diff options
authorMalcolm Beattie <>1998-01-27 15:31:53 +0000
committerMalcolm Beattie <>1998-01-27 15:31:53 +0000
commitcef4c8c8b55bd3aeafb618983ddce50e69814f1b (patch)
parent38325410ca2ce0435b7a998d59bdeba1ce01232c (diff)
parent67a38de0970070c8aa928e300768e725698b3516 (diff)
Integrate ansi branch into mainline (resolve -ay).
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@439
13 files changed, 1153 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Tie/ b/lib/Tie/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..336e003b25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Tie/
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+package Tie::Array;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+use strict;
+$VERSION = '1.00';
+# Pod documentation after __END__ below.
+sub DESTROY { }
+sub EXTEND { }
+sub UNSHIFT { shift->SPLICE(0,0,@_) }
+sub SHIFT { shift->SPLICE(0,1) }
+sub CLEAR { shift->STORESIZE(0) }
+sub PUSH
+ my $obj = shift;
+ my $i = $obj->FETCHSIZE;
+ $obj->STORE($i++, shift) while (@_);
+sub POP
+ my $obj = shift;
+ my $newsize = $obj->FETCHSIZE - 1;
+ my $val;
+ if ($newsize >= 0)
+ {
+ $val = $obj->FETCH($newsize);
+ $obj->SETSIZE($newsize);
+ }
+ $val;
+ my $obj = shift;
+ my $sz = $obj->FETCHSIZE;
+ my $off = (@_) ? shift : 0;
+ $off += $sz if ($off < 0);
+ my $len = (@_) ? shift : $sz - $off;
+ my @result;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++)
+ {
+ push(@result,$obj->FETCH($off+$i));
+ }
+ if (@_ > $len)
+ {
+ # Move items up to make room
+ my $d = @_ - $len;
+ my $e = $off+$len;
+ $obj->EXTEND($sz+$d);
+ for (my $i=$sz-1; $i >= $e; $i--)
+ {
+ my $val = $obj->FETCH($i);
+ $obj->STORE($i+$d,$val);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (@_ < $len)
+ {
+ # Move items down to close the gap
+ my $d = $len - @_;
+ my $e = $off+$len;
+ for (my $i=$off+$len; $i < $sz; $i++)
+ {
+ my $val = $obj->FETCH($i);
+ $obj->STORE($i-$d,$val);
+ }
+ $obj->STORESIZE($sz-$d);
+ }
+ for (my $i=0; $i < @_; $i++)
+ {
+ $obj->STORE($off+$i,$_[$i]);
+ }
+ return @result;
+package Tie::StdArray;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = 'Tie::Array';
+sub TIEARRAY { bless [], $_[0] }
+sub FETCHSIZE { scalar @{$_[0]} }
+sub STORESIZE { $#{$_[0]} = $_[1]-1 }
+sub STORE { $_[0]->[$_[1]] = $_[2] }
+sub FETCH { $_[0]->[$_[1]] }
+sub CLEAR { @{$_[0]} = () }
+sub POP { pop(@{$_[0]}) }
+sub PUSH { my $o = shift; push(@$o,@_) }
+sub SHIFT { shift(@{$_[0]}) }
+sub UNSHIFT { my $o = shift; unshift(@$o,@_) }
+ my $ob = shift;
+ my $sz = $ob->FETCHSIZE;
+ my $off = @_ ? shift : 0;
+ $off += $sz if $off < 0;
+ my $len = @_ ? shift : $sz-$off;
+ return splice(@$ob,$off,$len,@_);
+=head1 NAME
+Tie::Array - base class for tied arrays
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ package NewArray;
+ use Tie::Array;
+ @ISA = ('Tie::Array');
+ # mandatory methods
+ sub TIEARRAY { ... }
+ sub FETCH { ... }
+ sub FETCHSIZE { ... }
+ sub STORE { ... } # mandatory if elements writeable
+ sub STORESIZE { ... } # mandatory if elements can be added/deleted
+ # optional methods - for efficiency
+ sub CLEAR { ... }
+ sub PUSH { ... }
+ sub POP { ... }
+ sub SHIFT { ... }
+ sub UNSHIFT { ... }
+ sub SPLICE { ... }
+ sub EXTEND { ... }
+ sub DESTROY { ... }
+ package NewStdArray;
+ use Tie::Array;
+ @ISA = ('Tie::StdArray');
+ # all methods provided by default
+ package main;
+ $object = tie @somearray,Tie::NewArray;
+ $object = tie @somearray,Tie::StdArray;
+ $object = tie @somearray,Tie::NewStdArray;
+This module provides methods for array-tying classes. See
+L<perltie> for a list of the functions required in order to tie an array
+to a package. The basic B<Tie::Array> package provides stub C<DELETE>
+and C<EXTEND> methods, and implementations of C<PUSH>, C<POP>, C<SHIFT>,
+C<UNSHIFT>, C<SPLICE> and C<CLEAR> in terms of basic C<FETCH>, C<STORE>,
+The B<Tie::StdHash> package provides efficient methods required for tied arrays
+which are implemented as blessed references to an "inner" perl array.
+It inherits from B<Tie::Array>, and should cause tied arrays to behave exactly
+like standard hashes, allowing for selective overloading of methods.
+For developers wishing to write their own tied arrays, the required methods
+are briefly defined below. See the L<perltie> section for more detailed
+descriptive, as well as example code:
+=item TIEARRAY classname, LIST
+The class method is invoked by the command C<tie @array, classname>. Associates
+an array instance with the specified class. C<LIST> would represent
+additional arguments (along the lines of L<AnyDBM_File> and compatriots) needed
+to complete the association. The method should return an object of a class which
+provides the methods below.
+=item STORE this, index, value
+Store datum I<value> into I<index> for the tied array assoicated with
+object I<this>. If this makes the array larger then
+class's mapping of C<undef> should be returned for new positions.
+=item FETCH this, index
+Retrieve the datum in I<index> for the tied array assoicated with
+object I<this>.
+=item FETCHSIZE this
+Returns the total number of items in the tied array assoicated with
+object I<this>. (Equivalent to C<scalar(@array)>).
+=item STORESIZE this, count
+Sets the total number of items in the tied array assoicated with
+object I<this> to be I<count>. If this makes the array larger then
+class's mapping of C<undef> should be returned for new positions.
+If the array becomes smaller then entries beyond count should be
+=item EXTEND this, count
+Informative call that array is likely to grow to have I<count> entries.
+Can be used to optimize allocation. This method need do nothing.
+=item CLEAR this
+Clear (remove, delete, ...) all values from the tied array assoicated with
+object I<this>.
+=item DESTROY this
+Normal object destructor method.
+=item PUSH this, LIST
+Append elements of LIST to the array.
+=item POP this
+Remove last element of the array and return it.
+=item SHIFT this
+Remove the first element of the array (shifting other elements down)
+and return it.
+=item UNSHIFT this, LIST
+Insert LIST elements at the begining of the array, moving existing elements
+up to make room.
+=item SPLICE this, offset, length, LIST
+Perform the equivalent of C<splice> on the array.
+I<offset> is optional and defaults to zero, negative values count back
+from the end of the array.
+I<length> is optional and defaults to rest of the array.
+I<LIST> may be empty.
+Returns a list of the original I<length> elements at I<offset>.
+=head1 CAVEATS
+There is no support at present for tied @ISA. There is a potential conflict
+between magic entries needed to notice setting of @ISA, and those needed to
+implement 'tie'.
+Very little consideration has been given to the behaviour of tied arrays
+when C<$[> is not default value of zero.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Nick Ing-Simmons E<lt>nik@tiuk.ti.comE<gt>
diff --git a/perldir.h b/perldir.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..45b3ba61c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perldir.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#ifndef H_PERLDIR
+#define H_PERLDIR 1
+#define PerlDir_mkdir(name, mode) mkdir((name), (mode))
+#define PerlDir_chdir(name) chdir((name))
+#define PerlDir_rmdir(name) rmdir((name))
+#define PerlDir_close(dir) closedir((dir))
+#define PerlDir_open(name) opendir((name))
+#define PerlDir_read(dir) readdir((dir))
+#define PerlDir_rewind(dir) rewinddir((dir))
+#define PerlDir_seek(dir, loc) seekdir((dir), (loc))
+#define PerlDir_tell(dir) telldir((dir))
+#endif /* PERL_OBJECT */
+#endif /* Include guard */
diff --git a/perlenv.h b/perlenv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49319c6803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perlenv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#ifndef H_PERLENV
+#define H_PERLENV 1
+#define PerlEnv_putenv(str) putenv((str))
+#define PerlEnv_getenv(str) getenv((str))
+#endif /* PERL_OBJECT */
+#endif /* Include guard */
diff --git a/perllio.h b/perllio.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c756aaf1e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perllio.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#ifndef H_PERLLIO
+#define H_PERLLIO 1
+#define PerlLIO_access(file, mode) access((file), (mode))
+#define PerlLIO_chmod(file, mode) chmod((file), (mode))
+#define PerlLIO_chsize(fd, size) chsize((fd), (size))
+#define PerlLIO_close(fd) close((fd))
+#define PerlLIO_dup(fd) dup((fd))
+#define PerlLIO_dup2(fd1, fd2) dup2((fd1), (fd2))
+#define PerlLIO_fstat(fd, buf) Fstat((fd), (buf))
+#define PerlLIO_isatty(fd) isatty((fd))
+#define PerlLIO_lseek(fd, offset, mode) lseek((fd), (offset), (mode))
+#define PerlLIO_lstat(name, buf) lstat((name), (buf))
+#define PerlLIO_mktemp(file) mktemp((file))
+#define PerlLIO_open(file, flag) open((file), (flag))
+#define PerlLIO_open3(file, flag, perm) open((file), (flag), (perm))
+#define PerlLIO_read(fd, buf, count) read((fd), (buf), (count))
+#define PerlLIO_rename(oldname, newname) rename((oldname), (newname))
+#define PerlLIO_setmode(fd, mode) setmode((fd), (mode))
+#define PerlLIO_stat(name, buf) Stat((name), (buf))
+#define PerlLIO_tmpnam(str) tmpnam((str))
+#define PerlLIO_umask(mode) umask((mode))
+#define PerlLIO_unlink(file) unlink((file))
+#define PerlLIO_utime(file, time) utime((file), (time))
+#define PerlLIO_write(fd, buf, count) write((fd), (buf), (count))
+#endif /* PERL_OBJECT */
+#endif /* Include guard */
diff --git a/perlmem.h b/perlmem.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78b8676d45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perlmem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#ifndef H_PERLMEM
+#define H_PERLMEM 1
+#define PerlMem_malloc(size) malloc((size))
+#define PerlMem_realloc(buf, size) realloc((buf), (size))
+#define PerlMem_free(buf) free((buf))
+#endif /* PERL_OBJECT */
+#endif /* Include guard */
diff --git a/perlproc.h b/perlproc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40218c2814
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perlproc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#ifndef H_PERLPROC
+#define H_PERLPROC 1
+#define PerlProc_abort() abort()
+#define PerlProc_exit(s) exit((s))
+#define PerlProc__exit(s) _exit((s))
+#define PerlProc_execl(c, w, x, y, z) execl((c), (w), (x), (y), (z))
+#define PerlProc_execv(c, a) execv((c), (a))
+#define PerlProc_execvp(c, a) execvp((c), (a))
+#define PerlProc_kill(i, a) kill((i), (a))
+#define PerlProc_killpg(i, a) killpg((i), (a))
+#define PerlProc_popen(c, m) my_popen((c), (m))
+#define PerlProc_pclose(f) my_pclose((f))
+#define PerlProc_pipe(fd) pipe((fd))
+#define PerlProc_setjmp(b, n) Sigsetjmp((b), (n))
+#define PerlProc_longjmp(b, n) Siglongjmp((b), (n))
+#define PerlProc_signal(n, h) signal((n), (h))
+#endif /* PERL_OBJECT */
+#endif /* Include guard */
diff --git a/perlsock.h b/perlsock.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e684fe2979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perlsock.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#ifndef H_PERLSOCK
+#define H_PERLSOCK 1
+#define PerlSock_htonlx htonl(x)
+#define PerlSock_htonsx htons(x)
+#define PerlSock_ntohlx ntohl(x)
+#define PerlSock_ntohsx ntohs(x)
+#define PerlSock_accept(s, a, l) accept(s, a, l)
+#define PerlSock_bind(s, n, l) bind(s, n, l)
+#define PerlSock_connect(s, n, l) connect(s, n, l)
+#define PerlSock_gethostbyaddr(a, l, t) gethostbyaddr(a, l, t)
+#define PerlSock_gethostbyname(n) gethostbyname(n)
+#define PerlSock_gethostent() gethostent()
+#define PerlSock_gethostname(n, l) gethostname(n, l)
+#define PerlSock_getpeername(s, n, l) getpeername(s, n, l)
+#define PerlSock_getprotobyname(n) getprotobyname(n)
+#define PerlSock_getprotobynumber(n) getprotobynumber(n)
+#define PerlSock_getprotoent() getprotoent()
+#define PerlSock_getservbyname(n, p) getservbyname(n, p)
+#define PerlSock_getservbyport(port, p) getservbyport(port, p)
+#define PerlSock_getservent() getservent()
+#define PerlSock_getsockname(s, n, l) getsockname(s, n, l)
+#define PerlSock_getsockopt(s, l, n, v, i) getsockopt(s, l, n, v, i)
+#define PerlSock_listen(s, b) listen(s, b)
+#define PerlSock_recvfrom(s, b, l, f, from, fromlen) recvfrom(s, b, l, f, from, fromlen)
+#define PerlSock_select(n, r, w, e, t) select(n, r, w, e, t)
+#define PerlSock_send(s, b, l, f) send(s, b, l, f)
+#define PerlSock_sendto(s, b, l, f, t, tlen) sendto(s, b, l, f, t, tlen)
+#define PerlSock_setsockopt(s, l, n, v, len) setsockopt(s, l, n, v, len)
+#define PerlSock_shutdown(s, h) shutdown(s, h)
+#define PerlSock_socket(a, t, p) socket(a, t, p)
+#define PerlSock_socketpair(a, t, p, f) socketpair(a, t, p, f)
+#endif /* PERL_OBJECT */
+#endif /* Include guard */
diff --git a/pod/perlhist.pod b/pod/perlhist.pod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9113ed90a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pod/perlhist.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+=head1 NAME
+perlhist - the Perl history records
+=for RCS
+# $Id: perlhist.pod,v 1.27 1998/01/16 19:50:20 jhi Exp $
+=end RCS
+This document aims to record the Perl source code releases.
+Perl history in brief, by Larry Wall:
+ Perl 0 introduced Perl to my officemates.
+ Perl 1 introduced Perl to the world, and changed /\(...\|...\)/ to
+ /(...|...)/. \(Dan Faigin still hasn't forgiven me. :-\)
+ Perl 2 introduced Henry Spencer's regular expression package.
+ Perl 3 introduced the ability to handle binary data (embedded nulls).
+ Perl 4 introduced the first Camel book. Really. We mostly just
+ switched version numbers so the book could refer to 4.000.
+ Perl 5 introduced everything else, including the ability to
+ introduce everything else.
+Larry Wall, Andy Dougherty, Tom Christiansen, Charles Bailey, Nick
+Ing-Simmons, Chip Salzenberg, Tim Bunce, Malcolm Beattie.
+=head2 PUMPKIN?
+[from Porting/pumpkin.pod in the Perl source code distribution]
+Chip Salzenberg gets credit for that, with a nod to his cow orker,
+David Croy. We had passed around various names (baton, token, hot
+potato) but none caught on. Then, Chip asked:
+[begin quote]
+ Who has the patch pumpkin?
+To explain: David Croy once told me once that at a previous job,
+there was one tape drive and multiple systems that used it for backups.
+But instead of some high-tech exclusion software, they used a low-tech
+method to prevent multiple simultaneous backups: a stuffed pumpkin.
+No one was allowed to make backups unless they had the "backup pumpkin".
+[end quote]
+The name has stuck. The holder of the pumpkin is sometimes called
+the pumpking or the pumpkineer.
+ Pump- Release Date Notes
+ king (by no means
+ comprehensive,
+ see Changes*
+ for details)
+ ===========================================================================
+ Larry 0 Classified. Don't ask.
+ Larry 1.000 1987-Dec-18
+ 1.001..10 1988-Jan-30
+ 1.011..14 1988-Feb-02
+ Larry 2.000 1988-Jun-05
+ 2.001 1988-Jun-28
+ Larry 3.000 1989-Oct-18
+ 3.001 1989-Oct-26
+ 3.002..4 1989-Nov-11
+ 3.005 1989-Nov-18
+ 3.006..8 1989-Dec-22
+ 3.009..13 1990-Mar-02
+ 3.014 1990-Mar-13
+ 3.015 1990-Mar-14
+ 3.016..18 1990-Mar-28
+ 3.019..27 1990-Aug-10 User subs.
+ 3.028 1990-Aug-14
+ 3.029..36 1990-Oct-17
+ 3.037 1990-Oct-20
+ 3.040 1990-Nov-10
+ 3.041 1990-Nov-13
+ 3.042..43 1990-Jan-91
+ 3.044 1991-Jan-12
+ Larry 4.000 1991-Mar-21
+ 4.001..3 1991-Apr-12
+ 4.004..9 1991-Jun-07
+ 4.010 1991-Jun-10
+ 4.011..18 1991-Nov-05
+ 4.019 1991-Nov-11 Stable.
+ 4.020..33 1992-Jun-08
+ 4.034 1992-Jun-11
+ 4.035 1992-Jun-23
+ Larry 4.036 1993-Feb-05 Very stable.
+ 5.000alpha1 1993-Jul-31
+ 5.000alpha2 1993-Aug-16
+ 5.000alpha3 1993-Oct-10
+ 5.000alpha4 1993-???-??
+ 5.000alpha5 1993-???-??
+ 5.000alpha6 1993-Mar-18
+ 5.003alpha7 1994-Mar-25
+ Andy 5.000alpha8 1994-Apr-04
+ Larry 5.000alpha9 1994-May-05
+ 5.000alpha10 1994-???-??
+ 5.000alpha11 1994-???-??
+ Andy 5.000a11a 1994-Jul-07 To fit 14.
+ 5.000a11b 1994-Jul-14
+ 5.000a11c 1994-Jul-19
+ 5.000a11d 1994-Jul-22
+ Larry 5.000alpha12 1994-???-??
+ Andy 5.000a12a 1994-Aug-08
+ 5.000a12b 1994-Aug-15
+ 5.000a12c 1994-Aug-22
+ 5.000a12d 1994-Aug-22
+ 5.000a12e 1994-Aug-22
+ 5.000a12f 1994-Aug-24
+ 5.000a12g 1994-Aug-24
+ 5.000a12h 1994-Aug-24
+ Larry 5.000beta1 1994-???-??
+ Andy 5.000b1a 1994-???-??
+ Larry 5.000beta2 1994-Sep-14 Core slushified.
+ Andy 5.000b2a 1994-Sep-14
+ 5.000b2b 1994-Sep-17
+ 5.000b2c 1994-Sep-17
+ Larry 5.000beta3 1994-???-??
+ Andy 5.000b3a 1994-Sep-18
+ 5.000b3b 1994-Sep-22
+ 5.000b3c 1994-Sep-23
+ 5.000b3d 1994-Sep-27
+ 5.000b3e 1994-Sep-28
+ 5.000b3f 1994-Sep-30
+ 5.000b3g 1994-Oct-04
+ Andy 5.000b3h 1994-Oct-07
+ Larry 5.000 1994-Oct-18
+ Andy 5.000a 1994-Dec-19
+ 5.000b 1995-Jan-18
+ 5.000c 1995-Jan-18
+ 5.000d 1995-Jan-18
+ 5.000e 1995-Jan-18
+ 5.000f 1995-Jan-18
+ 5.000g 1995-Jan-18
+ 5.000h 1995-Jan-18
+ 5.000i 1995-Jan-26
+ 5.000j 1995-Feb-07
+ 5.000k 1995-Feb-11
+ 5.000l 1995-Feb-21
+ 5.000m 1995-???-??
+ 5.000n 1995-Mar-07
+ Larry 5.001 1995-Mar-13
+ Andy 5.001a 1995-Mar-15
+ 5.001b 1995-Mar-31
+ 5.001c 1995-Apr-07
+ 5.001d 1995-Apr-14
+ 5.001e 1995-Apr-18 Stable.
+ 5.001f 1995-May-31
+ 5.001g 1995-May-25
+ 5.001h 1995-May-25
+ 5.001i 1995-May-30
+ 5.001j 1995-Jun-05
+ 5.001k 1995-Jun-06
+ 5.001l 1995-Jun-06 Stable.
+ 5.001m 1995-Jul-02 Very stable.
+ 5.001n 1995-Oct-31 Very unstable.
+ 5.002beta1 1995-Nov-21
+ 5.002b1a 1995-Nov-??
+ 5.002b1b 1995-Dec-04
+ 5.002b1c 1995-Dec-04
+ 5.002b1d 1995-Dec-04
+ 5.002b1e 1995-Dec-08
+ 5.002b1f 1995-Dec-08
+ Tom 5.002b1g 1995-Dec-21 Doc release.
+ Andy 5.002b1h 1996-Jan-05
+ 5.002b2 1996-Jan-14
+ Larry 5.002b3 1996-Feb-02
+ Andy 5.002gamma 1996-Feb-11
+ Larry 5.002delta 1996-Feb-27
+ Larry 5.002 1996-Feb-29
+ Charles 5.002_01 1996-Mar-25
+ 5.003 1996-Jun-25 Security release.
+ 5.003_01 1996-Jul-31
+ Nick 5.003_02 1996-Aug-10
+ Andy 5.003_03 1996-Aug-28
+ 5.003_04 1996-Sep-02
+ 5.003_05 1996-Sep-12
+ 5.003_06 1996-Oct-07
+ 5.003_07 1996-Oct-10
+ Chip 5.003_08 1996-Nov-19
+ 5.003_09 1996-Nov-26
+ 5.003_10 1996-Nov-29
+ 5.003_11 1996-Dec-06
+ 5.003_12 1996-Dec-19
+ 5.003_13 1996-Dec-20
+ 5.003_14 1996-Dec-23
+ 5.003_15 1996-Dec-23
+ 5.003_16 1996-Dec-24
+ 5.003_17 1996-Dec-27
+ 5.003_18 1996-Dec-31
+ 5.003_19 1997-Jan-04
+ 5.003_20 1997-Jan-07
+ 5.003_21 1997-Jan-15
+ 5.003_22 1997-Jan-16
+ 5.003_23 1997-Jan-25
+ 5.003_24 1997-Jan-29
+ 5.003_25 1997-Feb-04
+ 5.003_26 1997-Feb-10
+ 5.003_27 1997-Feb-18
+ 5.003_28 1997-Feb-21
+ 5.003_90 1997-Feb-25 Ramping up to the 5.004 release.
+ 5.003_91 1997-Mar-01
+ 5.003_92 1997-Mar-06
+ 5.003_93 1997-Mar-10
+ 5.003_94 1997-Mar-22
+ 5.003_95 1997-Mar-25
+ 5.003_96 1997-Apr-01
+ 5.003_97 1997-Apr-03 Fairly widely used.
+ 5.003_97a 1997-Apr-05
+ 5.003_97b 1997-Apr-08
+ 5.003_97c 1997-Apr-10
+ 5.003_97d 1997-Apr-13
+ 5.003_97e 1997-Apr-15
+ 5.003_97f 1997-Apr-17
+ 5.003_97g 1997-Apr-18
+ 5.003_97h 1997-Apr-24
+ 5.003_97i 1997-Apr-25
+ 5.003_97j 1997-Apr-28
+ 5.003_98 1997-Apr-30
+ 5.003_99 1997-May-01
+ 5.003_99a 1997-May-09
+ p54rc1 1997-May-12 Release Candidates.
+ p54rc2 1997-May-14
+ Chip 5.004 1997-May-15 A major maintenance release.
+ Tim 5.004_01 1997-Jun-13 The 5.004 maintenance track.
+ 5.004_02 1997-Aug-07
+ 5.004_03 1997-Sep-05
+ 5.004_04 1997-Oct-15
+ Malcolm 5.004_50 1997-Sep-09 The 5.005 development track.
+ 5.004_51 1997-Oct-02
+ 5.004_52 1997-Oct-15
+ 5.004_53 1997-Oct-16
+ 5.004_54 1997-Nov-14
+ 5.004_55 1997-Nov-25
+ 5.004_56 1997-Dec-18
+For example the notation "core: 212 29" in the release 1.000 means that
+it had in the core 212 kilobytes, in 29 files. The "core".."doc" are
+explained below.
+ release core lib ext t doc
+ ======================================================================
+ 1.000 212 29 - - - - 38 51 62 3
+ 1.014 219 29 - - - - 39 52 68 4
+ 2.000 309 31 2 3 - - 55 57 92 4
+ 2.001 312 31 2 3 - - 55 57 94 4
+ 3.000 508 36 24 11 - - 79 73 156 5
+ 3.044 645 37 61 20 - - 90 74 190 6
+ 4.000 635 37 59 20 - - 91 75 198 4
+ 4.019 680 37 85 29 - - 98 76 199 4
+ 4.036 709 37 89 30 - - 98 76 208 5
+ 5.000alpha2 785 50 114 32 - - 112 86 209 5
+ 5.000a3 801 50 117 33 - - 121 87 209 5
+ 5.000a9 1022 56 149 43 116 29 125 90 217 6
+ 5.000a12h 978 49 140 49 205 46 152 97 228 9
+ 5.000beta3h 1035 53 232 70 216 38 162 94 218 21
+ 5.000 1038 53 250 76 216 38 154 92 536 62
+ 5.001m 1071 54 388 82 240 38 159 95 544 29
+ 5.002 1121 54 661 101 287 43 155 94 847 35
+ 5.003 1129 54 680 102 291 43 166 100 853 35
+ 5.003_07 1231 60 748 106 396 53 213 137 976 39
+ 5.004 1351 60 1230 136 408 51 355 161 1587 55
+ 5.004_01 1356 60 1258 138 410 51 358 161 1587 55
+ 5.004_04 1375 60 1294 139 413 51 394 162 1629 55
+ 5.004_51 1401 61 1260 140 413 53 358 162 1594 56
+ 5.004_53 1422 62 1295 141 438 70 394 162 1637 56
+ 5.004_56 1501 66 1301 140 447 74 408 165 1648 57
+The "core"..."doc" mean the following files from the Perl source code
+distribution. The glob notation ** means recursively, (.) means
+regular files.
+ core *.[hcy]
+ lib lib/**/*.p[ml]
+ ext ext/**/*.{[hcyt],xs,pm}
+ t t/**/*(.)
+ doc {README*,INSTALL,*[_.]man{,.?},pod/**/*.pod}
+Here are some statistics for the other subdirectories and one file in
+the Perl source distribution for somewhat more selected releases.
+ ======================================================================
+ Legend: kB #
+ 1.014 2.001 3.044 4.000 4.019 4.036
+ atarist - - - - - - - - - - 113 31
+ Configure 31 1 37 1 62 1 73 1 83 1 86 1
+ eg - - 34 28 47 39 47 39 47 39 47 39
+ emacs - - - - - - 67 4 67 4 67 4
+ h2pl - - - - 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
+ hints - - - - - - - - 5 42 11 56
+ msdos - - - - 41 13 57 15 58 15 60 15
+ os2 - - - - 63 22 81 29 81 29 113 31
+ usub - - - - 21 16 25 7 43 8 43 8
+ x2p 103 17 104 17 137 17 147 18 152 19 154 19
+ ======================================================================
+ 5.000a2 5.000a12h 5.000b3h 5.000 5.001m 5.002 5.003
+ atarist 113 31 113 31 - - - - - - - - - -
+ bench - - 0 1 - - - - - - - - - -
+ Bugs 2 5 26 1 - - - - - - - - - -
+ dlperl 40 5 - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ do 127 71 - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ Configure - - 153 1 159 1 160 1 180 1 201 1 201 1
+ Doc - - 26 1 75 7 11 1 11 1 - - - -
+ eg 79 58 53 44 51 43 54 44 54 44 54 44 54 44
+ emacs 67 4 104 6 104 6 104 1 104 6 108 1 108 1
+ h2pl 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
+ hints 11 56 12 46 18 48 18 48 44 56 73 59 77 60
+ msdos 60 15 60 15 - - - - - - - - - -
+ os2 113 31 113 31 - - - - - - 84 17 56 10
+ U - - 62 8 112 42 - - - - - - - -
+ usub 43 8 - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ utils - - - - - - - - - - 87 7 88 7
+ vms - - 80 7 123 9 184 15 304 20 500 24 475 26
+ x2p 171 22 171 21 162 20 162 20 279 20 280 20 280 20
+ ======================================================================
+ 5.003_07 5.004 5.004_04 5.004_56
+ Configure 217 1 225 1 225 1 232 1
+ cygwin32 - - 23 5 23 5 23 5
+ djgpp - - - - - - 15 5
+ eg 54 44 81 62 81 62 81 62
+ emacs 143 1 194 1 204 1 212 2
+ h2pl 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
+ hints 90 62 129 69 132 71 138 72
+ os2 117 42 121 42 127 42 134 44
+ plan9 79 15 82 15 82 15 82 15
+ Porting 51 1 94 2 109 4 109 4
+ qnx - - 1 2 1 2 1 2
+ utils 97 7 112 8 118 8 118 8
+ vms 505 27 518 34 524 34 538 34
+ win32 - - 285 33 378 36 449 38
+ x2p 280 19 281 19 281 19 281 19
+The "diff lines kb" means that for example the patch 5.003_08,
+to be applied on top 5.003_07 (or whatever was before it) added
+lines for 110 kilobytes, it removed lines for 19 kilobytes, and
+changed lines for 424 kilobytes. Just the lines themselves are
+counted, not their context. The "+ - !" become from the diff(1)s
+context diff output format.
+ Pump- Release Date diff lines kB
+ king + - !
+ ===========================================================================
+ Chip 5.003_08 1996-Nov-19 110 19 424
+ 5.003_09 1996-Nov-26 38 9 248
+ 5.003_10 1996-Nov-29 29 2 27
+ 5.003_11 1996-Dec-06 73 12 165
+ 5.003_12 1996-Dec-19 275 6 436
+ 5.003_13 1996-Dec-20 95 1 56
+ 5.003_14 1996-Dec-23 23 7 333
+ 5.003_15 1996-Dec-23 0 0 1
+ 5.003_16 1996-Dec-24 12 3 50
+ 5.003_17 1996-Dec-27 19 1 14
+ 5.003_18 1996-Dec-31 21 1 32
+ 5.003_19 1997-Jan-04 80 3 85
+ 5.003_20 1997-Jan-07 18 1 146
+ 5.003_21 1997-Jan-15 38 10 221
+ 5.003_22 1997-Jan-16 4 0 18
+ 5.003_23 1997-Jan-25 71 15 119
+ 5.003_24 1997-Jan-29 426 1 20
+ 5.003_25 1997-Feb-04 21 8 169
+ 5.003_26 1997-Feb-10 16 1 15
+ 5.003_27 1997-Feb-18 32 10 38
+ 5.003_28 1997-Feb-21 58 4 66
+ 5.003_90 1997-Feb-25 22 2 34
+ 5.003_91 1997-Mar-01 37 1 39
+ 5.003_92 1997-Mar-06 16 3 69
+ 5.003_93 1997-Mar-10 12 3 15
+ 5.003_94 1997-Mar-22 407 7 200
+ 5.003_95 1997-Mar-25 41 1 37
+ 5.003_96 1997-Apr-01 283 5 261
+ 5.003_97 1997-Apr-03 13 2 34
+ 5.003_97a 1997-Apr-05 57 1 27
+ 5.003_97b 1997-Apr-08 14 1 20
+ 5.003_97c 1997-Apr-10 20 1 16
+ 5.003_97d 1997-Apr-13 8 0 16
+ 5.003_97e 1997-Apr-15 15 4 46
+ 5.003_97f 1997-Apr-17 7 1 33
+ 5.003_97g 1997-Apr-18 6 1 42
+ 5.003_97h 1997-Apr-24 23 3 68
+ 5.003_97i 1997-Apr-25 23 1 31
+ 5.003_97j 1997-Apr-28 36 1 49
+ 5.003_98 1997-Apr-30 171 12 539
+ 5.003_99 1997-May-01 6 0 7
+ 5.003_99a 1997-May-09 36 2 61
+ p54rc1 1997-May-12 8 1 11
+ p54rc2 1997-May-14 6 0 40
+ 5.004 1997-May-15 4 0 4
+ Tim 5.004_01 1997-Jun-13 222 14 57
+ 5.004_02 1997-Aug-07 112 16 119
+ 5.004_03 1997-Sep-05 109 0 17
+ 5.004_04 1997-Oct-15 66 8 173
+Jarkko Hietaniemi <F<>>.
+Thanks to the collective memory of the Perlfolk. In addition to the
+Keepers of the Pumpkin also Alan Champion, Andreas König, John
+Macdonald, Matthias Neeracher, Michael Peppler, Randal Schwartz, and
+Paul D. Smith sent corrections and additions.
diff --git a/t/lib/tie-push.t b/t/lib/tie-push.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..dd718deb14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/lib/tie-push.t
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+ package Basic;
+ use Tie::Array;
+ @ISA = qw(Tie::Array);
+ sub TIEARRAY { return bless [], shift }
+ sub FETCH { $_[0]->[$_[1]] }
+ sub STORE { $_[0]->[$_[1]] = $_[2] }
+ sub FETCHSIZE { scalar(@{$_[0]}) }
+ sub STORESIZE { $#{$_[0]} = $_[1]-1 }
+tie @x,Basic;
+tie @get,Basic;
+tie @got,Basic;
+tie @tests,Basic;
+require "../t/op/push.t"
diff --git a/t/lib/tie-stdarray.t b/t/lib/tie-stdarray.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..7ca4d76f11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/lib/tie-stdarray.t
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+use Tie::Array;
+tie @foo,Tie::StdArray;
+tie @ary,Tie::StdArray;
+tie @bar,Tie::StdArray;
+require "../t/op/array.t"
diff --git a/t/lib/tie-stdpush.t b/t/lib/tie-stdpush.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..34a69472f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/lib/tie-stdpush.t
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+use Tie::Array;
+tie @x,Tie::StdArray;
+require "../t/op/push.t"
diff --git a/t/op/tiearray.t b/t/op/tiearray.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..8e78b2f76b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/op/tiearray.t
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+my %seen;
+package Implement;
+ $seen{'TIEARRAY'}++;
+ my ($class,@val) = @_;
+ return bless \@val,$class;
+ $seen{'STORESIZE'}++;
+ my ($ob,$sz) = @_;
+ return $#{$ob} = $sz-1;
+ $seen{'EXTEND'}++;
+ my ($ob,$sz) = @_;
+ return @$ob = $sz;
+ $seen{'FETCHSIZE'}++;
+ return scalar(@{$_[0]});
+sub FETCH
+ $seen{'FETCH'}++;
+ my ($ob,$id) = @_;
+ return $ob->[$id];
+sub STORE
+ $seen{'STORE'}++;
+ my ($ob,$id,$val) = @_;
+ $ob->[$id] = $val;
+ $seen{'UNSHIFT'}++;
+ my $ob = shift;
+ unshift(@$ob,@_);
+sub PUSH
+ $seen{'PUSH'}++;
+ my $ob = shift;;
+ push(@$ob,@_);
+sub CLEAR
+ $seen{'CLEAR'}++;
+ @{$_[0]} = ();
+ $seen{'DESTROY'}++;
+sub POP
+ $seen{'POP'}++;
+ my ($ob) = @_;
+ return pop(@$ob);
+sub SHIFT
+ $seen{'SHIFT'}++;
+ my ($ob) = @_;
+ return shift(@$ob);
+ $seen{'SPLICE'}++;
+ my $ob = shift;
+ my $off = @_ ? shift : 0;
+ my $len = @_ ? shift : @$ob-1;
+ return splice(@$ob,$off,$len,@_);
+package main;
+print "1..31\n";
+my $test = 1;
+{my @ary;
+{ my $ob = tie @ary,'Implement',3,2,1;
+ print "not " unless $ob;
+ print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+ print "not " unless tied(@ary) == $ob;
+ print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+print "not " unless @ary == 3;
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+print "not " unless $#ary == 2;
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+print "not " unless join(':',@ary) eq '3:2:1';
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+print "not " unless $seen{'FETCH'} >= 3;
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+@ary = (1,2,3);
+print "not " unless $seen{'STORE'} >= 3;
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+print "not " unless join(':',@ary) eq '1:2:3';
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+{my @thing = @ary;
+print "not " unless join(':',@thing) eq '1:2:3';
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+tie @thing,'Implement';
+@thing = @ary;
+print "not " unless join(':',@thing) eq '1:2:3';
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+print "not " unless pop(@ary) == 3;
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+print "not " unless $seen{'POP'} == 1;
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+print "not " unless join(':',@ary) eq '1:2';
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+print "not " unless $seen{'PUSH'} == 1;
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+print "not " unless join(':',@ary) eq '1:2:4';
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+my @x = splice(@ary,1,1,7);
+print "not " unless $seen{'SPLICE'} == 1;
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+print "not " unless @x == 1;
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+print "not " unless $x[0] == 2;
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+print "not " unless join(':',@ary) eq '1:7:4';
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+print "not " unless shift(@ary) == 1;
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+print "not " unless $seen{'SHIFT'} == 1;
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+print "not " unless join(':',@ary) eq '7:4';
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+my $n = unshift(@ary,5,6);
+print "not " unless $seen{'UNSHIFT'} == 1;
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+print "not " unless $n == 4;
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+print "not " unless join(':',@ary) eq '5:6:7:4';
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+@ary = split(/:/,'1:2:3');
+print "not " unless join(':',@ary) eq '1:2:3';
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+my $t = 0;
+foreach $n (@ary)
+ {
+ print "not " unless $n == ++$t;
+ print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+ }
+@ary = qw(3 2 1);
+print "not " unless join(':',@ary) eq '3:2:1';
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
+untie @ary;
+print "not " unless $seen{'DESTROY'} == 2;
+print "ok ", $test++,"\n";
diff --git a/win32/bin/ b/win32/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6467e573b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win32/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#!perl -w
+use File::DosGlob;
+$| = 1;
+while (@ARGV) {
+ my $arg = shift;
+ my @m = File::DosGlob::doglob(1,$arg);
+ print (@m ? join("\0", sort @m) : $arg);
+ print "\0" if @ARGV;
+=head1 NAME
+perlglob.bat - a more capable perlglob.exe replacement
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ @perlfiles = glob "..\\pe?l/*.p?";
+ print <..\\pe?l/*.p?>;
+ # more efficient version
+ > perl -MFile::DosGlob=glob -e "print <../pe?l/*.p?>"
+This file is a portable replacement for perlglob.exe. It
+is largely compatible with perlglob.exe (the Microsoft setargv.obj
+version) in all but one respect--it understands wildcards in
+directory components.
+It prints null-separated filenames to standard output.
+For details of the globbing features implemented, see
+While one may replace perlglob.exe with this, usage by overriding
+CORE::glob with File::DosGlob::glob should be much more efficient,
+because it avoids launching a separate process, and is therefore
+strongly recommended. See L<perlsub> for details of overriding
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Gurusamy Sarathy <>
+=head1 SEE ALSO