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authorKarl Williamson <>2011-01-09 13:50:18 -0700
committerKarl Williamson <>2011-01-09 19:29:02 -0700
commit949cf4983af707fbd15e422845f4f3df20505f97 (patch)
parent6ee84de2b1afaa2b442cdbaa59f3cf83e3a562e1 (diff)
utf8.c(): Default to allow problematic code points
Surrogates, non-character code points, and code points that aren't in Unicode are now allowed by default, instead of having to specify a flag to allow them. (Most code did specify those flags anyway.) This affects uvuni_to_utf8_flags(), utf8n_to_uvuni() and various routines that are specialized interfaces to them. Now there is a new set of flags to disallow those code points. Further, all 66 of the non-character code points are known about and handled consistently, instead of just U+FFFF. Code that requires these code points to be forbidden will have to change to use the new flags. I have looked at all the (few) instances in CPAN where these routines are used, and the only one I found that appears to have need to do this, Encode, has already been patched to accommodate this change. Of course, I may have overlooked some subtleties.
4 files changed, 228 insertions, 110 deletions
diff --git a/pod/perldiag.pod b/pod/perldiag.pod
index c88df90590..2c5a6377b8 100644
--- a/pod/perldiag.pod
+++ b/pod/perldiag.pod
@@ -5208,15 +5208,16 @@ C<HERE> was retained; anything to the right was discarded.
=item Unicode surrogate U+%X is illegal in UTF-8
-=item UTF-16 surrogate 0x%x
-(W utf8) You tried to generate half of a UTF-16 surrogate by
-requesting a Unicode character between the code points 0xD800 and
-0xDFFF (inclusive). That range is reserved exclusively for the use of
-UTF-16 encoding (by having two 16-bit UCS-2 characters); but Perl
-encodes its characters in UTF-8, so what you got is a very illegal
-character. If you really really know what you are doing you can turn off
-this warning by C<no warnings 'utf8';>.
+=item UTF-16 surrogate U+%X
+(W utf8) You had a UTF-16 surrogate in a context where they are
+not considered acceptable. These code points, between U+D800 and
+U+DFFF (inclusive), are used by Unicode only for UTF-16. However, Perl
+internally allows all unsigned integer code points (up to the size limit
+available on your platform), including surrogates. But these can cause
+problems when being input or output, which is likely where this message
+came from. If you really really know what you are doing you can turn
+off this warning by C<no warnings 'utf8';>.
=item Value of %s can be "0"; test with defined()
diff --git a/t/lib/warnings/utf8 b/t/lib/warnings/utf8
index 9dbbcb918d..f4b5333ffe 100644
--- a/t/lib/warnings/utf8
+++ b/t/lib/warnings/utf8
@@ -60,12 +60,6 @@ my $hex5 = chr(0x100000);
my $maxm1 = chr(0x10FFFE);
my $max = chr(0x10FFFF);
-UTF-16 surrogate 0xd800 at - line 3.
-UTF-16 surrogate 0xdfff at - line 4.
-Unicode non-character 0xfffe is illegal for interchange at - line 8.
-Unicode non-character 0xffff is illegal for interchange at - line 9.
-Unicode non-character 0x10fffe is illegal for interchange at - line 12.
-Unicode non-character 0x10ffff is illegal for interchange at - line 13.
use warnings 'utf8';
my $d7ff = pack("U", 0xD7FF);
@@ -94,12 +88,6 @@ my $hex5 = pack("U", 0x100000);
my $maxm1 = pack("U", 0x10FFFE);
my $max = pack("U", 0x10FFFF);
-UTF-16 surrogate 0xd800 at - line 3.
-UTF-16 surrogate 0xdfff at - line 4.
-Unicode non-character 0xfffe is illegal for interchange at - line 8.
-Unicode non-character 0xffff is illegal for interchange at - line 9.
-Unicode non-character 0x10fffe is illegal for interchange at - line 12.
-Unicode non-character 0x10ffff is illegal for interchange at - line 13.
use warnings 'utf8';
my $d7ff = "\x{D7FF}";
@@ -130,10 +118,3 @@ my $maxm1 = "\x{10FFFE}";
my $max = "\x{10FFFF}";
-UTF-16 surrogate 0xd800 at - line 3.
-UTF-16 surrogate 0xdfff at - line 4.
-Unicode non-character 0xfffe is illegal for interchange at - line 8.
-Unicode non-character 0xffff is illegal for interchange at - line 9.
-Unicode non-character 0x10fffe is illegal for interchange at - line 12.
-Unicode non-character 0x10ffff is illegal for interchange at - line 13.
-Unicode non-character 0xffff is illegal for interchange in uc at - line 14.
diff --git a/utf8.c b/utf8.c
index 5b4dddeae7..3a382a2863 100644
--- a/utf8.c
+++ b/utf8.c
@@ -103,10 +103,31 @@ or, in most cases,
d = uvuni_to_utf8_flags(d, uv, 0);
-is the recommended Unicode-aware way of saying
+This is the recommended Unicode-aware way of saying
*(d++) = uv;
+This function will convert to UTF-8 (and not warn) even code points that aren't
+legal Unicode or are problematic, unless C<flags> contains one or more of the
+following flags.
+If C<uv> is a Unicode surrogate code point and UNICODE_WARN_SURROGATE is set,
+the function will raise a warning, provided UTF8 warnings are enabled. If instead
+UNICODE_DISALLOW_SURROGATE is set, the function will fail and return NULL.
+If both flags are set, the function will both warn and return NULL.
+affect how the function handles a Unicode non-character. And, likewise for the
+UNICODE_WARN_SUPER and UNICODE_DISALLOW_SUPER flags, and code points that are
+above the Unicode maximum of 0x10FFFF. Code points above 0x7FFF_FFFF (which are
+even less portable) can be warned and/or disallowed even if other above-Unicode
+code points are accepted by the UNICODE_WARN_FE_FF and UNICODE_DISALLOW_FE_FF
+And finally, the flag UNICODE_WARN_ILLEGAL_INTERCHANGE selects all four of the
+above WARN flags; and UNICODE_DISALLOW_ILLEGAL_INTERCHANGE selects all four
+DISALLOW flags.
@@ -115,23 +136,39 @@ Perl_uvuni_to_utf8_flags(pTHX_ U8 *d, UV uv, UV flags)
- if (ckWARN(WARN_UTF8)) {
- Perl_warner(aTHX_ packWARN(WARN_UTF8), "UTF-16 surrogate 0x%04"UVxf, uv);
- else if (
- ((uv >= 0xFDD0 && uv <= 0xFDEF &&
- !(flags & UNICODE_ALLOW_FDD0))
- ||
- ((uv & 0xFFFE) == 0xFFFE && /* Either FFFE or FFFF. */
- !(flags & UNICODE_ALLOW_FFFF))) &&
- * FFFEs and FFFFs beyond 0x10FFFF. */
- ((uv <= PERL_UNICODE_MAX) ||
- )
- Perl_warner(aTHX_ packWARN(WARN_UTF8),
- "Unicode non-character 0x%04"UVxf" is illegal for interchange", uv);
+ if (ckWARN_d(WARN_UTF8)) {
+ Perl_warner(aTHX_ packWARN(WARN_UTF8),
+ "UTF-16 surrogate U+%04"UVXf, uv);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (UNICODE_IS_SUPER(uv)) {
+ if (flags & UNICODE_WARN_SUPER
+ || (UNICODE_IS_FE_FF(uv) && (flags & UNICODE_WARN_FE_FF)))
+ {
+ Perl_warner(aTHX_ packWARN(WARN_UTF8),
+ "Code point 0x%04"UVXf" is not Unicode, may not be portable", uv);
+ }
+ || (UNICODE_IS_FE_FF(uv) && (flags & UNICODE_DISALLOW_FE_FF)))
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (UNICODE_IS_NONCHAR(uv)) {
+ if (flags & UNICODE_WARN_NONCHAR) {
+ Perl_warner(aTHX_ packWARN(WARN_UTF8),
+ "Unicode non-character U+%04"UVXf" is illegal for open interchange",
+ uv);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
*d++ = (U8)UTF_TO_NATIVE(uv);
@@ -428,20 +465,62 @@ Perl_is_utf8_string_loclen(const U8 *s, STRLEN len, const U8 **ep, STRLEN *el)
=for apidoc utf8n_to_uvuni
Bottom level UTF-8 decode routine.
-Returns the Unicode code point value of the first character in the string C<s>
-which is assumed to be in UTF-8 encoding and no longer than C<curlen>;
-C<retlen> will be set to the length, in bytes, of that character.
-If C<s> does not point to a well-formed UTF-8 character, the behaviour
-is dependent on the value of C<flags>: if it contains UTF8_CHECK_ONLY,
-it is assumed that the caller will raise a warning, and this function
-will silently just set C<retlen> to C<-1> and return zero. If the
-C<flags> does not contain UTF8_CHECK_ONLY, warnings about
-malformations will be given, C<retlen> will be set to the expected
-length of the UTF-8 character in bytes, and zero will be returned.
-The C<flags> can also contain various flags to allow deviations from
-the strict UTF-8 encoding (see F<utf8.h>).
+Returns the code point value of the first character in the string C<s>
+which is assumed to be in UTF-8 (or UTF-EBCDIC) encoding and no longer than
+C<curlen> bytes; C<retlen> will be set to the length, in bytes, of that
+The value of C<flags> determines the behavior when C<s> does not point to a
+well-formed UTF-8 character. If C<flags> is 0, when a malformation is found,
+C<retlen> is set to the expected length of the UTF-8 character in bytes, zero
+is returned, and if UTF-8 warnings haven't been lexically disabled, a warning
+is raised.
+Various ALLOW flags can be set in C<flags> to allow (and not warn on)
+individual types of malformations, such as the sequence being overlong (that
+is, when there is a shorter sequence that can express the same code point;
+overlong sequences are expressly forbidden in the UTF-8 standard due to
+potential security issues). Another malformation example is the first byte of
+a character not being a legal first byte. See F<utf8.h> for the list of such
+flags. Of course, the value returned by this function under such conditions is
+not reliable.
+The UTF8_CHECK_ONLY flag overrides the behavior when a non-allowed (by other
+flags) malformation is found. If this flag is set, the routine assumes that
+the caller will raise a warning, and this function will silently just set
+C<retlen> to C<-1> and return zero.
+Certain code points are considered problematic. These are Unicode surrogates,
+Unicode non-characters, and code points above the Unicode maximum of 0x10FFF.
+By default these are considered regular code points, but certain situations
+warrant special handling for them. if C<flags> contains
+UTF8_DISALLOW_ILLEGAL_INTERCHANGE, all three classes are treated as
+malformations and handled as such. The flags UTF8_DISALLOW_SURROGATE,
+UTF8_DISALLOW_NONCHAR, and UTF8_DISALLOW_SUPER (meaning above the legal Unicode
+maximum) can be set to disallow these categories individually.
+UTF8_WARN_NONCHAR, and UTF8_WARN_SUPER will cause warning messages to be raised
+for their respective categories, but otherwise the code points are considered
+valid (not malformations). To get a category to both be treated as a
+malformation and raise a warning, specify both the WARN and DISALLOW flags.
+(But note that warnings are not raised if lexically disabled nor if
+UTF8_CHECK_ONLY is also specified.)
+Very large code points (above 0x7FFF_FFFF) are considered more problematic than
+the others that are above the Unicode legal maximum. There are several
+reasons, one of which is that the original UTF-8 specification never went above
+this number (the current 0x10FFF limit was imposed later). The UTF-8 encoding
+on ASCII platforms for these large code point begins with a byte containing
+0xFE or 0xFF. The UTF8_DISALLOW_FE_FF flag will cause them to be treated as
+malformations, while allowing smaller above-Unicode code points. (Of course
+UTF8_DISALLOW_SUPER will treat all above-Unicode code points, including these,
+as malformations.) Similarly, UTF8_WARN_FE_FF acts just like the other WARN
+flags, but applies just to these code points.
+All other code points corresponding to Unicode characters, including private
+use and those yet to be assigned, are never considered malformed and never
Most code should use utf8_to_uvchr() rather than call this directly.
@@ -455,25 +534,22 @@ Perl_utf8n_to_uvuni(pTHX_ const U8 *s, STRLEN curlen, STRLEN *retlen, U32 flags)
const U8 * const s0 = s;
UV uv = *s, ouv = 0;
STRLEN len = 1;
- const bool dowarn = ckWARN_d(WARN_UTF8);
+ bool dowarn = ckWARN_d(WARN_UTF8);
const UV startbyte = *s;
STRLEN expectlen = 0;
U32 warning = 0;
- SV* sv;
+ SV* sv = NULL;
-/* This list is a superset of the UTF8_ALLOW_XXX. BUT it isn't, eg SUPER missing XXX */
+/* This list is a superset of the UTF8_ALLOW_XXX. */
#define UTF8_WARN_EMPTY 1
-#define UTF8_WARN_FE_FF 4
#define UTF8_WARN_SHORT 5
#define UTF8_WARN_LONG 8
-#define UTF8_WARN_FFFF 9 /* Also FFFE. */
if (curlen == 0 &&
!(flags & UTF8_ALLOW_EMPTY)) {
@@ -502,10 +578,14 @@ Perl_utf8n_to_uvuni(pTHX_ const U8 *s, STRLEN curlen, STRLEN *retlen, U32 flags)
#ifdef EBCDIC
uv = NATIVE_TO_UTF(uv);
- if ((uv == 0xfe || uv == 0xff) &&
- !(flags & UTF8_ALLOW_FE_FF)) {
- warning = UTF8_WARN_FE_FF;
- goto malformed;
+ if (uv == 0xfe || uv == 0xff) {
+ if (flags & (UTF8_WARN_SUPER|UTF8_WARN_FE_FF)) {
+ sv = sv_2mortal(newSVpvf_nocontext("Code point beginning with byte 0x%02"UVXf" is not Unicode, and not portable", uv));
+ flags &= ~UTF8_WARN_SUPER; /* Only warn once on this problem */
+ }
+ goto malformed;
+ }
@@ -535,7 +615,7 @@ Perl_utf8n_to_uvuni(pTHX_ const U8 *s, STRLEN curlen, STRLEN *retlen, U32 flags)
- ouv = uv;
+ ouv = uv; /* ouv is the value from the previous iteration */
while (len--) {
@@ -546,7 +626,8 @@ Perl_utf8n_to_uvuni(pTHX_ const U8 *s, STRLEN curlen, STRLEN *retlen, U32 flags)
uv = UTF8_ACCUMULATE(uv, *s);
- if (!(uv > ouv)) {
+ if (!(uv > ouv)) { /* If the value didn't grow from the previous
+ iteration, something is horribly wrong */
/* These cannot be allowed. */
if (uv == ouv) {
if (expectlen != 13 && !(flags & UTF8_ALLOW_LONG)) {
@@ -564,22 +645,47 @@ Perl_utf8n_to_uvuni(pTHX_ const U8 *s, STRLEN curlen, STRLEN *retlen, U32 flags)
ouv = uv;
- !(flags & UTF8_ALLOW_SURROGATE)) {
- warning = UTF8_WARN_SURROGATE;
- goto malformed;
- } else if ((expectlen > (STRLEN)UNISKIP(uv)) &&
- !(flags & UTF8_ALLOW_LONG)) {
+ if ((expectlen > (STRLEN)UNISKIP(uv)) && !(flags & UTF8_ALLOW_LONG)) {
warning = UTF8_WARN_LONG;
goto malformed;
- } else if (UNICODE_IS_ILLEGAL(uv) &&
- !(flags & UTF8_ALLOW_FFFF)) {
- warning = UTF8_WARN_FFFF;
- goto malformed;
+ sv = sv_2mortal(newSVpvf_nocontext("UTF-16 surrogate U+%04"UVXf"", uv));
+ }
+ if (flags & UTF8_DISALLOW_SURROGATE) {
+ goto disallowed;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (UNICODE_IS_NONCHAR(uv)) {
+ sv = sv_2mortal(newSVpvf_nocontext("Unicode non-character U+%04"UVXf" is illegal for open interchange", uv));
+ }
+ if (flags & UTF8_DISALLOW_NONCHAR) {
+ goto disallowed;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((uv > PERL_UNICODE_MAX)) {
+ sv = sv_2mortal(newSVpvf_nocontext("Code point 0x%04"UVXf" is not Unicode, may not be portable", uv));
+ }
+ if (flags & UTF8_DISALLOW_SUPER) {
+ goto disallowed;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Here, this is not considered a malformed character, so drop through
+ * to return it */
return uv;
+disallowed: /* Is disallowed, but otherwise not malformed. 'sv' will have been
+ set if there is to be a warning. */
+ if (!sv) {
+ dowarn = 0;
+ }
if (flags & UTF8_CHECK_ONLY) {
@@ -589,12 +695,9 @@ malformed:
if (dowarn) {
- if (warning == UTF8_WARN_FFFF) {
- sv = newSVpvs_flags("Unicode non-character ", SVs_TEMP);
- Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ sv, "0x%04"UVxf" is illegal for interchange", uv);
- }
- else {
+ if (! sv) {
sv = newSVpvs_flags("Malformed UTF-8 character ", SVs_TEMP);
+ }
switch (warning) {
case 0: /* Intentionally empty. */ break;
@@ -615,9 +718,6 @@ malformed:
- case UTF8_WARN_FE_FF:
- Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ sv, "(byte 0x%02"UVxf")", uv);
- break;
Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ sv, "(%d byte%s, need %d, after start byte 0x%02"UVxf")",
(int)curlen, curlen == 1 ? "" : "s", (int)expectlen, startbyte);
@@ -627,9 +727,6 @@ malformed:
Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ sv, "(overflow at 0x%"UVxf", byte 0x%02x, after start byte 0x%02"UVxf")",
ouv, *s, startbyte);
- Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ sv, "(UTF-16 surrogate 0x%04"UVxf")", uv);
- break;
Perl_sv_catpvf(aTHX_ sv, "(%d byte%s, need %d, after start byte 0x%02"UVxf")",
(int)expectlen, expectlen == 1 ? "": "s", UNISKIP(uv), startbyte);
@@ -638,9 +735,8 @@ malformed:
sv_catpvs(sv, "(unknown reason)");
- }
- if (warning) {
+ if (sv) {
const char * const s = SvPVX_const(sv);
if (PL_op)
diff --git a/utf8.h b/utf8.h
index a3adb55db7..6b696a43e6 100644
--- a/utf8.h
+++ b/utf8.h
@@ -236,16 +236,44 @@ Perl's extended UTF-8 means we can have start bytes up to FF.
/* Allow second... bytes to be non-continuation bytes */
-#define UTF8_ALLOW_FE_FF 0x0008 /* Allow FE or FF start bytes, \
- yields above 0x7fffFFFF = 31 bits */
-#define UTF8_ALLOW_SHORT 0x0010 /* expecting more bytes */
-#define UTF8_ALLOW_SURROGATE 0x0020
-#define UTF8_ALLOW_FFFF 0x0040 /* Allow UNICODE_ILLEGAL */
-#define UTF8_ALLOW_LONG 0x0080 /* expecting fewer bytes */
-#define UTF8_ALLOW_ANY 0x00FF
-#define UTF8_CHECK_ONLY 0x0200
+/* expecting more bytes than were available in the string */
+#define UTF8_ALLOW_SHORT 0x0008
+/* Overlong sequence; i.e., the code point can be specified in fewer bytes. */
+#define UTF8_ALLOW_LONG 0x0010
+#define UTF8_DISALLOW_SURROGATE 0x0020 /* Unicode surrogates */
+#define UTF8_WARN_SURROGATE 0x0040
+#define UTF8_DISALLOW_NONCHAR 0x0080 /* Unicode non-character */
+#define UTF8_WARN_NONCHAR 0x0100 /* code points */
+#define UTF8_DISALLOW_SUPER 0x0200 /* Super-set of Unicode: code */
+#define UTF8_WARN_SUPER 0x0400 /* points above the legal max */
+/* Code points which never were part of the original UTF-8 standard, the first
+ * byte of which is a FE or FF on ASCII platforms. */
+#define UTF8_DISALLOW_FE_FF 0x0800
+#define UTF8_WARN_FE_FF 0x1000
+#define UTF8_CHECK_ONLY 0x2000
+/* For backwards source compatibility. They do nothing, as the default now
+ * includes what they used to mean. The first one's meaning was to allow the
+ * just the single non-character 0xFFFF */
+#define UTF8_ALLOW_FFFF 0
+#define UTF8_ALLOW_ANY \
+#define UTF8_ALLOW_ANYUV \
#define UTF8_ALLOW_DEFAULT (ckWARN(WARN_UTF8) ? 0 : \
@@ -350,11 +378,23 @@ Perl's extended UTF-8 means we can have start bytes up to FF.
* let's be conservative and do as Unicode says. */
-#define UNICODE_ALLOW_SURROGATE 0x0001 /* Allow UTF-16 surrogates (EVIL) */
-#define UNICODE_ALLOW_FDD0 0x0002 /* Allow the U+FDD0...U+FDEF */
-#define UNICODE_ALLOW_FFFF 0x0004 /* Allow U+FFF[EF], U+1FFF[EF], ... */
-#define UNICODE_ALLOW_SUPER 0x0008 /* Allow past 0x10FFFF */
-#define UNICODE_ALLOW_ANY 0x000F
+#define UNICODE_WARN_SURROGATE 0x0001 /* UTF-16 surrogates */
+#define UNICODE_WARN_NONCHAR 0x0002 /* Non-char code points */
+#define UNICODE_WARN_SUPER 0x0004 /* Above 0x10FFFF */
+#define UNICODE_WARN_FE_FF 0x0008 /* Above 0x10FFFF */
+#define UNICODE_DISALLOW_FE_FF 0x0080
+/* For backward source compatibility, as are now the default */