diff options
authorSteve Hay <>2016-07-16 12:27:05 +0100
committerSteve Hay <>2016-07-16 12:27:05 +0100
commit70219991408146ff5157c1f3139f858ebe5a59d6 (patch)
parent5c48d033fe563470fe91345c27bd76b93a509acd (diff)
Remove boilerplate from perldelta
Also fix the command to generate the Acknowledgements section, which was wrong because the new perldelta had not been created after 5.24.0 was released, so that ended up getting done *after* the version number had been bumped.
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 326 deletions
diff --git a/pod/perldelta.pod b/pod/perldelta.pod
index 0345c34008..db4746bff4 100644
--- a/pod/perldelta.pod
+++ b/pod/perldelta.pod
@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
=head1 NAME
-[ this is a template for a new perldelta file. Any text flagged as XXX needs
-to be processed before release. ]
perldelta - what is new for perl v5.24.1
@@ -15,26 +12,8 @@ release.
If you are upgrading from an earlier release such as 5.23.0, first read
L<perl5240delta>, which describes differences between 5.23.0 and 5.24.0.
-=head1 Notice
-XXX Any important notices here
-=head1 Core Enhancements
-XXX New core language features go here. Summarize user-visible core language
-enhancements. Particularly prominent performance optimisations could go
-here, but most should go in the L</Performance Enhancements> section.
-[ List each enhancement as a =head2 entry ]
=head1 Security
-XXX Any security-related notices go here. In particular, any security
-vulnerabilities closed should be noted here rather than in the
-L</Selected Bug Fixes> section.
-[ List each security issue as a =head2 entry ]
=head2 C<-Di> switch is now required for PerlIO debugging output
Previously PerlIO debugging output would be sent to the file specified
@@ -56,82 +35,12 @@ C<stderr> as for any other C<-D> switch.
=head1 Incompatible Changes
-XXX For a release on a stable branch, this section aspires to be:
- There are no changes intentionally incompatible with 5.XXX.XXX
- If any exist, they are bugs, and we request that you submit a
- report. See L</Reporting Bugs> below.
-[ List each incompatible change as a =head2 entry ]
-=head1 Deprecations
-XXX Any deprecated features, syntax, modules etc. should be listed here.
-=head2 Module removals
-XXX Remove this section if inapplicable.
-The following modules will be removed from the core distribution in a
-future release, and will at that time need to be installed from CPAN.
-Distributions on CPAN which require these modules will need to list them as
-The core versions of these modules will now issue C<"deprecated">-category
-warnings to alert you to this fact. To silence these deprecation warnings,
-install the modules in question from CPAN.
-Note that these are (with rare exceptions) fine modules that you are encouraged
-to continue to use. Their disinclusion from core primarily hinges on their
-necessity to bootstrapping a fully functional, CPAN-capable Perl installation,
-not usually on concerns over their design.
-=item XXX
-XXX Note that deprecated modules should be listed here even if they are listed
-as an updated module in the L</Modules and Pragmata> section.
-[ List each other deprecation as a =head2 entry ]
-=head1 Performance Enhancements
-XXX Changes which enhance performance without changing behaviour go here.
-There may well be none in a stable release.
-[ List each enhancement as a =item entry ]
-=over 4
-=item *
+There are no changes intentionally incompatible with 5.24.0.
+If any exist, they are bugs, and we request that you submit a
+report. See L</Reporting Bugs> below.
=head1 Modules and Pragmata
-XXX All changes to installed files in F<cpan/>, F<dist/>, F<ext/> and F<lib/>
-go here. If Module::CoreList is updated, generate an initial draft of the
-following sections using F<Porting/>. A paragraph summary
-for important changes should then be added by hand. In an ideal world,
-dual-life modules would have a F<Changes> file that could be cribbed.
-[ Within each section, list entries as a =item entry ]
-=head2 New Modules and Pragmata
-=over 4
-=item *
=head2 Updated Modules and Pragmata
=over 4
@@ -140,41 +49,12 @@ XXX
L<Module::CoreList> has been upgraded from version 5.20160506 to 5.20160730.
-=item *
-L<XXX> has been upgraded from version A.xx to B.yy.
-=head2 Removed Modules and Pragmata
-=over 4
-=item *
=head1 Documentation
-XXX Changes to files in F<pod/> go here. Consider grouping entries by
-file and be sure to link to the appropriate page, e.g. L<perlfunc>.
-=head2 New Documentation
-XXX Changes which create B<new> files in F<pod/> go here.
-=head3 L<XXX>
-XXX Description of the purpose of the new file here
=head2 Changes to Existing Documentation
-XXX Changes which significantly change existing files in F<pod/> go here.
-However, any changes to F<pod/perldiag.pod> should go in the L</Diagnostics>
=head3 L<XXX>
=over 4
@@ -185,194 +65,8 @@ XXX Description of the change here
-=head1 Diagnostics
-The following additions or changes have been made to diagnostic output,
-including warnings and fatal error messages. For the complete list of
-diagnostic messages, see L<perldiag>.
-XXX New or changed warnings emitted by the core's C<C> code go here. Also
-include any changes in L<perldiag> that reconcile it to the C<C> code.
-=head2 New Diagnostics
-XXX Newly added diagnostic messages go under here, separated into New Errors
-and New Warnings
-=head3 New Errors
-=over 4
-=item *
-XXX L<message|perldiag/"message">
-=head3 New Warnings
-=over 4
-=item *
-XXX L<message|perldiag/"message">
-=head2 Changes to Existing Diagnostics
-XXX Changes (i.e. rewording) of diagnostic messages go here
-=over 4
-=item *
-XXX Describe change here
-=head1 Utility Changes
-XXX Changes to installed programs such as F<perlbug> and F<xsubpp> go here.
-Most of these are built within the directory F<utils>.
-[ List utility changes as a =head2 entry for each utility and =item
-entries for each change
-Use L<XXX> with program names to get proper documentation linking. ]
-=head2 L<XXX>
-=over 4
-=item *
-=head1 Configuration and Compilation
-XXX Changes to F<Configure>, F<installperl>, F<installman>, and analogous tools
-go here. Any other changes to the Perl build process should be listed here.
-However, any platform-specific changes should be listed in the
-L</Platform Support> section, instead.
-[ List changes as a =item entry ].
-=over 4
-=item *
=head1 Testing
-XXX Any significant changes to the testing of a freshly built perl should be
-listed here. Changes which create B<new> files in F<t/> go here as do any
-large changes to the testing harness (e.g. when parallel testing was added).
-Changes to existing files in F<t/> aren't worth summarizing, although the bugs
-that they represent may be covered elsewhere.
-[ List each test improvement as a =item entry ]
-=over 4
-=item *
-=head1 Platform Support
-XXX Any changes to platform support should be listed in the sections below.
-[ Within the sections, list each platform as a =item entry with specific
-changes as paragraphs below it. ]
-=head2 New Platforms
-XXX List any platforms that this version of perl compiles on, that previous
-versions did not. These will either be enabled by new files in the F<hints/>
-directories, or new subdirectories and F<README> files at the top level of the
-source tree.
-=over 4
-=item XXX-some-platform
-=head2 Discontinued Platforms
-XXX List any platforms that this version of perl no longer compiles on.
-=over 4
-=item XXX-some-platform
-=head2 Platform-Specific Notes
-XXX List any changes for specific platforms. This could include configuration
-and compilation changes or changes in portability/compatibility. However,
-changes within modules for platforms should generally be listed in the
-L</Modules and Pragmata> section.
-=over 4
-=item XXX-some-platform
-=head1 Internal Changes
-XXX Changes which affect the interface available to C<XS> code go here. Other
-significant internal changes for future core maintainers should be noted as
-[ List each change as a =item entry ]
-=over 4
-=item *
-=head1 Selected Bug Fixes
-XXX Important bug fixes in the core language are summarized here. Bug fixes in
-files in F<ext/> and F<lib/> are best summarized in L</Modules and Pragmata>.
-[ List each fix as a =item entry ]
-=over 4
-=item *
-=head1 Known Problems
-XXX Descriptions of platform agnostic bugs we know we can't fix go here. Any
-tests that had to be C<TODO>ed for the release would be noted here. Unfixed
-platform specific bugs also go here.
-[ List each fix as a =item entry ]
=over 4
=item *
@@ -381,27 +75,11 @@ XXX
-=head1 Errata From Previous Releases
-=over 4
-=item *
-XXX Add anything here that we forgot to add, or were mistaken about, in
-the perldelta of a previous release.
-=head1 Obituary
-XXX If any significant core contributor has died, we've added a short obituary
=head1 Acknowledgements
XXX Generate this with:
- perl Porting/ v5.24.1..HEAD
+ perl Porting/ v5.24.0..HEAD
=head1 Reporting Bugs