path: root/README.os2
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authorIlya Zakharevich <>2003-12-18 06:10:29 -0800
committerRafael Garcia-Suarez <>2004-01-01 17:29:21 +0000
commit1933e12cd0d32c774bd7f483285802de52dc8cbc (patch)
treea2cdc2316a1e9964350869b0754cf42977a94088 /README.os2
parentb08eb2a88581a6164b7fe182bf291c86bfb3c690 (diff)
OS/2 update
Message-ID: <> p4raw-id: //depot/perl@22032
Diffstat (limited to 'README.os2')
1 files changed, 433 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/README.os2 b/README.os2
index bb1adb1248..05c088ad0e 100644
--- a/README.os2
+++ b/README.os2
@@ -869,7 +869,10 @@ compatibility with XFree86-OS/2). Get a corrected one from
If you have I<exactly the same version of Perl> installed already,
make sure that no copies or perl are currently running. Later steps
of the build may fail since an older version of F<perl.dll> loaded into
-memory may be found.
+memory may be found. Running C<make test> becomes meaningless, since
+the test are checking a previous build of perl (this situation is detected
+and reported by F<lib/os2_base.t> test). Do not forget to unset
+C<PERL_EMXLOAD_SEC> in environment.
Also make sure that you have F</tmp> directory on the current drive,
and F<.> directory in your C<LIBPATH>. One may try to correct the
@@ -1089,6 +1092,433 @@ say, by doing
+=head1 Building a binary distribution
+[This section provides a short overview only...]
+Building should proceed differently depending on whether the version of perl
+you install is already present and used on your system, or is a new version
+not yet used. The description below assumes that the version is new, so
+installing its DLLs and F<.pm> files will not disrupt the operation of your
+system even if some intermediate steps are not yet fully working.
+The other cases require a little bit more convoluted procedures. Below I
+suppose that the current version of Perl is C<5.8.2>, so the executables are
+named accordingly.
+=item 1.
+Fully build and test the Perl distribution. Make sure that no tests are
+failing with C<test> and C<aout_test> targets; fix the bugs in Perl and
+the Perl test suite detected by these tests. Make sure that C<all_test>
+make target runs as clean as possible. Check that C<os2/perlrexx.cmd>
+runs fine.
+=item 2.
+Fully install Perl, including C<installcmd> target. Copy the generated DLLs
+to C<LIBPATH>; copy the numbered Perl executables (as in F<perl5.8.2.exe>)
+to C<PATH>; copy C<perl_.exe> to C<PATH> as C<perl_5.8.2.exe>. Think whether
+you need backward-compatibility DLLs. In most cases you do not need to install
+them yet; but sometime this may simplify the following steps.
+=item 3.
+Make sure that C<> can download files from CPAN. If not, you may need
+to manually install C<Net::FTP>.
+=item 4.
+Install the bundle C<Bundle::OS2_default>
+ perl5.8.2 -MCPAN -e "install Bundle::OS2_default" < nul |& tee 00cpan_i_1
+This may take a couple of hours on 1GHz processor (when run the first time).
+And this should not be necessarily a smooth procedure. Some modules may not
+specify required dependencies, so one may need to repeat this procedure several
+times until the results stabilize.
+ perl5.8.2 -MCPAN -e "install Bundle::OS2_default" < nul |& tee 00cpan_i_2
+ perl5.8.2 -MCPAN -e "install Bundle::OS2_default" < nul |& tee 00cpan_i_3
+Even after they stabilize, some tests may fail.
+Fix as many discovered bugs as possible. Document all the bugs which are not
+fixed, and all the failures with unknown reasons. Inspect the produced logs
+F<00cpan_i_1> to find suspiciously skipped tests, and other fishy events.
+Keep in mind that I<installation> of some modules may fail too: for example,
+the DLLs to update may be already loaded by F<>. Inspect the C<install>
+logs (in the example above F<00cpan_i_1> etc) for errors, and install things
+manually, as in
+ cd $CPANHOME/.cpan/build/Digest-MD5-2.31
+ make install
+Some distributions may fail some tests, but you may want to install them
+anyway (as above, or via C<force install> command of C<> shell-mode).
+Since this procedure may take quite a long time to complete, it makes sense
+to "freeze" your CPAN configuration by disabling periodic updates of the
+local copy of CPAN index: set C<index_expire> to some big value (I use 365),
+then save the settings
+ CPAN> o conf index_expire 365
+ CPAN> o conf commit
+Reset back to the default value C<1> when you are finished.
+=item 5.
+When satisfied with the results, rerun the C<installcmd> target. Now you
+can copy C<perl5.8.2.exe> to C<perl.exe>, and install the other OMF-build
+executables: C<perl__.exe> etc. They are ready to be used.
+=item 6.
+Change to the C<./pod> directory of the build tree, download the Perl logo
+F<CamelGrayBig.BMP>, and run
+ ( perl2ipf > perl.ipf ) |& tee 00ipf
+ ipfc /INF perl.ipf |& tee 00inf
+This produces the Perl docs online book C<perl.INF>. Install in on
+=item 7.
+Now is the time to build statically linked executable F<perl_.exe> which
+includes newly-installed via C<Bundle::OS2_default> modules. Doing testing
+via C<> is going to be painfully slow, since it statically links
+a new executable per XS extension.
+Here is a possible workaround: create a toplevel F<Makefile.PL> in
+F<$CPANHOME/.cpan/build/> with contents being (compare with L<Making
+executables with a custom collection of statically loaded extensions>)
+ use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+ WriteMakefile NAME => 'dummy';
+execute this as
+ perl_5.8.2.exe Makefile.PL <nul |& tee 00aout_c1
+ make -k all test <nul |& 00aout_t1
+Again, this procedure should not be absolutely smooth. Some C<Makefile.PL>'s
+in subdirectories may be buggy, and would not run as "child" scripts. The
+interdependency of modules can strike you; however, since non-XS modules
+are already installed, the prerequisites of most modules have a very good
+chance to be present.
+If you discover some glitches, move directories of problematic modules to a
+different location; if these modules are non-XS modules, you may just ignore
+them - they are already installed; the remaining, XS, modules you need to
+install manually one by one.
+After each such removal you need to rerun the C<Makefile.PL>/C<make> process;
+usually this procedure converges soon. (But be sure to convert all the
+necessary external C libraries from F<.lib> format to F<.a> format: run one of
+ emxaout foo.lib
+ emximp -o foo.a foo.lib
+whichever is appropriate.) Also, make sure that the DLLs for external
+libraries are usable with with executables compiled without C<-Zmtd> options.
+When you are sure that only a few subdirectories
+lead to failures, you may want to add C<-j4> option to C<make> to speed up
+skipping subdirectories with already finished build.
+When you are satisfied with the results of tests, install the build C libraries
+for extensions:
+ make install |& tee 00aout_i
+Now you can rename the file F<./perl.exe> generated during the last phase
+to F<perl_5.8.2.exe>; place it on C<PATH>; if there is an inter-dependency
+between some XS modules, you may need to repeat the C<test>/C<install> loop
+with this new executable and some excluded modules - until the procedure
+Now you have all the necessary F<.a> libraries for these Perl modules in the
+places where Perl builder can find it. Use the perl builder: change to an
+empty directory, create a "dummy" F<Makefile.PL> again, and run
+ perl_5.8.2.exe Makefile.PL |& tee 00c
+ make perl |& tee 00p
+This should create an executable F<./perl.exe> with all the statically loaded
+extensions built in. Compare the generated F<perlmain.c> files to make sure
+that during the iterations the number of loaded extensions only increases.
+Rename F<./perl.exe> to F<perl_5.8.2.exe> on C<PATH>.
+When it converges, you got a functional variant of F<perl_5.8.2.exe>; copy it
+to C<perl_.exe>. You are done with generation of the local Perl installation.
+=item 8.
+Make sure that the installed modules are actually installed in the location
+of the new Perl, and are not inherited from entries of @INC given for
+inheritance from the older versions of Perl: set C<PERLLIB_582_PREFIX> to
+redirect the new version of Perl to a new location, and copy the installed
+files to this new location. Redo the tests to make sure that the versions of
+modules inherited from older versions of Perl are not needed.
+Actually, the log output of L<pod2ipf> during the step 6 gives a very detailed
+info about which modules are loaded from which place; so you may use it as
+an additional verification tool.
+Check that some temporary files did not make into the perl install tree.
+Run something like this
+ pfind . -f "!(/\.(pm|pl|ix|al|h|a|lib|txt|pod|imp|bs|dll|ld|bs|inc|xbm|yml|cgi|uu|e2x|skip|packlist|eg|cfg|html|pub|enc|all|ini|po|pot)$/i or /^\w+$/") | less
+in the install tree (both top one and F<sitelib> one).
+Compress all the DLLs with F<lxlite>. The tiny F<.exe> can be compressed with
+C</c:max> (the bug only appears when there is a fixup in the last 6 bytes of a
+page (?); since the tiny executables are much smaller than a page, the bug
+will not hit). Do not compress C<perl_.exe> - it would not work under DOS.
+=item 9.
+Now you can generate the binary distribution. This is done by running the
+test of the CPAN distribution C<OS2::SoftInstaller>. Tune up the file
+F<> to suit the layout of current version of Perl first. Do not
+forget to pack the necessary external DLLs accordingly. Include the
+description of the bugs and test suite failures you could not fix. Include
+the small-stack versions of Perl executables from Perl build directory.
+Include F<perl5.def> so that people can relink the perl DLL preserving
+the binary compatibility, or can create compatibility DLLs. Include the diff
+files (C<diff -pu old new>) of fixes you did so that people can rebuild your
+version. Include F<> so that one can use remote debugging.
+=item 10.
+Share what you did with the other people. Relax. Enjoy fruits of your work.
+=item 11.
+Brace yourself for thanks, bug reports, hate mail and spam coming as result
+of the previous step. No good deed should remain unpunished!
+=head1 Building custom F<.EXE> files
+The Perl executables can be easily rebuilt at any moment. Moreover, one can
+use the I<embedding> interface (see L<perlembed>) to make very customized
+=head2 Making executables with a custom collection of statically loaded extensions
+It is a little bit easier to do so while I<decreasing> the list of statically
+loaded extensions. We discuss this case only here.
+=item 1.
+Change to an empty directory, and create a placeholder <Makefile.PL>:
+ use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+ WriteMakefile NAME => 'dummy';
+=item 2.
+Run it with the flavor of Perl (F<perl.exe> or F<perl_.exe>) you want to
+ perl_ Makefile.PL
+=item 3.
+Ask it to create new Perl executable:
+ make perl
+(you may need to manually add C<PERLTYPE=-DPERL_CORE> to this commandline on
+some versions of Perl; the symptom is that the command-line globbing does not
+work from OS/2 shells with the newly-compiled executable; check with
+ .\perl.exe -wle "print for @ARGV" *
+=item 4.
+The previous step created F<perlmain.c> which contains a list of newXS() calls
+near the end. Removing unnecessary calls, and rerunning
+ make perl
+will produce a customized executable.
+=head2 Making executables with a custom search-paths
+The default perl executable is flexible enough to support most usages.
+However, one may want something yet more flexible; for example, one may want
+to find Perl DLL relatively to the location of the EXE file; or one may want
+to ignore the environment when setting the Perl-library search patch, etc.
+If you fill comfortable with I<embedding> interface (see L<perlembed>), such
+things are easy to do repeating the steps outlined in L<Making
+executables with a custom collection of statically loaded extensions>, and
+doing more comprehensive edits to main() of F<perlmain.c>. The people with
+little desire to understand Perl can just rename main(), and do necessary
+modification in a custom main() which calls the renamed function in appropriate
+However, there is a third way: perl DLL exports the main() function and several
+callbacks to customize the search path. Below is a complete example of a
+"Perl loader" which
+=item 1.
+Looks for Perl DLL in the directory C<$exedir/../dll>;
+=item 2.
+Prepends the above directory to C<BEGINLIBPATH>;
+=item 3.
+Fails if the Perl DLL found via C<BEGINLIBPATH> is different from what was
+loaded on step 1; e.g., another process could have loaded it from C<LIBPATH>
+or from a different value of C<BEGINLIBPATH>. In these cases one needs to
+modify the setting of the system so that this other process either does not
+run, or loads the DLL from C<BEGINLIBPATH> with C<LIBPATHSTRICT=T> (available
+with kernels after September 2000).
+=item 4.
+Loads Perl library from C<$exedir/../dll/lib/>.
+=item 5.
+Uses Bourne shell from C<$exedir/../dll/sh/ksh.exe>.
+For best results compile the C file below with the same options as the Perl
+DLL. However, a lot of functionality will work even if the executable is not
+an EMX applications, e.g., if compiled with
+ gcc -Wall -DDOSISH -DOS2=1 -O2 -s -Zomf -Zsys perl-starter.c -DPERL_DLL_BASENAME=\"perl312F\" -Zstack 8192 -Zlinker /PM:VIO
+Here is the sample C file:
+ #define INCL_DOS
+ #define INCL_NOPM
+ /* These are needed for compile if os2.h includes os2tk.h, not os2emx.h */
+ #include <os2.h>
+ #include "EXTERN.h"
+ #include "perl.h"
+ static char *me;
+ HMODULE handle;
+ static void
+ die_with(char *msg1, char *msg2, char *msg3, char *msg4)
+ {
+ ULONG c;
+ char *s = " error: ";
+ DosWrite(2, me, strlen(me), &c);
+ DosWrite(2, s, strlen(s), &c);
+ DosWrite(2, msg1, strlen(msg1), &c);
+ DosWrite(2, msg2, strlen(msg2), &c);
+ DosWrite(2, msg3, strlen(msg3), &c);
+ DosWrite(2, msg4, strlen(msg4), &c);
+ DosWrite(2, "\r\n", 2, &c);
+ exit(255);
+ }
+ typedef ULONG (*fill_extLibpath_t)(int type, char *pre, char *post, int replace, char *msg);
+ typedef int (*main_t)(int type, char *argv[], char *env[]);
+ typedef int (*handler_t)(void* data, int which);
+ # define PERL_DLL_BASENAME "perl"
+ #endif
+ static HMODULE
+ load_perl_dll(char *basename)
+ {
+ char buf[300], fail[260];
+ STRLEN l, dirl;
+ fill_extLibpath_t f;
+ ULONG rc_fullname;
+ HMODULE handle, handle1;
+ if (_execname(buf, sizeof(buf) - 13) != 0)
+ die_with("Can't find full path: ", strerror(errno), "", "");
+ /* XXXX Fill `me' with new value */
+ l = strlen(buf);
+ while (l && buf[l-1] != '/' && buf[l-1] != '\\')
+ l--;
+ dirl = l - 1;
+ strcpy(buf + l, basename);
+ l += strlen(basename);
+ strcpy(buf + l, ".dll");
+ if ( (rc_fullname = DosLoadModule(fail, sizeof fail, buf, &handle)) != 0
+ && DosLoadModule(fail, sizeof fail, basename, &handle) != 0 )
+ die_with("Can't load DLL ", buf, "", "");
+ if (rc_fullname)
+ return handle; /* was loaded with short name; all is fine */
+ if (DosQueryProcAddr(handle, 0, "fill_extLibpath", (PFN*)&f))
+ die_with(buf, ": DLL exports no symbol ", "fill_extLibpath", "");
+ buf[dirl] = 0;
+ if (f(0 /*BEGINLIBPATH*/, buf /* prepend */, NULL /* append */,
+ 0 /* keep old value */, me))
+ die_with(me, ": prepending BEGINLIBPATH", "", "");
+ if (DosLoadModule(fail, sizeof fail, basename, &handle1) != 0)
+ die_with(me, ": finding perl DLL again via BEGINLIBPATH", "", "");
+ buf[dirl] = '\\';
+ if (handle1 != handle) {
+ if (DosQueryModuleName(handle1, sizeof(fail), fail))
+ strcpy(fail, "???");
+ die_with(buf, ":\n\tperl DLL via BEGINLIBPATH is different: \n\t",
+ fail,
+ "\n\tYou may need to manipulate global BEGINLIBPATH and LIBPATHSTRICT"
+ "\n\tso that the other copy is loaded via BEGINLIBPATH.");
+ }
+ return handle;
+ }
+ int
+ main(int argc, char **argv, char **env)
+ {
+ main_t f;
+ handler_t h;
+ me = argv[0];
+ /**/
+ handle = load_perl_dll(PERL_DLL_BASENAME);
+ if (DosQueryProcAddr(handle, 0, "Perl_OS2_handler_install", (PFN*)&h))
+ die_with(PERL_DLL_BASENAME, ": DLL exports no symbol ", "Perl_OS2_handler_install", "");
+ if ( !h((void *)"~installprefix", Perlos2_handler_perllib_from)
+ || !h((void *)"~dll", Perlos2_handler_perllib_to)
+ || !h((void *)"~dll/sh/ksh.exe", Perlos2_handler_perl_sh) )
+ die_with(PERL_DLL_BASENAME, ": Can't install @INC manglers", "", "");
+ if (DosQueryProcAddr(handle, 0, "dll_perlmain", (PFN*)&f))
+ die_with(PERL_DLL_BASENAME, ": DLL exports no symbol ", "dll_perlmain", "");
+ return f(argc, argv, env);
+ }
=head1 Build FAQ
=head2 Some C</> became C<\> in pdksh.
@@ -2270,8 +2700,8 @@ have a low probability of affecting small programs.
=head1 BUGS
-This description was not updated since 5.6.1, see F<os2/Changes> for
-more info.
+This description is not updated often (since 5.6.1?), see F<./os2/Changes>
+(L<perlos2delta>) for more info.