path: root/Porting/
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authorRafael Garcia-Suarez <>2007-04-23 12:25:10 +0000
committerRafael Garcia-Suarez <>2007-04-23 12:25:10 +0000
commit12b72891435c5403bcc37a2760e6b00923c804ba (patch)
treef0ba2b87143762dfc0df5f65bd9be99fc7834e37 /Porting/
parentef773544769fa28b527d925f5e04db46de7530bf (diff)
Add Yves Orton's script to regenerate regcharclass.h
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@31030
Diffstat (limited to 'Porting/')
1 files changed, 526 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Porting/ b/Porting/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5202fc3f9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Porting/
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+package UTF8::Matcher;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Text::Wrap qw(wrap);
+use Encode;
+use Data::Dumper;
+# Author: Yves Orton (demerphq) 2007.
+Dynamically generates macros for detecting special charclasses
+in both latin-1, utf8, and codepoint forms.
+To regenerate regcharclass.h, run this script from perl-root. No arguments
+are necessary.
+Each charclass handler is constructed as follows:
+Each string the charclass must match is rendered as unicode (codepoints>255),
+and if possible as latin1 (codepoints>127), and if possible as "neutral"
+(all codepoints<128).
+The rendered strings are then inserted into digit-tries by type and length.
+With shorter strings being added to tries that are allowed to contain longer
+strings, but not vice versa. Thus the "longest" trie contains all strings
+for that charclass.
+The following types of trie are generated:
+ n - Neutral only. All strings in this type have codepoints<128
+ l - Latin1 only. All strings in this type have a codepoint>127 in them
+ u - UTF8 only. All strings in this type have a codepoint>255 in them
+ L - Latin1. All strings in 'n' and 'l'
+ U - UTF8. All string in 'n' and 'u'
+ c - Codepoint. All strings in U but in codepoint and not utf8 form.
+The ternary() routine is responsible for converting the trie data into a
+ternary conditional that matches the required set of strings. The generated
+macro normally takes at least the argument 's' which is expected to be a
+pointer of type C<char *> or C<U8 *>. The condition generated will be
+optimised to match the string as efficiently as possible, with range lookups
+being used where possible, and in some situations relying on "true" to be 1.
+ternary() takes two optional arguments, $type which is one of the above
+characters and $ext which is used to add an extra extension to the macro name.
+If $type is omitted or false then the generated macro will take an additional
+argument, 'is_utf8'.
+If $ext has the string 'safe' in it then the generated macro will take an extra
+argument 'e' for the end of the string, and all lookups will be length checked
+to prevent lookups past e. If 'safe' is not used then the lookup is assumed to
+be guaranteed safe, and no 'e' argument is provided and no length checks are
+made during execution.
+The 'c' type is different as compared to the rest. Instead of producing
+a condition that does octet comparisons of a string array, the 'c' type
+produces a macro that takes a single codepoint as an argument (instead of a
+char* or U8*) and does the lookup based on only that char, thus it cannot be
+used to match multi-codepoint sequences like "\r\n" in the LNBREAK charclass.
+This is primarily used for populating charclass bitmaps for codepoints 0..255
+but will also match codepoints in the unicode range if necessary.
+Using LNBREAK as an example the following macros will be produced:
+=over 4
+=item is_LNBREAK(s,is_utf8)
+=item is_LNBREAK_safe(s,e,is_utf8)
+Do a lookup as apporpriate based on the is_utf8 flag. When possible
+comparisons involving octect<128 are done before checking the is_utf8
+flag, hopefully saving time.
+=item is_LNBREAK_utf8(s)
+=item is_LNBREAK_utf8_safe(s,e)
+Do a lookup assuming the string is encoded in (normalized) UTF8.
+=item is_LNBREAK_latin1(s)
+=item is_LNBREAK_latin1_safe(s,e)
+Do a lookup assuming the string is encoded in latin-1 (aka plan octets).
+=item is_LNBREAK_cp(cp)
+Check to see if the string matches a given codepoint (hypotethically a
+U32). The condition is constructed as as to "break out" as early as
+possible if the codepoint is out of range of the condition.
+ (cp==X || (cp>X && (cp==Y || (cp>Y && ...))))
+Thus if the character is X+1 only two comparisons will be done. Making
+matching lookups slower, but non-matching faster.
+# store a list of numbers into a hash based trie.
+sub _trie_store {
+ my $root= shift;
+ foreach my $b ( @_ ) {
+ $root->{$b} ||= {};
+ $root= $root->{$b};
+ }
+ $root->{''}++;
+# Convert a string into its neutral, latin1, utf8 forms, where
+# the form is undefined unless the string can be completely represented
+# in that form. The string is then decomposed into the octects representing
+# it. A list is returned for each. Additional a list of codepoints making
+# up the string.
+# returns (\@n,\@u,\@l,\@cp)
+sub _uni_latin1 {
+ my $str= shift;
+ my $u= eval { Encode::encode( "utf8", "$str", Encode::FB_CROAK ) };
+ my $l= eval { Encode::encode( "iso-8859-1", "$str", Encode::FB_CROAK ) };
+ my $n= $l;
+ undef $n if defined( $n ) && $str =~ /[^\x00-\x7F]/;
+ return ((map { $_ ? [ unpack "U0C*", $_ ] : $_ } ( $n, $u, $l )),
+ [map { ord $_ } split //,$str]);
+# store an array ref of char data into the appropriate
+# type bins, tracking sizes as we go.
+sub _store {
+ my ( $self, $r, @k )= @_;
+ for my $z ( @k ) {
+ $self->{size}{$z}{ 0 + @$r }++;
+ push @{ $self->{data}{$z} }, $r;
+ }
+# construct a new charclass constructor object.
+# $title ends up in the code a as a comment.
+# $opcode is the name of the operation the charclass implements.
+# the rest of the arguments are strings that the charclass
+# can match.
+sub new {
+ my $class= shift;
+ my $title= shift;
+ my $opcode= shift;
+ my $self= bless { op => $opcode, title => $title }, $class;
+ my %seen;
+ # convert the strings to the numeric equivelents and store
+ # them for later insertion while tracking their sizes.
+ foreach my $seq ( @_ ) {
+ next if $seen{$seq}++;
+ push @{$self->{seq}},$seq;
+ my ( $n, $u, $l,$cp )= _uni_latin1( $seq );
+ if ( $n ) {
+ _store( $self, $n, qw(n U L) );
+ } else {
+ if ( $l ) {
+ _store( $self, $l, qw(l L) );
+ }
+ _store( $self, $u, qw(u U) );
+ }
+ _store($self,$cp,'c');
+ }
+ #
+ # now construct the tries. For each type of data we insert
+ # the data into all the tries of length $size and smaller.
+ #
+ my %allsize;
+ foreach my $k ( keys %{ $self->{data} } ) {
+ my @size= sort { $b <=> $a } keys %{ $self->{size}{$k} };
+ $self->{size}{$k}=\@size;
+ undef @allsize{@size};
+ foreach my $d ( @{ $self->{data}{$k} } ) {
+ foreach my $sz ( @size ) {
+ last if $sz < @$d;
+ $self->{trie}{$k}{$sz} ||= {};
+ _trie_store( $self->{trie}{$k}{$sz}, @$d );
+ }
+ }
+ #delete $self->{data}{$k};
+ }
+ my @size= sort { $b <=> $a } keys %allsize;
+ $self->{size}{''}= \@size;
+ return $self;
+# _cond([$v1,$v2,$v2...],$ofs)
+# converts an array of codepoints into a conditional expression
+# consequtive codepoints are merged into a range test
+# returns a string containing the conditional expression in the form
+# '( li[x]==v || li[x]==y )' When possible we also use range lookups.
+sub _cond {
+ my ( $c, $ofs,$fmt )= @_;
+ $fmt||='((U8*)s)[%d]';
+ # cheapo rangification routine.
+ # Convert the first element into a singleton represented
+ # as [$x,$x] and then merge the rest in as we go.
+ my @v= sort { $a <=> $b } @$c;
+ my @r= ( [ ( shift @v ) x 2 ] );
+ for my $n ( @v ) {
+ if ( $n == $r[-1][1] + 1 ) {
+ $r[-1][1]++;
+ } else {
+ push @r, [ $n, $n ];
+ }
+ }
+ @r = map { $_->[0]==$_->[1]-1 ? ([$_->[0],$_->[0]],[$_->[1],$_->[1]]) : $_} @r;
+ # sort the ranges by size and order.
+ @r= sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } @r;
+ my $alu= sprintf $fmt,$ofs; # C array look up
+ if ($fmt=~/%d/) {
+ # map the ranges into conditions
+ @r= map {
+ # singleton
+ $_->[0] == $_->[1] ? "$alu==$_->[0]" :
+ # range
+ "($_->[0]<=$alu && $alu<=$_->[1])"
+ } @r;
+ # return the joined results.
+ return '( ' . join( " || ", @r ) . ' )';
+ } else {
+ return combine($alu,@r);
+ }
+# Do the condition in such a way that we break out early if the value
+# we are looking at is in between two elements in the list.
+# Currently used only for codepoint macros (depth 1)
+sub combine {
+ my $alu=shift;
+ local $_ = shift;
+ my $txt= $_->[0] == $_->[1]
+ ? "$alu==$_->[0]"
+ : "($_->[0]<=$alu && $alu<=$_->[1])";
+ return $txt unless @_;
+ return "( $txt || ( $alu > $_->[1] && \n".combine($alu,@_)." ) )";
+# recursively convert a trie to an optree represented by
+# [condition,yes,no] where yes and no can be a ref to another optree
+# or a scalar representing code.
+# called by make_optree
+sub _trie_to_optree {
+ my ( $node, $ofs, $else, $fmt )= @_;
+ return $else unless $node;
+ $ofs ||= 0;
+ if ( $node->{''} ) {
+ $else= $ofs;
+ } else {
+ $else ||= 0;
+ }
+ my @k= sort { $b->[1] cmp $a->[1] || $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] }
+ map { [ $_, Dumper( $node->{$_} ), $node->{$_} ] }
+ grep length, keys %$node;
+ return $ofs if !@k;
+ my ( $root, $expr );
+ while ( @k ) {
+ my @cond= ( $k[0][0] );
+ my $d= $k[0][1];
+ my $r= $k[0][2];
+ shift @k;
+ while ( @k && $k[0][1] eq $d ) {
+ push @cond, $k[0][0];
+ shift @k;
+ }
+ my $op=
+ [ _cond( \@cond, $ofs, $fmt ), _trie_to_optree( $r, $ofs + 1, $else, $fmt ) ];
+ if ( !$root ) {
+ $root= $expr= $op;
+ } else {
+ push @$expr, $op;
+ $expr= $op;
+ }
+ }
+ push @$expr, $else;
+ return $root;
+# construct the optree for a type.
+# handles the special logic of type ''.
+sub make_optree {
+ my ( $self, $type, $size, $fmt )= @_;
+ my $else= 0;
+ $size||=$self->{size}{$type}[0];
+ $size=1 if $type eq 'c';
+ if ( !$type ) {
+ my ( $u, $l );
+ for ( my $sz= $size ; !$u && $sz > 0 ; $sz-- ) {
+ $u= _trie_to_optree( $self->{trie}{u}{$sz}, 0, 0, $fmt );
+ }
+ for ( my $sz= $size ; !$l && $sz > 0 ; $sz-- ) {
+ $l= _trie_to_optree( $self->{trie}{l}{$sz}, 0, 0, $fmt );
+ }
+ if ( $u ) {
+ $else= [ '(is_utf8)', $u, $l || 0 ];
+ } elsif ( $l ) {
+ $else= [ '(!is_utf8)', $l, 0 ];
+ }
+ $type= 'n';
+ $size-- while !$self->{trie}{n}{$size};
+ }
+ return _trie_to_optree( $self->{trie}{$type}{$size}, 0, $else, $fmt );
+# construct the optree for a type with length checks to prevent buffer
+# overruns. Only one length check is performed per lookup trading code
+# size for speed.
+sub length_optree {
+ my ( $self, $type,$fmt )= @_;
+ $type ||= '';
+ return $self->{len_op}{$type} if $self->{len_op}{$type};
+ my @size = @{$self->{size}{$type}};
+ my ( $root, $expr );
+ foreach my $size ( @size ) {
+ my $op= [
+ "( (e) - (s) > " . ( $size - 1 ) . " )",
+ $self->make_optree( $type, $size ),
+ ];
+ if ( !$root ) {
+ $root= $expr= $op;
+ } else {
+ push @$expr, $op;
+ $expr= $op;
+ }
+ }
+ push @$expr, 0;
+ return $self->{len_op}{$type}= $root ? $root : $expr->[0];
+# recursively walk an optree and covert it to a huge nested ternary expression.
+sub _optree_to_ternary {
+ my ( $node )= @_;
+ return $node
+ if !ref $node;
+ my $depth = 0;
+ if ( $node->[0] =~ /\[(\d+)\]/ ) {
+ $depth= $1 + 1;
+ }
+ return sprintf "\n%s( %s ? %s : %s )", " " x $depth, $node->[0],
+ _optree_to_ternary( $node->[1] ), _optree_to_ternary( $node->[2] );
+# add \\ to the end of strings in a reasonable neat way.
+sub _macro($) {
+ my $str= shift;
+ my @lines= split /[^\S\n]*\n/, $str;
+ return join( "\\\n", map { sprintf "%-76s", $_ } @lines ) . "\n\n";
+# default type extensions. 'uln' dont have one because normally
+# they are used only as part of type '' which doesnt get an extension
+my %ext= (
+ U => '_utf8',
+ L => '_latin1',
+ c => '_cp',
+# produce the ternary, handling arguments and putting on the macro headers
+# and boiler plate
+sub ternary {
+ my ( $self, $type, $ext )= @_;
+ $type ||= '';
+ $ext = ($ext{$type} || '') . ($ext||"");
+ my ($root,$fmt,$arg);
+ if ($type eq 'c') {
+ $arg= $fmt= 'cp';
+ } else {
+ $arg= 's';
+ }
+ if ( $type eq 'c' || $ext !~ /safe/) {
+ $root= $self->make_optree( $type, 0, $fmt );
+ } else {
+ $root= $self->length_optree( $type, $fmt );
+ }
+ our $parens;
+ $parens= qr/ \( (?: (?> [^()]+? ) | (??{$parens}) )+? \) /x;
+ my $expr= qr/
+ \( \s*
+ ($parens)
+ \s* \? \s*
+ \( \s*
+ ($parens)
+ \s* \? \s*
+ (\d+|$parens)
+ \s* : \s*
+ (\d+|$parens)
+ \s* \)
+ \s* : \s*
+ \4
+ \s* \)
+ /x;
+ my $code= _optree_to_ternary( $root );
+ for ( $code ) {
+ s/^\s*//;
+ 1 while s/\(\s*($parens)\s*\?\s*1\s*:\s*0\s*\)/$1/g
+ || s<$expr><(($1 && $2) ? $3 : $4)>g
+ || s<\(\s*($parens)\s*\)><$1>g;
+ }
+ my @args=($arg);
+ push @args,'e' if $ext=~/safe/;
+ push @args,'is_utf8' if !$type;
+ my $args=join ",",@args;
+ return "/*** GENERATED CODE ***/\n"
+ . _macro "#define is_$self->{op}$ext($args)\n$code";
+my $path=shift @ARGV;
+if (!$path) {
+ $path= "regcharclass.h";
+ if (!-e $path) { $path="../$path" }
+ if (!-e $path) { die "Can't find regcharclass.h to update!\n" };
+rename $path,"$path.bak";
+open my $out_fh,">",$path
+ or die "Can't write to '$path':$!";
+binmode $out_fh; # want unix line endings even when run on win32.
+my ($zero)=$0=~/([^\\\/]+)$/;
+print $out_fh <<"HEADER";
+/*********************** WARNING WARNING WARNING ************************
+Do not modify this code directly: This file was autogenerated by
+ Porting/$zero
+from data contained within the script. Change the script instead.
+Generated at: @{[ scalar gmtime ]} GMT
+************************ WARNING WARNING WARNING ************************/
+my ($op,$title,@strs,@txt);
+my $doit= sub {
+ return unless $op;
+ my $o= __PACKAGE__->new($title,$op,@strs);
+ print $out_fh "/*\n\t$o->{op}: $o->{title}\n\n";
+ print $out_fh join "\n",@txt,"*/","";
+ for ('', 'U', 'L') {
+ print $out_fh $o->ternary( $_ );
+ print $out_fh $o->ternary( $_,'_safe' );
+ }
+ print $out_fh $o->ternary( 'c' );
+while (<DATA>) {
+ next unless /\S/;
+ chomp;
+ if (/^([A-Z]+)/) {
+ $doit->();
+ ($op,$title)=split /\s*:\s*/,$_,2;
+ @txt=@strs=();
+ } else {
+ push @txt, "\t$_";
+ s/#.*$//;
+ if (/^0x/) {
+ push @strs,map { chr $_ } eval $_;
+ } elsif (/^[""'']/) {
+ push @strs,eval $_;
+ }
+ }
+print "$path has been updated\n";
+LNBREAK: Line Break: \R
+"\x0D\x0A" # CRLF - Network (Windows) line ending
+0x0A # LF | LINE FEED
+0x0C # FF | FORM FEED
+0x85 # NEL | NEXT LINE
+HORIZWS: Horizontal Whitespace: \h \H
+0x09 # HT
+0x20 # SPACE
+0xa0 # NBSP
+0x2000 # EN QUAD
+0x2001 # EM QUAD
+0x2002 # EN SPACE
+0x2003 # EM SPACE
+0x2006 # SIX-PER-EM SPACE
+0x2007 # FIGURE SPACE
+0x2009 # THIN SPACE
+0x200A # HAIR SPACE
+VERTWS: Vertical Whitespace: \v \V
+0x0A # LF
+0x0B # VT
+0x0C # FF
+0x0D # CR
+0x85 # NEL