diff options
authorDan Book <>2020-03-29 17:45:13 -0400
committerLeon Timmermans <>2020-04-19 00:52:28 +0200
commit2685205f5f75db10e05ad28e8b856a998fdb9a2f (patch)
parente038729f9aa69d288627a9046d41bd31efdd4e5c (diff)
Rework documentation
- Modernize details of PerlIO usage and link to PerlIO - Better describe actual argument handling of pragma, in particular subpragmas - Remove obsolete section on unsupported non-PerlIO configuration - Modernize examples and provide more varied examples
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index ca3cf7b409..91b3e20e8f 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -147,103 +147,101 @@ open - perl pragma to set default PerlIO layers for input and output
- use open IN => ":crlf", OUT => ":bytes";
- use open OUT => ':utf8';
- use open IO => ":encoding(iso-8859-7)";
+ use open IN => ':crlf', OUT => ':raw';
+ open my $in, '<', 'foo.txt' or die "open failed: $!";
+ my $line = <$in>; # CRLF translated
+ close $in;
+ open my $out, '>', 'bar.txt' or die "open failed: $!";
+ print $out $line; # no translation of bytes
+ close $out;
+ use open OUT => ':encoding(UTF-8)';
+ use open IN => ':encoding(iso-8859-7)';
use open IO => ':locale';
+ # IO implicit only for :utf8, :encoding, :locale
use open ':encoding(UTF-8)';
- use open ':locale';
use open ':encoding(iso-8859-7)';
+ use open ':locale';
- use open ':std';
+ # with :std, also affect global standard handles
+ use open ':std', ':encoding(UTF-8)';
+ use open ':std', OUT => ':encoding(cp1252)';
+ use open ':std', IO => ':raw :encoding(UTF-16LE)';
Full-fledged support for I/O layers is now implemented provided
-Perl is configured to use PerlIO as its IO system (which is now the
+Perl is configured to use PerlIO as its IO system (which has been the
+default since 5.8, and the only supported configuration since 5.16).
The C<open> pragma serves as one of the interfaces to declare default
-"layers" (also known as "disciplines") for all I/O. Any two-argument
-open(), readpipe() (aka qx//) and similar operators found within the
-lexical scope of this pragma will use the declared defaults.
-Even three-argument opens may be affected by this pragma
-when they don't specify IO layers in MODE.
+"layers" (previously known as "disciplines") for all I/O. Any open(),
+readpipe() (aka qx//) and similar operators found within the
+lexical scope of this pragma will use the declared defaults via the
+L<C<${^OPEN}>|perlvar/${^OPEN}> variable.
+Layers are specified with a leading colon by convention. You can
+specify a stack of multiple layers as a space-separated string.
+See L<PerlIO> for more information on the available layers.
With the C<IN> subpragma you can declare the default layers
of input streams, and with the C<OUT> subpragma you can declare
-the default layers of output streams. With the C<IO> subpragma
-you can control both input and output streams simultaneously.
+the default layers of output streams. With the C<IO> subpragma
+(may be omitted for C<:utf8>, C<:locale>, or C<:encoding>) you
+can control both input and output streams simultaneously.
-If you have a legacy encoding, you can use the C<:encoding(...)> tag.
+When open() is given an explicit list of layers (with the three-arg
+syntax), they override the list declared using this pragma. open() can
+also be given a single colon (:) for a layer name, to override this pragma
+and use the default as detailed in
+L<PerlIO/Defaults and how to override them>.
+To translate from and to an arbitrary text encoding, use the C<:encoding>
+layer. The matching of encoding names in C<:encoding> is loose: case does
+not matter, and many encodings have several aliases. See
+L<Encode::Supported> for details and the list of supported locales.
If you want to set your encoding layers based on your
-locale environment variables, you can use the C<:locale> tag.
+locale environment variables, you can use the C<:locale> pseudo-layer.
For example:
$ENV{LANG} = 'ru_RU.KOI8-R';
# the :locale will probe the locale environment variables like LANG
use open OUT => ':locale';
- open(O, ">koi8");
- print O chr(0x430); # Unicode CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A = KOI8-R 0xc1
- close O;
- open(I, "<koi8");
- printf "%#x\n", ord(<I>), "\n"; # this should print 0xc1
- close I;
-These are equivalent
- use open ':encoding(UTF-8)';
- use open IO => ':encoding(UTF-8)';
-as are these
- use open ':locale';
- use open IO => ':locale';
-and these
- use open ':encoding(iso-8859-7)';
- use open IO => ':encoding(iso-8859-7)';
-The matching of encoding names is loose: case does not matter, and
-many encodings have several aliases. See L<Encode::Supported> for
-details and the list of supported locales.
-When open() is given an explicit list of layers (with the three-arg
-syntax), they override the list declared using this pragma. open() can
-also be given a single colon (:) for a layer name, to override this pragma
-and use the default (C<:raw> on Unix, C<:crlf> on Windows).
-The C<:std> subpragma on its own has no effect, but if combined with
-the C<:utf8> or C<:encoding> subpragmas, it converts the standard
-filehandles (STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR) to comply with encoding selected
-for input/output handles. For example, if both input and out are
-chosen to be C<:encoding(UTF-8)>, a C<:std> will mean that STDIN, STDOUT,
-and STDERR are also in C<:encoding(UTF-8)>. On the other hand, if only
-output is chosen to be in C<< :encoding(koi8r) >>, a C<:std> will cause
-only the STDOUT and STDERR to be in C<koi8r>. The C<:locale> subpragma
-implicitly turns on C<:std>.
-The logic of C<:locale> is described in full in L<encoding>,
+ open(my $out, '>', 'koi8') or die "open failed: $!";
+ print $out chr(0x430); # CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A = KOI8-R 0xc1
+ close $out;
+ open(my $in, '<', 'koi8') or die "open failed: $!";
+ printf "%#x\n", ord(<$in>); # this should print 0xc1
+ close $in;
+The logic of C<:locale> is described in full in
+L<encoding/The C<:locale> sub-pragma>,
but in short it is first trying nl_langinfo(CODESET) and then
guessing from the LC_ALL and LANG locale environment variables.
-Directory handles may also support PerlIO layers in the future.
-If Perl is not built to use PerlIO as its IO system then only the two
-pseudo-layers C<:bytes> and C<:crlf> are available.
-The C<:bytes> layer corresponds to "binary mode" and the C<:crlf>
-layer corresponds to "text mode" on platforms that distinguish
-between the two modes when opening files (which is many DOS-like
-platforms, including Windows). These two layers are no-ops on
-platforms where binmode() is a no-op, but perform their functions
-everywhere if PerlIO is enabled.
+C<:locale> also implicitly turns on C<:std>.
+C<:std> is not a layer but an additional subpragma. When specified in the
+import list, it activates an additional functionality of pushing the
+layers selected for input/output handles to the standard filehandles
+(STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR). If the new layers and existing layer stack both
+end with an C<:encoding> layer, the existing C<:encoding> layer will also
+be removed.
+For example, if both input and out are chosen to be C<:encoding(UTF-8)>, a
+C<:std> will mean that STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR will also have
+C<:encoding(UTF-8)> set. On the other hand, if only output is chosen to
+be in C<:encoding(koi8r)>, a C<:std> will cause only the STDOUT and STDERR
+to be in C<koi8r>.
+The effect of C<:std> is not lexical as it modifies the layer stack of the
+global handles. If you wish to apply only this global effect and not the
+effect on handles that are opened in that scope, you can isolate the call
+to this pragma in its own lexical scope.
+ { use open ':std', IO => ':encoding(UTF-8)' }