path: root/Porting/
diff options
authorJarkko Hietaniemi <>2003-08-27 16:49:22 +0000
committerJarkko Hietaniemi <>2003-08-27 16:49:22 +0000
commit77c22dc1754c82dd7ac259e768986525130fce5d (patch)
treef87fe336c3eca15f56ec8d3d9dcad35c1f4bafeb /Porting/
parent43a3695903dcfea2b7a821c88cf1a6051ce3ee8c (diff)
Add the script from Marcus Holland-Moritz.
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@20920
Diffstat (limited to 'Porting/')
1 files changed, 185 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Porting/ b/Porting/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ae539c537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Porting/
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+use IO::File ();
+use File::Find qw(find);
+use Text::Wrap qw(wrap);
+use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
+use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
+use strict;
+my %opt = (
+ hide => [],
+ frames => 3,
+ debug => 0,
+GetOptions( \%opt,
+ qw(
+ hide=s@
+ output-file=s
+ frames=i
+ debug+
+ ) ) or pod2usage(2);
+my %hide;
+my $hide_re = join '|', map { /^\w+$/ && ++$hide{$_} ? () : $_ } @{$opt{hide}};
+$hide_re and $hide_re = qr/^(?:$hide_re)$/o;
+my $fh = \*STDOUT;
+if (exists $opt{'output-file'}) {
+ $fh = new IO::File ">$opt{'output-file'}"
+ or die "$opt{'output-file'}: $!\n";
+my(%error, %leak);
+find({wanted => \&filter, no_chdir => 1}, '.');
+exit 0;
+sub summary {
+ my $fh = shift;
+ $Text::Wrap::columns = 80;
+ print $fh "MEMORY ACCESS ERRORS\n\n";
+ for my $e (sort keys %error) {
+ print $fh qq("$e"\n);
+ for my $frame (sort keys %{$error{$e}}) {
+ print $fh ' 'x4, "$frame\n",
+ wrap(' 'x8, ' 'x8, join ', ', sort keys %{$error{$e}{$frame}}),
+ "\n";
+ }
+ print $fh "\n";
+ }
+ print $fh "\nMEMORY LEAKS\n\n";
+ for my $l (sort keys %leak) {
+ print $fh qq("$l"\n);
+ for my $frames (sort keys %{$leak{$l}}) {
+ my @stack = split /</, $frames;
+ print $fh join('', map { ' 'x4 . "$_:$stack[$_]\n" } 0 .. $#stack ),
+ wrap(' 'x8, ' 'x8, join ', ', sort keys %{$leak{$l}{$frames}}),
+ "\n\n";
+ }
+ }
+sub filter {
+ debug(1, "$File::Find::name\n");
+ /(.*)\.valgrind$/ or return;
+ my $test = $1;
+ $test =~ s/^[.t]\///g;
+ my @l = map { chomp; s/^==\d+==\s?//; $_ }
+ do { my $fh = new IO::File $_ or die "$_: $!\n"; <$fh> };
+ my $hexaddr = '0x[[:xdigit:]]+';
+ my $topframe = qr/^\s+at $hexaddr:\s+/o;
+ my $address = qr/^\s+Address $hexaddr is \d+ bytes (?:before|inside|after) a block of size \d+/o;
+ my $leak = qr/^\s*\d+ bytes in \d+ blocks are (still reachable|(?:definite|possib)ly lost)/o;
+ for my $i (0 .. $#l) {
+ $l[$i] =~ $topframe or next; # match on any topmost frame...
+ $l[$i-1] =~ $address and next; # ...but not if it's only address details
+ my $line = $l[$i-1];
+ my $j = $i;
+ if ($line =~ $leak) {
+ debug(2, "LEAK: $line\n");
+ my $kind = $1;
+ my $inperl = 0;
+ my @stack;
+ while ($l[$j++] =~ /^\s+(?:at|by) $hexaddr:\s+((\w+)\s+\((?:([^:]+:\d+)|[^)]+)\))/o) {
+ my($frame, $func, $loc) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ defined $loc && ++$inperl or $inperl && last;
+ if (exists $hide{$func} or $hide_re && $func =~ $hide_re) {
+ @stack = ();
+ last;
+ }
+ $inperl <= $opt{frames} and push @stack, $inperl ? $frame : $func;
+ }
+ @stack and $inperl and $leak{$kind}{join '<', @stack}{$test}++;
+ } else {
+ debug(1, "ERROR: $line\n");
+ while ($l[$j++] =~ /^\s+(?:at|by) $hexaddr:\s+(\w+\s+\([^:]+:\d+\))?/o) {
+ if (defined $1) {
+ $error{$line}{$1}{$test}++;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub debug {
+ my $level = shift;
+ $opt{debug} >= $level and print STDERR @_;
+=head1 NAME
+ - A post processor for make test.valgrind
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ [B<--output-file>=I<file>] [B<--frames>=I<number>]
+[B<--hide>=I<identifier>] [B<--debug>]
+B<> is a post processor for I<.valgrind> files
+created during I<make test.valgrind>. It collects all these
+files, extracts most of the information and produces a
+significantly shorter summary of all detected memory access
+errors and memory leaks.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--output-file>=I<file>
+Redirect the output into I<file>. If this option is not
+given, the output goes to I<stdout>.
+=item B<--frames>=I<number>
+Number of stack frames within the perl source code to
+consider when distinguishing between memory leak sources.
+Increasing this value will give you a longer backtrace,
+while decreasing the number will show you fewer sources
+for memory leaks. The default is 3 frames.
+=item B<--hide>=I<identifier>
+Hide all memory leaks that have I<identifier> in their backtrace.
+Useful if you want to hide leaks from functions that are known to
+have lots of memory leaks. I<identifier> can also be a regular
+expression, in which case all leaks with symbols matching the
+expression are hidden. Can be given multiple times.
+=item B<--debug>
+Increase debug level. Can be given multiple times.
+Copyright 2003 by Marcus Holland-Moritz <>.
+This program is free software; you may redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.