diff options
authorJarkko Hietaniemi <>2002-02-10 15:08:06 +0000
committerJarkko Hietaniemi <>2002-02-10 15:08:06 +0000
commit64f50df3409285e07dd9f0a20df1ca1fb0c5282b (patch)
parent1368bf65ecf45aef0c35f69a11eb5722a09be396 (diff)
Test tweaks from chromatic for cases where there
are no installman1dir or installman3dir. p4raw-id: //depot/perl@14622
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/t/Installed.t b/lib/ExtUtils/t/Installed.t
index 17913ecf79..a974e041e3 100644
--- a/lib/ExtUtils/t/Installed.t
+++ b/lib/ExtUtils/t/Installed.t
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ use Test::More tests => 43;
BEGIN { use_ok( 'ExtUtils::Installed' ) }
+my $noman = ! ($Config{installman1dir} && $Config{installman3dir});
# saves having to qualify package name for class methods
my $ei = bless( {}, 'ExtUtils::Installed' );
@@ -46,8 +48,13 @@ foreach my $path (qw( installman1dir installman3dir )) {
is( $ei->_is_type($Config{prefix} . '/bar', 'prog'), 1,
"... should find prog file under $Config{prefix}" );
-is( $ei->_is_type('bar', 'doc'), 0,
- '... should not find doc file outside path' );
+SKIP: {
+ skip('no man directories on this system', 1) if $noman;
+ is( $ei->_is_type('bar', 'doc'), 0,
+ '... should not find doc file outside path' );
is( $ei->_is_type('bar', 'prog'), 0,
'... nor prog file outside path' );
is( $ei->_is_type('whocares', 'someother'), 0, '... nor other type anywhere' );
@@ -136,11 +143,18 @@ eval { $ei->files('badmod') };
like( $@, qr/badmod is not installed/,'files() should croak given bad modname');
eval { $ei->files('goodmod', 'badtype' ) };
like( $@, qr/type must be/,'files() should croak given bad type' );
-my @files = $ei->files('goodmod', 'doc', $Config{installman1dir});
-is( scalar @files, 1, '... should find doc file under given dir' );
-like( $files[0], qr/foo$/, '... checking file name' );
-@files = $ei->files('goodmod', 'doc');
-is( scalar @files, 2, '... should find all doc files with no dir' );
+my @files;
+SKIP: {
+ skip('no man directories on this system', 3) if $noman;
+ @files = $ei->files('goodmod', 'doc', $Config{installman1dir});
+ is( scalar @files, 1, '... should find doc file under given dir' );
+ is( grep({ /foo$/ } @files), 1, '... checking file name' );
+ @files = $ei->files('goodmod', 'doc');
+ is( scalar @files, 2, '... should find all doc files with no dir' );
@files = $ei->files('goodmod', 'prog', 'fake', 'fake2');
is( scalar @files, 0, '... should find no doc files given wrong dirs' );
@files = $ei->files('goodmod', 'prog');
@@ -148,25 +162,32 @@ is( scalar @files, 1, '... should find doc file in correct dir' );
like( $files[0], qr/foobar$/, '... checking file name' );
@files = $ei->files('goodmod');
is( scalar @files, 4, '... should find all files with no type specified' );
-my %dirnames = map { $_ => dirname($_) } @files;
+my %dirnames = map { lc($_) => dirname(lc($_)) } @files;
# directories
my @dirs = $ei->directories('goodmod', 'prog', 'fake');
is( scalar @dirs, 0, 'directories() should return no dirs if no files found' );
-@dirs = $ei->directories('goodmod', 'doc');
-is( scalar @dirs, 2, '... should find all files files() would' );
-@dirs = $ei->directories('goodmod');
-is( scalar @dirs, 4, '... should find all files files() would, again' );
-@files = sort map { exists $dirnames{$_} ? $dirnames{$_} : '' } @files;
-is( join(' ', @files), join(' ', @dirs), '... should sort output' );
-# directory_tree
-my $expectdirs =
- dirname($Config{installman1dir}) eq dirname($Config{installman3dir}) ? 3 :2;
-@dirs = $ei->directory_tree('goodmod', 'doc', dirname($Config{installman1dir}));
-is( scalar @dirs, $expectdirs,
- 'directory_tree() should report intermediate dirs to those requested' );
+SKIP: {
+ skip('no man directories on this system', 4) if $noman;
+ @dirs = $ei->directories('goodmod', 'doc');
+ is( scalar @dirs, 2, '... should find all files files() would' );
+ @dirs = $ei->directories('goodmod');
+ is( scalar @dirs, 4, '... should find all files files() would, again' );
+ @files = sort map { exists $dirnames{lc($_)} ? $dirnames{lc($_)} : '' }
+ @files;
+ is( join(' ', @files), join(' ', @dirs), '... should sort output' );
+ # directory_tree
+ my $expectdirs = dirname($Config{installman1dir}) eq
+ dirname($Config{installman3dir}) ? 3 :2;
+ @dirs = $ei->directory_tree('goodmod', 'doc',
+ dirname($Config{installman1dir}));
+ is( scalar @dirs, $expectdirs,
+ 'directory_tree() should report intermediate dirs to those requested' );
my $fakepak = Fakepak->new(102);