diff options
authorJarkko Hietaniemi <>2001-07-13 11:40:13 +0000
committerJarkko Hietaniemi <>2001-07-13 11:40:13 +0000
commit8e39ca144ad8b90102becb938a78d1b7993d0581 (patch)
parentb8adaf87fdcc698bca3bf69110c0b4cdb1d0225d (diff)
README.netware tweaks from Ananth Kesari.
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@11347
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/README.netware b/README.netware
index 1764896d9e..ac9a19e931 100644
--- a/README.netware
+++ b/README.netware
@@ -19,14 +19,13 @@ and other associated NLMs.
=head2 Tools & SDK
-The build requires Watcom 11.x compiler and linker. NetWare SDK,
-available at L<>, is required. Apart
-from NetWare SDK, "NLM & NetWare Libraries for C" and "NetWare Server
-Protocol Libraries for C" are also required. This is also available
-at the above mentioned site. Microsoft Visual C++ version 4.2 or
-later is also required.
-Currently the interpreter builds only with Watcom, we do have plans of
+The build requires Watcom 11.x compiler and linker. In addition,
+the "NetWare SDK", "NLM & NetWare Libraries for C" and
+"NetWare Server Protocol Libraries for C", all available at
+L<>, are also required.
+Microsoft Visual C++ version 4.2 or later is also required.
+Currently the interpreter builds only with Watcom and we do have plans of
making this work with CodeWarrior as well.
=head2 Setup
@@ -58,12 +57,13 @@ or I</?> gives the usage help.
=head2 Make
-The makefile is located under the NetWare folder. Type nmake at the
-WinNT command prompt. The make process runs only under WinNT shell.
-The makefile makes use of miniperl.exe to run some of the Perl
-scripts. Please run nmake from win32 folder which builds miniperl.exe
-before running nmake from NetWare folder. The build process can be
-stopped after miniperl.exe is created.
+The make process runs only under WinNT shell.
+The NetWare makefile is located under the NetWare folder.
+The makefile for NetWare makes use of miniperl.exe to run some of
+the Perl scripts. To create miniperl.exe, run nmake from
+win32 folder through WinNT commond prompt. The build process
+can be stopped after miniperl.exe is created. Then run nmake
+from NetWare folder through WinNT command prompt.
Currently the follwing two build types are tested on NetWare
@@ -81,11 +81,10 @@ USE_MULTI & USE_IMP_SYS defined and USE_ITHREADS not defined
=head2 Interpreter
-Once miniperl.exe creation is over, run nmake from the NetWare
-folder. This will build the Perl interpreter for NetWare as
-I<perl.nlm>. This is copied under the I<Release> folder if you are
-doing a release build else will be copied under I<Debug> folder for
-debug builds.
+Once miniperl.exe creation is over, run nmake from the NetWare folder.
+This will build the Perl interpreter for NetWare as I<perl.nlm>.
+This is copied under the I<Release> folder if you are doing
+a release build, else will be copied under I<Debug> folder for debug builds.
=head2 Extensions
@@ -94,24 +93,22 @@ NLPs (NetWare Loadable Perl).
=head1 Install
-Installing NetWare Perl on Windows doesn't make any sense. To
-install, type I<nmake nwinstall>. This will copy the binaries and
-module files to a NetWare server. The makefile, by default sets the
-drive letter to I<i:> which should be mapped to the I<sys> volume of a
-NetWare server. The Perl interpreter, I<perl.nlm>, is copied under
-I<sys:\perl\system> folder. Copy I<perl.nlm> to I<sys:\system>
-folder. Before running I<nmake nwinstall>, make sure the NetWare
-server on which the files have to go is mapped to the drive letter
+To install NetWare Perl onto a NetWare server, first map the Sys volume
+of a NetWare server to I<i:>. This is because the makefile by default
+sets the drive letter to I<i:>. Type I<nmake nwinstall> from NetWare folder
+on a WinNT command prompt. This will copy the binaries and module files
+onto the NetWare server. The Perl interpreter, I<perl.nlm>, is copied under
+I<sys:\perl\system> folder. Copy I<perl.nlm> to I<sys:\system> folder.
=head1 Build new extensions
To build extensions other than standard extensions, NetWare Perl has
to be installed on Windows as well. This can be done by invoking
-I<nmake install> on the Windows NT command prompt. This will copy all
-the *.pm files and other required files. Documentation files are not
-copied. This has be done after installing Perl for Windows. Once this
-is done, to build any extension, do the following
+I<nmake install> from the NetWare folder on a WinNT command prompt.
+This will copy all the *.pm files and other required files.
+Documentation files are not copied. This has to be done after
+installing Perl for Windows. Once this is done, do the following
+to build any extension:
=over 4
@@ -162,12 +159,13 @@ Also fork() is not currently implemented.
=head1 Acknowledgements
The makefile for Win32 is used as a reference to create the makefile
-for NetWare build. Also, the make process for NetWare port uses miniperl.exe
-to run scripts during the make and installation process.
+for NetWare build. Also, the make process for NetWare port uses
+miniperl.exe to run scripts during the make and installation process.
-=head1 Author
+=head1 Authors
Guruprasad S (
+Anantha Kesari H Y (
=head1 Date
@@ -181,5 +179,9 @@ Created - 18th Jan 2001
Modified - 25th June 2001
+=item *
+Modified - 13 July 2001