diff options
authorJames E Keenan <>2019-10-13 08:45:22 -0400
committerJames E Keenan <>2019-10-14 06:55:07 -0400
commit8a1dfc0464f1ff3f7536b414fd48c3da48101ffa (patch)
parentf87d8789b924d2fac04671d98d5db10eee8da45e (diff)
Extend test coverage for
Improve coverage since version 1.18. $ cat Dumpvalue.original.coverage --------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ File stmt bran cond sub pod time total --------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ blib/lib/ 95.8 74.7 59.7 100.0 45.8 100.0 81.2 Total 95.8 74.7 59.7 100.0 45.8 100.0 81.2 --------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ $ cat 8e07bd5a.coverage.txt --------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ File stmt bran cond sub pod time total --------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ blib/lib/ 98.7 89.0 70.9 100.0 45.8 100.0 88.6 Total 98.7 89.0 70.9 100.0 45.8 100.0 88.6 --------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
2 files changed, 444 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
index 74052779cd..0c06d8a258 100644
@@ -3455,6 +3455,7 @@ dist/Devel-SelfStubber/lib/Devel/ Generate stubs for
dist/Devel-SelfStubber/t/Devel-SelfStubber.t See if Devel::SelfStubber works
dist/Dumpvalue/lib/ Screen dump of perl values
dist/Dumpvalue/t/Dumpvalue.t See if Dumpvalue works
+dist/Dumpvalue/t/extend-coverage.t Extend Dumpvalue's test coverage
dist/Dumpvalue/t/lib/ Helper module for Dumpvalue tests
dist/Dumpvalue/t/rt-134441-dumpvalue.t See if Dumpvalue works
dist/encoding-warnings/lib/encoding/ warn on implicit encoding conversions
diff --git a/dist/Dumpvalue/t/extend-coverage.t b/dist/Dumpvalue/t/extend-coverage.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..760c3399c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/Dumpvalue/t/extend-coverage.t
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+ require Config;
+ if (($Config::Config{'extensions'} !~ m!\bList/Util\b!) ){
+ print "1..0 # Skip -- Perl configured without List::Util module\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ # `make test` in the CPAN version of this module runs us with -w, but
+ # relies on all sorts of things that can cause warnings. I
+ # don't think that's worth fixing, so we just turn off all warnings
+ # during testing.
+ $^W = 0;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib ("./t/lib");
+use TieOut;
+use Test::More qw(no_plan); # tests => 17;
+use List::Util qw( sum );
+use File::Temp qw( tempfile tempdir );
+use File::Spec;
+use_ok( 'Dumpvalue' );
+my $out = tie *OUT, 'TieOut';
+ my $d = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1 );
+ ok( $d, 'create a new Dumpvalue object' );
+ is( $d->get('globPrint'), 0, 'get a single (default) option correctly' );
+ my @attributes = (qw|globPrint printUndef tick unctrl|);
+ my @rv = $d->get(@attributes);
+ my $expected = [ 0, 1, "auto", 'quote' ];
+ is_deeply( \@rv, $expected, "get multiple (default) options correctly" );
+ my $d;
+ ok( $d = Dumpvalue->new(), 'create a new Dumpvalue object' );
+ my @foobar = ('foo', 'bar');
+ my @bazlow = ('baz', 'low');
+ {
+ local $@;
+ eval { $d->dumpValue([@foobar], [@bazlow]); };
+ like $@, qr/^usage: \$dumper->dumpValue\(value\)/,
+ "dumpValue() takes only 1 argument";
+ }
+ my $d;
+ ok( $d = Dumpvalue->new(), 'create a new Dumpvalue object' );
+ #is( $d->stringify(), 'undef', 'stringify handles undef okay' );
+ # Need to create a "stringify-overloaded object", then test with
+ # non-default value 'bareStringify = 0'.
+ my (@x, @y);
+ my $d = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, quoteHighBit => '', unctrl => 'quote' );
+ ok( $d, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: quoteHighBit explicitly off' );
+ $x[0] = $d->stringify("\N{U+266}");
+ is ($x[0], "'\N{U+266}'" , 'quoteHighBit off' );
+ my $e = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, quoteHighBit => 1, unctrl => 'quote' );
+ ok( $e, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: quoteHighBit on' );
+ $y[0] = $e->stringify("\N{U+266}");
+ is( $y[0], q|'\1146'|, "quoteHighBit on");
+ my $f = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, quoteHighBit => '', unctrl => 'unctrl' );
+ ok( $f, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: quoteHighBit explicitly off, unctrl' );
+ $x[1] = $f->stringify("\N{U+266}");
+ is ($x[1], "'\N{U+266}'" , 'quoteHighBit off' );
+ my $g = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, quoteHighBit => '', unctrl => 'unctrl' );
+ ok( $g, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: quoteHighBit explicitly off, unctrl' );
+ $y[1] = $g->stringify("\N{U+266}");
+ is ($y[1], "'\N{U+266}'" , 'quoteHighBit off' );
+ my $h = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, quoteHighBit => '', tick => '"' );
+ ok( $h, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: quoteHighBit explicitly off, tick quote' );
+ $x[2] = $h->stringify("\N{U+266}");
+ is ($x[2], q|"| . "\N{U+266}" . q|"| , 'quoteHighBit off' );
+ my $i = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, quoteHighBit => 1, tick => '"' );
+ ok( $i, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: quoteHighBit on, tick quote' );
+ $y[2] = $i->stringify("\N{U+266}");
+ is( $y[2], q|"\1146"|, "quoteHighBit on");
+ my $j = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, quoteHighBit => 1, unctrl => 'quote' );
+ ok( $j, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: quoteHighBit on' );
+ $x[3] = $j->stringify("abc");
+ is( $x[3], q|'abc'|, "quoteHighBit on, unctrl quote, asciii-only text");
+ my $k = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, quoteHighBit => 1, unctrl => 'unctrl' );
+ ok( $k, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: quoteHighBit on' );
+ $y[3] = $k->stringify("\N{U+266}abc");
+ is( $y[3], q|'\1146abc'|, "quoteHighBit on, unctrl unctrl, mixed text");
+ my $l = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, quoteHighBit => '', unctrl => 'quote' );
+ ok( $l, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: quoteHighBit off' );
+ $x[4] = $l->stringify("abc");
+ is( $x[4], q|'abc'|, "quoteHighBit off, unctrl quote, asciii-only text");
+ my $m = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, quoteHighBit => '', unctrl => 'unctrl' );
+ ok( $m, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: quoteHighBit off' );
+ $y[4] = $m->stringify("\N{U+266}abc");
+ #is( $y[4], q|'\1146abc'|, "quoteHighBit off, unctrl unctrl, mixed text");
+ is( $y[4], qq|'\N{U+266}abc'|, "quoteHighBit off, unctrl unctrl, mixed text");
+ my (@x, @y);
+ my $d = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, veryCompact => '' );
+ ok( $d, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: veryCompact explicitly off' );
+ $d->DumpElem([1, 2, 3]);
+ $x[0] = $out->read;
+ like( $x[0], qr/^ARRAY\([^)]+\)\n0\s+1\n1\s+2\n2\s+3/,
+ "DumpElem worked as expected with veryCompact explicitly off");
+ my $e = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, veryCompact => 1 );
+ ok( $e, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: veryCompact on' );
+ $e->DumpElem([1, 2, 3]);
+ $y[0] = $out->read;
+ like( $y[0], qr/^0\.\.2\s+1 2 3/,
+ "DumpElem worked as expected with veryCompact on");
+ my $f = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, veryCompact => '' );
+ $f->DumpElem({ a => 1, b => 2, c => 3 });
+ $x[1] = $out->read;
+ like( $x[1], qr/^HASH\([^)]+\)\n'a'\s=>\s1\n'b'\s=>\s2\n'c'\s=>\s3/,
+ "DumpElem worked as expected with veryCompact explicitly off: hashref");
+ my $g = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, veryCompact => 1 );
+ ok( $g, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: veryCompact on' );
+ $g->DumpElem({ a => 1, b => 2, c => 3 });
+ $y[1] = $out->read;
+ like( $y[1], qr/^'a'\s=>\s1,\s'b'\s=>\s2,\s'c'\s=>\s3/,
+ "DumpElem worked as expected with veryCompact on: hashref");
+ my $h = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, veryCompact => '' );
+ ok( $h, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: veryCompact explicitly off' );
+ $h->DumpElem([1, 2, ['a']]);
+ $x[2] = $out->read;
+ like( $x[2], qr/^ARRAY\([^)]+\)\n0\s+1\n1\s+2\n2\s+ARRAY\([^)]+\)\n\s+0\s+'a'/,
+ "DumpElem worked as expected with veryCompact explicitly off: array contains ref");
+ my $i = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, veryCompact => 1 );
+ ok( $i, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: veryCompact on' );
+ $i->DumpElem([1, 2, ['a']]);
+ $y[2] = $out->read;
+ like( $y[2], qr/^ARRAY\([^)]+\)\n0\s+1\n1\s+2\n2\s+0\.\.0\s+'a'/,
+ "DumpElem worked as expected with veryCompact on: array contains ref");
+ my $j = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, veryCompact => '' );
+ ok( $j, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: veryCompact explicitly off' );
+ $j->DumpElem({ a => 1, b => 2, c => ['a'] });
+ $x[3] = $out->read;
+ like( $x[3], qr/^HASH\([^)]+\)\n'a'\s=>\s1\n'b'\s=>\s2\n'c'\s=>\sARRAY\([^)]+\)\n\s+0\s+'a'/,
+ "DumpElem worked as expected with veryCompact explicitly off: hash contains ref");
+ my $k = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, veryCompact => 1 );
+ ok( $k, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: veryCompact on' );
+ $k->DumpElem({ a => 1, b => 2, c => ['a'] });
+ $y[3] = $out->read;
+ like( $y[3], qr/^HASH\([^)]+\)\n'a'\s=>\s1\n'b'\s=>\s2\n'c'\s=>\s0\.\.0\s+'a'/,
+ "DumpElem worked as expected with veryCompact on: hash contains ref");
+ my $l = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, veryCompact => '', hashDepth => 2 );
+ $l->DumpElem({ a => 1, b => 2, c => 3 });
+ $x[4] = $out->read;
+ like( $x[4], qr/^HASH\([^)]+\)\n'a'\s=>\s1\n'b'\s=>\s2\n\.{4}/,
+ "DumpElem worked as expected with veryCompact explicitly off: hashref hashdepth");
+ my $m = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, veryCompact => 1, hashDepth => 2 );
+ ok( $m, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: veryCompact on' );
+ $m->DumpElem({ a => 1, b => 2, c => 3 });
+ $y[4] = $out->read;
+ like( $y[4], qr/^'a'\s=>\s1,\s'b'\s=>\s2\s\.+/,
+ "DumpElem worked as expected with veryCompact on: hashref hashdepth");
+ my $n = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, veryCompact => '', hashDepth => 4 );
+ ok( $n, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: veryCompact off' );
+ $n->DumpElem({ a => 1, b => 2, c => 3 });
+ $x[5] = $out->read;
+ like( $x[5], qr/^HASH\([^)]+\)\n'a'\s=>\s1\n'b'\s=>\s2\n'c'\s+=>\s+3/,
+ "DumpElem worked as expected with veryCompact explicitly off: hashref hashdepth");
+ my $o = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, veryCompact => 1, hashDepth => 4 );
+ ok( $o, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: veryCompact on' );
+ $o->DumpElem({ a => 1, b => 2, c => 3 });
+ $y[5] = $out->read;
+ like( $y[5], qr/^'a'\s=>\s1,\s+'b'\s=>\s2,\s+'c'\s+=>\s+3/,
+ "DumpElem worked as expected with veryCompact on: hashref hashdepth");
+ my (@x, @y);
+ my $five = '12345';
+ my $six = '123456';
+ my $alt = '78901';
+ my @arr = ($six, $alt);
+ my %two = (first => $six, notthefirst => $alt);
+ my $d = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, usageOnly => '' );
+ ok( $d, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: usageOnly explicitly off' );
+ $x[0] = $d->scalarUsage($five);
+ is( $x[0], length($five), 'scalarUsage reports length correctly' );
+ my $e = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, usageOnly => 1 );
+ ok( $e, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: usageOnly on' );
+ $y[0] = $e->scalarUsage($five);
+ is( $y[0], length($five), 'scalarUsage reports length correctly' );
+ my $f = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, usageOnly => '' );
+ ok( $f, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: usageOnly explicitly off' );
+ $x[1] = $f->scalarUsage($six, '7890');
+ is ($x[1], length($six), 'scalarUsage reports length of first element correctly' );
+ my $g = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, usageOnly => 1 );
+ ok( $g, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: usageOnly on' );
+ $y[1] = $g->scalarUsage($six, '7890');
+ is ($y[1], length($six), 'scalarUsage reports length of first element correctly' );
+ my $h = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, usageOnly => '' );
+ ok( $h, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: usageOnly explicitly off' );
+ $x[2] = $h->scalarUsage( [ @arr ] );
+ is ($x[2], sum( map { length($_) } @arr ),
+ 'scalarUsage reports sum of length of array elements correctly' );
+ my $i = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, usageOnly => 1 );
+ ok( $i, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: usageOnly on' );
+ $y[2] = $i->scalarUsage( [ @arr ] );
+ is ($y[2], sum( map { length($_) } @arr ),
+ 'scalarUsage reports length of first element correctly' );
+ my $j = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, usageOnly => '' );
+ ok( $j, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: usageOnly explicitly off' );
+ $x[3] = $j->scalarUsage( { %two } );
+ is ($x[3], sum( ( map { length($_) } keys %two ), ( map { length($_) } values %two ), ),
+ 'scalarUsage reports sum of length of hash keys and values correctly' );
+ my $k = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, usageOnly => 1 );
+ ok( $k, 'create a new Dumpvalue object: usageOnly on' );
+ $y[3] = $k->scalarUsage( { %two } );
+ is ($y[3], sum( ( map { length($_) } keys %two ), ( map { length($_) } values %two ), ),
+ 'scalarUsage reports sum of length of hash keys and values correctly' );
+ my (@x, @y);
+ my $d = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, usageOnly => 1 );
+ ok( $d, 'create a new Dumpvalue object, usageOnly on' );
+ $d->dumpvars( 'Fake', 'veryfake' );
+ like( $out->read, qr/^String space:/, 'printed usage message fine' );
+ my $e = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, usageOnly => '' );
+ ok( $e, 'create a new Dumpvalue object, usageOnly explicitly off' );
+ $e->dumpvars( 'Fake', 'veryfake' );
+ is( $out->read, '', 'printed usage message fine' );
+ my $f = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, usageOnly => 1 );
+ ok( $f, 'create a new Dumpvalue object, usageOnly on' );
+ $f->dumpvars( 'main', 'INC' );
+ like( $out->read, qr/\@INC =/, 'dumped variables from a package' );
+ my $g = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, usageOnly => '' );
+ ok( $g, 'create a new Dumpvalue object, usageOnly explicitly off' );
+ $g->dumpvars( 'main', 'INC' );
+ like( $out->read, qr/\@INC =/, 'dumped variables from a package' );
+ # return if $DB::signal and $self->{stopDbSignal};
+ {
+ note("DB::signal off");
+ local $DB::signal = 0;
+ my $h = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, stopDbSignal => '' );
+ ok( $h, 'create a new Dumpvalue object, stopDbSignal explicitly off' );
+ $h->dumpvars( 'main', 'INC' );
+ like( $out->read, qr/\@INC =/, 'dumped variables from a package' );
+ my $i = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, stopDbSignal => 1 );
+ ok( $i, 'create a new Dumpvalue object, stopDbSignal on' );
+ $i->dumpvars( 'main', 'INC' );
+ like( $out->read, qr/\@INC =/, 'dumped variables from a package' );
+ }
+ {
+ note("DB::signal on");
+ local $DB::signal = 1;
+ my $j = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, stopDbSignal => '' );
+ ok( $j, 'create a new Dumpvalue object, stopDbSignal explicitly off' );
+ $j->dumpvars( 'main', 'INC' );
+ like( $out->read, qr/\@INC =/, 'dumped variables from a package' );
+ my $k = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, stopDbSignal => 1 );
+ ok( $k, 'create a new Dumpvalue object, stopDbSignal on' );
+ $k->dumpvars( 'main', 'INC' );
+ is( $out->read, '', 'return false' );
+ my $l = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, stopDbSignal => 1 );
+ ok( $l, 'create a new Dumpvalue object, stopDbSignal on' );
+ $l->dumpvars( 'main::', 'INC' );
+ is( $out->read, '', 'XXX: return false' );
+ }
+ my (@x, @y);
+ my $d = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, compactDump => 1 );
+ ok( $d, 'create a new Dumpvalue object, compactDump' );
+ $d->unwrap([]);
+ $x[0] = $out->read;
+ like( $x[0], qr/\s*empty array\n/, "unwrap() reported empty array");
+ my $e = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, compactDump => 0 );
+ ok( $e, 'create a new Dumpvalue object, compactDump explicitly off' );
+ $e->unwrap([ qw| alpha beta gamma | ]);
+ $y[0] = $out->read;
+ like( $y[0], qr/0\s+'alpha'\n1\s+'beta'\n2\s+'gamma'/,
+ "unwrap() with compactDump explicitly off");
+ my $f = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1 );
+ ok( $f, 'create a new Dumpvalue object' );
+ $f->veryCompact(0);
+ $f->unwrap([ qw| alpha beta gamma | ]);
+ $x[1] = $out->read;
+ like( $x[1], qr/0\s+'alpha'\n1\s+'beta'\n2\s+'gamma'/,
+ "unwrap() after veryCompact method call with arg 0");
+ my $g = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1 );
+ ok( $g, 'create a new Dumpvalue object' );
+ $g->veryCompact();
+ $g->unwrap([ qw| alpha beta gamma | ]);
+ $y[1] = $out->read;
+ like( $y[1], qr/0\s+'alpha'\n1\s+'beta'\n2\s+'gamma'/,
+ "unwrap() after veryCompact method call with explicitly off");
+ my $h = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1 );
+ ok( $h, 'create a new Dumpvalue object' );
+ $h->compactDump(1);
+ $h->veryCompact(0);
+ $h->unwrap([ qw| alpha beta gamma | ]);
+ $x[2] = $out->read;
+ like( $x[2], qr/0\.\.2\s+'alpha'\s+'beta'\s+'gamma'/,
+ "unwrap() after compactDump(1) and veryCompact(0) method calls");
+ my $i = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1 );
+ ok( $i, 'create a new Dumpvalue object' );
+ $i->compactDump(0);
+ $i->unwrap([ qw| alpha beta gamma | ]);
+ $y[2] = $out->read;
+ like( $y[1], qr/0\s+'alpha'\n1\s+'beta'\n2\s+'gamma'/,
+ "unwrap() after compactDump(0) method call");
+ no warnings 'once';
+ my (@x, @y);
+ my $d = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1 );
+ ok( $d, 'create a new Dumpvalue object' );
+ $d->unwrap(\*BAR);
+ $x[0] = $out->read;
+ is( $x[0], "-> *main::BAR\n", "unwrap reported ref to typeglob");
+ my $e = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, globPrint => 1 );
+ ok( $e, 'create a new Dumpvalue object, globPrint' );
+ $e->unwrap(\*RQP);
+ $y[0] = $out->read;
+ is( $y[0], "-> *main::RQP\n", "unwrap reported ref to typeglob");
+ my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
+ my $tempfile = File::Spec->catfile($tdir, 'foo.txt');
+ open FH, '>', $tempfile or die "Unable to open tempfile for writing";
+ print FH "\n";
+ my $f = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1 );
+ ok( $f, 'create a new Dumpvalue object' );
+ $f->unwrap(\*FH);
+ $x[1] = $out->read;
+ like( $x[1],
+ qr/->\s\*main::FH\n\s*FileHandle\(\{\*main::FH\}\)\s+=>\s+fileno\(\d+\)\n/,
+ "unwrap reported ref to typeglob");
+ close FH or die "Unable to close tempfile after writing";
+ my (@x, @y);
+ my $d = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, quoteHighBit => '' );
+ ok( $d, 'create a new Dumpvalue object' );
+ $d->set_unctrl('unctrl');
+ $d->unwrap([ "bo\007nd", qw| alpha beta gamma | ]);
+ $x[0] = $out->read;
+ like( $x[0], qr/0\s+"bo\^.nd"\n1\s+'alpha'\n2\s+'beta'\n3\s+'gamma'/,
+ "unwrap() with set_unctrl('unctrl') method call" );
+ my $e = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1, quoteHighBit => 1 );
+ ok( $e, 'create a new Dumpvalue object' );
+ $e->set_unctrl('unctrl');
+ $e->unwrap([ "bo\007nd", qw| alpha beta gamma | ]);
+ $x[1] = $out->read;
+ like( $x[1], qr/0\s+"bo\^.nd"\n1\s+'alpha'\n2\s+'beta'\n3\s+'gamma'/,
+ "unwrap() with set_unctrl('unctrl') method call" );
+ my (@x, @y);
+ my $d = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1 );
+ ok( $d, 'create a new Dumpvalue object' );
+ $x[0] = $d->dumpsub( '', 'TieOut::read' );
+ like( $x[0], qr/&TieOut::read in/, 'dumpsub found sub fine' );
+ my $e = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1 );
+ ok( $e, 'create a new Dumpvalue object' );
+ $y[0] = $e->dumpsub( 5, 'TieOut::read' );
+ like( $y[0], qr/\s{5}&TieOut::read in/, 'dumpsub found sub fine, leading whitespace' );
+ my $f = Dumpvalue->new( dumpReused => 1 );
+ ok( $f, 'create a new Dumpvalue object' );
+ $x[1] = $f->dumpsub( '', "{*ABC}" );
+ like( $x[1], qr/&ABC in \?{3}/, 'dumpsub found sub (ref) fine' );
+ print STDERR "AAA: $x[0]\n";
+ print STDERR "AAA: $y[0]\n";