diff options
authorNicholas Clark <>2002-08-23 20:21:12 +0100
committerhv <>2002-08-25 15:56:37 +0000
commit4f2c4fd8672a69832963d72529d4a1e84c6fcacf (patch)
parentd5abad05d3a299cfc0ce9e8cbf216938d6fad135 (diff)
ExtUtils::Constant 0.13
Message-ID: <> p4raw-id: //depot/perl@17776
2 files changed, 211 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/ b/lib/ExtUtils/
index 1268ce02ba..0772ee8517 100644
--- a/lib/ExtUtils/
+++ b/lib/ExtUtils/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package ExtUtils::Constant;
use vars qw (@ISA $VERSION %XS_Constant %XS_TypeSet @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS);
-$VERSION = '0.12';
+$VERSION = '0.13';
=head1 NAME
@@ -94,8 +94,11 @@ if ($] >= 5.006) {
eval "use warnings; 1" or die $@;
use strict;
+use vars '$is_perl56';
use Carp;
+$is_perl56 = ($] < 5.007 && $] > 5.005_50);
use Exporter;
use Text::Wrap;
$Text::Wrap::huge = 'overflow';
@@ -150,7 +153,12 @@ characters.
sub C_stringify {
local $_ = shift;
return unless defined $_;
- confess "Wide character in '$_' intended as a C identifier" if tr/\0-\377//c;
+ # grr 5.6.1
+ confess "Wide character in '$_' intended as a C identifier"
+ if tr/\0-\377// != length;
+ # grr 5.6.1 moreso because its regexps will break on data that happens to
+ # be utf8, which includes my 8 bit test cases.
+ $_ = pack 'C*', unpack 'U*', $_ . pack 'U*' if $is_perl56;
s/([\"\'])/\\$1/g; # Grr. fix perl mode.
s/\n/\\n/g; # Ensure newlines don't end up in octal
@@ -189,13 +197,27 @@ sub perl_stringify {
- s/([^\0-\177])/sprintf "\\x{%X}", ord $1/ge;
unless ($] < 5.006) {
+ if ($] > 5.007) {
+ s/([^\0-\177])/sprintf "\\x{%X}", ord $1/ge;
+ } else {
+ # Grr 5.6.1. And I don't think I can use utf8; to force the regexp
+ # because 5.005_03 will fail.
+ # This is grim, but I also can't split on //
+ my $copy;
+ foreach my $index (0 .. length ($_) - 1) {
+ my $char = substr ($_, $index, 1);
+ $copy .= ($char le "\177") ? $char : sprintf "\\x{%X}", ord $char;
+ }
+ $_ = $copy;
+ }
# This will elicit a warning on 5.005_03 about [: :] being reserved unless
# I cheat
my $cheat = '([[:^print:]])';
s/$cheat/sprintf "\\%03o", ord $1/ge;
} else {
+ # Turns out "\x{}" notation only arrived with 5.6
+ s/([^\0-\177])/sprintf "\\x%02X", ord $1/ge;
require POSIX;
s/([^A-Za-z0-9_])/POSIX::isprint($1) ? $1 : sprintf "\\%03o", ord $1/ge;
@@ -433,7 +455,7 @@ sub match_clause {
$body .= $indent . " } else {\n";
$body .= return_clause ($no, 4 + length $indent);
- $body .= $indent . " }";
+ $body .= $indent . " }\n";
} else {
$body .= return_clause ($item, 2 + length $indent);
@@ -466,7 +488,11 @@ sub switch_clause {
my @safe_names = @names;
foreach (@safe_names) {
- next unless tr/A-Za-z0-9_//c;
+ confess sprintf "Name '$_' is length %d, not $namelen", length
+ unless length == $namelen;
+ # Argh. 5.6.1
+ # next unless tr/A-Za-z0-9_//c;
+ next if tr/A-Za-z0-9_// == length;
$_ = '"' . perl_stringify ($_) . '"';
# Ensure that the enclosing C comment doesn't end
# by turning */ into *" . "/
@@ -481,9 +507,15 @@ sub switch_clause {
foreach my $i (0 .. ($namelen - 1)) {
my ($min, $max) = (~0, 0);
my %spread;
+ if ($is_perl56) {
+ # Need proper Unicode preserving hash keys for bytes in range 128-255
+ # here too, for some reason. grr 5.6.1 yet again.
+ tie %spread, 'ExtUtils::Constant::Aaargh56Hash';
+ }
foreach (@names) {
my $char = substr $_, $i, 1;
my $ord = ord $char;
+ confess "char $ord is out of range" if $ord > 255;
$max = $ord if $ord > $max;
$min = $ord if $ord < $min;
push @{$spread{$char}}, $_;
@@ -515,6 +547,9 @@ sub switch_clause {
$body .= $indent . "/* Offset $offset gives the best switch position. */\n";
$body .= $indent . "switch (name[$offset]) {\n";
foreach my $char (sort keys %$best) {
+ confess sprintf "'$char' is %d bytes long, not 1", length $char
+ if length ($char) != 1;
+ confess sprintf "char %#X is out of range", ord $char if ord ($char) > 255;
$body .= $indent . "case '" . C_stringify ($char) . "':\n";
foreach my $name (sort @{$best->{$char}}) {
my $thisone = $items->{$name};
@@ -581,7 +616,11 @@ sub dump_names {
next if $_->{utf8} eq 'no';
# Copy the hashref, as we don't want to mess with the caller's hashref.
$_ = {%$_};
- utf8::decode ($_->{name});
+ unless ($is_perl56) {
+ utf8::decode ($_->{name});
+ } else {
+ $_->{name} = pack 'U*', unpack 'U0U*', $_->{name};
+ }
delete $_->{utf8};
} else {
@@ -589,7 +628,9 @@ sub dump_names {
$type = $default_type;
- if ($type eq $default_type and 0 == ($_->{name} =~ tr/A-Za-z0-9_//c)
+ if ($type eq $default_type
+ # grr 5.6.1
+ and length $_->{name} == ($_->{name} =~ tr/A-Za-z0-9_//)
and !defined ($_->{macro}) and !defined ($_->{value})
and !defined ($_->{default}) and !defined ($_->{pre})
and !defined ($_->{post}) and !defined ($_->{def_pre})
@@ -836,6 +877,11 @@ sub C_constant {
# be a hashref, and pinch %$items from our parent to save recalculation.
($namelen, $items) = @$breakout;
} else {
+ if ($is_perl56) {
+ # Need proper Unicode preserving hash keys.
+ $items = {};
+ tie %$items, 'ExtUtils::Constant::Aaargh56Hash';
+ }
$breakout ||= 3;
$default_type ||= 'IV';
if (!ref $what) {
@@ -870,7 +916,10 @@ sub C_constant {
$what->{$default_type} = 1;
warn "ExtUtils::Constant doesn't know how to handle values of type $_ used in macro $name" unless defined $XS_Constant{$item->{type}};
- if ($name !~ tr/\0-\177//c) {
+ # tr///c is broken on 5.6.1 for utf8, so my original tr/\0-\177//c
+ # doesn't work. Upgrade to 5.8
+ # if ($name !~ tr/\0-\177//c || $] < 5.005_50) {
+ if ($name =~ tr/\0-\177// == length $name || $] < 5.005_50) {
# No characters outside 7 bit ASCII.
if (exists $items->{$name}) {
die "Multiple definitions for macro $name";
@@ -881,7 +930,12 @@ sub C_constant {
if (exists $items->{$name} and ref $items->{$name} ne 'ARRAY') {
confess "Unexpected ASCII definition for macro $name";
- if ($name !~ tr/\0-\377//c) {
+ # Again, 5.6.1 tr broken, so s/5\.6.*/5\.8\.0/;
+ # if ($name !~ tr/\0-\377//c) {
+ if ($name =~ tr/\0-\377// == length $name) {
+# if ($] < 5.007) {
+# $name = pack "C*", unpack "U*", $name;
+# }
$item->{utf8} = 'no';
$items->{$name}[1] = $item;
push @new_items, $item;
@@ -889,7 +943,13 @@ sub C_constant {
$item = {%$item};
# Encode the name as utf8 bytes.
- utf8::encode($name);
+ unless ($is_perl56) {
+ utf8::encode($name);
+ } else {
+# warn "Was >$name< " . length ${name};
+ $name = pack 'C*', unpack 'C*', $name . pack 'U*';
+# warn "Now '${name}' " . length ${name};
+ }
if ($items->{$name}[0]) {
die "Multiple definitions for macro $name";
@@ -936,7 +996,18 @@ sub C_constant {
next unless $by_length[$i]; # None of this length
$body .= " case $i:\n";
if (@{$by_length[$i]} == 1) {
- $body .= match_clause ($by_length[$i]->[0]);
+ my $only_thing = $by_length[$i]->[0];
+ if ($only_thing->{utf8}) {
+ if ($only_thing->{utf8} eq 'yes') {
+ # With utf8 on flag item is passed in element 0
+ $body .= match_clause ([$only_thing]);
+ } else {
+ # With utf8 off flag item is passed in element 1
+ $body .= match_clause ([undef, $only_thing]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $body .= match_clause ($only_thing);
+ }
} elsif (@{$by_length[$i]} < $breakout) {
$body .= switch_clause (4, '', $i, $items, @{$by_length[$i]});
} else {
@@ -1224,7 +1295,7 @@ EOT
Writes a file of C code and a file of XS code which you should C<#include>
and C<INCLUDE> in the C and XS sections respectively of your module's XS
-code. You probaby want to do this in your C<Makefile.PL>, so that you can
+code. You probably want to do this in your C<Makefile.PL>, so that you can
easily edit the list of constants without touching the rest of your module.
The attributes supported are
@@ -1301,7 +1372,7 @@ sub WriteConstants {
print $c_fh constant_types(); # macro defs
print $c_fh "\n";
- # indent is still undef. Until anyone implents indent style rules with it.
+ # indent is still undef. Until anyone implements indent style rules with it.
foreach (C_constant ($ARGS{NAME}, $ARGS{C_SUBNAME}, $ARGS{DEFAULT_TYPE},
$types, undef, $ARGS{BREAKOUT_AT}, @{$ARGS{NAMES}})) {
print $c_fh $_, "\n"; # C constant subs
@@ -1313,6 +1384,28 @@ sub WriteConstants {
close $xs_fh or warn "Error closing $ARGS{XS_FILE}: $!";
+package ExtUtils::Constant::Aaargh56Hash;
+# A support module (hack) to provide sane Unicode hash keys on 5.6.x perl
+use strict;
+require Tie::Hash if $ExtUtils::Constant::is_perl56;
+use vars '@ISA';
+@ISA = 'Tie::StdHash';
+#my $a;
+# Storing the values as concatenated BER encoded numbers is actually going to
+# be terser than using UTF8 :-)
+# And the tests are slightly faster. Ops are bad, m'kay
+sub to_key {pack "w*", unpack "U*", ($_[0] . pack "U*")};
+sub from_key {defined $_[0] ? pack "U*", unpack 'w*', $_[0] : undef};
+sub STORE { $_[0]->{to_key($_[1])} = $_[2] }
+sub FETCH { $_[0]->{to_key($_[1])} }
+sub FIRSTKEY { my $a = scalar keys %{$_[0]}; from_key (each %{$_[0]}) }
+sub NEXTKEY { from_key (each %{$_[0]}) }
+sub EXISTS { exists $_[0]->{to_key($_[1])} }
+sub DELETE { delete $_[0]->{to_key($_[1])} }
+#END {warn "$a accesses";}
diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/t/Constant.t b/lib/ExtUtils/t/Constant.t
index 25d705585e..6356ab45a6 100644
--- a/lib/ExtUtils/t/Constant.t
+++ b/lib/ExtUtils/t/Constant.t
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-print "1..51\n";
+print "1..52\n";
if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
@@ -14,10 +14,18 @@ use strict;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
use ExtUtils::Constant qw (constant_types C_constant XS_constant autoload);
use Config;
-use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile rel2abs);
+use File::Spec;
+my $do_utf_tests = $] > 5.006;
+my $better_than_56 = $] > 5.007;
# Because were are going to be changing directory before running Makefile.PL
-my $perl;
-$perl = rel2abs( $^X ) unless $] < 5.006; # Hack. Until 5.00503 has rel2abs
+my $perl = $^X;
+# 5.005 doesn't have new enough File::Spec to have rel2abs. But actually we
+# only need it when $^X isn't absolute, which is going to be 5.8.0 or later
+# (where ExtUtils::Constant is in the core, and tests against the uninstalled
+# perl
+$perl = File::Spec->rel2abs ($perl) unless $] < 5.006;
# ExtUtils::Constant::C_constant uses $^X inside a comment, and we want to
# compare output to ensure that it is the same. We were probably run as ./perl
# whereas we will run the child with the full path in $perl. So make $^X for
@@ -25,7 +33,9 @@ $perl = rel2abs( $^X ) unless $] < 5.006; # Hack. Until 5.00503 has rel2abs
$^X = $perl;
print "# perl=$perl\n";
-my $runperl = "$perl \"-I../../lib\"";
+my $lib = $ENV{PERL_CORE} ? '../../lib' : '../blib/lib';
+my $runperl = "$perl \"-I$lib\"";
$| = 1;
@@ -62,11 +72,23 @@ if (ord('A') == 193) { # EBCDIC platform
} else { # ASCII platform
$pound = chr 163; # A pound sign. (Currency)
-my $inf = chr 0x221E;
-# Check that we can distiguish the pathological case of a string, and the
-# utf8 representation of that string.
-my $pound_bytes = my $pound_utf8 = $pound . '1';
-utf8::encode ($pound_bytes);
+my ($inf, $pound_bytes, $pound_utf8);
+if ($do_utf_tests) {
+ $inf = chr 0x221E;
+ # Check that we can distiguish the pathological case of a string, and the
+ # utf8 representation of that string.
+ $pound_utf8 = $pound . '1';
+ if ($better_than_56) {
+ $pound_bytes = $pound_utf8;
+ utf8::encode ($pound_bytes);
+ } else {
+ # Must have that "U*" to generate a zero length UTF string that forces
+ # top bit set chars (such as the pound sign) into UTF8, so that the
+ # unpack 'C*' then gets the byte form of the UTF8.
+ $pound_bytes = pack 'C*', unpack 'C*', $pound_utf8 . pack "U*";
+ }
my @names = ("FIVE", {name=>"OK6", type=>"PV",},
{name=>"OK7", type=>"PVN",
@@ -99,12 +121,16 @@ my @names_only = map {(ref $_) ? $_->{name} : $_} @names;
push @names, ({name=>"*/", type=>"PV", value=>'"CLOSE"', macro=>1},
{name=>"/*", type=>"PV", value=>'"OPEN"', macro=>1},
{name=>$pound, type=>"PV", value=>'"Sterling"', macro=>1},
- {name=>$inf, type=>"PV", value=>'"Infinity"', macro=>1},
- {name=>$pound_utf8, type=>"PV", value=>'"1 Pound"', macro=>1},
- {name=>$pound_bytes, type=>"PV", value=>'"1 Pound (as bytes)"',
- macro=>1},
+if ($do_utf_tests) {
+ push @names, ({name=>$inf, type=>"PV", value=>'"Infinity"', macro=>1},
+ {name=>$pound_utf8, type=>"PV", value=>'"1 Pound"', macro=>1},
+ {name=>$pound_bytes, type=>"PV", value=>'"1 Pound (as bytes)"',
+ macro=>1},
+ );
The above set of names seems to produce a suitably bad set of compile
@@ -125,6 +151,8 @@ ok 3
+# Grr `
my $types = {};
my $constant_types = constant_types(); # macro defs
my $C_constant = join "\n",
@@ -132,7 +160,7 @@ my $C_constant = join "\n",
my $XS_constant = XS_constant ($package, $types); # XS for ExtTest::constant
################ Header
-my $header = catfile($dir, "test.h");
+my $header = File::Spec->catdir($dir, "test.h");
push @files, "test.h";
open FH, ">$header" or die "open >$header: $!\n";
print FH <<"EOT";
@@ -155,7 +183,7 @@ while (my ($point, $bearing) = each %compass) {
close FH or die "close $header: $!\n";
################ XS
-my $xs = catfile($dir, "$package.xs");
+my $xs = File::Spec->catdir($dir, "$package.xs");
push @files, "$package.xs";
open FH, ">$xs" or die "open >$xs: $!\n";
@@ -174,7 +202,7 @@ print FH $XS_constant;
close FH or die "close $xs: $!\n";
################ PM
-my $pm = catfile($dir, "$");
+my $pm = File::Spec->catdir($dir, "$");
push @files, "$";
open FH, ">$pm" or die "open >$pm: $!\n";
print FH "package $package;\n";
@@ -206,15 +234,16 @@ print FH "bootstrap $package \$VERSION;\n1;\n__END__\n";
close FH or die "close $pm: $!\n";
-my $testpl = catfile($dir, "");
+my $testpl = File::Spec->catdir($dir, "");
push @files, "";
open FH, ">$testpl" or die "open >$testpl: $!\n";
print FH "use strict;\n";
-print FH "use $package qw(@names_only);\n";
-print FH <<"EOT";
+print FH "use $package qw(@names_only);\n\n";
+print FH "use utf8\n\n" if $do_utf_tests;
-use utf8;
+print FH <<"EOT";
print "1..1\n";
if (open OUTPUT, ">$output") {
@@ -228,6 +257,8 @@ EOT
print FH << 'EOT';
+my $better_than_56 = $] > 5.007;
# What follows goes to the temporary file.
# IV
my $five = FIVE;
@@ -403,25 +434,26 @@ if ($open eq '/*') {
-# Do this in 7 bit in case someone is testing with some settings that cause
-# 8 bit files incapable of storing this character.
-my @values
- = map {"'" . join (",", unpack "U*", $_) . "'"}
- ($pound, $inf, $pound_bytes, $pound_utf8);
-# Values is a list of strings, such as ('194,163,49', '163,49')
+if ($do_utf_tests) {
+ # Do this in 7 bit in case someone is testing with some settings that cause
+ # 8 bit files incapable of storing this character.
+ my @values
+ = map {"'" . join (",", unpack "U*", $_ . pack "U*") . "'"}
+ ($pound, $inf, $pound_bytes, $pound_utf8);
+ # Values is a list of strings, such as ('194,163,49', '163,49')
-print FH <<'EOT';
+ print FH <<'EOT';
-# I can see that this child test program might be about to use parts of
-# Test::Builder
+ # I can see that this child test program might be about to use parts of
+ # Test::Builder
-my $test = 23;
-my ($pound, $inf, $pound_bytes, $pound_utf8) = map {eval "pack 'U*', $_"}
+ my $test = 23;
+ my ($pound, $inf, $pound_bytes, $pound_utf8) = map {eval "pack 'U*', $_"}
-print FH join ",", @values;
+ print FH join ",", @values;
-print FH << 'EOT';
+ print FH << 'EOT';
foreach (["perl", "rules", "rules"],
@@ -437,12 +469,19 @@ foreach (["perl", "rules", "rules"],
(my $name = $string) =~ s/([^ -~])/sprintf '\x{%X}', ord $1/ges;
print "# \"$name\" => \'$expect\'\n";
# Try to force this to be bytes if possible.
- utf8::downgrade ($string, 1);
+ if ($better_than_56) {
+ utf8::downgrade ($string, 1);
+ } else {
+ if ($string =~ tr/0-\377// == length $string) {
+ # No chars outside range 0-255
+ $string = pack 'C*', unpack 'U*', ($string . pack 'U*');
+ }
+ }
-print FH "my (\$error, \$got) = ${package}::constant (\$string);\n";
+ print FH "my (\$error, \$got) = ${package}::constant (\$string);\n";
-print FH <<'EOT';
+ print FH <<'EOT';
if ($error or $got ne $expect) {
print "not ok $test # error '$error', got '$got'\n";
} else {
@@ -450,12 +489,16 @@ print FH <<'EOT';
print "# Now upgrade '$name' to utf8\n";
- utf8::upgrade ($string);
+ if ($better_than_56) {
+ utf8::upgrade ($string);
+ } else {
+ $string = pack ('U*') . $string;
+ }
-print FH "my (\$error, \$got) = ${package}::constant (\$string);\n";
+ print FH "my (\$error, \$got) = ${package}::constant (\$string);\n";
-print FH <<'EOT';
+ print FH <<'EOT';
if ($error or $got ne $expect) {
print "not ok $test # error '$error', got '$got'\n";
} else {
@@ -465,12 +508,16 @@ print FH <<'EOT';
if (defined $expect_bytes) {
print "# And now with the utf8 byte sequence for name\n";
# Try the encoded bytes.
- utf8::encode ($string);
+ if ($better_than_56) {
+ utf8::encode ($string);
+ } else {
+ $string = pack 'C*', unpack 'C*', $string . pack "U*";
+ }
-print FH "my (\$error, \$got) = ${package}::constant (\$string);\n";
+ print FH "my (\$error, \$got) = ${package}::constant (\$string);\n";
-print FH <<'EOT';
+ print FH <<'EOT';
if (ref $expect_bytes) {
# Error expected.
if ($error) {
@@ -487,6 +534,12 @@ print FH <<'EOT';
+} else {
+ # Don't utf tests;
+ print FH <<'EOT';
+print "ok $_ # Skipped on non Unicode perl\n" foreach 23..43;
close FH or die "close $testpl: $!\n";
@@ -497,7 +550,7 @@ my $test = 44;
################ Makefile.PL
# We really need a Makefile.PL because make test for a no dynamic linking perl
# will run Makefile.PL again as part of the "make perl" target.
-my $makefilePL = catfile($dir, "Makefile.PL");
+my $makefilePL = File::Spec->catdir($dir, "Makefile.PL");
push @files, "Makefile.PL";
open FH, ">$makefilePL" or die "open >$makefilePL: $!\n";
print FH <<"EOT";
@@ -516,7 +569,7 @@ close FH or die "close $makefilePL: $!\n";
################ MANIFEST
# We really need a MANIFEST because make distclean checks it.
-my $manifest = catfile($dir, "MANIFEST");
+my $manifest = File::Spec->catdir($dir, "MANIFEST");
push @files, "MANIFEST";
open FH, ">$manifest" or die "open >$manifest: $!\n";
print FH "$_\n" foreach @files;
@@ -525,7 +578,8 @@ close FH or die "close $manifest: $!\n";
chdir $dir or die $!; push @INC, '../../lib';
END {chdir ".." or warn $!};
-my @perlout = `$runperl Makefile.PL PERL_CORE=1`;
+my $core = $ENV{PERL_CORE} ? ' PERL_CORE=1' : '';
+my @perlout = `$runperl Makefile.PL $core`;
if ($?) {
print "not ok 1 # $runperl Makefile.PL failed: $?\n";
print "# $_" foreach @perlout;
@@ -701,3 +755,8 @@ unless ($keep_files) {
check_for_bonus_files ('.', '.', '..');
+# This was causing an assertion failure (a C<confess>ion)
+C_constant ($package, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, chr 255);
+print "ok $test\n"; $test++;