@) {
+ chop $@;
+ warn "couldn't get size for \$name: $@";
+ } else {
+ print STDERR $sizeof{$name}, "\n" if $debUg;
+ }
+ }
+ --$nesting;
+sub psize {
+ local($me) = @_;
+ local($amstruct) = $struct{$me} ? 'struct ' : '';
+ print '$sizeof{\'', $amstruct, $me, '\'} = ';
+ printf "%d;\n", $sizeof{$me};
+sub pdecl {
+ local($pdecl) = @_;
+ local(@pdecls);
+ local($tname);
+ warn "pdecl: $pdecl\n" if $debug;
+ $pdecl =~ s/\(\d+,(\d+)\)/$1/g;
+ $pdecl =~ s/\*//g;
+ @pdecls = split(/=/, $pdecl);
+ $typeno = $pdecls[0];
+ $tname = pop @pdecls;
+ if ($tname =~ s/^f//) { $tname = "$tname&"; }
+ #else { $tname = "$tname*"; }
+ for (reverse @pdecls) {
+ $tname .= s/^f// ? "&" : "*";
+ #$tname =~ s/^f(.*)/$1&/;
+ print "type[$_] is $tname\n" if $debug;
+ $type[$_] = $tname unless defined $type[$_];
+ }
+sub adecl {
+ ($arraytype, $unknown, $lower, $upper) = ();
+ #local($typeno);
+ # global $typeno, @type
+ local($_, $typedef) = @_;
+ while (s/^((\d+)=)?ar(\d+);//) {
+ ($arraytype, $unknown) = ($2, $3);
+ if (s/^(\d+);(\d+);//) {
+ ($lower, $upper) = ($1, $2);
+ $scripts .= '[' . ($upper+1) . ']';
+ } else {
+ warn "can't find array bounds: $_";
+ }
+ }
+ if (s/^([\d*f=]*),(\d+),(\d+);//) {
+ ($start, $length) = ($2, $3);
+ local($whatis) = $1;
+ if ($whatis =~ /^(\d+)=/) {
+ $typeno = $1;
+ &pdecl($whatis);
+ } else {
+ $typeno = $whatis;
+ }
+ } elsif (s/^(\d+)(=[*suf]\d*)//) {
+ local($whatis) = $2;
+ if ($whatis =~ /[f*]/) {
+ &pdecl($whatis);
+ } elsif ($whatis =~ /[su]/) { #
+ print "$prefix.$fieldname is an array$scripts anon structs; disgusting\n"
+ if $debug;
+ #$type[$typeno] = $name unless defined $type[$typeno];
+ ##printf "new type $typeno is $name" if $debug;
+ $typeno = $1;
+ $type[$typeno] = "$prefix.$fieldname";
+ local($name) = $type[$typeno];
+ &sou($name, $whatis);
+ $_ = &sdecl($name, $_, $start+$offset);
+ 1;
+ $start = $start{$name};
+ $offset = $sizeof{$name};
+ $length = $offset;
+ } else {
+ warn "what's this? $whatis in $line ";
+ }
+ } elsif (/^\d+$/) {
+ $typeno = $_;
+ } else {
+ warn "bad array stab: $_ in $line ";
+ next STAB;
+ }
+ #local($wasdef) = defined($type[$typeno]) && $debug;
+ #if ($typedef) {
+ #print "redefining $type[$typeno] to " if $wasdef;
+ #$type[$typeno] = "$whatis$scripts"; # unless defined $type[$typeno];
+ #print "$type[$typeno]\n" if $wasdef;
+ #} else {
+ #$type[$arraytype] = $type[$typeno] unless defined $type[$arraytype];
+ #}
+ $type[$arraytype] = "$type[$typeno]$scripts" if defined $type[$typeno];
+ print "type[$arraytype] is $type[$arraytype]\n" if $debug;
+ print "$prefix.$fieldname is an array of $type[$arraytype]\n" if $debug;
+ $_;
+sub sdecl {
+ local($prefix, $_, $offset) = @_;
+ local($fieldname, $scripts, $type, $arraytype, $unknown,
+ $whatis, $pdecl, $upper,$lower, $start,$length) = ();
+ local($typeno,$sou);
+ while (/^([^;]+);/) {
+ $scripts = '';
+ warn "sdecl $_\n" if $debug;
+ if (s/^([\$\w]+)://) {
+ $fieldname = $1;
+ } elsif (s/(\d+)=([us])(\d+|\(\d+,\d+\))//) { #
+ $typeno = &typeno($1);
+ $type[$typeno] = "$prefix.$fieldname";
+ local($name) = "$prefix.$fieldname";
+ &sou($name,$2);
+ $_ = &sdecl("$prefix.$fieldname", $_, $start+$offset);
+ $start = $start{$name};
+ $offset += $sizeof{$name};
+ #print "done with anon, start is $start, offset is $offset\n";
+ #next SFIELD;
+ } else {
+ warn "weird field $_ of $line" if $debug;
+ next STAB;
+ #$fieldname = &gensym;
+ #$_ = &sdecl("$prefix.$fieldname", $_, $start+$offset);
+ }
+ if (/^\d+=ar/) {
+ $_ = &adecl($_);
+ }
+ elsif (s/^(\d+|\(\d+,\d+\))?,(\d+),(\d+);//) {
+ ($start, $length) = ($2, $3);
+ &panic("no length?") unless $length;
+ $typeno = &typeno($1) if $1;
+ }
+ elsif (s/^((\d+|\(\d+,\d+\))(=[*f](\d+|\(\d+,\d+\)))+),(\d+),(\d+);//) {
+ ($pdecl, $start, $length) = ($1,$5,$6);
+ &pdecl($pdecl);
+ }
+ elsif (s/(\d+)=([us])(\d+|\(\d+,\d+\))//) { # the dratted anon struct
+ ($typeno, $sou) = ($1, $2);
+ $typeno = &typeno($typeno);
+ if (defined($type[$typeno])) {
+ warn "now how did we get type $1 in $fieldname of $line?";
+ } else {
+ print "anon type $typeno is $prefix.$fieldname\n" if $debug;
+ $type[$typeno] = "$prefix.$fieldname" unless defined $type[$typeno];
+ };
+ local($name) = "$prefix.$fieldname";
+ &sou($name,$sou);
+ print "anon ".($isastruct{$name}) ? "struct":"union"." for $prefix.$fieldname\n" if $debug;
+ $type[$typeno] = "$prefix.$fieldname";
+ $_ = &sdecl("$prefix.$fieldname", $_, $start+$offset);
+ $start = $start{$name};
+ $length = $sizeof{$name};
+ }
+ else {
+ warn "can't grok stab for $name ($_) in line $line ";
+ next STAB;
+ }
+ &panic("no length for $prefix.$fieldname") unless $length;
+ $struct{$name} .= join(',', $fieldname, $typeno, $scripts, $start, $length) . ';';
+ }
+ if (s/;\d*,(\d+),(\d+);//) {
+ local($start, $size) = ($1, $2);
+ $sizeof{$prefix} = $size;
+ print "start of $prefix is $start, size of $sizeof{$prefix}\n" if $debug;
+ $start{$prefix} = $start;
+ }
+ $_;
+sub edecl {
+ s/;$//;
+ $enum{$name} = $_;
+ $_ = '';
+sub resolve_types {
+ local($sou);
+ for $i (0 .. $#type) {
+ next unless defined $type[$i];
+ $_ = $type[$i];
+ unless (/\d/) {
+ print "type[$i] $type[$i]\n" if $debug;
+ next;
+ }
+ print "type[$i] $_ ==> " if $debug;
+ s/^(\d+)(\**)\&\*(\**)/"$2($3".&type($1) . ')()'/e;
+ s/^(\d+)\&/&type($1)/e;
+ s/^(\d+)/&type($1)/e;
+ s/(\*+)([^*]+)(\*+)/$1$3$2/;
+ s/\((\*+)(\w+)(\*+)\)/$3($1$2)/;
+ s/^(\d+)([\*\[].*)/&type($1).$2/e;
+ #s/(\d+)(\*|(\[[\[\]\d\*]+]\])+)/&type($1).$2/ge;
+ $type[$i] = $_;
+ print "$_\n" if $debug;
+ }
+sub type { &psou($type[$_[0]] || "<UNDEFINED>"); }
+sub adjust_start_addrs {
+ for (sort keys %start) {
+ ($basename = $_) =~ s/\.[^.]+$//;
+ $start{$_} += $start{$basename};
+ print "start: $_ @ $start{$_}\n" if $debug;
+ }
+sub sou {
+ local($what, $_) = @_;
+ /u/ && $isaunion{$what}++;
+ /s/ && $isastruct{$what}++;
+sub psou {
+ local($what) = @_;
+ local($prefix) = '';
+ if ($isaunion{$what}) {
+ $prefix = 'union ';
+ } elsif ($isastruct{$what}) {
+ $prefix = 'struct ';
+ }
+ $prefix . $what;
+sub scrunch {
+ local($_) = @_;
+ study;
+ s/\$//g;
+ s/ / /g;
+ 1 while s/(\w) \1/$1$1/g;
+ # i wanna say this, but perl resists my efforts:
+ # s/(\w)(\1+)/$2 . length($1)/ge;
+ &quick_scrunch;
+ s/ $//;
+ $_;
+sub buildscrunchlist {
+ $scrunch_code = "sub quick_scrunch {\n";
+ for (values %intrinsics) {
+ $scrunch_code .= "\ts/($_{2,})/'$_' . length(\$1)/ge;\n";
+ }
+ $scrunch_code .= "}\n";
+ print "$scrunch_code" if $debug;
+ eval $scrunch_code;
+ &panic("can't eval scrunch_code $@ \nscrunch_code") if $@;
+sub fetch_template {
+ local($mytype) = @_;
+ local($fmt);
+ local($count) = 1;
+ &panic("why do you care?") unless $perl;
+ if ($mytype =~ s/(\[\d+\])+$//) {
+ $count .= $1;
+ }
+ if ($mytype =~ /\*/) {
+ $fmt = $template{'pointer'};
+ }
+ elsif (defined $template{$mytype}) {
+ $fmt = $template{$mytype};
+ }
+ elsif (defined $struct{$mytype}) {
+ if (!defined $template{&psou($mytype)}) {
+ &build_template($mytype) unless $mytype eq $name;
+ }
+ elsif ($template{&psou($mytype)} !~ /\$$/) {
+ #warn "incomplete template for $mytype\n";
+ }
+ $fmt = $template{&psou($mytype)} || '?';
+ }
+ else {
+ warn "unknown fmt for $mytype\n";
+ $fmt = '?';
+ }
+ $fmt x $count . ' ';
+sub compute_intrinsics {
+ local($TMP) = "/tmp/c2ph-i.$$.c";
+ open (TMP, ">$TMP") || die "can't open $TMP: $!";
+ select(TMP);
+ print STDERR "computing intrinsic sizes: " if $trace;
+ undef %intrinsics;
+ print <<'EOF';
+main() {
+ char *mask = "%d %s\n";
+ for $type (@intrinsics) {
+ next if $type eq 'void';
+ print <<"EOF";
+ printf(mask,sizeof($type), "$type");
+ }
+ print <<'EOF';
+ printf(mask,sizeof(char *), "pointer");
+ exit(0);
+ close TMP;
+ select(STDOUT);
+ open(PIPE, "cd /tmp && $CC $TMP && /tmp/a.out|");
+ while (<PIPE>) {
+ chop;
+ split(' ',$_,2);;
+ print "intrinsic $_[1] is size $_[0]\n" if $debug;
+ $sizeof{$_[1]} = $_[0];
+ $intrinsics{$_[1]} = $template{$_[0]};
+ }
+ close(PIPE) || die "couldn't read intrinsics!";
+ unlink($TMP, '/tmp/a.out');
+ print STDERR "done\n" if $trace;
+sub scripts2count {
+ local($_) = @_;
+ s/^\[//;
+ s/\]$//;
+ s/\]\[/*/g;
+ $_ = eval;
+ &panic("$_: $@") if $@;
+ $_;
+sub system {
+ print STDERR "@_\n" if $trace;
+ system @_;
+sub build_template {
+ local($name) = @_;
+ &panic("already got a template for $name") if defined $template{$name};
+ local($build_templates) = 1;
+ local($lparen) = '(' x $build_recursed;
+ local($rparen) = ')' x $build_recursed;
+ print STDERR "$lparen$name$rparen " if $trace;
+ $build_recursed++;
+ &pstruct($name,$name,0);
+ print STDERR "TEMPLATE for $name is ", $template{&psou($name)}, "\n" if $debug;
+ --$build_recursed;
+sub panic {
+ select(STDERR);
+ print "\npanic: @_\n";
+ exit 1 if $] <= 4.003; # caller broken
+ local($i,$_);
+ local($p,$f,$l,$s,$h,$a,@a,@sub);
+ for ($i = 0; ($p,$f,$l,$s,$h,$w) = caller($i); $i++) {
+ @a = @DB'args;
+ for (@a) {
+ if (/^StB\000/ && length($_) == length($_main{'_main'})) {
+ $_ = sprintf("%s",$_);
+ }
+ else {
+ s/'/\\'/g;
+ s/([^\0]*)/'$1'/ unless /^-?[\d.]+$/;
+ s/([\200-\377])/sprintf("M-%c",ord($1)&0177)/eg;
+ s/([\0-\37\177])/sprintf("^%c",ord($1)^64)/eg;
+ }
+ }
+ $w = $w ? '@ = ' : '$ = ';
+ $a = $h ? '(' . join(', ', @a) . ')' : '';
+ push(@sub, "$w&$s$a from file $f line $l\n");
+ last if $signal;
+ }
+ for ($i=0; $i <= $#sub; $i++) {
+ last if $signal;
+ print $sub[$i];
+ }
+ exit 1;
+sub squishseq {
+ local($num);
+ local($last) = -1e8;
+ local($string);
+ local($seq) = '..';
+ while (defined($num = shift)) {
+ if ($num == ($last + 1)) {
+ $string .= $seq unless $inseq++;
+ $last = $num;
+ next;
+ } elsif ($inseq) {
+ $string .= $last unless $last == -1e8;
+ }
+ $string .= ',' if defined $string;
+ $string .= $num;
+ $last = $num;
+ $inseq = 0;
+ }
+ $string .= $last if $inseq && $last != -e18;
+ $string;
diff --git a/t/op/readdir.t b/t/op/readdir.t
index 8125bd4190..18006991cd 100644
--- a/t/op/readdir.t
+++ b/t/op/readdir.t
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ if ($@) { print "1..0\n"; exit; }
print "1..3\n";
if (opendir(OP, "op")) { print "ok 1\n"; } else { print "not ok 1\n"; }
-@D = grep(/^[^\.]/, readdir(OP));
+@D = grep(/^[^\.].*\.t$/, readdir(OP));
if (@D > 20 && @D < 100) { print "ok 2\n"; } else { print "not ok 2\n"; }
@R = sort @D;
-@G = <op/*>;
+@G = <op/*.t>;
while (@R && @G && "op/".$R[0] eq $G[0]) {