diff options
authorSteve Peters <>2006-05-05 16:26:48 +0000
committerSteve Peters <>2006-05-05 16:26:48 +0000
commitf4892442dfa01b3fabfea640ca8f25af35c76aa1 (patch)
parenta59118671308b89f1214a83fc0db2e393a19affb (diff)
These Module::Build tests depended on STDIN. Unfortunately, cron
closes STDIN, so these build failures were only seen while running smokes through cron. p4raw-id: //depot/perl@28108
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Module/Build/t/extend.t b/lib/Module/Build/t/extend.t
index 9a76851a32..2c4a50367a 100644
--- a/lib/Module/Build/t/extend.t
+++ b/lib/Module/Build/t/extend.t
@@ -227,38 +227,41 @@ print "Hello, World!\n";
eval{ $mb->y_n('Prompt?', 'invalid default') };
like $@, qr/Invalid default/, "y_n() requires a default of 'y' or 'n'";
+ SKIP:{
+ skip "No available STDIN", 7 unless -t STDIN;
- eval{ $mb->y_n("# Is this a question?") };
- like $@, qr/ERROR:/, 'Do not allow default-less y_n() for unattended builds';
- eval{ $ans = $mb->prompt('# Is this a question?') };
- like $@, qr/ERROR:/, 'Do not allow default-less prompt() for unattended builds';
+ eval{ $mb->y_n("# Is this a question?") };
+ like $@, qr/ERROR:/, 'Do not allow default-less y_n() for unattended builds';
+ eval{ $ans = $mb->prompt('# Is this a question?') };
+ like $@, qr/ERROR:/, 'Do not allow default-less prompt() for unattended builds';
- $ans = $mb->prompt('# Is this a question?');
- print "\n"; # fake <enter> after input
- is $ans, 'y', "prompt() doesn't require default for interactive builds";
+ $ans = $mb->prompt('# Is this a question?');
+ print "\n"; # fake <enter> after input
+ is $ans, 'y', "prompt() doesn't require default for interactive builds";
- $ans = $mb->y_n('# Say yes');
- print "\n"; # fake <enter> after input
- ok $ans, "y_n() doesn't require default for interactive build";
+ $ans = $mb->y_n('# Say yes');
+ print "\n"; # fake <enter> after input
+ ok $ans, "y_n() doesn't require default for interactive build";
- # Test Defaults
- *{Module::Build::_readline} = sub { '' };
+ # Test Defaults
+ *{Module::Build::_readline} = sub { '' };
- $ans = $mb->prompt("# Is this a question");
- is $ans, '', "default for prompt() without a default is ''";
+ $ans = $mb->prompt("# Is this a question");
+ is $ans, '', "default for prompt() without a default is ''";
- $ans = $mb->prompt("# Is this a question", 'y');
- is $ans, 'y', " prompt() with a default";
+ $ans = $mb->prompt("# Is this a question", 'y');
+ is $ans, 'y', " prompt() with a default";
- $ans = $mb->y_n("# Is this a question", 'y');
- ok $ans, " y_n() with a default";
+ $ans = $mb->y_n("# Is this a question", 'y');
+ ok $ans, " y_n() with a default";
+ }
# cleanup