path: root/Changes
diff options
authorJarkko Hietaniemi <>2001-05-21 13:21:21 +0000
committerJarkko Hietaniemi <>2001-05-21 13:21:21 +0000
commit6b736850bbda30829ec1627a141cf9a65635dcd2 (patch)
treea0e3d43dc79cf0d15292341f10cad592121c6d5b /Changes
parenta39702a6da8149b0e83e3e68ac9d18576a5199c1 (diff)
Update Changes.
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@10176
Diffstat (limited to 'Changes')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
index bddf70ae2e..bee0165acc 100644
--- a/Changes
+++ b/Changes
@@ -31,6 +31,139 @@ or any other branch.
Version v5.7.1 Development release working toward v5.8
+[ 10175] By: jhi on 2001/05/21 13:17:28
+ Log: Add a test of its very own for Fcntl. Hopefully portable.
+ Branch: perl
+ + t/lib/fcntl.t
+[ 10174] By: jhi on 2001/05/21 12:45:41
+ Log: Must be trickier for 'minitest' not to die.
+ Branch: perl
+ ! t/op/taint.t
+[ 10173] By: jhi on 2001/05/21 11:24:43
+ Log: Can't declare other people's variables.
+ Branch: perl
+ ! t/lib/b-stash.t
+[ 10172] By: jhi on 2001/05/20 20:33:08
+ Log: Fix for ID 20010519.003: sysopen() wasn't tainting :-(
+ Branch: perl
+ ! doio.c t/op/taint.t
+[ 10171] By: jhi on 2001/05/20 20:18:45
+ Log: The OS/2 variable needs to be declared.
+ Branch: perl
+ ! t/lib/b-stash.t
+[ 10170] By: nick on 2001/05/20 16:48:29
+ Log: Integrate mainline
+ Branch: perlio
+ !> (integrate 41 files)
+[ 10169] By: jhi on 2001/05/20 11:50:20
+ Log: Small perlsec updates: clarify the taintedness of filename
+ globbing; suggest using Scalar::Util::tainted().
+ Branch: perl
+ ! pod/perlsec.pod
+[ 10168] By: jhi on 2001/05/20 11:24:11
+ Log: Subject: [PATCH 5.7.1@10135] [LARGE!] symbolic magic
+ From: Dave Mitchell <>
+ Date: Sat, 19 May 2001 20:12:56 +0100 (BST)
+ Message-Id: <>
+ Branch: perl
+ ! av.c cc_runtime.h doop.c dump.c gv.c hv.c mg.c op.c perl.c
+ ! perl.h perlio.c pod/perlguts.pod pp.c pp_ctl.c pp_hot.c
+ ! pp_sys.c regexec.c scope.c sv.c t/lib/peek.t taint.c util.c
+ ! xsutils.c
+[ 10167] By: jhi on 2001/05/20 11:12:14
+ Log: Subject: [PATCH 5.6.1] DLL descriptions on OS/2
+ From: Ilya Zakharevich <>
+ Date: Sat, 19 May 2001 04:08:46 -0400
+ Message-ID: <>
+ Branch: perl
+ ! lib/ExtUtils/
+[ 10166] By: jhi on 2001/05/20 11:08:27
+ Log: Subject: [PATCH 5.6.1] DLL name mangling on OS/2
+ From: Ilya Zakharevich <>
+ Date: Sat, 19 May 2001 04:30:45 -0400
+ Message-ID: <>
+ Branch: perl
+ ! os2/os2.c
+[ 10165] By: jhi on 2001/05/20 11:07:06
+ Log: Subject: [PATCH 5.6.1] build bugs OS/2
+ From: Ilya Zakharevich <>
+ Date: Sat, 19 May 2001 04:35:28 -0400
+ Message-ID: <>
+ Branch: perl
+ ! os2/Makefile.SHs os2/os2.c
+[ 10164] By: jhi on 2001/05/20 11:06:01
+ Log: Subject: [PATCH 5.6.1] Mis-Failing tests
+ From: Ilya Zakharevich <>
+ Date: Sat, 19 May 2001 04:04:23 -0400
+ Message-ID: <>
+ (In bleadperl patched b-stash.t instead of b.t)
+ Branch: perl
+ ! t/lib/b-stash.t t/lib/bigfltpm.t
+[ 10163] By: jhi on 2001/05/20 10:59:46
+ Log: Subject: [PATCH 5.6.1] perl5db
+ From: Ilya Zakharevich <>
+ Date: Sat, 19 May 2001 03:49:09 -0400
+ Message-ID: <>
+ Branch: perl
+ ! lib/
+[ 10162] By: jhi on 2001/05/20 10:58:18
+ Log: Subject: [PATCH] require $mod where $mod has touched numeric context
+ From: Gisle Aas <>
+ Date: 18 May 2001 14:24:51 -0700
+ Message-ID: <>
+ Branch: perl
+ ! pp_ctl.c
+[ 10161] By: jhi on 2001/05/20 10:57:00
+ Log: Subject: [PATCH] Chomp should not always stringify
+ From: Gisle Aas <>
+ Date: 18 May 2001 07:55:25 -0700
+ Message-ID: <>
+ Branch: perl
+ ! doop.c t/op/chop.t
+[ 10160] By: jhi on 2001/05/20 10:49:40
+ Log: Integrate perlio.
+ Branch: perl
+ !> pod/perlfunc.pod
+[ 10159] By: nick on 2001/05/20 09:39:46
+ Log: Document some more of open's features.
+ Branch: perlio
+ ! pod/perlfunc.pod
+[ 10158] By: gsar on 2001/05/18 18:43:38
+ Log: back out change#10153 (it has compatibility issues such as the
+ changed behavior of /[~%@+-]/, and after talking to Jarkko, the
+ benefit for 5.6.x doesn't seem worth the risk)
+ Branch: maint-5.6/perl
+ ! toke.c
+[ 10157] By: jhi on 2001/05/18 17:05:40
+ Log: \$escaping the $vars in !GROK!THIS! section is a good idea.
+ Branch: perl
+ ! x2p/s2p.PL
+[ 10156] By: jhi on 2001/05/18 12:06:40
+ Log: Update Changes.
+ Branch: perl
+ ! Changes patchlevel.h
[ 10155] By: jhi on 2001/05/18 11:58:57
Log: Integrate change #10144 from maintperl.