diff options
authorJarkko Hietaniemi <>2001-06-11 17:55:47 +0000
committerJarkko Hietaniemi <>2001-06-11 17:55:47 +0000
commit3229381570cd559d546c04f62dc3e86718ceccd8 (patch)
parentfd71b04b8dfd287735727332d78eb1f4dd10bbbf (diff)
Move the full \p\P lists to perlunicode.
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@10520
2 files changed, 173 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/pod/perlretut.pod b/pod/perlretut.pod
index 2960950065..77e99429aa 100644
--- a/pod/perlretut.pod
+++ b/pod/perlretut.pod
@@ -1746,72 +1746,11 @@ C<\P>, like C<\p{L}> for Unicode 'letters', or C<\p{Lu}> for uppercase
letters, or C<\P{Nd}> for non-digits. If a C<name> is just one
letter, the braces can be dropped. For instance, C<\pM> is the
character class of Unicode 'marks', for example accent marks.
-Here is the list as of Unicode 3.1.0 (the two-letter classes) and
-Perl 5.8.0 (the one-letter classes):
- L Letter
- Lu Letter, Uppercase
- Ll Letter, Lowercase
- Lt Letter, Titlecase
- Lm Letter, Modifier
- Lo Letter, Other
- M Mark
- Mn Mark, Non-Spacing
- Mc Mark, Spacing Combining
- Me Mark, Enclosing
- N Number
- Nd Number, Decimal Digit
- Nl Number, Letter
- No Number, Other
- P Punctuation
- Pc Punctuation, Connector
- Pd Punctuation, Dash
- Ps Punctuation, Open
- Pe Punctuation, Close
- Pi Punctuation, Initial quote
- (may behave like Ps or Pe depending on usage)
- Pf Punctuation, Final quote
- (may behave like Ps or Pe depending on usage)
- Po Punctuation, Other
- S Symbol
- Sm Symbol, Math
- Sc Symbol, Currency
- Sk Symbol, Modifier
- So Symbol, Other
- Z Separator
- Zs Separator, Space
- Zl Separator, Line
- Zp Separator, Paragraph
- C Other
- Cc Other, Control
- Cf Other, Format
- Cs Other, Surrogate
- Co Other, Private Use
- Cn Other, Not Assigned (Unicode defines no Cn characters)
-Additionally, because scripts differ in their directionality
-(for example Hebrew is written right to left), all characters
-have their directionality defined:
- BidiL Left-to-Right
- BidiLRE Left-to-Right Embedding
- BidiLRO Left-to-Right Override
- BidiR Right-to-Left
- BidiAL Right-to-Left Arabic
- BidiRLE Right-to-Left Embedding
- BidiRLO Right-to-Left Override
- BidiPDF Pop Directional Format
- BidiEN European Number
- BidiES European Number Separator
- BidiET European Number Terminator
- BidiAN Arabic Number
- BidiCS Common Number Separator
- BidiNSM Non-Spacing Mark
- BidiBN Boundary Neutral
- BidiB Paragraph Separator
- BidiS Segment Separator
- BidiWS Whitespace
- BidiON Other Neutrals
+For the full list see L<perlunicode>.
+The Unicode has also been separated into blocks of charaters which you
+can test with C<\p{InBlock}> and C<\P{InBlock}>, for example C<\p{InGreek}>
+and C<\P{InKatakana}. For the full list see L<perlunicode>.
For the the full and latest information see the latest Unicode standard.
diff --git a/pod/perlunicode.pod b/pod/perlunicode.pod
index 12bee5c7a3..d629cabe9f 100644
--- a/pod/perlunicode.pod
+++ b/pod/perlunicode.pod
@@ -165,6 +165,173 @@ names of the C<In> classes are the official Unicode block names but
with all non-alphanumeric characters removed, for example the block
name C<"Latin-1 Supplement"> becomes C<\p{InLatin1Supplement}>.
+Here is the list as of Unicode 3.1.0 (the two-letter classes) and
+Perl 5.8.0 (the one-letter classes):
+ L Letter
+ Lu Letter, Uppercase
+ Ll Letter, Lowercase
+ Lt Letter, Titlecase
+ Lm Letter, Modifier
+ Lo Letter, Other
+ M Mark
+ Mn Mark, Non-Spacing
+ Mc Mark, Spacing Combining
+ Me Mark, Enclosing
+ N Number
+ Nd Number, Decimal Digit
+ Nl Number, Letter
+ No Number, Other
+ P Punctuation
+ Pc Punctuation, Connector
+ Pd Punctuation, Dash
+ Ps Punctuation, Open
+ Pe Punctuation, Close
+ Pi Punctuation, Initial quote
+ (may behave like Ps or Pe depending on usage)
+ Pf Punctuation, Final quote
+ (may behave like Ps or Pe depending on usage)
+ Po Punctuation, Other
+ S Symbol
+ Sm Symbol, Math
+ Sc Symbol, Currency
+ Sk Symbol, Modifier
+ So Symbol, Other
+ Z Separator
+ Zs Separator, Space
+ Zl Separator, Line
+ Zp Separator, Paragraph
+ C Other
+ Cc Other, Control
+ Cf Other, Format
+ Cs Other, Surrogate
+ Co Other, Private Use
+ Cn Other, Not Assigned (Unicode defines no Cn characters)
+Additionally, because scripts differ in their directionality
+(for example Hebrew is written right to left), all characters
+have their directionality defined:
+ BidiL Left-to-Right
+ BidiLRE Left-to-Right Embedding
+ BidiLRO Left-to-Right Override
+ BidiR Right-to-Left
+ BidiAL Right-to-Left Arabic
+ BidiRLE Right-to-Left Embedding
+ BidiRLO Right-to-Left Override
+ BidiPDF Pop Directional Format
+ BidiEN European Number
+ BidiES European Number Separator
+ BidiET European Number Terminator
+ BidiAN Arabic Number
+ BidiCS Common Number Separator
+ BidiNSM Non-Spacing Mark
+ BidiBN Boundary Neutral
+ BidiB Paragraph Separator
+ BidiS Segment Separator
+ BidiWS Whitespace
+ BidiON Other Neutrals
+The blocks available for C<\p{InBlock}> and C<\P{InBlock}>, for
+example \p{InCyrillic>, are as follows:
+ BasicLatin
+ Latin1Supplement
+ LatinExtendedA
+ LatinExtendedB
+ IPAExtensions
+ SpacingModifierLetters
+ CombiningDiacriticalMarks
+ Greek
+ Cyrillic
+ Armenian
+ Hebrew
+ Arabic
+ Syriac
+ Thaana
+ Devanagari
+ Bengali
+ Gurmukhi
+ Gujarati
+ Oriya
+ Tamil
+ Telugu
+ Kannada
+ Malayalam
+ Sinhala
+ Thai
+ Lao
+ Tibetan
+ Myanmar
+ Georgian
+ HangulJamo
+ Ethiopic
+ Cherokee
+ UnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics
+ Ogham
+ Runic
+ Khmer
+ Mongolian
+ LatinExtendedAdditional
+ GreekExtended
+ GeneralPunctuation
+ SuperscriptsandSubscripts
+ CurrencySymbols
+ CombiningMarksforSymbols
+ LetterlikeSymbols
+ NumberForms
+ Arrows
+ MathematicalOperators
+ MiscellaneousTechnical
+ ControlPictures
+ OpticalCharacterRecognition
+ EnclosedAlphanumerics
+ BoxDrawing
+ BlockElements
+ GeometricShapes
+ MiscellaneousSymbols
+ Dingbats
+ BraillePatterns
+ CJKRadicalsSupplement
+ KangxiRadicals
+ IdeographicDescriptionCharacters
+ CJKSymbolsandPunctuation
+ Hiragana
+ Katakana
+ Bopomofo
+ HangulCompatibilityJamo
+ Kanbun
+ BopomofoExtended
+ EnclosedCJKLettersandMonths
+ CJKCompatibility
+ CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA
+ CJKUnifiedIdeographs
+ YiSyllables
+ YiRadicals
+ HangulSyllables
+ HighSurrogates
+ HighPrivateUseSurrogates
+ LowSurrogates
+ PrivateUse
+ CJKCompatibilityIdeographs
+ AlphabeticPresentationForms
+ ArabicPresentationFormsA
+ CombiningHalfMarks
+ CJKCompatibilityForms
+ SmallFormVariants
+ ArabicPresentationFormsB
+ Specials
+ HalfwidthandFullwidthForms
+ OldItalic
+ Gothic
+ Deseret
+ ByzantineMusicalSymbols
+ MusicalSymbols
+ MathematicalAlphanumericSymbols
+ CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB
+ CJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement
+ Tags
=item *
The special pattern C<\X> match matches any extended Unicode sequence
@@ -253,6 +420,6 @@ tend to run slower. Avoidance of locales is strongly encouraged.
=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<bytes>, L<utf8>, L<perlvar/"${^WIDE_SYSTEM_CALLS}">
+L<bytes>, L<utf8>, L<perlretut>, L<perlvar/"${^WIDE_SYSTEM_CALLS}">