diff options
authorGurusamy Sarathy <>1999-09-17 20:16:28 +0000
committerGurusamy Sarathy <>1999-09-17 20:16:28 +0000
commitde736a2909cd9bd6fedf27c4a9020aec89d5b686 (patch)
parentac5800303222d9885aecd12f12f06762bf97c2fb (diff)
parent424a8fe95d507998fe8750793da1b35bd6d7074b (diff)
integrate vmsperl contents into mainline (where VMS files conflicted,
vmsperl contents have prevailed) p4raw-id: //depot/perl@4182
11 files changed, 334 insertions, 402 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 0f869834fb..96e86335a7 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ $!
$!: set up default values
$ fastread=""
$ reuseval="false"
+$ maniskip = "false"
$ config_sh=""
$ alldone=""
$ error=""
@@ -187,6 +188,13 @@ $ gotopt = "t"
$ P'i' = P'i' - "h"
$ gotshortopt = "t"
+$ IF (F$EXTRACT(0,1,P'i') .EQS. "m")
+$ maniskip = "true"
+$ gotopt = "t"
+$ P'i' = P'i' - "m"
+$ gotshortopt = "t"
$ IF (F$EXTRACT(0,1,P'i') .EQS. "r")
$ reuseval = "true"
@@ -290,13 +298,14 @@ $!
$ IF (error)
$ me = F$PARSE(me,,,"DIRECTORY")+ F$PARSE(me,,,"NAME")
-$ echo "Usage: @''me' [-dehrEKOSV] [] [-Dsymbol] [-Dsymbol=value]"
-$ echo " [-Usymbol] [-Usymbol=]"
+$ echo "Usage: @''me' [-dehmrEKOSV] [] [-Dsymbol] [-Dsymbol=value]"
+$ echo " [-Usymbol] [-Usymbol=]"
"-d" : use defaults for all answers.
"-e" : go on without questioning past the production of *
"-f" : specify an alternate default configuration file.
"-h" : print this help message and exit (with an error status).
+ "-m" : skip the MANIFEST check to see that all files are present
"-r" : reuse C symbols value if possible (skips costly nm extraction).*
"-s" : silent mode, only echoes questions and essential information.
-"D" : define symbol to have some value: *
@@ -420,8 +429,11 @@ $!
$!change to "FALSE" if you wish to skip the manifest search
$!(which after all is rather slow in DCL :-)
-$ IF ("TRUE")
+$ IF (maniskip)
+$ echo "Skipping MANIFEST check as requested"
$ OPEN/READ CONFIG 'manifestfound'
$ READ/END_OF_FILE = Done_manifest CONFIG line
@@ -1729,6 +1741,48 @@ $ ELSE
$ use_64bit="N"
+$! Ask if they want to build with 64-bit support
+$ if (Archname.eqs."VMS_AXP").and.("''f$extract(1,3, f$getsyi(""version""))'".ges."7.1")
+$ echo "This version of perl has experimental support for building wtih
+$ echo "64 bit integers and 128 bit floating point variables. This gives
+$ echo "a much larger range for perl's mathematical operations. (Note that
+$ echo "does *not* enable 64-bit fileops at the moment, as Dec C doesn't
+$ echo "do that yet)"
+$ echo ""
+$ dflt = use_64bit
+$ rp = "Build with 64 bits? [''dflt'] "
+$ GOSUB myread
+$ if ans.eqs."" then ans = dflt
+$ if (f$extract(0, 1, "''ans'").eqs."Y").or.(f$extract(0, 1, "''ans'").eqs."y")
+$ use_64bit="Y"
+$ use_64bit="N"
+$! Ask if they want to build with 64-bit support
+$ if (Archname.eqs."VMS_AXP").and.("''f$extract(1,3, f$getsyi(""version""))'".ges."7.1")
+$ echo "This version of perl has experimental support for building wtih
+$ echo "64 bit integers and 128 bit floating point variables. This gives
+$ echo "a much larger range for perl's mathematical operations. (Note that
+$ echo "does *not* enable 64-bit fileops at the moment, as Dec C doesn't
+$ echo "do that yet)"
+$ echo ""
+$ dflt = use_64bit
+$ rp = "Build with 64 bits? [''dflt'] "
+$ GOSUB myread
+$ if ans.eqs."" then ans = dflt
+$ if (f$extract(0, 1, "''ans'").eqs."Y").or.(f$extract(0, 1, "''ans'").eqs."y")
+$ use_64bit="Y"
+$ use_64bit="N"
$! Ask about threads, if appropriate
$ if (Using_Dec_C.eqs."Yes")
diff --git a/ext/DynaLoader/DynaLoader_pm.PL b/ext/DynaLoader/DynaLoader_pm.PL
index 3e30698f87..3ce720b1cb 100644
--- a/ext/DynaLoader/DynaLoader_pm.PL
+++ b/ext/DynaLoader/DynaLoader_pm.PL
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ sub bootstrap {
# The .bs file can be used to configure @dl_resolve_using etc to
# match the needs of the individual module on this architecture.
my $bs = $file;
- $bs =~ s/(\.\w+)?$/\.bs/; # look for .bs 'beside' the library
+ $bs =~ s/(\.\w+)?(;\d*)?$/\.bs/; # look for .bs 'beside' the library
if (-s $bs) { # only read file if it's not empty
print STDERR "BS: $bs ($^O, $dlsrc)\n" if $dl_debug;
eval { do $bs; };
diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/ b/lib/ExtUtils/
index a2a949b260..31ca69067e 100644
--- a/lib/ExtUtils/
+++ b/lib/ExtUtils/
@@ -12,10 +12,11 @@ use Config;
require Exporter;
use VMS::Filespec;
use File::Basename;
-use vars qw($Revision);
+use File::Spec;
+use vars qw($Revision @ISA);
$Revision = '5.56 (27-Apr-1999)';
+@ISA = qw( File::Spec );
unshift @MM::ISA, 'ExtUtils::MM_VMS';
Exporter::import('ExtUtils::MakeMaker', '$Verbose', '&neatvalue');
@@ -38,157 +39,6 @@ the semantics.
-=item eliminate_macros
-Expands MM[KS]/Make macros in a text string, using the contents of
-identically named elements of C<%$self>, and returns the result
-as a file specification in Unix syntax.
-sub eliminate_macros {
- my($self,$path) = @_;
- unless ($path) {
- print "eliminate_macros('') = ||\n" if $Verbose >= 3;
- return '';
- }
- my($npath) = join(' ', map(unixify($_), split(/\s+/, $path)));
- my($complex) = 0;
- my($head,$macro,$tail);
- # perform m##g in scalar context so it acts as an iterator
- while ($npath =~ m#(.*?)\$\((\S+?)\)(.*)#g) {
- if ($self->{$2}) {
- ($head,$macro,$tail) = ($1,$2,$3);
- if (ref $self->{$macro}) {
- if (ref $self->{$macro} eq 'ARRAY') {
- print "Note: expanded array macro \$($macro) in $path\n" if $Verbose;
- $macro = join ' ', @{$self->{$macro}};
- }
- else {
- print "Note: can't expand macro \$($macro) containing ",ref($self->{$macro}),
- "\n\t(using MMK-specific deferred substitution; MMS will break)\n";
- $macro = "\cB$macro\cB";
- $complex = 1;
- }
- }
- else { ($macro = unixify($self->{$macro})) =~ s#/$##; }
- $npath = "$head$macro$tail";
- }
- }
- if ($complex) { $npath =~ s#\cB(.*?)\cB#\${$1}#g; }
- print "eliminate_macros($path) = |$npath|\n" if $Verbose >= 3;
- $npath;
-=item fixpath
-Catchall routine to clean up problem MM[SK]/Make macros. Expands macros
-in any directory specification, in order to avoid juxtaposing two
-VMS-syntax directories when MM[SK] is run. Also expands expressions which
-are all macro, so that we can tell how long the expansion is, and avoid
-overrunning DCL's command buffer when MM[KS] is running.
-If optional second argument has a TRUE value, then the return string is
-a VMS-syntax directory specification, if it is FALSE, the return string
-is a VMS-syntax file specification, and if it is not specified, fixpath()
-checks to see whether it matches the name of a directory in the current
-default directory, and returns a directory or file specification accordingly.
-sub fixpath {
- my($self,$path,$force_path) = @_;
- unless ($path) {
- print "eliminate_macros('') = ||\n" if $Verbose >= 3;
- return '';
- }
- my($fixedpath,$prefix,$name);
- if ($path =~ m#^\$\([^\)]+\)$# || $path =~ m#[/:>\]]#) {
- if ($force_path or $path =~ /(?:DIR\)|\])$/) {
- $fixedpath = join(' ', map(vmspath($_),split(/\s+/, $self->eliminate_macros($path))));
- }
- else {
- $fixedpath = join(' ', map(vmsify($_),split(/\s+/, $self->eliminate_macros($path))));
- }
- }
- elsif ((($prefix,$name) = ($path =~ m#^\$\(([^\)]+)\)(.+)#)) && $self->{$prefix}) {
- my($vmspre) = $self->eliminate_macros("\$($prefix)");
- # is it a dir or just a name?
- $vmspre = ($vmspre =~ m|/| or $prefix =~ /DIR$/) ? vmspath($vmspre) : '';
- $fixedpath = ($vmspre ? $vmspre : $self->{$prefix}) . $name;
- $fixedpath = vmspath($fixedpath) if $force_path;
- }
- else {
- $fixedpath = $path;
- $fixedpath = vmspath($fixedpath) if $force_path;
- }
- # No hints, so we try to guess
- if (!defined($force_path) and $fixedpath !~ /[:>(.\]]/) {
- $fixedpath = vmspath($fixedpath) if -d $fixedpath;
- }
- # Trim off root dirname if it's had other dirs inserted in front of it.
- $fixedpath =~ s/\.000000([\]>])/$1/;
- print "fixpath($path) = |$fixedpath|\n" if $Verbose >= 3;
- $fixedpath;
-=item catdir
-Concatenates a list of file specifications, and returns the result as a
-VMS-syntax directory specification.
-sub catdir {
- my($self,@dirs) = @_;
- my($dir) = pop @dirs;
- @dirs = grep($_,@dirs);
- my($rslt);
- if (@dirs) {
- my($path) = (@dirs == 1 ? $dirs[0] : $self->catdir(@dirs));
- my($spath,$sdir) = ($path,$dir);
- $spath =~ s/.dir$//; $sdir =~ s/.dir$//;
- $sdir = $self->eliminate_macros($sdir) unless $sdir =~ /^[\w\-]+$/;
- $rslt = $self->fixpath($self->eliminate_macros($spath)."/$sdir",1);
- }
- else {
- if ($dir =~ /^\$\([^\)]+\)$/) { $rslt = $dir; }
- else { $rslt = vmspath($dir); }
- }
- print "catdir(",join(',',@_[1..$#_]),") = |$rslt|\n" if $Verbose >= 3;
- $rslt;
-=item catfile
-Concatenates a list of file specifications, and returns the result as a
-VMS-syntax directory specification.
-sub catfile {
- my($self,@files) = @_;
- my($file) = pop @files;
- @files = grep($_,@files);
- my($rslt);
- if (@files) {
- my($path) = (@files == 1 ? $files[0] : $self->catdir(@files));
- my($spath) = $path;
- $spath =~ s/.dir$//;
- if ( $spath =~ /^[^\)\]\/:>]+\)$/ && basename($file) eq $file) { $rslt = "$spath$file"; }
- else {
- $rslt = $self->eliminate_macros($spath);
- $rslt = vmsify($rslt.($rslt ? '/' : '').unixify($file));
- }
- }
- else { $rslt = vmsify($file); }
- print "catfile(",join(',',@_[1..$#_]),") = |$rslt|\n" if $Verbose >= 3;
- $rslt;
=item wraplist
Converts a list into a string wrapped at approximately 80 columns.
@@ -213,16 +63,6 @@ sub wraplist {
-=item curdir (override)
-Returns a string representing of the current directory.
-sub curdir {
- return '[]';
=item rootdir (override)
Returns a string representing of the root directory.
@@ -233,16 +73,6 @@ sub rootdir {
return '';
-=item updir (override)
-Returns a string representing of the parent directory.
-sub updir {
- return '[-]';
package ExtUtils::MM_VMS;
sub ExtUtils::MM_VMS::ext;
@@ -626,6 +456,9 @@ sub constants {
my($self) = @_;
+ # Be kind about case for pollution
+ for (@ARGV) { $_ = uc($_) if /POLLUTE/i; }
if ($self->{DEFINE} ne '') {
my(@terms) = split(/\s+/,$self->{DEFINE});
@@ -844,6 +677,7 @@ sub cflags {
warn "MM_VMS: Ignoring unrecognized CCFLAGS elements \"$quals\"\n";
$quals = '';
+ $definestr .= q["PERL_POLLUTE",] if $self->{POLLUTE};
if (length $definestr) { chop($definestr); $quals .= "/Define=($definestr)"; }
if (length $undefstr) { chop($undefstr); $quals .= "/Undef=($undefstr)"; }
# Deal with $self->{DEFINE} here since some C compilers pay attention
@@ -1343,7 +1177,7 @@ static :: $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)$(BASEEXT).opt
') unless $self->{SKIPHASH}{'static'};
- push(@m,'
+ push @m,'
@@ -1351,9 +1185,26 @@ $(BASEEXT).opt : Makefile.PL
$(PERL) "-I$(PERL_ARCHLIB)" "-I$(PERL_LIB)" -e "use ExtUtils::Mksymlists;" -
',qq[-e "Mksymlists('NAME' => '$self->{NAME}', 'DL_FUNCS' => ],
neatvalue($funcs),q[, 'DL_VARS' => ],neatvalue($vars),
- q[, 'FUNCLIST' => ],neatvalue($funclist),')"
- $(PERL) -e "print ""$(INST_STATIC)/Include=$(BASEEXT)\n$(INST_STATIC)/Library\n"";" >>$(MMS$TARGET)
+ q[, 'FUNCLIST' => ],neatvalue($funclist),qq[)"\n];
+ push @m, ' $(PERL) -e "print ""$(INST_STATIC)/Include=';
+ if ($self->{OBJECT} =~ /\bBASEEXT\b/ or
+ $self->{OBJECT} =~ /\b$self->{BASEEXT}\b/i) { push @m, '$(BASEEXT)'; }
+ else { # We don't have a "main" object file, so pull 'em all in
+ my(@omods) = map { s/\.[^.]*$//; # Trim off file type
+ s[\$\(\w+_EXT\)][]; # even as a macro
+ s/.*[:>\/\]]//; # Trim off dir spec
+ $_; } split ' ', $self->eliminate_macros($self->{OBJECT});
+ my($tmp,@lines,$elt) = '';
+ my $tmp = shift @omods;
+ foreach $elt (@omods) {
+ $tmp .= ",$elt";
+ if (length($tmp) > 80) { push @lines, $tmp; $tmp = ''; }
+ }
+ push @lines, $tmp;
+ push @m, '(', join( qq[, -\\n\\t"";" >>\$(MMS\$TARGET)\n\t\$(PERL) -e "print ""], @lines),')';
+ }
+ push @m, '\n$(INST_STATIC)/Library\n"";" >>$(MMS$TARGET)',"\n";
if (length $self->{LDLOADLIBS}) {
my($lib); my($line) = '';
@@ -2192,12 +2043,13 @@ $(MAKE_APERL_FILE) : $(FIRST_MAKEFILE)
Makefile.PL DIR=}, $dir, q{ \
+ push @m, map(q[ \\\n\t\t"$_"], @ARGV),q{
- push @m, map( " \\\n\t\t$_", @ARGV );
push @m, "\n";
return join '', @m;
diff --git a/lib/File/Spec/ b/lib/File/Spec/
index d13f5e68c2..00c068accb 100644
--- a/lib/File/Spec/
+++ b/lib/File/Spec/
@@ -22,6 +22,12 @@ See File::Spec::Unix for a documentation of the methods provided
there. This package overrides the implementation of these methods, not
the semantics.
+=item eliminate_macros
+Expands MM[KS]/Make macros in a text string, using the contents of
+identically named elements of C<%$self>, and returns the result
+as a file specification in Unix syntax.
sub eliminate_macros {
@@ -55,6 +61,22 @@ sub eliminate_macros {
+=item fixpath
+Catchall routine to clean up problem MM[SK]/Make macros. Expands macros
+in any directory specification, in order to avoid juxtaposing two
+VMS-syntax directories when MM[SK] is run. Also expands expressions which
+are all macro, so that we can tell how long the expansion is, and avoid
+overrunning DCL's command buffer when MM[KS] is running.
+If optional second argument has a TRUE value, then the return string is
+a VMS-syntax directory specification, if it is FALSE, the return string
+is a VMS-syntax file specification, and if it is not specified, fixpath()
+checks to see whether it matches the name of a directory in the current
+default directory, and returns a directory or file specification accordingly.
sub fixpath {
my($self,$path,$force_path) = @_;
return '' unless $path;
diff --git a/t/io/open.t b/t/io/open.t
index 12d32f474c..0329c31b4e 100755
--- a/t/io/open.t
+++ b/t/io/open.t
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
# $RCSfile$
$| = 1;
$^W = 1;
+$Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
print "1..32\n";
@@ -78,7 +79,8 @@ print "ok 23\n";
+if ($Is_VMS) { for (24..46) { print "ok $_ # skipped: not Unix fork\n"; {
+else {
print "# \$!='$!'\nnot " unless open(my $f, '-|', <<'EOC');
./perl -e "print qq(a row\n); print qq(another row\n)"
@@ -89,7 +91,8 @@ print "ok 25\n";
print "not " unless close($f);
print "ok 26\n";
+if ($Is_VMS) { for (27..30) { print "OK $_ # skipped: not Unix fork\n"; }
+else {
print "# \$!='$!'\nnot " unless open(my $f, '|-', <<'EOC');
./perl -pe "s/^not //"
diff --git a/vms/descrip_mms.template b/vms/descrip_mms.template
index 7d86f246f4..3f91940900 100644
--- a/vms/descrip_mms.template
+++ b/vms/descrip_mms.template
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ OBJVAL = $(MMS$TARGET_NAME)$(O)
.ifdef MALLOC
-MALLOC_O = ,malloc$(O)
-MALLOC_C = ,malloc$(C)
+MALLOC_O = malloc$(O)
+MALLOC_C = malloc$(C)
@@ -176,17 +176,15 @@ SOCKLIB = SocketShr/Share
# these files in the current default directory.
SOCKC = sockadapt.c
SOCKH = sockadapt.h
-SOCKOBJ = ,sockadapt$(O)
+SOCKOBJ = sockadapt$(O)
SOCKPM = [.lib]
@@ -278,44 +276,42 @@ FULLLIBS2 = $(LIBS2)|$(THRLIBS1)|$(THRLIBS2)
#### End of system configuration section. ####
-h1 = EXTERN.h, INTERN.h, XSUB.h, av.h, config.h, cop.h, cv.h
-h2 = embed.h, form.h, gv.h, handy.h, hv.h, keywords.h, mg.h, op.h, thread.h
-h3 = opcode.h, patchlevel.h, perl.h, perly.h, pp.h, proto.h, regcomp.h
-h4 = regexp.h, scope.h, sv.h, vmsish.h, util.h, perlsdio.h, perlio.h
-h5 = embedvar.h, intrpvar.h, perlvars.h, thrdvar.h, iperlsys.h
-h6 = pp_proto.h, regnodes.h, warning.h
-h = $(h1), $(h2), $(h3), $(h4), $(h5), $(h6) $(SOCKHLIS) $(THREADH)
-c1 = av.c, scope.c, op.c, doop.c, doio.c, dump.c, hv.c, mg.c, universal.c, perlio.c, utf8.c
-c2 = perl.c, perly.c, pp.c, pp_hot.c, pp_ctl.c, pp_sys.c, regcomp.c, regexec.c $(MALLOC_C)
-c3 = gv.c, sv.c, taint.c, toke.c, utf8.c, util.c, deb.c, run.c, globals.c, vms.c $(SOCKCLIS)
-c = $(c1), $(c2), $(c3), miniperlmain.c, perlmain.c
-obj1 = perl$(O), gv$(O), toke$(O), perly$(O), op$(O), regcomp$(O), dump$(O), utf8$(O), util$(O), mg$(O), perlio$(O) $(MALLOC_O)
-obj2 = hv$(O), av$(O), run$(O), pp_hot$(O), sv$(O), pp$(O), scope$(O), pp_ctl$(O), pp_sys$(O), utf8$(O)
-obj3 = doop$(O), doio$(O), regexec$(O), taint$(O), deb$(O), universal$(O), globals$(O), vms$(O) $(SOCKOBJ)
-obj = $(obj1), $(obj2), $(obj3)
-ac2 = $(ARCHCORE)config.h $(ARCHCORE)cop.h $(ARCHCORE)cv.h $(ARCHCORE)embed.h
-ac3 = $(ARCHCORE)form.h $(ARCHCORE)gv.h $(ARCHCORE)handy.h $(ARCHCORE)hv.h $(ARCHCORE)utf8.h
-ac4 = $(ARCHCORE)keywords.h $(ARCHCORE)mg.h $(ARCHCORE)op.h $(ARCHCORE)opcode.h
-ac5 = $(ARCHCORE)patchlevel.h $(ARCHCORE)perl.h $(ARCHCORE)perly.h $(ARCHCORE)thread.h $(ARCHCORE)iperlsys.h
-ac6 = $(ARCHCORE)pp.h $(ARCHCORE)pp_proto.h $(ARCHCORE)proto.h $(ARCHCORE)regcomp.h $(ARCHCORE)perlsdio.h $(ARCHCORE)perlio.h
-ac7 = $(ARCHCORE)regexp.h $(ARCHCORE)scope.h $(ARCHCORE)sv.h $(ARCHCORE)util.h
-ac8 = $(ARCHCORE)embedvar.h $(ARCHCORE)intrpvar.h $(ARCHCORE)perlvars.h $(ARCHCORE)thrdvar.h
-ac9 = $(ARCHCORE)vmsish.h $(ARCHCORE)warning.h $(ARCHCORE)$(DBG)libperl$(OLB) $(ARCHCORE)perlshr_attr.opt
-ac10 = $(ARCHCORE)$(DBG)perlshr_bld.opt
-ac11 = $(ARCHCORE)cc_runtime.h
-.ifdef SOCKET
-acs = $(ARCHCORE)$(SOCKH)
-acs =
+c0 = $(MALLOC_C) $(SOCKC) av.c deb.c doio.c doop.c dump.c globals.c gv.c
+c1 = hv.c mg.c miniperlmain.c op.c perl.c perlio.c perly.c pp.c pp_ctl.c
+c2 = pp_hot.c pp_sys.c regcomp.c regexec.c run.c scope.c sockadapt.c sv.c
+c3 = taint.c toke.c universal.c utf8.c util.c vms.c
+c = $(c0) $(c1) $(c2) $(c3)
+obj0 = $(MALLOC_O) $(SOCKOBJ) av$(O) deb$(O) doio$(O) doop$(O) dump$(O)
+obj1 = globals$(O) gv$(O) hv$(O) mg$(O) miniperlmain$(O) op$(O) perl$(O)
+obj2 = perlio$(O) perly$(O) pp$(O) pp_ctl$(O) pp_hot$(O) pp_sys$(O)
+obj3 = regcomp$(O) regexec$(O) run$(O) scope$(O) sockadapt$(O) sv$(O)
+obj4 = taint$(O) toke$(O) universal$(O) utf8$(O) util$(O) vms$(O)
+obj = $(obj0) $(obj1) $(obj2) $(obj3) $(obj4)
+h0 = $(SOCKH) av.h cc_runtime.h config.h cop.h cv.h embed.h embedvar.h
+h1 = extern.h $(THREADH) form.h gv.h handy.h hv.h intern.h intrpvar.h
+h2 = iperlsys.h keywords.h mg.h nostdio.h op.h opcode.h patchlevel.h perl.h
+h3 = perlio.h perlsdio.h perlvars.h perly.h pp.h pp_proto.h proto.h
+h4 = regcomp.h regexp.h regnodes.h scope.h sv.h thrdvar.h
+h5 = thread.h utf8.h util.h vmsish.h warnings.h xsub.h opnames.h
+h = $(h0) $(h1) $(h2) $(h3) $(h4) $(h5)
+ac0 = $(SOCKARCH) $(ARCHCORE)av.h $(ARCHCORE)cc_runtime.h
+ac1 = $(ARCHCORE)config.h $(ARCHCORE)cop.h $(ARCHCORE)cv.h $(ARCHCORE)embed.h
+ac2 = $(ARCHCORE)embedvar.h $(ARCHCORE)extern.h $(acth)
+ac3 = $(ARCHCORE)form.h $(ARCHCORE)gv.h $(ARCHCORE)handy.h $(ARCHCORE)hv.h
+ac4 = $(ARCHCORE)intern.h $(ARCHCORE)intrpvar.h $(ARCHCORE)iperlsys.h
+ac5 = $(ARCHCORE)keywords.h $(ARCHCORE)mg.h $(ARCHCORE)nostdio.h
+ac6 = $(ARCHCORE)op.h $(ARCHCORE)opcode.h $(ARCHCORE)patchlevel.h
+ac7 = $(ARCHCORE)perl.h $(ARCHCORE)perlio.h $(ARCHCORE)perlsdio.h
+ac8 = $(ARCHCORE)perlvars.h $(ARCHCORE)perly.h $(ARCHCORE)pp.h
+ac9 = $(ARCHCORE)pp_proto.h $(ARCHCORE)proto.h $(ARCHCORE)regcomp.h
+ac10 = $(ARCHCORE)regexp.h $(ARCHCORE)regnodes.h $(ARCHCORE)scope.h
+ac11 = $(ARCHCORE)sv.h $(ARCHCORE)thrdvar.h $(ARCHCORE)opnames.h
+ac12 = $(ARCHCORE)thread.h $(ARCHCORE)utf8.h $(ARCHCORE)util.h
+ac13 = $(ARCHCORE)vmsish.h $(ARCHCORE)warnings.h $(ARCHCORE)xsub.h
+ac = $(ac0) $(ac1) $(ac2) $(ac3) $(ac4) $(ac5) $(ac6) $(ac7) $(ac8) $(ac9) $(ac10) $(ac11) $(ac12) $(ac13)
CRTL = []crtl.opt
CRTLOPTS =,$(CRTL)/Options
@@ -395,7 +391,6 @@ $(DBG)libperl$(OLB) : $(obj)
perlmain.c : miniperlmain.c $(MINIPERL_EXE) [.vms]
.ifdef __DEBUG__
# Link an extra perl that doesn't invoke the debugger
perl : $(DBG)perl$(E)
@@ -528,7 +523,7 @@ dynext : $(LIBPREREQ) $(DBG)perlshr$(E)
# Accomodate buggy cpp in some version of DECC, which chokes on illegal
# filespec "", and broken gcc cpp, which doesn't start #include ""
# search in same dir as source file
-[.x2p]a2p$(O) : [.x2p]a2p.c $(MINIPERL_EXE)
+[.x2p]a2p$(O) : [.x2p]a2p.c [.x2p]a2py.c [.x2p]INTERN.h [.x2p]a2p.h [.x2p]hash.h [.x2p]str.h config.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) $(MINIPERL_EXE)
$(MINIPERL) -pe "s/^#line\s+(\d+)\s+\Q""""/#line $1 ""y_tab.c""/;" $(MMS$SOURCE) >$(MMS$TARGET_NAME)_vms.c
$(CC) $(X2PCFLAGS) /Object=$(MMS$TARGET)/Include=([.x2p],[]) $(MMS$TARGET_NAME)_vms.c
Delete/Log/NoConfirm $(MMS$TARGET_NAME)_vms.c;
@@ -738,7 +733,7 @@ printconfig :
vmsish.h : $(SOCKH)
-$(SOCKOBJ) : $(SOCKC) EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h perlio.h
+$(SOCKOBJ) : $(SOCKC) EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h opnames.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h perlio.h
$(SOCKC) : [.vms]$(SOCKC)
Copy/Log/NoConfirm [.vms]$(SOCKC) []$(SOCKC)
@@ -750,10 +745,20 @@ $(SOCKH) : [.vms]$(SOCKH)
Copy/Log/NoConfirm $(MMS$SOURCE) $(MMS$TARGET)
-# The following three header files are generated automatically
-# keywords.h :
-# opcode.h :
-# embed.h : global.sym interp.sym
+# The following files are generated automatically
+# keywords.h:
+# opcode.h:
+# opnames.h:
+# pp_proto.h:
+# pp.sym:
+# embed.h: [* needs pp.sym generated by! *]
+# embedvar.h: [* needs pp.sym generated by! *]
+# ext/ByteLoader/byterun.h:
+# ext/ByteLoader/byterun.c:
+# ext/B/
+# global.sym:
+# regnodes.h:
+# warnings.h lib/
# The correct versions should be already supplied with the perl kit,
# in case you don't have perl available.
# To force them to run, type
@@ -764,7 +769,7 @@ regen_headers :
# VMS uses modified perly.[ch] with tags for globaldefs if using DEC compiler
perly.c : [.vms]perly_c.vms
@@ -806,16 +811,15 @@ archify : all
# CORE subset for MakeMaker, so we can build Perl without sources
# Should move to VMS installperl when we get one
- @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+.ifdef SOCKET
+$(ARCHCORE)$(sockh) : $(sockh)
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)av.h : av.h
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
-$(ARCHCORE)av.h : av.h
+$(ARCHCORE)cc_runtime.h : cc_runtime.h
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
$(ARCHCORE)config.h : config.h
@@ -824,9 +828,6 @@ $(ARCHCORE)config.h : config.h
$(ARCHCORE)cop.h : cop.h
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
-$(ARCHCORE)cc_runtime.h : cc_runtime.h
- @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
$(ARCHCORE)cv.h : cv.h
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
@@ -836,6 +837,9 @@ $(ARCHCORE)embed.h : embed.h
$(ARCHCORE)embedvar.h : embedvar.h
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)extern.h : extern.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
$(ARCHCORE)fakethr.h : fakethr.h
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
@@ -853,36 +857,45 @@ $(ARCHCORE)handy.h : handy.h
$(ARCHCORE)hv.h : hv.h
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)intern.h : intern.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
$(ARCHCORE)intrpvar.h : intrpvar.h
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)iperlsys.h : iperlsys.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
$(ARCHCORE)keywords.h : keywords.h
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
$(ARCHCORE)mg.h : mg.h
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)nostdio.h : nostdio.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
$(ARCHCORE)op.h : op.h
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
$(ARCHCORE)opcode.h : opcode.h
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)opnames.h : opnames.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
$(ARCHCORE)patchlevel.h : patchlevel.h
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
$(ARCHCORE)perl.h : perl.h
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
-$(ARCHCORE)iperlsys.h : iperlsys.h
+$(ARCHCORE)perlio.h : perlio.h
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
$(ARCHCORE)perlsdio.h : perlsdio.h
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
-$(ARCHCORE)perlio.h : perlio.h
- @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
$(ARCHCORE)perlvars.h : perlvars.h
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
@@ -904,6 +917,9 @@ $(ARCHCORE)regcomp.h : regcomp.h
$(ARCHCORE)regexp.h : regexp.h
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
+$(ARCHCORE)regnodes.h : regnodes.h
+ @ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
$(ARCHCORE)scope.h : scope.h
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
@@ -916,23 +932,21 @@ $(ARCHCORE)thrdvar.h : thrdvar.h
$(ARCHCORE)thread.h : thread.h
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
-$(ARCHCORE)util.h : util.h
+$(ARCHCORE)utf8.h : utf8.h
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
-$(ARCHCORE)utf8.h : utf8.h
+$(ARCHCORE)util.h : util.h
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
$(ARCHCORE)vmsish.h : vmsish.h
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
-$(ARCHCORE)warning.h : warning.h
+$(ARCHCORE)warnings.h : warnings.h
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
-.ifdef SOCKET
+$(ARCHCORE)xsub.h : xsub.h
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
$(ARCHCORE)$(DBG)libperl$(OLB) : $(DBG)libperl$(OLB) $(DBG)perlshr_xtras.ts
@ If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)CORE.dir").eqs."" Then Create/Directory $(ARCHCORE)
@@ -953,112 +967,81 @@ $(ARCHAUTO)time.stamp :
#util$(O) : util.c
-av$(O) : av.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+.ifdef SOCKET
+$(SOCKOBJ) : $(SOCKC) extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h
-deb$(O) : deb.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+av$(O) : av.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h
-doio$(O) : doio.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+deb$(O) : deb.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h
-doop$(O) : doop.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+doio$(O) : doio.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h
-dump$(O) : dump.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+doop$(O) : doop.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h
-globals$(O) : globals.c INTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+dump$(O) : dump.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h regcomp.h regnodes.h
-gv$(O) : gv.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+globals$(O) : globals.c intern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h
-hv$(O) : hv.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+gv$(O) : gv.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h
-malloc$(O) : malloc.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+hv$(O) : hv.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h
-mg$(O) : mg.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+mg$(O) : mg.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h
-miniperlmain$(O) : miniperlmain.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+miniperlmain$(O) : miniperlmain.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h
-op$(O) : op.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+op$(O) : op.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h
-perl$(O) : perl.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h patchlevel.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+perl$(O) : perl.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h
-perlio$(O) : perlio.c config.h EXTERN.h perl.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+perlio$(O) : perlio.c config.h extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h
-perlmain$(O) : perlmain.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+perlmain$(O) : perlmain.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h
-perly$(O) : perly.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+perly$(O) : perly.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h
-pp$(O) : pp.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+pp$(O) : pp.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h
-pp_ctl$(O) : pp_ctl.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+pp_ctl$(O) : pp_ctl.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h
-pp_hot$(O) : pp_hot.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+pp_hot$(O) : pp_hot.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h
-pp_sys$(O) : pp_sys.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+pp_sys$(O) : pp_sys.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h
-regcomp$(O) : regcomp.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h INTERN.h regcomp.h regnodes.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+regcomp$(O) : regcomp.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h intern.h regcomp.h regnodes.h
-regexec$(O) : regexec.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h regcomp.h regnodes.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+regexec$(O) : regexec.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h regcomp.h regnodes.h
-run$(O) : run.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+run$(O) : run.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h
-scope$(O) : scope.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+scope$(O) : scope.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h
-sv$(O) : sv.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+sv$(O) : sv.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h
-taint$(O) : taint.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+taint$(O) : taint.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h
-toke$(O) : toke.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h keywords.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+toke$(O) : toke.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h keywords.h
-universal$(O) : universal.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h XSUB.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+universal$(O) : universal.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h xsub.h
-utf8$(O) : utf8.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+utf8$(O) : utf8.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h
-util$(O) : util.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+util$(O) : util.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h
-vms$(O) : vms.c EXTERN.h perl.h config.h embed.h perlsdio.h handy.h vmsish.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h opcode.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h embedvar.h perlvars.h thrdvar.h intrpvar.h XSUB.h iperlsys.h pp_proto.h warning.h
+vms$(O) : vms.c extern.h perl.h config.h embed.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH) iperlsys.h perlsdio.h regexp.h sv.h util.h form.h gv.h cv.h op.h cop.h av.h hv.h mg.h scope.h warnings.h utf8.h perly.h thread.h pp.h proto.h pp_proto.h opcode.h opnames.h embedvar.h intrpvar.h thrdvar.h perlvars.h patchlevel.h xsub.h
-#[.x2p]a2p$(O) : [.x2p]a2p.c [.x2p]a2py.c [.x2p]INTERN.h [.x2p]a2p.h [.x2p]hash.h [.x2p]str.h config.h handy.h
-[.x2p]hash$(O) : [.x2p]hash.c [.x2p]EXTERN.h [.x2p]a2p.h [.x2p]hash.h [.x2p]str.h [.x2p]util.h config.h handy.h
+[.x2p]hash$(O) : [.x2p]hash.c [.x2p]EXTERN.h [.x2p]a2p.h [.x2p]hash.h [.x2p]str.h [.x2p]util.h config.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH)
-[.x2p]str$(O) : [.x2p]str.c [.x2p]EXTERN.h [.x2p]a2p.h [.x2p]hash.h [.x2p]str.h [.x2p]util.h config.h handy.h
+[.x2p]str$(O) : [.x2p]str.c [.x2p]EXTERN.h [.x2p]a2p.h [.x2p]hash.h [.x2p]str.h [.x2p]util.h config.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH)
-[.x2p]util$(O) : [.x2p]util.c [.x2p]EXTERN.h [.x2p]INTERN.h [.x2p]a2p.h [.x2p]hash.h [.x2p]str.h [.x2p]util.h config.h handy.h
+[.x2p]util$(O) : [.x2p]util.c [.x2p]EXTERN.h [.x2p]INTERN.h [.x2p]a2p.h [.x2p]hash.h [.x2p]str.h [.x2p]util.h config.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH)
-[.x2p]walk$(O) : [.x2p]walk.c [.x2p]EXTERN.h [.x2p]a2p.h [.x2p]hash.h [.x2p]str.h [.x2p]util.h config.h handy.h
+[.x2p]walk$(O) : [.x2p]walk.c [.x2p]EXTERN.h [.x2p]a2p.h [.x2p]hash.h [.x2p]str.h [.x2p]util.h config.h handy.h vmsish.h $(SOCKH)
# End of automatically generated make dependencies
@@ -1121,7 +1104,9 @@ clean : tidy
- If F$Search(F$Parse("Sys$Disk:[]","$(SOCKH)")).nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log $(SOCKH);*
- If F$Search(F$Parse("Sys$Disk:[]","$(SOCKC)")).nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log $(SOCKC);*
- If F$Search("perly.c").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log perly.c;*
+ - Copy [.vms]perly_c.vms []perly.c
- If F$Search("perly.h").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log perly.h;*
+ - Copy [.vms]perly_h.vms []perly.h
- If F$Search("VMSish.H").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log VMSish.H;*
- If F$Search("VMS.C") .nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log VMS.C;*
- If F$Search("Perlmain.C") .nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log Perlmain.C;*
@@ -1129,6 +1114,7 @@ clean : tidy
- If F$Search("*.TS").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log *.TS;*
- If F$Search("[.Ext.DynaLoader]DL_VMS$(O)").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.Ext.DynaLoader]DL_VMS$(O);*
- If F$Search("[.Ext.DynaLoader]DL_VMS.C").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.Ext.DynaLoader]DL_VMS.C;*
+ - If F$Search("[.Ext.DynaLoader]").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.Ext.DynaLoader];*
- If F$Search("[.Ext.Socket]Socket$(O)").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.Ext.Socket]Socket$(O);*
- If F$Search("[.Ext.Socket]Socket.C").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.Ext.Socket]Socket.C;*
- If F$Search("[.VMS.Ext...]*.C").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.VMS.Ext...]*.C;*
@@ -1141,6 +1127,7 @@ realclean : clean
- If F$Search("*.Opt").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log *.Opt;*
- If F$Search("Config.H").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log Config.H;*
- If F$Search("Config.SH").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log Config.SH;*
+ - $(MINIPERL) -e "use File::Path; rmtree(\@ARGV,1,0);" config
- If F$Search("Descrip.MMS").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log Descrip.MMS;*
- If F$Search("Build_Ext.Com").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log Build_Ext.Com;*
- $(MINIPERL) -e "use File::Path; rmtree(['lib/auto','lib/VMS','lib/$(ARCH)'],1,0);"
@@ -1148,6 +1135,7 @@ realclean : clean
- If F$Search("[.Lib]").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.Lib];*
- If F$Search("[.Lib]").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.Lib];*
- If F$Search("[.Lib]*.com").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.Lib]*.com;*
+ - If F$Search("[.pod]*.com").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.pod]*.com;*
- If F$Search("[.utils]*.com").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.utils]*.com;*
- If F$Search("[.x2p]*.com").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.x2p]*.com;*
- If F$Search("$(ARCHDIR)").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log $(ARCHDIR);*
@@ -1158,6 +1146,7 @@ realclean : clean
- If F$Search("[.lib.pod]pod2*.com").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.lib.pod]pod2*.com;*
- If F$Search("[.t.lib]vms*.t").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.t.lib]vms*.t;*
- If F$Search("[...]*$(E)").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [...]*$(E);*
+ - If F$Search("[.vms]Perl_Setup.Com").nes."" Then Delete/NoConfirm/Log [.vms]Perl_Setup.Com;*
cleansrc : clean
diff --git a/vms/ b/vms/
index ef76a683e6..caba95c04b 100644
--- a/vms/
+++ b/vms/
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ sub scan_func {
my($line) = @_;
print "\tchecking for global routine\n" if $debug > 1;
- if ( $line =~ /(\w+)\s+\(/ ) {
+ if ( $line =~ /(\w+)\s*\(/ ) {
print "\troutine name is \\$1\\\n" if $debug > 1;
if ($1 eq 'main' || $1 eq 'perl_init_ext') {
print "\tskipped\n" if $debug > 1;
@@ -199,13 +199,6 @@ sub scan_func {
-foreach (<FUNCS>) {
- chomp;
- next unless /(perl_\w+)/i;
- $fcns{uc($1)}++;
# Go add some right up front if we need 'em
if ($use_mymalloc) {
@@ -214,8 +207,6 @@ if ($use_mymalloc) {
-delete $fcns{PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL} if exists $fcns{PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL};
$used_expectation_enum = $used_opcode_enum = 0; # avoid warnings
if ($docc) {
open(CPP,"${cc_cmd}/NoObj/PreProc=Sys\$Output ${dir}perl.h|")
@@ -318,21 +309,6 @@ if ($isvax) {
print MAR "\t.title perlshr_gbl$marord\n";
-($ver, $sub) = $] =~ /\.(\d\d\d)(\d\d)/;
-$gsmatch = ($sub >= 50) ? "equal" : "lequal"; # Force an equal match for
- # dev, but be more forgiving
- # for releases
-# Build up a major ID. Since it can only be 8 bits, we encode the version
-# number in the top four bits and use the bottom four for build options
-# that'll cause incompatibilities
-$ver *=16;
-$ver += 8 if $debugging_enabled; # If DEBUGGING is set
-$ver += 4 if $use_threads; # if we're threaded
-$ver += 2 if $use_mymalloc; # if we're using perl's malloc
-print OPTBLD "GSMATCH=$gsmatch,$ver,$sub\n";
unless ($isgcc) {
@@ -418,9 +394,26 @@ if ($isvax) {
# Initial hack to permit building of compatible shareable images for a
# given version of Perl.
- my $major = int($] * 1000) & 0xFF; # range 0..255
- my $minor = int(($] * 1000 - $major) * 100 + 0.5) & 0xFF; # range 0..255
- print OPTBLD "GSMATCH=LEQUAL,$major,$minor\n";
+ # Build up a major ID. Since it can only be 8 bits, we encode the version
+ # number in the top four bits and use the bottom four for build options
+ # that'll cause incompatibilities
+ ($ver, $sub) = $] =~ /\.(\d\d\d)(\d\d)/;
+ $gsmatch = ($sub >= 50) ? "equal" : "lequal"; # Force an equal match for
+ # dev, but be more forgiving
+ # for releases
+ $ver *=16;
+ $ver += 8 if $debugging_enabled; # If DEBUGGING is set
+ $ver += 4 if $use_threads; # if we're threaded
+ $ver += 2 if $use_mymalloc; # if we're using perl's malloc
+ print OPTBLD "GSMATCH=$gsmatch,$ver,$sub\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ my $major = int($] * 1000) & 0xFF; # range 0..255
+ my $minor = int(($] * 1000 - $major) * 100 + 0.5) & 0xFF; # range 0..255
+ print OPTBLD "GSMATCH=LEQUAL,$major,$minor\n";
+ }
map(",$_$objsuffix",@symfiles), "\n";
diff --git a/vms/perly_c.vms b/vms/perly_c.vms
index ad94f1e3ee..08fa561bee 100644
--- a/vms/perly_c.vms
+++ b/vms/perly_c.vms
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ typedef union {
#define YYLEX_PARAM (&yychar)
-#line 52 "perly.c"
+#line 51 "perly.c"
#define YYERRCODE 256
static short yylhs[] = { -1,
50, 0, 8, 6, 9, 7, 10, 10, 10, 11,
@@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ static char *yyrule[] = {
#define yyparse() Perl_yyparse(pTHX)
-#line 1372 "perly.c"
+#line 1371 "perly.c"
#define YYABORT goto yyabort
#define YYACCEPT goto yyaccept
#define YYERROR goto yyerrlab
@@ -2410,7 +2410,7 @@ case 193:
#line 723 "perly.y"
{ yyval.opval = yyvsp[0].opval; }
-#line 2414 "perly.c"
+#line 2412 "perly.c"
yyssp -= yym;
yystate = *yyssp;
diff --git a/vms/ b/vms/
index 86f4c36319..2c7b240c0e 100644
--- a/vms/
+++ b/vms/
@@ -120,6 +120,34 @@ $ perl_d_sendmsg = "undef"
$ perl_d_recvmsg = "undef"
$ perl_d_msghdr_s = "undef"
$ perl_d_cmsghdr_s = "undef"
+$ perl_d_dbminit64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_dbmclose64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_fetch64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_store64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_delete64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_firstkey64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_nextkey64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_fstat64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_ftruncate64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_lseek64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_lstat64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_open64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_opendir64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_readdir64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_seekdir64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_stat64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_telldir64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_truncate64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_dirent64_s = "undef"
+$ perl_d_fgetpos64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_fopen64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_freopen64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_fseek64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_fseeko64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_fsetpos64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_ftell64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_ftello64 = "undef"
+$ perl_d_tmpfile64 = "undef"
$ IF use_64bit .eqs. "Y"
$ perl_use64bits = "define"
@@ -320,7 +348,6 @@ $ perl_d_chown="define"
$ perl_d_chroot="undef"
$ perl_d_cuserid="define"
$ perl_d_dbl_dig="define"
-$ perl_d_ldbl_dig="define"
$ perl_d_difftime="define"
$ perl_d_fork="undef"
$ perl_d_getlogin="define"
@@ -444,7 +471,6 @@ $ perl_sPRIu64 = ""
$ perl_sPRIo64 = ""
$ perl_sPRIx64 = ""
-$ perl_d_llsekk="undef"
$! Now some that we build up
@@ -1184,42 +1210,6 @@ $ perl_d_off64_t="define"
$ WRITE_RESULT "d_off64_t is ''perl_d_off64_t'"
-$! Check to see if fpos64_t exists
-$ OS
-$ WS "#ifdef __DECC
-$ WS "#include <stdlib.h>
-$ WS "#endif
-$ WS "#include <stdio.h>
-$ WS "#include <types.h>
-$ WS "#''perl_i_inttypes IIH
-$ WS "#ifdef IIH
-$ WS "#include <inttypes.h>
-$ WS "#endif
-$ WS "#include <unistd.h>
-$ WS "int main()
-$ WS "{"
-$ WS "fpos64_t bar;
-$ WS "exit(0);
-$ WS "}"
-$ CS
-$ on error then continue
-$ on warning then continue
-$ 'Checkcc' temp.c
-$ teststatus = f$extract(9,1,$status)
-$ if (teststatus.nes."1")
-$! Okay, fpos64_t failed. Must not exist
-$ perl_d_fpos64_t = "undef"
-$ perl_d_fpos64_t="define"
-$ WRITE_RESULT "d_fpos64_t is ''perl_d_fpos64_t'"
$! Check to see if gethostname exists
$ if ("''Has_Dec_C_Sockets'".eqs."T").or.("''Has_Socketshr'".eqs."T")
@@ -3312,7 +3302,6 @@ $ WC "d_chown='" + perl_d_chown + "'"
$ WC "d_chroot='" + perl_d_chroot + "'"
$ WC "d_cuserid='" + perl_d_cuserid + "'"
$ WC "d_dbl_dig='" + perl_d_dbl_dig + "'"
-$ WC "d_ldbl_dig='" + perl_d_dbl_dig + "'"
$ WC "d_difftime='" + perl_d_difftime + "'"
$ WC "d_fork='" + perl_d_fork + "'"
$ WC "d_getlogin='" + perl_d_getlogin + "'"
@@ -3505,12 +3494,39 @@ $ WC "d_readv='" + perl_d_readv + "'"
$ WC "d_writev='" + perl_d_writev + "'"
$ WC "i_machcthr='" + perl_i_machcthr + "'"
$ WC "usemultiplicity='" + perl_usemultiplicity + "'"
+$ WC "d_dbminit64='" + perl_d_dbminit64 + "'"
+$ WC "d_dbmclose64='" + perl_d_dbmclose64 + "'"
+$ WC "d_fetch64='" + perl_d_fetch64 + "'"
+$ WC "d_store64='" + perl_d_store64 + "'"
+$ WC "d_delete64='" + perl_d_delete64 + "'"
+$ WC "d_firstkey64='" + perl_d_firstkey64 + "'"
+$ WC "d_nextkey64='" + perl_d_nextkey64 + "'"
$ WC "i_poll='" + perl_i_poll + "'"
$ WC "i_inttypes='" + perl_i_inttypes + "'"
$ WC "d_int64t='" + perl_d_int64t + "'"
$ WC "d_off64_t='" + perl_d_off64_t + "'"
-$ WC "d_fpos64_t='" + perl_d_fpos64_t + "'"
+$ WC "d_fstat64='" + perl_d_fstat64 + "'"
+$ WC "d_ftruncate64='" + perl_d_ftruncate64 + "'"
+$ WC "d_lseek64='" + perl_d_lseek64 + "'"
+$ WC "d_lstat64='" + perl_d_lstat64 + "'"
+$ WC "d_open64='" + perl_d_open64 + "'"
+$ WC "d_opendir64='" + perl_d_opendir64 + "'"
+$ WC "d_readdir64='" + perl_d_readdir64 + "'"
+$ WC "d_seekdir64='" + perl_d_seekdir64 + "'"
+$ WC "d_stat64='" + perl_d_stat64 + "'"
+$ WC "d_telldir64='" + perl_d_telldir64 + "'"
+$ WC "d_truncate64='" + perl_d_truncate64 + "'"
+$ WC "d_dirent64_s='" + perl_d_dirent64_s + "'"
$ WC "use64bits='" + perl_use64bits + "'"
+$ WC "d_fgetpos64='" + perl_d_fgetpos64 + "'"
+$ WC "d_fopen64='" + perl_d_fopen64 + "'"
+$ WC "d_freopen64='" + perl_d_freopen64 + "'"
+$ WC "d_fseek64='" + perl_d_fseek64 + "'"
+$ WC "d_fseeko64='" + perl_d_fseeko64 + "'"
+$ WC "d_fsetpos64='" + perl_d_fsetpos64 + "'"
+$ WC "d_ftell64='" + perl_d_ftell64 + "'"
+$ WC "d_ftello64='" + perl_d_ftello64 + "'"
+$ WC "d_tmpfile64='" + perl_d_tmpfile64 + "'"
$ WC "d_drand48proto='" + perl_d_drand48proto + "'"
$ WC "d_old_pthread_create_joinable='" + perl_d_old_pthread_create_joinable + "'"
$ WC "old_pthread_create_joinable='" + perl_old_pthread_create_joinable + "'"
@@ -3569,14 +3585,13 @@ $ WC "sPRId64='" + perl_sPRId64 + "'"
$ WC "sPRIu64='" + perl_sPRIu64 + "'"
$ WC "sPRIo64='" + perl_sPRIo64 + "'"
$ WC "sPRIx64='" + perl_sPRIx64 + "'"
-$ WC "d_llseek='" + perl_d_llseek + "'"
$! Okay, we've gotten here. Build munchconfig and run it
-$ 'Perl_CC'/debug munchconfig.c
+$ 'Perl_CC' munchconfig.c
$ If (Needs_Opt.eqs."Yes")
$ open/write OPTCHAN []munchconfig.opt
diff --git a/vms/vms.c b/vms/vms.c
index 29634a59b3..ab24000153 100644
--- a/vms/vms.c
+++ b/vms/vms.c
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
* VMS-specific routines for perl5
- * Last revised: 24-Apr-1999 by Charles Bailey
- * Version: 5.5.58
+ * Last revised: 15-Aug-1999 by Charles Bailey
+ * Version: 5.5.60
#include <acedef.h>
@@ -95,6 +95,10 @@ static bool will_taint = FALSE; /* tainting active, but no PL_curinterp yet */
/* munching */
static int no_translate_barewords;
+/* True if we shouldn't treat barewords as logicals during directory */
+/* munching */
+static int no_translate_barewords;
/*{{{int vmstrnenv(const char *lnm, char *eqv, unsigned long int idx, struct dsc$descriptor_s **tabvec, unsigned long int flags) */
vmstrnenv(const char *lnm, char *eqv, unsigned long int idx,
diff --git a/vms/vmsish.h b/vms/vmsish.h
index 1f7e2c93fa..261a506987 100644
--- a/vms/vmsish.h
+++ b/vms/vmsish.h
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@
/* getenv used for regular logical names */
# define getenv(v) my_getenv(v,TRUE)
-#if defined(getenv_len)
-#undef getenv_len
+#ifdef getenv_len
+# undef getenv_len
#define getenv_len(v,l) my_getenv_len(v,l,TRUE)