diff options
authorDavid Golden <>2010-06-24 14:26:35 -0400
committerDavid Golden <>2010-06-27 21:10:07 -0400
commit80fea865d84393f4e930ad654662f3363316bf1b (patch)
parent1513219d7de1ec958bd1113b68580bd0437d8182 (diff)
Add a tool for writing a perldelta using git notes
I've written this tool to help me annotate commits for perldelta. It scans back through commits, prompting for a perldelta section for each commit (or to ignore the commit). It then opens up an editor to write a perldelta snippet into a git note on the commit. It also supports some very primative workflow, including reviewing existing annotations and "rendering" annotations properly grouped by section to cut/paste into perldelta. It does have some non-core dependencies including Git::Wrapper and Term::ReadKey, so is intended to be run using an installed perl with these module from CPAN, not the freshly built one. Documentation is sparse. N.B. Git notes are *local* -- they are kept in a detached branch and will not be pushed upstream. This makes them well-suited for a release manager to keep working notes (as for perldelta) that will become irrelevant over time. It's not clear whether they have broader utility.
1 files changed, 732 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Porting/git-deltatool b/Porting/git-deltatool
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..db4696ad0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Porting/git-deltatool
@@ -0,0 +1,732 @@
+# This is a rough draft of a tool to aid in generating a perldelta file
+# from a series of git commits.
+use 5.010;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package Git::DeltaTool;
+use Class::Struct;
+use File::Temp;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Git::Wrapper;
+use Term::ReadKey;
+use Term::ANSIColor;
+BEGIN { struct( git => '$', last_tag => '$', opt => '%' ) }
+# main program
+sub run {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my %opt = (
+ mode => 'assign',
+ );
+ GetOptions( \%opt,
+ # inputs
+ 'mode|m:s', # 'assign', 'review', 'render', 'update'
+ 'type|t:s', # select by status
+ 'status|s:s', # status to set for 'update'
+ 'since:s', # origin commit
+ );
+ my $git = Git::Wrapper->new(".");
+ my $git_id = $opt{since};
+ if ( defined $git_id ) {
+ die "Invalid git identifier '$git_id'\n"
+ unless eval { $git->show($git_id); 1 };
+ } else {
+ ($git_id) = $git->describe;
+ $git_id =~ s/-.*$//;
+ }
+ my $gdt = $class->new( git => $git, last_tag => $git_id, opt => \%opt );
+ if ( $opt{mode} eq 'assign' ) {
+ $opt{type} //= 'new';
+ $gdt->assign;
+ }
+ elsif ( $opt{mode} eq 'review' ) {
+ $opt{type} //= 'pending';
+ $gdt->review;
+ }
+ elsif ( $opt{mode} eq 'render' ) {
+ $opt{type} //= 'pending';
+ $gdt->render;
+ }
+ elsif ( $opt{mode} eq 'update' ) {
+ die "Explicit --type argument required for update mode\n"
+ unless defined $opt{type};
+ die "Explicit --status argument requrid for update mode\n"
+ unless defined $opt{status};
+ $gdt->update;
+ }
+ else {
+ die "Unrecognized mode '$opt{mode}'\n";
+ }
+ exit 0;
+# program modes (and iterator)
+sub assign {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my @choices = ( $self->section_choices, $self->action_choices );
+ $self->_iterate_commits(
+ sub {
+ my $log = shift;
+ say "-" x 75;
+ $self->show_header($log);
+ $self->show_body($log, 1);
+ say "-" x 75;
+ return $self->dispatch( $self->prompt( @choices ), $log);
+ }
+ );
+ return;
+sub review {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my @choices = ( $self->review_choices, $self->action_choices );
+ $self->_iterate_commits(
+ sub {
+ my $log = shift;
+ say "-" x 75;
+ $self->show_header($log);
+ $self->show_body($log, 1);
+ $self->show_notes($log, 1);
+ say "-" x 75;
+ return $self->dispatch( $self->prompt( @choices ), $log);
+ }
+ );
+ return;
+sub render {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my %sections;
+ $self->_iterate_commits(
+ sub {
+ my $log = shift;
+ my $section = $self->note_section($log) or return;
+ push @{ $sections{$section} }, $self->note_delta($log);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ );
+ my @order = $self->section_order;
+ my %known = map { $_ => 1 } @order;
+ my @rest = grep { ! $known{$_} } keys %sections;
+ for my $s ( @order, @rest ) {
+ next unless ref $sections{$s};
+ say "-"x75;
+ say uc($s) . "\n";
+ say join ( "\n", @{ $sections{$s} }, "" );
+ }
+ return;
+sub update {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $status = $self->opt('status')
+ or die "The 'status' option must be supplied for update mode\n";
+ $self->_iterate_commits(
+ sub {
+ my $log = shift;
+ my $note = $log->notes;
+ $note =~ s{^(perldelta.*\[)\w+(\].*)}{$1$status$2}ms;
+ $self->add_note( $log->id, $note );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ );
+ return;
+sub _iterate_commits {
+ my ($self, $fcn) = @_;
+ my $type = $self->opt('type');
+ say "Scanning for $type commits since " . $self->last_tag . "...";
+ for my $log ( $self->find_commits($type) ) {
+ redo unless $fcn->($log);
+ }
+ return 1;
+# methods
+sub add_note {
+ my ($self, $id, $note) = @_;
+ my @lines = split "\n", $note;
+ pop @lines while @lines && $lines[-1] =~ m{^\s*$};
+ my $tempfh = File::Temp->new;
+ if (@lines) {
+ $tempfh->printflush( join( "\n", @lines), "\n" );
+ $self->git->notes('edit', '-F', "$tempfh", $id);
+ }
+ else {
+ $tempfh->printflush( "\n" );
+ # git notes won't take an empty file as input
+ system("git notes edit -F $tempfh $id");
+ }
+ return;
+sub dispatch {
+ my ($self, $choice, $log) = @_;
+ return unless $choice;
+ my $method = "do_$choice->{handler}";
+ return 1 unless $self->can($method); # missing methods "succeed"
+ return $self->$method($choice, $log);
+sub edit_text {
+ my ($self, $text, $args) = @_;
+ $args //= {};
+ my $tempfh = File::Temp->new;
+ $tempfh->printflush( $text );
+ if ( my (@editor) = $ENV{VISUAL} || $ENV{EDITOR} ) {
+ push @editor, "-f" if $editor[0] =~ /^gvim/;
+ system(@editor, "$tempfh");
+ }
+ else {
+ warn("No VISUAL or EDITOR defined");
+ }
+ $tempfh->seek(0,0);
+ return do { local $/; <$tempfh> };
+sub find_commits {
+ my ($self, $type) = @_;
+ $type //= 'new';
+ my @commits = $self->git->log($self->last_tag . "..HEAD");
+ $_ = Git::Wrapper::XLog->from_log($_) for @commits;
+ my @list;
+ if ( $type eq 'new' ) {
+ @list = grep { ! $_->notes } @commits;
+ }
+ else {
+ @list = grep { $self->note_status( $_ ) eq $type } @commits;
+ }
+ return @list;
+sub get_diff {
+ my ($self, $log) = @_;
+ my @diff = $self->git->show({ stat => 1, p => 1 }, $log->id);
+ return join("\n", @diff);
+sub note_delta {
+ my ($self, $log) = @_;
+ my @delta = split "\n", ($log->notes || '');
+ return '' unless @delta;
+ splice @delta, 0, 2;
+ return join( "\n", @delta, "" );
+sub note_section {
+ my ($self, $log) = @_;
+ my $note = $log->notes or return '';
+ my ($section) = $note =~ m{^perldelta:\s*([^\[]*)\s+}ms;
+ return $section || '';
+sub note_status {
+ my ($self, $log) = @_;
+ my $note = $log->notes or return '';
+ my ($status) = $note =~ m{^perldelta:\s*[^\[]*\[(\w+)\]}ms;
+ return $status || '';
+sub note_template {
+ my ($self, $log, $text) = @_;
+ my $diff = _prepend_comment( $self->get_diff($log) );
+ return << "HERE";
+# Edit commit note below. Do not change the first line. Comments are stripped
+sub prompt {
+ my ($self, @choices) = @_;
+ my ($valid, @menu, %keymap) = '';
+ for my $c ( map { @$_ } @choices ) {
+ my ($item) = grep { /\(/ } split q{ }, $c->{name};
+ my ($button) = $item =~ m{\((.)\)};
+ die "No key shortcut found for '$item'" unless $button;
+ die "Duplicate key shortcut found for '$item'" if $keymap{lc $button};
+ push @menu, $item;
+ $valid .= lc $button;
+ $keymap{lc $button} = $c;
+ }
+ my $keypress = $self->prompt_key( $self->wrap_list(@menu), $valid );
+ return $keymap{lc $keypress};
+sub prompt_key {
+ my ($self, $prompt, $valid_keys) = @_;
+ my $key;
+ KEY: {
+ say $prompt;
+ ReadMode 3;
+ $key = lc ReadKey(0);
+ ReadMode 0;
+ if ( $key !~ qr/\A[$valid_keys]\z/i ) {
+ say "";
+ redo KEY;
+ }
+ }
+ return $key;
+sub show_body {
+ my ($self, $log, $lf) = @_;
+ return unless my $body = $log->body;
+ say $lf ? "\n$body" : $body;
+ return;
+sub show_header {
+ my ($self, $log) = @_;
+ my $header = $log->short_id;
+ $header .= " " . $log->subject if length $log->subject;
+ say colored( $header, "yellow");
+ return;
+sub show_notes {
+ my ($self, $log, $lf) = @_;
+ return unless my $notes = $log->notes;
+ say $lf ? "\n$notes" : $notes;
+ return;
+sub wrap_list {
+ my ($self, @list) = @_;
+ my $line = shift @list;
+ my @wrap;
+ for my $item ( @list ) {
+ if ( length( $line . $item ) > 70 ) {
+ push @wrap, $line;
+ $line = $item ne $list[-1] ? $item : "or $item";
+ }
+ else {
+ $line .= $item ne $list[-1] ? ", $item" : " or $item";
+ }
+ }
+ return join("\n", @wrap, $line);
+sub y_n {
+ my ($self, $msg) = @_;
+ my $key = $self->prompt_key($msg . " (y/n?)", 'yn');
+ return $key eq 'y';
+# handlers
+sub do_done {
+ my ($self, $choice, $log) = @_;
+ my $note = $log->notes;
+ $note =~ s{^(perldelta.*\[)\w+(\].*)}{$1done$2}ms;
+ $self->add_note( $log->id, $note );
+ return 1;
+sub do_edit {
+ my ($self, $choice, $log) = @_;
+ my $old_note = $log->notes;
+ my $new_note = $self->edit_text( $self->note_template( $log, $old_note) );
+ $self->add_note( $log->id, _strip_comments($new_note) );
+ return 1;
+sub do_head2 {
+ my ($self, $choice, $log) = @_;
+ my $section = _strip_parens($choice->{name});
+ my $subject = $log->subject;
+ my $body = $log->body;
+ my $id = $log->short_id;
+ my $template = $self->note_template( $log,
+ "perldelta: $section [pending]\n\n=head2 $subject\n\n$body ($id)\n"
+ );
+ my $note = $self->edit_text( $template );
+ if ( ($note ne $template) or $self->y_n("Note unchanged. Commit it?") ) {
+ $self->add_note( $log->id, _strip_comments($note) );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return;
+sub do_item {
+ my ($self, $choice, $log) = @_;
+ my $section = _strip_parens($choice->{name});
+ my $subject = $log->subject;
+ my $body = $log->body;
+ my $id = $log->short_id;
+ my $template =
+ "perldelta: $section [pending]\n\n=item *\n\n $subject ($id)\n\n$body\n";
+ my $note = $self->edit_text($template);
+ if ( ($note ne $template) or $self->y_n("Note unchanged. Commit it?") ) {
+ $self->add_note( $log->id, $note );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return;
+sub do_none {
+ my ($self, $choice, $log) = @_;
+ my $note = "perldelta: None [ignored]\n";
+ $self->add_note( $log->id, $note );
+ return 1;
+sub do_quit { exit 0 }
+sub do_skip { return 1 }
+sub do_special {
+ my ($self, $choice, $log) = @_;
+ my $section = _strip_parens($choice->{name});
+ my $subject = $log->subject;
+ my $body = $log->body;
+ my $id = $log->short_id;
+ my $template = $self->note_template( $log, << "HERE" );
+perldelta: $section [pending]
+$body ($id)
+ my $note = $self->edit_text( $template );
+ if ( ($note ne $template) or $self->y_n("Note unchanged. Commit it?") ) {
+ $self->add_note( $log->id, _strip_comments($note) );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return;
+sub do_subsection {
+ my ($self, $choice, $log) = @_;
+ say "For " . _strip_parens($choice->{name}) . ":";
+ return $self->dispatch( $self->prompt( $choice->{subsection} ), $log);
+# define prompts
+sub action_choices {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ state $action_choices = [
+ { name => 'S(k)ip', handler => 'skip' },
+ { name => '(Q)uit', handler => 'quit' },
+ ];
+ return $action_choices;
+sub review_choices {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ state $action_choices = [
+ { name => '(E)dit', handler => 'edit' },
+ { name => '(I)gnore', handler => 'none' },
+ { name => '(D)one', handler => 'done' },
+ ];
+ return $action_choices;
+sub section_choices {
+ my ($self, $key) = @_;
+ state $section_choices = [
+ # Headline stuff that should go first
+ {
+ name => 'Core (E)nhancements',
+ handler => 'head2',
+ },
+ {
+ name => 'Securit(y)',
+ handler => 'head2',
+ },
+ {
+ name => '(I)ncompatible Changes',
+ handler => 'head2',
+ },
+ {
+ name => 'Dep(r)ecations',
+ handler => 'head2',
+ },
+ {
+ name => '(P)erformance Enhancements',
+ handler => 'item',
+ },
+ # Details on things installed with Perl (for Perl developers)
+ {
+ name => '(M)odules and Pragmata',
+ handler => 'subsection',
+ subsection => [
+ {
+ name => '(N)ew Modules and Pragmata',
+ handler => 'item',
+ },
+ {
+ name => '(U)pdated Modules and Pragmata',
+ handler => 'item',
+ },
+ {
+ name => '(R)emoved Modules and Pragmata',
+ handler => 'item',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ name => '(D)ocumentation',
+ handler => 'subsection',
+ subsection => [
+ {
+ name => '(N)ew Documentation',
+ handler => 'item',
+ },
+ {
+ name => '(C)hanges to Existing Documentation',
+ handler => 'item',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ name => 'Dia(g)nostics',
+ handler => 'subsection',
+ subsection => [
+ {
+ name => '(N)ew Diagnostics',
+ handler => 'item',
+ },
+ {
+ name => '(C)hanges to Existing Diagnostics',
+ handler => 'item',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ name => '(U)tilities',
+ handler => 'item',
+ },
+ # Details on building/testing Perl (for porters and packagers)
+ {
+ name => '(C)onfiguration and Compilation',
+ handler => 'item',
+ },
+ {
+ name => '(T)esting', # new tests or significant notes about it
+ handler => 'item',
+ },
+ {
+ name => 'Pl(a)tform Support',
+ handler => 'subsection',
+ subsection => [
+ {
+ name => '(N)ew Platforms',
+ handler => 'item',
+ },
+ {
+ name => '(D)iscontinued Platforms',
+ handler => 'item',
+ },
+ {
+ name => '(P)latform-Specific Notes',
+ handler => 'item',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ # Details on perl internals (for porters and XS developers)
+ {
+ name => 'Inter(n)al Changes',
+ handler => 'item',
+ },
+ # Bugs fixed and related stuff
+ {
+ name => 'Selected Bug (F)ixes',
+ handler => 'item',
+ },
+ {
+ name => 'Known Prob(l)ems',
+ handler => 'item',
+ },
+ # dummy options for special handling
+ {
+ name => '(S)pecial',
+ handler => 'special',
+ },
+ {
+ name => '(*)None',
+ handler => 'none',
+ },
+ ];
+ return $section_choices;
+sub section_order {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ state @order;
+ if ( ! @order ) {
+ for my $c ( @{ $self->section_choices } ) {
+ if ( $c->{subsection} ) {
+ push @order, map { $_->{name} } @{$c->{subsection}};
+ }
+ else {
+ push @order, $c->{name};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return @order;
+# Utility functions
+sub _strip_parens {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ $name =~ s/[()]//g;
+ return $name;
+sub _prepend_comment {
+ my ($text) = @_;
+ return join ("\n", map { s/^/# /g; $_ } split "\n", $text);
+sub _strip_comments {
+ my ($text) = @_;
+ return join ("\n", grep { ! /^#/ } split "\n", $text);
+# Extend Git::Wrapper::Log
+package Git::Wrapper::XLog;
+BEGIN { our @ISA = qw/Git::Wrapper::Log/; }
+sub subject { shift->attr->{subject} }
+sub body { shift->attr->{body} }
+sub short_id { shift->attr->{short_id} }
+sub from_log {
+ my ($class, $log) = @_;
+ my $msg = $log->message;
+ my ($subject, $body) = $msg =~ m{^([^\n]+)\n*(.*)}ms;
+ $subject //= '';
+ $body //= '';
+ $body =~ s/[\r\n]*\z//ms;
+ my ($short) = Git::Wrapper->new(".")->rev_parse({short => 1}, $log->id);
+ $log->attr->{subject} = $subject;
+ $log->attr->{body} = $body;
+ $log->attr->{short_id} = $short;
+ return bless $log, $class;
+sub notes {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my @notes = eval { Git::Wrapper->new(".")->notes('show', $self->id) };
+ pop @notes while @notes && $notes[-1] =~ m{^\s*$};
+ return unless @notes;
+ return join ("\n", @notes);
+=head1 NAME
+ - Annotate commits for perldelta
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ # annotate commits back to last 'git describe' tag
+ $
+ # review annotations
+ $ --mode review
+ # summarize annotations by section to STDOUT
+ $ --mode render
+ # mark 'pending' annotations as 'done' (i.e. added to perldelta)
+ $ --mode update --type pending --status done
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=item B<--mode>|B<-m> MODE
+Indicates the run mode for the program. The default is 'assign' which
+assigns categories and marks the notes as 'pending' (or 'ignored'). Other
+modes are 'review', 'render' and 'update'.
+=item B<--type>|B<-t> TYPE
+Indicates what types of commits to process. The default for 'assign' mode
+is 'new', which processes commits without any perldelta notes. The
+default for 'review' and 'render' modes is 'pending'. The options
+must be set explicitly for 'update' mode.
+=item B<--status>|B<-s> STATUS
+For 'update' mode only, sets a new status. While there is no restriction,
+it should be one of 'new', 'pending', 'ignored' or 'done'.
+=item B<--since> REVISION
+Defines the boundary for searching git commits. Defaults to the last
+major tag (as would be given by 'git describe').
+=head1 AUTHOR
+David Golden <>
+This software is copyright (c) 2010 by David Golden.
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
+terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.