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authorNicholas Clark <>2009-10-09 21:21:35 +0200
committerNicholas Clark <>2009-10-09 21:21:35 +0200
commitde2b17d81dbb8939363902c2d6a57cdf02642505 (patch)
parent66cad4abfc5d793c52a82bd17877e19bb8276665 (diff)
Refactoring tests to use is a TODO.
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pod/perltodo.pod b/pod/perltodo.pod
index 35193193ba..3dbc923d40 100644
--- a/pod/perltodo.pod
+++ b/pod/perltodo.pod
@@ -26,6 +26,16 @@ programming languages offer you 1 line of immortality?
=head1 Tasks that only need Perl knowledge
+=head2 Migrate t/ from custom TAP generation
+Many tests below F<t/> still generate TAP by "hand", rather than using library
+functions. As explained in L<perlhack/Writing a test>, tests in F<t/> are
+written in a particular way to test that more complex constructions actually
+work before using them routinely. Hence they don't use C<Test::More>, but
+instead there is an intentionally simpler library, F<t/>. However,
+quite a few tests in F<t/> have not been refactored to use it. Refactoring
+any of these tests, one at a time, is a useful thing TODO.
=head2 Automate perldelta generation
The perldelta file accompanying each release summaries the major changes.