diff options
authorYves Orton <>2022-08-11 22:24:48 +0200
committerYves Orton <>2022-08-21 12:09:05 +0200
commit5658e307f40a186d7ba6def62b29243736489dba (patch)
parent6e68a58fb21675db9de0bfabcb1a62ec5f92dc42 (diff)
downloadperl-5658e307f40a186d7ba6def62b29243736489dba.tar.gz - delete and replace with now can replace all the capabilities of, and has a slightly different idea of what needs to be validated, and is not aware of the Porting/exclude_contrib.txt. Instead of teaching it to be aware and maintaining two tools this drops In the process we move the logic for t/porting/pending-author.t into t/porting/authors.t, by letting do it as well. This is helpful because contains similar core git logic so that it can implement some of its options.
10 files changed, 7 insertions, 1386 deletions
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
index 0faaa44e6a..2156b55537 100644
@@ -5394,7 +5394,6 @@ Porting/ Tool to be called by git bisect run
Porting/bump-perl-version bump the perl version in relevant files
Porting/check-cpan-pollution Check for commits that may wrongly touch CPAN distros
Porting/ Check source code for ANSI-C violations
-Porting/ Check that the AUTHORS file is complete
Porting/ Check that config symbols are being used
Porting/ Check that config scripts define all symbols
Porting/ Check POD encoding
@@ -6082,7 +6081,6 @@ t/porting/known_pod_issues.dat Data file for porting/podcheck.t
t/porting/libperl.t Check libperl.a sanity
t/porting/maintainers.t Test that Porting/ is up to date
t/porting/manifest.t Test that this MANIFEST file is well formed
-t/porting/pending-author.t Check if any pending commit would break tests
t/porting/perlfunc.t Test that Functions_pm.PL can parse perlfunc.pod
t/porting/pod_rules.t Check that various pod lists are consistent
t/porting/podcheck.t Test the POD of shipped modules is well formed
diff --git a/Porting/README.pod b/Porting/README.pod
index 8f04b040ac..dee0be089f 100644
--- a/Porting/README.pod
+++ b/Porting/README.pod
@@ -37,12 +37,6 @@ number in various files within the perl source.
Check source code for ANSI-C violations.
-=head2 F<>
-Used by F<t/porting/authors.t> to ensure the F<AUTHORS> list is up to
-date. See also L<< /"F<>" >> for a way to automatically
-fix issues found by this tool.
=head2 F<>
Check where the symbols defined in the various F<>-clones
diff --git a/Porting/ b/Porting/
index c0c7086011..e2bd107807 100644
--- a/Porting/
+++ b/Porting/
@@ -163,5 +163,5 @@ sub commify {
# returns a list of the authors
sub authors {
- qx(git log --pretty=fuller $since_until | $^X Porting/ --who -);
+ qx($^X Porting/ --who $since_until);
diff --git a/Porting/ b/Porting/
deleted file mode 100755
index 62b290c26a..0000000000
--- a/Porting/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1272 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-package Porting::checkAUTHORS;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use v5.026;
-use utf8;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Unicode::Collate;
-use Text::Wrap;
-$Text::Wrap::columns = 80;
-my ($committer, $patch, $author);
-my ($rank, $ta, $ack, $who, $tap, $update) = (0) x 6;
-my ($percentage, $cumulative, $reverse);
-my (%authors, %untraced, %patchers, %committers, %real_names);
-my ( $from_commit, $to_commit );
-my ( $map, $preferred_email_or_github );
-my $AUTHORS_header;
-my $author_file= './AUTHORS';
-sub main {
- my $result = GetOptions (
- # modes
- "who" => \$who,
- "rank" => \$rank,
- "thanks-applied" => \$ta,
- "missing" => \$ack ,
- "tap" => \$tap,
- "update" => \$update,
- # modifiers
- "authors=s" => \$author_file,
- "percentage" => \$percentage, # show as %age
- "cumulative" => \$cumulative,
- "reverse" => \$reverse,
- "from=s" => \$from_commit,
- "to=s" => \$to_commit,
- );
- my $has_from_commit = defined $from_commit ? 1 : 0;
- if ( !$result # GetOptions failed
- or ( $rank + $ta + $who + $ack + $tap + $update != 1 ) # use one and one exactly 'mode'
- or !( scalar @ARGV + $has_from_commit ) # gitlog provided from --from or stdin
- ) {
- usage();
- }
- die "Can't locate '$author_file'. Specify it with '--authors <path>'."
- unless -f $author_file;
- ( $map, $preferred_email_or_github ) = generate_known_author_map();
- my $preserve_case = $update ? 1 : 0;
- my $AUTHORS_header = read_authors_file($author_file, $preserve_case);
- if ($rank) {
- parse_commits();
- display_ordered(\%patchers);
- } elsif ($ta) {
- parse_commits();
- display_ordered(\%committers);
- } elsif ($tap) {
- parse_commits_authors();
- display_test_output(\%patchers, \%authors, \%real_names);
- } elsif ($ack) {
- parse_commits();
- display_missing_authors(\%patchers, \%authors, \%real_names);
- } elsif ($who) {
- parse_commits();
- list_authors(\%patchers, \%authors);
- } elsif ( $update ) {
- update_authors_files( \%authors, $map, $preferred_email_or_github, $author_file );
- } else {
- die "unknown mode";
- }
- exit(0);
-main() unless caller;
-sub usage {
- die <<"EOS";
-Usage: $0 [modes] [modifiers] <git-log-output-file>
-Modes (use only one):
- --who # show list of unique authors by full name
- --rank # rank authors by patches
- --thanks-applied # ranks committers of others' patches
- --missing # display authors not in AUTHORS
- --tap # show authors present/missing as TAP
- --update # update the AUTHORS file with missing
- --authors <authors-file> # path to authors file (default: ./AUTHORS)
- --percentage # show rankings as percentages
- --cumulative # show rankings cumulatively
- --reverse # show rankings in reverse
- --from # git commit ID used for 'git log' source (use file from STDIN when missing)
- --to[=HEAD] # git commit ID used for 'git log' destination, default to HEAD.
-Sample Usages:
- \$ perl Porting/ --who --from=v5.31.6 --to=v5.31.7
- \$ perl Porting/ --rank --percentage --from=v5.31.6
- \$ perl Porting/ --thanks-applied --from=v5.31.6
- \$ perl Porting/ --missing --from=v5.31.6
- \$ perl Porting/ --tap --from=v5.31.6
- \$ perl Porting/ --update --from=v5.31.6
-or the split int two and generate your own git log output
-Generate git-log-output-file with git log --pretty=fuller rev1..rev2
-(or pipe by specifying '-' for stdin). For example:
- \$ git log --pretty=fuller v5.31.6..v5.31.7 > gitlog
- \$ perl Porting/ --rank --percentage gitlog
-sub list_authors {
- my ($patchers, $authors) = @_;
- binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
- print wrap '', '', join(', ', Unicode::Collate->new(level => 1)->sort(
- map { $authors->{$_} }
- grep { length $_ > 1 } # skip the exception '!' and '?'
- keys %$patchers)) . ".\n";
-# use --from [and --to] if provided
-# otherwise fallback to stdin for backward compatibility
-sub _git_log {
- if ( length $from_commit ) {
- my ( $from, $to ) = ( $from_commit, $to_commit );
- $to //= 'HEAD';
- my $gitlog = [ qx{git log --pretty=fuller $from..$to} ];
- die "git log failed: $!" unless $? == 0;
- return $gitlog;
- }
- return [ <> ];
-sub parse_commits {
- my ( $process ) = @_;
- $process //= \&process; # default processor
- my $git_log = _git_log();
- my @lines = split( /^commit\s*/sm, join( '', $git_log->@* ) );
- foreach (@lines) {
- next if m/^$/;
- next if m/^(\S*?)^Merge:/ism; # skip merge commits
- if (m/^(.*?)^Author:\s*(.*?)^AuthorDate:\s*.*?^Commit:\s*(.*?)^(.*)$/gism) {
- # new patch
- ( $patch, $author, $committer ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
- chomp($author);
- unless ($author) { die $_ }
- chomp($committer);
- unless ($committer) { die $_ }
- $process->( $committer, $patch, $author );
- } else {
- die "XXX $_ did not match";
- }
- }
- return;
-# just grab authors. Quicker than parse_commits
-sub parse_commits_authors {
- my $git_log = _git_log();
- foreach ($git_log->@*) {
- next unless /^Author:\s*(.*)$/;
- my $author = $1;
- $author = _raw_address($author);
- $patchers{$author}++;
- }
- return;
-sub generate_known_author_map {
- my %map;
- my %preferred_email_or_github;
- my $previous_name = "";
- my $previous_preferred_contact = "";
- while (<DATA>) {
- next if m{^\s*#};
- chomp;
- s/\\100/\@/g;
- $_ = lc;
- if ( my ( $name, $contact ) = /^\s*([^#\s]\S*)\s+(.*\S)/ ) {
- $name =~ s/^\\043/#/;
- # use the previous stored email if the line starts by a '+'
- if ( $name eq '+' ) {
- $name = $previous_name;
- }
- else {
- $previous_name = $name;
- $previous_preferred_contact = $contact;
- if ( index($name, '@' ) > 0 ) {
- # if name is an email, then this is our preferred email... legacy list
- $previous_preferred_contact = $name;
- }
- }
- $map{$contact} = $name;
- if ( $contact ne $previous_preferred_contact ) {
- $preferred_email_or_github{$contact} = $previous_preferred_contact;
- }
- if ( $name ne '+' ) {
- $preferred_email_or_github{$name} = $previous_preferred_contact;
- }
- }
- }
- #
- # Email addresses for we do not have names.
- #
- $map{$_} = "?"
- for
- "bah\",
- "bbucklan\",
- "bilbo\",
- "bob\",
- "cygwin\",
- "david\", "erik\", "info\", # Lingo Translation agency
- "jms\",
- "premchai21\",
- "pxm\",
- "raf\",
- "smoketst\", "root\", # no clue - jrv 20090803
- "gomar\", # no clue - jrv 20090803
- "data-drift\", # no data. originally private message from
- "arbor\"
- , # reported perlbug ticket 5196 - no actual code contribution. no real name - jrv 20091006
- "oracle\", # Reported perlbug ticket 1015 - no patch - Probably Ed Eddington
- "snaury\", # Reported cpan ticket 35943, with patch for fix
- ;
- #
- # Email addresses for people that don't have an email address in AUTHORS
- # Presumably deliberately?
- #
- $map{$_} = '!' for
- # Nick Ing-Simmons has passed away (2006-09-25).
- "nick\",
- "nik\",
- "\",
- "nick\",
- "\",
- # Iain Truskett has passed away (2003-12-29).
- "perl\", "spoon\", "spoon\",
- # Ton Hospel
- "me-02\", "perl-5.8.0\", "perl5-porters\",
- # Beau Cox
- "beau\",
- # Randy W. Sims
- "ml-perl\",
- # Jason Hord
- "pravus\",
- # perl internal addresses
- "perl5-porters\",
- "perlbug\",,
- "",
- "perlbug-followup\",
- "perlbug-comment\",
- "bug-module-corelist\",
- "bug-storable\",
- "bugs-perl5\",
- "unknown",
- "unknown\100unknown",
- "unknown\100longtimeago",
- "unknown\",
- "",
- "(none)",
- ;
- return ( \%map, \%preferred_email_or_github );
-sub read_authors_file {
- my ( $filename, $preserve_case ) = @_;
- return unless defined $filename;
- my @headers;
- my (%count, %raw);
- {
- open my $fh, '<', $filename or die "Can't open $filename: $!";
- binmode $fh, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
- my $in_header = 1;
- while (<$fh>) {
- next if /^\#/;
- do { $in_header = 0; next } if /^-- /;
- if (/^([^<]+)<([^>]+)>/) {
- # Easy line.
- my ($name, $email) = ($1, $2);
- $name =~ s/\s*\z//;
- $raw{$email} = $name;
- $count{$email}++;
- } elsif ( /^([^@]+)\s+(\@\S+)\s*$/ ) {
- my ($name, $github) = ($1, $2);
- $name =~ s/\s*\z//;
- $raw{$github} = $name;
- $count{$github}++;
- } elsif (/^([- .'\w]+)[\t\n]/) {
- # Name only
- $untraced{$1}++;
- } elsif ( length $_ ) {
- chomp;
- warn "Can't parse line '$_'";
- } else {
- next;
- }
- }
- continue {
- push @headers, $_ if $in_header;
- }
- }
- foreach my $contact ( sort keys %raw ) {
- print "E-mail $contact occurs $count{$contact} times\n" if $count{$contact} > 1;
- my $lc = lc $contact;
- my $key = $preserve_case ? $contact : $lc;
- $authors{ $map->{$lc} || $key } = $raw{$contact};
- }
- $authors{$_} = $_ for qw(? !);
- push @headers, '-- ', "\n";
- return join( '', @headers );
-sub update_authors_files {
- my ( $authors, $known_authors, $preferred_email_or_github, $author_file ) = @_;
- die qq[Cannot find AUTHORS file '$author_file'] unless -f $author_file;
- binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
- # add missing authors from the recent commits
- _detect_new_authors_from_recent_commit( $authors, $known_authors );
- my @author_names = sort { $a cmp $b } values %$authors;
- my $maxlen = length [ sort { length $b <=> length $a } @author_names ]->[0];
- my @list;
- foreach my $github_or_email ( sort keys %authors ) {
- next if length $github_or_email == 1;
- my $name = $authors{$github_or_email};
- $name =~ s{\s+$}{};
- #$github_or_email = $known_authors->{ $github_or_email } // $github_or_email;
- $github_or_email = $preferred_email_or_github->{ $github_or_email } // $github_or_email;
- if ( index( $github_or_email, '@' ) != 0 ) { # preserve '<>' for unicode consortium
- $github_or_email = '<' . $github_or_email . '>';
- }
- push @list, sprintf( "%-${maxlen}s %s\n", $name, $github_or_email);
- }
- # preserve the untraced authors :-) [without email or GitHub account]
- push @list, map { "$_\n" } keys %untraced;
- {
- open my $fh, '>', $author_file or die "Can't open $author_file: $!";
- binmode $fh, ':raw:encoding(UTF-8)';
- print {$fh} $AUTHORS_header;
- map { print {$fh} $_ } sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } @list;
- close $fh;
- }
- return;
-# read all recent commits and check if the author email is known
-# if the email is unknown add the author's GitHub account if possible or his email
-sub _detect_new_authors_from_recent_commit {
- my ( $authors, $known_authors ) = @_;
- my $check_if_email_known = sub {
- my ( $email ) = @_;
- my $preferred = $map->{$email} // $map->{lc $email}
- // $preferred_email_or_github->{$email}
- // $preferred_email_or_github->{lc $email}
- // $email;
- return $authors{$preferred} || $authors{ lc $preferred } ? 1 : 0;
- };
- my $already_checked = {};
- my $process = sub {
- my ( $committer, $patch, $author ) = @_;
- foreach my $person ( $author, $committer ) {
- next unless length $person;
- next if $already_checked->{$person};
- $already_checked->{$person} = 1;
- my $is_author = $person eq $author;
- if ( $person =~ m{^(.+)\s+<(.+)>$} ) {
- my ( $name, $email ) = ( $1, $2 );
- # skip unicode consortium and bad emails
- if ( index( $email, '@' ) <= 0 ) {
- warn "# Skipping new author: $person - bad email";
- next;
- }
- next if $check_if_email_known->( $email );
- # for new users we would prefer using the GitHub account
- my $github_or_email = _commit_to_github_id( $patch, $is_author ) // $email;
- next if $check_if_email_known->( $github_or_email );
- print "# Detected a new author: $name using email $email [ $github_or_email ]\n";
- $authors{$github_or_email} = $name; # add it to the list of authors
- } else {
- warn "Fail to parse author: $person";
- }
- }
- };
- parse_commits( $process );
- return;
-sub _commit_to_github_id {
- my ( $commit, $is_author ) = @_;
- chomp $commit if defined $commit;
- return unless length $commit;
- eval { require HTTP::Tiny; 1 } or do {
- warn "HTTP::Tiny is missing, cannot detect GitHub account from commit id.";
- no warnings;
- *_commit_to_github_id = sub {};
- return;
- };
- my $github_url_for_commit = q[] . $commit;
- my $response = HTTP::Tiny->new->get( $github_url_for_commit );
- if ( ! $response->{success} ) {
- warn "HTTP Request Failed: '$github_url_for_commit'";
- return;
- }
- my $content = $response->{content} // '';
- # poor man scrapping - probably have to be improved over time
- # try to parse something like: <a href="/Perl/perl5/commits?author=ThisIsMyGitHubID"
- my @github_ids; # up to two entries author and committer
- while ( $content =~ s{\Q<a href="/Perl/perl5/commits?author=\E(.+)"}{} ) {
- push @github_ids, '@' . $1;
- }
- warn "Found more than two github ids for $github_url_for_commit" if scalar @github_ids > 2;
- return $github_ids[0] if $is_author;
- if ( !$is_author && scalar @github_ids >= 2 ) {
- return $github_ids[1]; # committer is the second entry
- }
- return $github_ids[0];
-sub display_test_output {
- my $patchers = shift;
- my $authors = shift;
- my $real_names = shift;
- my $count = 0;
- printf "1..%d\n", scalar keys %$patchers;
- foreach my $email ( sort keys %$patchers ) {
- $count++;
- if ($authors->{$email}) {
- print "ok $count - ".$real_names->{$email} ." $email\n";
- } else {
- print "not ok $count - Contributor not found in AUTHORS. ",
- ($real_names->{$email} || '???' )." $email\n",
- "# To fix run Porting/ and then review",
- " and commit the result.\n";
- print STDERR "# ", ($real_names->{$email} || '???' ), " <$email>",
- " not found in AUTHORS.\n",
- "# To fix run Porting/ and then review",
- " and commit the result.\n";
- }
- }
- return;
-sub display_missing_authors {
- my $patchers = shift;
- my $authors = shift;
- my $real_names = shift;
- my %missing;
- foreach ( sort keys %$patchers ) {
- next if $authors->{$_};
- # Sort by number of patches, then name.
- $missing{ $patchers{$_} }->{$_}++;
- }
- foreach my $patches ( sort { $b <=> $a } keys %missing ) {
- print "\n\n=head1 $patches patch(es)\n\n";
- foreach my $author ( sort keys %{ $missing{$patches} } ) {
- my $xauthor = $author;
- $xauthor =~ s/@/\\100/g; # xxx temp hack
- print "" . ( $real_names->{$author} || $author ) . "\t\t\t<" . $xauthor . ">\n";
- }
- }
- return;
-sub display_ordered {
- my $what = shift;
- my @sorted;
- my $total;
- while ( my ( $name, $count ) = each %$what ) {
- push @{ $sorted[$count] }, $name;
- $total += $count;
- }
- my $i = @sorted;
- return unless @sorted;
- my $sum = 0;
- foreach my $i ( $reverse ? 0 .. $#sorted : reverse 0 .. $#sorted ) {
- next unless $sorted[$i];
- my $prefix;
- $sum += $i * @{ $sorted[$i] };
- # Value to display is either this one, or the cumulative sum.
- my $value = $cumulative ? $sum : $i;
- if ($percentage) {
- $prefix = sprintf "%6.2f:\t", 100 * $value / $total;
- } else {
- $prefix = "$value:\t";
- }
- print wrap ( $prefix, "\t", join( " ", sort @{ $sorted[$i] } ), "\n" );
- }
- return;
-sub process {
- my ( $committer, $patch, $author ) = @_;
- return unless $author;
- return unless $committer;
- $author = _raw_address($author);
- $patchers{$author}++;
- $committer = _raw_address($committer);
- if ( $committer ne $author ) {
- # separate commit credit only if committing someone else's patch
- $committers{$committer}++;
- }
- return;
-sub _raw_address {
- my $addr = shift;
- my $real_name;
- if ($addr =~ /(?:\\?")?\s*\(via RT\) <perlbug-followup\@perl\.org>$/p) {
- my $name = ${^PREMATCH};
- $addr = '';
- #
- # Try to find the author
- #
- if (exists $map->{$name}) {
- $addr = $map->{$name};
- $real_name = $authors{$addr};
- }
- else {
- while (my ($email, $author_name) = each %authors) {
- if ($name eq $author_name) {
- $addr = $email;
- $real_name = $name;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- elsif ( $addr =~ /<.*>/ ) {
- $addr =~ s/^\s*(.*)\s*<\s*(.*?)\s*>.*$/$2/;
- $real_name = $1;
- }
- $addr =~ s/\[mailto://;
- $addr =~ s/\]//;
- $addr = lc $addr;
- $addr = $map->{$addr} || $addr;
- $addr =~ s/\\100/@/g; # Sometimes, there are encoded @ signs in the git log.
- if ($real_name) { $real_names{$addr} = $real_name }
- return $addr;
-1; # make sure we return true in case we are required.
-# List of mappings. First entry the "correct" email address or GitHub account,
-# as appears in the AUTHORS file. Other lines are "alias" mapped to it.
-# If the "correct" email address is a '+', the entry above it is reused;
-# this for addresses with more than one alias.
-# Note that all entries are in lowercase. Further, no '@' signs should
-# appear; use \100 instead.
-# Committers.
-adamh \100BytesGuy
-+ bytesguy\
-+ git\
-adi enache\
-alanbur alan.burlison\
-+ alan.burlison\
-+ aburlison\
-ams ams\
-+ ams\
-atoomic \100atoomic
-+ atoomic\
-+ cpan\
-+ nicolas\
-chip chip\
-+ chip\
-+ salzench\
-+ chip\
-+ chip\
-+ salzench\
-+ chip\
-craigb craigberry\
-+ craig.berry\
-+ craig.berry\
-+ craig.berry\
-+ craig.a.berry\
-+ craig a. berry)
-davem davem\
-+ davem\
-+ davem\
-+ davem\
-+ davem\
-+ davem\
-demerphq demerphq\
-+ yves.orton\
-+ yves.orton\
-+ yves.orton\
-+ demerphq\
-+ demerphq\100gemini.(none)
-+ demerphq\
-+ demerphq\
-doughera doughera\
-+ doughera\
-+ doughera\
-+ doughera\
-gbarr gbarr\
-+ bodg\
-+ gbarr\
-+ graham.barr\
-+ gbarr\
-gisle gisle\
-+ gisle\
-+ aas\
-+ aas\
-gsar gsar\
-+ gsar\
-+ gsar\
-hv hv\
-+ hv\
-+ hv\
-jhi jhi\
-+ jhietaniemi\
-+ jhi\
-+ jhi\
-+ jhi\
-+ jhi\
-+ jarkko.hietaniemi\
-+ jarkko.hietaniemi\
-+ jarkko.hietaniemi\
-jesse jesse\
-+ jesse\
-+ jesse\
-merijn h.m.brand\
-+ h.m.brand\
-+ merijn.brand\
-+ h.m.brand\
-+ merijn\
-+ merijn\100a5.(none)
-+ perl5\
-mhx mhx-perl\
-+ mhx\100r2d2.(none)
-+ mhx\
-mst mst\
-+ matthewt\
-nicholas nick\
-+ nick\
-+ nick\
-+ nick\
-+ nick\
-+ nick\
-+ nick\
-+ nicholas\
-+ Nicholas Clark (sans From field in mail header)
-pudge pudge\
-+ rgarciasuarez\
-+ rgarciasuarez\
-+ rgarciasuarez\
-+ rgarciasuarez\
-+ raphel.garcia-suarez\
-sky artur\
-+ sky\
-+ arthur\
-smueller smueller\
-+ 7k8lrvf02\
-+ kjx9zthh3001\
-+ dtr8sin02\
-+ rt8363b02\
-+ o6hhmk002\
-+ l2ot9pa02\
-+ wyp3rlx02\
-+ 0mgwtfbbq\
-+ xyey9001\
-steveh steve.m.hay\
-+ stevehay\
-+ steve.hay\
-stevep steve\
-+ steve.peters\
-+ root\
-timb Tim.Bunce\
-+ tim.bunce\
-tonyc tony\
-+ tony\
-+ tony\100saturn.(none)
-# Mere mortals.
-\043####\ juerd\
-+ juerd\
-+ juerd\
-a.r.ferreira\ aferreira\
-abe\ abeltje\
-abela\ abela\
-abigail\ abigail\
-+ abigail\
-+ abigail\
-aburt\ isis!aburt
-ach\ ach\
-adavies\ alex.davies\
-ajohnson\ ajohnson\
-+ anders\
-alexm\ alexm\
-alex-p5p\ alex\100rcon.rog
-alexmv\ alex\
-alian\ alian\
-allen\ allen\
-allen\ nort\
-+ nort\
-allens\ easmith\
-+ root\
-ambs\ hashashin\
-+ andreas.koenig\
-+ andreas.koenig.gmwojprw\
-+ andreas.koenig.7os6vvqr\
-+ a.koenig\
-+ k\
-+ andk\
-+ koenig\
-+ k\
-+ root\
-+ root\
-+ k\
-+ a.koenig\
-+ k\
-+ root\
-anno4000\ anno4000\
-+ siegel\ perl\
-arnold\ arnold\
-+ gatech!skeeve!arnold
-arodland\ andrew\
-arussell\ adam\100adam-pc.(none)
-ash\ ash_cpan\
-avar avar\
-+ avarab\
-bailey\ bailey\
-+ bailey\
-+ bailey.charles\
-bah\ bholzman\
-barries\ root\
-bkedryna\ bart\
-bcarter\ q.eibcartereio.=~m-b.{6}-cgimosx\
-ben_tilly\ btilly\
-+ ben_tilly\
-ben\ mauzo\
-+ mauzo\100.(none)
-bepi\ enrico.sorcinelli\
-bert\ bert\
-bigbang7\ ddascalescu+github\
-blgl\ blgl\
-+ 2bfjdsla52kztwejndzdstsxl9athp\ brad+github\
-khw\ khw\100karl.(none)
-brian.d.foy\ bdfoy\
-BQW10602\ sadahiro\
-bulk88\ bulk88
-chad.granum\ exodist7\
-choroba\ choroba\100weed.(none)
-+ choroba\
-chromatic\ chromatic\
-ckuskie\ colink\
-claes\ claes\
-clintp\ cpierce1\
-clkao\ clkao\
-corion\ corion\
-cp\ publiustemp-p5p\
-+ publiustemp-p5p3\
-+ ovid\
-cpan\ autrijus\
-+ autrijus\
-+ autrijus\
-+ autrijus\
-+ autrijus\
-+ audreyt\
-cpan\ me-01\
-crt\ perl\
-cp\ ovid\
-dairiki\ dairiki at
-dagolden\ xdaveg\
-+ xdg\
-damian\ damian\
-dan\ sugalsd\
-+ sugalskd\
-daniel\ daniel\
-dave\ dave\
-+ dave\
-david.dyck\ dcd\
-david\ david\
-+ david\
-+ david\
-+ david\
-whatever\ davidnicol\
-dennis\ dennis\
-+ dennis.kaarsemaker\
-+ dennis\
-dev-perl\ knew-p5p\
-+ lists-p5p\
-djberg86\ djberg96\
-dk\ dmitry\
-dom\ dom\
-domo\ shouldbedomo\
-+ domo\
-+ domo\
-dougm\ dougm\
-+ dougm\
-dougw\ doug_wilson\
-dwegscheid\ wegscd\
-edwardp\ epeschko\100den-mdev1
-+ epeschko\
-+ esp5\
-egf7\ efifer\
-eggert\ eggert\
-etj\ mohawk2\
-fugazi\ larrysh\
-+ lshatzer\
-gbacon\ gbacon\
-gerberb\ root\
-genesullivan50\ gsullivan\
-gerard\ gerard\
-gibreel\ stephen.zander\
-+ srz\100loopback
-gideon\ gidisrael\
-gnat\ gnat\
-gp\ gerrit\
-grazz\ grazz\
-gward\ greg\
-haggai\ alanhaggai\
-+ alanhaggai\
-hansmu\ hansm\
-+ hansm\
-+ hans\
-+ hans\
-+ hansm\
-+ hansm\
-harald.joerg\ haj\
-hio\ hio\
-hops\ hops\
-ian.goodacre\ ian\100debian.lan
-ingo_weinhold\ bonefish\
-james\ theorb\
-jan\ jand\
-+ jan.dubois\
-japhy\ japhy\
-+ japhy\
-+ japhy\
-+ jeffp\
-jari.aalto\ jari.aalto\
-jarausch\ helmutjarausch\100unknown
-jasons\ jasons\
-jbuehler\ jhpb\
-jcromie\ jcromie\
-+ jim.cromie\
-jd\ lightsey\
-+ john\
-+ john\
-jdhedden\ jerry\
-+ jdhedden\
-+ jdhedden\
-+ jdhedden\
-+ jhedden\
-+ jdhedden\100solydxk
-jeremy\ jzawodn\
-jesse\ jesse\100ginger
-jfriedl\ jfriedl\
-jfs\ jfs\
-jhannah\ jay\
-+ jhannah\
-jidanni\ jidanni\
-jjore\ twists\
-jkeenan\ jkeen\
-+ jkeenan\
-jns\ jns\
-+ gellyfish\
-john\ john\
-john\ john.wright\
-joseph\ joseph\
-joshua\ jrodd\
-jtobey\ jtobey\
-jpeacock\ john.peacock\
-+ jpeacock\
-+ jpeacock\
-+ jpeacock\
-+ jpeacock\
-+ jpeacock\
-james.schneider\ jschneid\
-jpl.jpl\ jpl\
-jql\ jql\
-jsm28\ jsm28\
-kane\ kane\
-+ kane\
-+ kane\
-+ jos\
-+ jib\
-keith.s.thompson\ kst\
-ken\ kenahoo\
-+ ken.williams\
-kentfredric\ kentnl\
-kmx\ kmx\
-+ kmx\
-kroepke\ kay\
-kst\ kst\
-+ kst\100SDSC.EDU
-kstar\ kstar\
-+ kurt_starsinic\
-+ kstar\
-+ kstar\
-larry\ lwall\
-+ lwall\
-+ larry\
-+ lwall\
-+ lwall\
-laszlo.molnar\ molnarl\
-+ ml1050\
-lewart\ lewart\
-+ d-lewart\ 52227507+apparluk\
-lkundrak\ lubo.rintel\
-lstein\ lstein\
-+ lstein\
-l.mai\ plokinom\
-lupe\ lupe\
-lutherh\ lutherh\
-mab\ markb\
-marcel\ gr\
-+ hanekomu\
-marcgreen\ marcgreen\
-markleightonfisher\ fisherm\
-+ mark-fisher\
-mark.p.lutz\ tecmpl1\
-marnix\ pttesac!marnix!vanam
-marty+p5p\ marty\
-mats\ mats\
-mbarbon\ mattia.barbon\
-+ mattia\
-mcmahon\ mcmahon\
-me\ glasser\
-merijnb\ merijnb\
-+ merijnb\
-merlyn\ merlyn\
-mestre.smash\ smash\
-mgjv\ mgjv\
-mlh\ webtools\
-michael.schroeder\ mls\
-mike\ mike\
-61100689+mikefultondev\ mikefultonpersonal\
-miyagawa\ miyagawa\
-mjtg\ mjtg\
-mikedlr\ mikedlr\
-mjd\ mjd\
-moritz\ moritz\
-+ moritz lenz
-neale\100VMA.TABNSW.COM.AU neale\
-neeracher\ neeri\
-neilb\ neilb\
-+ neil\
-nospam-abuse\ tels\
-+ perl_dummy\
-ian.phillipps\ ian_phillipps\
-+ ian\
-ignasi.roca\ ignasi.roca\
-ikegami\ eric\100fmdev10.(none)
-ilmari\ ilmari\
-illpide\ arbor\
-# see
-ilya\ ilya\
-+ nospam-abuse\
-+ [9]ilya\
-ilya\ ilya\100juil.nonet
-joshua\ joshua.pritikin\
-litt\ tlhackque\
- jim\
-okamoto\ okamoto\
-orwant\ orwant\
-p5-authors\ perl\
-+ rs\
-+ coral\
-+ coral\
-+ rs\
-+ rs\\ paul_greenvos\
-+ pgreen\
-pmqs pmqs\
-+ paul.marquess\
-+ paul_marquess\
-+ paul.marquess\
-+ paul.marquess\
-+ pmarquess\
-+ pmqs\
-+ paul\100paul-desktop.(none)
-Pavel.Zakouril\ root\
-pcg\ schmorp\
-perl\ cdp\
-perl\ greerga\
-perl\ vince\
-perl-rt\ p5p\
-# Maybe we should special case this to get real names out?
-Peter.Dintelmann\ peter.dintelmann\
-# NOTE: There is an intentional trailing space in the line above
-pfeifer\ pfeifer\
-+ upf\
-pjacklam\ pjacklam\ rabbit\
-+ rabbit+bugs\
-arc\ perl\
-phil\ phil\
-pimlott\ andrew\
-+ pimlott\
-pixel\ pixel\
-pne\ philip.newton\
-+ philip.newton\
-+ pnewton\
-pprymmer\ pvhp\
-khw\ khw\100karl.(none)
-+ public\
-+ khw\100khw-desktop.(none)
-radu\ rgreab\
-raiph \100raiph
-+ raiph.mellor\
-rajagopa\ rajagopa\
-raphael.manfredi\ raphael_manfredi\
-info\ renee.baecker\
-+ reneeb\100reneeb-desktop.(none)
-+ github\
-+ otrs\100ubuntu.(none)
-+ perl\
-+ reb\
-+ module\
-rich+perl\ richardleach\
-richard.foley\ richard.foley\
-+ richard.foley\
-+ richard.foley\
-rick\ rick\
-+ rick.delaney\
-+ rick\
-+ rick.delaney\
-rjbs\ rjbs-perl-p5p\
-+ perl.p5p\
-+ rjbs\
-+ rjbs\
-rjk\ rjk\
-+ rjk-perl-p5p\
-+ rjk\
-rjray\ rjray\
-rmgiroux\ rmgiroux\
-+ mgiroux\
-rmbarker\ rmb1\
-+ robin.barker\
-+ rmb\
-+ robin\100spade-ubuntu.(none)
-+ r.m.barker\
-+ rmbarker.cpan\
-robertmay\ rob\
-roberto\ roberto\
-robin\ robin\
-roderick\ roderick\
-+ roderick\
-argrath\ root\
-rootbeer\ rootbeer\
-+ tomphoenix\100unknown
-rra\ rra\
-rurban\ rurban\
-+ rurban\
-rvtol+news\ rvtol\
-sartak\ sartak\
-+ code\
-danny-cpan\ sadinoff\
-schubiger\ steven\
-+ sts\
-+ schubiger\
-+ stsc\
-schwern\ schwern\
-+ schwern\
-+ schwern\
-+ schwern\
-scop\ ville.skytta\
-scotth\ author scotth\ 842220273 +0000
-+ schotth\
-schwab\ schwab\
-+ schwab\
-sebastien\ maddingue\
-+ saper\
-shigeya\ shigeya\
-shlomif\ shlomif\
-+ shlomif\
-+ shlomif+processed-by-perl\
-+ shlomif\
-simon\ simon\
-+ simon\
-+ simon\
-+ simon\
-+ simon\
-sisyphus\ sisyphus1\
-+ sisyphus359\
-lannings\ lannings\
-+ slanning\
-slaven\ slaven.rezic\
-+ srezic\
-+ srezic\
-+ eserte\
-+ eserte\
-smcc\ smcc\
-+ smcc\
-+ alias\
-+ smccam\
-spider\ spider\
-+ spider\
-+ spider-perl\
-+ spider\
-+ spider.boardman\>
-+ spidb\
-+ spider.boardman\
-+ root\
-s.denaxas\ spiros\
-spp\ spp\
-+ spp\
-+ spp\
-stef\ stef\
-+ s.payrard\
-+ properler\
-+ stef\
-stevan\ stevan.little\
-+ stevan.little\
-sthoenna\ ysth\
-tassilo.parseval\ tassilo.von.parseval\
-tchrist\ tchrist\
-+ tchrist\
-thomas.dorner\ tdorner\
-tjenness\ t.jenness\
-+ timj\
-tobez\ tobez\
-toddr\ toddr\
-tom\ thh\
-tom.horsley\ tom.horsley\
-+ tom\
-vkonovalov\ vkonovalov\
-+ konovalo\
-+ vadim\
-+ vkonovalov\
-+ vkonovalov\
-+ vadim.konovalov\
-whatever\ davidnicol\
-wolfgang.laun\ wolfgang.laun\
-+ wolfgang.laun\
-+ wolfgang.laun\
-wolfsage\ mhorsfall\100darmstadtium.(none)
-yath\ yath-perlbug\
diff --git a/Porting/exec-bit.txt b/Porting/exec-bit.txt
index 1b3712be83..64123ef04d 100644
--- a/Porting/exec-bit.txt
+++ b/Porting/exec-bit.txt
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ Porting/
diff --git a/Porting/release_managers_guide.pod b/Porting/release_managers_guide.pod
index b8f3b84b46..596f3d4fa9 100644
--- a/Porting/release_managers_guide.pod
+++ b/Porting/release_managers_guide.pod
@@ -504,23 +504,10 @@ blead release, so you may find nothing to do here.
=head3 update AUTHORS
The AUTHORS file can be updated by running F<Porting/>.
-(The old method was C<Porting/ --update --from=5.X.Y> and
-it's still used under the hood, but you should use the
-F<Porting/> update.)
-In the old method, for MAINT and BLEAD-FINAL releases, C<v5.X.Y> needs to
-refer to the last release in the previous development cycle (so for
-example, for a 5.14.x release, this would be 5.13.11).
-In the old method, for BLEAD-POINT releases, it needs to refer to the
-previous BLEAD-POINT release (so for 5.15.3 this would be 5.15.2).
-Note: It should not be harmful to use a wider range.
-Note: If you have uncommitted changes this could cause some warnings,
-and you might like to use the additional argument C<--to=upstream/blead>
-to use the last known git commit by GitHub.
+This shouldn't really be necessary anymore, and in theory nothing should
+change as our CI should not pass if a commit would result in AUTHORS
+needing to change, but do it anyway to be sure. Make sure all your changes
+are committed first.
Review the changes to the AUTHORS file, be sure you are not adding duplicate
entries or removing any entries, then commit your changes.
diff --git a/Porting/ b/Porting/
index b7900da511..3cbf6e3f4c 100644
--- a/Porting/
+++ b/Porting/
@@ -463,25 +463,6 @@ sub read_mailmap_file {
return (\%mailmap_hash, \@mailmap_preamble, $raw_text);
-# this can be used to extract data from the checkAUTHORS data
-sub merge_mailmap_with_AUTHORS_and_checkAUTHORS_data {
- my ($self, $mailmap_hash, $author_info)= @_;
- require 'Porting/' or die "No authors?";
- my ($map, $preferred_email_or_github)=
- Porting::checkAUTHORS::generate_known_author_map();
- foreach my $old (sort keys %$preferred_email_or_github) {
- my $new= $preferred_email_or_github->{$old};
- next if $old !~ /\@/ or $new !~ /\@/ or $new eq $old;
- my $name= $author_info->{"email2name"}{$new};
- if ($name) {
- my $line= "$name <$new> <$old>";
- $mailmap_hash->{$line}++;
- }
- }
- return 1; # ok
sub __sorted_hash_keys {
my ($hash)= @_;
return __sort_names(keys %$hash);
@@ -1253,14 +1234,6 @@ Other supported parameters are as follows:
this list is not exhaustive. See the code implementing the main()
function in F<Porting/> for an exhaustive list.
-=item merge_mailmap_with_AUTHORS_and_checkAUTHORS_data
-This is a utility function that combines data from this tool with data
-contained in F<Porting/> it is not used directly, but was
-used to cleanup and generate the current version of the .mailmap file.
-Will be deleted.
=item parse_orig_mailmap_hash()
Takes a mailmap_hash and parses it and returns it as an array of array
diff --git a/README.cygwin b/README.cygwin
index 7baaebab96..c1546743fb 100644
--- a/README.cygwin
+++ b/README.cygwin
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ be kept as clean as possible.
pod/perl573delta.pod pod/perl58delta.pod pod/perl581delta.pod
pod/perl590delta.pod pod/perlhist.pod pod/perlmodlib.pod
pod/perltoc.pod Porting/Glossary pod/perlgit.pod
- Porting/
+ Porting/
dist/Cwd/Changes ext/Compress-Raw-Zlib/Changes
ext/Compress-Raw-Zlib/README ext/Compress-Zlib/Changes
diff --git a/t/porting/authors.t b/t/porting/authors.t
index 561d7d795a..ffe8f636ec 100644
--- a/t/porting/authors.t
+++ b/t/porting/authors.t
@@ -38,7 +38,5 @@ elsif( $ENV{GITHUB_ACTIONS} && length $ENV{GITHUB_BASE_REF} ) {
if $branch_head;
-# This is the subset of "pretty=fuller" that actually needs:
-print qx{git log --pretty=format:"Author: %aN <%aE>" $revision_range | $^X Porting/ --tap -};
+exec("$^X Porting/ --validate $revision_range");
diff --git a/t/porting/pending-author.t b/t/porting/pending-author.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 883e534334..0000000000
--- a/t/porting/pending-author.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-#!./perl -w
-# What does this test?
-# This uses Porting/ to check that any pending commit isn't
-# about to break t/porting/authors.t
-# Why do we test this?
-# t/porting/authors.t checks that the AUTHORS file is up to date, accounting
-# for the "Author:" of every commit. However, any pending changes can't be
-# tested, which leaves a gotcha - "make test" can pass, one then commits
-# the passing code, pushes it uptream, and tests fail. So this test attempts
-# to spot that problem before it happens, where it can.
-# It's broken - how do I fix it?
-# It will fail if you're in a git checkout, have uncommitted changes, and the
-# e-mail address that your commit will default to is in AUTHORS, or the list
-# of author aliases in Porting/ So one of
-# a) reset your pending changes
-# b) change your git config to the previously-known e-mail address
-# c) add yourself to AUTHORS
-# d) add an alias to Porting/
- @INC = '..' if -f '../';
-use TestInit qw(T); # T is chdir to the top level
-use strict;
-use File::Spec;
-require './t/';
-my $devnull = File::Spec->devnull;
-my @lines = `git status --porcelain 2>$devnull`;
-skip_all("git status --porcelain doesn't seem to work here")
- if $? != 0;
-skip_all("No pending changes")
- if !grep !/^\?\?/, @lines;
-sub get {
- my $key = shift;
- my $value = `git config --get user.$key`;
- unless (defined $value && $value =~ /\S/) {
- skip_all("git config --get user.$key returned nought");
- }
- chomp $value;
- return $value;
-my $email = get('email');
-my $name = get('name');
-open my $fh, '|-', "$^X Porting/ --tap -"
- or die $!;
-print $fh "Author: $name <$email>\n";
-close $fh or die $!;