path: root/Changes
diff options
authorJarkko Hietaniemi <>2000-12-30 18:55:48 +0000
committerJarkko Hietaniemi <>2000-12-30 18:55:48 +0000
commit8d7a3e7052577e4c51d6cf1dc6d526bd4109f657 (patch)
tree64e36d1643965fc0e0621658c9529bba0f809a9a /Changes
parent5a2d9fa29c136c74882bc9b7afca3c36badfe150 (diff)
Update Changes.
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@8269
Diffstat (limited to 'Changes')
1 files changed, 386 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
index dcb702f989..b042b34462 100644
--- a/Changes
+++ b/Changes
@@ -32,6 +32,392 @@ Version v5.7.1 Development release working toward v5.8
+[ 8268] By: jhi on 2000/12/30 17:18:40
+ Log: Add a test for Unicode split //. The #8267 was the cure.
+ Branch: perl
+ ! t/op/split.t
+[ 8267] By: jhi on 2000/12/30 17:14:19
+ Log: Subject: more UTF8 test suites and an UTF8 patch
+ From: Inaba Hiroto <>
+ Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 14:27:10 +0900
+ Message-ID: <>
+ Just the patch part for now, and the pragma renamed
+ as unicode::distinct.
+ Branch: perl
+ + lib/unicode/
+ ! MANIFEST doop.c embed.h mg.c op.c op.h perl.h
+ ! pod/perlapi.pod pp.c pp_ctl.c pp_hot.c proto.h regcomp.c
+ ! regcomp.h regexec.c sv.c toke.c utf8.c
+[ 8266] By: nick on 2000/12/30 16:40:49
+ Log: Integrate mainline
+ Branch: perlio
+ +> lib/Pod/Text/
+ !> MANIFEST doio.c hints/ hv.c lib/Pod/
+ !> lib/Pod/Text/ lib/Pod/Text/ op.c
+ !> pod/pod2text.PL sv.c t/lib/syslfs.t t/op/join.t t/op/lfs.t
+ !> t/pragma/constant.t t/pragma/sub_lval.t t/pragma/utf8.t util.c
+ !> vms/vms.c vms/vmsish.h vms/
+[ 8265] By: jhi on 2000/12/30 07:28:55
+ Log: The sv_catsv() fix, take two.
+ Branch: perl
+ ! sv.c t/op/join.t
+[ 8264] By: jhi on 2000/12/30 06:19:18
+ Log: Undo all the join-related changes since #8248: relevant
+ portions of 8248, 8249, 8250, 8251, 8260, 8263 must go.
+ The new sv_catsv() doesn't fly so it must go back to
+ the drawing board.
+ Branch: perl
+ ! sv.c t/op/join.t t/pragma/utf8.t
+[ 8263] By: jhi on 2000/12/30 01:08:32
+ Log: (Retracted by #8264) Tweak sv_catsv() some more.
+ Branch: perl
+ ! sv.c
+[ 8262] By: jhi on 2000/12/30 00:45:14
+ Log: Retract #8261.
+ Branch: perl
+ ! hv.c util.c
+[ 8261] By: jhi on 2000/12/30 00:38:32
+ Log: (Retracted by #8261). (Unsuccessful memory access tweaks.)
+ Branch: perl
+ ! hv.c util.c
+[ 8260] By: jhi on 2000/12/29 22:51:33
+ Log: (Retracted by #8264) More fixing for #8251.
+ Branch: perl
+ ! sv.c
+[ 8259] By: jhi on 2000/12/29 18:27:30
+ Log: Subject: podlators 1.06 released
+ From: Russ Allbery <>
+ Date: 25 Dec 2000 05:09:30 -0800
+ Message-ID: <>
+ Branch: perl
+ + lib/Pod/Text/
+ ! MANIFEST lib/Pod/ lib/Pod/Text/
+ ! lib/Pod/Text/ pod/pod2text.PL
+[ 8258] By: jhi on 2000/12/29 18:20:45
+ Log: Make the large file tests more robust/talkative as suggested by
+ Subject: Re: [ID 20001229.001] Not OK: perl v5.7.0 +DEVEL8221 on i686-linux 2.4.0-test13pre4-ac2 -2 (UNINSTALLED)
+ From: (Andreas J. Koenig)
+ Date: 29 Dec 2000 14:23:01 +0100
+ Message-ID: <>
+ Branch: perl
+ ! t/lib/syslfs.t t/op/lfs.t
+[ 8257] By: jhi on 2000/12/29 17:48:04
+ Log: Further VMS piping fixes from Charles Lane:
+ In summary, error messages produced when a subprocess terminated
+ abnormally were being sent not just to the parent process, but to
+ grandparents, because of default values for error output that were
+ not completely overridden when the subprocess was started.
+ This patch fixes this behavior by defining user-mode (i.e., temporary
+ for the duration of the program) logical names for SYS$OUTPUT and
+ SYS$ERROR when they are (re)opened inside Perl. And a bunch of other
+ changes to make it so that the user-mode logicals are the ones that
+ control where Perl's error messages go if it terminates abnormally.
+ I also added some gratuitous fixes to the indentation of braces in
+ the piping code. It just looked ugly, before.
+ Branch: perl
+ ! doio.c vms/vms.c vms/vmsish.h vms/
+[ 8256] By: jhi on 2000/12/29 17:45:12
+ Log: Subject: [PATCH] Idea: Declare multiple constants at once (fwd)
+ From: "Casey R. Tweten" <>
+ Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 12:03:00 -0500 (EST)
+ Message-ID: <>
+ Tests for for #8240.
+ Branch: perl
+ ! t/pragma/constant.t
+[ 8255] By: jhi on 2000/12/29 17:43:07
+ Log: Subject: Re: [PATCH] Interesting syntax idea
+ From: Simon Cozens <>
+ Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 14:34:04 +0000
+ Message-ID: <>
+ Tests for #8254.
+ Branch: perl
+ ! t/pragma/sub_lval.t
+[ 8254] By: jhi on 2000/12/29 17:42:11
+ Log: Subject: [PATCH] Interesting syntax idea
+ From: Simon Cozens <>
+ Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 05:08:57 +0000
+ Message-ID: <>
+ Make opens + bareword assigns do typeglob assigns.
+ Branch: perl
+ ! op.c
+[ 8253] By: jhi on 2000/12/29 17:36:45
+ Log: Output the (apparent) version of gcc, as suggested by
+ Subject: [ID 20001226.001] mis-parses gcc version 2.95.2 as less than 2.95, causing installation-failure
+ From: (Jeremy H. Brown)
+ Date: 26 Dec 2000 04:29:17 -0500
+ Message-Id: <>
+ (The patch as such didn't any more apply as the misparsing had
+ already been addressed in #6474.) Also change the wording about
+ gcc 2.95.2, for Jeremy it didn't break sdbm, for me it did.
+ Branch: perl
+ ! hints/
+[ 8252] By: nick on 2000/12/29 12:14:31
+ Log: Integrate mainline
+ Branch: perlio
+ !> (integrate 27 files)
+[ 8251] By: jhi on 2000/12/29 08:45:46
+ Log: (Retracted by #8264)
+ (Fixed by #8260.)
+ sv_catsv() needs one more byte space than seems reasonable.
+ (for join() and PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL=2, built with debugging).
+ Curiouser and curiouser.
+ Branch: perl
+ ! sv.c
+[ 8250] By: jhi on 2000/12/29 07:57:52
+ Log: More split // UTF-8 tests.
+ Branch: perl
+ ! t/pragma/utf8.t
+[ 8249] By: jhi on 2000/12/29 07:54:51
+ Log: (Retracted by #8264) More join() testing which was good because
+ it revealed a bug in #8248 (the UTF8_EIGHT_BIT_LO() was wrong).
+ Branch: perl
+ ! pp.c t/op/join.t utf8.c utf8.h
+[ 8248] By: jhi on 2000/12/29 07:08:32
+ Log: (Retracted by #8264) Externally: join() was still quite UTF-8-unaware.
+ Internally: sv_catsv() wasn't quite okay on UTF-8, it assumed
+ that the only cases to care about are byte+byte and byte+character.
+ TODO: See how well pp_concat() could be implemented in terms
+ of sv_catsv().
+ Branch: perl
+ ! doop.c sv.c t/op/join.t utf8.h
+[ 8247] By: jhi on 2000/12/29 06:35:23
+ Log: Signedness nit.
+ Branch: perl
+ ! pp_hot.c
+[ 8246] By: jhi on 2000/12/29 01:23:31
+ Log: Subject: Re: [ID 20001226.002] Not OK: perl v5.7.0 +DEVEL8221 on i86pc-solaris 2.8 (UNINSTALLED)
+ From: Lupe Christoph <>
+ Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 23:00:00 +0100
+ Message-ID: <>
+ Suggest rsync --delete --dry-run.
+ Branch: perl
+ ! pod/perlhack.pod
+[ 8245] By: jhi on 2000/12/28 23:57:05
+ Log: The maxiters upper limit sanity check (guarding against
+ non-progress) assumed bytes instead of characters in s///
+ and split().
+ Branch: perl
+ ! pp.c pp_hot.c
+[ 8244] By: jhi on 2000/12/28 23:34:08
+ Log: Make some panic messages a bit more logical.
+ Branch: perl
+ ! doop.c pod/perldiag.pod pp.c pp_hot.c
+[ 8243] By: jhi on 2000/12/28 22:59:16
+ Log: Subject: [PATCH] lvalue AUTOLOAD. No, really.
+ From: Simon Cozens <>
+ Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 02:30:03 +0000
+ Message-ID: <>
+ Branch: perl
+ ! pp.c t/pragma/sub_lval.t
+[ 8242] By: jhi on 2000/12/28 22:56:53
+ Log: Subject: [PATCH blead] Fix B::Terse indentation
+ From: Daniel Chetlin <>
+ Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 06:43:30 -0800
+ Message-ID: <20001227064329.B9573@darkstar>
+ Branch: perl
+ ! ext/B/ ext/B/B/ t/lib/b.t
+[ 8241] By: jhi on 2000/12/28 22:48:59
+ Log: The latter patch from the
+ Subject: [PATCH: perl@8211] directory depth typo in one win32 Makefile
+ From: Peter Prymmer <>
+ Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 14:52:12 -0800 (PST)
+ Message-ID: <>
+ (the former patch from the above should have been
+ taken care of by Nick I-S)
+ Branch: perl
+ ! win32/Makefile
+[ 8240] By: jhi on 2000/12/28 22:45:22
+ Log: Subject: Re: [PATCH] Idea: Declare multiple constants at once
+ From: "Casey R. Tweten" <>
+ Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 10:35:53 -0500 (EST)
+ Message-ID: <>
+ Branch: perl
+ ! lib/
+[ 8239] By: jhi on 2000/12/28 22:37:45
+ Log: Subject: [PATCH] Re: [ID 19991001.003] sort(sub(arg)) misparsed as sort sub args
+ From: Simon Cozens <>
+ Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 14:12:44 +0000
+ Message-ID: <>
+ Branch: perl
+ ! t/op/method.t t/op/sort.t toke.c
+[ 8238] By: jhi on 2000/12/28 22:30:32
+ Log: Subject: [PATCH perl@8229]
+ From: "Paul Marquess" <>
+ Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2000 10:47:15 -0000
+ Message-ID: <000201c06e60$0b967760$>
+ Branch: perl
+ ! ext/Filter/Util/Call/
+[ 8237] By: jhi on 2000/12/28 22:19:21
+ Log: Subject: [PATCH blead] Fix problem with `&' prototype
+ From: Daniel Chetlin <>
+ Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 15:55:32 -0800
+ Message-ID: <20001227155532.D9573@darkstar>
+ Branch: perl
+ ! op.c t/comp/proto.t
+[ 8236] By: jhi on 2000/12/28 22:09:25
+ Log: Subject: Re: [PATCH blead] Fix segfault in gv_handler/mg_find
+ From: Daniel Chetlin <>
+ Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2000 04:09:49 -0800
+ Message-ID: <20001224040949.B3090@darkstar>
+ Branch: perl
+ ! gv.c mg.c t/op/attrs.t
+[ 8235] By: jhi on 2000/12/28 22:07:11
+ Log: Subject: [PATCH] Win32::Spawn() didn't inherit cwd and env correctly
+ From: Jan Dubois <>
+ Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2000 20:57:31 -0800
+ Message-ID: <>
+ Branch: perl
+ ! win32/win32.c
+[ 8234] By: jhi on 2000/12/28 21:52:42
+ Log: Subject: Re: [PATCH] Warn on use of reference as array elem
+ From: Simon Cozens <>
+ Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 20:33:13 +0000
+ Message-ID: <>
+ Branch: perl
+ ! pod/perldiag.pod pp_hot.c t/pragma/warn/pp_hot
+[ 8233] By: jhi on 2000/12/28 19:40:49
+ Log: Integrate perlio.
+ Branch: perl
+ !> ext/Encode/Makefile.PL ext/Encode/compile
+[ 8232] By: nick on 2000/12/23 16:06:00
+ Log: Encode's Makefile.PL fix not good for dmake $(MAKEFILE) is set to -f Makefile
+ and fails to make '-f'. (Also handle case where xxxx.c files have not been deleted.)
+ Branch: perlio
+ ! ext/Encode/Makefile.PL
+[ 8231] By: nick on 2000/12/23 14:30:34
+ Log: "Compiled" encode build cleanup
+ - Makefile uses catfile $(MAKEFILE) etc. for platform issues.
+ - .c files do not export sub-tables
+ Branch: perlio
+ ! ext/Encode/Makefile.PL ext/Encode/compile
+[ 8230] By: nick on 2000/12/23 12:50:37
+ Log: Integrate mainline
+ Branch: perlio
+ !> INSTALL lib/ lib/ lib/Pod/
+ !> lib/Text/ lib/Win32.pod pod/perl.pod
+ !> pod/perl5004delta.pod pod/perl5005delta.pod
+ !> pod/perl56delta.pod pod/perldelta.pod pod/perldiag.pod
+ !> pod/perlembed.pod pod/perlfaq4.pod pod/perllocale.pod
+ !> pod/perlmodlib.pod pod/perlrequick.pod pod/perlretut.pod
+ !> pod/perlsub.pod
+[ 8229] By: jhi on 2000/12/22 15:32:12
+ Log: Integrate perlio.
+ Branch: perl
+ +> win32/distclean.bat
+ !> MANIFEST t/io/utf8.t
+[ 8228] By: jhi on 2000/12/22 15:29:40
+ Log: Subject: [PATCH 5.6.1-TRIAL1 and @8223]; was Re: Perlbug 20000322.006 status +update
+ From: Robin Barker <>
+ Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 12:17:38 GMT
+ Message-Id: <>
+ Branch: perl
+ ! lib/ lib/ lib/Pod/
+ ! lib/Text/ lib/Win32.pod pod/perl.pod
+ ! pod/perl5004delta.pod pod/perl5005delta.pod
+ ! pod/perl56delta.pod pod/perldelta.pod pod/perldiag.pod
+ ! pod/perlembed.pod pod/perlfaq4.pod pod/perllocale.pod
+ ! pod/perlmodlib.pod pod/perlrequick.pod pod/perlretut.pod
+ ! pod/perlsub.pod
+[ 8227] By: jhi on 2000/12/22 15:24:28
+ Log: Subject: Re: A Configure option like 'otherlibdirs' but for *pre*pending?
+ From: "John L. Allen" <>
+ Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 14:39:58 -0500 (EST)
+ Message-ID: <>
+ Document APPLLIB_EXP.
+ Branch: perl
+[ 8226] By: nick on 2000/12/21 22:11:50
+ Log: Handy script for when one forgets to "dmake clean"
+ Branch: perlio
+ + win32/distclean.bat
+[ 8225] By: nick on 2000/12/21 21:54:04
+ Log: CRLF platform issue with io/utf8 fix.
+ Branch: perlio
+ ! t/io/utf8.t
+[ 8224] By: nick on 2000/12/21 21:02:20
+ Log: Integrate mainline
+ Branch: perlio
+ !> Changes Configure Makefile.SH Porting/Glossary
+ !> Porting/ Porting/config_H
+ !> epoc/ ext/Thread/Thread.xs patchlevel.h
+ !> pod/perlfaq3.pod pod/perlfunc.pod pod/perltoc.pod pp_sys.c
+ !> sv.c t/io/fs.t t/op/misc.t t/op/utf8decode.t t/pragma/utf8.t
+ !> win32/config.bc win32/config.gc win32/
+[ 8223] By: jhi on 2000/12/21 17:09:16
+ Log: Update Changes.
+ Branch: perl
+ ! Changes patchlevel.h
+[ 8222] By: jhi on 2000/12/21 16:24:01
+ Log: Metaconfig unit changes for #8221.
+ Branch: metaconfig/U/perl
+ +> issymlink.U
+ - testsyml.U
+ ! Mksymlinks.U
[ 8221] By: jhi on 2000/12/21 16:23:48
Log: Rename testsyml to issymlink.
Branch: perl