path: root/cpan/CGI
diff options
authorNicholas Clark <>2009-10-01 14:21:16 +0100
committerNicholas Clark <>2009-10-01 14:21:16 +0100
commite9dc4a2bf6ff50c27a5bd2e83ff4755923a33e7a (patch)
tree47d916204681e691f7c15002f5ad25fd8489d10e /cpan/CGI
parent3fe7d1fbbb0f3821a413b2c6d13fa8821c6230d3 (diff)
Move CGI from ext/ to cpan/
Diffstat (limited to 'cpan/CGI')
-rw-r--r--cpan/CGI/t/upload_post_text.txtbin0 -> 3286 bytes
58 files changed, 15099 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/examples/RunMeFirst b/cpan/CGI/examples/RunMeFirst
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..018b11b718
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/examples/RunMeFirst
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Make a world-writeable directory for saving state.
+unless (-w $ww) {
+ $u = umask 0;
+ mkdir $ww, 0777;
+ umask $u;
+# Decode the sample image.
+for $uu (<*.uu>) {
+ unless (open UU, "<$uu") { warn "Can't open $uu: $!\n"; next }
+ while (<UU>) {
+ chomp;
+ if (/^begin\s+\d+\s+(.+)$/) {
+ $bin = $1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ unless (open BIN, "> $bin") { warn "Can't create $bin: $!\n"; next }
+ binmode BIN;
+ while (<UU>) {
+ chomp;
+ last if /^end/;
+ print BIN unpack "u", $_;
+ }
+ close BIN;
+ close UU;
+# Create symlinks from *.txt to *.cgi for documentation purposes.
+foreach (<*.cgi>) {
+ ($target = $_) =~ s/cgi$/txt/i;
+ symlink $_, $target unless -e $target;
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/examples/caution.xbm b/cpan/CGI/examples/caution.xbm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87fcdbef8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/examples/caution.xbm
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#define caution_width 32
+#define caution_height 32
+static char caution_bits[] = {
+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xe0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x10,0x01,
+ 0x00,0x00,0x08,0x07,0x00,0x00,0x08,0x0e,0x00,0x00,0x04,0x0e,0x00,0x00,0x04,
+ 0x1c,0x00,0x00,0x02,0x1c,0x00,0x00,0xe2,0x38,0x00,0x00,0xf1,0x39,0x00,0x00,
+ 0xf1,0x71,0x00,0x80,0xf0,0x71,0x00,0x80,0xf0,0xe1,0x00,0x40,0xf0,0xe1,0x00,
+ 0x40,0xf0,0xc1,0x01,0x20,0xf0,0xc1,0x01,0x20,0xf0,0x81,0x03,0x10,0xe0,0x80,
+ 0x03,0x10,0xe0,0x00,0x07,0x08,0xe0,0x00,0x07,0x08,0xe0,0x00,0x0e,0x04,0x00,
+ 0x00,0x0e,0x04,0xe0,0x00,0x1c,0x02,0xf0,0x01,0x1c,0x02,0xf0,0x01,0x38,0x01,
+ 0xe0,0x00,0x38,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x70,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x70,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x7f,
+ 0xf8,0xff,0xff,0x3f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/examples/clickable_image.cgi b/cpan/CGI/examples/clickable_image.cgi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..81daf09690
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/examples/clickable_image.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+use CGI;
+$query = new CGI;
+print $query->header;
+print $query->start_html("A Clickable Image");
+print <<END;
+<H1>A Clickable Image</H1>
+print "Sorry, this isn't very exciting!\n";
+print $query->startform;
+print $query->image_button('picture',"./wilogo.gif");
+print "Give me a: ",$query->popup_menu('letter',['A','B','C','D','E','W']),"\n"; #
+print "<P>Magnification: ",$query->radio_group('magnification',['1X','2X','4X','20X']),"\n";
+print "<HR>\n";
+if ($query->param) {
+ print "<P>Magnification, <EM>",$query->param('magnification'),"</EM>\n";
+ print "<P>Selected Letter, <EM>",$query->param('letter'),"</EM>\n";
+ ($x,$y) = ($query->param('picture.x'),$query->param('picture.y'));
+ print "<P>Selected Position <EM>($x,$y)</EM>\n";
+print $query->end_html;
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/examples/cookie.cgi b/cpan/CGI/examples/cookie.cgi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98adda196e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/examples/cookie.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+use CGI qw(:standard);
+@ANIMALS=sort qw/lion tiger bear pig porcupine ferret zebra gnu ostrich
+ emu moa goat weasel yak chicken sheep hyena dodo lounge-lizard
+ squirrel rat mouse hedgehog racoon baboon kangaroo hippopotamus
+ giraffe/;
+# Recover the previous animals from the magic cookie.
+# The cookie has been formatted as an associative array
+# mapping animal name to the number of animals.
+%zoo = cookie('animals');
+# Recover the new animal(s) from the parameter 'new_animal'
+@new = param('new_animals');
+# If the action is 'add', then add new animals to the zoo. Otherwise
+# delete them.
+foreach (@new) {
+ if (param('action') eq 'Add') {
+ $zoo{$_}++;
+ } elsif (param('action') eq 'Delete') {
+ $zoo{$_}-- if $zoo{$_};
+ delete $zoo{$_} unless $zoo{$_};
+ }
+# Add new animals to old, and put them in a cookie
+$the_cookie = cookie(-name=>'animals',
+ -value=>\%zoo,
+ -expires=>'+1h');
+# Print the header, incorporating the cookie and the expiration date...
+print header(-cookie=>$the_cookie);
+# Now we're ready to create our HTML page.
+print start_html('Animal crackers');
+print <<EOF;
+<h1>Animal Crackers</h1>
+Choose the animals you want to add to the zoo, and click "add".
+Come back to this page any time within the next hour and the list of
+animals in the zoo will be resurrected. You can even quit Netscape
+Try adding the same animal several times to the list. Does this
+remind you vaguely of a shopping cart?
+<em>This script only works with Netscape browsers</em>
+<table border>
+<tr><th>Add/Delete<th>Current Contents
+ ;
+print "<tr><td>",start_form;
+print scrolling_list(-name=>'new_animals',
+ -values=>[@ANIMALS],
+ -multiple=>1,
+ -override=>1,
+ -size=>10),"<br>";
+print submit(-name=>'action',-value=>'Delete'),
+ submit(-name=>'action',-value=>'Add');
+print end_form;
+print "<td>";
+if (%zoo) { # make a table
+ print "<ul>\n";
+ foreach (sort keys %zoo) {
+ print "<li>$zoo{$_} $_\n";
+ }
+ print "</ul>\n";
+} else {
+ print "<strong>The zoo is empty.</strong>\n";
+print "</table></center>";
+print <<EOF;
+<ADDRESS>Lincoln D. Stein</ADDRESS><BR>
+<A HREF="./">More Examples</A>
+ ;
+print end_html;
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/examples/crash.cgi b/cpan/CGI/examples/crash.cgi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64f03c7b3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/examples/crash.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
+# This line invokes a fatal error message at compile time.
+foo bar baz;
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/examples/customize.cgi b/cpan/CGI/examples/customize.cgi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1c8187514
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/examples/customize.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+use CGI qw(:standard :html3);
+# Some constants to use in our form.
+@colors=qw/aqua black blue fuschia gray green lime maroon navy olive
+ purple red silver teal white yellow/;
+# recover the "preferences" cookie.
+%preferences = cookie('preferences');
+# If the user wants to change the background color or her
+# name, they will appear among our CGI parameters.
+foreach ('text','background','name','size') {
+ $preferences{$_} = param($_) || $preferences{$_};
+# Set some defaults
+$preferences{'background'} = $preferences{'background'} || 'silver';
+$preferences{'text'} = $preferences{'text'} || 'black';
+# Refresh the cookie so that it doesn't expire. This also
+# makes any changes the user made permanent.
+$the_cookie = cookie(-name=>'preferences',
+ -value=>\%preferences,
+ -expires=>'+30d');
+print header(-cookie=>$the_cookie);
+# Adjust the title to incorporate the user's name, if provided.
+$title = $preferences{'name'} ?
+ "Welcome back, $preferences{name}!" : "Customizable Page";
+# Create the HTML page. We use several of Netscape's
+# extended tags to control the background color and the
+# font size. It's safe to use Netscape features here because
+# cookies don't work anywhere else anyway.
+print start_html(-title=>$title,
+ -bgcolor=>$preferences{'background'},
+ -text=>$preferences{'text'}
+ );
+print basefont({SIZE=>$preferences{size}}) if $preferences{'size'} > 0;
+print h1($title),<<END;
+You can change the appearance of this page by submitting
+the fill-out form below. If you return to this page any time
+within 30 days, your preferences will be restored.
+ ;
+# Create the form
+print hr(),
+ start_form,
+ "Your first name: ",
+ textfield(-name=>'name',
+ -default=>$preferences{'name'},
+ -size=>30),br,
+ table(
+ TR(
+ td("Preferred"),
+ td("Page color:"),
+ td(popup_menu(-name=>'background',
+ -values=>\@colors,
+ -default=>$preferences{'background'})
+ ),
+ ),
+ TR(
+ td(''),
+ td("Text color:"),
+ td(popup_menu(-name=>'text',
+ -values=>\@colors,
+ -default=>$preferences{'text'})
+ )
+ ),
+ TR(
+ td(''),
+ td("Font size:"),
+ td(popup_menu(-name=>'size',
+ -values=>\@sizes,
+ -default=>$preferences{'size'})
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ submit(-label=>'Set preferences'),
+ hr;
+print a({HREF=>"/"},'Go to the home page');
+print end_html;
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/examples/diff_upload.cgi b/cpan/CGI/examples/diff_upload.cgi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..913f9ca179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/examples/diff_upload.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+$DIFF = "/usr/bin/diff";
+$PERL = "/usr/bin/perl";
+use CGI qw(:standard);
+use CGI::Carp;
+print header;
+print start_html("File Diff Example");
+print "<strong>Version </strong>$CGI::VERSION<p>";
+print <<EOF;
+<H1>File Diff Example</H1>
+Enter two files. When you press "submit" their diff will be
+ ;
+# Start a multipart form.
+print start_multipart_form;
+print "File #1:",filefield(-name=>'file1',-size=>45),"<BR>\n";
+print "File #2:",filefield(-name=>'file2',-size=>45),"<BR>\n";
+print "Diff type: ",radio_group(-name=>'type',
+ -value=>['context','normal']),"<br>\n";
+print reset,submit(-name=>'submit',-value=>'Do Diff');
+print endform;
+# Process the form if there is a file name entered
+$file1 = param('file1');
+$file2 = param('file2');
+$|=1; # for buffering
+if ($file1 && $file2) {
+ $realfile1 = tmpFileName($file1);
+ $realfile2 = tmpFileName($file2);
+ print "<HR>\n";
+ print "<H2>$file1 vs $file2</H2>\n";
+ print "<PRE>\n";
+ $options = "-c" if param('type') eq 'context';
+ system "$DIFF $options $realfile1 $realfile2 | $PERL -pe 's/>/&gt;/g; s/</&lt;/g;'";
+ close $file1;
+ close $file2;
+ print "</PRE>\n";
+print <<EOF;
+<A HREF="../cgi_docs.html">CGI documentation</A>
+<A HREF="/~lstein">Lincoln D. Stein</A>
+Last modified 17 July 1996
+ ;
+print end_html;
+sub sanitize {
+ my $name = shift;
+ my($safe) = $name=~/([a-zA-Z0-9._~#,]+)/;
+ unless ($safe) {
+ print "<strong>$name is not a valid Unix filename -- sorry</strong>";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ return $safe;
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/examples/dna_small_gif.uu b/cpan/CGI/examples/dna_small_gif.uu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1745c73761
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/examples/dna_small_gif.uu
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+begin 444 dna_small.gif
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/examples/file_upload.cgi b/cpan/CGI/examples/file_upload.cgi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3037de7b14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/examples/file_upload.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+use strict 'refs';
+use lib '..';
+use CGI qw(:standard);
+use CGI::Carp qw/fatalsToBrowser/;
+print header();
+print start_html("File Upload Example");
+print strong("Version "),$CGI::VERSION,p;
+print h1("File Upload Example"),
+ 'This example demonstrates how to prompt the remote user to
+ select a remote file for uploading. ',
+ strong("This feature only works with Netscape 2.0 or greater, or IE 4.0 or greater."),
+ p,
+ 'Select the ',cite('browser'),' button to choose a text file
+ to upload. When you press the submit button, this script
+ will count the number of lines, words, and characters in
+ the file.';
+my @types = ('count lines','count words','count characters');
+# Start a multipart form.
+print start_multipart_form(),
+ "Enter the file to process:",
+ filefield('filename','',45),
+ br,
+ checkbox_group('count',\@types,\@types),
+ p,
+ reset,submit('submit','Process File'),
+ endform;
+# Process the form if there is a file name entered
+if (my $file = param('filename')) {
+ my %stats;
+ my $tmpfile=tmpFileName($file);
+ my $mimetype = uploadInfo($file)->{'Content-Type'} || '';
+ print hr(),
+ h2($file),
+ h3($tmpfile),
+ h4("MIME Type:",em($mimetype));
+ my($lines,$words,$characters,@words) = (0,0,0,0);
+ while (<$file>) {
+ $lines++;
+ $words += @words=split(/\s+/);
+ $characters += length($_);
+ }
+ close $file;
+ grep($stats{$_}++,param('count'));
+ if (%stats) {
+ print strong("Lines: "),$lines,br if $stats{'count lines'};
+ print strong("Words: "),$words,br if $stats{'count words'};
+ print strong("Characters: "),$characters,br if $stats{'count characters'};
+ } else {
+ print strong("No statistics selected.");
+ }
+# print cite("URL parameters: "),url_param();
+print hr(),
+ a({href=>"../cgi_docs.html"},"CGI documentation"),
+ hr,
+ address(
+ a({href=>'/~lstein'},"Lincoln D. Stein")),
+ br,
+ 'Last modified July 17, 1996',
+ end_html;
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/examples/frameset.cgi b/cpan/CGI/examples/frameset.cgi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc86e92e9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/examples/frameset.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+use CGI;
+$query = new CGI;
+print $query->header;
+$TITLE="Frameset Example";
+# We use the path information to distinguish between calls
+# to the script to:
+# (1) create the frameset
+# (2) create the query form
+# (3) create the query response
+$path_info = $query->path_info;
+# If no path information is provided, then we create
+# a side-by-side frame set
+if (!$path_info) {
+ &print_frameset;
+ exit 0;
+# If we get here, then we either create the query form
+# or we create the response.
+&print_query if $path_info=~/query/;
+&print_response if $path_info=~/response/;
+# Create the frameset
+sub print_frameset {
+ $script_name = $query->script_name;
+ print <<EOF;
+<frameset cols="50,50">
+<frame src="$script_name/query" name="query">
+<frame src="$script_name/response" name="response">
+ ;
+ exit 0;
+sub print_html_header {
+ print $query->start_html($TITLE);
+sub print_end {
+ print qq{<P><hr><A HREF="../index.html" TARGET="_top">More Examples</A>};
+ print $query->end_html;
+sub print_query {
+ $script_name = $query->script_name;
+ print "<H1>Frameset Query</H1>\n";
+ print $query->startform(-action=>"$script_name/response",-TARGET=>"response");
+ print "What's your name? ",$query->textfield('name');
+ print "<P>What's the combination?<P>",
+ $query->checkbox_group(-name=>'words',
+ -values=>['eenie','meenie','minie','moe']);
+ print "<P>What's your favorite color? ",
+ $query->popup_menu(-name=>'color',
+ -values=>['red','green','blue','chartreuse']),
+ "<P>";
+ print $query->submit;
+ print $query->endform;
+sub print_response {
+ print "<H1>Frameset Result</H1>\n";
+ unless ($query->param) {
+ print "<b>No query submitted yet.</b>";
+ return;
+ }
+ print "Your name is <EM>",$query->param(name),"</EM>\n";
+ print "<P>The keywords are: <EM>",join(", ",$query->param(words)),"</EM>\n";
+ print "<P>Your favorite color is <EM>",$query->param(color),"</EM>\n";
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/examples/index.html b/cpan/CGI/examples/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..133ecc4a16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/examples/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+<TITLE>More Examples of Scripts Created with</TITLE>
+<H1>More Examples of Scripts Created with</H1>
+<H2> Basic Non Sequitur Questionnaire</H2>
+ <LI> <A HREF="tryit.cgi">Try the script</A>
+ <LI> <A HREF="tryit.txt">Look at its source code</A>
+<H2> Advanced Non Sequitur Questionnaire</H2>
+ <LI> <A HREF="monty.cgi">Try the script</A>
+ <LI> <A HREF="monty.txt">Look at its source code</A>
+<H2> Save and restore the state of a form to a file</H2>
+ <LI> <A HREF="save_state.cgi">Try the script</A>
+ <LI> <A HREF="save_state.txt">Look at its source code</A>
+<H2> Server Push</H2>
+ <li><a href="nph-multipart.cgi">Try the script</a>
+ <li><a href="nph-multipart.txt">Look at its source code</a>
+<H2> Read the coordinates from a clickable image map</H2>
+ <LI> <A HREF="clickable_image.cgi">Try the script</A>
+ <LI> <A HREF="clickable_image.txt">Look at its source code</A>
+<H2> Multiple independent forms on the same page</H2>
+ <LI> <A HREF="multiple_forms.cgi">Try the script</A>
+ <LI> <A HREF="multiple_forms.txt">Look at its source code</A>
+<H2> How to maintain state on a page with internal links</H2>
+ <LI> <A HREF="internal_links.cgi">Try the script</A>
+ <LI> <A HREF="internal_links.txt">Look at its source code</A>
+<h2>Echo fatal script errors to the browser</h2>
+<em>This script deliberately generates a compile-time error.</em>
+ <li><a href="crash.cgi">Try the script</a>
+ <li><a href="crash.txt">Look at its source code</a>
+<EM>The Following Scripts Work with Netscape Navigator 2.0 and higher,
+or Internet Explorer 3.0 and higher</EM>
+<H2> Prompt for a file to upload and process it</H2>
+ <LI> <A HREF="file_upload.cgi">Try the script</A>
+ <LI> <A HREF="file_upload.txt">Look at its source code</A>
+<h2> A Continuously-Updated Page using Server Push</h2>
+ <li><a href="nph-clock.cgi">Try the script</a>
+ <li><a href="nph-clock.txt">Look at its source code</a>
+<h2>Compute the "diff" between two uploaded files</h2>
+ <li><a href="diff_upload.cgi">Try the script</a>
+ <li><a href="diff_upload.txt">Look at its source code</a>
+<h2>Maintain state over a long period with a cookie</h2>
+ <li><a href="cookie.cgi">Try the script</a>
+ <li><a href="cookie.txt">Look at its source code</a>
+<h2>Permanently customize the appearance of a page with a cookie</h2>
+ <li><a href="customize.cgi">Try the script</a>
+ <li><a href="customize.txt">Look at its source code</a>
+<h2> Popup the response in a new window</h2>
+ <li><a href="popup.cgi">Try the script</a>
+ <li><a href="popup.txt">Look at its source code</a>
+<h2> Side-by-side form and response using frames</h2>
+ <li><a href="frameset.cgi">Try the script</a>
+ <li><a href="frameset.txt">Look at its source code</a>
+<h2>Verify the Contents of a fill-out form with JavaScript</h2>
+ <li><a href="javascript.cgi">Try the script</a>
+ <li><a href="javascript.txt">Look at its source code</a>
+ <LI> <A HREF="../cgi_docs.html"> documentation</A>
+ <LI> <A HREF="../">Download the distribution</A>
+<ADDRESS>Lincoln D. Stein,<br>
+<a href="/">Whitehead Institute/MIT Center for Genome Research</a></ADDRESS>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Wed Jun 23 15:31:47 EDT 1999
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+</BODY> </HTML>
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/examples/internal_links.cgi b/cpan/CGI/examples/internal_links.cgi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4806966842
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/examples/internal_links.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+use CGI;
+$query = new CGI;
+# We generate a regular HTML file containing a very long list
+# and a popup menu that does nothing except to show that we
+# don't lose the state information.
+print $query->header;
+print $query->start_html("Internal Links Example");
+print "<H1>Internal Links Example</H1>\n";
+print "Click <cite>Submit Query</cite> to create a state. Then scroll down and",
+ " click on any of the <cite>Jump to top</cite> links. This is not very exciting.";
+print "<A NAME=\"start\"></A>\n"; # an anchor point at the top
+# pick a default starting value;
+$query->param('amenu','FOO1') unless $query->param('amenu');
+print $query->startform;
+print $query->popup_menu('amenu',[('FOO1'..'FOO9')]);
+print $query->submit,$query->endform;
+# We create a long boring list for the purposes of illustration.
+$myself = $query->self_url;
+print "<OL>\n";
+for (1..100) {
+ print qq{<LI>List item #$_ <A HREF="$myself#start">Jump to top</A>\n};
+print "</OL>\n";
+print $query->end_html;
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/examples/javascript.cgi b/cpan/CGI/examples/javascript.cgi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91c2b9e648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/examples/javascript.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# This script illustrates how to use JavaScript to validate fill-out
+# forms.
+use CGI qw(:standard);
+# Here's the javascript code that we include in the document.
+ // validate that the user is the right age. Return
+ // false to prevent the form from being submitted.
+ function validateForm() {
+ var today = new Date();
+ var birthday = validateDate(document.form1.birthdate);
+ if (birthday == 0) {
+ document.form1.birthdate.focus()
+ return false;
+ }
+ var milliseconds = today.getTime()-birthday;
+ var years = milliseconds/(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.25);
+ if ((years > 20) || (years < 5)) {
+ alert("You must be between the ages of 5 and 20 to submit this form");
+ document.form1.birthdate.focus();
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Since we've calculated the age in years already,
+ // we might as well send it up to our CGI script.
+ document.form1.age.value=Math.floor(years);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // make sure that the contents of the supplied
+ // field contain a valid date.
+ function validateDate(element) {
+ var date = Date.parse(element.value);
+ if (0 == date) {
+ alert("Please enter date in format MMM DD, YY");
+ element.focus();
+ }
+ return date;
+ }
+ // Compliments, compliments
+ function doPraise(element) {
+ if (element.checked) {
+ self.status=element.value + " is an excellent choice!";
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ function checkColor(element) {
+ var color = element.options[element.selectedIndex].text;
+ if (color == "blonde") {
+ if (confirm("Is it true that blondes have more fun?"))
+ alert("Darn. That leaves me out.");
+ } else
+ alert(color + " is a fine choice!");
+ }
+ ;
+# here's where the execution begins
+print header;
+print start_html(-title=>'Personal Profile',-script=>$JSCRIPT);
+print h1("Big Brother Wants to Know All About You"),
+ strong("Note: "),"This page uses JavaScript and requires ",
+ "Netscape 2.0 or higher to do anything special.";
+print hr;
+&print_response() if param;
+print end_html;
+sub print_prompt {
+ print start_form(-name=>'form1',
+ -onSubmit=>"return validateForm()"),"\n";
+ print "Birthdate (e.g. Jan 3, 1972): ",
+ textfield(-name=>'birthdate',
+ -onBlur=>"validateDate(this)"),"<p>\n";
+ print "Sex: ",radio_group(-name=>'gender',
+ -value=>[qw/male female/],
+ -onClick=>"doPraise(this)"),"<p>\n";
+ print "Hair color: ",popup_menu(-name=>'color',
+ -value=>[qw/brunette blonde red gray/],
+ -default=>'red',
+ -onChange=>"checkColor(this)"),"<p>\n";
+ print hidden(-name=>'age',-value=>0);
+ print submit();
+ print end_form;
+sub print_response {
+ import_names('Q');
+ print h2("Your profile"),
+ "You claim to be a ",b($Q::age)," year old ",b($Q::color,$Q::gender),".",
+ "You should be ashamed of yourself for lying so ",
+ "blatantly to big brother!",
+ hr;
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/examples/ b/cpan/CGI/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..a0aa824556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# this is just a utility for creating symlinks from *.txt to *.cgi
+# for documentation purposes.
+foreach (<*.cgi>) {
+ ($target=$_)=~s/cgi$/txt/;
+ symlink $_,$target
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/examples/monty.cgi b/cpan/CGI/examples/monty.cgi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..693c2586fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/examples/monty.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+use CGI;
+use CGI::Carp qw/fatalsToBrowser/;
+$query = new CGI;
+print $query->header;
+print $query->start_html("Example Form");
+print "<H1> Example Form</H1>\n";
+print $query->end_html;
+sub print_prompt {
+ my($query) = @_;
+ print $query->start_form;
+ print "<EM>What's your name?</EM><BR>";
+ print $query->textfield('name');
+ print $query->checkbox('Not my real name');
+ print "<P><EM>Where can you find English Sparrows?</EM><BR>";
+ print $query->checkbox_group(
+ -name=>'Sparrow locations',
+ -Values=>[England,France,Spain,Asia,Hoboken],
+ -linebreak=>'yes',
+ -defaults=>[England,Asia]);
+ print "<P><EM>How far can they fly?</EM><BR>",
+ $query->radio_group(
+ -name=>'how far',
+ -Values=>['10 ft','1 mile','10 miles','real far'],
+ -default=>'1 mile');
+ print "<P><EM>What's your favorite color?</EM> ";
+ print $query->popup_menu(-name=>'Color',
+ -Values=>['black','brown','red','yellow'],
+ -default=>'red');
+ print $query->hidden('Reference','Monty Python and the Holy Grail');
+ print "<P><EM>What have you got there?</EM><BR>";
+ print $query->scrolling_list(
+ -name=>'possessions',
+ -Values=>['A Coconut','A Grail','An Icon',
+ 'A Sword','A Ticket'],
+ -size=>5,
+ -multiple=>'true');
+ print "<P><EM>Any parting comments?</EM><BR>";
+ print $query->textarea(-name=>'Comments',
+ -rows=>10,
+ -columns=>50);
+ print "<P>",$query->reset;
+ print $query->submit('Action','Shout');
+ print $query->submit('Action','Scream');
+ print $query->endform;
+ print "<HR>\n";
+ }
+sub do_work {
+ my($query) = @_;
+ my(@values,$key);
+ print "<H2>Here are the current settings in this form</H2>";
+ foreach $key ($query->param) {
+ print "<STRONG>$key</STRONG> -> ";
+ @values = $query->param($key);
+ print join(", ",@values),"<BR>\n";
+ }
+sub print_tail {
+ print <<END;
+<ADDRESS>Lincoln D. Stein</ADDRESS><BR>
+<A HREF="/">Home Page</A>
+ ;
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/examples/multiple_forms.cgi b/cpan/CGI/examples/multiple_forms.cgi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b38bf93e96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/examples/multiple_forms.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+use CGI;
+$query = new CGI;
+print $query->header;
+print $query->start_html('Multiple Forms');
+print "<H1>Multiple Forms</H1>\n";
+# Print the first form
+print $query->startform;
+$name = $query->remote_user || 'anonymous@' . $query->remote_host;
+print "What's your name? ",$query->textfield('name',$name,50);
+print "<P>What's the combination?<P>",
+ $query->checkbox_group('words',['eenie','meenie','minie','moe']);
+print "<P>What's your favorite color? ",
+ $query->popup_menu('color',['red','green','blue','chartreuse']),
+ "<P>";
+print $query->submit('form_1','Send Form 1');
+print $query->endform;
+# Print the second form
+print "<HR>\n";
+print $query->startform;
+print "Some radio buttons: ",$query->radio_group('radio buttons',
+ [qw{one two three four five}],'three'),"\n";
+print "<P>What's the password? ",$query->password_field('pass','secret');
+print $query->defaults,$query->submit('form_2','Send Form 2'),"\n";
+print $query->endform;
+print "<HR>\n";
+if ($Q::form_1) {
+ print "<H2>Form 1 Submitted</H2>\n";
+ print "Your name is <EM>$Q::name</EM>\n";
+ print "<P>The combination is: <EM>{",join(",",@Q::words),"}</EM>\n";
+ print "<P>Your favorite color is <EM>$Q::color</EM>\n";
+} elsif ($Q::form_2) {
+ print <<EOF;
+<H2>Form 2 Submitted</H2>
+<P>The value of the radio buttons is <EM>$Q::radio_buttons</EM>
+<P>The secret password is <EM>$Q::pass</EM>
+ ;
+print qq{<P><A HREF="./">Other examples</A>};
+print qq{<P><A HREF="../cgi_docs.html">Go to the documentation</A>};
+print $query->end_html;
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/examples/nph-clock.cgi b/cpan/CGI/examples/nph-clock.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..f34fde27e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/examples/nph-clock.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+use CGI::Push qw(:standard :html3);
+sub draw_time {
+ my $time = localtime();
+ return start_html('Tick Tock'),
+ div({-align=>CENTER},
+ h1('Virtual Clock'),
+ h2($time)
+ ),
+ hr,
+ a({-href=>'index.html'},'More examples'),
+ end_html();
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/examples/nph-multipart.cgi b/cpan/CGI/examples/nph-multipart.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..f8cea59a87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/examples/nph-multipart.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+use CGI qw/:push -nph/;
+$| = 1;
+print multipart_init(-boundary=>'----------------here we go!');
+while (1) {
+ print multipart_start(-type=>'text/plain'),
+ "The current time is ",scalar(localtime),"\n",
+ multipart_end;
+ sleep 1;
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/examples/popup.cgi b/cpan/CGI/examples/popup.cgi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88cea1da9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/examples/popup.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+use CGI;
+$query = new CGI;
+print $query->header;
+print $query->start_html('Popup Window');
+if (!$query->param) {
+ print "<H1>Ask your Question</H1>\n";
+ print $query->startform(-target=>'_new');
+ print "What's your name? ",$query->textfield('name');
+ print "<P>What's the combination?<P>",
+ $query->checkbox_group(-name=>'words',
+ -values=>['eenie','meenie','minie','moe'],
+ -defaults=>['eenie','moe']);
+ print "<P>What's your favorite color? ",
+ $query->popup_menu(-name=>'color',
+ -values=>['red','green','blue','chartreuse']),
+ "<P>";
+ print $query->submit;
+ print $query->endform;
+} else {
+ print "<H1>And the Answer is...</H1>\n";
+ print "Your name is <EM>",$query->param(name),"</EM>\n";
+ print "<P>The keywords are: <EM>",join(", ",$query->param(words)),"</EM>\n";
+ print "<P>Your favorite color is <EM>",$query->param(color),"</EM>\n";
+print qq{<P><A HREF="cgi_docs.html">Go to the documentation</A>};
+print $query->end_html;
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/examples/save_state.cgi b/cpan/CGI/examples/save_state.cgi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85bacaf59a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/examples/save_state.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+use CGI;
+$query = new CGI;
+print $query->header;
+print $query->start_html("Save and Restore Example");
+print "<H1>Save and Restore Example</H1>\n";
+# Here's where we take action on the previous request
+&save_parameters($query) if $query->param('action') eq 'SAVE';
+$query = &restore_parameters($query) if $query->param('action') eq 'RESTORE';
+# Here's where we create the form
+print $query->start_multipart_form;
+print "Popup 1: ",$query->popup_menu('popup1',[qw{red green purple magenta orange chartreuse brown}]),"\n";
+print "Popup 2: ",$query->popup_menu('popup2',[qw{lion tiger bear zebra potto wildebeest frog emu gazelle}]),"\n";
+print "<P>";
+$default_name = $query->remote_addr . '.sav';
+print "Save/restore state from file: ",$query->textfield('savefile',$default_name),"\n";
+print "<P>";
+print $query->submit('action','SAVE'),$query->submit('action','RESTORE');
+print "<P>",$query->defaults;
+print $query->endform;
+# Here we print out a bit at the end
+print $query->end_html;
+sub save_parameters {
+ local($query) = @_;
+ local($filename) = &clean_name($query->param('savefile'));
+ if (open(FILE,">$filename")) {
+ $query->save(FILE);
+ close FILE;
+ print "<STRONG>State has been saved to file $filename</STRONG>\n";
+ print "<P>If you remember this name you can restore the state later.\n";
+ } else {
+ print "<STRONG>Error:</STRONG> couldn't write to file $filename: $!\n";
+ }
+sub restore_parameters {
+ local($query) = @_;
+ local($filename) = &clean_name($query->param('savefile'));
+ if (open(FILE,$filename)) {
+ $query = new CGI(FILE); # Throw out the old query, replace it with a new one
+ close FILE;
+ print "<STRONG>State has been restored from file $filename</STRONG>\n";
+ } else {
+ print "<STRONG>Error:</STRONG> couldn't restore file $filename: $!\n";
+ }
+ return $query;
+# Very important subroutine -- get rid of all the naughty
+# metacharacters from the file name. If there are, we
+# complain bitterly and die.
+sub clean_name {
+ local($name) = @_;
+ unless ($name=~/^[\w\._\-]+$/) {
+ print "<STRONG>$name has naughty characters. Only ";
+ print "alphanumerics are allowed. You can't use absolute names.</STRONG>";
+ die "Attempt to use naughty characters";
+ }
+ return "WORLD_WRITABLE/$name";
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/examples/tryit.cgi b/cpan/CGI/examples/tryit.cgi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83c620c3e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/examples/tryit.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+use CGI ':standard';
+print header;
+print start_html('A Simple Example'),
+ h1('A Simple Example'),
+ start_form,
+ "What's your name? ",textfield('name'),
+ p,
+ "What's the combination?",
+ p,
+ checkbox_group(-name=>'words',
+ -values=>['eenie','meenie','minie','moe'],
+ -defaults=>['eenie','minie']),
+ p,
+ "What's your favorite color? ",
+ popup_menu(-name=>'color',
+ -values=>['red','green','blue','chartreuse']),
+ p,
+ submit,
+ end_form,
+ hr;
+if (param()) {
+ print
+ "Your name is: ",em(param('name')),
+ p,
+ "The keywords are: ",em(join(", ",param('words'))),
+ p,
+ "Your favorite color is: ",em(param('color')),
+ hr;
+print a({href=>'../cgi_docs.html'},'Go to the documentation');
+print end_html;
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/examples/wilogo_gif.uu b/cpan/CGI/examples/wilogo_gif.uu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c5d10423b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/examples/wilogo_gif.uu
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+begin 444 wilogo.gif
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/lib/ b/cpan/CGI/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cacb03a0d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,7970 @@
+package CGI;
+require 5.004;
+use Carp 'croak';
+# See the bottom of this file for the POD documentation. Search for the
+# string '=head'.
+# You can run this file through either pod2man or pod2html to produce pretty
+# documentation in manual or html file format (these utilities are part of the
+# Perl 5 distribution).
+# Copyright 1995-1998 Lincoln D. Stein. All rights reserved.
+# It may be used and modified freely, but I do request that this copyright
+# notice remain attached to the file. You may modify this module as you
+# wish, but if you redistribute a modified version, please attach a note
+# listing the modifications you have made.
+# The most recent version and complete docs are available at:
+$CGI::revision = '$Id:,v 1.266 2009/07/30 16:32:34 lstein Exp $';
+# $CGITempFile::TMPDIRECTORY = '/usr/tmp';
+use CGI::Util qw(rearrange rearrange_header make_attributes unescape escape expires ebcdic2ascii ascii2ebcdic);
+#use constant XHTML_DTD => ['-//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.0//EN',
+# ''];
+use constant XHTML_DTD => ['-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN',
+ ''];
+ local $^W = 0;
+ $TAINTED = substr("$0$^X",0,0);
+$MOD_PERL = 0; # no mod_perl by default
+#global settings
+$POST_MAX = -1; # no limit to uploaded files
+# >>>>> Here are some globals that you might want to adjust <<<<<<
+sub initialize_globals {
+ # Set this to 1 to enable copious autoloader debugging messages
+ # Set this to 1 to generate XTML-compatible output
+ $XHTML = 1;
+ # Change this to the preferred DTD to print in start_html()
+ # or use default_dtd('text of DTD to use');
+ $DEFAULT_DTD = [ '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN',
+ '' ] ;
+ # Set this to 1 to enable NOSTICKY scripts
+ # or:
+ # 1) use CGI '-nosticky';
+ # 2) $CGI::NOSTICKY = 1;
+ $NOSTICKY = 0;
+ # Set this to 1 to enable NPH scripts
+ # or:
+ # 1) use CGI qw(-nph)
+ # 2) CGI::nph(1)
+ # 3) print header(-nph=>1)
+ $NPH = 0;
+ # Set this to 1 to enable debugging from @ARGV
+ # Set to 2 to enable debugging from STDIN
+ $DEBUG = 1;
+ # Set this to 1 to make the temporary files created
+ # during file uploads safe from prying eyes
+ # or do...
+ # 1) use CGI qw(:private_tempfiles)
+ # 2) CGI::private_tempfiles(1);
+ # Set this to 1 to generate automatic tab indexes
+ $TABINDEX = 0;
+ # Set this to 1 to cause files uploaded in multipart documents
+ # to be closed, instead of caching the file handle
+ # or:
+ # 1) use CGI qw(:close_upload_files)
+ # 2) $CGI::close_upload_files(1);
+ # Uploads with many files run out of file handles.
+ # Also, for performance, since the file is already on disk,
+ # it can just be renamed, instead of read and written.
+ # Automatically determined -- don't change
+ $EBCDIC = 0;
+ # Change this to 1 to suppress redundant HTTP headers
+ # separate the name=value pairs by semicolons rather than ampersands
+ # Do not include undefined params parsed from query string
+ # use CGI qw(-no_undef_params);
+ # return everything as utf-8
+ $PARAM_UTF8 = 0;
+ # Other globals that you shouldn't worry about.
+ undef $Q;
+ $BEEN_THERE = 0;
+ undef @QUERY_PARAM;
+ undef %EXPORT;
+ # prevent complaints by mod_perl
+ 1;
+# ------------------ START OF THE LIBRARY ------------
+*end_form = \&endform;
+# make mod_perlhappy
+# Some systems support the $^O variable. If not
+# available then require() the Config library
+unless ($OS) {
+ unless ($OS = $^O) {
+ require Config;
+ $OS = $Config::Config{'osname'};
+ }
+if ($OS =~ /^MSWin/i) {
+ $OS = 'WINDOWS';
+} elsif ($OS =~ /^VMS/i) {
+ $OS = 'VMS';
+} elsif ($OS =~ /^dos/i) {
+ $OS = 'DOS';
+} elsif ($OS =~ /^MacOS/i) {
+} elsif ($OS =~ /^os2/i) {
+ $OS = 'OS2';
+} elsif ($OS =~ /^epoc/i) {
+ $OS = 'EPOC';
+} elsif ($OS =~ /^cygwin/i) {
+ $OS = 'CYGWIN';
+} elsif ($OS =~ /^NetWare/i) {
+ $OS = 'NETWARE';
+} else {
+ $OS = 'UNIX';
+# Some OS logic. Binary mode enabled on DOS, NT and VMS
+$needs_binmode = $OS=~/^(WINDOWS|DOS|OS2|MSWin|CYGWIN|NETWARE)/;
+# This is the default class for the CGI object to use when all else fails.
+$DefaultClass = 'CGI' unless defined $CGI::DefaultClass;
+# This is where to look for autoloaded routines.
+$AutoloadClass = $DefaultClass unless defined $CGI::AutoloadClass;
+# The path separator is a slash, backslash or semicolon, depending
+# on the paltform.
+$SL = {
+ UNIX => '/', OS2 => '\\', EPOC => '/', CYGWIN => '/', NETWARE => '/',
+ WINDOWS => '\\', DOS => '\\', MACINTOSH => ':', VMS => '/'
+ }->{$OS};
+# This no longer seems to be necessary
+# Turn on NPH scripts by default when running under IIS server!
+# $NPH++ if defined($ENV{'SERVER_SOFTWARE'}) && $ENV{'SERVER_SOFTWARE'}=~/IIS/;
+# Turn on special checking for ActiveState's PerlEx
+# Turn on special checking for Doug MacEachern's modperl
+# PerlEx::DBI tries to fool DBI by setting MOD_PERL
+if (exists $ENV{MOD_PERL} && ! $PERLEX) {
+ # mod_perl handlers may run system() on scripts using;
+ # Make sure so we don't get fooled by inherited $ENV{MOD_PERL}
+ $MOD_PERL = 2;
+ require Apache2::Response;
+ require Apache2::RequestRec;
+ require Apache2::RequestUtil;
+ require Apache2::RequestIO;
+ require APR::Pool;
+ } else {
+ $MOD_PERL = 1;
+ require Apache;
+ }
+# Define the CRLF sequence. I can't use a simple "\r\n" because the meaning
+# of "\n" is different on different OS's (sometimes it generates CRLF, sometimes LF
+# and sometimes CR). The most popular VMS web server
+# doesn't accept CRLF -- instead it wants a LR. EBCDIC machines don't
+# use ASCII, so \015\012 means something different. I find this all
+# really annoying.
+$EBCDIC = "\t" ne "\011";
+if ($OS eq 'VMS') {
+ $CRLF = "\n";
+} elsif ($EBCDIC) {
+ $CRLF= "\r\n";
+} else {
+ $CRLF = "\015\012";
+if ($needs_binmode) {
+ $CGI::DefaultClass->binmode(\*main::STDOUT);
+ $CGI::DefaultClass->binmode(\*main::STDIN);
+ $CGI::DefaultClass->binmode(\*main::STDERR);
+ ':html2'=>['h1'..'h6',qw/p br hr ol ul li dl dt dd menu code var strong em
+ tt u i b blockquote pre img a address cite samp dfn html head
+ base body Link nextid title meta kbd start_html end_html
+ input Select option comment charset escapeHTML/],
+ ':html3'=>[qw/div table caption th td TR Tr sup Sub strike applet Param nobr
+ embed basefont style span layer ilayer font frameset frame script small big Area Map/],
+ ':html4'=>[qw/abbr acronym bdo col colgroup del fieldset iframe
+ ins label legend noframes noscript object optgroup Q
+ thead tbody tfoot/],
+ ':netscape'=>[qw/blink fontsize center/],
+ ':form'=>[qw/textfield textarea filefield password_field hidden checkbox checkbox_group
+ submit reset defaults radio_group popup_menu button autoEscape
+ scrolling_list image_button start_form end_form startform endform
+ start_multipart_form end_multipart_form isindex tmpFileName uploadInfo URL_ENCODED MULTIPART/],
+ ':cgi'=>[qw/param upload path_info path_translated request_uri url self_url script_name
+ cookie Dump
+ raw_cookie request_method query_string Accept user_agent remote_host content_type
+ remote_addr referer server_name server_software server_port server_protocol virtual_port
+ virtual_host remote_ident auth_type http append
+ save_parameters restore_parameters param_fetch
+ remote_user user_name header redirect import_names put
+ Delete Delete_all url_param cgi_error/],
+ ':ssl' => [qw/https/],
+ ':cgi-lib' => [qw/ReadParse PrintHeader HtmlTop HtmlBot SplitParam Vars/],
+ ':html' => [qw/:html2 :html3 :html4 :netscape/],
+ ':standard' => [qw/:html2 :html3 :html4 :form :cgi/],
+ ':push' => [qw/multipart_init multipart_start multipart_end multipart_final/],
+ ':all' => [qw/:html2 :html3 :netscape :form :cgi :internal :html4/]
+ );
+# Custom 'can' method for both autoloaded and non-autoloaded subroutines.
+# Author: Cees Hek <>
+sub can {
+ my($class, $method) = @_;
+ # See if UNIVERSAL::can finds it.
+ if (my $func = $class -> SUPER::can($method) ){
+ return $func;
+ }
+ # Try to compile the function.
+ eval {
+ # _compile looks at $AUTOLOAD for the function name.
+ local $AUTOLOAD = join "::", $class, $method;
+ &_compile;
+ };
+ # Now that the function is loaded (if it exists)
+ # just use UNIVERSAL::can again to do the work.
+ return $class -> SUPER::can($method);
+# to import symbols into caller
+sub import {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # This causes modules to clash.
+ undef %EXPORT_OK;
+ undef %EXPORT;
+ $self->_setup_symbols(@_);
+ my ($callpack, $callfile, $callline) = caller;
+ # To allow overriding, search through the packages
+ # Till we find one in which the correct subroutine is defined.
+ my @packages = ($self,@{"$self\:\:ISA"});
+ for $sym (keys %EXPORT) {
+ my $pck;
+ my $def = ${"$self\:\:AutoloadClass"} || $DefaultClass;
+ for $pck (@packages) {
+ if (defined(&{"$pck\:\:$sym"})) {
+ $def = $pck;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ *{"${callpack}::$sym"} = \&{"$def\:\:$sym"};
+ }
+sub compile {
+ my $pack = shift;
+ $pack->_setup_symbols('-compile',@_);
+sub expand_tags {
+ my($tag) = @_;
+ return ("start_$1","end_$1") if $tag=~/^(?:\*|start_|end_)(.+)/;
+ my(@r);
+ return ($tag) unless $EXPORT_TAGS{$tag};
+ for (@{$EXPORT_TAGS{$tag}}) {
+ push(@r,&expand_tags($_));
+ }
+ return @r;
+#### Method: new
+# The new routine. This will check the current environment
+# for an existing query string, and initialize itself, if so.
+sub new {
+ my($class,@initializer) = @_;
+ my $self = {};
+ bless $self,ref $class || $class || $DefaultClass;
+ # always use a tempfile
+ $self->{'use_tempfile'} = 1;
+ if (ref($initializer[0])
+ && (UNIVERSAL::isa($initializer[0],'Apache')
+ ||
+ UNIVERSAL::isa($initializer[0],'Apache2::RequestRec')
+ )) {
+ $self->r(shift @initializer);
+ }
+ if (ref($initializer[0])
+ && (UNIVERSAL::isa($initializer[0],'CODE'))) {
+ $self->upload_hook(shift @initializer, shift @initializer);
+ $self->{'use_tempfile'} = shift @initializer if (@initializer > 0);
+ }
+ if ($MOD_PERL) {
+ if ($MOD_PERL == 1) {
+ $self->r(Apache->request) unless $self->r;
+ my $r = $self->r;
+ $r->register_cleanup(\&CGI::_reset_globals);
+ $self->_setup_symbols(@SAVED_SYMBOLS) if @SAVED_SYMBOLS;
+ }
+ else {
+ # XXX: once we have the new API
+ # will do a real PerlOptions -SetupEnv check
+ $self->r(Apache2::RequestUtil->request) unless $self->r;
+ my $r = $self->r;
+ $r->subprocess_env unless exists $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD};
+ $r->pool->cleanup_register(\&CGI::_reset_globals);
+ $self->_setup_symbols(@SAVED_SYMBOLS) if @SAVED_SYMBOLS;
+ }
+ undef $NPH;
+ }
+ $self->_reset_globals if $PERLEX;
+ $self->init(@initializer);
+ return $self;
+# We provide a DESTROY method so that we can ensure that
+# temporary files are closed (via Fh->DESTROY) before they
+# are unlinked (via CGITempFile->DESTROY) because it is not
+# possible to unlink an open file on Win32. We explicitly
+# call DESTROY on each, rather than just undefing them and
+# letting Perl DESTROY them by garbage collection, in case the
+# user is still holding any reference to them as well.
+sub DESTROY {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ($OS eq 'WINDOWS') {
+ for my $href (values %{$self->{'.tmpfiles'}}) {
+ $href->{hndl}->DESTROY if defined $href->{hndl};
+ $href->{name}->DESTROY if defined $href->{name};
+ }
+ }
+sub r {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $r = $self->{'.r'};
+ $self->{'.r'} = shift if @_;
+ $r;
+sub upload_hook {
+ my $self;
+ if (ref $_[0] eq 'CODE') {
+ $CGI::Q = $self = $CGI::DefaultClass->new(@_);
+ } else {
+ $self = shift;
+ }
+ my ($hook,$data,$use_tempfile) = @_;
+ $self->{'.upload_hook'} = $hook;
+ $self->{'.upload_data'} = $data;
+ $self->{'use_tempfile'} = $use_tempfile if defined $use_tempfile;
+#### Method: param
+# Returns the value(s)of a named parameter.
+# If invoked in a list context, returns the
+# entire list. Otherwise returns the first
+# member of the list.
+# If name is not provided, return a list of all
+# the known parameters names available.
+# If more than one argument is provided, the
+# second and subsequent arguments are used to
+# set the value of the parameter.
+sub param {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ return $self->all_parameters unless @p;
+ my($name,$value,@other);
+ # For compatibility between old calling style and use_named_parameters() style,
+ # we have to special case for a single parameter present.
+ if (@p > 1) {
+ ($name,$value,@other) = rearrange([NAME,[DEFAULT,VALUE,VALUES]],@p);
+ my(@values);
+ if (substr($p[0],0,1) eq '-') {
+ @values = defined($value) ? (ref($value) && ref($value) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$value} : $value) : ();
+ } else {
+ for ($value,@other) {
+ push(@values,$_) if defined($_);
+ }
+ }
+ # If values is provided, then we set it.
+ if (@values or defined $value) {
+ $self->add_parameter($name);
+ $self->{param}{$name}=[@values];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $name = $p[0];
+ }
+ return unless defined($name) && $self->{param}{$name};
+ my @result = @{$self->{param}{$name}};
+ if ($PARAM_UTF8) {
+ eval "require Encode; 1;" unless Encode->can('decode'); # bring in these functions
+ @result = map {ref $_ ? $_ : Encode::decode(utf8=>$_) } @result;
+ }
+ return wantarray ? @result : $result[0];
+sub self_or_default {
+ return @_ if defined($_[0]) && (!ref($_[0])) &&($_[0] eq 'CGI');
+ unless (defined($_[0]) &&
+ (ref($_[0]) eq 'CGI' || UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'CGI')) # slightly optimized for common case
+ ) {
+ $Q = $CGI::DefaultClass->new unless defined($Q);
+ unshift(@_,$Q);
+ }
+ return wantarray ? @_ : $Q;
+sub self_or_CGI {
+ local $^W=0; # prevent a warning
+ if (defined($_[0]) &&
+ (substr(ref($_[0]),0,3) eq 'CGI'
+ || UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'CGI'))) {
+ return @_;
+ } else {
+ return ($DefaultClass,@_);
+ }
+# Initialize the query object from the environment.
+# If a parameter list is found, this object will be set
+# to a hash in which parameter names are keys
+# and the values are stored as lists
+# If a keyword list is found, this method creates a bogus
+# parameter list with the single parameter 'keywords'.
+sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my($query_string,$meth,$content_length,$fh,@lines) = ('','','','');
+ my $is_xforms;
+ my $initializer = shift; # for backward compatibility
+ local($/) = "\n";
+ # set autoescaping on by default
+ $self->{'escape'} = 1;
+ # if we get called more than once, we want to initialize
+ # ourselves from the original query (which may be gone
+ # if it was read from STDIN originally.)
+ if (defined(@QUERY_PARAM) && !defined($initializer)) {
+ for my $name (@QUERY_PARAM) {
+ my $val = $QUERY_PARAM{$name}; # always an arrayref;
+ $self->param('-name'=>$name,'-value'=> $val);
+ if (defined $val and ref $val eq 'ARRAY') {
+ for my $fh (grep {defined(fileno($_))} @$val) {
+ seek($fh,0,0); # reset the filehandle.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $self->charset($QUERY_CHARSET);
+ $self->{'.fieldnames'} = {%QUERY_FIELDNAMES};
+ $self->{'.tmpfiles'} = {%QUERY_TMPFILES};
+ return;
+ }
+ $meth=$ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} if defined($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'});
+ $content_length = defined($ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}) ? $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} : 0;
+ $fh = to_filehandle($initializer) if $initializer;
+ # set charset to the safe ISO-8859-1
+ $self->charset('ISO-8859-1');
+ # avoid unreasonably large postings
+ if (($POST_MAX > 0) && ($content_length > $POST_MAX)) {
+ #discard the post, unread
+ $self->cgi_error("413 Request entity too large");
+ last METHOD;
+ }
+ # Process multipart postings, but only if the initializer is
+ # not defined.
+ if ($meth eq 'POST'
+ && defined($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'})
+ && $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'}=~m|^multipart/form-data|
+ && !defined($initializer)
+ ) {
+ my($boundary) = $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} =~ /boundary=\"?([^\";,]+)\"?/;
+ $self->read_multipart($boundary,$content_length);
+ last METHOD;
+ }
+ # Process XForms postings. We know that we have XForms in the
+ # following cases:
+ # method eq 'POST' && content-type eq 'application/xml'
+ # method eq 'POST' && content-type =~ /multipart\/related.+start=/
+ # There are more cases, actually, but for now, we don't support other
+ # methods for XForm posts.
+ # In a XForm POST, the QUERY_STRING is parsed normally.
+ # If the content-type is 'application/xml', we just set the param
+ # XForms:Model (referring to the xml syntax) param containing the
+ # unparsed XML data.
+ # In the case of multipart/related we set XForms:Model as above, but
+ # the other parts are available as uploads with the Content-ID as the
+ # the key.
+ # See the URL below for XForms specs on this issue.
+ #
+ if ($meth eq 'POST' && defined($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'})) {
+ if ($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} eq 'application/xml') {
+ my($param) = 'XForms:Model';
+ my($value) = '';
+ $self->add_parameter($param);
+ $self->read_from_client(\$value,$content_length,0)
+ if $content_length > 0;
+ push (@{$self->{param}{$param}},$value);
+ $is_xforms = 1;
+ } elsif ($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} =~ /multipart\/related.+boundary=\"?([^\";,]+)\"?.+start=\"?\<?([^\"\>]+)\>?\"?/) {
+ my($boundary,$start) = ($1,$2);
+ my($param) = 'XForms:Model';
+ $self->add_parameter($param);
+ my($value) = $self->read_multipart_related($start,$boundary,$content_length,0);
+ push (@{$self->{param}{$param}},$value);
+ if ($MOD_PERL) {
+ $query_string = $self->r->args;
+ } else {
+ $query_string = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} if defined $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
+ $query_string ||= $ENV{'REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING'} if defined $ENV{'REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING'};
+ }
+ $is_xforms = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ # If initializer is defined, then read parameters
+ # from it.
+ if (!$is_xforms && defined($initializer)) {
+ if (UNIVERSAL::isa($initializer,'CGI')) {
+ $query_string = $initializer->query_string;
+ last METHOD;
+ }
+ if (ref($initializer) && ref($initializer) eq 'HASH') {
+ for (keys %$initializer) {
+ $self->param('-name'=>$_,'-value'=>$initializer->{$_});
+ }
+ last METHOD;
+ }
+ if (defined($fh) && ($fh ne '')) {
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ chomp;
+ last if /^=/;
+ push(@lines,$_);
+ }
+ # massage back into standard format
+ if ("@lines" =~ /=/) {
+ $query_string=join("&",@lines);
+ } else {
+ $query_string=join("+",@lines);
+ }
+ last METHOD;
+ }
+ # last chance -- treat it as a string
+ $initializer = $$initializer if ref($initializer) eq 'SCALAR';
+ $query_string = $initializer;
+ last METHOD;
+ }
+ # If method is GET or HEAD, fetch the query from
+ # the environment.
+ if ($is_xforms || $meth=~/^(GET|HEAD)$/) {
+ if ($MOD_PERL) {
+ $query_string = $self->r->args;
+ } else {
+ $query_string = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} if defined $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
+ $query_string ||= $ENV{'REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING'} if defined $ENV{'REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING'};
+ }
+ last METHOD;
+ }
+ if ($meth eq 'POST' || $meth eq 'PUT') {
+ if ( $content_length > 0 ) {
+ $self->read_from_client(\$query_string,$content_length,0);
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->read_from_stdin(\$query_string);
+ # should this be PUTDATA in case of PUT ?
+ my($param) = $meth . 'DATA' ;
+ $self->add_parameter($param) ;
+ push (@{$self->{param}{$param}},$query_string);
+ undef $query_string ;
+ }
+ # Some people want to have their cake and eat it too!
+ # Uncomment this line to have the contents of the query string
+ # APPENDED to the POST data.
+ # $query_string .= (length($query_string) ? '&' : '') . $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} if defined $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
+ last METHOD;
+ }
+ # If $meth is not of GET, POST, PUT or HEAD, assume we're
+ # being debugged offline.
+ # Check the command line and then the standard input for data.
+ # We use the shellwords package in order to behave the way that
+ # UN*X programmers expect.
+ if ($DEBUG)
+ {
+ my $cmdline_ret = read_from_cmdline();
+ $query_string = $cmdline_ret->{'query_string'};
+ if (defined($cmdline_ret->{'subpath'}))
+ {
+ $self->path_info($cmdline_ret->{'subpath'});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# YL: Begin Change for XML handler 10/19/2001
+ if (!$is_xforms && ($meth eq 'POST' || $meth eq 'PUT')
+ && defined($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'})
+ && $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} !~ m|^application/x-www-form-urlencoded|
+ && $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} !~ m|^multipart/form-data| ) {
+ my($param) = $meth . 'DATA' ;
+ $self->add_parameter($param) ;
+ push (@{$self->{param}{$param}},$query_string);
+ undef $query_string ;
+ }
+# YL: End Change for XML handler 10/19/2001
+ # We now have the query string in hand. We do slightly
+ # different things for keyword lists and parameter lists.
+ if (defined $query_string && length $query_string) {
+ if ($query_string =~ /[&=;]/) {
+ $self->parse_params($query_string);
+ } else {
+ $self->add_parameter('keywords');
+ $self->{param}{'keywords'} = [$self->parse_keywordlist($query_string)];
+ }
+ }
+ # Special case. Erase everything if there is a field named
+ # .defaults.
+ if ($self->param('.defaults')) {
+ $self->delete_all();
+ }
+ # hash containing our defined fieldnames
+ $self->{'.fieldnames'} = {};
+ for ($self->param('.cgifields')) {
+ $self->{'.fieldnames'}->{$_}++;
+ }
+ # Clear out our default submission button flag if present
+ $self->delete('.submit');
+ $self->delete('.cgifields');
+ $self->save_request unless defined $initializer;
+# Turn a string into a filehandle
+sub to_filehandle {
+ my $thingy = shift;
+ return undef unless $thingy;
+ return $thingy if UNIVERSAL::isa($thingy,'GLOB');
+ return $thingy if UNIVERSAL::isa($thingy,'FileHandle');
+ if (!ref($thingy)) {
+ my $caller = 1;
+ while (my $package = caller($caller++)) {
+ my($tmp) = $thingy=~/[\':]/ ? $thingy : "$package\:\:$thingy";
+ return $tmp if defined(fileno($tmp));
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+# send output to the browser
+sub put {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ $self->print(@p);
+# print to standard output (for overriding in mod_perl)
+sub print {
+ shift;
+ CORE::print(@_);
+# get/set last cgi_error
+sub cgi_error {
+ my ($self,$err) = self_or_default(@_);
+ $self->{'.cgi_error'} = $err if defined $err;
+ return $self->{'.cgi_error'};
+sub save_request {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ # We're going to play with the package globals now so that if we get called
+ # again, we initialize ourselves in exactly the same way. This allows
+ # us to have several of these objects.
+ @QUERY_PARAM = $self->param; # save list of parameters
+ for (@QUERY_PARAM) {
+ next unless defined $_;
+ $QUERY_PARAM{$_}=$self->{param}{$_};
+ }
+ $QUERY_CHARSET = $self->charset;
+ %QUERY_FIELDNAMES = %{$self->{'.fieldnames'}};
+ %QUERY_TMPFILES = %{ $self->{'.tmpfiles'} || {} };
+sub parse_params {
+ my($self,$tosplit) = @_;
+ my(@pairs) = split(/[&;]/,$tosplit);
+ my($param,$value);
+ for (@pairs) {
+ ($param,$value) = split('=',$_,2);
+ next unless defined $param;
+ next if $NO_UNDEF_PARAMS and not defined $value;
+ $value = '' unless defined $value;
+ $param = unescape($param);
+ $value = unescape($value);
+ $self->add_parameter($param);
+ push (@{$self->{param}{$param}},$value);
+ }
+sub add_parameter {
+ my($self,$param)=@_;
+ return unless defined $param;
+ push (@{$self->{'.parameters'}},$param)
+ unless defined($self->{param}{$param});
+sub all_parameters {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return () unless defined($self) && $self->{'.parameters'};
+ return () unless @{$self->{'.parameters'}};
+ return @{$self->{'.parameters'}};
+# put a filehandle into binary mode (DOS)
+sub binmode {
+ return unless defined($_[1]) && defined fileno($_[1]);
+ CORE::binmode($_[1]);
+sub _make_tag_func {
+ my ($self,$tagname) = @_;
+ my $func = qq(
+ sub $tagname {
+ my (\$q,\$a,\@rest) = self_or_default(\@_);
+ my(\$attr) = '';
+ if (ref(\$a) && ref(\$a) eq 'HASH') {
+ my(\@attr) = make_attributes(\$a,\$q->{'escape'});
+ \$attr = " \@attr" if \@attr;
+ } else {
+ unshift \@rest,\$a if defined \$a;
+ }
+ );
+ if ($tagname=~/start_(\w+)/i) {
+ $func .= qq! return "<\L$1\E\$attr>";} !;
+ } elsif ($tagname=~/end_(\w+)/i) {
+ $func .= qq! return "<\L/$1\E>"; } !;
+ } else {
+ $func .= qq#
+ return \$XHTML ? "\L<$tagname\E\$attr />" : "\L<$tagname\E\$attr>" unless \@rest;
+ my(\$tag,\$untag) = ("\L<$tagname\E\$attr>","\L</$tagname>\E");
+ my \@result = map { "\$tag\$_\$untag" }
+ (ref(\$rest[0]) eq 'ARRAY') ? \@{\$rest[0]} : "\@rest";
+ return "\@result";
+ }#;
+ }
+return $func;
+ my $func = &_compile;
+ goto &$func;
+sub _compile {
+ my($func) = $AUTOLOAD;
+ my($pack,$func_name);
+ {
+ local($1,$2); # this fixes an obscure variable suicide problem.
+ $func=~/(.+)::([^:]+)$/;
+ ($pack,$func_name) = ($1,$2);
+ $pack=~s/::SUPER$//; # fix another obscure problem
+ $pack = ${"$pack\:\:AutoloadClass"} || $CGI::DefaultClass
+ unless defined(${"$pack\:\:AUTOLOADED_ROUTINES"});
+ my($sub) = \%{"$pack\:\:SUBS"};
+ unless (%$sub) {
+ my($auto) = \${"$pack\:\:AUTOLOADED_ROUTINES"};
+ local ($@,$!);
+ eval "package $pack; $$auto";
+ croak("$AUTOLOAD: $@") if $@;
+ $$auto = ''; # Free the unneeded storage (but don't undef it!!!)
+ }
+ my($code) = $sub->{$func_name};
+ $code = "sub $AUTOLOAD { }" if (!$code and $func_name eq 'DESTROY');
+ if (!$code) {
+ (my $base = $func_name) =~ s/^(start_|end_)//i;
+ if ($EXPORT{':any'} ||
+ $EXPORT{'-any'} ||
+ $EXPORT{$base} ||
+ (%EXPORT_OK || grep(++$EXPORT_OK{$_},&expand_tags(':html')))
+ && $EXPORT_OK{$base}) {
+ $code = $CGI::DefaultClass->_make_tag_func($func_name);
+ }
+ }
+ croak("Undefined subroutine $AUTOLOAD\n") unless $code;
+ local ($@,$!);
+ eval "package $pack; $code";
+ if ($@) {
+ $@ =~ s/ at .*\n//;
+ croak("$AUTOLOAD: $@");
+ }
+ }
+ CORE::delete($sub->{$func_name}); #free storage
+ return "$pack\:\:$func_name";
+sub _selected {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $value = shift;
+ return '' unless $value;
+ return $XHTML ? qq(selected="selected" ) : qq(selected );
+sub _checked {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $value = shift;
+ return '' unless $value;
+ return $XHTML ? qq(checked="checked" ) : qq(checked );
+sub _reset_globals { initialize_globals(); }
+sub _setup_symbols {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $compile = 0;
+ # to avoid reexporting unwanted variables
+ undef %EXPORT;
+ for (@_) {
+ $HEADERS_ONCE++, next if /^[:-]unique_headers$/;
+ $NPH++, next if /^[:-]nph$/;
+ $NOSTICKY++, next if /^[:-]nosticky$/;
+ $DEBUG=0, next if /^[:-]no_?[Dd]ebug$/;
+ $DEBUG=2, next if /^[:-][Dd]ebug$/;
+ $USE_PARAM_SEMICOLONS++, next if /^[:-]newstyle_urls$/;
+ $PARAM_UTF8++, next if /^[:-]utf8$/;
+ $XHTML++, next if /^[:-]xhtml$/;
+ $XHTML=0, next if /^[:-]no_?xhtml$/;
+ $USE_PARAM_SEMICOLONS=0, next if /^[:-]oldstyle_urls$/;
+ $PRIVATE_TEMPFILES++, next if /^[:-]private_tempfiles$/;
+ $TABINDEX++, next if /^[:-]tabindex$/;
+ $CLOSE_UPLOAD_FILES++, next if /^[:-]close_upload_files$/;
+ $EXPORT{$_}++, next if /^[:-]any$/;
+ $compile++, next if /^[:-]compile$/;
+ $NO_UNDEF_PARAMS++, next if /^[:-]no_undef_params$/;
+ # This is probably extremely evil code -- to be deleted some day.
+ if (/^[-]autoload$/) {
+ my($pkg) = caller(1);
+ *{"${pkg}::AUTOLOAD"} = sub {
+ my($routine) = $AUTOLOAD;
+ $routine =~ s/^.*::/CGI::/;
+ &$routine;
+ };
+ next;
+ }
+ for (&expand_tags($_)) {
+ tr/a-zA-Z0-9_//cd; # don't allow weird function names
+ $EXPORT{$_}++;
+ }
+ }
+ _compile_all(keys %EXPORT) if $compile;
+sub charset {
+ my ($self,$charset) = self_or_default(@_);
+ $self->{'.charset'} = $charset if defined $charset;
+ $self->{'.charset'};
+sub element_id {
+ my ($self,$new_value) = self_or_default(@_);
+ $self->{'.elid'} = $new_value if defined $new_value;
+ sprintf('%010d',$self->{'.elid'}++);
+sub element_tab {
+ my ($self,$new_value) = self_or_default(@_);
+ $self->{'.etab'} ||= 1;
+ $self->{'.etab'} = $new_value if defined $new_value;
+ my $tab = $self->{'.etab'}++;
+ return '' unless $TABINDEX or defined $new_value;
+ return qq(tabindex="$tab" );
+################# THESE FUNCTIONS ARE AUTOLOADED ON DEMAND ####################
+$AUTOLOADED_ROUTINES = ''; # get rid of -w warning
+%SUBS = (
+sub URL_ENCODED { 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; }
+sub MULTIPART { 'multipart/form-data'; }
+sub SERVER_PUSH { 'multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary="' . shift() . '"'; }
+'new_MultipartBuffer' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+# Create a new multipart buffer
+sub new_MultipartBuffer {
+ my($self,$boundary,$length) = @_;
+ return MultipartBuffer->new($self,$boundary,$length);
+'read_from_client' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+# Read data from a file handle
+sub read_from_client {
+ my($self, $buff, $len, $offset) = @_;
+ local $^W=0; # prevent a warning
+ return $MOD_PERL
+ ? $self->r->read($$buff, $len, $offset)
+ : read(\*STDIN, $$buff, $len, $offset);
+'read_from_stdin' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+# Read data from stdin until all is read
+sub read_from_stdin {
+ my($self, $buff) = @_;
+ local $^W=0; # prevent a warning
+ #
+ # TODO: loop over STDIN until all is read
+ #
+ my($eoffound) = 0;
+ my($localbuf) = '';
+ my($tempbuf) = '';
+ my($bufsiz) = 1024;
+ my($res);
+ while ($eoffound == 0) {
+ if ( $MOD_PERL ) {
+ $res = $self->r->read($tempbuf, $bufsiz, 0)
+ }
+ else {
+ $res = read(\*STDIN, $tempbuf, $bufsiz);
+ }
+ if ( !defined($res) ) {
+ # TODO: how to do error reporting ?
+ $eoffound = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ if ( $res == 0 ) {
+ $eoffound = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ $localbuf .= $tempbuf;
+ }
+ $$buff = $localbuf;
+ return $res;
+'delete' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+#### Method: delete
+# Deletes the named parameter entirely.
+sub delete {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my(@names) = rearrange([NAME],@p);
+ my @to_delete = ref($names[0]) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$names[0] : @names;
+ my %to_delete;
+ for my $name (@to_delete)
+ {
+ CORE::delete $self->{param}{$name};
+ CORE::delete $self->{'.fieldnames'}->{$name};
+ $to_delete{$name}++;
+ }
+ @{$self->{'.parameters'}}=grep { !exists($to_delete{$_}) } $self->param();
+ return;
+#### Method: import_names
+# Import all parameters into the given namespace.
+# Assumes namespace 'Q' if not specified
+'import_names' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub import_names {
+ my($self,$namespace,$delete) = self_or_default(@_);
+ $namespace = 'Q' unless defined($namespace);
+ die "Can't import names into \"main\"\n" if \%{"${namespace}::"} == \%::;
+ if ($delete || $MOD_PERL || exists $ENV{'FCGI_ROLE'}) {
+ # can anyone find an easier way to do this?
+ for (keys %{"${namespace}::"}) {
+ local *symbol = "${namespace}::${_}";
+ undef $symbol;
+ undef @symbol;
+ undef %symbol;
+ }
+ }
+ my($param,@value,$var);
+ for $param ($self->param) {
+ # protect against silly names
+ ($var = $param)=~tr/a-zA-Z0-9_/_/c;
+ $var =~ s/^(?=\d)/_/;
+ local *symbol = "${namespace}::$var";
+ @value = $self->param($param);
+ @symbol = @value;
+ $symbol = $value[0];
+ }
+#### Method: keywords
+# Keywords acts a bit differently. Calling it in a list context
+# returns the list of keywords.
+# Calling it in a scalar context gives you the size of the list.
+'keywords' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub keywords {
+ my($self,@values) = self_or_default(@_);
+ # If values is provided, then we set it.
+ $self->{param}{'keywords'}=[@values] if @values;
+ my(@result) = defined($self->{param}{'keywords'}) ? @{$self->{param}{'keywords'}} : ();
+ @result;
+# These are some tie() interfaces for compatibility
+# with Steve Brenner's routines
+'Vars' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub Vars {
+ my $q = shift;
+ my %in;
+ tie(%in,CGI,$q);
+ return %in if wantarray;
+ return \%in;
+# These are some tie() interfaces for compatibility
+# with Steve Brenner's routines
+'ReadParse' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub ReadParse {
+ local(*in);
+ if (@_) {
+ *in = $_[0];
+ } else {
+ my $pkg = caller();
+ *in=*{"${pkg}::in"};
+ }
+ tie(%in,CGI);
+ return scalar(keys %in);
+'PrintHeader' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub PrintHeader {
+ my($self) = self_or_default(@_);
+ return $self->header();
+'HtmlTop' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub HtmlTop {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ return $self->start_html(@p);
+'HtmlBot' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub HtmlBot {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ return $self->end_html(@p);
+'SplitParam' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub SplitParam {
+ my ($param) = @_;
+ my (@params) = split ("\0", $param);
+ return (wantarray ? @params : $params[0]);
+'MethGet' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub MethGet {
+ return request_method() eq 'GET';
+'MethPost' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub MethPost {
+ return request_method() eq 'POST';
+'MethPut' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub MethPut {
+ return request_method() eq 'PUT';
+sub TIEHASH {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $arg = $_[0];
+ if (ref($arg) && UNIVERSAL::isa($arg,'CGI')) {
+ return $arg;
+ }
+ return $Q ||= $class->new(@_);
+'STORE' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub STORE {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $tag = shift;
+ my $vals = shift;
+ my @vals = index($vals,"\0")!=-1 ? split("\0",$vals) : $vals;
+ $self->param(-name=>$tag,-value=>\@vals);
+'FETCH' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub FETCH {
+ return $_[0] if $_[1] eq 'CGI';
+ return undef unless defined $_[0]->param($_[1]);
+ return join("\0",$_[0]->param($_[1]));
+ $_[0]->{'.iterator'}=0;
+ $_[0]->{'.parameters'}->[$_[0]->{'.iterator'}++];
+sub NEXTKEY {
+ $_[0]->{'.parameters'}->[$_[0]->{'.iterator'}++];
+sub EXISTS {
+ exists $_[0]->{param}{$_[1]};
+sub DELETE {
+ $_[0]->delete($_[1]);
+'CLEAR' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub CLEAR {
+ %{$_[0]}=();
+# Append a new value to an existing query
+'append' => <<'EOF',
+sub append {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my($name,$value) = rearrange([NAME,[VALUE,VALUES]],@p);
+ my(@values) = defined($value) ? (ref($value) ? @{$value} : $value) : ();
+ if (@values) {
+ $self->add_parameter($name);
+ push(@{$self->{param}{$name}},@values);
+ }
+ return $self->param($name);
+#### Method: delete_all
+# Delete all parameters
+'delete_all' => <<'EOF',
+sub delete_all {
+ my($self) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my @param = $self->param();
+ $self->delete(@param);
+'Delete' => <<'EOF',
+sub Delete {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ $self->delete(@p);
+'Delete_all' => <<'EOF',
+sub Delete_all {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ $self->delete_all(@p);
+#### Method: autoescape
+# If you want to turn off the autoescaping features,
+# call this method with undef as the argument
+'autoEscape' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub autoEscape {
+ my($self,$escape) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my $d = $self->{'escape'};
+ $self->{'escape'} = $escape;
+ $d;
+#### Method: version
+# Return the current version
+'version' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub version {
+ return $VERSION;
+#### Method: url_param
+# Return a parameter in the QUERY_STRING, regardless of
+# whether this was a POST or a GET
+'url_param' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub url_param {
+ my ($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my $name = shift(@p);
+ return undef unless exists($ENV{QUERY_STRING});
+ unless (exists($self->{'.url_param'})) {
+ $self->{'.url_param'}={}; # empty hash
+ if ($ENV{QUERY_STRING} =~ /=/) {
+ my(@pairs) = split(/[&;]/,$ENV{QUERY_STRING});
+ my($param,$value);
+ for (@pairs) {
+ ($param,$value) = split('=',$_,2);
+ $param = unescape($param);
+ $value = unescape($value);
+ push(@{$self->{'.url_param'}->{$param}},$value);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $self->{'.url_param'}->{'keywords'} = [$self->parse_keywordlist($ENV{QUERY_STRING})];
+ }
+ }
+ return keys %{$self->{'.url_param'}} unless defined($name);
+ return () unless $self->{'.url_param'}->{$name};
+ return wantarray ? @{$self->{'.url_param'}->{$name}}
+ : $self->{'.url_param'}->{$name}->[0];
+#### Method: Dump
+# Returns a string in which all the known parameter/value
+# pairs are represented as nested lists, mainly for the purposes
+# of debugging.
+'Dump' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub Dump {
+ my($self) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my($param,$value,@result);
+ return '<ul></ul>' unless $self->param;
+ push(@result,"<ul>");
+ for $param ($self->param) {
+ my($name)=$self->escapeHTML($param);
+ push(@result,"<li><strong>$name</strong></li>");
+ push(@result,"<ul>");
+ for $value ($self->param($param)) {
+ $value = $self->escapeHTML($value);
+ $value =~ s/\n/<br \/>\n/g;
+ push(@result,"<li>$value</li>");
+ }
+ push(@result,"</ul>");
+ }
+ push(@result,"</ul>");
+ return join("\n",@result);
+#### Method as_string
+# synonym for "dump"
+'as_string' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub as_string {
+ &Dump(@_);
+#### Method: save
+# Write values out to a filehandle in such a way that they can
+# be reinitialized by the filehandle form of the new() method
+'save' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub save {
+ my($self,$filehandle) = self_or_default(@_);
+ $filehandle = to_filehandle($filehandle);
+ my($param);
+ local($,) = ''; # set print field separator back to a sane value
+ local($\) = ''; # set output line separator to a sane value
+ for $param ($self->param) {
+ my($escaped_param) = escape($param);
+ my($value);
+ for $value ($self->param($param)) {
+ print $filehandle "$escaped_param=",escape("$value"),"\n";
+ }
+ }
+ for (keys %{$self->{'.fieldnames'}}) {
+ print $filehandle ".cgifields=",escape("$_"),"\n";
+ }
+ print $filehandle "=\n"; # end of record
+#### Method: save_parameters
+# An alias for save() that is a better name for exportation.
+# Only intended to be used with the function (non-OO) interface.
+'save_parameters' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub save_parameters {
+ my $fh = shift;
+ return save(to_filehandle($fh));
+#### Method: restore_parameters
+# A way to restore CGI parameters from an initializer.
+# Only intended to be used with the function (non-OO) interface.
+'restore_parameters' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub restore_parameters {
+ $Q = $CGI::DefaultClass->new(@_);
+#### Method: multipart_init
+# Return a Content-Type: style header for server-push
+# This has to be NPH on most web servers, and it is advisable to set $| = 1
+# Many thanks to Ed Jordan <> for this
+# contribution, updated by Andrew Benham (
+'multipart_init' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub multipart_init {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my($boundary,@other) = rearrange_header([BOUNDARY],@p);
+ $boundary = $boundary || '------- =_aaaaaaaaaa0';
+ $self->{'separator'} = "$CRLF--$boundary$CRLF";
+ $self->{'final_separator'} = "$CRLF--$boundary--$CRLF";
+ $type = SERVER_PUSH($boundary);
+ return $self->header(
+ -nph => 0,
+ -type => $type,
+ (map { split "=", $_, 2 } @other),
+#### Method: multipart_start
+# Return a Content-Type: style header for server-push, start of section
+# Many thanks to Ed Jordan <> for this
+# contribution, updated by Andrew Benham (
+'multipart_start' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub multipart_start {
+ my(@header);
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my($type,@other) = rearrange([TYPE],@p);
+ $type = $type || 'text/html';
+ push(@header,"Content-Type: $type");
+ # rearrange() was designed for the HTML portion, so we
+ # need to fix it up a little.
+ for (@other) {
+ # Don't use \s because of perl bug 21951
+ next unless my($header,$value) = /([^ \r\n\t=]+)=\"?(.+?)\"?$/;
+ ($_ = $header) =~ s/^(\w)(.*)/$1 . lc ($2) . ': '.$self->unescapeHTML($value)/e;
+ }
+ push(@header,@other);
+ my $header = join($CRLF,@header)."${CRLF}${CRLF}";
+ return $header;
+#### Method: multipart_end
+# Return a MIME boundary separator for server-push, end of section
+# Many thanks to Ed Jordan <> for this
+# contribution
+'multipart_end' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub multipart_end {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ return $self->{'separator'};
+#### Method: multipart_final
+# Return a MIME boundary separator for server-push, end of all sections
+# Contributed by Andrew Benham (
+'multipart_final' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub multipart_final {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+#### Method: header
+# Return a Content-Type: style header
+'header' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub header {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my(@header);
+ return "" if $self->{'.header_printed'}++ and $HEADERS_ONCE;
+ my($type,$status,$cookie,$target,$expires,$nph,$charset,$attachment,$p3p,@other) =
+ rearrange([['TYPE','CONTENT_TYPE','CONTENT-TYPE'],
+ 'ATTACHMENT','P3P'],@p);
+ $nph ||= $NPH;
+ $type ||= 'text/html' unless defined($type);
+ if (defined $charset) {
+ $self->charset($charset);
+ } else {
+ $charset = $self->charset if $type =~ /^text\//;
+ }
+ $charset ||= '';
+ # rearrange() was designed for the HTML portion, so we
+ # need to fix it up a little.
+ for (@other) {
+ # Don't use \s because of perl bug 21951
+ next unless my($header,$value) = /([^ \r\n\t=]+)=\"?(.+?)\"?$/;
+ ($_ = $header) =~ s/^(\w)(.*)/"\u$1\L$2" . ': '.$self->unescapeHTML($value)/e;
+ }
+ $type .= "; charset=$charset"
+ if $type ne ''
+ and $type !~ /\bcharset\b/
+ and defined $charset
+ and $charset ne '';
+ # Maybe future compatibility. Maybe not.
+ my $protocol = $ENV{SERVER_PROTOCOL} || 'HTTP/1.0';
+ push(@header,$protocol . ' ' . ($status || '200 OK')) if $nph;
+ push(@header,"Server: " . &server_software()) if $nph;
+ push(@header,"Status: $status") if $status;
+ push(@header,"Window-Target: $target") if $target;
+ if ($p3p) {
+ $p3p = join ' ',@$p3p if ref($p3p) eq 'ARRAY';
+ push(@header,qq(P3P: policyref="/w3c/p3p.xml", CP="$p3p"));
+ }
+ # push all the cookies -- there may be several
+ if ($cookie) {
+ my(@cookie) = ref($cookie) && ref($cookie) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$cookie} : $cookie;
+ for (@cookie) {
+ my $cs = UNIVERSAL::isa($_,'CGI::Cookie') ? $_->as_string : $_;
+ push(@header,"Set-Cookie: $cs") if $cs ne '';
+ }
+ }
+ # if the user indicates an expiration time, then we need
+ # both an Expires and a Date header (so that the browser is
+ # uses OUR clock)
+ push(@header,"Expires: " . expires($expires,'http'))
+ if $expires;
+ push(@header,"Date: " . expires(0,'http')) if $expires || $cookie || $nph;
+ push(@header,"Pragma: no-cache") if $self->cache();
+ push(@header,"Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$attachment\"") if $attachment;
+ push(@header,map {ucfirst $_} @other);
+ push(@header,"Content-Type: $type") if $type ne '';
+ my $header = join($CRLF,@header)."${CRLF}${CRLF}";
+ if (($MOD_PERL >= 1) && !$nph) {
+ $self->r->send_cgi_header($header);
+ return '';
+ }
+ return $header;
+#### Method: cache
+# Control whether header() will produce the no-cache
+# Pragma directive.
+'cache' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub cache {
+ my($self,$new_value) = self_or_default(@_);
+ $new_value = '' unless $new_value;
+ if ($new_value ne '') {
+ $self->{'cache'} = $new_value;
+ }
+ return $self->{'cache'};
+#### Method: redirect
+# Return a Location: style header
+'redirect' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub redirect {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my($url,$target,$status,$cookie,$nph,@other) =
+ $status = '302 Found' unless defined $status;
+ $url ||= $self->self_url;
+ my(@o);
+ for (@other) { tr/\"//d; push(@o,split("=",$_,2)); }
+ unshift(@o,
+ '-Status' => $status,
+ '-Location'=> $url,
+ '-nph' => $nph);
+ unshift(@o,'-Target'=>$target) if $target;
+ unshift(@o,'-Type'=>'');
+ my @unescaped;
+ unshift(@unescaped,'-Cookie'=>$cookie) if $cookie;
+ return $self->header((map {$self->unescapeHTML($_)} @o),@unescaped);
+#### Method: start_html
+# Canned HTML header
+# Parameters:
+# $title -> (optional) The title for this HTML document (-title)
+# $author -> (optional) e-mail address of the author (-author)
+# $base -> (optional) if set to true, will enter the BASE address of this document
+# for resolving relative references (-base)
+# $xbase -> (optional) alternative base at some remote location (-xbase)
+# $target -> (optional) target window to load all links into (-target)
+# $script -> (option) Javascript code (-script)
+# $no_script -> (option) Javascript <noscript> tag (-noscript)
+# $meta -> (optional) Meta information tags
+# $head -> (optional) any other elements you'd like to incorporate into the <head> tag
+# (a scalar or array ref)
+# $style -> (optional) reference to an external style sheet
+# @other -> (optional) any other named parameters you'd like to incorporate into
+# the <body> tag.
+'start_html' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub start_html {
+ my($self,@p) = &self_or_default(@_);
+ my($title,$author,$base,$xbase,$script,$noscript,
+ $target,$meta,$head,$style,$dtd,$lang,$encoding,$declare_xml,@other) =
+ $self->element_id(0);
+ $self->element_tab(0);
+ $encoding = lc($self->charset) unless defined $encoding;
+ # Need to sort out the DTD before it's okay to call escapeHTML().
+ my(@result,$xml_dtd);
+ if ($dtd) {
+ if (defined(ref($dtd)) and (ref($dtd) eq 'ARRAY')) {
+ $dtd = $DEFAULT_DTD unless $dtd->[0] =~ m|^-//|;
+ } else {
+ $dtd = $DEFAULT_DTD unless $dtd =~ m|^-//|;
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+ $xml_dtd++ if ref($dtd) eq 'ARRAY' && $dtd->[0] =~ /\bXHTML\b/i;
+ $xml_dtd++ if ref($dtd) eq '' && $dtd =~ /\bXHTML\b/i;
+ push @result,qq(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="$encoding"?>) if $xml_dtd && $declare_xml;
+ if (ref($dtd) && ref($dtd) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ push(@result,qq(<!DOCTYPE html\n\tPUBLIC "$dtd->[0]"\n\t "$dtd->[1]">));
+ } else {
+ push(@result,qq(<!DOCTYPE html\n\tPUBLIC "$dtd">));
+ }
+ # Now that we know whether we're using the HTML 3.2 DTD or not, it's okay to
+ # call escapeHTML(). Strangely enough, the title needs to be escaped as
+ # HTML while the author needs to be escaped as a URL.
+ $title = $self->escapeHTML($title || 'Untitled Document');
+ $author = $self->escape($author);
+ if ($DTD_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER =~ /[^X]HTML (2\.0|3\.2)/i) {
+ $lang = "" unless defined $lang;
+ $XHTML = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ $lang = 'en-US' unless defined $lang;
+ }
+ my $lang_bits = $lang ne '' ? qq( lang="$lang" xml:lang="$lang") : '';
+ my $meta_bits = qq(<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=$encoding" />)
+ if $XHTML && $encoding && !$declare_xml;
+ push(@result,$XHTML ? qq(<html xmlns=""$lang_bits>\n<head>\n<title>$title</title>)
+ : ($lang ? qq(<html lang="$lang">) : "<html>")
+ . "<head><title>$title</title>");
+ if (defined $author) {
+ push(@result,$XHTML ? "<link rev=\"made\" href=\"mailto:$author\" />"
+ : "<link rev=\"made\" href=\"mailto:$author\">");
+ }
+ if ($base || $xbase || $target) {
+ my $href = $xbase || $self->url('-path'=>1);
+ my $t = $target ? qq/ target="$target"/ : '';
+ push(@result,$XHTML ? qq(<base href="$href"$t />) : qq(<base href="$href"$t>));
+ }
+ if ($meta && ref($meta) && (ref($meta) eq 'HASH')) {
+ for (keys %$meta) { push(@result,$XHTML ? qq(<meta name="$_" content="$meta->{$_}" />)
+ : qq(<meta name="$_" content="$meta->{$_}">)); }
+ }
+ my $meta_bits_set = 0;
+ if( $head ) {
+ if( ref $head ) {
+ push @result, @$head;
+ $meta_bits_set = 1 if grep { /http-equiv=["']Content-Type/i }@$head;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @result, $head;
+ $meta_bits_set = 1 if $head =~ /http-equiv=["']Content-Type/i;
+ }
+ }
+ # handle the infrequently-used -style and -script parameters
+ push(@result,$self->_style($style)) if defined $style;
+ push(@result,$self->_script($script)) if defined $script;
+ push(@result,$meta_bits) if defined $meta_bits and !$meta_bits_set;
+ # handle -noscript parameter
+ push(@result,<<END) if $noscript;
+ ;
+ my($other) = @other ? " @other" : '';
+ push(@result,"</head>\n<body$other>\n");
+ return join("\n",@result);
+### Method: _style
+# internal method for generating a CSS style section
+'_style' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub _style {
+ my ($self,$style) = @_;
+ my (@result);
+ my $type = 'text/css';
+ my $rel = 'stylesheet';
+ my $cdata_start = $XHTML ? "\n<!--/* <![CDATA[ */" : "\n<!-- ";
+ my $cdata_end = $XHTML ? "\n/* ]]> */-->\n" : " -->\n";
+ my @s = ref($style) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$style : $style;
+ my $other = '';
+ for my $s (@s) {
+ if (ref($s)) {
+ my($src,$code,$verbatim,$stype,$alternate,$foo,@other) =
+ ('-foo'=>'bar',
+ ref($s) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$s : %$s));
+ my $type = defined $stype ? $stype : 'text/css';
+ my $rel = $alternate ? 'alternate stylesheet' : 'stylesheet';
+ $other = "@other" if @other;
+ if (ref($src) eq "ARRAY") # Check to see if the $src variable is an array reference
+ { # If it is, push a LINK tag for each one
+ for $src (@$src)
+ {
+ push(@result,$XHTML ? qq(<link rel="$rel" type="$type" href="$src" $other/>)
+ : qq(<link rel="$rel" type="$type" href="$src"$other>)) if $src;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { # Otherwise, push the single -src, if it exists.
+ push(@result,$XHTML ? qq(<link rel="$rel" type="$type" href="$src" $other/>)
+ : qq(<link rel="$rel" type="$type" href="$src"$other>)
+ ) if $src;
+ }
+ if ($verbatim) {
+ my @v = ref($verbatim) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$verbatim : $verbatim;
+ push(@result, "<style type=\"text/css\">\n$_\n</style>") for @v;
+ }
+ my @c = ref($code) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$code : $code if $code;
+ push(@result,style({'type'=>$type},"$cdata_start\n$_\n$cdata_end")) for @c;
+ } else {
+ my $src = $s;
+ push(@result,$XHTML ? qq(<link rel="$rel" type="$type" href="$src" $other/>)
+ : qq(<link rel="$rel" type="$type" href="$src"$other>));
+ }
+ }
+ @result;
+'_script' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub _script {
+ my ($self,$script) = @_;
+ my (@result);
+ my (@scripts) = ref($script) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$script : ($script);
+ for $script (@scripts) {
+ my($src,$code,$language);
+ if (ref($script)) { # script is a hash
+ ($src,$code,$type) =
+ rearrange(['SRC','CODE',['LANGUAGE','TYPE']],
+ '-foo'=>'bar', # a trick to allow the '-' to be omitted
+ ref($script) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$script : %$script);
+ $type ||= 'text/javascript';
+ unless ($type =~ m!\w+/\w+!) {
+ $type =~ s/[\d.]+$//;
+ $type = "text/$type";
+ }
+ } else {
+ ($src,$code,$type) = ('',$script, 'text/javascript');
+ }
+ my $comment = '//'; # javascript by default
+ $comment = '#' if $type=~/perl|tcl/i;
+ $comment = "'" if $type=~/vbscript/i;
+ my ($cdata_start,$cdata_end);
+ if ($XHTML) {
+ $cdata_start = "$comment<![CDATA[\n";
+ $cdata_end .= "\n$comment]]>";
+ } else {
+ $cdata_start = "\n<!-- Hide script\n";
+ $cdata_end = $comment;
+ $cdata_end .= " End script hiding -->\n";
+ }
+ my(@satts);
+ push(@satts,'src'=>$src) if $src;
+ push(@satts,'type'=>$type);
+ $code = $cdata_start . $code . $cdata_end if defined $code;
+ push(@result,$self->script({@satts},$code || ''));
+ }
+ @result;
+#### Method: end_html
+# End an HTML document.
+# Trivial method for completeness. Just returns "</body>"
+'end_html' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub end_html {
+ return "\n</body>\n</html>";
+#### Method: isindex
+# Just prints out the isindex tag.
+# Parameters:
+# $action -> optional URL of script to run
+# Returns:
+# A string containing a <isindex> tag
+'isindex' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub isindex {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my($action,@other) = rearrange([ACTION],@p);
+ $action = qq/ action="$action"/ if $action;
+ my($other) = @other ? " @other" : '';
+ return $XHTML ? "<isindex$action$other />" : "<isindex$action$other>";
+#### Method: startform
+# Start a form
+# Parameters:
+# $method -> optional submission method to use (GET or POST)
+# $action -> optional URL of script to run
+# $enctype ->encoding to use (URL_ENCODED or MULTIPART)
+'startform' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub startform {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my($method,$action,$enctype,@other) =
+ rearrange([METHOD,ACTION,ENCTYPE],@p);
+ $method = $self->escapeHTML(lc($method || 'post'));
+ $enctype = $self->escapeHTML($enctype || &URL_ENCODED);
+ if (defined $action) {
+ $action = $self->escapeHTML($action);
+ }
+ else {
+ $action = $self->escapeHTML($self->request_uri || $self->self_url);
+ }
+ $action = qq(action="$action");
+ my($other) = @other ? " @other" : '';
+ $self->{'.parametersToAdd'}={};
+ return qq/<form method="$method" $action enctype="$enctype"$other>\n/;
+#### Method: start_form
+# synonym for startform
+'start_form' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub start_form {
+ $XHTML ? &start_multipart_form : &startform;
+'end_multipart_form' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub end_multipart_form {
+ &endform;
+#### Method: start_multipart_form
+# synonym for startform
+'start_multipart_form' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub start_multipart_form {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ if (defined($p[0]) && substr($p[0],0,1) eq '-') {
+ return $self->startform(-enctype=>&MULTIPART,@p);
+ } else {
+ my($method,$action,@other) =
+ rearrange([METHOD,ACTION],@p);
+ return $self->startform($method,$action,&MULTIPART,@other);
+ }
+#### Method: endform
+# End a form
+'endform' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub endform {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ if ( $NOSTICKY ) {
+ return wantarray ? ("</form>") : "\n</form>";
+ } else {
+ if (my @fields = $self->get_fields) {
+ return wantarray ? ("<div>",@fields,"</div>","</form>")
+ : "<div>".(join '',@fields)."</div>\n</form>";
+ } else {
+ return "</form>";
+ }
+ }
+'_textfield' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub _textfield {
+ my($self,$tag,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my($name,$default,$size,$maxlength,$override,$tabindex,@other) =
+ my $current = $override ? $default :
+ (defined($self->param($name)) ? $self->param($name) : $default);
+ $current = defined($current) ? $self->escapeHTML($current,1) : '';
+ $name = defined($name) ? $self->escapeHTML($name) : '';
+ my($s) = defined($size) ? qq/ size="$size"/ : '';
+ my($m) = defined($maxlength) ? qq/ maxlength="$maxlength"/ : '';
+ my($other) = @other ? " @other" : '';
+ # this entered at cristy's request to fix problems with file upload fields
+ # and WebTV -- not sure it won't break stuff
+ my($value) = $current ne '' ? qq(value="$current") : '';
+ $tabindex = $self->element_tab($tabindex);
+ return $XHTML ? qq(<input type="$tag" name="$name" $tabindex$value$s$m$other />)
+ : qq(<input type="$tag" name="$name" $value$s$m$other>);
+#### Method: textfield
+# Parameters:
+# $name -> Name of the text field
+# $default -> Optional default value of the field if not
+# already defined.
+# $size -> Optional width of field in characaters.
+# $maxlength -> Optional maximum number of characters.
+# Returns:
+# A string containing a <input type="text"> field
+'textfield' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub textfield {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ $self->_textfield('text',@p);
+#### Method: filefield
+# Parameters:
+# $name -> Name of the file upload field
+# $size -> Optional width of field in characaters.
+# $maxlength -> Optional maximum number of characters.
+# Returns:
+# A string containing a <input type="file"> field
+'filefield' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub filefield {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ $self->_textfield('file',@p);
+#### Method: password
+# Create a "secret password" entry field
+# Parameters:
+# $name -> Name of the field
+# $default -> Optional default value of the field if not
+# already defined.
+# $size -> Optional width of field in characters.
+# $maxlength -> Optional maximum characters that can be entered.
+# Returns:
+# A string containing a <input type="password"> field
+'password_field' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub password_field {
+ my ($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ $self->_textfield('password',@p);
+#### Method: textarea
+# Parameters:
+# $name -> Name of the text field
+# $default -> Optional default value of the field if not
+# already defined.
+# $rows -> Optional number of rows in text area
+# $columns -> Optional number of columns in text area
+# Returns:
+# A string containing a <textarea></textarea> tag
+'textarea' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub textarea {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my($name,$default,$rows,$cols,$override,$tabindex,@other) =
+ my($current)= $override ? $default :
+ (defined($self->param($name)) ? $self->param($name) : $default);
+ $name = defined($name) ? $self->escapeHTML($name) : '';
+ $current = defined($current) ? $self->escapeHTML($current) : '';
+ my($r) = $rows ? qq/ rows="$rows"/ : '';
+ my($c) = $cols ? qq/ cols="$cols"/ : '';
+ my($other) = @other ? " @other" : '';
+ $tabindex = $self->element_tab($tabindex);
+ return qq{<textarea name="$name" $tabindex$r$c$other>$current</textarea>};
+#### Method: button
+# Create a javascript button.
+# Parameters:
+# $name -> (optional) Name for the button. (-name)
+# $value -> (optional) Value of the button when selected (and visible name) (-value)
+# $onclick -> (optional) Text of the JavaScript to run when the button is
+# clicked.
+# Returns:
+# A string containing a <input type="button"> tag
+'button' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub button {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my($label,$value,$script,$tabindex,@other) = rearrange([NAME,[VALUE,LABEL],
+ $label=$self->escapeHTML($label);
+ $value=$self->escapeHTML($value,1);
+ $script=$self->escapeHTML($script);
+ my($name) = '';
+ $name = qq/ name="$label"/ if $label;
+ $value = $value || $label;
+ my($val) = '';
+ $val = qq/ value="$value"/ if $value;
+ $script = qq/ onclick="$script"/ if $script;
+ my($other) = @other ? " @other" : '';
+ $tabindex = $self->element_tab($tabindex);
+ return $XHTML ? qq(<input type="button" $tabindex$name$val$script$other />)
+ : qq(<input type="button"$name$val$script$other>);
+#### Method: submit
+# Create a "submit query" button.
+# Parameters:
+# $name -> (optional) Name for the button.
+# $value -> (optional) Value of the button when selected (also doubles as label).
+# $label -> (optional) Label printed on the button(also doubles as the value).
+# Returns:
+# A string containing a <input type="submit"> tag
+'submit' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub submit {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my($label,$value,$tabindex,@other) = rearrange([NAME,[VALUE,LABEL],TABINDEX],@p);
+ $label=$self->escapeHTML($label);
+ $value=$self->escapeHTML($value,1);
+ my $name = $NOSTICKY ? '' : 'name=".submit" ';
+ $name = qq/name="$label" / if defined($label);
+ $value = defined($value) ? $value : $label;
+ my $val = '';
+ $val = qq/value="$value" / if defined($value);
+ $tabindex = $self->element_tab($tabindex);
+ my($other) = @other ? "@other " : '';
+ return $XHTML ? qq(<input type="submit" $tabindex$name$val$other/>)
+ : qq(<input type="submit" $name$val$other>);
+#### Method: reset
+# Create a "reset" button.
+# Parameters:
+# $name -> (optional) Name for the button.
+# Returns:
+# A string containing a <input type="reset"> tag
+'reset' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub reset {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my($label,$value,$tabindex,@other) = rearrange(['NAME',['VALUE','LABEL'],TABINDEX],@p);
+ $label=$self->escapeHTML($label);
+ $value=$self->escapeHTML($value,1);
+ my ($name) = ' name=".reset"';
+ $name = qq/ name="$label"/ if defined($label);
+ $value = defined($value) ? $value : $label;
+ my($val) = '';
+ $val = qq/ value="$value"/ if defined($value);
+ my($other) = @other ? " @other" : '';
+ $tabindex = $self->element_tab($tabindex);
+ return $XHTML ? qq(<input type="reset" $tabindex$name$val$other />)
+ : qq(<input type="reset"$name$val$other>);
+#### Method: defaults
+# Create a "defaults" button.
+# Parameters:
+# $name -> (optional) Name for the button.
+# Returns:
+# A string containing a <input type="submit" name=".defaults"> tag
+# Note: this button has a special meaning to the initialization script,
+# and tells it to ERASE the current query string so that your defaults
+# are used again!
+'defaults' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub defaults {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my($label,$tabindex,@other) = rearrange([[NAME,VALUE],TABINDEX],@p);
+ $label=$self->escapeHTML($label,1);
+ $label = $label || "Defaults";
+ my($value) = qq/ value="$label"/;
+ my($other) = @other ? " @other" : '';
+ $tabindex = $self->element_tab($tabindex);
+ return $XHTML ? qq(<input type="submit" name=".defaults" $tabindex$value$other />)
+ : qq/<input type="submit" NAME=".defaults"$value$other>/;
+#### Method: comment
+# Create an HTML <!-- comment -->
+# Parameters: a string
+'comment' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub comment {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_CGI(@_);
+ return "<!-- @p -->";
+#### Method: checkbox
+# Create a checkbox that is not logically linked to any others.
+# The field value is "on" when the button is checked.
+# Parameters:
+# $name -> Name of the checkbox
+# $checked -> (optional) turned on by default if true
+# $value -> (optional) value of the checkbox, 'on' by default
+# $label -> (optional) a user-readable label printed next to the box.
+# Otherwise the checkbox name is used.
+# Returns:
+# A string containing a <input type="checkbox"> field
+'checkbox' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub checkbox {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my($name,$checked,$value,$label,$labelattributes,$override,$tabindex,@other) =
+ $value = defined $value ? $value : 'on';
+ if (!$override && ($self->{'.fieldnames'}->{$name} ||
+ defined $self->param($name))) {
+ $checked = grep($_ eq $value,$self->param($name)) ? $self->_checked(1) : '';
+ } else {
+ $checked = $self->_checked($checked);
+ }
+ my($the_label) = defined $label ? $label : $name;
+ $name = $self->escapeHTML($name);
+ $value = $self->escapeHTML($value,1);
+ $the_label = $self->escapeHTML($the_label);
+ my($other) = @other ? "@other " : '';
+ $tabindex = $self->element_tab($tabindex);
+ $self->register_parameter($name);
+ return $XHTML ? CGI::label($labelattributes,
+ qq{<input type="checkbox" name="$name" value="$value" $tabindex$checked$other/>$the_label})
+ : qq{<input type="checkbox" name="$name" value="$value"$checked$other>$the_label};
+# Escape HTML -- used internally
+'escapeHTML' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub escapeHTML {
+ # hack to work around earlier hacks
+ push @_,$_[0] if @_==1 && $_[0] eq 'CGI';
+ my ($self,$toencode,$newlinestoo) = CGI::self_or_default(@_);
+ return undef unless defined($toencode);
+ return $toencode if ref($self) && !$self->{'escape'};
+ $toencode =~ s{&}{&amp;}gso;
+ $toencode =~ s{<}{&lt;}gso;
+ $toencode =~ s{>}{&gt;}gso;
+ if ($DTD_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER =~ /[^X]HTML 3\.2/i) {
+ # $quot; was accidentally omitted from the HTML 3.2 DTD -- see
+ # <> /
+ # <>.
+ $toencode =~ s{"}{&#34;}gso;
+ }
+ else {
+ $toencode =~ s{"}{&quot;}gso;
+ }
+ # Handle bug in some browsers with Latin charsets
+ if ($self->{'.charset'} &&
+ (uc($self->{'.charset'}) eq 'ISO-8859-1' ||
+ uc($self->{'.charset'}) eq 'WINDOWS-1252'))
+ {
+ $toencode =~ s{'}{&#39;}gso;
+ $toencode =~ s{\x8b}{&#8249;}gso;
+ $toencode =~ s{\x9b}{&#8250;}gso;
+ if (defined $newlinestoo && $newlinestoo) {
+ $toencode =~ s{\012}{&#10;}gso;
+ $toencode =~ s{\015}{&#13;}gso;
+ }
+ }
+ return $toencode;
+# unescape HTML -- used internally
+'unescapeHTML' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub unescapeHTML {
+ # hack to work around earlier hacks
+ push @_,$_[0] if @_==1 && $_[0] eq 'CGI';
+ my ($self,$string) = CGI::self_or_default(@_);
+ return undef unless defined($string);
+ my $latin = defined $self->{'.charset'} ? $self->{'.charset'} =~ /^(ISO-8859-1|WINDOWS-1252)$/i
+ : 1;
+ # thanks to Randal Schwartz for the correct solution to this one
+ $string=~ s[&(.*?);]{
+ local $_ = $1;
+ /^amp$/i ? "&" :
+ /^quot$/i ? '"' :
+ /^gt$/i ? ">" :
+ /^lt$/i ? "<" :
+ /^#(\d+)$/ && $latin ? chr($1) :
+ /^#x([0-9a-f]+)$/i && $latin ? chr(hex($1)) :
+ $_
+ }gex;
+ return $string;
+# Internal procedure - don't use
+'_tableize' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub _tableize {
+ my($rows,$columns,$rowheaders,$colheaders,@elements) = @_;
+ my @rowheaders = $rowheaders ? @$rowheaders : ();
+ my @colheaders = $colheaders ? @$colheaders : ();
+ my($result);
+ if (defined($columns)) {
+ $rows = int(0.99 + @elements/$columns) unless defined($rows);
+ }
+ if (defined($rows)) {
+ $columns = int(0.99 + @elements/$rows) unless defined($columns);
+ }
+ # rearrange into a pretty table
+ $result = "<table>";
+ my($row,$column);
+ unshift(@colheaders,'') if @colheaders && @rowheaders;
+ $result .= "<tr>" if @colheaders;
+ for (@colheaders) {
+ $result .= "<th>$_</th>";
+ }
+ for ($row=0;$row<$rows;$row++) {
+ $result .= "<tr>";
+ $result .= "<th>$rowheaders[$row]</th>" if @rowheaders;
+ for ($column=0;$column<$columns;$column++) {
+ $result .= "<td>" . $elements[$column*$rows + $row] . "</td>"
+ if defined($elements[$column*$rows + $row]);
+ }
+ $result .= "</tr>";
+ }
+ $result .= "</table>";
+ return $result;
+#### Method: radio_group
+# Create a list of logically-linked radio buttons.
+# Parameters:
+# $name -> Common name for all the buttons.
+# $values -> A pointer to a regular array containing the
+# values for each button in the group.
+# $default -> (optional) Value of the button to turn on by default. Pass '-'
+# to turn _nothing_ on.
+# $linebreak -> (optional) Set to true to place linebreaks
+# between the buttons.
+# $labels -> (optional)
+# A pointer to a hash of labels to print next to each checkbox
+# in the form $label{'value'}="Long explanatory label".
+# Otherwise the provided values are used as the labels.
+# Returns:
+# An ARRAY containing a series of <input type="radio"> fields
+'radio_group' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub radio_group {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ $self->_box_group('radio',@p);
+#### Method: checkbox_group
+# Create a list of logically-linked checkboxes.
+# Parameters:
+# $name -> Common name for all the check boxes
+# $values -> A pointer to a regular array containing the
+# values for each checkbox in the group.
+# $defaults -> (optional)
+# 1. If a pointer to a regular array of checkbox values,
+# then this will be used to decide which
+# checkboxes to turn on by default.
+# 2. If a scalar, will be assumed to hold the
+# value of a single checkbox in the group to turn on.
+# $linebreak -> (optional) Set to true to place linebreaks
+# between the buttons.
+# $labels -> (optional)
+# A pointer to a hash of labels to print next to each checkbox
+# in the form $label{'value'}="Long explanatory label".
+# Otherwise the provided values are used as the labels.
+# Returns:
+# An ARRAY containing a series of <input type="checkbox"> fields
+'checkbox_group' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub checkbox_group {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ $self->_box_group('checkbox',@p);
+'_box_group' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub _box_group {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $box_type = shift;
+ my($name,$values,$defaults,$linebreak,$labels,$labelattributes,
+ $attributes,$rows,$columns,$rowheaders,$colheaders,
+ $override,$nolabels,$tabindex,$disabled,@other) =
+ ],@_);
+ my($result,$checked,@elements,@values);
+ @values = $self->_set_values_and_labels($values,\$labels,$name);
+ my %checked = $self->previous_or_default($name,$defaults,$override);
+ # If no check array is specified, check the first by default
+ $checked{$values[0]}++ if $box_type eq 'radio' && !%checked;
+ $name=$self->escapeHTML($name);
+ my %tabs = ();
+ if ($TABINDEX && $tabindex) {
+ if (!ref $tabindex) {
+ $self->element_tab($tabindex);
+ } elsif (ref $tabindex eq 'ARRAY') {
+ %tabs = map {$_=>$self->element_tab} @$tabindex;
+ } elsif (ref $tabindex eq 'HASH') {
+ %tabs = %$tabindex;
+ }
+ }
+ %tabs = map {$_=>$self->element_tab} @values unless %tabs;
+ my $other = @other ? "@other " : '';
+ my $radio_checked;
+ # for disabling groups of radio/checkbox buttons
+ my %disabled;
+ for (@{$disabled}) {
+ $disabled{$_}=1;
+ }
+ for (@values) {
+ my $disable="";
+ if ($disabled{$_}) {
+ $disable="disabled='1'";
+ }
+ my $checkit = $self->_checked($box_type eq 'radio' ? ($checked{$_} && !$radio_checked++)
+ : $checked{$_});
+ my($break);
+ if ($linebreak) {
+ $break = $XHTML ? "<br />" : "<br>";
+ }
+ else {
+ $break = '';
+ }
+ my($label)='';
+ unless (defined($nolabels) && $nolabels) {
+ $label = $_;
+ $label = $labels->{$_} if defined($labels) && defined($labels->{$_});
+ $label = $self->escapeHTML($label,1);
+ $label = "<span style=\"color:gray\">$label</span>" if $disabled{$_};
+ }
+ my $attribs = $self->_set_attributes($_, $attributes);
+ my $tab = $tabs{$_};
+ $_=$self->escapeHTML($_);
+ if ($XHTML) {
+ push @elements,
+ CGI::label($labelattributes,
+ qq(<input type="$box_type" name="$name" value="$_" $checkit$other$tab$attribs$disable/>$label)).${break};
+ } else {
+ push(@elements,qq/<input type="$box_type" name="$name" value="$_"$checkit$other$tab$attribs$disable>${label}${break}/);
+ }
+ }
+ $self->register_parameter($name);
+ return wantarray ? @elements : "@elements"
+ unless defined($columns) || defined($rows);
+ return _tableize($rows,$columns,$rowheaders,$colheaders,@elements);
+#### Method: popup_menu
+# Create a popup menu.
+# Parameters:
+# $name -> Name for all the menu
+# $values -> A pointer to a regular array containing the
+# text of each menu item.
+# $default -> (optional) Default item to display
+# $labels -> (optional)
+# A pointer to a hash of labels to print next to each checkbox
+# in the form $label{'value'}="Long explanatory label".
+# Otherwise the provided values are used as the labels.
+# Returns:
+# A string containing the definition of a popup menu.
+'popup_menu' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub popup_menu {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my($name,$values,$default,$labels,$attributes,$override,$tabindex,@other) =
+ my($result,%selected);
+ if (!$override && defined($self->param($name))) {
+ $selected{$self->param($name)}++;
+ } elsif (defined $default) {
+ %selected = map {$_=>1} ref($default) eq 'ARRAY'
+ ? @$default
+ : $default;
+ }
+ $name=$self->escapeHTML($name);
+ my($other) = @other ? " @other" : '';
+ my(@values);
+ @values = $self->_set_values_and_labels($values,\$labels,$name);
+ $tabindex = $self->element_tab($tabindex);
+ $result = qq/<select name="$name" $tabindex$other>\n/;
+ for (@values) {
+ if (/<optgroup/) {
+ for my $v (split(/\n/)) {
+ my $selectit = $XHTML ? 'selected="selected"' : 'selected';
+ for my $selected (keys %selected) {
+ $v =~ s/(value="$selected")/$selectit $1/;
+ }
+ $result .= "$v\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my $attribs = $self->_set_attributes($_, $attributes);
+ my($selectit) = $self->_selected($selected{$_});
+ my($label) = $_;
+ $label = $labels->{$_} if defined($labels) && defined($labels->{$_});
+ my($value) = $self->escapeHTML($_);
+ $label = $self->escapeHTML($label,1);
+ $result .= "<option${attribs} ${selectit}value=\"$value\">$label</option>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $result .= "</select>";
+ return $result;
+#### Method: optgroup
+# Create a optgroup.
+# Parameters:
+# $name -> Label for the group
+# $values -> A pointer to a regular array containing the
+# values for each option line in the group.
+# $labels -> (optional)
+# A pointer to a hash of labels to print next to each item
+# in the form $label{'value'}="Long explanatory label".
+# Otherwise the provided values are used as the labels.
+# $labeled -> (optional)
+# A true value indicates the value should be used as the label attribute
+# in the option elements.
+# The label attribute specifies the option label presented to the user.
+# This defaults to the content of the <option> element, but the label
+# attribute allows authors to more easily use optgroup without sacrificing
+# compatibility with browsers that do not support option groups.
+# $novals -> (optional)
+# A true value indicates to suppress the val attribute in the option elements
+# Returns:
+# A string containing the definition of an option group.
+'optgroup' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub optgroup {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my($name,$values,$attributes,$labeled,$noval,$labels,@other)
+ my($result,@values);
+ @values = $self->_set_values_and_labels($values,\$labels,$name,$labeled,$novals);
+ my($other) = @other ? " @other" : '';
+ $name=$self->escapeHTML($name);
+ $result = qq/<optgroup label="$name"$other>\n/;
+ for (@values) {
+ if (/<optgroup/) {
+ for (split(/\n/)) {
+ my $selectit = $XHTML ? 'selected="selected"' : 'selected';
+ s/(value="$selected")/$selectit $1/ if defined $selected;
+ $result .= "$_\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my $attribs = $self->_set_attributes($_, $attributes);
+ my($label) = $_;
+ $label = $labels->{$_} if defined($labels) && defined($labels->{$_});
+ $label=$self->escapeHTML($label);
+ my($value)=$self->escapeHTML($_,1);
+ $result .= $labeled ? $novals ? "<option$attribs label=\"$value\">$label</option>\n"
+ : "<option$attribs label=\"$value\" value=\"$value\">$label</option>\n"
+ : $novals ? "<option$attribs>$label</option>\n"
+ : "<option$attribs value=\"$value\">$label</option>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $result .= "</optgroup>";
+ return $result;
+#### Method: scrolling_list
+# Create a scrolling list.
+# Parameters:
+# $name -> name for the list
+# $values -> A pointer to a regular array containing the
+# values for each option line in the list.
+# $defaults -> (optional)
+# 1. If a pointer to a regular array of options,
+# then this will be used to decide which
+# lines to turn on by default.
+# 2. Otherwise holds the value of the single line to turn on.
+# $size -> (optional) Size of the list.
+# $multiple -> (optional) If set, allow multiple selections.
+# $labels -> (optional)
+# A pointer to a hash of labels to print next to each checkbox
+# in the form $label{'value'}="Long explanatory label".
+# Otherwise the provided values are used as the labels.
+# Returns:
+# A string containing the definition of a scrolling list.
+'scrolling_list' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub scrolling_list {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my($name,$values,$defaults,$size,$multiple,$labels,$attributes,$override,$tabindex,@other)
+ my($result,@values);
+ @values = $self->_set_values_and_labels($values,\$labels,$name);
+ $size = $size || scalar(@values);
+ my(%selected) = $self->previous_or_default($name,$defaults,$override);
+ my($is_multiple) = $multiple ? qq/ multiple="multiple"/ : '';
+ my($has_size) = $size ? qq/ size="$size"/: '';
+ my($other) = @other ? " @other" : '';
+ $name=$self->escapeHTML($name);
+ $tabindex = $self->element_tab($tabindex);
+ $result = qq/<select name="$name" $tabindex$has_size$is_multiple$other>\n/;
+ for (@values) {
+ if (/<optgroup/) {
+ for my $v (split(/\n/)) {
+ my $selectit = $XHTML ? 'selected="selected"' : 'selected';
+ for my $selected (keys %selected) {
+ $v =~ s/(value="$selected")/$selectit $1/;
+ }
+ $result .= "$v\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my $attribs = $self->_set_attributes($_, $attributes);
+ my($selectit) = $self->_selected($selected{$_});
+ my($label) = $_;
+ $label = $labels->{$_} if defined($labels) && defined($labels->{$_});
+ my($value) = $self->escapeHTML($_);
+ $label = $self->escapeHTML($label,1);
+ $result .= "<option${attribs} ${selectit}value=\"$value\">$label</option>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $result .= "</select>";
+ $self->register_parameter($name);
+ return $result;
+#### Method: hidden
+# Parameters:
+# $name -> Name of the hidden field
+# @default -> (optional) Initial values of field (may be an array)
+# or
+# $default->[initial values of field]
+# Returns:
+# A string containing a <input type="hidden" name="name" value="value">
+'hidden' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub hidden {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ # this is the one place where we departed from our standard
+ # calling scheme, so we have to special-case (darn)
+ my(@result,@value);
+ my($name,$default,$override,@other) =
+ my $do_override = 0;
+ if ( ref($p[0]) || substr($p[0],0,1) eq '-') {
+ @value = ref($default) ? @{$default} : $default;
+ $do_override = $override;
+ } else {
+ for ($default,$override,@other) {
+ push(@value,$_) if defined($_);
+ }
+ }
+ # use previous values if override is not set
+ my @prev = $self->param($name);
+ @value = @prev if !$do_override && @prev;
+ $name=$self->escapeHTML($name);
+ for (@value) {
+ $_ = defined($_) ? $self->escapeHTML($_,1) : '';
+ push @result,$XHTML ? qq(<input type="hidden" name="$name" value="$_" @other />)
+ : qq(<input type="hidden" name="$name" value="$_" @other>);
+ }
+ return wantarray ? @result : join('',@result);
+#### Method: image_button
+# Parameters:
+# $name -> Name of the button
+# $src -> URL of the image source
+# $align -> Alignment style (TOP, BOTTOM or MIDDLE)
+# Returns:
+# A string containing a <input type="image" name="name" src="url" align="alignment">
+'image_button' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub image_button {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my($name,$src,$alignment,@other) =
+ rearrange([NAME,SRC,ALIGN],@p);
+ my($align) = $alignment ? " align=\L\"$alignment\"" : '';
+ my($other) = @other ? " @other" : '';
+ $name=$self->escapeHTML($name);
+ return $XHTML ? qq(<input type="image" name="$name" src="$src"$align$other />)
+ : qq/<input type="image" name="$name" src="$src"$align$other>/;
+#### Method: self_url
+# Returns a URL containing the current script and all its
+# param/value pairs arranged as a query. You can use this
+# to create a link that, when selected, will reinvoke the
+# script with all its state information preserved.
+'self_url' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub self_url {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ return $self->url('-path_info'=>1,'-query'=>1,'-full'=>1,@p);
+# This is provided as a synonym to self_url() for people unfortunate
+# enough to have incorporated it into their programs already!
+'state' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub state {
+ &self_url;
+#### Method: url
+# Like self_url, but doesn't return the query string part of
+# the URL.
+'url' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub url {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my ($relative,$absolute,$full,$path_info,$query,$base,$rewrite) =
+ my $url = '';
+ $full++ if $base || !($relative || $absolute);
+ $rewrite++ unless defined $rewrite;
+ my $path = $self->path_info;
+ my $script_name = $self->script_name;
+ my $request_uri = unescape($self->request_uri) || '';
+ my $query_str = $self->query_string;
+ my $rewrite_in_use = $request_uri && $request_uri !~ /^\Q$script_name/;
+ undef $path if $rewrite_in_use && $rewrite; # path not valid when rewriting active
+ my $uri = $rewrite && $request_uri ? $request_uri : $script_name;
+ $uri =~ s/\?.*$//s; # remove query string
+ $uri =~ s/\Q$ENV{PATH_INFO}\E$// if defined $ENV{PATH_INFO};
+# $uri =~ s/\Q$path\E$// if defined $path; # remove path
+ if ($full) {
+ my $protocol = $self->protocol();
+ $url = "$protocol://";
+ my $vh = http('x_forwarded_host') || http('host') || '';
+ $vh =~ s/\:\d+$//; # some clients add the port number (incorrectly). Get rid of it.
+ if ($vh) {
+ $url .= $vh;
+ } else {
+ $url .= server_name();
+ }
+ my $port = $self->server_port;
+ $url .= ":" . $port
+ unless (lc($protocol) eq 'http' && $port == 80)
+ || (lc($protocol) eq 'https' && $port == 443);
+ return $url if $base;
+ $url .= $uri;
+ } elsif ($relative) {
+ ($url) = $uri =~ m!([^/]+)$!;
+ } elsif ($absolute) {
+ $url = $uri;
+ }
+ $url .= $path if $path_info and defined $path;
+ $url .= "?$query_str" if $query and $query_str ne '';
+ $url ||= '';
+ $url =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9_.%;&?\/\\:+=~-])/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/eg;
+ return $url;
+#### Method: cookie
+# Set or read a cookie from the specified name.
+# Cookie can then be passed to header().
+# Usual rules apply to the stickiness of -value.
+# Parameters:
+# -name -> name for this cookie (optional)
+# -value -> value of this cookie (scalar, array or hash)
+# -path -> paths for which this cookie is valid (optional)
+# -domain -> internet domain in which this cookie is valid (optional)
+# -secure -> if true, cookie only passed through secure channel (optional)
+# -expires -> expiry date in format Wdy, DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MM:SS GMT (optional)
+'cookie' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub cookie {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my($name,$value,$path,$domain,$secure,$expires,$httponly) =
+ require CGI::Cookie;
+ # if no value is supplied, then we retrieve the
+ # value of the cookie, if any. For efficiency, we cache the parsed
+ # cookies in our state variables.
+ unless ( defined($value) ) {
+ $self->{'.cookies'} = CGI::Cookie->fetch;
+ # If no name is supplied, then retrieve the names of all our cookies.
+ return () unless $self->{'.cookies'};
+ return keys %{$self->{'.cookies'}} unless $name;
+ return () unless $self->{'.cookies'}->{$name};
+ return $self->{'.cookies'}->{$name}->value if defined($name) && $name ne '';
+ }
+ # If we get here, we're creating a new cookie
+ return undef unless defined($name) && $name ne ''; # this is an error
+ my @param;
+ push(@param,'-name'=>$name);
+ push(@param,'-value'=>$value);
+ push(@param,'-domain'=>$domain) if $domain;
+ push(@param,'-path'=>$path) if $path;
+ push(@param,'-expires'=>$expires) if $expires;
+ push(@param,'-secure'=>$secure) if $secure;
+ push(@param,'-httponly'=>$httponly) if $httponly;
+ return new CGI::Cookie(@param);
+'parse_keywordlist' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub parse_keywordlist {
+ my($self,$tosplit) = @_;
+ $tosplit = unescape($tosplit); # unescape the keywords
+ $tosplit=~tr/+/ /; # pluses to spaces
+ my(@keywords) = split(/\s+/,$tosplit);
+ return @keywords;
+'param_fetch' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub param_fetch {
+ my($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my($name) = rearrange([NAME],@p);
+ unless (exists($self->{param}{$name})) {
+ $self->add_parameter($name);
+ $self->{param}{$name} = [];
+ }
+ return $self->{param}{$name};
+#### Method: path_info
+# Return the extra virtual path information provided
+# after the URL (if any)
+'path_info' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub path_info {
+ my ($self,$info) = self_or_default(@_);
+ if (defined($info)) {
+ $info = "/$info" if $info ne '' && substr($info,0,1) ne '/';
+ $self->{'.path_info'} = $info;
+ } elsif (! defined($self->{'.path_info'}) ) {
+ my (undef,$path_info) = $self->_name_and_path_from_env;
+ $self->{'.path_info'} = $path_info || '';
+ }
+ return $self->{'.path_info'};
+# This function returns a potentially modified version of SCRIPT_NAME
+# and PATH_INFO. Some HTTP servers do sanitise the paths in those
+# variables. It is the case of at least Apache 2. If for instance the
+# user requests: /path/./to/script.cgi/x//y/z/../x?y, Apache will set:
+# REQUEST_URI=/path/./to/script.cgi/x//y/z/../x?y
+# SCRIPT_NAME=/path/to/env.cgi
+# PATH_INFO=/x/y/x
+# This is all fine except that some bogus CGI scripts expect
+# PATH_INFO=/http://foo when the user requests
+# http://xxx/script.cgi/http://foo
+# Old versions of this module used to accomodate with those scripts, so
+# this is why we do this here to keep those scripts backward compatible.
+# Basically, we accomodate with those scripts but within limits, that is
+# we only try to preserve the number of / that were provided by the user
+# if $REQUEST_URI and "$SCRIPT_NAME$PATH_INFO" only differ by the number
+# of consecutive /.
+# So for instance, in: http://foo/x//y/script.cgi/a//b, we'll return a
+# script_name of /x//y/script.cgi and a path_info of /a//b, but in:
+# http://foo/./x//z/script.cgi/a/../b//c, we'll return the versions
+# possibly sanitised by the HTTP server, so in the case of Apache 2:
+# script_name == /foo/x/z/script.cgi and path_info == /b/c.
+# Future versions of this module may no longer do that, so one should
+# avoid relying on the browser, proxy, server, and preserving the
+# number of consecutive slashes as no guarantee can be made there.
+'_name_and_path_from_env' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub _name_and_path_from_env {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $script_name = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} || '';
+ my $path_info = $ENV{PATH_INFO} || '';
+ my $uri = $self->request_uri || '';
+ $uri =~ s/\?.*//s;
+ $uri = unescape($uri);
+ if ($uri ne "$script_name$path_info") {
+ my $script_name_pattern = quotemeta($script_name);
+ my $path_info_pattern = quotemeta($path_info);
+ $script_name_pattern =~ s{(?:\\/)+}{/+}g;
+ $path_info_pattern =~ s{(?:\\/)+}{/+}g;
+ if ($uri =~ /^($script_name_pattern)($path_info_pattern)$/s) {
+ # REQUEST_URI and SCRIPT_NAME . PATH_INFO only differ by the
+ # numer of consecutive slashes, so we can extract the info from
+ ($script_name, $path_info) = ($1, $2);
+ }
+ }
+ return ($script_name,$path_info);
+#### Method: request_method
+# Returns 'POST', 'GET', 'PUT' or 'HEAD'
+'request_method' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub request_method {
+ return (defined $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'}) ? $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} : undef;
+#### Method: content_type
+# Returns the content_type string
+'content_type' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub content_type {
+ return (defined $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'}) ? $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} : undef;
+#### Method: path_translated
+# Return the physical path information provided
+# by the URL (if any)
+'path_translated' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub path_translated {
+ return (defined $ENV{'PATH_TRANSLATED'}) ? $ENV{'PATH_TRANSLATED'} : undef;
+#### Method: request_uri
+# Return the literal request URI
+'request_uri' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub request_uri {
+ return (defined $ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}) ? $ENV{'REQUEST_URI'} : undef;
+#### Method: query_string
+# Synthesize a query string from our current
+# parameters
+'query_string' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub query_string {
+ my($self) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my($param,$value,@pairs);
+ for $param ($self->param) {
+ my($eparam) = escape($param);
+ for $value ($self->param($param)) {
+ $value = escape($value);
+ next unless defined $value;
+ push(@pairs,"$eparam=$value");
+ }
+ }
+ for (keys %{$self->{'.fieldnames'}}) {
+ push(@pairs,".cgifields=".escape("$_"));
+ }
+ return join($USE_PARAM_SEMICOLONS ? ';' : '&',@pairs);
+#### Method: accept
+# Without parameters, returns an array of the
+# MIME types the browser accepts.
+# With a single parameter equal to a MIME
+# type, will return undef if the browser won't
+# accept it, 1 if the browser accepts it but
+# doesn't give a preference, or a floating point
+# value between 0.0 and 1.0 if the browser
+# declares a quantitative score for it.
+# This handles MIME type globs correctly.
+'Accept' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub Accept {
+ my($self,$search) = self_or_CGI(@_);
+ my(%prefs,$type,$pref,$pat);
+ my(@accept) = defined $self->http('accept')
+ ? split(',',$self->http('accept'))
+ : ();
+ for (@accept) {
+ ($pref) = /q=(\d\.\d+|\d+)/;
+ ($type) = m#(\S+/[^;]+)#;
+ next unless $type;
+ $prefs{$type}=$pref || 1;
+ }
+ return keys %prefs unless $search;
+ # if a search type is provided, we may need to
+ # perform a pattern matching operation.
+ # The MIME types use a glob mechanism, which
+ # is easily translated into a perl pattern match
+ # First return the preference for directly supported
+ # types:
+ return $prefs{$search} if $prefs{$search};
+ # Didn't get it, so try pattern matching.
+ for (keys %prefs) {
+ next unless /\*/; # not a pattern match
+ ($pat = $_) =~ s/([^\w*])/\\$1/g; # escape meta characters
+ $pat =~ s/\*/.*/g; # turn it into a pattern
+ return $prefs{$_} if $search=~/$pat/;
+ }
+#### Method: user_agent
+# If called with no parameters, returns the user agent.
+# If called with one parameter, does a pattern match (case
+# insensitive) on the user agent.
+'user_agent' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub user_agent {
+ my($self,$match)=self_or_CGI(@_);
+ my $user_agent = $self->http('user_agent');
+ return $user_agent unless $match && $user_agent;
+ return $user_agent =~ /$match/i;
+#### Method: raw_cookie
+# Returns the magic cookies for the session.
+# The cookies are not parsed or altered in any way, i.e.
+# cookies are returned exactly as given in the HTTP
+# headers. If a cookie name is given, only that cookie's
+# value is returned, otherwise the entire raw cookie
+# is returned.
+'raw_cookie' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub raw_cookie {
+ my($self,$key) = self_or_CGI(@_);
+ require CGI::Cookie;
+ if (defined($key)) {
+ $self->{'.raw_cookies'} = CGI::Cookie->raw_fetch
+ unless $self->{'.raw_cookies'};
+ return () unless $self->{'.raw_cookies'};
+ return () unless $self->{'.raw_cookies'}->{$key};
+ return $self->{'.raw_cookies'}->{$key};
+ }
+ return $self->http('cookie') || $ENV{'COOKIE'} || '';
+#### Method: virtual_host
+# Return the name of the virtual_host, which
+# is not always the same as the server
+'virtual_host' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub virtual_host {
+ my $vh = http('x_forwarded_host') || http('host') || server_name();
+ $vh =~ s/:\d+$//; # get rid of port number
+ return $vh;
+#### Method: remote_host
+# Return the name of the remote host, or its IP
+# address if unavailable. If this variable isn't
+# defined, it returns "localhost" for debugging
+# purposes.
+'remote_host' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub remote_host {
+ || 'localhost';
+#### Method: remote_addr
+# Return the IP addr of the remote host.
+'remote_addr' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub remote_addr {
+ return $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} || '';
+#### Method: script_name
+# Return the partial URL to this script for
+# self-referencing scripts. Also see
+# self_url(), which returns a URL with all state information
+# preserved.
+'script_name' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub script_name {
+ my ($self,@p) = self_or_default(@_);
+ if (@p) {
+ $self->{'.script_name'} = shift @p;
+ } elsif (!exists $self->{'.script_name'}) {
+ my ($script_name,$path_info) = $self->_name_and_path_from_env();
+ $self->{'.script_name'} = $script_name;
+ }
+ return $self->{'.script_name'};
+#### Method: referer
+# Return the HTTP_REFERER: useful for generating
+# a GO BACK button.
+'referer' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub referer {
+ my($self) = self_or_CGI(@_);
+ return $self->http('referer');
+#### Method: server_name
+# Return the name of the server
+'server_name' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub server_name {
+ return $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} || 'localhost';
+#### Method: server_software
+# Return the name of the server software
+'server_software' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub server_software {
+ return $ENV{'SERVER_SOFTWARE'} || 'cmdline';
+#### Method: virtual_port
+# Return the server port, taking virtual hosts into account
+'virtual_port' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub virtual_port {
+ my($self) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my $vh = $self->http('x_forwarded_host') || $self->http('host');
+ my $protocol = $self->protocol;
+ if ($vh) {
+ return ($vh =~ /:(\d+)$/)[0] || ($protocol eq 'https' ? 443 : 80);
+ } else {
+ return $self->server_port();
+ }
+#### Method: server_port
+# Return the tcp/ip port the server is running on
+'server_port' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub server_port {
+ return $ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} || 80; # for debugging
+#### Method: server_protocol
+# Return the protocol (usually HTTP/1.0)
+'server_protocol' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub server_protocol {
+ return $ENV{'SERVER_PROTOCOL'} || 'HTTP/1.0'; # for debugging
+#### Method: http
+# Return the value of an HTTP variable, or
+# the list of variables if none provided
+'http' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub http {
+ my ($self,$parameter) = self_or_CGI(@_);
+ if ( defined($parameter) ) {
+ if ( $parameter =~ /^HTTP/ ) {
+ return $ENV{$parameter};
+ }
+ $parameter =~ tr/-/_/;
+ }
+ return $ENV{"HTTP_\U$parameter\E"} if $parameter;
+ my(@p);
+ for (keys %ENV) {
+ push(@p,$_) if /^HTTP/;
+ }
+ return @p;
+#### Method: https
+# Return the value of HTTPS
+'https' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub https {
+ local($^W)=0;
+ my ($self,$parameter) = self_or_CGI(@_);
+ return $ENV{HTTPS} unless $parameter;
+ return $ENV{$parameter} if $parameter=~/^HTTPS/;
+ $parameter =~ tr/-/_/;
+ return $ENV{"HTTPS_\U$parameter\E"} if $parameter;
+ my(@p);
+ for (keys %ENV) {
+ push(@p,$_) if /^HTTPS/;
+ }
+ return @p;
+#### Method: protocol
+# Return the protocol (http or https currently)
+'protocol' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub protocol {
+ local($^W)=0;
+ my $self = shift;
+ return 'https' if uc($self->https()) eq 'ON';
+ return 'https' if $self->server_port == 443;
+ my $prot = $self->server_protocol;
+ my($protocol,$version) = split('/',$prot);
+ return "\L$protocol\E";
+#### Method: remote_ident
+# Return the identity of the remote user
+# (but only if his host is running identd)
+'remote_ident' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub remote_ident {
+ return (defined $ENV{'REMOTE_IDENT'}) ? $ENV{'REMOTE_IDENT'} : undef;
+#### Method: auth_type
+# Return the type of use verification/authorization in use, if any.
+'auth_type' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub auth_type {
+ return (defined $ENV{'AUTH_TYPE'}) ? $ENV{'AUTH_TYPE'} : undef;
+#### Method: remote_user
+# Return the authorization name used for user
+# verification.
+'remote_user' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub remote_user {
+ return (defined $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'}) ? $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} : undef;
+#### Method: user_name
+# Try to return the remote user's name by hook or by
+# crook
+'user_name' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub user_name {
+ my ($self) = self_or_CGI(@_);
+ return $self->http('from') || $ENV{'REMOTE_IDENT'} || $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'};
+#### Method: nosticky
+# Set or return the NOSTICKY global flag
+'nosticky' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub nosticky {
+ my ($self,$param) = self_or_CGI(@_);
+ $CGI::NOSTICKY = $param if defined($param);
+ return $CGI::NOSTICKY;
+#### Method: nph
+# Set or return the NPH global flag
+'nph' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub nph {
+ my ($self,$param) = self_or_CGI(@_);
+ $CGI::NPH = $param if defined($param);
+ return $CGI::NPH;
+#### Method: private_tempfiles
+# Set or return the private_tempfiles global flag
+'private_tempfiles' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub private_tempfiles {
+ my ($self,$param) = self_or_CGI(@_);
+ $CGI::PRIVATE_TEMPFILES = $param if defined($param);
+#### Method: close_upload_files
+# Set or return the close_upload_files global flag
+'close_upload_files' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub close_upload_files {
+ my ($self,$param) = self_or_CGI(@_);
+ $CGI::CLOSE_UPLOAD_FILES = $param if defined($param);
+#### Method: default_dtd
+# Set or return the default_dtd global
+'default_dtd' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub default_dtd {
+ my ($self,$param,$param2) = self_or_CGI(@_);
+ if (defined $param2 && defined $param) {
+ $CGI::DEFAULT_DTD = [ $param, $param2 ];
+ } elsif (defined $param) {
+ $CGI::DEFAULT_DTD = $param;
+ }
+ return $CGI::DEFAULT_DTD;
+# -------------- really private subroutines -----------------
+'previous_or_default' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub previous_or_default {
+ my($self,$name,$defaults,$override) = @_;
+ my(%selected);
+ if (!$override && ($self->{'.fieldnames'}->{$name} ||
+ defined($self->param($name)) ) ) {
+ $selected{$_}++ for $self->param($name);
+ } elsif (defined($defaults) && ref($defaults) &&
+ (ref($defaults) eq 'ARRAY')) {
+ $selected{$_}++ for @{$defaults};
+ } else {
+ $selected{$defaults}++ if defined($defaults);
+ }
+ return %selected;
+'register_parameter' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub register_parameter {
+ my($self,$param) = @_;
+ $self->{'.parametersToAdd'}->{$param}++;
+'get_fields' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub get_fields {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ return $self->CGI::hidden('-name'=>'.cgifields',
+ '-values'=>[keys %{$self->{'.parametersToAdd'}}],
+ '-override'=>1);
+'read_from_cmdline' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub read_from_cmdline {
+ my($input,@words);
+ my($query_string);
+ my($subpath);
+ if ($DEBUG && @ARGV) {
+ @words = @ARGV;
+ } elsif ($DEBUG > 1) {
+ require "";
+ print STDERR "(offline mode: enter name=value pairs on standard input; press ^D or ^Z when done)\n";
+ chomp(@lines = <STDIN>); # remove newlines
+ $input = join(" ",@lines);
+ @words = &shellwords($input);
+ }
+ for (@words) {
+ s/\\=/%3D/g;
+ s/\\&/%26/g;
+ }
+ if ("@words"=~/=/) {
+ $query_string = join('&',@words);
+ } else {
+ $query_string = join('+',@words);
+ }
+ if ($query_string =~ /^(.*?)\?(.*)$/)
+ {
+ $query_string = $2;
+ $subpath = $1;
+ }
+ return { 'query_string' => $query_string, 'subpath' => $subpath };
+# subroutine: read_multipart
+# Read multipart data and store it into our parameters.
+# An interesting feature is that if any of the parts is a file, we
+# create a temporary file and open up a filehandle on it so that the
+# caller can read from it if necessary.
+'read_multipart' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub read_multipart {
+ my($self,$boundary,$length) = @_;
+ my($buffer) = $self->new_MultipartBuffer($boundary,$length);
+ return unless $buffer;
+ my(%header,$body);
+ my $filenumber = 0;
+ while (!$buffer->eof) {
+ %header = $buffer->readHeader;
+ unless (%header) {
+ $self->cgi_error("400 Bad request (malformed multipart POST)");
+ return;
+ }
+ $header{'Content-Disposition'} ||= ''; # quench uninit variable warning
+ my($param)= $header{'Content-Disposition'}=~/[\s;]name="([^"]*)"/;
+ $param .= $TAINTED;
+ # See RFC 1867, 2183, 2045
+ # NB: File content will be loaded into memory should
+ # content-disposition parsing fail.
+ my ($filename) = $header{'Content-Disposition'}
+ =~/ filename=(("[^"]*")|([a-z\d!\#'\*\+,\.^_\`\{\}\|\~]*))/i;
+ $filename ||= ''; # quench uninit variable warning
+ $filename =~ s/^"([^"]*)"$/$1/;
+ # Test for Opera's multiple upload feature
+ my($multipart) = ( defined( $header{'Content-Type'} ) &&
+ $header{'Content-Type'} =~ /multipart\/mixed/ ) ?
+ 1 : 0;
+ # add this parameter to our list
+ $self->add_parameter($param);
+ # If no filename specified, then just read the data and assign it
+ # to our parameter list.
+ if ( ( !defined($filename) || $filename eq '' ) && !$multipart ) {
+ my($value) = $buffer->readBody;
+ $value .= $TAINTED;
+ push(@{$self->{param}{$param}},$value);
+ next;
+ }
+ my ($tmpfile,$tmp,$filehandle);
+ # If we get here, then we are dealing with a potentially large
+ # uploaded form. Save the data to a temporary file, then open
+ # the file for reading.
+ # skip the file if uploads disabled
+ while (defined($data = $buffer->read)) { }
+ last UPLOADS;
+ }
+ # set the filename to some recognizable value
+ if ( ( !defined($filename) || $filename eq '' ) && $multipart ) {
+ $filename = "multipart/mixed";
+ }
+ # choose a relatively unpredictable tmpfile sequence number
+ my $seqno = unpack("%16C*",join('',localtime,grep {defined $_} values %ENV));
+ for (my $cnt=10;$cnt>0;$cnt--) {
+ next unless $tmpfile = new CGITempFile($seqno);
+ $tmp = $tmpfile->as_string;
+ last if defined($filehandle = Fh->new($filename,$tmp,$PRIVATE_TEMPFILES));
+ $seqno += int rand(100);
+ }
+ die "CGI open of tmpfile: $!\n" unless defined $filehandle;
+ $CGI::DefaultClass->binmode($filehandle) if $CGI::needs_binmode
+ && defined fileno($filehandle);
+ # if this is an multipart/mixed attachment, save the header
+ # together with the body for later parsing with an external
+ # MIME parser module
+ if ( $multipart ) {
+ for ( keys %header ) {
+ print $filehandle "$_: $header{$_}${CRLF}";
+ }
+ print $filehandle "${CRLF}";
+ }
+ my ($data);
+ local($\) = '';
+ my $totalbytes = 0;
+ while (defined($data = $buffer->read)) {
+ if (defined $self->{'.upload_hook'})
+ {
+ $totalbytes += length($data);
+ &{$self->{'.upload_hook'}}($filename ,$data, $totalbytes, $self->{'.upload_data'});
+ }
+ print $filehandle $data if ($self->{'use_tempfile'});
+ }
+ # back up to beginning of file
+ seek($filehandle,0,0);
+ ## Close the filehandle if requested this allows a multipart MIME
+ ## upload to contain many files, and we won't die due to too many
+ ## open file handles. The user can access the files using the hash
+ ## below.
+ close $filehandle if $CLOSE_UPLOAD_FILES;
+ $CGI::DefaultClass->binmode($filehandle) if $CGI::needs_binmode;
+ # Save some information about the uploaded file where we can get
+ # at it later.
+ # Use the typeglob as the key, as this is guaranteed to be
+ # unique for each filehandle. Don't use the file descriptor as
+ # this will be re-used for each filehandle if the
+ # close_upload_files feature is used.
+ $self->{'.tmpfiles'}->{$$filehandle}= {
+ hndl => $filehandle,
+ name => $tmpfile,
+ info => {%header},
+ };
+ push(@{$self->{param}{$param}},$filehandle);
+ }
+ }
+# subroutine: read_multipart_related
+# Read multipart/related data and store it into our parameters. The
+# first parameter sets the start of the data. The part identified by
+# this Content-ID will not be stored as a file upload, but will be
+# returned by this method. All other parts will be available as file
+# uploads accessible by their Content-ID
+'read_multipart_related' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub read_multipart_related {
+ my($self,$start,$boundary,$length) = @_;
+ my($buffer) = $self->new_MultipartBuffer($boundary,$length);
+ return unless $buffer;
+ my(%header,$body);
+ my $filenumber = 0;
+ my $returnvalue;
+ while (!$buffer->eof) {
+ %header = $buffer->readHeader;
+ unless (%header) {
+ $self->cgi_error("400 Bad request (malformed multipart POST)");
+ return;
+ }
+ my($param) = $header{'Content-ID'}=~/\<([^\>]*)\>/;
+ $param .= $TAINTED;
+ # If this is the start part, then just read the data and assign it
+ # to our return variable.
+ if ( $param eq $start ) {
+ $returnvalue = $buffer->readBody;
+ $returnvalue .= $TAINTED;
+ next;
+ }
+ # add this parameter to our list
+ $self->add_parameter($param);
+ my ($tmpfile,$tmp,$filehandle);
+ # If we get here, then we are dealing with a potentially large
+ # uploaded form. Save the data to a temporary file, then open
+ # the file for reading.
+ # skip the file if uploads disabled
+ while (defined($data = $buffer->read)) { }
+ last UPLOADS;
+ }
+ # choose a relatively unpredictable tmpfile sequence number
+ my $seqno = unpack("%16C*",join('',localtime,grep {defined $_} values %ENV));
+ for (my $cnt=10;$cnt>0;$cnt--) {
+ next unless $tmpfile = new CGITempFile($seqno);
+ $tmp = $tmpfile->as_string;
+ last if defined($filehandle = Fh->new($param,$tmp,$PRIVATE_TEMPFILES));
+ $seqno += int rand(100);
+ }
+ die "CGI open of tmpfile: $!\n" unless defined $filehandle;
+ $CGI::DefaultClass->binmode($filehandle) if $CGI::needs_binmode
+ && defined fileno($filehandle);
+ my ($data);
+ local($\) = '';
+ my $totalbytes;
+ while (defined($data = $buffer->read)) {
+ if (defined $self->{'.upload_hook'})
+ {
+ $totalbytes += length($data);
+ &{$self->{'.upload_hook'}}($param ,$data, $totalbytes, $self->{'.upload_data'});
+ }
+ print $filehandle $data if ($self->{'use_tempfile'});
+ }
+ # back up to beginning of file
+ seek($filehandle,0,0);
+ ## Close the filehandle if requested this allows a multipart MIME
+ ## upload to contain many files, and we won't die due to too many
+ ## open file handles. The user can access the files using the hash
+ ## below.
+ close $filehandle if $CLOSE_UPLOAD_FILES;
+ $CGI::DefaultClass->binmode($filehandle) if $CGI::needs_binmode;
+ # Save some information about the uploaded file where we can get
+ # at it later.
+ # Use the typeglob as the key, as this is guaranteed to be
+ # unique for each filehandle. Don't use the file descriptor as
+ # this will be re-used for each filehandle if the
+ # close_upload_files feature is used.
+ $self->{'.tmpfiles'}->{$$filehandle}= {
+ hndl => $filehandle,
+ name => $tmpfile,
+ info => {%header},
+ };
+ push(@{$self->{param}{$param}},$filehandle);
+ }
+ }
+ return $returnvalue;
+'upload' =><<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub upload {
+ my($self,$param_name) = self_or_default(@_);
+ my @param = grep {ref($_) && defined(fileno($_))} $self->param($param_name);
+ return unless @param;
+ return wantarray ? @param : $param[0];
+'tmpFileName' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub tmpFileName {
+ my($self,$filename) = self_or_default(@_);
+ return $self->{'.tmpfiles'}->{$$filename}->{name} ?
+ $self->{'.tmpfiles'}->{$$filename}->{name}->as_string
+ : '';
+'uploadInfo' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub uploadInfo {
+ my($self,$filename) = self_or_default(@_);
+ return $self->{'.tmpfiles'}->{$$filename}->{info};
+# internal routine, don't use
+'_set_values_and_labels' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub _set_values_and_labels {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($v,$l,$n) = @_;
+ $$l = $v if ref($v) eq 'HASH' && !ref($$l);
+ return $self->param($n) if !defined($v);
+ return $v if !ref($v);
+ return ref($v) eq 'HASH' ? keys %$v : @$v;
+# internal routine, don't use
+'_set_attributes' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub _set_attributes {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my($element, $attributes) = @_;
+ return '' unless defined($attributes->{$element});
+ $attribs = ' ';
+ for my $attrib (keys %{$attributes->{$element}}) {
+ (my $clean_attrib = $attrib) =~ s/^-//;
+ $attribs .= "@{[lc($clean_attrib)]}=\"$attributes->{$element}{$attrib}\" ";
+ }
+ $attribs =~ s/ $//;
+ return $attribs;
+'_compile_all' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub _compile_all {
+ for (@_) {
+ next if defined(&$_);
+ $AUTOLOAD = "CGI::$_";
+ _compile();
+ }
+# Globals and stubs for other packages that we use.
+################### Fh -- lightweight filehandle ###############
+package Fh;
+use overload
+ '""' => \&asString,
+ 'cmp' => \&compare,
+ 'fallback'=>1;
+sub DESTROY {
+ my $self = shift;
+ close $self;
+$AUTOLOADED_ROUTINES = ''; # prevent -w error
+%SUBS = (
+'asString' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub asString {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # get rid of package name
+ (my $i = $$self) =~ s/^\*(\w+::fh\d{5})+//;
+ $i =~ s/%(..)/ chr(hex($1)) /eg;
+ return $i.$CGI::TAINTED;
+# This was an extremely clever patch that allowed "use strict refs".
+# Unfortunately it relied on another bug that caused leaky file descriptors.
+# The underlying bug has been fixed, so this no longer works. However
+# "strict refs" still works for some reason.
+# my $self = shift;
+# return ${*{$self}{SCALAR}};
+'compare' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub compare {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $value = shift;
+ return "$self" cmp $value;
+'new' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub new {
+ my($pack,$name,$file,$delete) = @_;
+ _setup_symbols(@SAVED_SYMBOLS) if @SAVED_SYMBOLS;
+ require Fcntl unless defined &Fcntl::O_RDWR;
+ (my $safename = $name) =~ s/([':%])/ sprintf '%%%02X', ord $1 /eg;
+ my $fv = ++$FH . $safename;
+ my $ref = \*{"Fh::$fv"};
+ # Note this same regex is also used elsewhere in the same file for CGITempFile::new
+ $file =~ m!^([a-zA-Z0-9_ \'\":/.\$\\\+-]+)$! || return;
+ my $safe = $1;
+ sysopen($ref,$safe,Fcntl::O_RDWR()|Fcntl::O_CREAT()|Fcntl::O_EXCL(),0600) || return;
+ unlink($safe) if $delete;
+ CORE::delete $Fh::{$fv};
+ return bless $ref,$pack;
+'handle' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub handle {
+ my $self = shift;
+ eval "require IO::Handle" unless IO::Handle->can('new_from_fd');
+ return IO::Handle->new_from_fd(fileno $self,"<");
+######################## MultipartBuffer ####################
+package MultipartBuffer;
+use constant DEBUG => 0;
+# how many bytes to read at a time. We use
+# a 4K buffer by default.
+$INITIAL_FILLUNIT = 1024 * 4;
+$TIMEOUT = 240*60; # 4 hour timeout for big files
+$SPIN_LOOP_MAX = 2000; # bug fix for some Netscape servers
+#reuse the autoload function
+*MultipartBuffer::AUTOLOAD = \&CGI::AUTOLOAD;
+# avoid autoloader warnings
+sub DESTROY {}
+################# THESE FUNCTIONS ARE AUTOLOADED ON DEMAND ####################
+$AUTOLOADED_ROUTINES = ''; # prevent -w error
+%SUBS = (
+'new' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub new {
+ my($package,$interface,$boundary,$length) = @_;
+ $CGI::DefaultClass->binmode($IN); # if $CGI::needs_binmode; # just do it always
+ # If the user types garbage into the file upload field,
+ # then Netscape passes NOTHING to the server (not good).
+ # We may hang on this read in that case. So we implement
+ # a read timeout. If nothing is ready to read
+ # by then, we return.
+ # Netscape seems to be a little bit unreliable
+ # about providing boundary strings.
+ my $boundary_read = 0;
+ if ($boundary) {
+ # Under the MIME spec, the boundary consists of the
+ # characters "--" PLUS the Boundary string
+ # BUG: IE 3.01 on the Macintosh uses just the boundary -- not
+ # the two extra hyphens. We do a special case here on the user-agent!!!!
+ $boundary = "--$boundary" unless CGI::user_agent('MSIE\s+3\.0[12];\s*Mac|DreamPassport');
+ } else { # otherwise we find it ourselves
+ my($old);
+ ($old,$/) = ($/,$CRLF); # read a CRLF-delimited line
+ $boundary = <STDIN>; # BUG: This won't work correctly under mod_perl
+ $length -= length($boundary);
+ chomp($boundary); # remove the CRLF
+ $/ = $old; # restore old line separator
+ $boundary_read++;
+ }
+ my $self = {LENGTH=>$length,
+ CHUNKED=>!$length,
+ BOUNDARY=>$boundary,
+ INTERFACE=>$interface,
+ BUFFER=>'',
+ };
+ $FILLUNIT = length($boundary)
+ if length($boundary) > $FILLUNIT;
+ my $retval = bless $self,ref $package || $package;
+ # Read the preamble and the topmost (boundary) line plus the CRLF.
+ unless ($boundary_read) {
+ while ($self->read(0)) { }
+ }
+ die "Malformed multipart POST: data truncated\n" if $self->eof;
+ return $retval;
+'readHeader' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub readHeader {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ my($end);
+ my($ok) = 0;
+ my($bad) = 0;
+ local($CRLF) = "\015\012" if $CGI::OS eq 'VMS' || $CGI::EBCDIC;
+ do {
+ $self->fillBuffer($FILLUNIT);
+ $ok++ if ($end = index($self->{BUFFER},"${CRLF}${CRLF}")) >= 0;
+ $ok++ if $self->{BUFFER} eq '';
+ $bad++ if !$ok && $self->{LENGTH} <= 0;
+ # this was a bad idea
+ # $FILLUNIT *= 2 if length($self->{BUFFER}) >= $FILLUNIT;
+ } until $ok || $bad;
+ return () if $bad;
+ #EBCDIC NOTE: translate header into EBCDIC, but watch out for continuation lines!
+ my($header) = substr($self->{BUFFER},0,$end+2);
+ substr($self->{BUFFER},0,$end+4) = '';
+ my %return;
+ if ($CGI::EBCDIC) {
+ warn "untranslated header=$header\n" if DEBUG;
+ $header = CGI::Util::ascii2ebcdic($header);
+ warn "translated header=$header\n" if DEBUG;
+ }
+ # See RFC 2045 Appendix A and RFC 822 sections 3.4.8
+ # (Folding Long Header Fields), 3.4.3 (Comments)
+ # and 3.4.5 (Quoted-Strings).
+ my $token = '[-\w!\#$%&\'*+.^_\`|{}~]';
+ $header=~s/$CRLF\s+/ /og; # merge continuation lines
+ while ($header=~/($token+):\s+([^$CRLF]*)/mgox) {
+ my ($field_name,$field_value) = ($1,$2);
+ $field_name =~ s/\b(\w)/uc($1)/eg; #canonicalize
+ $return{$field_name}=$field_value;
+ }
+ return %return;
+# This reads and returns the body as a single scalar value.
+'readBody' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub readBody {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ my($data);
+ my($returnval)='';
+ #EBCDIC NOTE: want to translate returnval into EBCDIC HERE
+ while (defined($data = $self->read)) {
+ $returnval .= $data;
+ }
+ if ($CGI::EBCDIC) {
+ warn "untranslated body=$returnval\n" if DEBUG;
+ $returnval = CGI::Util::ascii2ebcdic($returnval);
+ warn "translated body=$returnval\n" if DEBUG;
+ }
+ return $returnval;
+# This will read $bytes or until the boundary is hit, whichever happens
+# first. After the boundary is hit, we return undef. The next read will
+# skip over the boundary and begin reading again;
+'read' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub read {
+ my($self,$bytes) = @_;
+ # default number of bytes to read
+ $bytes = $bytes || $FILLUNIT;
+ # Fill up our internal buffer in such a way that the boundary
+ # is never split between reads.
+ $self->fillBuffer($bytes);
+ my $boundary_start = $CGI::EBCDIC ? CGI::Util::ebcdic2ascii($self->{BOUNDARY}) : $self->{BOUNDARY};
+ my $boundary_end = $CGI::EBCDIC ? CGI::Util::ebcdic2ascii($self->{BOUNDARY}.'--') : $self->{BOUNDARY}.'--';
+ # Find the boundary in the buffer (it may not be there).
+ my $start = index($self->{BUFFER},$boundary_start);
+ warn "boundary=$self->{BOUNDARY} length=$self->{LENGTH} start=$start\n" if DEBUG;
+ # protect against malformed multipart POST operations
+ die "Malformed multipart POST\n" unless $self->{CHUNKED} || ($start >= 0 || $self->{LENGTH} > 0);
+ #EBCDIC NOTE: want to translate boundary search into ASCII here.
+ # If the boundary begins the data, then skip past it
+ # and return undef.
+ if ($start == 0) {
+ # clear us out completely if we've hit the last boundary.
+ if (index($self->{BUFFER},$boundary_end)==0) {
+ $self->{BUFFER}='';
+ $self->{LENGTH}=0;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ # just remove the boundary.
+ substr($self->{BUFFER},0,length($boundary_start))='';
+ $self->{BUFFER} =~ s/^\012\015?//;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ my $bytesToReturn;
+ if ($start > 0) { # read up to the boundary
+ $bytesToReturn = $start-2 > $bytes ? $bytes : $start;
+ } else { # read the requested number of bytes
+ # leave enough bytes in the buffer to allow us to read
+ # the boundary. Thanks to Kevin Hendrick for finding
+ # this one.
+ $bytesToReturn = $bytes - (length($boundary_start)+1);
+ }
+ my $returnval=substr($self->{BUFFER},0,$bytesToReturn);
+ substr($self->{BUFFER},0,$bytesToReturn)='';
+ # If we hit the boundary, remove the CRLF from the end.
+ return ($bytesToReturn==$start)
+ ? substr($returnval,0,-2) : $returnval;
+# This fills up our internal buffer in such a way that the
+# boundary is never split between reads
+'fillBuffer' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub fillBuffer {
+ my($self,$bytes) = @_;
+ return unless $self->{CHUNKED} || $self->{LENGTH};
+ my($boundaryLength) = length($self->{BOUNDARY});
+ my($bufferLength) = length($self->{BUFFER});
+ my($bytesToRead) = $bytes - $bufferLength + $boundaryLength + 2;
+ $bytesToRead = $self->{LENGTH} if !$self->{CHUNKED} && $self->{LENGTH} < $bytesToRead;
+ # Try to read some data. We may hang here if the browser is screwed up.
+ my $bytesRead = $self->{INTERFACE}->read_from_client(\$self->{BUFFER},
+ $bytesToRead,
+ $bufferLength);
+ warn "bytesToRead=$bytesToRead, bufferLength=$bufferLength, buffer=$self->{BUFFER}\n" if DEBUG;
+ $self->{BUFFER} = '' unless defined $self->{BUFFER};
+ # An apparent bug in the Apache server causes the read()
+ # to return zero bytes repeatedly without blocking if the
+ # remote user aborts during a file transfer. I don't know how
+ # they manage this, but the workaround is to abort if we get
+ # more than SPIN_LOOP_MAX consecutive zero reads.
+ if ($bytesRead <= 0) {
+ die " Server closed socket during multipart read (client aborted?).\n"
+ if ($self->{ZERO_LOOP_COUNTER}++ >= $SPIN_LOOP_MAX);
+ } else {
+ $self->{ZERO_LOOP_COUNTER}=0;
+ }
+ $self->{LENGTH} -= $bytesRead if !$self->{CHUNKED} && $bytesRead;
+# Return true when we've finished reading
+'eof' => <<'END_OF_FUNC'
+sub eof {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ return 1 if (length($self->{BUFFER}) == 0)
+ && ($self->{LENGTH} <= 0);
+ undef;
+################################## TEMPORARY FILES #################################
+package CGITempFile;
+sub find_tempdir {
+ $SL = $CGI::SL;
+ my ($vol) = $MAC ? MacPerl::Volumes() =~ /:(.*)/ : "";
+ unless (defined $TMPDIRECTORY) {
+ @TEMP=("${SL}usr${SL}tmp","${SL}var${SL}tmp",
+ "C:${SL}temp","${SL}tmp","${SL}temp",
+ "${vol}${SL}Temporary Items",
+ "C:${SL}system${SL}temp");
+ if( $CGI::OS eq 'WINDOWS' ){
+ # PeterH: These evars may not exist if this is invoked within a service and untainting
+ # is in effect - with 'use warnings' the undefined array entries causes Perl to die
+ unshift(@TEMP,$ENV{TEMP}) if defined $ENV{TEMP};
+ unshift(@TEMP,$ENV{TMP}) if defined $ENV{TMP};
+ unshift(@TEMP,$ENV{WINDIR} . $SL . 'TEMP') if defined $ENV{WINDIR};
+ }
+ unshift(@TEMP,$ENV{'TMPDIR'}) if defined $ENV{'TMPDIR'};
+ # this feature was supposed to provide per-user tmpfiles, but
+ # it is problematic.
+ # unshift(@TEMP,(getpwuid($<))[7].'/tmp') if $CGI::OS eq 'UNIX';
+ # Rob: getpwuid() is unfortunately UNIX specific. On brain dead OS'es this
+ # : can generate a 'getpwuid() not implemented' exception, even though
+ # : it's never called. Found under DOS/Win with the DJGPP perl port.
+ # : Refer to getpwuid() only at run-time if we're fortunate and have UNIX.
+ # unshift(@TEMP,(eval {(getpwuid($>))[7]}).'/tmp') if $CGI::OS eq 'UNIX' and $> != 0;
+ for (@TEMP) {
+ do {$TMPDIRECTORY = $_; last} if -d $_ && -w _;
+ }
+ }
+ $TMPDIRECTORY = $MAC ? "" : "." unless $TMPDIRECTORY;
+$MAXTRIES = 5000;
+# cute feature, but overload implementation broke it
+# %OVERLOAD = ('""'=>'as_string');
+sub DESTROY {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ $$self =~ m!^([a-zA-Z0-9_ \'\":/.\$\\~-]+)$! || return;
+ my $safe = $1; # untaint operation
+ unlink $safe; # get rid of the file
+################# THESE FUNCTIONS ARE AUTOLOADED ON DEMAND ####################
+$AUTOLOADED_ROUTINES = ''; # prevent -w error
+%SUBS = (
+'new' => <<'END_OF_FUNC',
+sub new {
+ my($package,$sequence) = @_;
+ my $filename;
+ find_tempdir() unless -w $TMPDIRECTORY;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $MAXTRIES; $i++) {
+ last if ! -f ($filename = sprintf("\%s${SL}CGItemp%d", $TMPDIRECTORY, $sequence++));
+ }
+ # check that it is a more-or-less valid filename
+ # Note this same regex is also used elsewhere in the same file for Fh::new
+ return unless $filename =~ m!^([a-zA-Z0-9_ \'\":/.\$\\\+-]+)$!;
+ # this used to untaint, now it doesn't
+ # $filename = $1;
+ return bless \$filename;
+'as_string' => <<'END_OF_FUNC'
+sub as_string {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ return $$self;
+package CGI;
+# We get a whole bunch of warnings about "possibly uninitialized variables"
+# when running with the -w switch. Touch them all once to get rid of the
+# warnings. This is ugly and I hate it.
+if ($^W) {
+ $CGI::CGI = '';
+ $CGI::CGI=<<EOF;
+ $MultipartBuffer::SPIN_LOOP_MAX;
+ $MultipartBuffer::CRLF;
+ $MultipartBuffer::TIMEOUT;
+ $MultipartBuffer::INITIAL_FILLUNIT;
+ ;
+=head1 NAME
+CGI - Handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use CGI;
+ my $q = CGI->new;
+ # Process an HTTP request
+ @values = $q->param('form_field');
+ $fh = $q->upload('file_field');
+ $riddle = $query->cookie('riddle_name');
+ %answers = $query->cookie('answers');
+ # Prepare various HTTP responses
+ print $q->header();
+ print $q->header('application/json');
+ $cookie1 = $q->cookie(-name=>'riddle_name', -value=>"The Sphynx's Question");
+ $cookie2 = $q->cookie(-name=>'answers', -value=>\%answers);
+ print $q->header(
+ -type => 'image/gif',
+ -expires => '+3d',
+ -cookie => [$cookie1,$cookie2]
+ );
+ print $q->redirect('http://somewhere.else/in/movie/land');
+ is a stable, complete and mature solution for processing and preparing
+HTTP requests and responses. Major features including processing form
+submissions, file uploads, reading and writing cookies, query string generation
+and manipulation, and processing and preparing HTTP headers. Some HTML
+generation utilities are included as well.
+ performs very well in in a vanilla environment and also comes
+with built-in support for mod_perl and mod_perl2 as well as FastCGI.
+It has the benefit of having developed and refined over 10 years with input
+from dozens of contributors and being deployed on thousands of websites. has been included in the Perl distribution since Perl 5.4, and has
+become a de-facto standard.
+There are two styles of programming with, an object-oriented
+style and a function-oriented style. In the object-oriented style you
+create one or more CGI objects and then use object methods to create
+the various elements of the page. Each CGI object starts out with the
+list of named parameters that were passed to your CGI script by the
+server. You can modify the objects, save them to a file or database
+and recreate them. Because each object corresponds to the "state" of
+the CGI script, and because each object's parameter list is
+independent of the others, this allows you to save the state of the
+script and restore it later.
+For example, using the object oriented style, here is how you create
+a simple "Hello World" HTML page:
+ #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+ use CGI; # load CGI routines
+ $q = new CGI; # create new CGI object
+ print $q->header, # create the HTTP header
+ $q->start_html('hello world'), # start the HTML
+ $q->h1('hello world'), # level 1 header
+ $q->end_html; # end the HTML
+In the function-oriented style, there is one default CGI object that
+you rarely deal with directly. Instead you just call functions to
+retrieve CGI parameters, create HTML tags, manage cookies, and so
+on. This provides you with a cleaner programming interface, but
+limits you to using one CGI object at a time. The following example
+prints the same page, but uses the function-oriented interface.
+The main differences are that we now need to import a set of functions
+into our name space (usually the "standard" functions), and we don't
+need to create the CGI object.
+ #!/usr/local/bin/perl
+ use CGI qw/:standard/; # load standard CGI routines
+ print header, # create the HTTP header
+ start_html('hello world'), # start the HTML
+ h1('hello world'), # level 1 header
+ end_html; # end the HTML
+The examples in this document mainly use the object-oriented style.
+See HOW TO IMPORT FUNCTIONS for important information on
+function-oriented programming in
+Most routines accept several arguments, sometimes as many as 20
+optional ones! To simplify this interface, all routines use a named
+argument calling style that looks like this:
+ print $q->header(-type=>'image/gif',-expires=>'+3d');
+Each argument name is preceded by a dash. Neither case nor order
+matters in the argument list. -type, -Type, and -TYPE are all
+acceptable. In fact, only the first argument needs to begin with a
+dash. If a dash is present in the first argument, assumes
+dashes for the subsequent ones.
+Several routines are commonly called with just one argument. In the
+case of these routines you can provide the single argument without an
+argument name. header() happens to be one of these routines. In this
+case, the single argument is the document type.
+ print $q->header('text/html');
+Other such routines are documented below.
+Sometimes named arguments expect a scalar, sometimes a reference to an
+array, and sometimes a reference to a hash. Often, you can pass any
+type of argument and the routine will do whatever is most appropriate.
+For example, the param() routine is used to set a CGI parameter to a
+single or a multi-valued value. The two cases are shown below:
+ $q->param(-name=>'veggie',-value=>'tomato');
+ $q->param(-name=>'veggie',-value=>['tomato','tomahto','potato','potahto']);
+A large number of routines in actually aren't specifically
+defined in the module, but are generated automatically as needed.
+These are the "HTML shortcuts," routines that generate HTML tags for
+use in dynamically-generated pages. HTML tags have both attributes
+(the attribute="value" pairs within the tag itself) and contents (the
+part between the opening and closing pairs.) To distinguish between
+attributes and contents, uses the convention of passing HTML
+attributes as a hash reference as the first argument, and the
+contents, if any, as any subsequent arguments. It works out like
+ Code Generated HTML
+ ---- --------------
+ h1() <h1>
+ h1('some','contents'); <h1>some contents</h1>
+ h1({-align=>left}); <h1 align="LEFT">
+ h1({-align=>left},'contents'); <h1 align="LEFT">contents</h1>
+HTML tags are described in more detail later.
+Many newcomers to are puzzled by the difference between the
+calling conventions for the HTML shortcuts, which require curly braces
+around the HTML tag attributes, and the calling conventions for other
+routines, which manage to generate attributes without the curly
+brackets. Don't be confused. As a convenience the curly braces are
+optional in all but the HTML shortcuts. If you like, you can use
+curly braces when calling any routine that takes named arguments. For
+ print $q->header( {-type=>'image/gif',-expires=>'+3d'} );
+If you use the B<-w> switch, you will be warned that some argument
+names conflict with built-in Perl functions. The most frequent of
+these is the -values argument, used to create multi-valued menus,
+radio button clusters and the like. To get around this warning, you
+have several choices:
+=over 4
+=item 1.
+Use another name for the argument, if one is available.
+For example, -value is an alias for -values.
+=item 2.
+Change the capitalization, e.g. -Values
+=item 3.
+Put quotes around the argument name, e.g. '-values'
+Many routines will do something useful with a named argument that it
+doesn't recognize. For example, you can produce non-standard HTTP
+header fields by providing them as named arguments:
+ print $q->header(-type => 'text/html',
+ -cost => 'Three smackers',
+ -annoyance_level => 'high',
+ -complaints_to => 'bit bucket');
+This will produce the following nonstandard HTTP header:
+ HTTP/1.0 200 OK
+ Cost: Three smackers
+ Annoyance-level: high
+ Complaints-to: bit bucket
+ Content-type: text/html
+Notice the way that underscores are translated automatically into
+hyphens. HTML-generating routines perform a different type of
+This feature allows you to keep up with the rapidly changing HTTP and
+HTML "standards".
+ $query = new CGI;
+This will parse the input (from both POST and GET methods) and store
+it into a perl5 object called $query.
+Any filehandles from file uploads will have their position reset to
+the beginning of the file.
+ $query = new CGI(INPUTFILE);
+If you provide a file handle to the new() method, it will read
+parameters from the file (or STDIN, or whatever). The file can be in
+any of the forms describing below under debugging (i.e. a series of
+newline delimited TAG=VALUE pairs will work). Conveniently, this type
+of file is created by the save() method (see below). Multiple records
+can be saved and restored.
+Perl purists will be pleased to know that this syntax accepts
+references to file handles, or even references to filehandle globs,
+which is the "official" way to pass a filehandle:
+ $query = new CGI(\*STDIN);
+You can also initialize the CGI object with a FileHandle or IO::File
+If you are using the function-oriented interface and want to
+initialize CGI state from a file handle, the way to do this is with
+B<restore_parameters()>. This will (re)initialize the
+default CGI object from the indicated file handle.
+ open (IN,"") || die;
+ restore_parameters(IN);
+ close IN;
+You can also initialize the query object from a hash
+ $query = new CGI( {'dinosaur'=>'barney',
+ 'song'=>'I love you',
+ 'friends'=>[qw/Jessica George Nancy/]}
+ );
+or from a properly formatted, URL-escaped query string:
+ $query = new CGI('dinosaur=barney&color=purple');
+or from a previously existing CGI object (currently this clones the
+parameter list, but none of the other object-specific fields, such as
+ $old_query = new CGI;
+ $new_query = new CGI($old_query);
+To create an empty query, initialize it from an empty string or hash:
+ $empty_query = new CGI("");
+ -or-
+ $empty_query = new CGI({});
+ @keywords = $query->keywords
+If the script was invoked as the result of an <ISINDEX> search, the
+parsed keywords can be obtained as an array using the keywords() method.
+ @names = $query->param
+If the script was invoked with a parameter list
+(e.g. "name1=value1&name2=value2&name3=value3"), the param() method
+will return the parameter names as a list. If the script was invoked
+as an <ISINDEX> script and contains a string without ampersands
+(e.g. "value1+value2+value3") , there will be a single parameter named
+"keywords" containing the "+"-delimited keywords.
+NOTE: As of version 1.5, the array of parameter names returned will
+be in the same order as they were submitted by the browser.
+Usually this order is the same as the order in which the
+parameters are defined in the form (however, this isn't part
+of the spec, and so isn't guaranteed).
+ @values = $query->param('foo');
+ -or-
+ $value = $query->param('foo');
+Pass the param() method a single argument to fetch the value of the
+named parameter. If the parameter is multivalued (e.g. from multiple
+selections in a scrolling list), you can ask to receive an array. Otherwise
+the method will return a single value.
+If a value is not given in the query string, as in the queries
+"name1=&name2=", it will be returned as an empty string.
+If the parameter does not exist at all, then param() will return undef
+in a scalar context, and the empty list in a list context.
+ $query->param('foo','an','array','of','values');
+This sets the value for the named parameter 'foo' to an array of
+values. This is one way to change the value of a field AFTER
+the script has been invoked once before. (Another way is with
+the -override parameter accepted by all methods that generate
+form elements.)
+param() also recognizes a named parameter style of calling described
+in more detail later:
+ $query->param(-name=>'foo',-values=>['an','array','of','values']);
+ -or-
+ $query->param(-name=>'foo',-value=>'the value');
+ $query->append(-name=>'foo',-values=>['yet','more','values']);
+This adds a value or list of values to the named parameter. The
+values are appended to the end of the parameter if it already exists.
+Otherwise the parameter is created. Note that this method only
+recognizes the named argument calling syntax.
+ $query->import_names('R');
+This creates a series of variables in the 'R' namespace. For example,
+$R::foo, @R:foo. For keyword lists, a variable @R::keywords will appear.
+If no namespace is given, this method will assume 'Q'.
+WARNING: don't import anything into 'main'; this is a major security
+NOTE 1: Variable names are transformed as necessary into legal Perl
+variable names. All non-legal characters are transformed into
+underscores. If you need to keep the original names, you should use
+the param() method instead to access CGI variables by name.
+NOTE 2: In older versions, this method was called B<import()>. As of version 2.20,
+this name has been removed completely to avoid conflict with the built-in
+Perl module B<import> operator.
+ $query->delete('foo','bar','baz');
+This completely clears a list of parameters. It sometimes useful for
+resetting parameters that you don't want passed down between script
+If you are using the function call interface, use "Delete()" instead
+to avoid conflicts with Perl's built-in delete operator.
+ $query->delete_all();
+This clears the CGI object completely. It might be useful to ensure
+that all the defaults are taken when you create a fill-out form.
+Use Delete_all() instead if you are using the function call interface.
+If POSTed data is not of type application/x-www-form-urlencoded or
+multipart/form-data, then the POSTed data will not be processed, but
+instead be returned as-is in a parameter named POSTDATA. To retrieve
+it, use code like this:
+ my $data = $query->param('POSTDATA');
+Likewise if PUTed data can be retrieved with code like this:
+ my $data = $query->param('PUTDATA');
+(If you don't know what the preceding means, don't worry about it. It
+only affects people trying to use CGI for XML processing and other
+specialized tasks.)
+ $q->param_fetch('address')->[1] = '1313 Mockingbird Lane';
+ unshift @{$q->param_fetch(-name=>'address')},'George Munster';
+If you need access to the parameter list in a way that isn't covered
+by the methods above, you can obtain a direct reference to it by
+calling the B<param_fetch()> method with the name of the . This
+will return an array reference to the named parameters, which you then
+can manipulate in any way you like.
+You can also use a named argument style using the B<-name> argument.
+ $params = $q->Vars;
+ print $params->{'address'};
+ @foo = split("\0",$params->{'foo'});
+ %params = $q->Vars;
+ use CGI ':cgi-lib';
+ $params = Vars;
+Many people want to fetch the entire parameter list as a hash in which
+the keys are the names of the CGI parameters, and the values are the
+parameters' values. The Vars() method does this. Called in a scalar
+context, it returns the parameter list as a tied hash reference.
+Changing a key changes the value of the parameter in the underlying
+CGI parameter list. Called in a list context, it returns the
+parameter list as an ordinary hash. This allows you to read the
+contents of the parameter list, but not to change it.
+When using this, the thing you must watch out for are multivalued CGI
+parameters. Because a hash cannot distinguish between scalar and
+list context, multivalued parameters will be returned as a packed
+string, separated by the "\0" (null) character. You must split this
+packed string in order to get at the individual values. This is the
+convention introduced long ago by Steve Brenner in his
+module for Perl version 4.
+If you wish to use Vars() as a function, import the I<:cgi-lib> set of
+function calls (also see the section on CGI-LIB compatibility).
+ $query->save(\*FILEHANDLE)
+This will write the current state of the form to the provided
+filehandle. You can read it back in by providing a filehandle
+to the new() method. Note that the filehandle can be a file, a pipe,
+or whatever!
+The format of the saved file is:
+ =
+Both name and value are URL escaped. Multi-valued CGI parameters are
+represented as repeated names. A session record is delimited by a
+single = symbol. You can write out multiple records and read them
+back in with several calls to B<new>. You can do this across several
+sessions by opening the file in append mode, allowing you to create
+primitive guest books, or to keep a history of users' queries. Here's
+a short example of creating multiple session records:
+ use CGI;
+ open (OUT,">>test.out") || die;
+ $records = 5;
+ for (0..$records) {
+ my $q = new CGI;
+ $q->param(-name=>'counter',-value=>$_);
+ $q->save(\*OUT);
+ }
+ close OUT;
+ # reopen for reading
+ open (IN,"test.out") || die;
+ while (!eof(IN)) {
+ my $q = new CGI(\*IN);
+ print $q->param('counter'),"\n";
+ }
+The file format used for save/restore is identical to that used by the
+Whitehead Genome Center's data exchange format "Boulderio", and can be
+manipulated and even databased using Boulderio utilities. See
+for further details.
+If you wish to use this method from the function-oriented (non-OO)
+interface, the exported name for this method is B<save_parameters()>.
+Errors can occur while processing user input, particularly when
+processing uploaded files. When these errors occur, CGI will stop
+processing and return an empty parameter list. You can test for
+the existence and nature of errors using the I<cgi_error()> function.
+The error messages are formatted as HTTP status codes. You can either
+incorporate the error text into an HTML page, or use it as the value
+of the HTTP status:
+ my $error = $q->cgi_error;
+ if ($error) {
+ print $q->header(-status=>$error),
+ $q->start_html('Problems'),
+ $q->h2('Request not processed'),
+ $q->strong($error);
+ exit 0;
+ }
+When using the function-oriented interface (see the next section),
+errors may only occur the first time you call I<param()>. Be ready
+for this!
+To use the function-oriented interface, you must specify which
+routines or sets of routines to import into your script's namespace.
+There is a small overhead associated with this importation, but it
+isn't much.
+ use CGI <list of methods>;
+The listed methods will be imported into the current package; you can
+call them directly without creating a CGI object first. This example
+shows how to import the B<param()> and B<header()>
+methods, and then use them directly:
+ use CGI 'param','header';
+ print header('text/plain');
+ $zipcode = param('zipcode');
+More frequently, you'll import common sets of functions by referring
+to the groups by name. All function sets are preceded with a ":"
+character as in ":html3" (for tags defined in the HTML 3 standard).
+Here is a list of the function sets you can import:
+=over 4
+=item B<:cgi>
+Import all CGI-handling methods, such as B<param()>, B<path_info()>
+and the like.
+=item B<:form>
+Import all fill-out form generating methods, such as B<textfield()>.
+=item B<:html2>
+Import all methods that generate HTML 2.0 standard elements.
+=item B<:html3>
+Import all methods that generate HTML 3.0 elements (such as
+<table>, <super> and <sub>).
+=item B<:html4>
+Import all methods that generate HTML 4 elements (such as
+<abbrev>, <acronym> and <thead>).
+=item B<:netscape>
+Import all methods that generate Netscape-specific HTML extensions.
+=item B<:html>
+Import all HTML-generating shortcuts (i.e. 'html2' + 'html3' +
+=item B<:standard>
+Import "standard" features, 'html2', 'html3', 'html4', 'form' and 'cgi'.
+=item B<:all>
+Import all the available methods. For the full list, see the
+code, where the variable %EXPORT_TAGS is defined.
+If you import a function name that is not part of, the module
+will treat it as a new HTML tag and generate the appropriate
+subroutine. You can then use it like any other HTML tag. This is to
+provide for the rapidly-evolving HTML "standard." For example, say
+Microsoft comes out with a new tag called <gradient> (which causes the
+user's desktop to be flooded with a rotating gradient fill until his
+machine reboots). You don't need to wait for a new version of
+to start using it immediately:
+ use CGI qw/:standard :html3 gradient/;
+ print gradient({-start=>'red',-end=>'blue'});
+Note that in the interests of execution speed does B<not> use
+the standard L<Exporter> syntax for specifying load symbols. This may
+change in the future.
+If you import any of the state-maintaining CGI or form-generating
+methods, a default CGI object will be created and initialized
+automatically the first time you use any of the methods that require
+one to be present. This includes B<param()>, B<textfield()>,
+B<submit()> and the like. (If you need direct access to the CGI
+object, you can find it in the global variable B<$CGI::Q>). By
+importing methods, you can create visually elegant scripts:
+ use CGI qw/:standard/;
+ print
+ header,
+ start_html('Simple Script'),
+ h1('Simple Script'),
+ start_form,
+ "What's your name? ",textfield('name'),p,
+ "What's the combination?",
+ checkbox_group(-name=>'words',
+ -values=>['eenie','meenie','minie','moe'],
+ -defaults=>['eenie','moe']),p,
+ "What's your favorite color?",
+ popup_menu(-name=>'color',
+ -values=>['red','green','blue','chartreuse']),p,
+ submit,
+ end_form,
+ hr,"\n";
+ if (param) {
+ print
+ "Your name is ",em(param('name')),p,
+ "The keywords are: ",em(join(", ",param('words'))),p,
+ "Your favorite color is ",em(param('color')),".\n";
+ }
+ print end_html;
+=head2 PRAGMAS
+In addition to the function sets, there are a number of pragmas that
+you can import. Pragmas, which are always preceded by a hyphen,
+change the way that functions in various ways. Pragmas,
+function sets, and individual functions can all be imported in the
+same use() line. For example, the following use statement imports the
+standard set of functions and enables debugging mode (pragma
+ use CGI qw/:standard -debug/;
+The current list of pragmas is as follows:
+=over 4
+=item -any
+When you I<use CGI -any>, then any method that the query object
+doesn't recognize will be interpreted as a new HTML tag. This allows
+you to support the next I<ad hoc> Netscape or Microsoft HTML
+extension. This lets you go wild with new and unsupported tags:
+ use CGI qw(-any);
+ $q=new CGI;
+ print $q->gradient({speed=>'fast',start=>'red',end=>'blue'});
+Since using <cite>any</cite> causes any mistyped method name
+to be interpreted as an HTML tag, use it with care or not at
+=item -compile
+This causes the indicated autoloaded methods to be compiled up front,
+rather than deferred to later. This is useful for scripts that run
+for an extended period of time under FastCGI or mod_perl, and for
+those destined to be crunched by Malcolm Beattie's Perl compiler. Use
+it in conjunction with the methods or method families you plan to use.
+ use CGI qw(-compile :standard :html3);
+or even
+ use CGI qw(-compile :all);
+Note that using the -compile pragma in this way will always have
+the effect of importing the compiled functions into the current
+namespace. If you want to compile without importing use the
+compile() method instead:
+ use CGI();
+ CGI->compile();
+This is particularly useful in a mod_perl environment, in which you
+might want to precompile all CGI routines in a startup script, and
+then import the functions individually in each mod_perl script.
+=item -nosticky
+By default the CGI module implements a state-preserving behavior
+called "sticky" fields. The way this works is that if you are
+regenerating a form, the methods that generate the form field values
+will interrogate param() to see if similarly-named parameters are
+present in the query string. If they find a like-named parameter, they
+will use it to set their default values.
+Sometimes this isn't what you want. The B<-nosticky> pragma prevents
+this behavior. You can also selectively change the sticky behavior in
+each element that you generate.
+=item -tabindex
+Automatically add tab index attributes to each form field. With this
+option turned off, you can still add tab indexes manually by passing a
+-tabindex option to each field-generating method.
+=item -no_undef_params
+This keeps from including undef params in the parameter list.
+=item -no_xhtml
+By default, versions 2.69 and higher emit XHTML
+( The -no_xhtml pragma disables this
+feature. Thanks to Michalis Kabrianis <> for this
+If start_html()'s -dtd parameter specifies an HTML 2.0 or 3.2 DTD,
+XHTML will automatically be disabled without needing to use this
+=item -utf8
+This makes treat all parameters as UTF-8 strings. Use this with
+care, as it will interfere with the processing of binary uploads. It
+is better to manually select which fields are expected to return utf-8
+strings and convert them using code like this:
+ use Encode;
+ my $arg = decode utf8=>param('foo');
+=item -nph
+This makes produce a header appropriate for an NPH (no
+parsed header) script. You may need to do other things as well
+to tell the server that the script is NPH. See the discussion
+of NPH scripts below.
+=item -newstyle_urls
+Separate the name=value pairs in CGI parameter query strings with
+semicolons rather than ampersands. For example:
+ ?name=fred;age=24;favorite_color=3
+Semicolon-delimited query strings are always accepted, but will not be
+emitted by self_url() and query_string() unless the -newstyle_urls
+pragma is specified.
+This became the default in version 2.64.
+=item -oldstyle_urls
+Separate the name=value pairs in CGI parameter query strings with
+ampersands rather than semicolons. This is no longer the default.
+=item -autoload
+This overrides the autoloader so that any function in your program
+that is not recognized is referred to for possible evaluation.
+This allows you to use all the functions without adding them to
+your symbol table, which is of concern for mod_perl users who are
+worried about memory consumption. I<Warning:> when
+I<-autoload> is in effect, you cannot use "poetry mode"
+(functions without the parenthesis). Use I<hr()> rather
+than I<hr>, or add something like I<use subs qw/hr p header/>
+to the top of your script.
+=item -no_debug
+This turns off the command-line processing features. If you want to
+run a script from the command line to produce HTML, and you
+don't want it to read CGI parameters from the command line or STDIN,
+then use this pragma:
+ use CGI qw(-no_debug :standard);
+=item -debug
+This turns on full debugging. In addition to reading CGI arguments
+from the command-line processing, will pause and try to read
+arguments from STDIN, producing the message "(offline mode: enter
+name=value pairs on standard input)" features.
+See the section on debugging for more details.
+=item -private_tempfiles
+ can process uploaded file. Ordinarily it spools the uploaded
+file to a temporary directory, then deletes the file when done.
+However, this opens the risk of eavesdropping as described in the file
+upload section. Another CGI script author could peek at this data
+during the upload, even if it is confidential information. On Unix
+systems, the -private_tempfiles pragma will cause the temporary file
+to be unlinked as soon as it is opened and before any data is written
+into it, reducing, but not eliminating the risk of eavesdropping
+(there is still a potential race condition). To make life harder for
+the attacker, the program chooses tempfile names by calculating a 32
+bit checksum of the incoming HTTP headers.
+To ensure that the temporary file cannot be read by other CGI scripts,
+use suEXEC or a CGI wrapper program to run your script. The temporary
+file is created with mode 0600 (neither world nor group readable).
+The temporary directory is selected using the following algorithm:
+ 1. if the current user (e.g. "nobody") has a directory named
+ "tmp" in its home directory, use that (Unix systems only).
+ 2. if the environment variable TMPDIR exists, use the location
+ indicated.
+ 3. Otherwise try the locations /usr/tmp, /var/tmp, C:\temp,
+ /tmp, /temp, ::Temporary Items, and \WWW_ROOT.
+Each of these locations is checked that it is a directory and is
+writable. If not, the algorithm tries the next choice.
+Many of the methods generate HTML tags. As described below, tag
+functions automatically generate both the opening and closing tags.
+For example:
+ print h1('Level 1 Header');
+ <h1>Level 1 Header</h1>
+There will be some times when you want to produce the start and end
+tags yourself. In this case, you can use the form start_I<tag_name>
+and end_I<tag_name>, as in:
+ print start_h1,'Level 1 Header',end_h1;
+With a few exceptions (described below), start_I<tag_name> and
+end_I<tag_name> functions are not generated automatically when you
+I<use CGI>. However, you can specify the tags you want to generate
+I<start/end> functions for by putting an asterisk in front of their
+name, or, alternatively, requesting either "start_I<tag_name>" or
+"end_I<tag_name>" in the import list.
+ use CGI qw/:standard *table start_ul/;
+In this example, the following functions are generated in addition to
+the standard ones:
+=over 4
+=item 1. start_table() (generates a <table> tag)
+=item 2. end_table() (generates a </table> tag)
+=item 3. start_ul() (generates a <ul> tag)
+=item 4. end_ul() (generates a </ul> tag)
+Most of's functions deal with creating documents on the fly.
+Generally you will produce the HTTP header first, followed by the
+document itself. provides functions for generating HTTP
+headers of various types as well as for generating HTML. For creating
+GIF images, see the module.
+Each of these functions produces a fragment of HTML or HTTP which you
+can print out directly so that it displays in the browser window,
+append to a string, or save to a file for later use.
+Normally the first thing you will do in any CGI script is print out an
+HTTP header. This tells the browser what type of document to expect,
+and gives other optional information, such as the language, expiration
+date, and whether to cache the document. The header can also be
+manipulated for special purposes, such as server push and pay per view
+ print header;
+ -or-
+ print header('image/gif');
+ -or-
+ print header('text/html','204 No response');
+ -or-
+ print header(-type=>'image/gif',
+ -nph=>1,
+ -status=>'402 Payment required',
+ -expires=>'+3d',
+ -cookie=>$cookie,
+ -charset=>'utf-7',
+ -attachment=>'foo.gif',
+ -Cost=>'$2.00');
+header() returns the Content-type: header. You can provide your own
+MIME type if you choose, otherwise it defaults to text/html. An
+optional second parameter specifies the status code and a human-readable
+message. For example, you can specify 204, "No response" to create a
+script that tells the browser to do nothing at all.
+The last example shows the named argument style for passing arguments
+to the CGI methods using named parameters. Recognized parameters are
+B<-type>, B<-status>, B<-expires>, and B<-cookie>. Any other named
+parameters will be stripped of their initial hyphens and turned into
+header fields, allowing you to specify any HTTP header you desire.
+Internal underscores will be turned into hyphens:
+ print header(-Content_length=>3002);
+Most browsers will not cache the output from CGI scripts. Every time
+the browser reloads the page, the script is invoked anew. You can
+change this behavior with the B<-expires> parameter. When you specify
+an absolute or relative expiration interval with this parameter, some
+browsers and proxy servers will cache the script's output until the
+indicated expiration date. The following forms are all valid for the
+-expires field:
+ +30s 30 seconds from now
+ +10m ten minutes from now
+ +1h one hour from now
+ -1d yesterday (i.e. "ASAP!")
+ now immediately
+ +3M in three months
+ +10y in ten years time
+ Thursday, 25-Apr-1999 00:40:33 GMT at the indicated time & date
+The B<-cookie> parameter generates a header that tells the browser to provide
+a "magic cookie" during all subsequent transactions with your script.
+Netscape cookies have a special format that includes interesting attributes
+such as expiration time. Use the cookie() method to create and retrieve
+session cookies.
+The B<-nph> parameter, if set to a true value, will issue the correct
+headers to work with a NPH (no-parse-header) script. This is important
+to use with certain servers that expect all their scripts to be NPH.
+The B<-charset> parameter can be used to control the character set
+sent to the browser. If not provided, defaults to ISO-8859-1. As a
+side effect, this sets the charset() method as well.
+The B<-attachment> parameter can be used to turn the page into an
+attachment. Instead of displaying the page, some browsers will prompt
+the user to save it to disk. The value of the argument is the
+suggested name for the saved file. In order for this to work, you may
+have to set the B<-type> to "application/octet-stream".
+The B<-p3p> parameter will add a P3P tag to the outgoing header. The
+parameter can be an arrayref or a space-delimited string of P3P tags.
+For example:
+ print header(-p3p=>[qw(CAO DSP LAW CURa)]);
+ print header(-p3p=>'CAO DSP LAW CURa');
+In either case, the outgoing header will be formatted as:
+ P3P: policyref="/w3c/p3p.xml" cp="CAO DSP LAW CURa"
+ print $q->redirect('http://somewhere.else/in/movie/land');
+Sometimes you don't want to produce a document yourself, but simply
+redirect the browser elsewhere, perhaps choosing a URL based on the
+time of day or the identity of the user.
+The redirect() method redirects the browser to a different URL. If
+you use redirection like this, you should B<not> print out a header as
+You should always use full URLs (including the http: or ftp: part) in
+redirection requests. Relative URLs will not work correctly.
+You can also use named arguments:
+ print $q->redirect(
+ -uri=>'http://somewhere.else/in/movie/land',
+ -nph=>1,
+ -status=>301);
+All names arguments recognized by header() are also recognized by
+redirect(). However, most HTTP headers, including those generated by
+-cookie and -target, are ignored by the browser.
+The B<-nph> parameter, if set to a true value, will issue the correct
+headers to work with a NPH (no-parse-header) script. This is important
+to use with certain servers, such as Microsoft IIS, which
+expect all their scripts to be NPH.
+The B<-status> parameter will set the status of the redirect. HTTP
+defines three different possible redirection status codes:
+ 301 Moved Permanently
+ 302 Found
+ 303 See Other
+The default if not specified is 302, which means "moved temporarily."
+You may change the status to another status code if you wish. Be
+advised that changing the status to anything other than 301, 302 or
+303 will probably break redirection.
+ print start_html(-title=>'Secrets of the Pyramids',
+ -author=>'',
+ -base=>'true',
+ -target=>'_blank',
+ -meta=>{'keywords'=>'pharaoh secret mummy',
+ 'copyright'=>'copyright 1996 King Tut'},
+ -style=>{'src'=>'/styles/style1.css'},
+ -BGCOLOR=>'blue');
+After creating the HTTP header, most CGI scripts will start writing
+out an HTML document. The start_html() routine creates the top of the
+page, along with a lot of optional information that controls the
+page's appearance and behavior.
+This method returns a canned HTML header and the opening <body> tag.
+All parameters are optional. In the named parameter form, recognized
+parameters are -title, -author, -base, -xbase, -dtd, -lang and -target
+(see below for the explanation). Any additional parameters you
+provide, such as the Netscape unofficial BGCOLOR attribute, are added
+to the <body> tag. Additional parameters must be proceeded by a
+The argument B<-xbase> allows you to provide an HREF for the <base> tag
+different from the current location, as in
+ -xbase=>""
+All relative links will be interpreted relative to this tag.
+The argument B<-target> allows you to provide a default target frame
+for all the links and fill-out forms on the page. B<This is a
+non-standard HTTP feature which only works with Netscape browsers!>
+See the Netscape documentation on frames for details of how to
+manipulate this.
+ -target=>"answer_window"
+All relative links will be interpreted relative to this tag.
+You add arbitrary meta information to the header with the B<-meta>
+argument. This argument expects a reference to a hash
+containing name/value pairs of meta information. These will be turned
+into a series of header <meta> tags that look something like this:
+ <meta name="keywords" content="pharaoh secret mummy">
+ <meta name="description" content="copyright 1996 King Tut">
+To create an HTTP-EQUIV type of <meta> tag, use B<-head>, described
+The B<-style> argument is used to incorporate cascading stylesheets
+into your code. See the section on CASCADING STYLESHEETS for more
+The B<-lang> argument is used to incorporate a language attribute into
+the <html> tag. For example:
+ print $q->start_html(-lang=>'fr-CA');
+The default if not specified is "en-US" for US English, unless the
+-dtd parameter specifies an HTML 2.0 or 3.2 DTD, in which case the
+lang attribute is left off. You can force the lang attribute to left
+off in other cases by passing an empty string (-lang=>'').
+The B<-encoding> argument can be used to specify the character set for
+XHTML. It defaults to iso-8859-1 if not specified.
+The B<-declare_xml> argument, when used in conjunction with XHTML,
+will put a <?xml> declaration at the top of the HTML header. The sole
+purpose of this declaration is to declare the character set
+encoding. In the absence of -declare_xml, the output HTML will contain
+a <meta> tag that specifies the encoding, allowing the HTML to pass
+most validators. The default for -declare_xml is false.
+You can place other arbitrary HTML elements to the <head> section with the
+B<-head> tag. For example, to place the rarely-used <link> element in the
+head section, use this:
+ print start_html(-head=>Link({-rel=>'next',
+ -href=>''}));
+To incorporate multiple HTML elements into the <head> section, just pass an
+array reference:
+ print start_html(-head=>[
+ Link({-rel=>'next',
+ -href=>''}),
+ Link({-rel=>'previous',
+ -href=>''})
+ ]
+ );
+And here's how to create an HTTP-EQUIV <meta> tag:
+ print start_html(-head=>meta({-http_equiv => 'Content-Type',
+ -content => 'text/html'}))
+JAVASCRIPTING: The B<-script>, B<-noScript>, B<-onLoad>,
+B<-onMouseOver>, B<-onMouseOut> and B<-onUnload> parameters are used
+to add Netscape JavaScript calls to your pages. B<-script> should
+point to a block of text containing JavaScript function definitions.
+This block will be placed within a <script> block inside the HTML (not
+HTTP) header. The block is placed in the header in order to give your
+page a fighting chance of having all its JavaScript functions in place
+even if the user presses the stop button before the page has loaded
+completely. attempts to format the script in such a way that
+JavaScript-naive browsers will not choke on the code: unfortunately
+there are some browsers, such as Chimera for Unix, that get confused
+by it nevertheless.
+The B<-onLoad> and B<-onUnload> parameters point to fragments of JavaScript
+code to execute when the page is respectively opened and closed by the
+browser. Usually these parameters are calls to functions defined in the
+B<-script> field:
+ $query = new CGI;
+ print header;
+ // Ask a silly question
+ function riddle_me_this() {
+ var r = prompt("What walks on four legs in the morning, " +
+ "two legs in the afternoon, " +
+ "and three legs in the evening?");
+ response(r);
+ }
+ // Get a silly answer
+ function response(answer) {
+ if (answer == "man")
+ alert("Right you are!");
+ else
+ alert("Wrong! Guess again.");
+ }
+ print start_html(-title=>'The Riddle of the Sphinx',
+ -script=>$JSCRIPT);
+Use the B<-noScript> parameter to pass some HTML text that will be displayed on
+browsers that do not have JavaScript (or browsers where JavaScript is turned
+The <script> tag, has several attributes including "type" and src.
+The latter is particularly interesting, as it allows you to keep the
+JavaScript code in a file or CGI script rather than cluttering up each
+page with the source. To use these attributes pass a HASH reference
+in the B<-script> parameter containing one or more of -type, -src, or
+ print $q->start_html(-title=>'The Riddle of the Sphinx',
+ -script=>{-type=>'JAVASCRIPT',
+ -src=>'/javascript/sphinx.js'}
+ );
+ print $q->(-title=>'The Riddle of the Sphinx',
+ -script=>{-type=>'PERLSCRIPT',
+ -code=>'print "hello world!\n;"'}
+ );
+A final feature allows you to incorporate multiple <script> sections into the
+header. Just pass the list of script sections as an array reference.
+this allows you to specify different source files for different dialects
+of JavaScript. Example:
+ print $q->start_html(-title=>'The Riddle of the Sphinx',
+ -script=>[
+ { -type => 'text/javascript',
+ -src => '/javascript/utilities10.js'
+ },
+ { -type => 'text/javascript',
+ -src => '/javascript/utilities11.js'
+ },
+ { -type => 'text/jscript',
+ -src => '/javascript/utilities12.js'
+ },
+ { -type => 'text/ecmascript',
+ -src => '/javascript/utilities219.js'
+ }
+ ]
+ );
+The option "-language" is a synonym for -type, and is supported for
+backwad compatibility.
+The old-style positional parameters are as follows:
+=over 4
+=item B<Parameters:>
+=item 1.
+The title
+=item 2.
+The author's e-mail address (will create a <link rev="MADE"> tag if present
+=item 3.
+A 'true' flag if you want to include a <base> tag in the header. This
+helps resolve relative addresses to absolute ones when the document is moved,
+but makes the document hierarchy non-portable. Use with care!
+=item 4, 5, 6...
+Any other parameters you want to include in the <body> tag. This is a good
+place to put Netscape extensions, such as colors and wallpaper patterns.
+ print end_html
+This ends an HTML document by printing the </body></html> tags.
+ $myself = self_url;
+ print q(<a href="$myself">I'm talking to myself.</a>);
+self_url() will return a URL, that, when selected, will reinvoke
+this script with all its state information intact. This is most
+useful when you want to jump around within the document using
+internal anchors but you don't want to disrupt the current contents
+of the form(s). Something like this will do the trick.
+ $myself = self_url;
+ print "<a href=\"$myself#table1\">See table 1</a>";
+ print "<a href=\"$myself#table2\">See table 2</a>";
+ print "<a href=\"$myself#yourself\">See for yourself</a>";
+If you want more control over what's returned, using the B<url()>
+method instead.
+You can also retrieve the unprocessed query string with query_string():
+ $the_string = query_string;
+ $full_url = url();
+ $full_url = url(-full=>1); #alternative syntax
+ $relative_url = url(-relative=>1);
+ $absolute_url = url(-absolute=>1);
+ $url_with_path = url(-path_info=>1);
+ $url_with_path_and_query = url(-path_info=>1,-query=>1);
+ $netloc = url(-base => 1);
+B<url()> returns the script's URL in a variety of formats. Called
+without any arguments, it returns the full form of the URL, including
+host name and port number
+You can modify this format with the following named arguments:
+=over 4
+=item B<-absolute>
+If true, produce an absolute URL, e.g.
+ /path/to/script.cgi
+=item B<-relative>
+Produce a relative URL. This is useful if you want to reinvoke your
+script with different parameters. For example:
+ script.cgi
+=item B<-full>
+Produce the full URL, exactly as if called without any arguments.
+This overrides the -relative and -absolute arguments.
+=item B<-path> (B<-path_info>)
+Append the additional path information to the URL. This can be
+combined with B<-full>, B<-absolute> or B<-relative>. B<-path_info>
+is provided as a synonym.
+=item B<-query> (B<-query_string>)
+Append the query string to the URL. This can be combined with
+B<-full>, B<-absolute> or B<-relative>. B<-query_string> is provided
+as a synonym.
+=item B<-base>
+Generate just the protocol and net location, as in
+=item B<-rewrite>
+If Apache's mod_rewrite is turned on, then the script name and path
+info probably won't match the request that the user sent. Set
+-rewrite=>1 (default) to return URLs that match what the user sent
+(the original request URI). Set -rewrite=>0 to return URLs that match
+the URL after mod_rewrite's rules have run. Because the additional
+path information only makes sense in the context of the rewritten URL,
+-rewrite is set to false when you request path info in the URL.
+ $color = url_param('color');
+It is possible for a script to receive CGI parameters in the URL as
+well as in the fill-out form by creating a form that POSTs to a URL
+containing a query string (a "?" mark followed by arguments). The
+B<param()> method will always return the contents of the POSTed
+fill-out form, ignoring the URL's query string. To retrieve URL
+parameters, call the B<url_param()> method. Use it in the same way as
+B<param()>. The main difference is that it allows you to read the
+parameters, but not set them.
+Under no circumstances will the contents of the URL query string
+interfere with similarly-named CGI parameters in POSTed forms. If you
+try to mix a URL query string with a form submitted with the GET
+method, the results will not be what you expect.
+ defines general HTML shortcut methods for most, if not all of
+the HTML 3 and HTML 4 tags. HTML shortcuts are named after a single
+HTML element and return a fragment of HTML text that you can then
+print or manipulate as you like. Each shortcut returns a fragment of
+HTML code that you can append to a string, save to a file, or, most
+commonly, print out so that it displays in the browser window.
+This example shows how to use the HTML methods:
+ print $q->blockquote(
+ "Many years ago on the island of",
+ $q->a({href=>""},"Crete"),
+ "there lived a Minotaur named",
+ $q->strong("Fred."),
+ ),
+ $q->hr;
+This results in the following HTML code (extra newlines have been
+added for readability):
+ <blockquote>
+ Many years ago on the island of
+ <a href="">Crete</a> there lived
+ a minotaur named <strong>Fred.</strong>
+ </blockquote>
+ <hr>
+If you find the syntax for calling the HTML shortcuts awkward, you can
+import them into your namespace and dispense with the object syntax
+completely (see the next section for more details):
+ use CGI ':standard';
+ print blockquote(
+ "Many years ago on the island of",
+ a({href=>""},"Crete"),
+ "there lived a minotaur named",
+ strong("Fred."),
+ ),
+ hr;
+The HTML methods will accept zero, one or multiple arguments. If you
+provide no arguments, you get a single tag:
+ print hr; # <hr>
+If you provide one or more string arguments, they are concatenated
+together with spaces and placed between opening and closing tags:
+ print h1("Chapter","1"); # <h1>Chapter 1</h1>"
+If the first argument is a hash reference, then the keys
+and values of the hash become the HTML tag's attributes:
+ print a({-href=>'fred.html',-target=>'_new'},
+ "Open a new frame");
+ <a href="fred.html",target="_new">Open a new frame</a>
+You may dispense with the dashes in front of the attribute names if
+you prefer:
+ print img {src=>'fred.gif',align=>'LEFT'};
+ <img align="LEFT" src="fred.gif">
+Sometimes an HTML tag attribute has no argument. For example, ordered
+lists can be marked as COMPACT. The syntax for this is an argument that
+that points to an undef string:
+ print ol({compact=>undef},li('one'),li('two'),li('three'));
+Prior to version 2.41, providing an empty ('') string as an
+attribute argument was the same as providing undef. However, this has
+changed in order to accommodate those who want to create tags of the form
+<img alt="">. The difference is shown in these two pieces of code:
+ img({alt=>undef}) <img alt>
+ img({alt=>''}) <img alt="">
+One of the cool features of the HTML shortcuts is that they are
+distributive. If you give them an argument consisting of a
+B<reference> to a list, the tag will be distributed across each
+element of the list. For example, here's one way to make an ordered
+ print ul(
+ li({-type=>'disc'},['Sneezy','Doc','Sleepy','Happy'])
+ );
+This example will result in HTML output that looks like this:
+ <ul>
+ <li type="disc">Sneezy</li>
+ <li type="disc">Doc</li>
+ <li type="disc">Sleepy</li>
+ <li type="disc">Happy</li>
+ </ul>
+This is extremely useful for creating tables. For example:
+ print table({-border=>undef},
+ caption('When Should You Eat Your Vegetables?'),
+ Tr({-align=>'CENTER',-valign=>'TOP'},
+ [
+ th(['Vegetable', 'Breakfast','Lunch','Dinner']),
+ td(['Tomatoes' , 'no', 'yes', 'yes']),
+ td(['Broccoli' , 'no', 'no', 'yes']),
+ td(['Onions' , 'yes','yes', 'yes'])
+ ]
+ )
+ );
+Consider this bit of code:
+ print blockquote(em('Hi'),'mom!'));
+It will ordinarily return the string that you probably expect, namely:
+ <blockquote><em>Hi</em> mom!</blockquote>
+Note the space between the element "Hi" and the element "mom!". puts the extra space there using array interpolation, which is
+controlled by the magic $" variable. Sometimes this extra space is
+not what you want, for example, when you are trying to align a series
+of images. In this case, you can simply change the value of $" to an
+empty string.
+ {
+ local($") = '';
+ print blockquote(em('Hi'),'mom!'));
+ }
+I suggest you put the code in a block as shown here. Otherwise the
+change to $" will affect all subsequent code until you explicitly
+reset it.
+A few HTML tags don't follow the standard pattern for various
+B<comment()> generates an HTML comment (<!-- comment -->). Call it
+ print comment('here is my comment');
+Because of conflicts with built-in Perl functions, the following functions
+begin with initial caps:
+ Select
+ Tr
+ Link
+ Delete
+ Accept
+ Sub
+In addition, start_html(), end_html(), start_form(), end_form(),
+start_multipart_form() and all the fill-out form tags are special.
+See their respective sections.
+By default, all HTML that is emitted by the form-generating functions
+is passed through a function called escapeHTML():
+=over 4
+=item $escaped_string = escapeHTML("unescaped string");
+Escape HTML formatting characters in a string.
+Provided that you have specified a character set of ISO-8859-1 (the
+default), the standard HTML escaping rules will be used. The "<"
+character becomes "&lt;", ">" becomes "&gt;", "&" becomes "&amp;", and
+the quote character becomes "&quot;". In addition, the hexadecimal
+0x8b and 0x9b characters, which some browsers incorrectly interpret
+as the left and right angle-bracket characters, are replaced by their
+numeric character entities ("&#8249" and "&#8250;"). If you manually change
+the charset, either by calling the charset() method explicitly or by
+passing a -charset argument to header(), then B<all> characters will
+be replaced by their numeric entities, since has no lookup
+table for all the possible encodings.
+The automatic escaping does not apply to other shortcuts, such as
+h1(). You should call escapeHTML() yourself on untrusted data in
+order to protect your pages against nasty tricks that people may enter
+into guestbooks, etc.. To change the character set, use charset().
+To turn autoescaping off completely, use autoEscape(0):
+=over 4
+=item $charset = charset([$charset]);
+Get or set the current character set.
+=item $flag = autoEscape([$flag]);
+Get or set the value of the autoescape flag.
+By default, all the HTML produced by these functions comes out as one
+long line without carriage returns or indentation. This is yuck, but
+it does reduce the size of the documents by 10-20%. To get
+pretty-printed output, please use L<CGI::Pretty>, a subclass
+contributed by Brian Paulsen.
+I<General note> The various form-creating methods all return strings
+to the caller, containing the tag or tags that will create the requested
+form element. You are responsible for actually printing out these strings.
+It's set up this way so that you can place formatting tags
+around the form elements.
+I<Another note> The default values that you specify for the forms are only
+used the B<first> time the script is invoked (when there is no query
+string). On subsequent invocations of the script (when there is a query
+string), the former values are used even if they are blank.
+If you want to change the value of a field from its previous value, you have two
+(1) call the param() method to set it.
+(2) use the -override (alias -force) parameter (a new feature in version 2.15).
+This forces the default value to be used, regardless of the previous value:
+ print textfield(-name=>'field_name',
+ -default=>'starting value',
+ -override=>1,
+ -size=>50,
+ -maxlength=>80);
+I<Yet another note> By default, the text and labels of form elements are
+escaped according to HTML rules. This means that you can safely use
+"<CLICK ME>" as the label for a button. However, it also interferes with
+your ability to incorporate special HTML character sequences, such as &Aacute;,
+into your fields. If you wish to turn off automatic escaping, call the
+autoEscape() method with a false value immediately after creating the CGI object:
+ $query = new CGI;
+ autoEscape(undef);
+I<A Lurking Trap!> Some of the form-element generating methods return
+multiple tags. In a scalar context, the tags will be concatenated
+together with spaces, or whatever is the current value of the $"
+global. In a list context, the methods will return a list of
+elements, allowing you to modify them if you wish. Usually you will
+not notice this behavior, but beware of this:
+ printf("%s\n",end_form())
+end_form() produces several tags, and only the first of them will be
+printed because the format only expects one value.
+ print isindex(-action=>$action);
+ -or-
+ print isindex($action);
+Prints out an <isindex> tag. Not very exciting. The parameter
+-action specifies the URL of the script to process the query. The
+default is to process the query with the current script.
+ print start_form(-method=>$method,
+ -action=>$action,
+ -enctype=>$encoding);
+ <... various form stuff ...>
+ print end_form;
+ -or-
+ print start_form($method,$action,$encoding);
+ <... various form stuff ...>
+ print end_form;
+start_form() will return a <form> tag with the optional method,
+action and form encoding that you specify. The defaults are:
+ method: POST
+ action: this script
+ enctype: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+end_form() returns the closing </form> tag.
+Start_form()'s enctype argument tells the browser how to package the various
+fields of the form before sending the form to the server. Two
+values are possible:
+B<Note:> These methods were previously named startform() and endform(), and they
+are still recognized as aliases of start_form() and end_form().
+=over 4
+=item B<application/x-www-form-urlencoded>
+This is the older type of encoding used by all browsers prior to
+Netscape 2.0. It is compatible with many CGI scripts and is
+suitable for short fields containing text data. For your
+convenience, stores the name of this encoding
+type in B<&CGI::URL_ENCODED>.
+=item B<multipart/form-data>
+This is the newer type of encoding introduced by Netscape 2.0.
+It is suitable for forms that contain very large fields or that
+are intended for transferring binary data. Most importantly,
+it enables the "file upload" feature of Netscape 2.0 forms. For
+your convenience, stores the name of this encoding type
+Forms that use this type of encoding are not easily interpreted
+by CGI scripts unless they use or another library designed
+to handle them.
+If XHTML is activated (the default), then forms will be automatically
+created using this type of encoding.
+For compatibility, the start_form() method uses the older form of
+encoding by default. If you want to use the newer form of encoding
+by default, you can call B<start_multipart_form()> instead of
+JAVASCRIPTING: The B<-name> and B<-onSubmit> parameters are provided
+for use with JavaScript. The -name parameter gives the
+form a name so that it can be identified and manipulated by
+JavaScript functions. -onSubmit should point to a JavaScript
+function that will be executed just before the form is submitted to your
+server. You can use this opportunity to check the contents of the form
+for consistency and completeness. If you find something wrong, you
+can put up an alert box or maybe fix things up yourself. You can
+abort the submission by returning false from this function.
+Usually the bulk of JavaScript functions are defined in a <script>
+block in the HTML header and -onSubmit points to one of these function
+call. See start_html() for details.
+After starting a form, you will typically create one or more
+textfields, popup menus, radio groups and other form elements. Each
+of these elements takes a standard set of named arguments. Some
+elements also have optional arguments. The standard arguments are as
+=over 4
+=item B<-name>
+The name of the field. After submission this name can be used to
+retrieve the field's value using the param() method.
+=item B<-value>, B<-values>
+The initial value of the field which will be returned to the script
+after form submission. Some form elements, such as text fields, take
+a single scalar -value argument. Others, such as popup menus, take a
+reference to an array of values. The two arguments are synonyms.
+=item B<-tabindex>
+A numeric value that sets the order in which the form element receives
+focus when the user presses the tab key. Elements with lower values
+receive focus first.
+=item B<-id>
+A string identifier that can be used to identify this element to
+JavaScript and DHTML.
+=item B<-override>
+A boolean, which, if true, forces the element to take on the value
+specified by B<-value>, overriding the sticky behavior described
+earlier for the B<-nosticky> pragma.
+=item B<-onChange>, B<-onFocus>, B<-onBlur>, B<-onMouseOver>, B<-onMouseOut>, B<-onSelect>
+These are used to assign JavaScript event handlers. See the
+JavaScripting section for more details.
+Other common arguments are described in the next section. In addition
+to these, all attributes described in the HTML specifications are
+ print textfield(-name=>'field_name',
+ -value=>'starting value',
+ -size=>50,
+ -maxlength=>80);
+ -or-
+ print textfield('field_name','starting value',50,80);
+textfield() will return a text input field.
+=over 4
+=item B<Parameters>
+=item 1.
+The first parameter is the required name for the field (-name).
+=item 2.
+The optional second parameter is the default starting value for the field
+contents (-value, formerly known as -default).
+=item 3.
+The optional third parameter is the size of the field in
+ characters (-size).
+=item 4.
+The optional fourth parameter is the maximum number of characters the
+ field will accept (-maxlength).
+As with all these methods, the field will be initialized with its
+previous contents from earlier invocations of the script.
+When the form is processed, the value of the text field can be
+retrieved with:
+ $value = param('foo');
+If you want to reset it from its initial value after the script has been
+called once, you can do so like this:
+ param('foo',"I'm taking over this value!");
+ print textarea(-name=>'foo',
+ -default=>'starting value',
+ -rows=>10,
+ -columns=>50);
+ -or
+ print textarea('foo','starting value',10,50);
+textarea() is just like textfield, but it allows you to specify
+rows and columns for a multiline text entry box. You can provide
+a starting value for the field, which can be long and contain
+multiple lines.
+ print password_field(-name=>'secret',
+ -value=>'starting value',
+ -size=>50,
+ -maxlength=>80);
+ -or-
+ print password_field('secret','starting value',50,80);
+password_field() is identical to textfield(), except that its contents
+will be starred out on the web page.
+ print filefield(-name=>'uploaded_file',
+ -default=>'starting value',
+ -size=>50,
+ -maxlength=>80);
+ -or-
+ print filefield('uploaded_file','starting value',50,80);
+filefield() will return a file upload field for Netscape 2.0 browsers.
+In order to take full advantage of this I<you must use the new
+multipart encoding scheme> for the form. You can do this either
+by calling B<start_form()> with an encoding type of B<&CGI::MULTIPART>,
+or by calling the new method B<start_multipart_form()> instead of
+vanilla B<start_form()>.
+=over 4
+=item B<Parameters>
+=item 1.
+The first parameter is the required name for the field (-name).
+=item 2.
+The optional second parameter is the starting value for the field contents
+to be used as the default file name (-default).
+For security reasons, browsers don't pay any attention to this field,
+and so the starting value will always be blank. Worse, the field
+loses its "sticky" behavior and forgets its previous contents. The
+starting value field is called for in the HTML specification, however,
+and possibly some browser will eventually provide support for it.
+=item 3.
+The optional third parameter is the size of the field in
+characters (-size).
+=item 4.
+The optional fourth parameter is the maximum number of characters the
+field will accept (-maxlength).
+When the form is processed, you can retrieve the entered filename
+by calling param():
+ $filename = param('uploaded_file');
+Different browsers will return slightly different things for the
+name. Some browsers return the filename only. Others return the full
+path to the file, using the path conventions of the user's machine.
+Regardless, the name returned is always the name of the file on the
+I<user's> machine, and is unrelated to the name of the temporary file
+that creates during upload spooling (see below).
+The filename returned is also a file handle. You can read the contents
+of the file using standard Perl file reading calls:
+ # Read a text file and print it out
+ while (<$filename>) {
+ print;
+ }
+ # Copy a binary file to somewhere safe
+ open (OUTFILE,">>/usr/local/web/users/feedback");
+ while ($bytesread=read($filename,$buffer,1024)) {
+ print OUTFILE $buffer;
+ }
+However, there are problems with the dual nature of the upload fields.
+If you C<use strict>, then Perl will complain when you try to use a
+string as a filehandle. You can get around this by placing the file
+reading code in a block containing the C<no strict> pragma. More
+seriously, it is possible for the remote user to type garbage into the
+upload field, in which case what you get from param() is not a
+filehandle at all, but a string.
+To be safe, use the I<upload()> function (new in version 2.47). When
+called with the name of an upload field, I<upload()> returns a
+filehandle-like object, or undef if the parameter is not a valid
+ $fh = upload('uploaded_file');
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ print;
+ }
+In a list context, upload() will return an array of filehandles.
+This makes it possible to create forms that use the same name for
+multiple upload fields.
+This is the recommended idiom.
+The lightweight filehandle returned by is not compatible with
+IO::Handle; for example, it does not have read() or getline()
+functions, but instead must be manipulated using read($fh) or
+<$fh>. To get a compatible IO::Handle object, call the handle's
+handle() method:
+ my $real_io_handle = upload('uploaded_file')->handle;
+When a file is uploaded the browser usually sends along some
+information along with it in the format of headers. The information
+usually includes the MIME content type. Future browsers may send
+other information as well (such as modification date and size). To
+retrieve this information, call uploadInfo(). It returns a reference to
+a hash containing all the document headers.
+ $filename = param('uploaded_file');
+ $type = uploadInfo($filename)->{'Content-Type'};
+ unless ($type eq 'text/html') {
+ }
+If you are using a machine that recognizes "text" and "binary" data
+modes, be sure to understand when and how to use them (see the Camel book).
+Otherwise you may find that binary files are corrupted during file
+There are occasionally problems involving parsing the uploaded file.
+This usually happens when the user presses "Stop" before the upload is
+finished. In this case, will return undef for the name of the
+uploaded file and set I<cgi_error()> to the string "400 Bad request
+(malformed multipart POST)". This error message is designed so that
+you can incorporate it into a status code to be sent to the browser.
+ $file = upload('uploaded_file');
+ if (!$file && cgi_error) {
+ print header(-status=>cgi_error);
+ exit 0;
+ }
+You are free to create a custom HTML page to complain about the error,
+if you wish.
+You can set up a callback that will be called whenever a file upload
+is being read during the form processing. This is much like the
+UPLOAD_HOOK facility available in Apache::Request, with the exception
+that the first argument to the callback is an Apache::Upload object,
+here it's the remote filename.
+ $q = CGI->new(\&hook [,$data [,$use_tempfile]]);
+ sub hook
+ {
+ my ($filename, $buffer, $bytes_read, $data) = @_;
+ print "Read $bytes_read bytes of $filename\n";
+ }
+The $data field is optional; it lets you pass configuration
+information (e.g. a database handle) to your hook callback.
+The $use_tempfile field is a flag that lets you turn on and off's use of a temporary disk-based file during file upload. If you
+set this to a FALSE value (default true) then param('uploaded_file')
+will no longer work, and the only way to get at the uploaded data is
+via the hook you provide.
+If using the function-oriented interface, call the CGI::upload_hook()
+method before calling param() or any other CGI functions:
+ CGI::upload_hook(\&hook [,$data [,$use_tempfile]]);
+This method is not exported by default. You will have to import it
+explicitly if you wish to use it without the CGI:: prefix.
+If you are using on a Windows platform and find that binary
+files get slightly larger when uploaded but that text files remain the
+same, then you have forgotten to activate binary mode on the output
+filehandle. Be sure to call binmode() on any handle that you create
+to write the uploaded file to disk.
+JAVASCRIPTING: The B<-onChange>, B<-onFocus>, B<-onBlur>,
+B<-onMouseOver>, B<-onMouseOut> and B<-onSelect> parameters are
+recognized. See textfield() for details.
+ print popup_menu('menu_name',
+ ['eenie','meenie','minie'],
+ 'meenie');
+ -or-
+ %labels = ('eenie'=>'your first choice',
+ 'meenie'=>'your second choice',
+ 'minie'=>'your third choice');
+ %attributes = ('eenie'=>{'class'=>'class of first choice'});
+ print popup_menu('menu_name',
+ ['eenie','meenie','minie'],
+ 'meenie',\%labels,\%attributes);
+ -or (named parameter style)-
+ print popup_menu(-name=>'menu_name',
+ -values=>['eenie','meenie','minie'],
+ -default=>['meenie','minie'],
+ -labels=>\%labels,
+ -attributes=>\%attributes);
+popup_menu() creates a menu.
+=over 4
+=item 1.
+The required first argument is the menu's name (-name).
+=item 2.
+The required second argument (-values) is an array B<reference>
+containing the list of menu items in the menu. You can pass the
+method an anonymous array, as shown in the example, or a reference to
+a named array, such as "\@foo".
+=item 3.
+The optional third parameter (-default) is the name of the default
+menu choice. If not specified, the first item will be the default.
+The values of the previous choice will be maintained across
+queries. Pass an array reference to select multiple defaults.
+=item 4.
+The optional fourth parameter (-labels) is provided for people who
+want to use different values for the user-visible label inside the
+popup menu and the value returned to your script. It's a pointer to an
+hash relating menu values to user-visible labels. If you
+leave this parameter blank, the menu values will be displayed by
+default. (You can also leave a label undefined if you want to).
+=item 5.
+The optional fifth parameter (-attributes) is provided to assign
+any of the common HTML attributes to an individual menu item. It's
+a pointer to a hash relating menu values to another
+hash with the attribute's name as the key and the
+attribute's value as the value.
+When the form is processed, the selected value of the popup menu can
+be retrieved using:
+ $popup_menu_value = param('menu_name');
+Named parameter style
+ print popup_menu(-name=>'menu_name',
+ -values=>[qw/eenie meenie minie/,
+ optgroup(-name=>'optgroup_name',
+ -values => ['moe','catch'],
+ -attributes=>{'catch'=>{'class'=>'red'}})],
+ -labels=>{'eenie'=>'one',
+ 'meenie'=>'two',
+ 'minie'=>'three'},
+ -default=>'meenie');
+ Old style
+ print popup_menu('menu_name',
+ ['eenie','meenie','minie',
+ optgroup('optgroup_name', ['moe', 'catch'],
+ {'catch'=>{'class'=>'red'}})],'meenie',
+ {'eenie'=>'one','meenie'=>'two','minie'=>'three'});
+optgroup() creates an option group within a popup menu.
+=over 4
+=item 1.
+The required first argument (B<-name>) is the label attribute of the
+optgroup and is B<not> inserted in the parameter list of the query.
+=item 2.
+The required second argument (B<-values>) is an array reference
+containing the list of menu items in the menu. You can pass the
+method an anonymous array, as shown in the example, or a reference
+to a named array, such as \@foo. If you pass a HASH reference,
+the keys will be used for the menu values, and the values will be
+used for the menu labels (see -labels below).
+=item 3.
+The optional third parameter (B<-labels>) allows you to pass a reference
+to a hash containing user-visible labels for one or more
+of the menu items. You can use this when you want the user to see one
+menu string, but have the browser return your program a different one.
+If you don't specify this, the value string will be used instead
+("eenie", "meenie" and "minie" in this example). This is equivalent
+to using a hash reference for the -values parameter.
+=item 4.
+An optional fourth parameter (B<-labeled>) can be set to a true value
+and indicates that the values should be used as the label attribute
+for each option element within the optgroup.
+=item 5.
+An optional fifth parameter (-novals) can be set to a true value and
+indicates to suppress the val attribute in each option element within
+the optgroup.
+See the discussion on optgroup at W3C
+for details.
+=item 6.
+An optional sixth parameter (-attributes) is provided to assign
+any of the common HTML attributes to an individual menu item. It's
+a pointer to a hash relating menu values to another
+hash with the attribute's name as the key and the
+attribute's value as the value.
+ print scrolling_list('list_name',
+ ['eenie','meenie','minie','moe'],
+ ['eenie','moe'],5,'true',{'moe'=>{'class'=>'red'}});
+ -or-
+ print scrolling_list('list_name',
+ ['eenie','meenie','minie','moe'],
+ ['eenie','moe'],5,'true',
+ \%labels,%attributes);
+ -or-
+ print scrolling_list(-name=>'list_name',
+ -values=>['eenie','meenie','minie','moe'],
+ -default=>['eenie','moe'],
+ -size=>5,
+ -multiple=>'true',
+ -labels=>\%labels,
+ -attributes=>\%attributes);
+scrolling_list() creates a scrolling list.
+=over 4
+=item B<Parameters:>
+=item 1.
+The first and second arguments are the list name (-name) and values
+(-values). As in the popup menu, the second argument should be an
+array reference.
+=item 2.
+The optional third argument (-default) can be either a reference to a
+list containing the values to be selected by default, or can be a
+single value to select. If this argument is missing or undefined,
+then nothing is selected when the list first appears. In the named
+parameter version, you can use the synonym "-defaults" for this
+=item 3.
+The optional fourth argument is the size of the list (-size).
+=item 4.
+The optional fifth argument can be set to true to allow multiple
+simultaneous selections (-multiple). Otherwise only one selection
+will be allowed at a time.
+=item 5.
+The optional sixth argument is a pointer to a hash
+containing long user-visible labels for the list items (-labels).
+If not provided, the values will be displayed.
+=item 6.
+The optional sixth parameter (-attributes) is provided to assign
+any of the common HTML attributes to an individual menu item. It's
+a pointer to a hash relating menu values to another
+hash with the attribute's name as the key and the
+attribute's value as the value.
+When this form is processed, all selected list items will be returned as
+a list under the parameter name 'list_name'. The values of the
+selected items can be retrieved with:
+ @selected = param('list_name');
+ print checkbox_group(-name=>'group_name',
+ -values=>['eenie','meenie','minie','moe'],
+ -default=>['eenie','moe'],
+ -linebreak=>'true',
+ -disabled => ['moe'],
+ -labels=>\%labels,
+ -attributes=>\%attributes);
+ print checkbox_group('group_name',
+ ['eenie','meenie','minie','moe'],
+ ['eenie','moe'],'true',\%labels,
+ {'moe'=>{'class'=>'red'}});
+ print checkbox_group(-name=>'group_name',
+ -values=>['eenie','meenie','minie','moe'],
+ -rows=2,-columns=>2);
+checkbox_group() creates a list of checkboxes that are related
+by the same name.
+=over 4
+=item B<Parameters:>
+=item 1.
+The first and second arguments are the checkbox name and values,
+respectively (-name and -values). As in the popup menu, the second
+argument should be an array reference. These values are used for the
+user-readable labels printed next to the checkboxes as well as for the
+values passed to your script in the query string.
+=item 2.
+The optional third argument (-default) can be either a reference to a
+list containing the values to be checked by default, or can be a
+single value to checked. If this argument is missing or undefined,
+then nothing is selected when the list first appears.
+=item 3.
+The optional fourth argument (-linebreak) can be set to true to place
+line breaks between the checkboxes so that they appear as a vertical
+list. Otherwise, they will be strung together on a horizontal line.
+The optional b<-labels> argument is a pointer to a hash
+relating the checkbox values to the user-visible labels that will be
+printed next to them. If not provided, the values will be used as the
+The optional parameters B<-rows>, and B<-columns> cause
+checkbox_group() to return an HTML3 compatible table containing the
+checkbox group formatted with the specified number of rows and
+columns. You can provide just the -columns parameter if you wish;
+checkbox_group will calculate the correct number of rows for you.
+The option b<-disabled> takes an array of checkbox values and disables
+them by greying them out (this may not be supported by all browsers).
+The optional B<-attributes> argument is provided to assign any of the
+common HTML attributes to an individual menu item. It's a pointer to
+a hash relating menu values to another hash
+with the attribute's name as the key and the attribute's value as the
+The optional B<-tabindex> argument can be used to control the order in which
+radio buttons receive focus when the user presses the tab button. If
+passed a scalar numeric value, the first element in the group will
+receive this tab index and subsequent elements will be incremented by
+one. If given a reference to an array of radio button values, then
+the indexes will be jiggered so that the order specified in the array
+will correspond to the tab order. You can also pass a reference to a
+hash in which the hash keys are the radio button values and the values
+are the tab indexes of each button. Examples:
+ -tabindex => 100 # this group starts at index 100 and counts up
+ -tabindex => ['moe','minie','eenie','meenie'] # tab in this order
+ -tabindex => {meenie=>100,moe=>101,minie=>102,eenie=>200} # tab in this order
+The optional B<-labelattributes> argument will contain attributes
+attached to the <label> element that surrounds each button.
+When the form is processed, all checked boxes will be returned as
+a list under the parameter name 'group_name'. The values of the
+"on" checkboxes can be retrieved with:
+ @turned_on = param('group_name');
+The value returned by checkbox_group() is actually an array of button
+elements. You can capture them and use them within tables, lists,
+or in other creative ways:
+ @h = checkbox_group(-name=>'group_name',-values=>\@values);
+ &use_in_creative_way(@h);
+ print checkbox(-name=>'checkbox_name',
+ -checked=>1,
+ -value=>'ON',
+ -label=>'CLICK ME');
+ -or-
+ print checkbox('checkbox_name','checked','ON','CLICK ME');
+checkbox() is used to create an isolated checkbox that isn't logically
+related to any others.
+=over 4
+=item B<Parameters:>
+=item 1.
+The first parameter is the required name for the checkbox (-name). It
+will also be used for the user-readable label printed next to the
+=item 2.
+The optional second parameter (-checked) specifies that the checkbox
+is turned on by default. Synonyms are -selected and -on.
+=item 3.
+The optional third parameter (-value) specifies the value of the
+checkbox when it is checked. If not provided, the word "on" is
+=item 4.
+The optional fourth parameter (-label) is the user-readable label to
+be attached to the checkbox. If not provided, the checkbox name is
+The value of the checkbox can be retrieved using:
+ $turned_on = param('checkbox_name');
+ print radio_group(-name=>'group_name',
+ -values=>['eenie','meenie','minie'],
+ -default=>'meenie',
+ -linebreak=>'true',
+ -labels=>\%labels,
+ -attributes=>\%attributes);
+ -or-
+ print radio_group('group_name',['eenie','meenie','minie'],
+ 'meenie','true',\%labels,\%attributes);
+ print radio_group(-name=>'group_name',
+ -values=>['eenie','meenie','minie','moe'],
+ -rows=2,-columns=>2);
+radio_group() creates a set of logically-related radio buttons
+(turning one member of the group on turns the others off)
+=over 4
+=item B<Parameters:>
+=item 1.
+The first argument is the name of the group and is required (-name).
+=item 2.
+The second argument (-values) is the list of values for the radio
+buttons. The values and the labels that appear on the page are
+identical. Pass an array I<reference> in the second argument, either
+using an anonymous array, as shown, or by referencing a named array as
+in "\@foo".
+=item 3.
+The optional third parameter (-default) is the name of the default
+button to turn on. If not specified, the first item will be the
+default. You can provide a nonexistent button name, such as "-" to
+start up with no buttons selected.
+=item 4.
+The optional fourth parameter (-linebreak) can be set to 'true' to put
+line breaks between the buttons, creating a vertical list.
+=item 5.
+The optional fifth parameter (-labels) is a pointer to an associative
+array relating the radio button values to user-visible labels to be
+used in the display. If not provided, the values themselves are
+All modern browsers can take advantage of the optional parameters
+B<-rows>, and B<-columns>. These parameters cause radio_group() to
+return an HTML3 compatible table containing the radio group formatted
+with the specified number of rows and columns. You can provide just
+the -columns parameter if you wish; radio_group will calculate the
+correct number of rows for you.
+To include row and column headings in the returned table, you
+can use the B<-rowheaders> and B<-colheaders> parameters. Both
+of these accept a pointer to an array of headings to use.
+The headings are just decorative. They don't reorganize the
+interpretation of the radio buttons -- they're still a single named
+The optional B<-tabindex> argument can be used to control the order in which
+radio buttons receive focus when the user presses the tab button. If
+passed a scalar numeric value, the first element in the group will
+receive this tab index and subsequent elements will be incremented by
+one. If given a reference to an array of radio button values, then
+the indexes will be jiggered so that the order specified in the array
+will correspond to the tab order. You can also pass a reference to a
+hash in which the hash keys are the radio button values and the values
+are the tab indexes of each button. Examples:
+ -tabindex => 100 # this group starts at index 100 and counts up
+ -tabindex => ['moe','minie','eenie','meenie'] # tab in this order
+ -tabindex => {meenie=>100,moe=>101,minie=>102,eenie=>200} # tab in this order
+The optional B<-attributes> argument is provided to assign any of the
+common HTML attributes to an individual menu item. It's a pointer to
+a hash relating menu values to another hash
+with the attribute's name as the key and the attribute's value as the
+The optional B<-labelattributes> argument will contain attributes
+attached to the <label> element that surrounds each button.
+When the form is processed, the selected radio button can
+be retrieved using:
+ $which_radio_button = param('group_name');
+The value returned by radio_group() is actually an array of button
+elements. You can capture them and use them within tables, lists,
+or in other creative ways:
+ @h = radio_group(-name=>'group_name',-values=>\@values);
+ &use_in_creative_way(@h);
+ print submit(-name=>'button_name',
+ -value=>'value');
+ -or-
+ print submit('button_name','value');
+submit() will create the query submission button. Every form
+should have one of these.
+=over 4
+=item B<Parameters:>
+=item 1.
+The first argument (-name) is optional. You can give the button a
+name if you have several submission buttons in your form and you want
+to distinguish between them.
+=item 2.
+The second argument (-value) is also optional. This gives the button
+a value that will be passed to your script in the query string. The
+name will also be used as the user-visible label.
+=item 3.
+You can use -label as an alias for -value. I always get confused
+about which of -name and -value changes the user-visible label on the
+You can figure out which button was pressed by using different
+values for each one:
+ $which_one = param('button_name');
+ print reset
+reset() creates the "reset" button. Note that it restores the
+form to its value from the last time the script was called,
+NOT necessarily to the defaults.
+Note that this conflicts with the Perl reset() built-in. Use
+CORE::reset() to get the original reset function.
+ print defaults('button_label')
+defaults() creates a button that, when invoked, will cause the
+form to be completely reset to its defaults, wiping out all the
+changes the user ever made.
+ print hidden(-name=>'hidden_name',
+ -default=>['value1','value2'...]);
+ -or-
+ print hidden('hidden_name','value1','value2'...);
+hidden() produces a text field that can't be seen by the user. It
+is useful for passing state variable information from one invocation
+of the script to the next.
+=over 4
+=item B<Parameters:>
+=item 1.
+The first argument is required and specifies the name of this
+field (-name).
+=item 2.
+The second argument is also required and specifies its value
+(-default). In the named parameter style of calling, you can provide
+a single value here or a reference to a whole list
+Fetch the value of a hidden field this way:
+ $hidden_value = param('hidden_name');
+Note, that just like all the other form elements, the value of a
+hidden field is "sticky". If you want to replace a hidden field with
+some other values after the script has been called once you'll have to
+do it manually:
+ param('hidden_name','new','values','here');
+ print image_button(-name=>'button_name',
+ -src=>'/source/URL',
+ -align=>'MIDDLE');
+ -or-
+ print image_button('button_name','/source/URL','MIDDLE');
+image_button() produces a clickable image. When it's clicked on the
+position of the click is returned to your script as "button_name.x"
+and "button_name.y", where "button_name" is the name you've assigned
+to it.
+=over 4
+=item B<Parameters:>
+=item 1.
+The first argument (-name) is required and specifies the name of this
+=item 2.
+The second argument (-src) is also required and specifies the URL
+=item 3.
+The third option (-align, optional) is an alignment type, and may be
+Fetch the value of the button this way:
+ $x = param('button_name.x');
+ $y = param('button_name.y');
+ print button(-name=>'button_name',
+ -value=>'user visible label',
+ -onClick=>"do_something()");
+ -or-
+ print button('button_name',"do_something()");
+button() produces a button that is compatible with Netscape 2.0's
+JavaScript. When it's pressed the fragment of JavaScript code
+pointed to by the B<-onClick> parameter will be executed.
+Browsers support a so-called "cookie" designed to help maintain state
+within a browser session. has several methods that support
+A cookie is a name=value pair much like the named parameters in a CGI
+query string. CGI scripts create one or more cookies and send
+them to the browser in the HTTP header. The browser maintains a list
+of cookies that belong to a particular Web server, and returns them
+to the CGI script during subsequent interactions.
+In addition to the required name=value pair, each cookie has several
+optional attributes:
+=over 4
+=item 1. an expiration time
+This is a time/date string (in a special GMT format) that indicates
+when a cookie expires. The cookie will be saved and returned to your
+script until this expiration date is reached if the user exits
+the browser and restarts it. If an expiration date isn't specified, the cookie
+will remain active until the user quits the browser.
+=item 2. a domain
+This is a partial or complete domain name for which the cookie is
+valid. The browser will return the cookie to any host that matches
+the partial domain name. For example, if you specify a domain name
+of "", then the browser will return the cookie to
+Web servers running on any of the machines "",
+"", "", etc. Domain names
+must contain at least two periods to prevent attempts to match
+on top level domains like ".edu". If no domain is specified, then
+the browser will only return the cookie to servers on the host the
+cookie originated from.
+=item 3. a path
+If you provide a cookie path attribute, the browser will check it
+against your script's URL before returning the cookie. For example,
+if you specify the path "/cgi-bin", then the cookie will be returned
+to each of the scripts "/cgi-bin/", "/cgi-bin/",
+and "/cgi-bin/customer_service/", but not to the script
+"/cgi-private/". By default, path is set to "/", which
+causes the cookie to be sent to any CGI script on your site.
+=item 4. a "secure" flag
+If the "secure" attribute is set, the cookie will only be sent to your
+script if the CGI request is occurring on a secure channel, such as SSL.
+The interface to HTTP cookies is the B<cookie()> method:
+ $cookie = cookie(-name=>'sessionID',
+ -value=>'xyzzy',
+ -expires=>'+1h',
+ -path=>'/cgi-bin/database',
+ -domain=>'',
+ -secure=>1);
+ print header(-cookie=>$cookie);
+B<cookie()> creates a new cookie. Its parameters include:
+=over 4
+=item B<-name>
+The name of the cookie (required). This can be any string at all.
+Although browsers limit their cookie names to non-whitespace
+alphanumeric characters, removes this restriction by escaping
+and unescaping cookies behind the scenes.
+=item B<-value>
+The value of the cookie. This can be any scalar value,
+array reference, or even hash reference. For example,
+you can store an entire hash into a cookie this way:
+ $cookie=cookie(-name=>'family information',
+ -value=>\%childrens_ages);
+=item B<-path>
+The optional partial path for which this cookie will be valid, as described
+=item B<-domain>
+The optional partial domain for which this cookie will be valid, as described
+=item B<-expires>
+The optional expiration date for this cookie. The format is as described
+in the section on the B<header()> method:
+ "+1h" one hour from now
+=item B<-secure>
+If set to true, this cookie will only be used within a secure
+SSL session.
+The cookie created by cookie() must be incorporated into the HTTP
+header within the string returned by the header() method:
+ use CGI ':standard';
+ print header(-cookie=>$my_cookie);
+To create multiple cookies, give header() an array reference:
+ $cookie1 = cookie(-name=>'riddle_name',
+ -value=>"The Sphynx's Question");
+ $cookie2 = cookie(-name=>'answers',
+ -value=>\%answers);
+ print header(-cookie=>[$cookie1,$cookie2]);
+To retrieve a cookie, request it by name by calling cookie() method
+without the B<-value> parameter. This example uses the object-oriented
+ use CGI;
+ $query = new CGI;
+ $riddle = $query->cookie('riddle_name');
+ %answers = $query->cookie('answers');
+Cookies created with a single scalar value, such as the "riddle_name"
+cookie, will be returned in that form. Cookies with array and hash
+values can also be retrieved.
+The cookie and CGI namespaces are separate. If you have a parameter
+named 'answers' and a cookie named 'answers', the values retrieved by
+param() and cookie() are independent of each other. However, it's
+simple to turn a CGI parameter into a cookie, and vice-versa:
+ # turn a CGI parameter into a cookie
+ $c=cookie(-name=>'answers',-value=>[param('answers')]);
+ # vice-versa
+ param(-name=>'answers',-value=>[cookie('answers')]);
+If you call cookie() without any parameters, it will return a list of
+the names of all cookies passed to your script:
+ @cookies = cookie();
+See the B<cookie.cgi> example script for some ideas on how to use
+cookies effectively.
+It's possible for scripts to write into several browser panels
+and windows using the HTML 4 frame mechanism. There are three
+techniques for defining new frames programmatically:
+=over 4
+=item 1. Create a <Frameset> document
+After writing out the HTTP header, instead of creating a standard
+HTML document using the start_html() call, create a <frameset>
+document that defines the frames on the page. Specify your script(s)
+(with appropriate parameters) as the SRC for each of the frames.
+There is no specific support for creating <frameset> sections
+in, but the HTML is very simple to write. See the frame
+documentation in Netscape's home pages for details
+=item 2. Specify the destination for the document in the HTTP header
+You may provide a B<-target> parameter to the header() method:
+ print header(-target=>'ResultsWindow');
+This will tell the browser to load the output of your script into the
+frame named "ResultsWindow". If a frame of that name doesn't already
+exist, the browser will pop up a new window and load your script's
+document into that. There are a number of magic names that you can
+use for targets. See the frame documents on Netscape's home pages for
+=item 3. Specify the destination for the document in the <form> tag
+You can specify the frame to load in the FORM tag itself. With it looks like this:
+ print start_form(-target=>'ResultsWindow');
+When your script is reinvoked by the form, its output will be loaded
+into the frame named "ResultsWindow". If one doesn't already exist
+a new window will be created.
+The script "frameset.cgi" in the examples directory shows one way to
+create pages in which the fill-out form and the response live in
+side-by-side frames.
+The usual way to use JavaScript is to define a set of functions in a
+<SCRIPT> block inside the HTML header and then to register event
+handlers in the various elements of the page. Events include such
+things as the mouse passing over a form element, a button being
+clicked, the contents of a text field changing, or a form being
+submitted. When an event occurs that involves an element that has
+registered an event handler, its associated JavaScript code gets
+The elements that can register event handlers include the <BODY> of an
+HTML document, hypertext links, all the various elements of a fill-out
+form, and the form itself. There are a large number of events, and
+each applies only to the elements for which it is relevant. Here is a
+partial list:
+=over 4
+=item B<onLoad>
+The browser is loading the current document. Valid in:
+ + The HTML <BODY> section only.
+=item B<onUnload>
+The browser is closing the current page or frame. Valid for:
+ + The HTML <BODY> section only.
+=item B<onSubmit>
+The user has pressed the submit button of a form. This event happens
+just before the form is submitted, and your function can return a
+value of false in order to abort the submission. Valid for:
+ + Forms only.
+=item B<onClick>
+The mouse has clicked on an item in a fill-out form. Valid for:
+ + Buttons (including submit, reset, and image buttons)
+ + Checkboxes
+ + Radio buttons
+=item B<onChange>
+The user has changed the contents of a field. Valid for:
+ + Text fields
+ + Text areas
+ + Password fields
+ + File fields
+ + Popup Menus
+ + Scrolling lists
+=item B<onFocus>
+The user has selected a field to work with. Valid for:
+ + Text fields
+ + Text areas
+ + Password fields
+ + File fields
+ + Popup Menus
+ + Scrolling lists
+=item B<onBlur>
+The user has deselected a field (gone to work somewhere else). Valid
+ + Text fields
+ + Text areas
+ + Password fields
+ + File fields
+ + Popup Menus
+ + Scrolling lists
+=item B<onSelect>
+The user has changed the part of a text field that is selected. Valid
+ + Text fields
+ + Text areas
+ + Password fields
+ + File fields
+=item B<onMouseOver>
+The mouse has moved over an element.
+ + Text fields
+ + Text areas
+ + Password fields
+ + File fields
+ + Popup Menus
+ + Scrolling lists
+=item B<onMouseOut>
+The mouse has moved off an element.
+ + Text fields
+ + Text areas
+ + Password fields
+ + File fields
+ + Popup Menus
+ + Scrolling lists
+In order to register a JavaScript event handler with an HTML element,
+just use the event name as a parameter when you call the corresponding
+CGI method. For example, to have your validateAge() JavaScript code
+executed every time the textfield named "age" changes, generate the
+field like this:
+ print textfield(-name=>'age',-onChange=>"validateAge(this)");
+This example assumes that you've already declared the validateAge()
+function by incorporating it into a <SCRIPT> block. The
+start_html() method provides a convenient way to create this section.
+Similarly, you can create a form that checks itself over for
+consistency and alerts the user if some essential value is missing by
+creating it this way:
+ print startform(-onSubmit=>"validateMe(this)");
+See the javascript.cgi script for a demonstration of how this all
+ has limited support for HTML3's cascading style sheets (css).
+To incorporate a stylesheet into your document, pass the
+start_html() method a B<-style> parameter. The value of this
+parameter may be a scalar, in which case it is treated as the source
+URL for the stylesheet, or it may be a hash reference. In the latter
+case you should provide the hash with one or more of B<-src> or
+B<-code>. B<-src> points to a URL where an externally-defined
+stylesheet can be found. B<-code> points to a scalar value to be
+incorporated into a <style> section. Style definitions in B<-code>
+override similarly-named ones in B<-src>, hence the name "cascading."
+You may also specify the type of the stylesheet by adding the optional
+B<-type> parameter to the hash pointed to by B<-style>. If not
+specified, the style defaults to 'text/css'.
+To refer to a style within the body of your document, add the
+B<-class> parameter to any HTML element:
+ print h1({-class=>'Fancy'},'Welcome to the Party');
+Or define styles on the fly with the B<-style> parameter:
+ print h1({-style=>'Color: red;'},'Welcome to Hell');
+You may also use the new B<span()> element to apply a style to a
+section of text:
+ print span({-style=>'Color: red;'},
+ h1('Welcome to Hell'),
+ "Where did that handbasket get to?"
+ );
+Note that you must import the ":html3" definitions to have the
+B<span()> method available. Here's a quick and dirty example of using
+CSS's. See the CSS specification at
+ for more information.
+ use CGI qw/:standard :html3/;
+ #here's a stylesheet incorporated directly into the page
+ $newStyle=<<END;
+ <!--
+ P.Tip {
+ margin-right: 50pt;
+ margin-left: 50pt;
+ color: red;
+ }
+ P.Alert {
+ font-size: 30pt;
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+ color: red;
+ }
+ -->
+ print header();
+ print start_html( -title=>'CGI with Style',
+ -style=>{-src=>'',
+ -code=>$newStyle}
+ );
+ print h1('CGI with Style'),
+ p({-class=>'Tip'},
+ "Better read the cascading style sheet spec before playing with this!"),
+ span({-style=>'color: magenta'},
+ "Look Mom, no hands!",
+ p(),
+ "Whooo wee!"
+ );
+ print end_html;
+Pass an array reference to B<-code> or B<-src> in order to incorporate
+multiple stylesheets into your document.
+Should you wish to incorporate a verbatim stylesheet that includes
+arbitrary formatting in the header, you may pass a -verbatim tag to
+the -style hash, as follows:
+print start_html (-style => {-verbatim => '@import url("/server-common/css/'.$cssFile.'");',
+ -src => '/server-common/css/core.css'});
+This will generate an HTML header that contains this:
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/server-common/css/core.css">
+ <style type="text/css">
+ @import url("/server-common/css/main.css");
+ </style>
+Any additional arguments passed in the -style value will be
+incorporated into the <link> tag. For example:
+ start_html(-style=>{-src=>['/styles/print.css','/styles/layout.css'],
+ -media => 'all'});
+This will give:
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/styles/print.css" media="all"/>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/styles/layout.css" media="all"/>
+To make more complicated <link> tags, use the Link() function
+and pass it to start_html() in the -head argument, as in:
+ @h = (Link({-rel=>'stylesheet',-type=>'text/css',-src=>'/ss/ss.css',-media=>'all'}),
+ Link({-rel=>'stylesheet',-type=>'text/css',-src=>'/ss/fred.css',-media=>'paper'}));
+ print start_html({-head=>\@h})
+To create primary and "alternate" stylesheet, use the B<-alternate> option:
+ start_html(-style=>{-src=>[
+ {-src=>'/styles/print.css'},
+ {-src=>'/styles/alt.css',-alternate=>1}
+ ]
+ });
+If you are running the script from the command line or in the perl
+debugger, you can pass the script a list of keywords or
+parameter=value pairs on the command line or from standard input (you
+don't have to worry about tricking your script into reading from
+environment variables). You can pass keywords like this:
+ keyword1 keyword2 keyword3
+or this:
+ keyword1+keyword2+keyword3
+or this:
+ name1=value1 name2=value2
+or this:
+ name1=value1&name2=value2
+To turn off this feature, use the -no_debug pragma.
+To test the POST method, you may enable full debugging with the -debug
+pragma. This will allow you to feed newline-delimited name=value
+pairs to the script on standard input.
+When debugging, you can use quotes and backslashes to escape
+characters in the familiar shell manner, letting you place
+spaces and other funny characters in your parameter=value
+ "name1='I am a long value'" "name2=two\ words"
+Finally, you can set the path info for the script by prefixing the first
+name/value parameter with the path followed by a question mark (?):
+ /your/path/here?name1=value1&name2=value2
+The Dump() method produces a string consisting of all the query's
+name/value pairs formatted nicely as a nested list. This is useful
+for debugging purposes:
+ print Dump
+Produces something that looks like:
+ <ul>
+ <li>name1
+ <ul>
+ <li>value1
+ <li>value2
+ </ul>
+ <li>name2
+ <ul>
+ <li>value1
+ </ul>
+ </ul>
+As a shortcut, you can interpolate the entire CGI object into a string
+and it will be replaced with the a nice HTML dump shown above:
+ $query=new CGI;
+ print "<h2>Current Values</h2> $query\n";
+Some of the more useful environment variables can be fetched
+through this interface. The methods are as follows:
+=over 4
+=item B<Accept()>
+Return a list of MIME types that the remote browser accepts. If you
+give this method a single argument corresponding to a MIME type, as in
+Accept('text/html'), it will return a floating point value
+corresponding to the browser's preference for this type from 0.0
+(don't want) to 1.0. Glob types (e.g. text/*) in the browser's accept
+list are handled correctly.
+Note that the capitalization changed between version 2.43 and 2.44 in
+order to avoid conflict with Perl's accept() function.
+=item B<raw_cookie()>
+Returns the HTTP_COOKIE variable. Cookies have a special format, and
+this method call just returns the raw form (?cookie dough). See
+cookie() for ways of setting and retrieving cooked cookies.
+Called with no parameters, raw_cookie() returns the packed cookie
+structure. You can separate it into individual cookies by splitting
+on the character sequence "; ". Called with the name of a cookie,
+retrieves the B<unescaped> form of the cookie. You can use the
+regular cookie() method to get the names, or use the raw_fetch()
+method from the CGI::Cookie module.
+=item B<user_agent()>
+Returns the HTTP_USER_AGENT variable. If you give
+this method a single argument, it will attempt to
+pattern match on it, allowing you to do something
+like user_agent(Mozilla);
+=item B<path_info()>
+Returns additional path information from the script URL.
+E.G. fetching /cgi-bin/your_script/additional/stuff will result in
+path_info() returning "/additional/stuff".
+NOTE: The Microsoft Internet Information Server
+is broken with respect to additional path information. If
+you use the Perl DLL library, the IIS server will attempt to
+execute the additional path information as a Perl script.
+If you use the ordinary file associations mapping, the
+path information will be present in the environment,
+but incorrect. The best thing to do is to avoid using additional
+path information in CGI scripts destined for use with IIS.
+=item B<path_translated()>
+As per path_info() but returns the additional
+path information translated into a physical path, e.g.
+The Microsoft IIS is broken with respect to the translated
+path as well.
+=item B<remote_host()>
+Returns either the remote host name or IP address.
+if the former is unavailable.
+=item B<script_name()>
+Return the script name as a partial URL, for self-refering
+=item B<referer()>
+Return the URL of the page the browser was viewing
+prior to fetching your script. Not available for all
+=item B<auth_type ()>
+Return the authorization/verification method in use for this
+script, if any.
+=item B<server_name ()>
+Returns the name of the server, usually the machine's host
+=item B<virtual_host ()>
+When using virtual hosts, returns the name of the host that
+the browser attempted to contact
+=item B<server_port ()>
+Return the port that the server is listening on.
+=item B<virtual_port ()>
+Like server_port() except that it takes virtual hosts into account.
+Use this when running with virtual hosts.
+=item B<server_software ()>
+Returns the server software and version number.
+=item B<remote_user ()>
+Return the authorization/verification name used for user
+verification, if this script is protected.
+=item B<user_name ()>
+Attempt to obtain the remote user's name, using a variety of different
+techniques. This only works with older browsers such as Mosaic.
+Newer browsers do not report the user name for privacy reasons!
+=item B<request_method()>
+Returns the method used to access your script, usually
+one of 'POST', 'GET' or 'HEAD'.
+=item B<content_type()>
+Returns the content_type of data submitted in a POST, generally
+multipart/form-data or application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+=item B<http()>
+Called with no arguments returns the list of HTTP environment
+variables, including such things as HTTP_USER_AGENT,
+like-named HTTP header fields in the request. Called with the name of
+an HTTP header field, returns its value. Capitalization and the use
+of hyphens versus underscores are not significant.
+For example, all three of these examples are equivalent:
+ $requested_language = http('Accept-language');
+ $requested_language = http('Accept_language');
+ $requested_language = http('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE');
+=item B<https()>
+The same as I<http()>, but operates on the HTTPS environment variables
+present when the SSL protocol is in effect. Can be used to determine
+whether SSL is turned on.
+NPH, or "no-parsed-header", scripts bypass the server completely by
+sending the complete HTTP header directly to the browser. This has
+slight performance benefits, but is of most use for taking advantage
+of HTTP extensions that are not directly supported by your server,
+such as server push and PICS headers.
+Servers use a variety of conventions for designating CGI scripts as
+NPH. Many Unix servers look at the beginning of the script's name for
+the prefix "nph-". The Macintosh WebSTAR server and Microsoft's
+Internet Information Server, in contrast, try to decide whether a
+program is an NPH script by examining the first line of script output.
+ supports NPH scripts with a special NPH mode. When in this
+mode, will output the necessary extra header information when
+the header() and redirect() methods are
+The Microsoft Internet Information Server requires NPH mode. As of
+version 2.30, will automatically detect when the script is
+running under IIS and put itself into this mode. You do not need to
+do this manually, although it won't hurt anything if you do. However,
+note that if you have applied Service Pack 6, much of the
+functionality of NPH scripts, including the ability to redirect while
+setting a cookie, b<do not work at all> on IIS without a special patch
+from Microsoft. See
+Non-Parsed Headers Stripped From CGI Applications That Have nph-
+Prefix in Name.
+=over 4
+=item In the B<use> statement
+Simply add the "-nph" pragmato the list of symbols to be imported into
+your script:
+ use CGI qw(:standard -nph)
+=item By calling the B<nph()> method:
+Call B<nph()> with a non-zero parameter at any point after using in your program.
+ CGI->nph(1)
+=item By using B<-nph> parameters
+in the B<header()> and B<redirect()> statements:
+ print header(-nph=>1);
+=head1 Server Push
+ provides four simple functions for producing multipart
+documents of the type needed to implement server push. These
+functions were graciously provided by Ed Jordan <>. To
+import these into your namespace, you must import the ":push" set.
+You are also advised to put the script into NPH mode and to set $| to
+1 to avoid buffering problems.
+Here is a simple script that demonstrates server push:
+ #!/usr/local/bin/perl
+ use CGI qw/:push -nph/;
+ $| = 1;
+ print multipart_init(-boundary=>'----here we go!');
+ for (0 .. 4) {
+ print multipart_start(-type=>'text/plain'),
+ "The current time is ",scalar(localtime),"\n";
+ if ($_ < 4) {
+ print multipart_end;
+ } else {
+ print multipart_final;
+ }
+ sleep 1;
+ }
+This script initializes server push by calling B<multipart_init()>.
+It then enters a loop in which it begins a new multipart section by
+calling B<multipart_start()>, prints the current local time,
+and ends a multipart section with B<multipart_end()>. It then sleeps
+a second, and begins again. On the final iteration, it ends the
+multipart section with B<multipart_final()> rather than with
+=over 4
+=item multipart_init()
+ multipart_init(-boundary=>$boundary);
+Initialize the multipart system. The -boundary argument specifies
+what MIME boundary string to use to separate parts of the document.
+If not provided, chooses a reasonable boundary for you.
+=item multipart_start()
+ multipart_start(-type=>$type)
+Start a new part of the multipart document using the specified MIME
+type. If not specified, text/html is assumed.
+=item multipart_end()
+ multipart_end()
+End a part. You must remember to call multipart_end() once for each
+multipart_start(), except at the end of the last part of the multipart
+document when multipart_final() should be called instead of multipart_end().
+=item multipart_final()
+ multipart_final()
+End all parts. You should call multipart_final() rather than
+multipart_end() at the end of the last part of the multipart document.
+Users interested in server push applications should also have a look
+at the CGI::Push module.
+=head1 Avoiding Denial of Service Attacks
+A potential problem with is that, by default, it attempts to
+process form POSTings no matter how large they are. A wily hacker
+could attack your site by sending a CGI script a huge POST of many
+megabytes. will attempt to read the entire POST into a
+variable, growing hugely in size until it runs out of memory. While
+the script attempts to allocate the memory the system may slow down
+dramatically. This is a form of denial of service attack.
+Another possible attack is for the remote user to force to
+accept a huge file upload. will accept the upload and store it
+in a temporary directory even if your script doesn't expect to receive
+an uploaded file. will delete the file automatically when it
+terminates, but in the meantime the remote user may have filled up the
+server's disk space, causing problems for other programs.
+The best way to avoid denial of service attacks is to limit the amount
+of memory, CPU time and disk space that CGI scripts can use. Some Web
+servers come with built-in facilities to accomplish this. In other
+cases, you can use the shell I<limit> or I<ulimit>
+commands to put ceilings on CGI resource usage.
+ also has some simple built-in protections against denial of
+service attacks, but you must activate them before you can use them.
+These take the form of two global variables in the CGI name space:
+=over 4
+=item B<$CGI::POST_MAX>
+If set to a non-negative integer, this variable puts a ceiling
+on the size of POSTings, in bytes. If detects a POST
+that is greater than the ceiling, it will immediately exit with an error
+message. This value will affect both ordinary POSTs and
+multipart POSTs, meaning that it limits the maximum size of file
+uploads as well. You should set this to a reasonably high
+value, such as 1 megabyte.
+If set to a non-zero value, this will disable file uploads
+completely. Other fill-out form values will work as usual.
+You can use these variables in either of two ways.
+=over 4
+=item B<1. On a script-by-script basis>
+Set the variable at the top of the script, right after the "use" statement:
+ use CGI qw/:standard/;
+ use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser';
+ $CGI::POST_MAX=1024 * 100; # max 100K posts
+ $CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1; # no uploads
+=item B<2. Globally for all scripts>
+Open up, find the definitions for $POST_MAX and
+$DISABLE_UPLOADS, and set them to the desired values. You'll
+find them towards the top of the file in a subroutine named
+An attempt to send a POST larger than $POST_MAX bytes will cause
+I<param()> to return an empty CGI parameter list. You can test for
+this event by checking I<cgi_error()>, either after you create the CGI
+object or, if you are using the function-oriented interface, call
+<param()> for the first time. If the POST was intercepted, then
+cgi_error() will return the message "413 POST too large".
+This error message is actually defined by the HTTP protocol, and is
+designed to be returned to the browser as the CGI script's status
+ code. For example:
+ $uploaded_file = param('upload');
+ if (!$uploaded_file && cgi_error()) {
+ print header(-status=>cgi_error());
+ exit 0;
+ }
+However it isn't clear that any browser currently knows what to do
+with this status code. It might be better just to create an
+HTML page that warns the user of the problem.
+To make it easier to port existing programs that use the
+compatibility routine "ReadParse" is provided. Porting is simple:
+ require "";
+ &ReadParse;
+ print "The value of the antique is $in{antique}.\n";
+ use CGI;
+ CGI::ReadParse();
+ print "The value of the antique is $in{antique}.\n";
+'s ReadParse() routine creates a tied variable named %in,
+which can be accessed to obtain the query variables. Like
+ReadParse, you can also provide your own variable. Infrequently
+used features of ReadParse, such as the creation of @in and $in
+variables, are not supported.
+Once you use ReadParse, you can retrieve the query object itself
+this way:
+ $q = $in{CGI};
+ print textfield(-name=>'wow',
+ -value=>'does this really work?');
+This allows you to start using the more interesting features
+of without rewriting your old scripts from scratch.
+The distribution is copyright 1995-2007, Lincoln D. Stein. It is
+distributed under GPL and the Artistic License 2.0.
+Address bug reports and comments to: When sending
+bug reports, please provide the version of, the version of
+Perl, the name and version of your Web server, and the name and
+version of the operating system you are using. If the problem is even
+remotely browser dependent, please provide information about the
+affected browers as well.
+=head1 CREDITS
+Thanks very much to:
+=over 4
+=item Matt Heffron (
+=item James Taylor (
+=item Scott Anguish <>
+=item Mike Jewell (
+=item Timothy Shimmin (
+=item Joergen Haegg (
+=item Laurent Delfosse (
+=item Richard Resnick (
+=item Craig Bishop (
+=item Tony Curtis (
+=item Tim Bunce (
+=item Tom Christiansen (
+=item Andreas Koenig (k@franz.ww.TU-Berlin.DE)
+=item Tim MacKenzie (
+=item Kevin B. Hendricks (
+=item Stephen Dahmen (
+=item Ed Jordan (
+=item David Alan Pisoni (
+=item Doug MacEachern (
+=item Robin Houston (
+=item ...and many many more...
+for suggestions and bug fixes.
+ #!/usr/local/bin/perl
+ use CGI ':standard';
+ print header;
+ print start_html("Example Form");
+ print "<h1> Example Form</h1>\n";
+ print_prompt();
+ do_work();
+ print_tail();
+ print end_html;
+ sub print_prompt {
+ print start_form;
+ print "<em>What's your name?</em><br>";
+ print textfield('name');
+ print checkbox('Not my real name');
+ print "<p><em>Where can you find English Sparrows?</em><br>";
+ print checkbox_group(
+ -name=>'Sparrow locations',
+ -values=>[England,France,Spain,Asia,Hoboken],
+ -linebreak=>'yes',
+ -defaults=>[England,Asia]);
+ print "<p><em>How far can they fly?</em><br>",
+ radio_group(
+ -name=>'how far',
+ -values=>['10 ft','1 mile','10 miles','real far'],
+ -default=>'1 mile');
+ print "<p><em>What's your favorite color?</em> ";
+ print popup_menu(-name=>'Color',
+ -values=>['black','brown','red','yellow'],
+ -default=>'red');
+ print hidden('Reference','Monty Python and the Holy Grail');
+ print "<p><em>What have you got there?</em><br>";
+ print scrolling_list(
+ -name=>'possessions',
+ -values=>['A Coconut','A Grail','An Icon',
+ 'A Sword','A Ticket'],
+ -size=>5,
+ -multiple=>'true');
+ print "<p><em>Any parting comments?</em><br>";
+ print textarea(-name=>'Comments',
+ -rows=>10,
+ -columns=>50);
+ print "<p>",reset;
+ print submit('Action','Shout');
+ print submit('Action','Scream');
+ print end_form;
+ print "<hr>\n";
+ }
+ sub do_work {
+ my(@values,$key);
+ print "<h2>Here are the current settings in this form</h2>";
+ for $key (param) {
+ print "<strong>$key</strong> -> ";
+ @values = param($key);
+ print join(", ",@values),"<br>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ sub print_tail {
+ print <<END;
+ <hr>
+ <address>Lincoln D. Stein</address><br>
+ <a href="/">Home Page</a>
+ }
+=head1 BUGS
+Please report them.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<CGI::Carp>, L<CGI::Fast>, L<CGI::Pretty>
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/ b/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e055e30555
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+package CGI::Apache;
+use CGI;
+$VERSION = '1.01';
+=head1 NAME
+CGI::Apache - Backward compatibility module for
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Do not use this module. It is deprecated.
+=head1 ABSTRACT
+=head1 BUGS
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/ b/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa79d1921f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/
@@ -0,0 +1,604 @@
+package CGI::Carp;
+=head1 NAME
+B<CGI::Carp> - CGI routines for writing to the HTTPD (or other) error log
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use CGI::Carp;
+ croak "We're outta here!";
+ confess "It was my fault: $!";
+ carp "It was your fault!";
+ warn "I'm confused";
+ die "I'm dying.\n";
+ use CGI::Carp qw(cluck);
+ cluck "I wouldn't do that if I were you";
+ use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
+ die "Fatal error messages are now sent to browser";
+CGI scripts have a nasty habit of leaving warning messages in the error
+logs that are neither time stamped nor fully identified. Tracking down
+the script that caused the error is a pain. This fixes that. Replace
+the usual
+ use Carp;
+ use CGI::Carp
+And the standard warn(), die (), croak(), confess() and carp() calls
+will automagically be replaced with functions that write out nicely
+time-stamped messages to the HTTP server error log.
+For example:
+ [Fri Nov 17 21:40:43 1995] I'm confused at line 3.
+ [Fri Nov 17 21:40:43 1995] Got an error message: Permission denied.
+ [Fri Nov 17 21:40:43 1995] I'm dying.
+By default, error messages are sent to STDERR. Most HTTPD servers
+direct STDERR to the server's error log. Some applications may wish
+to keep private error logs, distinct from the server's error log, or
+they may wish to direct error messages to STDOUT so that the browser
+will receive them.
+The C<carpout()> function is provided for this purpose. Since
+carpout() is not exported by default, you must import it explicitly by
+ use CGI::Carp qw(carpout);
+The carpout() function requires one argument, which should be a
+reference to an open filehandle for writing errors. It should be
+called in a C<BEGIN> block at the top of the CGI application so that
+compiler errors will be caught. Example:
+ use CGI::Carp qw(carpout);
+ open(LOG, ">>/usr/local/cgi-logs/mycgi-log") or
+ die("Unable to open mycgi-log: $!\n");
+ carpout(LOG);
+ }
+carpout() does not handle file locking on the log for you at this point.
+The real STDERR is not closed -- it is moved to CGI::Carp::SAVEERR. Some
+servers, when dealing with CGI scripts, close their connection to the
+browser when the script closes STDOUT and STDERR. CGI::Carp::SAVEERR is there to
+prevent this from happening prematurely.
+You can pass filehandles to carpout() in a variety of ways. The "correct"
+way according to Tom Christiansen is to pass a reference to a filehandle
+ carpout(\*LOG);
+This looks weird to mere mortals however, so the following syntaxes are
+accepted as well:
+ carpout(LOG);
+ carpout(main::LOG);
+ carpout(main'LOG);
+ carpout(\LOG);
+ carpout(\'main::LOG');
+ ... and so on
+FileHandle and other objects work as well.
+Use of carpout() is not great for performance, so it is recommended
+for debugging purposes or for moderate-use applications. A future
+version of this module may delay redirecting STDERR until one of the
+CGI::Carp methods is called to prevent the performance hit.
+If you want to send fatal (die, confess) errors to the browser, ask to
+import the special "fatalsToBrowser" subroutine:
+ use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
+ die "Bad error here";
+Fatal errors will now be echoed to the browser as well as to the log. CGI::Carp
+arranges to send a minimal HTTP header to the browser so that even errors that
+occur in the early compile phase will be seen.
+Nonfatal errors will still be directed to the log file only (unless redirected
+with carpout).
+Note that fatalsToBrowser does B<not> work with mod_perl version 2.0
+and higher.
+=head2 Changing the default message
+By default, the software error message is followed by a note to
+contact the Webmaster by e-mail with the time and date of the error.
+If this message is not to your liking, you can change it using the
+set_message() routine. This is not imported by default; you should
+import it on the use() line:
+ use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser set_message);
+ set_message("It's not a bug, it's a feature!");
+You may also pass in a code reference in order to create a custom
+error message. At run time, your code will be called with the text
+of the error message that caused the script to die. Example:
+ use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser set_message);
+ sub handle_errors {
+ my $msg = shift;
+ print "<h1>Oh gosh</h1>";
+ print "<p>Got an error: $msg</p>";
+ }
+ set_message(\&handle_errors);
+ }
+In order to correctly intercept compile-time errors, you should call
+set_message() from within a BEGIN{} block.
+If fatalsToBrowser in conjunction with set_message does not provide
+you with all of the functionality you need, you can go one step
+further by specifying a function to be executed any time a script
+calls "die", has a syntax error, or dies unexpectedly at runtime
+with a line like "undef->explode();".
+ use CGI::Carp qw(set_die_handler);
+ sub handle_errors {
+ my $msg = shift;
+ print "content-type: text/html\n\n";
+ print "<h1>Oh gosh</h1>";
+ print "<p>Got an error: $msg</p>";
+ #proceed to send an email to a system administrator,
+ #write a detailed message to the browser and/or a log,
+ #etc....
+ }
+ set_die_handler(\&handle_errors);
+ }
+Notice that if you use set_die_handler(), you must handle sending
+HTML headers to the browser yourself if you are printing a message.
+If you use set_die_handler(), you will most likely interfere with
+the behavior of fatalsToBrowser, so you must use this or that, not
+Using set_die_handler() sets SIG{__DIE__} (as does fatalsToBrowser),
+and there is only one SIG{__DIE__}. This means that if you are
+attempting to set SIG{__DIE__} yourself, you may interfere with
+this module's functionality, or this module may interfere with
+your module's functionality.
+It is now also possible to make non-fatal errors appear as HTML
+comments embedded in the output of your program. To enable this
+feature, export the new "warningsToBrowser" subroutine. Since sending
+warnings to the browser before the HTTP headers have been sent would
+cause an error, any warnings are stored in an internal buffer until
+you call the warningsToBrowser() subroutine with a true argument:
+ use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser warningsToBrowser);
+ use CGI qw(:standard);
+ print header();
+ warningsToBrowser(1);
+You may also give a false argument to warningsToBrowser() to prevent
+warnings from being sent to the browser while you are printing some
+content where HTML comments are not allowed:
+ warningsToBrowser(0); # disable warnings
+ print "<script type=\"text/javascript\"><!--\n";
+ print_some_javascript_code();
+ print "//--></script>\n";
+ warningsToBrowser(1); # re-enable warnings
+Note: In this respect warningsToBrowser() differs fundamentally from
+fatalsToBrowser(), which you should never call yourself!
+CGI::Carp includes the name of the program that generated the error or
+warning in the messages written to the log and the browser window.
+Sometimes, Perl can get confused about what the actual name of the
+executed program was. In these cases, you can override the program
+name that CGI::Carp will use for all messages.
+The quick way to do that is to tell CGI::Carp the name of the program
+in its use statement. You can do that by adding
+"name=cgi_carp_log_name" to your "use" statement. For example:
+ use CGI::Carp qw(name=cgi_carp_log_name);
+. If you want to change the program name partway through the program,
+you can use the C<set_progname()> function instead. It is not
+exported by default, you must import it explicitly by saying
+ use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
+Once you've done that, you can change the logged name of the program
+at any time by calling
+ set_progname(new_program_name);
+You can set the program back to the default by calling
+ set_progname(undef);
+Note that this override doesn't happen until after the program has
+compiled, so any compile-time errors will still show up with the
+non-overridden program name
+=head1 CHANGE LOG
+1.29 Patch from Peter Whaite to fix the unfixable problem of CGI::Carp
+ not behaving correctly in an eval() context.
+1.05 carpout() added and minor corrections by Marc Hedlund
+ <> on 11/26/95.
+1.06 fatalsToBrowser() no longer aborts for fatal errors within
+ eval() statements.
+1.08 set_message() added and carpout() expanded to allow for FileHandle
+ objects.
+1.09 set_message() now allows users to pass a code REFERENCE for
+ really custom error messages. croak and carp are now
+ exported by default. Thanks to Gunther Birznieks for the
+ patches.
+1.10 Patch from Chris Dean ( to allow
+ module to run correctly under mod_perl.
+1.11 Changed order of &gt; and &lt; escapes.
+1.12 Changed die() on line 217 to CORE::die to avoid B<-w> warning.
+1.13 Added cluck() to make the module orthogonal with Carp.
+ More mod_perl related fixes.
+1.20 Patch from Ilmari Karonen ( Added
+ warningsToBrowser(). Replaced <CODE> tags with <PRE> in
+ fatalsToBrowser() output.
+1.23 ineval() now checks both $^S and inspects the message for the "eval" pattern
+ (hack alert!) in order to accommodate various combinations of Perl and
+ mod_perl.
+1.24 Patch from Scott Gifford ( Add support
+ for overriding program name.
+1.26 Replaced CORE::GLOBAL::die with the evil $SIG{__DIE__} because the
+ former isn't working in some people's hands. There is no such thing
+ as reliable exception handling in Perl.
+1.27 Replaced tell STDOUT with bytes=tell STDOUT.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Copyright 1995-2002, Lincoln D. Stein. All rights reserved.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+Address bug reports and comments to:
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Carp, CGI::Base, CGI::BasePlus, CGI::Request, CGI::MiniSvr, CGI::Form,
+require 5.000;
+use Exporter;
+#use Carp;
+ require Carp;
+ *CORE::GLOBAL::die = \&CGI::Carp::die;
+use File::Spec;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(confess croak carp);
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(carpout fatalsToBrowser warningsToBrowser wrap set_message set_die_handler set_progname cluck ^name= die);
+$CGI::Carp::VERSION = '3.45';
+$CGI::Carp::CUSTOM_MSG = undef;
+$CGI::Carp::DIE_HANDLER = undef;
+# fancy import routine detects and handles 'errorWrap' specially.
+sub import {
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ my(%routines);
+ my(@name);
+ if (@name=grep(/^name=/,@_))
+ {
+ my($n) = (split(/=/,$name[0]))[1];
+ set_progname($n);
+ @_=grep(!/^name=/,@_);
+ }
+ grep($routines{$_}++,@_,@EXPORT);
+ $WRAP++ if $routines{'fatalsToBrowser'} || $routines{'wrap'};
+ $WARN++ if $routines{'warningsToBrowser'};
+ my($oldlevel) = $Exporter::ExportLevel;
+ $Exporter::ExportLevel = 1;
+ Exporter::import($pkg,keys %routines);
+ $Exporter::ExportLevel = $oldlevel;
+ $main::SIG{__DIE__} =\&CGI::Carp::die if $routines{'fatalsToBrowser'};
+# $pkg->export('CORE::GLOBAL','die');
+# These are the originals
+sub realwarn { CORE::warn(@_); }
+sub realdie { CORE::die(@_); }
+sub id {
+ my $level = shift;
+ my($pack,$file,$line,$sub) = caller($level);
+ my($dev,$dirs,$id) = File::Spec->splitpath($file);
+ return ($file,$line,$id);
+sub stamp {
+ my $time = scalar(localtime);
+ my $frame = 0;
+ my ($id,$pack,$file,$dev,$dirs);
+ if (defined($CGI::Carp::PROGNAME)) {
+ $id = $CGI::Carp::PROGNAME;
+ } else {
+ do {
+ $id = $file;
+ ($pack,$file) = caller($frame++);
+ } until !$file;
+ }
+ ($dev,$dirs,$id) = File::Spec->splitpath($id);
+ return "[$time] $id: ";
+sub set_progname {
+ $CGI::Carp::PROGNAME = shift;
+ return $CGI::Carp::PROGNAME;
+sub warn {
+ my $message = shift;
+ my($file,$line,$id) = id(1);
+ $message .= " at $file line $line.\n" unless $message=~/\n$/;
+ _warn($message) if $WARN;
+ my $stamp = stamp;
+ $message=~s/^/$stamp/gm;
+ realwarn $message;
+sub _warn {
+ my $msg = shift;
+ # We need to mangle the message a bit to make it a valid HTML
+ # comment. This is done by substituting similar-looking ISO
+ # 8859-1 characters for <, > and -. This is a hack.
+ $msg =~ tr/<>-/\253\273\255/;
+ chomp $msg;
+ print STDOUT "<!-- warning: $msg -->\n";
+ } else {
+ push @WARNINGS, $msg;
+ }
+# The mod_perl package Apache::Registry loads CGI programs by calling
+# eval. These evals don't count when looking at the stack backtrace.
+sub _longmess {
+ my $message = Carp::longmess();
+ $message =~ s,eval[^\n]+(ModPerl|Apache)/(?:Registry|Dispatch)\w*\.pm.*,,s
+ if exists $ENV{MOD_PERL};
+ return $message;
+sub ineval {
+ (exists $ENV{MOD_PERL} ? 0 : $^S) || _longmess() =~ /eval [\{\']/m
+sub die {
+ my ($arg,@rest) = @_;
+ if ($DIE_HANDLER) {
+ &$DIE_HANDLER($arg,@rest);
+ }
+ if ( ineval() ) {
+ if (!ref($arg)) {
+ $arg = join("",($arg,@rest)) || "Died";
+ my($file,$line,$id) = id(1);
+ $arg .= " at $file line $line.\n" unless $arg=~/\n$/;
+ realdie($arg);
+ }
+ else {
+ realdie($arg,@rest);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ref($arg)) {
+ $arg = join("", ($arg,@rest));
+ my($file,$line,$id) = id(1);
+ $arg .= " at $file line $line." unless $arg=~/\n$/;
+ &fatalsToBrowser($arg) if $WRAP;
+ if (($arg =~ /\n$/) || !exists($ENV{MOD_PERL})) {
+ my $stamp = stamp;
+ $arg=~s/^/$stamp/gm;
+ }
+ if ($arg !~ /\n$/) {
+ $arg .= "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ realdie $arg;
+sub set_message {
+ $CGI::Carp::CUSTOM_MSG = shift;
+ return $CGI::Carp::CUSTOM_MSG;
+sub set_die_handler {
+ my ($handler) = shift;
+ #setting SIG{__DIE__} here is necessary to catch runtime
+ #errors which are not called by literally saying "die",
+ #such as the line "undef->explode();". however, doing this
+ #will interfere with fatalsToBrowser, which also sets
+ #SIG{__DIE__} in the import() function above (or the
+ #import() function above may interfere with this). for
+ #this reason, you should choose to either set the die
+ #handler here, or use fatalsToBrowser, not both.
+ $main::SIG{__DIE__} = $handler;
+ $CGI::Carp::DIE_HANDLER = $handler;
+ return $CGI::Carp::DIE_HANDLER;
+sub confess { CGI::Carp::die Carp::longmess @_; }
+sub croak { CGI::Carp::die Carp::shortmess @_; }
+sub carp { CGI::Carp::warn Carp::shortmess @_; }
+sub cluck { CGI::Carp::warn Carp::longmess @_; }
+# We have to be ready to accept a filehandle as a reference
+# or a string.
+sub carpout {
+ my($in) = @_;
+ my($no) = fileno(to_filehandle($in));
+ realdie("Invalid filehandle $in\n") unless defined $no;
+ open(SAVEERR, ">&STDERR");
+ open(STDERR, ">&$no") or
+ ( print SAVEERR "Unable to redirect STDERR: $!\n" and exit(1) );
+sub warningsToBrowser {
+ $EMIT_WARNINGS = @_ ? shift : 1;
+ _warn(shift @WARNINGS) while $EMIT_WARNINGS and @WARNINGS;
+# headers
+sub fatalsToBrowser {
+ my($msg) = @_;
+ $msg=~s/&/&amp;/g;
+ $msg=~s/>/&gt;/g;
+ $msg=~s/</&lt;/g;
+ $msg=~s/\"/&quot;/g;
+ my($wm) = $ENV{SERVER_ADMIN} ?
+ qq[the webmaster (<a href="mailto:$ENV{SERVER_ADMIN}">$ENV{SERVER_ADMIN}</a>)] :
+ "this site's webmaster";
+ my ($outer_message) = <<END;
+For help, please send mail to $wm, giving this error message
+and the time and date of the error.
+ ;
+ my $mod_perl = exists $ENV{MOD_PERL};
+ if ($CUSTOM_MSG) {
+ if (ref($CUSTOM_MSG) eq 'CODE') {
+ print STDOUT "Content-type: text/html\n\n"
+ unless $mod_perl;
+ eval {
+ &$CUSTOM_MSG($msg); # nicer to perl 5.003 users
+ };
+ if ($@) { print STDERR q(error while executing the error handler: $@); }
+ return;
+ } else {
+ $outer_message = $CUSTOM_MSG;
+ }
+ }
+ my $mess = <<END;
+<h1>Software error:</h1>
+ ;
+ if ($mod_perl) {
+ my $r;
+ $mod_perl = 2;
+ require Apache2::RequestRec;
+ require Apache2::RequestIO;
+ require Apache2::RequestUtil;
+ require APR::Pool;
+ require ModPerl::Util;
+ require Apache2::Response;
+ $r = Apache2::RequestUtil->request;
+ }
+ else {
+ $r = Apache->request;
+ }
+ # If bytes have already been sent, then
+ # we print the message out directly.
+ # Otherwise we make a custom error
+ # handler to produce the doc for us.
+ if ($r->bytes_sent) {
+ $r->print($mess);
+ $mod_perl == 2 ? ModPerl::Util::exit(0) : $r->exit;
+ } else {
+ # MSIE won't display a custom 500 response unless it is >512 bytes!
+ if ($ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} =~ /MSIE/) {
+ $mess = "<!-- " . (' ' x 513) . " -->\n$mess";
+ }
+ $r->custom_response(500,$mess);
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $bytes_written = eval{tell STDOUT};
+ if (defined $bytes_written && $bytes_written > 0) {
+ print STDOUT $mess;
+ }
+ else {
+ print STDOUT "Status: 500\n";
+ print STDOUT "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
+ print STDOUT $mess;
+ }
+ }
+ warningsToBrowser(1); # emit warnings before dying
+# Cut and paste from so that we don't have the overhead of
+# always loading the entire CGI module.
+sub to_filehandle {
+ my $thingy = shift;
+ return undef unless $thingy;
+ return $thingy if UNIVERSAL::isa($thingy,'GLOB');
+ return $thingy if UNIVERSAL::isa($thingy,'FileHandle');
+ if (!ref($thingy)) {
+ my $caller = 1;
+ while (my $package = caller($caller++)) {
+ my($tmp) = $thingy=~/[\':]/ ? $thingy : "$package\:\:$thingy";
+ return $tmp if defined(fileno($tmp));
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/Changes b/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/Changes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a45e39bf10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/Changes
@@ -0,0 +1,1423 @@
+Version 3.45
+ 1. Prevent warnings about "uninitialized values" for REQUEST_URI, HTTP_USER_AGENT and other environment variables.
+ Patches by Callum Gibson, heiko and Mark Stosberg. (RT#24684, RT#29065)
+ 2. Avoid death in some cases when running under Taint mode on Windows.
+ Patch by Peter Hancock (RT#43796)
+ 3. Allow 0 to be used as a default value in popup_menu(). This was broken starting in 3.37.
+ Thanks to Haze, who was the first to report this and supply a patch, and pfschill, who pinpointed
+ when the bug was introduced. A regression test for this was also added. (RT#37908)
+ 4. Allow "+" as a valid character in file names, which fixes temp file creation on OS X Leopard.
+ Thanks to Andy Armstrong, and alech for patches. (RT#30504)
+ 5. Set binmode() on the Netware platform, thanks to Guenter Knauf (RT#27455)
+ 6. Don't allow a CGI::Carp error handler to die recursively. Print a warning and exit instead.
+ Thanks to Marc Chantreux. (RT#45956)
+ 7. The Dump() method now is fixed to escape HTML properly. Thanks to Mark Stosberg (RT#21341)
+ 8. Support for <optgroup> with scrolling_list() now works the same way as it does for popup_menu().
+ Thanks to Stuart Johnston (RT#30097)
+ 9. CGI::Pretty now works properly when $" is set to ''. Thanks to Jim Keenan (RT#12401)
+ 10. Fix crash when used in combination with PerlEx::DBI. Thanks to Burak Gürsoy (RT#19902)
+ 1. Several typos were fixed, Thanks to ambs. (RT#41105)
+ 2. A typo related to the nosticky pragma was fixed, thanks to Britton Kerin. (RT#43220)
+ 3. examples/nph-clock.cgi is now more portable, by calling localtime() rather than `/bin/date`,
+ thanks to Guenter Knauf. (RT#27456).
+ 4. In CGI::Carp, the SEE ALSO section was cleaned up, thanks to Slaven Rezic. (RT#32769)
+ 5. The docs for redirect() were updated to reflect that most headers are
+ ignored during redirection. Thanks to Mark Stosberg (RT#44911)
+ 1. New t/unescapeHTML.t test script has been added. It includes a TODO test for a pre-existing
+ bug which could use a patch. Thanks to Pete Gamache and Mark Stosberg (RT#39122)
+ 2. New test scripts have been added for user_agent(), popup_menu() and query_string(), scrolling_list() and Dump()
+ Thanks to Mark Stosberg and Stuart Johnston. (RT#37908, RT#43006, RT#21341, RT#30097)
+ 3. CGI::Carp and CGI::Util have been updated to have non-developer version numbers.
+ Thanks to Slaven Rezic. (RT#48425)
+ 4. CGI::Switch and CGI::Apache now properly set their VERSION in their own name space.
+ Thanks to Alexey Tourbin (RT#11941,RT#11942)
+ Version 3.44
+ 1. Patch from Kurt Jaeger to allow HTTP PUT even if the content length is unknown.
+ 2. Patch from Pavel merdin to fix a problem for one of the FireFox addons.
+ 3. Fixed issue in mod_perl & fastCGI environment of cookies returned from
+ CGI->cookie() leaking from one session to another.
+ Version 3.43
+ 1. Documentation patch from to replace all occurrences of
+ "new CGI" with CGI->new()" to reflect best perl practices.
+ 2. Patch from Stepan Kasal to fix utf-8 related problems in perl 5.10
+ Version 3.42
+ 1. Added patch from Renee Baecker that makes it possible to subclass
+ CGI::Pretty.
+ 2. Added patch from Nicholas Clark to allow ~ characters in temporary directories.
+ 3. Added patch from Renee Baecker that fixes the inappropriate escaping of fields
+ in multipart headers.
+ Version 3.41
+ 1. Fix url() returning incorrect path when query string contains escaped newline.
+ 2. Added additional windows temporary directories and environment variables, courtesy patch from Renee Baecker
+ 3. Added a handle() method to the lightweight upload
+ filehandles. This method returns a real IO::Handle object.
+ 4. Added patch from Tony Vanlingen to fix deep recursion warnings in CGI::Pretty.
+ Version 3.40
+ 1. Fixed CGI::Fast docs to eliminate references to a "special"
+ version of Perl.
+ 2. Makefile.PL now depends on FCGI so that CGI::Fast installs properly.
+ 3. Fix script_name() call from Stephane Chazelas.
+ Version 3.39
+ 1. Fixed regression in "exists" function when using tied interface to CGI via $q->Vars.
+ Version 3.38
+ 1. Fix annoying warning in
+ 2. Added nobr() function
+ 3. popup_menu() allows multiple items to be selected by default, satisfying
+ 4. Patch from Renee Backer to avoid doubled <http-equiv> headers.
+ 5. Fixed documentation bug that describes what happens when a
+ parameter is empty (e.g. "?test1=").
+ 6. Fixed minor warning described at
+ 7. Fixed overlap of attribute and parameter space described in
+ Version 3.37
+ 1. Fix pragmas so that they persist over modperl invocations (e.g. RT 34761)
+ 2. Fixed handling of chunked multipart uploads; thanks to Michael Bernhardt
+ who reported and fixed the problem.
+ Version 3.36
+ 1. Fix CGI::Cookie to support cookies that are separated by "," instead of ";".
+ Version 3.35
+ 1. Resync with bleadperl, primarily fixing a bug in parsing semicolons in uploaded filenames.
+ Version 3.34
+ 1. Handle Unicode %uXXXX escapes properly -- patch from
+ 2. Fix url() method to not choke on path names that contain regex characters.
+ Version 3.33
+ 1. Remove uninit variable warning when calling url(-relative=>1)
+ 2. Fix uninit variable warnings for two lc calls
+ 3. Fixed failure of tempfile upload due to sprintf() taint failure in perl 5.10
+ Version 3.32
+ 1. Patch from Miguel Santinho to prevent sending premature headers under mod_perl 2.0
+ Version 3.31
+ 1. Patch from Xavier Robin so that CGI::Carp issues a 500 Status code rather than a 200 status code.
+ 2. Patch from Alexander Klink to select correct temporary directory in OSX Leopard so that upload works.
+ 3. Possibly fixed "wrapped pack" error on 5.10 and higher.
+ Version 3.30
+ 1. Patch from Mike Barry to handle POSTDATA in the same way as PUT.
+ 2. Patch from Rafael Garcia-Suarez to correctly reencode unicode values as byte values.
+ Version 3.29
+ 1. The position of file handles is now reset to zero when CGI->new is called.
+ (Mark Stosberg)
+ 2. uploadInfo() now works across multiple object instances. Also, the first
+ tests for uploadInfo() were added as part of the fix. (CPAN bug 11895, with
+ contributions from drfrench and Mark Stosberg).
+ Version 3.28
+ 1. Applied patch from Allen Day that makes Cookie parsing RFC2109 compliant
+ (attribute/values can be separated by commas as well as semicolons).
+ 2. Applied patch from Stephan Struckmann that allows script_name() to be set correctly.
+ 3. Fixed problem with url(-full) in which port number appears twice.
+ Version 3.27
+ 1. Applied patch from Steve Taylor that allows checkbox_groups to be
+ disabled with a new -disabled=> option.
+ Version 3.26
+ 1. Fixed alternate stylesheet behavior so that it is insensitive to order of declarations.
+ 2. Patch from John Binns to allow users to provide a callback to CGI::Carp.
+ 3. Added "~" as an unreserved character in escape().
+ 4. Patch from Chris Fedde to prevent HTTP_HOST from inhibiting SERVER_PORT in url() generation.
+ 5. Fixed outdated documentation (and behavior) of -language in start_html -script option.
+ 6. Fixed bug in seconds calculation in CGI::Util::expire_calc.
+ Version 3.25
+ 1. Fixed the link to the Netscape frames page.
+ 2. Added ability to specify an alternate stylesheet.
+ 3. Add support for XForms POST submssion both as application/xml or as multipart/related
+ Version 3.24
+ 1. In startform(), if request_uri() returns undef, then falls back
+ to self_url(). This should rarely happen except when run outside of
+ the CGI environment.
+ 2. image button alignment options were mistakenly being capitalized, causing xhtml validation to fail.
+ Version 3.23
+ 1. Typo in upload() persisted, now fixed for real. Thanks to
+ Emanuele Zeppieri for correct patch and regression test.
+ Version 3.22
+ 1. Typo in upload() function broke uploads. Now fixed (CPAN bug 21126).
+ Version 3.21
+ 1. Don't try to read data at all when POST > $POST_MAX.
+ 2. Fixed bug that caused $cgi->param('name',undef,'value') to unset param('name') entirely.
+ 3. Fixed bug in which upload() sometimes returns empty. (CPAN bug #12694).
+ 4. Incorporated patch from to support HTTPcookies (CPAN bug 21019).
+ Version 3.20
+ 1. Patch from David Wheeler for CGI::Cookie->bake(). Uses mod_perl headers_out->add()
+ rather than headers_out->set().
+ 2. Fixed problem identified by Andrei Voronkov in which start_form() output was screwed
+ up when initial argument begins with a dash and subsequent arguments do not.
+ 3. Quashed uninitialized variable warnings coming from script_name(), url() and other
+ functions that require access to the PATH_INFO environment variable.
+ Version 3.19
+ 1. Added patch from Stephen Frost that allows one to suppress use of the temp file that is
+ created during uploads.
+ 2. Fixed problem noted by Martin Foster in which regular expression meta-character terms
+ in the path information were not quoted, causing URL parsing
+ to fail on URLs that contained metacharacters (such as +).
+ 3. More fixes to the url() method.
+ 4. Removed "hack to fix broken PATH_INFO in MSII".
+ Version 3.18
+ 1. Doc typo fixes.
+ 2. Patch from Steve Peters to default the document type to match the charset.
+ 3. Fixed param() so that param(-name=>'foo',-values=>[]) sets the parameter to empty list.
+ Version 3.17 Fri Feb 24 14:01:27 EST 2006
+ 1. Added patch from Mike Hanafey which caused 0 arguments to CGI::Cookie->new() to
+ be treated as empty.
+ 2. Patch to CGI::Carp from Peter Whaite to fix the unfixable problem of CGI::Carp
+ not behaving correctly in an eval() context.
+ 3. CGI::Fast->new() calls CGI->_reset_globals to avoid contamination of one session
+ with another's variables.
+ 4. Fixed upload failure on files that contain semicolons in their names.
+ Version 3.16 Wed Feb 8 13:29:11 EST 2006
+ 1. header() -charset option now works even when the MIME type is not "text".
+ 2. Fixed documentation for cookie() function and fastCGI.
+ 3. Upload filehandles now only closed automatically on Windows systems.
+ 4. Apache::Cookie compatibility fix from David Wheeler
+ 5. CGI::Carp->fatalsToBrowser() does not work correctly with
+ mod_perl 2. No workaround is known.
+ 6. Fixed text status code associated with 302 redirects. Should be "Found"
+ but was "Moved".
+ 7. Fixed charset in start_html() and header() to be in synch.
+ Version 3.15 Wed Dec 7 15:13:22 EST 2005
+ 1. Remove extraneous "?" from self_url() when URI contains a ? but no query string.
+ Version 3.14 Tue Dec 6 17:12:03 EST 2005
+ 1. Fixed broken scrolling_list() select attribute.
+ Version 3.13
+ 1. Removed extraneous empty "?" from end of self_url().
+ Version 3.12
+ 1. Fixed virtual_port so that it works properly with https protocol.
+ 2. Fixed documentation for upload_hook().
+ 3. Added POSTDATA documentation.
+ 4. Made upload_hook() work in function-oriented mode.
+ 5. Fixed POST_MAX behavior so that it doesn't cause client to hang.
+ 6. Disabled automatic tab indexes and added new -tabindex pragma to
+ turn automatic indexes back on.
+ 7. The url() and self_url() methods now work better in the context of Apache
+ mod_rewrite. Be advised that path_info() may give you confusing results
+ when mod_rewrite is active because Apache calculates the path info *after*
+ rewriting. This is mostly worked around in url() and self_url(), but you
+ may notice some anomalies.
+ 8. Removed empty (and non-validating) <div> from code emitted by end_form().
+ 9. Fixed CGI::Carp to work correctly with Mod_perl 1.29 in an Apache 2 environment.
+ 10. Setting $CGI::TMPDIRECTORY should now be effective.
+ Version 3.11
+ 1. Killed warning in CGI::Cookie about MOD_PERL_API_VERSION
+ 2. Fixed append() so that it works in function mode.
+ 3. Workaround for a bug that appears in Apache2 versions through 2.0.54
+ in which SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO are incorrect if the additional path_info
+ contains a double slash. This workaround will handle the common case of
+, but will
+ not handle the uncommon case of a ScriptAlias directive that adds additional
+ path information to the end of the translated URI.
+ Version 3.10
+ 1. Added Apache2::RequestIO, which is necessary for mp2 interoperability.
+ Version 3.09
+ 1. Fixed tabindex="0" when using CGI to create forms without a prior start_html
+ 2. Removed warning about non-numeric MOD_PERL_API_VERSION.
+ Version 3.08
+ 1. update support for mod_perl 2.0. versions prior to
+ mod_perl 1.999_22 (2.0.0-RC5) are no longer supported.
+ Version 3.07
+ 1. Fixed typo in mod_perl detection.
+ Version 3.06
+ 1. Fixed bare call to script() in start_html
+ 2. Moved Fh::DESTROY out of autoloaded functions so as to avoid
+ clobbering $@ when CGI functions are executed in an eval{}
+ context.
+ 3. mod_perl 2.0 version detection patch in CGI::Cookie provided by
+ Allen Day.
+ 4. autoEscape() flag is now respected when generating extra
+ attributes.
+ 5. Tests for *tag start/end generation from Shlomi Fish.
+ 6. Support for can() method provided by Ron Savage.
+ 7. Fix for lang='' when outputting XHTML.
+ 8. Added support for chunked transfer encoding, as suggested by
+ Hakan Ardo
+ 9. Fixed clobbering of row and column headers in tableized radio
+ and checkbox groups, as reported by Nicolas Thierry-Mieg.
+ 10. <Label> tags are now associated with form elements, as suggested
+ by accessibility guidelines.
+ 11. The <?xml> directive produced by start_html is now turned off by
+ default and the charset is specified in a <meta> directive. Apparently
+ IE6 (and maybe some versions of Opera) were getting confused by this.
+ 12. Support for tab indexes.
+ 13. Retired the HTML docs. The POD docs are now primary documentation.
+ 14. CGI::Carp now correctly detects and handles Apache::Dispatch.
+ 15. CGI::Util::utf8_chr now correctly sets the UTF8 flag on 5.006 or
+ higher perls (fix courtesy Slaven Rezic).
+ Version 3.05
+ 1. Fixed uninitialized variable warning on start_form() when running
+ from command line.
+ 2. Fixed CGI::_set_attributes so that attributes with a - are handled
+ correctly.
+ 3. Fixed CGI::Carp::die() so as to avoid problems from _longmess()
+ clobbering @_.
+ 4. If HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST is defined (i.e. running under a proxy),
+ the various functions that return HOST will use that instead.
+ 5. Fix for undefined utf8() call in CGI::Util.
+ 6. Changed the call to warningsToBrowser() in
+ CGI::Carp::fatalsToBrowser to call only after HTTP header is sent
+ (thanks to Didier Lebrun for noticing).
+ 7. Patches from Dan Harkless to make validatable against HTML
+ 3.2.
+ 8. Fixed an extraneous "foo=bar" appearing when extra style
+ parameters passed to start_html;
+ 9. Fixed cross-site scripting bug in startform() pointed out by Dan
+ Harkless.
+ 10. Fixed documentation to discuss list context behavior of
+ form-element generators explicitly.
+ 11. Fixed incorrect results from end_form() when called in OO manner.
+ 12. Fixed query string stripping in order to handle URLs containing
+ escaped newlines.
+ 13. During server push, set NPH to 0 rather than 1. This is supposed
+ to fix problems with Apache.
+ 14. Fixed incorrect processing of multipart form fields that contain
+ embedded quotes. There's still the issue of how to handle ones
+ that contain embedded semicolons, but no one has complained (yet).
+ 15. Fixed documentation bug in -style argument to start_html()
+ 16. Added -status argument to redirect().
+ Version 3.04
+ 1. Fixed the problem with mod_perl crashing when "defaults" button
+ pressed.
+ Version 3.03
+ 1. Fix upload hook functionality
+ 2. Workaround for CGI->unescape_html()
+ 3. Bumped version numbers in CGI::Fast and CGI::Util for 5.8.3-tobe
+ Version 3.02
+ 1. Bring in Apache::Response just in case.
+ 2. File upload on EBCDIC systems now works.
+ Version 3.01
+ 1. No fix yet for upload failures when running on EBCDIC server.
+ 2. Fixed uninitialized glob warnings that appeared when file
+ uploading under perl 5.8.2.
+ 3. Added patch from Schlomi Fish to allow debugging of PATH_INFO from
+ command line.
+ 4. Added patch from Steve Hay to correctly unlink tmp files under
+ mod_perl/windows
+ 5. Added upload_hook functionality from Jamie LeTaul
+ 6. Workarounds for mod_perl 2 IO issues. Check that file upload and
+ state saving still working.
+ 7. Added code for underreads.
+ 8. Fixed misleading description of redirect() and relative URLs in
+ the POD docs.
+ 9. Workaround for weird interaction of CGI::Carp with Safe module
+ reported by William McKee.
+ 10. Added patches from Ilmari Karonen to improve behavior of
+ CGI::Carp.
+ 11. Fixed documentation error in -style argument.
+ 12. Added virtual_port() method for finding out what port server is
+ listening on in a virtual-host aware fashion.
+ Version 3.00
+ 1. Patch from Randal Schwartz to fix bug introduced by cross-site
+ scripting vulnerability "fix."
+ 2. Patch from JFreeman to replace UTF-8 escape constant of 0xfe with
+ 0xfc. Hope this is right!
+ Version 2.99
+ 1. Patch from Steve Hay to fix extra Content-type: appearing on
+ browser screen when FatalsToBrowser invoked.
+ 2. Patch from Ewann Corvellec to fix cross-site scripting
+ vulnerability.
+ 3. Fixed tmpdir routine for file uploading to solve problem that
+ occurs under mod_perl when tmpdir is writable at startup time, but
+ not at session time.
+ Version 2.98
+ 1. Fixed crash in Dump() function.
+ Version 2.97
+ 1. Sigh. Uploaded wrong 2.96 to CPAN.
+ Version 2.96
+ 1. More bugfixes to the -style argument.
+ Version 2.95
+ 1. Fixed bugs in start_html(-style=>...) support introduced in 2.94.
+ Version 2.94
+ 1. Removed warning from reset() method.
+ 2. Moved
+ and tags into the :html3 group. Hope this removes undefined CGI::Area
+ errors.
+ Changed CGI::Carp to play with mod_perl2 and to (hopefully) restore
+ reporting of compile-time errors.
+ Fixed potential deadlock between web server and when aborting
+ a read due to POST_MAX (reported by Antti Lankila).
+ Fixed issue with tag-generating function not incorporating content
+ when first variable undef.
+ Fixed cross-site scripting bug reported by obscure.
+ Fixed Dump() function to return correctly formed XHTML - bug
+ reported by Ralph Siemsen.
+ Version 2.93
+ 1. Fixed embarassing bug in mp1 support.
+ Version 2.92
+ 1. Fix to be P3P compliant submitted from MPREWITT.
+ 2. Added CGI->r() API for mod_perl1/mod_perl2.
+ 3. Fixed bug in redirect() that was corrupting cookies.
+ 4. Minor fix to behavior of reset() button to make it consistent with
+ submit() button (first time this has been changed in 9 years).
+ 5. Patch from Dan Kogai to handle UTF-8 correctly in 5.8 and higher.
+ 6. Patch from Steve Hay to make CGI::Carp's error messages appear on
+ MSIE browsers.
+ 7. Added Yair Lenga's patch for non-urlencoded postings.
+ 8. Added Stas Bekman's patches for mod_perl 2 compatibility.
+ 9. Fixed uninitialized escape behavior submitted by William Campbell.
+ 10. Fixed tied behavior so that you can pass arguments to tie()
+ 11. Fixed incorrect generation of URLs when the path_info contains +
+ and other odd characters.
+ 12. Fixed redirect(-cookies=>$cookie) problem.
+ 13. Fixed tag generation bug that affects -javascript passed to
+ start_html().
+ Version 2.91
+ 1. Attribute generation now correctly respects the value of
+ autoEscape().
+ 2. Fixed endofrm() syntax error introduced by Ben Edgington's patch.
+ Version 2.90
+ 1. Fixed bug in redirect header handling.
+ 2. Added P3P option to header().
+ 3. Patches from Alexey Mahotkin to make CGI::Carp work correctly with
+ object-oriented exceptions.
+ 4. Removed inaccurate description of how to set multiple cookies from
+ CGI::Cookie pod file.
+ 5. Patch from Kevin Mahony to prevent running out of filehandles when
+ uploading lots of files.
+ 6. Documentation enhancement from Mark Fisher to note that the
+ import_names() method transforms the parameter names into valid
+ Perl names.
+ 7. Patch from Dan Harkless to suppress lang attribute in <html> tag
+ if specified as a null string.
+ 8. Patch from Ben Edgington to fix broken XHTML-transitional 1.0
+ validation on endform().
+ 9. Custom html header fix from Steffen Beyer (first letter correctly
+ upcased now)
+ 10. Added a -verbatim option to stylesheet generation from Michael
+ Dickson
+ 11. Faster delete() method from Neelam Gupta
+ 12. Fixed broken Cygwin support.
+ 13. Added empty charset support from Bradley Baetz
+ 14. Patches from Doug Perham and Kevin Mahoney to fix file upload
+ failures when uploaded file is a multiple of 4096.
+ Version 2.89
+ 1. Fixed behavior of ACTION tag when POSTING to a URL that has a
+ query string.
+ 2. Added Patch from Michael Rommel to handle multipart/mixed uploads
+ from Opera
+ Version 2.88
+ 1. Fixed problem with uploads being refused under Perl 5.8 when under
+ Taint mode.
+ 2. Fixed uninitialized variable warnings under Perl 5.8.
+ 3. Fixed CGI::Pretty regression test failures.
+ Version 2.87
+ 1. Security hole patched: when processing multipart/form-data
+ postings, most arguments were being untainted silently. Returned
+ arguments are now tainted correctly. This may cause some scripts
+ to fail that used to work (thanks to Nick Cleaton for pointing
+ this out and persisting until it was fixed).
+ 2. Update for mod_perl 2.0.
+ 3. Pragmas such as -no_xhtml are now respected in mod_perl
+ environment.
+ Version 2.86
+ 1. Fixes for broken CGI::Cookie expiration dates introduced in 2.84.
+ Version 2.85
+ 1. Fix for broken autoEscape function introduced in 2.84.
+ Version 2.84
+ 1. Fix for failed file uploads on Cygwin platforms.
+ 2. HTML escaping code now replaced 0x8b and 0x9b with unicode
+ references < and *#8250;
+ Version 2.83
+ 1. Fixed autoEscape() documentation inconsistencies.
+ 2. Patch from Ville Skyttä to fix a number of XHTML inconsistencies.
+ 3. Added Max-Age to list of CGI::Cookie headers.
+ Version 2.82
+ 1. Patch from Rudolf Troller to add attribute setting and option
+ groups to form fields.
+ 2. Patch from Simon Perreault for silent crashes when using CGI::Carp
+ under mod_perl.
+ 3. Patch from Scott Gifford allows you to set the program name for
+ CGI::Carp.
+ Version 2.81
+ 1. Removed extraneous slash from end of stylesheet tags generated by
+ start_html in non-XHTML mode.
+ 2. Changed behavior of CGI::Carp with respect to eval{} contexts so
+ that output behaves properly in mod_perl environments.
+ 3. Fixed default DTD so that it validates with W3C validator.
+ Version 2.80
+ 1. Fixed broken messages in CGI::Carp.
+ 2. Changed checked="1" to checked="checked" for real XHTML
+ compatibility.
+ 3. Resurrected REQUEST_URI code so that url() works correctly with
+ multiviews.
+ Version 2.79
+ 1. Changes to CGI::Carp to avoid "subroutine redefined" error
+ messages.
+ 2. Default DTD is now XHTML 1.0 Transitional
+ 3. Patches to support all HTML4 tags.
+ Version 2.78
+ 1. Added ability to change encoding in <?xml> assertion.
+ 2. Fixed the old escapeHTML('CGI') ne "CGI" bug
+ 3. In accordance with XHTML requirements, there are no longer any
+ minimized attributes, such as "checked".
+ 4. Patched bug which caused file uploads of exactly 4096 bytes to be
+ truncated to 4094 (thanks to Kevin Mahony)
+ 5. New tests and fixes to CGI::Pretty (thanks to Michael Schwern).
+ Version 2.77
+ 1. No new features, but released in order to fix an apparent CPAN
+ bug.
+ Version 2.76
+ 1. New esc.t regression test for EBCDIC translations courtesy Peter
+ Prymmer.
+ 2. Patches from James Jurach to make compatible with FCGI-ProcManager
+ 3. Additional fields passed to header() (like -Content_disposition)
+ now honor initial capitalization.
+ 4. Patch from Andrew McNaughton to handle utf-8 escapes (%uXXXX
+ codes) in URLs.
+ Version 2.752
+ 1. Syntax error in the autoloaded Fh::new() subroutine.
+ 2. Better error reporting in autoloaded functions.
+ Version 2.751
+ 1. Tiny tweak to filename regular expression function on line 3355.
+ Version 2.75
+ 1. Fixed bug in server push boundary strings ( and CGI::Push).
+ 2. Fixed bug that occurs when uploading files with funny characters
+ in the name
+ 3. Fixed non-XHTML-compliant attributes produced by textfield()
+ 4. Added EPOC support, courtesy Olaf Flebbe
+ 5. Fixed minor XHTML bugs.
+ 6. Made escape() and unescape() symmetric with respect to EBCDIC,
+ courtesy Roca, Ignasi <>
+ 7. Removed uninitialized variable warning from CGI::Cookie, provided
+ by Atipat Rojnuckarin <>
+ 8. Fixed bug in CGI::Pretty that causes it to print partial end tags
+ when the $INDENT global is changed.
+ 9. Single quotes are changed to character entity ' for compatibility
+ with URLs.
+ Version 2.74
+ September 13, 2000
+ 1. Quashed one-character bug that caused to fail on file
+ uploads.
+ Version 2.73
+ September 12, 2000
+ 1. Added -base to the list of arguments accepted by url().
+ 2. Fixes to XHTML support.
+ 3. POST parameters no longer show up in the Location box.
+ Version 2.72
+ August 19, 2000
+ 1. Fixed the defaults button so that it works again
+ 2. Charset is now correctly saved and restored when saving to files
+ 3. url() now works correctly when given scripts with %20 and other
+ escapes in the additional path info. This undoes a patch
+ introduced in version 2.47 that I no longer understand the
+ rationale for.
+ Version 2.71
+ August 13, 2000
+ 1. Newlines in the value attributes of hidden fields and other form
+ elements are now escaped when using ISO-Latin.
+ 2. Inline script and style sections are now protected as CDATA
+ sections when XHTML mode is on (the default).
+ Version 2.70
+ August 4, 2000
+ 1. Fixed bug in scrolling_list() which omitted a space in front of
+ the "multiple" attribute.
+ 2. Squashed the "useless use of string in void context" message from
+ redirects.
+ Version 2.69
+ 1. startform() now creates default ACTION for POSTs as well as GETs.
+ This may break some browsers, but it no longer violates the HTML
+ spec.
+ 2. now emits XHTML by default. Disable with -no_xhtml.
+ 3. We no longer interpret &#ddd sequences in non-latin character
+ sets.
+ Version 2.68
+ 1. No longer attempts to escape characters when dealing with non
+ ISO-8861 character sets.
+ 2. checkbox() function now defaults to using -value as its label,
+ rather than -name. The current behavior is what has been
+ documented from the beginning.
+ 3. -style accepts array reference to incorporate multiple stylesheets
+ into document.
+ 1. Fixed two bugs that caused the -compile pragma to fail with a
+ syntax error.
+ Version 2.67
+ 1. Added XHTML support (incomplete; tags need to be lowercased).
+ 2. Fixed CGI/Carp when running under mod_perl. Probably broke in
+ other contexts.
+ 3. Fixed problems when passing multiple cookies.
+ 4. Suppress warnings from _tableize() that were appearing when using
+ -w switch with radio_group() and checkbox_group().
+ 5. Support for the header() -attachment argument, which can give
+ pages a default file name when saving to disk.
+ Version 2.66
+ 1. 2.65 changes in make_attributes() broke HTTP header functions
+ (including redirect), so made it context sensitive.
+ Version 2.65
+ 1. Fixed regression tests to skip tests that require implicit fork on
+ machines without fork().
+ 2. Changed make_attributes() to automatically escape any HTML
+ reserved characters.
+ 3. Minor documentation fix in javascript example.
+ Version 2.64
+ 1. Changes introduced in 2.63 broke param() when retrieving parameter
+ lists containing only a single argument. This is now fixed.
+ 2. self_url() now defaults to returning parameters delimited with
+ semicolon. Use the pragma -oldstyle_urls to get the old "&"
+ delimiter.
+ Version 2.63
+ 1. Fixed CGI::Push to pull out parameters correctly.
+ 2. Fixed redirect() so that it works with default character set
+ 3. Changed param() so as to returned empty string '' when referring
+ to variables passed in query strings like 'name1=&name2'
+ Version 2.62
+ 1. Fixed broken ReadParse() function, and added regression tests
+ 2. Fixed broken CGI::Pretty, and added regression tests
+ Version 2.61
+ 1. Moved more functions from proper into CGI/
+ CGI/Cookie should now be standalone.
+ 2. Disabled per-user temporary directories, which were causing grief.
+ Version 2.60
+ 1. Fixed junk appearing in autogenerated HTML functions when using
+ object-oriented mode.
+ Version 2.59
+ 1. autoescape functionality breaks too much existing code, removed
+ it.
+ 2. use escapeHTML() manually
+ Version 2.58
+ This is the release version of 2.57.
+ Version 2.57
+ 1. Added -debug pragma and turned off auto reading of STDIN.
+ 2. Default DTD updated to HTML 4.01 transitional.
+ 3. Added charset() method and the -charset argument to header().
+ 4. Fixed behavior of escapeHTML() to respect charset() and to escape
+ nasty Windows characters (thanks to Tom Christiansen).
+ 5. Handle REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING correctly.
+ 6. Removed use_named_parameters() because of dependency problems and
+ general lameness.
+ 7. Fixed problems with bad HREF links generated by url(-relative=>1)
+ when the url is like /people/.
+ 8. Silenced a warning on upload (patch provided by Jonas Liljegren)
+ 9. Fixed race condition in CGI::Carp when errors occur during parsing
+ (patch provided by Maurice Aubrey).
+ 10. Fixed failure of url(-path_info=>1) when path contains % signs.
+ 11. Fixed warning from CGI::Cookie when receiving foreign cookies that
+ don't use name=value format.
+ 12. Fixed incompatibilities with file uploading on VMS systems.
+ Version 2.56
+ 1. Fixed bugs in file upload introduced in version 2.55
+ 2. Fixed long-standing bug that prevented two files with identical
+ names from being uploaded.
+ Version 2.55
+ 1. Fixed cookie regression test so as not to produce an error.
+ 2. Fixed path_info() and self_url() to work correctly together when
+ path_info() modified.
+ 3. Removed manify warnings from CGI::{Switch,Apache}.
+ Version 2.54
+ 1. This will be the last release of the monolithic module.
+ Later versions will be modularized and optimized.
+ 2. DOMAIN tag no longer added to cookies by default. This will break
+ some versions of Internet Explorer, but will avoid breaking
+ networks which use host tables without fully qualified domain
+ names. For compatibility, please always add the -domain tag when
+ creating cookies.
+ 3. Fixed escape() method so that +'s are treated correctly.
+ 4. Updated CGI::Pretty module.
+ Version 2.53
+ 1. Forgot to upgrade regression tests before releasing 2.52. NOTHING
+ Version 2.52
+ 1. Spurious newline in checkbox() routine removed. (courtesy John
+ Essen)
+ 2. TEXTAREA linebreaks now respected in dump() routine. (courtesy
+ John Essen)
+ 3. Patches for DOS ports (courtesy Robert Davies)
+ 4. Patches for VMS
+ 5. More fixes for cookie problems
+ 6. Fix CGI::Carp so that it doesn't affect eval{} blocks (courtesy
+ Byron Brummer)
+ Version 2.51
+ 1. Fixed problems with cookies not being remembered when sent to IE
+ 5.0 (and Netscape 5.0 too?)
+ 2. Numerous HTML compliance problems in cgi_docs.html; fixed thanks
+ to Michael Leahy
+ Version 2.50
+ 1. Added a new Vars() method to retrieve all parameters as a tied
+ hash.
+ 2. Untainted tainted tempfile name so that script doesn't fail on
+ terminal unlink.
+ 3. Made picking of upload tempfile name more intelligent so that
+ doesn't fail in case of name collision.
+ 4. Fixed handling of expire times when passed an absolute timestamp.
+ 5. Changed dump() to Dump() to avoid name clashes.
+ Version 2.49
+ 1. Fixes for FastCGI (globals not getting reset)
+ 2. Fixed url() to correctly handle query string and path under
+ Version 2.48
+ 1. Reverted detection of MOD_PERL to avoid breaking PerlEX.
+ Version 2.47
+ 1. Patch to fix file upload bug appearing in IE 3.01 for
+ Macintosh/PowerPC.
+ 2. Replaced use of $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} with $ENV{REQUEST_URI} when
+ running under Apache, to fix self-referencing URIs.
+ 3. Fixed bug in escapeHTML() which caused certain constructs, such as
+ CGI->image_button(), to fail.
+ 4. Fixed bug which caused strong('CGI') to fail. Be careful to use
+ CGI::strong('CGI') and not CGI->strong('CGI'). The latter will
+ produce confusing results.
+ 5. Added upload() function, as a preferred replacement for the
+ "filehandle as string" feature.
+ 6. Added cgi_error() function.
+ 7. Rewrote file upload handling to return undef rather than dieing
+ when an error is encountered. Be sure to call cgi_error() to find
+ out what went wrong.
+ Version 2.46
+ 1. Fix for failure of the "include" tests under mod_perl
+ 2. Added end_multipart_form to prevent failures during qw(-compile
+ :all)
+ Version 2.45
+ 1. Multiple small documentation fixes
+ 2. CGI::Pretty didn't get into 2.44. Fixed now.
+ Version 2.44
+ 1. Fixed file descriptor leak in upload function.
+ 2. Fixed bug in header() that prevented fields from containing double
+ quotes.
+ 3. Added Brian Paulsen's CGI::Pretty package for pretty-printing
+ output HTML.
+ 4. Removed CGI::Apache and CGI::Switch from the distribution.
+ 5. Generated start_* shortcuts so that start_table(), end_table(),
+ start_ol(), end_ol(), and so forth now work (see the docs on how
+ to enable this feature).
+ 6. Changed accept() to Accept(), sub() to Sub(). There's still a
+ conflict with reset(), but this will break too many existing
+ scripts!
+ Version 2.43
+ 1. Fixed problem with "use strict" and file uploads (thanks to Peter
+ Haworth)
+ 2. Fixed problem with not MSIE 3.01 for the power_mac not doing file
+ uploads right.
+ 3. Fixed problem with file upload on IIS 4.0 when authorization in
+ use.
+ 4. -content_type and '-content-type' can now be provided to header()
+ as synonyms for -type.
+ 5. CGI::Carp now escapes the ampersand BEFORE escaping the > and <
+ signs.
+ 6. Fixed "not an array reference" error when passing a hash reference
+ to radio_group().
+ 7. Fixed non-removal of uploaded TMP files on NT platforms which
+ occurs when server runs on non-C drive (thanks to Steve Kilbane
+ for finding this one).
+ Version 2.42
+ 1. Too many screams of anguish at changed behavior of url(). Is now
+ back to its old behavior by default, with options to generate all
+ the variants.
+ 2. Added regression tests. "make test" now works.
+ 3. Documentation fixes.
+ 4. Fixes for Macintosh uploads, but uploads STILL do not work pending
+ changes to MacPerl.
+ Version 2.41
+ 1. url() method now includes the path info. Use script_name() to get
+ it without path info().
+ 2. Changed handling of empty attributes in HTML tag generation. Be
+ warned! Use table({-border=>undef}) rather than
+ table({-border=>''}).
+ 3. Changes to allow uploaded filenames to be compared to other
+ strings with "eq", "cmp" and "ne".
+ 4. Changes to allow to coexist more peacefully with
+ ActiveState PerlEX.
+ 5. Changes to prevent exported variables from clashing when importing
+ ":all" set in combination with cookies.
+ Version 2.40
+ 1. CGI::Carp patched to work better with mod_perl (thanks to Chris
+ Dean).
+ 2. Uploads of files whose names begin with numbers or the Windows
+ \\UNC\shared\file nomenclature should no longer fail.
+ 3. The <STYLE> tag (for cascading style sheets) now generates the
+ required TYPE attribute.
+ 4. Server push primitives added, thanks to Ed Jordan.
+ 5. Table and other HTML3 functions are now part of the :standard set.
+ 6. Small documentation fixes.
+ TO DO:
+ 1. Do something about the DTD mess. The module should generate
+ correct DTDs, or at least offer the programmer a way to specify
+ the correct one.
+ 2. Split into CGI processing and HTML-generating modules.
+ 3. More robust file upload (?still not working on the Macintosh?).
+ 4. Bring in all the HTML4 functionality, particular the accessibility
+ features.
+ Version 2.39
+ 1. file uploads failing because of VMS patch; fixed.
+ 2. -dtd parameter was not being properly processed.
+ Version 2.38
+ I finally got tired of all the 2.37 betas and released 2.38. The main
+ difference between this version and the last 2.37 beta (2.37b30) are
+ some fixes for VMS. This should allow file upload to work properly on
+ all VMS Web servers.
+ Version 2.37, various beta versions
+ 1. Added a CGI::Cookie::parse() method for lucky mod_perl users.
+ 2. No longer need separate -values and -labels arguments for
+ multi-valued form elements.
+ 3. Added better interface to raw cookies (fix courtesy Ken Fox,
+ 4. Added param_fetch() function for direct access to parameter list.
+ 5. Fix to checkbox() to allow for multi-valued single checkboxes
+ (weird problem).
+ 6. Added a compile() method for those who want to compile without
+ importing.
+ 7. Documented the import pragmas a little better.
+ 8. Added a -compile switch to the use clause for the long-suffering
+ mod_perl and Perl compiler users.
+ 9. Fixed initialization routines so that FileHandle and type globs
+ work correctly (and hash initialization doesn't fail!).
+ 10. Better deletion of temporary files on NT systems.
+ 11. Added documentation on escape(), unescape(), unescapeHTML() and
+ unescapeHTML() subroutines.
+ 12. Added documentation on creating subclasses.
+ 13. Fixed problem when calling $self->SUPER::foo() from inheriting
+ subclasses.
+ 14. Fixed problem using filehandles from within subroutines.
+ 15. Fixed inability to use the string "CGI" as a parameter.
+ 16. Fixed exponentially growing $FILLUNIT bug
+ 17. Check for undef filehandle in read_from_client()
+ 18. Now requires the module, present in Perl 5.003_7 or
+ higher.
+ 19. Fixed problem with uppercase-only parameters being ignored.
+ 20. Fixed vanishing cookie problem.
+ 21. Fixed warning in initialize_globals() under mod_perl.
+ 22. File uploads from Macintosh versions of MSIE should now work.
+ 23. Pragmas now preceded by dashes (-nph) rather than colons (:nph).
+ Old style is supported for backward compatability.
+ 24. Can now pass arguments to all functions using {} brackets,
+ resolving historical inconsistencies.
+ 25. Removed autoloader warnings about absent MultipartBuffer::DESTROY.
+ 26. Fixed non-sticky checkbox() when -name used without -value.
+ 27. Hack to fix path_info() in IIS 2.0. Doesn't help with IIS 3.0.
+ 28. Parameter syntax for debugging from command line now more
+ straightforward.
+ 29. Added $DISABLE_UPLOAD to disable file uploads.
+ 30. Added $POST_MAX to error out if POSTings exceed some ceiling.
+ 31. Fixed url_param(), which wasn't working at all.
+ 32. Fixed variable suicide problem in s///e expressions, where the
+ autoloader was needed during evaluation.
+ 33. Removed excess spaces between elements of checkbox and radio
+ groups
+ 34. Can now create "valueless" submit buttons
+ 35. Can now set path_info as well as read it.
+ 36. ReadParse() now returns a useful function result.
+ 37. import_names() now allows you to optionally clear out the
+ namespace before importing (for mod_perl users)
+ 38. Made it possible to have a popup menu or radio button with a value
+ of "0".
+ 39. link() changed to Link() to avoid overriding native link function.
+ 40. Takes advantage of mod_perl's register_cleanup() function to clear
+ globals.
+ 41. <LAYER> and <ILAYER> added to :html3 functions.
+ 42. Fixed problems with private tempfiles and NT/IIS systems.
+ 43. No longer prints the DTD by default (I bet no one will complain).
+ 44. Allow underscores to replace internal hyphens in parameter names.
+ 45. CGI::Push supports heterogeneous MIME types and adjustable delays
+ between pages.
+ 46. url_param() method added for retrieving URL parameters even when a
+ fill-out form is POSTed.
+ 47. Got rid of warnings when radio_group() is called.
+ 48. Cookies now moved to their very own module.
+ 49. Fixed documentation bug in CGI::Fast.
+ 50. Added a :no_debug pragma to the import list.
+ Version 2.36
+ 1. Expanded JavaScript functionality
+ 2. Preliminary support for cascading stylesheets
+ 3. Security fixes for file uploads:
+ + Module will bail out if its temporary file already exists
+ + Temporary files can now be made completely private to avoid
+ peeking by other users or CGI scripts.
+ 4. use CGI qw/:nph/ wasn't working correctly. Now it is.
+ 5. Cookie and HTTP date formats didn't meet spec. Thanks to Mark
+ Fisher ( for catching and fixing this.
+ p
+ Version 2.35
+ 1. Robustified multipart file upload against incorrect syntax in
+ 2. Fixed more problems with mod_perl.
+ 3. Added -noScript parameter to start_html().
+ 4. Documentation fixes.
+ Version 2.34
+ 1. Stupid typo fix
+ Version 2.33
+ 1. Fixed a warning about an undefined environment variable.
+ 2. Doug's patch for redirect() under mod_perl
+ 3. Partial fix for busted inheritence from CGI::Apache
+ 4. Documentation fixes.
+ Version 2.32
+ 1. Improved support for Apache's mod_perl.
+ 2. Changes to better support inheritance.
+ 3. Support for OS/2.
+ Version 2.31
+ 1. New uploadInfo() method to obtain header information from uploaded
+ files.
+ 2. cookie() without any arguments returns all the cookies passed to a
+ script.
+ 3. Removed annoying warnings about $ENV{NPH} when running with the -w
+ switch.
+ 4. Removed operator overloading throughout to make compatible with
+ new versions of perl.
+ 5. -expires now implies the -date header, to avoid clock skew.
+ 6. WebSite passes cookies in $ENV{COOKIE} rather than
+ $ENV{HTTP_COOKIE}. We now handle this, even though it's O'Reilly's
+ fault.
+ 7. Tested successfully against new sfio I/O layer.
+ 8. Documentation fixes.
+ Version 2.30
+ 1. Automatic detection of operating system at load time.
+ 2. Changed select() function to Select() in order to avoid conflict
+ with Perl built-in.
+ 3. Added Tr() as an alternative to TR(); some people think it looks
+ better that way.
+ 4. Fixed problem with autoloading of MultipartBuffer::DESTROY code.
+ 5. Added the following methods:
+ + virtual_host()
+ + server_software()
+ 6. Automatic NPH mode when running under Microsoft IIS server.
+ Version 2.29
+ 1. Fixed cookie bugs
+ 2. Fixed problems that cropped up when useNamedParameters was set to
+ 1.
+ 3. Prevent CGI::Carp::fatalsToBrowser() from crapping out when
+ encountering a die() within an eval().
+ 4. Fixed problems with filehandle initializers.
+ Version 2.28
+ 1. Added support for NPH scripts; also fixes problems with Microsoft
+ IIS.
+ 2. Fixed a problem with checkbox() values not being correctly saved
+ and restored.
+ 3. Fixed a bug in which CGI objects created with empty string
+ initializers took on default values from earlier CGI objects.
+ 4. Documentation fixes.
+ Version 2.27
+ 1. Small but important bug fix: the automatic capitalization of tag
+ attributes was accidentally capitalizing the VALUES as well as the
+ ATTRIBUTE names (oops).
+ Version 2.26
+ 1. Changed behavior of scrolling_list(), checkbox() and
+ checkbox_group() methods so that defaults are honored correctly.
+ The "fix" causes endform() to generate additional <INPUT
+ TYPE="HIDDEN"> tags -- don't be surpised.
+ 2. Fixed bug involving the detection of the SSL protocol.
+ 3. Fixed documentation error in position of the -meta argument in
+ start_html().
+ 4. HTML shortcuts now generate tags in ALL UPPERCASE.
+ 5. start_html() now generates correct SGML header:
+ 6. CGI::Carp no longer fails "use strict refs" pragma.
+ Version 2.25
+ 1. Fixed bug that caused bad redirection on destination URLs with
+ arguments.
+ 2. Fixed bug involving use_named_parameters() followed by
+ start_multipart_form()
+ 3. Fixed bug that caused incorrect determination of binmode for
+ Macintosh.
+ 4. Spelling fixes on documentation.
+ Version 2.24
+ 1. Fixed bug that caused generation of lousy HTML for some form
+ elements
+ 2. Fixed uploading bug in Windows NT
+ 3. Some code cleanup (not enough)
+ Version 2.23
+ 1. Fixed an obscure bug that caused scripts to fail mysteriously.
+ 2. Fixed auto-caching bug.
+ 3. Fixed bug that prevented HTML shortcuts from passing taint checks.
+ 4. Fixed some -w warning problems.
+ Version 2.22
+ 1. New CGI::Fast module for use with FastCGI protocol. See pod
+ documentation for details.
+ 2. Fixed problems with inheritance and autoloading.
+ 3. Added TR() (<tr>) and PARAM() (<param>) methods to list of
+ exported HTML tag-generating functions.
+ 4. Moved all CGI-related I/O to a bottleneck method so that this can
+ be overridden more easily in mod_perl (thanks to Doug MacEachern).
+ 5. put() method as substitute for print() for use in mod_perl.
+ 6. Fixed crash in tmpFileName() method.
+ 7. Added tmpFileName(), startform() and endform() to export list.
+ 8. Fixed problems with attributes in HTML shortcuts.
+ 9. Functions that don't actually need access to the CGI object now no
+ longer generate a default one. May speed things up slightly.
+ 10. Aesthetic improvements in generated HTML.
+ 11. New examples.
+ Version 2.21
+ 1. Added the -meta argument to start_html().
+ 2. Fixed hidden fields (again).
+ 3. Radio_group() and checkbox_group() now return an appropriate
+ scalar value when called in a scalar context, rather than
+ returning a numeric value!
+ 4. Cleaned up the formatting of form elements to avoid unesthetic
+ extra spaces within the attributes.
+ 5. HTML elements now correctly include the closing tag when
+ parameters are present but null: em('')
+ 6. Added password_field() to the export list.
+ Version 2.20
+ 1. Dumped the SelfLoader because of problems with running with taint
+ checks and rolled my own. Performance is now significantly
+ improved.
+ 2. Added HTML shortcuts.
+ 3. import() now adheres to the Perl module conventions, allowing
+ to import any or all method names into the user's name
+ space.
+ 4. Added the ability to initialize CGI objects from strings and
+ associative arrays.
+ 5. Made it possible to initialize CGI objects with filehandle
+ references rather than filehandle strings.
+ 6. Added the delete_all() and append() methods.
+ 7. CGI objects correctly initialize from filehandles on NT/95 systems
+ now.
+ 8. Fixed the problem with binary file uploads on NT/95 systems.
+ 9. Fixed bug in redirect().
+ 10. Added '-Window-target' parameter to redirect().
+ 11. Fixed import_names() so that parameter names containing funny
+ characters work.
+ 12. Broke the unfortunate connection between cookie and CGI parameter
+ name space.
+ 13. Fixed problems with hidden fields whose values are 0.
+ 14. Cleaned up the documentation somewhat.
+ Version 2.19
+ 1. Added cookie() support routines.
+ 2. Added -expires parameter to header().
+ 3. Added compatability mode.
+ 4. Made the module more configurable for different operating systems.
+ 5. Fixed a dumb bug in JavaScript button() method.
+ Version 2.18
+ 1. Fixed a bug that corrects a hang that occurs on some platforms
+ when processing file uploads. Unfortunately this disables the
+ check for bad Netscape uploads.
+ 2. Fixed bizarre problem involving the inability to process uploaded
+ files that begin with a non alphabetic character in the file name.
+ 3. Fixed a bug in the hidden fields involving the -override directive
+ being ignored when scalar defaults were passed.
+ 4. Added documentation on how to disable the SelfLoader features.
+ Version 2.17
+ 1. Added support for the SelfLoader module.
+ 2. Added oodles of JavaScript support routines.
+ 3. Fixed bad bug in query_string() method that caused some parameters
+ to be silently dropped.
+ 4. Robustified file upload code to handle premature termination by
+ the client.
+ 5. Exported temporary file names on file upload.
+ 6. Removed spurious "uninitialized variable" warnings that appeared
+ when running under 5.002.
+ 7. Added the library to the standard distribution.
+ 8. Fixed a number of errors in this documentation, and probably added
+ a few more.
+ 9. Checkbox_group() and radio_group() now return the buttons as
+ arrays, so that you can incorporate the individual buttons into
+ specialized tables.
+ 10. Added the '-nolabels' option to checkbox_group() and
+ radio_group(). Probably should be added to all the other
+ HTML-generating routines.
+ 11. Added the url() method to recover the URL without the entire query
+ string appended.
+ 12. Added request_method() to list of environment variables available.
+ 13. Would you believe it? Fixed hidden fields again!
+ Version 2.16
+ 1. Fixed hidden fields yet again.
+ 2. Fixed subtle problems in the file upload method that caused
+ intermittent failures (thanks to Keven Hendrick for this one).
+ 3. Made file upload more robust in the face of bizarre behavior by
+ the Macintosh and Windows Netscape clients.
+ 4. Moved the POD documentation to the bottom of the module at the
+ request of Stephen Dahmen.
+ 5. Added the -xbase parameter to the start_html() method, also at the
+ request of Stephen Dahmen.
+ 6. Added JavaScript form buttons at Stephen's request. I'm not sure
+ how to use this Netscape extension correctly, however, so for now
+ the form() method is in the module as an undocumented feature. Use
+ at your own risk!
+ Version 2.15
+ 1. Added the -override parameter to all field-generating methods.
+ 2. Documented the user_name() and remote_user() methods.
+ 3. Fixed bugs that prevented empty strings from being recognized as
+ valid textfield contents.
+ 4. Documented the use of framesets and added a frameset example.
+ Version 2.14
+ This was an internal experimental version that was never released.
+ Version 2.13
+ 1. Fixed a bug that interfered with the value "0" being entered into
+ text fields.
+ Version 2.01
+ 1. Added -rows and -columns to the radio and checkbox groups. No
+ doubt this will cause much grief because it seems to promise a
+ level of meta-organization that it doesn't actually provide.
+ 2. Fixed a bug in the redirect() method -- it was not truly HTTP/1.0
+ compliant.
+ Version 2.0
+ The changes seemed to touch every line of code, so I decided to bump
+ up the major version number.
+ 1. Support for named parameter style method calls. This turns out
+ to be a big win for extending when Netscape adds new HTML
+ "features".
+ 2. Changed behavior of hidden fields back to the correct "sticky"
+ behavior. This is going to break some programs, but it is for
+ the best in the long run.
+ 3. Netscape 2.0b2 broke the file upload feature. now handles
+ both 2.0b1 and 2.0b2-style uploading. It will probably break again
+ in 2.0b3.
+ 4. There were still problems with library being unable to distinguish
+ between a form being loaded for the first time, and a subsequent
+ loading with all fields blank. We now forcibly create a default
+ name for the Submit button (if not provided) so that there's
+ always at least one parameter.
+ 5. More workarounds to prevent annoying spurious warning messages
+ when run under the -w switch. -w is seriously broken in perl
+ 5.001!
+ Version 1.57
+ 1. Support for the Netscape 2.0 "File upload" field.
+ 2. The handling of defaults for selected items in scrolling lists and
+ multiple checkboxes is now consistent.
+ Version 1.56
+ 1. Created true "pod" documentation for the module.
+ 2. Cleaned up the code to avoid many of the spurious "use of
+ uninitialized variable" warnings when running with the -w switch.
+ 3. Added the autoEscape() method. v
+ 4. Added string interpolation of the CGI object.
+ 5. Added the ability to pass additional parameters to the <BODY> tag.
+ 6. Added the ability to specify the status code in the HTTP header.
+ Bug fixes in version 1.55
+ 1. Every time self_url() was called, the parameter list would grow.
+ This was a bad "feature".
+ 2. Documented the fact that you can pass "-" to radio_group() in
+ order to prevent any button from being highlighted by default.
+ Bug fixes in version 1.54
+ 1. The user_agent() method is now documented;
+ 2. A potential security hole in import() is now plugged.
+ 3. Changed name of import() to import_names() for compatability with
+ CGI:: modules.
+ Bug fixes in version 1.53
+ 1. Fixed several typos in the code that were causing the following
+ subroutines to fail in some circumstances
+ 1. checkbox()
+ 2. hidden()
+ 2. No features added
+ New features added in version 1.52
+ 1. Added backslashing, quotation marks, and other shell-style escape
+ sequences to the parameters passed in during debugging off-line.
+ 2. Changed the way that the hidden() method works so that the default
+ value always overrides the current one.
+ 3. Improved the handling of sticky values in forms. It's now less
+ likely that sticky values will get stuck.
+ 4. If you call server_name(), script_name() and several other methods
+ when running offline, the methods now create "dummy" values to
+ work with.
+ Bugs fixed in version 1.51
+ 1. param() when called without arguments was returning an array of
+ length 1 even when there were no parameters to be had. Bad bug!
+ Bad!
+ 2. The HTML code generated would break if input fields contained the
+ forbidden characters ">< or &. You can now use these characters
+ freely.
+ New features added in version 1.50
+ 1. import() method allows all the parameters to be imported into a
+ namespace in one fell swoop.
+ 2. Parameters are now returned in the same order in which they were
+ defined.
+ Bugs fixed in version 1.45
+ 1. delete() method didn't work correctly. This is now fixed.
+ 2. reset() method didn't allow you to set the name of the button.
+ Fixed.
+ Bugs fixed in version 1.44
+ 1. self_url() didn't include the path information. This is now fixed.
+ New features added in version 1.43
+ 1. Added the delete() method.
+ New features added in version 1.42
+ 1. The image_button() method to create clickable images.
+ 2. A few bug fixes involving forms embedded in <PRE> blocks.
+ New features added in version 1.4
+ 1. New header shortcut methods
+ + redirect() to create HTTP redirection messages.
+ + start_html() to create the HTML title, complete with the
+ recommended <LINK> tag that no one ever remembers to include.
+ + end_html() for completeness' sake.
+ 2. A new save() method that allows you to write out the state of an
+ script to a file or pipe.
+ 3. An improved version of the new() method that allows you to restore
+ the state of a script from a file or pipe. With (2) this gives you
+ dump and restore capabilities! (Wow, you can put a "121,931
+ customers served" banner at the bottom of your pages!)
+ 4. A self_url() method that allows you to create state-maintaining
+ hypertext links. In addition to allowing you to maintain the state
+ of your scripts between invocations, this lets you work around a
+ problem that some browsers have when jumping to internal links in
+ a document that contains a form -- the form information gets lost.
+ 5. The user-visible labels in checkboxes, radio buttons, popup menus
+ and scrolling lists have now been decoupled from the values sent
+ to your CGI script. Your script can know a checkbox by the name of
+ "cb1" while the user knows it by a more descriptive name. I've
+ also added some parameters that were missing from the text fields,
+ such as MAXLENGTH.
+ 6. A whole bunch of methods have been added to get at environment
+ variables involved in user verification and other obscure
+ features.
+ Bug fixes
+ 1. The problems with the hidden fields have (I hope at last) been
+ fixed.
+ 2. You can create multiple query objects and they will all be
+ initialized correctly. This simplifies the creation of multiple
+ forms on one page.
+ 3. The URL unescaping code works correctly now.
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/ b/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f2535f466d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/
@@ -0,0 +1,546 @@
+package CGI::Cookie;
+# See the bottom of this file for the POD documentation. Search for the
+# string '=head'.
+# You can run this file through either pod2man or pod2html to produce pretty
+# documentation in manual or html file format (these utilities are part of the
+# Perl 5 distribution).
+# Copyright 1995-1999, Lincoln D. Stein. All rights reserved.
+# It may be used and modified freely, but I do request that this copyright
+# notice remain attached to the file. You may modify this module as you
+# wish, but if you redistribute a modified version, please attach a note
+# listing the modifications you have made.
+use CGI::Util qw(rearrange unescape escape);
+use CGI;
+use overload '""' => \&as_string,
+ 'cmp' => \&compare,
+ 'fallback'=>1;
+my $PERLEX = 0;
+# Turn on special checking for ActiveState's PerlEx
+# Turn on special checking for Doug MacEachern's modperl
+# PerlEx::DBI tries to fool DBI by setting MOD_PERL
+my $MOD_PERL = 0;
+if (exists $ENV{MOD_PERL} && ! $PERLEX) {
+ $MOD_PERL = 2;
+ require Apache2::RequestUtil;
+ require APR::Table;
+ } else {
+ $MOD_PERL = 1;
+ require Apache;
+ }
+# fetch a list of cookies from the environment and
+# return as a hash. the cookies are parsed as normal
+# escaped URL data.
+sub fetch {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $raw_cookie = get_raw_cookie(@_) or return;
+ return $class->parse($raw_cookie);
+# Fetch a list of cookies from the environment or the incoming headers and
+# return as a hash. The cookie values are not unescaped or altered in any way.
+ sub raw_fetch {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $raw_cookie = get_raw_cookie(@_) or return;
+ my %results;
+ my($key,$value);
+ my @pairs = split("[;,] ?",$raw_cookie);
+ foreach (@pairs) {
+ s/\s*(.*?)\s*/$1/;
+ if (/^([^=]+)=(.*)/) {
+ $key = $1;
+ $value = $2;
+ }
+ else {
+ $key = $_;
+ $value = '';
+ }
+ $results{$key} = $value;
+ }
+ return \%results unless wantarray;
+ return %results;
+sub get_raw_cookie {
+ my $r = shift;
+ $r ||= eval { $MOD_PERL == 2 ?
+ Apache2::RequestUtil->request() :
+ Apache->request } if $MOD_PERL;
+ if ($r) {
+ $raw_cookie = $r->headers_in->{'Cookie'};
+ } else {
+ if ($MOD_PERL && !exists $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD}) {
+ die "Run $r->subprocess_env; before calling fetch()";
+ }
+ $raw_cookie = $ENV{HTTP_COOKIE} || $ENV{COOKIE};
+ }
+sub parse {
+ my ($self,$raw_cookie) = @_;
+ my %results;
+ my @pairs = split("[;,] ?",$raw_cookie);
+ foreach (@pairs) {
+ s/\s*(.*?)\s*/$1/;
+ my($key,$value) = split("=",$_,2);
+ # Some foreign cookies are not in name=value format, so ignore
+ # them.
+ next if !defined($value);
+ my @values = ();
+ if ($value ne '') {
+ @values = map unescape($_),split(/[&;]/,$value.'&dmy');
+ pop @values;
+ }
+ $key = unescape($key);
+ # A bug in Netscape can cause several cookies with same name to
+ # appear. The FIRST one in HTTP_COOKIE is the most recent version.
+ $results{$key} ||= $self->new(-name=>$key,-value=>\@values);
+ }
+ return \%results unless wantarray;
+ return %results;
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ $class = ref($class) if ref($class);
+ # Ignore mod_perl request object--compatability with Apache::Cookie.
+ shift if ref $_[0]
+ && eval { $_[0]->isa('Apache::Request::Req') || $_[0]->isa('Apache') };
+ my($name,$value,$path,$domain,$secure,$expires,$httponly) =
+ # Pull out our parameters.
+ my @values;
+ if (ref($value)) {
+ if (ref($value) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ @values = @$value;
+ } elsif (ref($value) eq 'HASH') {
+ @values = %$value;
+ }
+ } else {
+ @values = ($value);
+ }
+ bless my $self = {
+ 'name'=>$name,
+ 'value'=>[@values],
+ },$class;
+ # IE requires the path and domain to be present for some reason.
+ $path ||= "/";
+ # however, this breaks networks which use host tables without fully qualified
+ # names, so we comment it out.
+ # $domain = CGI::virtual_host() unless defined $domain;
+ $self->path($path) if defined $path;
+ $self->domain($domain) if defined $domain;
+ $self->secure($secure) if defined $secure;
+ $self->expires($expires) if defined $expires;
+ $self->httponly($httponly) if defined $httponly;
+# $self->max_age($expires) if defined $expires;
+ return $self;
+sub as_string {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return "" unless $self->name;
+ my(@constant_values,$domain,$path,$expires,$max_age,$secure,$httponly);
+ push(@constant_values,"domain=$domain") if $domain = $self->domain;
+ push(@constant_values,"path=$path") if $path = $self->path;
+ push(@constant_values,"expires=$expires") if $expires = $self->expires;
+ push(@constant_values,"max-age=$max_age") if $max_age = $self->max_age;
+ push(@constant_values,"secure") if $secure = $self->secure;
+ push(@constant_values,"HttpOnly") if $httponly = $self->httponly;
+ my($key) = escape($self->name);
+ my($cookie) = join("=",(defined $key ? $key : ''),join("&",map escape(defined $_ ? $_ : ''),$self->value));
+ return join("; ",$cookie,@constant_values);
+sub compare {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $value = shift;
+ return "$self" cmp $value;
+sub bake {
+ my ($self, $r) = @_;
+ $r ||= eval {
+ $MOD_PERL == 2
+ ? Apache2::RequestUtil->request()
+ : Apache->request
+ } if $MOD_PERL;
+ if ($r) {
+ $r->headers_out->add('Set-Cookie' => $self->as_string);
+ } else {
+ print CGI::header(-cookie => $self);
+ }
+# accessors
+sub name {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ $self->{'name'} = $name if defined $name;
+ return $self->{'name'};
+sub value {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $value = shift;
+ if (defined $value) {
+ my @values;
+ if (ref($value)) {
+ if (ref($value) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ @values = @$value;
+ } elsif (ref($value) eq 'HASH') {
+ @values = %$value;
+ }
+ } else {
+ @values = ($value);
+ }
+ $self->{'value'} = [@values];
+ }
+ return wantarray ? @{$self->{'value'}} : $self->{'value'}->[0]
+sub domain {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $domain = shift;
+ $self->{'domain'} = lc $domain if defined $domain;
+ return $self->{'domain'};
+sub secure {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $secure = shift;
+ $self->{'secure'} = $secure if defined $secure;
+ return $self->{'secure'};
+sub expires {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $expires = shift;
+ $self->{'expires'} = CGI::Util::expires($expires,'cookie') if defined $expires;
+ return $self->{'expires'};
+sub max_age {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $expires = shift;
+ $self->{'max-age'} = CGI::Util::expire_calc($expires)-time() if defined $expires;
+ return $self->{'max-age'};
+sub path {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $path = shift;
+ $self->{'path'} = $path if defined $path;
+ return $self->{'path'};
+sub httponly { # HttpOnly
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $httponly = shift;
+ $self->{'httponly'} = $httponly if defined $httponly;
+ return $self->{'httponly'};
+=head1 NAME
+CGI::Cookie - Interface to Netscape Cookies
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use CGI qw/:standard/;
+ use CGI::Cookie;
+ # Create new cookies and send them
+ $cookie1 = new CGI::Cookie(-name=>'ID',-value=>123456);
+ $cookie2 = new CGI::Cookie(-name=>'preferences',
+ -value=>{ font => Helvetica,
+ size => 12 }
+ );
+ print header(-cookie=>[$cookie1,$cookie2]);
+ # fetch existing cookies
+ %cookies = fetch CGI::Cookie;
+ $id = $cookies{'ID'}->value;
+ # create cookies returned from an external source
+ %cookies = parse CGI::Cookie($ENV{COOKIE});
+CGI::Cookie is an interface to Netscape (HTTP/1.1) cookies, an
+innovation that allows Web servers to store persistent information on
+the browser's side of the connection. Although CGI::Cookie is
+intended to be used in conjunction with (and is in fact used by
+it internally), you can use this module independently.
+For full information on cookies see
+=head1 USING CGI::Cookie
+CGI::Cookie is object oriented. Each cookie object has a name and a
+value. The name is any scalar value. The value is any scalar or
+array value (associative arrays are also allowed). Cookies also have
+several optional attributes, including:
+=over 4
+=item B<1. expiration date>
+The expiration date tells the browser how long to hang on to the
+cookie. If the cookie specifies an expiration date in the future, the
+browser will store the cookie information in a disk file and return it
+to the server every time the user reconnects (until the expiration
+date is reached). If the cookie species an expiration date in the
+past, the browser will remove the cookie from the disk file. If the
+expiration date is not specified, the cookie will persist only until
+the user quits the browser.
+=item B<2. domain>
+This is a partial or complete domain name for which the cookie is
+valid. The browser will return the cookie to any host that matches
+the partial domain name. For example, if you specify a domain name
+of "", then Netscape will return the cookie to
+Web servers running on any of the machines "",
+"", "", etc. Domain names
+must contain at least two periods to prevent attempts to match
+on top level domains like ".edu". If no domain is specified, then
+the browser will only return the cookie to servers on the host the
+cookie originated from.
+=item B<3. path>
+If you provide a cookie path attribute, the browser will check it
+against your script's URL before returning the cookie. For example,
+if you specify the path "/cgi-bin", then the cookie will be returned
+to each of the scripts "/cgi-bin/", "/cgi-bin/", and
+"/cgi-bin/customer_service/", but not to the script
+"/cgi-private/". By default, the path is set to "/", so
+that all scripts at your site will receive the cookie.
+=item B<4. secure flag>
+If the "secure" attribute is set, the cookie will only be sent to your
+script if the CGI request is occurring on a secure channel, such as SSL.
+=item B<4. httponly flag>
+If the "httponly" attribute is set, the cookie will only be accessible
+through HTTP Requests. This cookie will be inaccessible via JavaScript
+(to prevent XSS attacks).
+But, currently this feature only used and recognised by
+MS Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 and later.
+See this URL for more information:
+=head2 Creating New Cookies
+ my $c = new CGI::Cookie(-name => 'foo',
+ -value => 'bar',
+ -expires => '+3M',
+ -domain => '',
+ -path => '/cgi-bin/database',
+ -secure => 1
+ );
+Create cookies from scratch with the B<new> method. The B<-name> and
+B<-value> parameters are required. The name must be a scalar value.
+The value can be a scalar, an array reference, or a hash reference.
+(At some point in the future cookies will support one of the Perl
+object serialization protocols for full generality).
+B<-expires> accepts any of the relative or absolute date formats
+recognized by, for example "+3M" for three months in the
+future. See's documentation for details.
+B<-domain> points to a domain name or to a fully qualified host name.
+If not specified, the cookie will be returned only to the Web server
+that created it.
+B<-path> points to a partial URL on the current server. The cookie
+will be returned to all URLs beginning with the specified path. If
+not specified, it defaults to '/', which returns the cookie to all
+pages at your site.
+B<-secure> if set to a true value instructs the browser to return the
+cookie only when a cryptographic protocol is in use.
+B<-httponly> if set to a true value, the cookie will not be accessible
+via JavaScript.
+For compatibility with Apache::Cookie, you may optionally pass in
+a mod_perl request object as the first argument to C<new()>. It will
+simply be ignored:
+ my $c = new CGI::Cookie($r,
+ -name => 'foo',
+ -value => ['bar','baz']);
+=head2 Sending the Cookie to the Browser
+The simplest way to send a cookie to the browser is by calling the bake()
+ $c->bake;
+Under mod_perl, pass in an Apache request object:
+ $c->bake($r);
+If you want to set the cookie yourself, Within a CGI script you can send
+a cookie to the browser by creating one or more Set-Cookie: fields in the
+HTTP header. Here is a typical sequence:
+ my $c = new CGI::Cookie(-name => 'foo',
+ -value => ['bar','baz'],
+ -expires => '+3M');
+ print "Set-Cookie: $c\n";
+ print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
+To send more than one cookie, create several Set-Cookie: fields.
+If you are using, you send cookies by providing a -cookie
+argument to the header() method:
+ print header(-cookie=>$c);
+Mod_perl users can set cookies using the request object's header_out()
+ $r->headers_out->set('Set-Cookie' => $c);
+Internally, Cookie overloads the "" operator to call its as_string()
+method when incorporated into the HTTP header. as_string() turns the
+Cookie's internal representation into an RFC-compliant text
+representation. You may call as_string() yourself if you prefer:
+ print "Set-Cookie: ",$c->as_string,"\n";
+=head2 Recovering Previous Cookies
+ %cookies = fetch CGI::Cookie;
+B<fetch> returns an associative array consisting of all cookies
+returned by the browser. The keys of the array are the cookie names. You
+can iterate through the cookies this way:
+ %cookies = fetch CGI::Cookie;
+ foreach (keys %cookies) {
+ do_something($cookies{$_});
+ }
+In a scalar context, fetch() returns a hash reference, which may be more
+efficient if you are manipulating multiple cookies.
+ uses the URL escaping methods to save and restore reserved characters
+in its cookies. If you are trying to retrieve a cookie set by a foreign server,
+this escaping method may trip you up. Use raw_fetch() instead, which has the
+same semantics as fetch(), but performs no unescaping.
+You may also retrieve cookies that were stored in some external
+form using the parse() class method:
+ $COOKIES = `cat /usr/tmp/Cookie_stash`;
+ %cookies = parse CGI::Cookie($COOKIES);
+If you are in a mod_perl environment, you can save some overhead by
+passing the request object to fetch() like this:
+ CGI::Cookie->fetch($r);
+=head2 Manipulating Cookies
+Cookie objects have a series of accessor methods to get and set cookie
+attributes. Each accessor has a similar syntax. Called without
+arguments, the accessor returns the current value of the attribute.
+Called with an argument, the accessor changes the attribute and
+returns its new value.
+=over 4
+=item B<name()>
+Get or set the cookie's name. Example:
+ $name = $c->name;
+ $new_name = $c->name('fred');
+=item B<value()>
+Get or set the cookie's value. Example:
+ $value = $c->value;
+ @new_value = $c->value(['a','b','c','d']);
+B<value()> is context sensitive. In a list context it will return
+the current value of the cookie as an array. In a scalar context it
+will return the B<first> value of a multivalued cookie.
+=item B<domain()>
+Get or set the cookie's domain.
+=item B<path()>
+Get or set the cookie's path.
+=item B<expires()>
+Get or set the cookie's expiration time.
+Copyright 1997-1998, Lincoln D. Stein. All rights reserved.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+Address bug reports and comments to:
+=head1 BUGS
+This section intentionally left blank.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<CGI::Carp>, L<CGI>
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/ b/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..594cad7501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+package CGI::Fast;
+# See the bottom of this file for the POD documentation. Search for the
+# string '=head'.
+# You can run this file through either pod2man or pod2html to produce pretty
+# documentation in manual or html file format (these utilities are part of the
+# Perl 5 distribution).
+# Copyright 1995,1996, Lincoln D. Stein. All rights reserved.
+# It may be used and modified freely, but I do request that this copyright
+# notice remain attached to the file. You may modify this module as you
+# wish, but if you redistribute a modified version, please attach a note
+# listing the modifications you have made.
+use CGI;
+use FCGI;
+@ISA = ('CGI');
+# workaround for known bug in libfcgi
+while (($ignore) = each %ENV) { }
+# override the initialization behavior so that
+# state is NOT maintained between invocations
+sub save_request {
+ # no-op
+# If ENV{FCGI_SOCKET_PATH} is specified, we maintain a FCGI Request handle
+# in this package variable.
+use vars qw($Ext_Request);
+ # If ENV{FCGI_SOCKET_PATH} is given, explicitly open the socket,
+ # and keep the request handle around from which to call Accept().
+ my $path = $ENV{FCGI_SOCKET_PATH};
+ my $backlog = $ENV{FCGI_LISTEN_QUEUE} || 100;
+ my $socket = FCGI::OpenSocket( $path, $backlog );
+ $Ext_Request = FCGI::Request( \*STDIN, \*STDOUT, \*STDERR,
+ \%ENV, $socket, 1 );
+ }
+# New is slightly different in that it calls FCGI's
+# accept() method.
+sub new {
+ my ($self, $initializer, @param) = @_;
+ unless (defined $initializer) {
+ if ($Ext_Request) {
+ return undef unless $Ext_Request->Accept() >= 0;
+ } else {
+ return undef unless FCGI::accept() >= 0;
+ }
+ }
+ CGI->_reset_globals;
+ $self->_setup_symbols(@SAVED_SYMBOLS) if @CGI::SAVED_SYMBOLS;
+ return $CGI::Q = $self->SUPER::new($initializer, @param);
+=head1 NAME
+CGI::Fast - CGI Interface for Fast CGI
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use CGI::Fast qw(:standard);
+ $COUNTER = 0;
+ while (new CGI::Fast) {
+ print header;
+ print start_html("Fast CGI Rocks");
+ print
+ h1("Fast CGI Rocks"),
+ "Invocation number ",b($COUNTER++),
+ " PID ",b($$),".",
+ hr;
+ print end_html;
+ }
+CGI::Fast is a subclass of the CGI object created by It is
+specialized to work well FCGI module, which greatly speeds up CGI
+scripts by turning them into persistently running server processes.
+Scripts that perform time-consuming initialization processes, such as
+loading large modules or opening persistent database connections, will
+see large performance improvements.
+In order to use CGI::Fast you'll need the FCGI module. See
+ for details.
+FastCGI scripts are persistent: one or more copies of the script
+are started up when the server initializes, and stay around until
+the server exits or they die a natural death. After performing
+whatever one-time initialization it needs, the script enters a
+loop waiting for incoming connections, processing the request, and
+waiting some more.
+A typical FastCGI script will look like this:
+ #!/usr/bin/perl
+ use CGI::Fast;
+ &do_some_initialization();
+ while ($q = new CGI::Fast) {
+ &process_request($q);
+ }
+Each time there's a new request, CGI::Fast returns a
+CGI object to your loop. The rest of the time your script
+waits in the call to new(). When the server requests that
+your script be terminated, new() will return undef. You can
+of course exit earlier if you choose. A new version of the
+script will be respawned to take its place (this may be
+necessary in order to avoid Perl memory leaks in long-running
+'s default CGI object mode also works. Just modify the loop
+this way:
+ while (new CGI::Fast) {
+ &process_request;
+ }
+Calls to header(), start_form(), etc. will all operate on the
+current request.
+See the FastCGI developer's kit documentation for full details. On
+the Apache server, the following line must be added to srm.conf:
+ AddType application/x-httpd-fcgi .fcgi
+FastCGI scripts must end in the extension .fcgi. For each script you
+install, you must add something like the following to srm.conf:
+ FastCgiServer /usr/etc/httpd/fcgi-bin/file_upload.fcgi -processes 2
+This instructs Apache to launch two copies of file_upload.fcgi at
+startup time.
+Any script that works correctly as a FastCGI script will also work
+correctly when installed as a vanilla CGI script. However it will
+not see any performance benefit.
+FastCGI supports a TCP/IP transport mechanism which allows FastCGI scripts to run
+external to the webserver, perhaps on a remote machine. To configure the
+webserver to connect to an external FastCGI server, you would add the following
+to your srm.conf:
+ FastCgiExternalServer /usr/etc/httpd/fcgi-bin/file_upload.fcgi -host sputnik:8888
+Two environment variables affect how the C<CGI::Fast> object is created,
+allowing C<CGI::Fast> to be used as an external FastCGI server. (See C<FCGI>
+documentation for C<FCGI::OpenSocket> for more information.)
+The address (TCP/IP) or path (UNIX Domain) of the socket the external FastCGI
+script to which bind an listen for incoming connections from the web server.
+Maximum length of the queue of pending connections.
+For example:
+ #!/usr/local/bin/perl # must be a FastCGI version of perl!
+ use CGI::Fast;
+ &do_some_initialization();
+ $ENV{FCGI_SOCKET_PATH} = "sputnik:8888";
+ while ($q = new CGI::Fast) {
+ &process_request($q);
+ }
+=head1 CAVEATS
+I haven't tested this very much.
+Copyright 1996-1998, Lincoln D. Stein. All rights reserved.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+Address bug reports and comments to:
+=head1 BUGS
+This section intentionally left blank.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<CGI::Carp>, L<CGI>
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/ b/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83d5a585be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+package CGI::Pretty;
+# See the bottom of this file for the POD documentation. Search for the
+# string '=head'.
+# You can run this file through either pod2man or pod2html to produce pretty
+# documentation in manual or html file format (these utilities are part of the
+# Perl 5 distribution).
+use strict;
+use CGI ();
+$CGI::Pretty::VERSION = '3.44';
+$CGI::DefaultClass = __PACKAGE__;
+$CGI::Pretty::AutoloadClass = 'CGI';
+@CGI::Pretty::ISA = qw( CGI );
+sub _prettyPrint {
+ my $input = shift;
+ return if !$$input;
+ return if !$CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK || !$CGI::Pretty::INDENT;
+# print STDERR "'", $$input, "'\n";
+ foreach my $i ( @CGI::Pretty::AS_IS ) {
+ if ( $$input =~ m{</$i>}si ) {
+ my ( $a, $b, $c ) = $$input =~ m{(.*)(<$i[\s/>].*?</$i>)(.*)}si;
+ next if !$b;
+ $a ||= "";
+ $c ||= "";
+ _prettyPrint( \$a ) if $a;
+ _prettyPrint( \$c ) if $c;
+ $b ||= "";
+ $$input = "$a$b$c";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ $$input =~ s/$CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK/$CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK$CGI::Pretty::INDENT/g;
+sub comment {
+ my($self,@p) = CGI::self_or_CGI(@_);
+ my $s = "@p";
+ $s =~ s/$CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK/$CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK$CGI::Pretty::INDENT/g if $CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK;
+ return $self->SUPER::comment( "$CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK$CGI::Pretty::INDENT$s$CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK" ) . $CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK;
+sub _make_tag_func {
+ my ($self,$tagname) = @_;
+ # As Lincoln as noted, the last else clause is VERY hairy, and it
+ # took me a while to figure out what I was trying to do.
+ # What it does is look for tags that shouldn't be indented (e.g. PRE)
+ # and makes sure that when we nest tags, those tags don't get
+ # indented.
+ # For an example, try print td( pre( "hello\nworld" ) );
+ # If we didn't care about stuff like that, the code would be
+ # MUCH simpler. BTW: I won't claim to be a regular expression
+ # guru, so if anybody wants to contribute something that would
+ # be quicker, easier to read, etc, I would be more than
+ # willing to put it in - Brian
+ my $func = qq"
+ sub $tagname {";
+ $func .= q'
+ shift if $_[0] &&
+ (ref($_[0]) &&
+ (substr(ref($_[0]),0,3) eq "CGI" ||
+ UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],"CGI")));
+ my($attr) = "";
+ if (ref($_[0]) && ref($_[0]) eq "HASH") {
+ my(@attr) = make_attributes(shift()||undef,1);
+ $attr = " @attr" if @attr;
+ }';
+ if ($tagname=~/start_(\w+)/i) {
+ $func .= qq!
+ return "<\L$1\E\$attr>\$CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK";} !;
+ } elsif ($tagname=~/end_(\w+)/i) {
+ $func .= qq!
+ return "<\L/$1\E>\$CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK"; } !;
+ } else {
+ $func .= qq#
+ return ( \$CGI::XHTML ? "<\L$tagname\E\$attr />" : "<\L$tagname\E\$attr>" ) .
+ \$CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK unless \@_;
+ my(\$tag,\$untag) = ("<\L$tagname\E\$attr>","</\L$tagname>\E");
+ my \%ASIS = map { lc("\$_") => 1 } \@CGI::Pretty::AS_IS;
+ my \@args;
+ if ( \$CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK || \$CGI::Pretty::INDENT ) {
+ if(ref(\$_[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ \@args = \@{\$_[0]}
+ } else {
+ foreach (\@_) {
+ \$args[0] .= \$_;
+ \$args[0] .= \$CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK if \$args[0] !~ /\$CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK\$/ && 0;
+ chomp \$args[0] if exists \$ASIS{ "\L$tagname\E" };
+ \$args[0] .= \$" if \$args[0] !~ /\$CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK\$/ && 1;
+ }
+ chop \$args[0] unless \$" eq "";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ \@args = ref(\$_[0]) eq 'ARRAY' ? \@{\$_[0]} : "\@_";
+ }
+ my \@result;
+ if ( exists \$ASIS{ "\L$tagname\E" } ) {
+ \@result = map { "\$tag\$_\$untag\$CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK" }
+ \@args;
+ }
+ else {
+ \@result = map {
+ chomp;
+ my \$tmp = \$_;
+ CGI::Pretty::_prettyPrint( \\\$tmp );
+ \$tag . \$CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK .
+ \$CGI::Pretty::INDENT . \$tmp . \$CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK .
+ \$untag . \$CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK
+ } \@args;
+ }
+ if (\$CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK || \$CGI::Pretty::INDENT) {
+ return join ("", \@result);
+ } else {
+ return "\@result";
+ }
+ }#;
+ }
+ return $func;
+sub start_html {
+ return CGI::start_html( @_ ) . $CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK;
+sub end_html {
+ return CGI::end_html( @_ ) . $CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK;
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $this = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
+ if ($CGI::MOD_PERL) {
+ if ($CGI::MOD_PERL == 1) {
+ my $r = Apache->request;
+ $r->register_cleanup(\&CGI::Pretty::_reset_globals);
+ }
+ else {
+ my $r = Apache2::RequestUtil->request;
+ $r->pool->cleanup_register(\&CGI::Pretty::_reset_globals);
+ }
+ }
+ $class->_reset_globals if $CGI::PERLEX;
+ return bless $this, $class;
+sub initialize_globals {
+ # This is the string used for indentation of tags
+ $CGI::Pretty::INDENT = "\t";
+ # This is the string used for seperation between tags
+ $CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK = $/;
+ # These tags are not prettify'd.
+ @CGI::Pretty::AS_IS = qw( a pre code script textarea td );
+ 1;
+sub _reset_globals { initialize_globals(); }
+# ugly, but quick fix
+sub import {
+ my $self = shift;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ ${ "$self\::AutoloadClass" } = 'CGI';
+ # This causes modules to clash.
+ undef %CGI::EXPORT;
+ undef %CGI::EXPORT;
+ $self->_setup_symbols(@_);
+ my ($callpack, $callfile, $callline) = caller;
+ # To allow overriding, search through the packages
+ # Till we find one in which the correct subroutine is defined.
+ my @packages = ($self,@{"$self\:\:ISA"});
+ foreach my $sym (keys %CGI::EXPORT) {
+ my $pck;
+ my $def = ${"$self\:\:AutoloadClass"} || $CGI::DefaultClass;
+ foreach $pck (@packages) {
+ if (defined(&{"$pck\:\:$sym"})) {
+ $def = $pck;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ *{"${callpack}::$sym"} = \&{"$def\:\:$sym"};
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+CGI::Pretty - module to produce nicely formatted HTML code
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use CGI::Pretty qw( :html3 );
+ # Print a table with a single data element
+ print table( TR( td( "foo" ) ) );
+CGI::Pretty is a module that derives from CGI. It's sole function is to
+allow users of CGI to output nicely formatted HTML code.
+When using the CGI module, the following code:
+ print table( TR( td( "foo" ) ) );
+produces the following output:
+ <TABLE><TR><TD>foo</TD></TR></TABLE>
+If a user were to create a table consisting of many rows and many columns,
+the resultant HTML code would be quite difficult to read since it has no
+carriage returns or indentation.
+CGI::Pretty fixes this problem. What it does is add a carriage
+return and indentation to the HTML code so that one can easily read
+ print table( TR( td( "foo" ) ) );
+now produces the following output:
+ <TR>
+ <TD>
+ foo
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ </TABLE>
+=head2 Tags that won't be formatted
+The <A> and <PRE> tags are not formatted. If these tags were formatted, the
+user would see the extra indentation on the web browser causing the page to
+look different than what would be expected. If you wish to add more tags to
+the list of tags that are not to be touched, push them onto the C<@AS_IS> array:
+ push @CGI::Pretty::AS_IS,qw(CODE XMP);
+=head2 Customizing the Indenting
+If you wish to have your own personal style of indenting, you can change the
+C<$INDENT> variable:
+ $CGI::Pretty::INDENT = "\t\t";
+would cause the indents to be two tabs.
+Similarly, if you wish to have more space between lines, you may change the
+C<$LINEBREAK> variable:
+ $CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK = "\n\n";
+would create two carriage returns between lines.
+If you decide you want to use the regular CGI indenting, you can easily do
+the following:
+ $CGI::Pretty::INDENT = $CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK = "";
+=head1 BUGS
+This section intentionally left blank.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Brian Paulsen <>, with minor modifications by
+Lincoln Stein <> for incorporation into the
+Copyright 1999, Brian Paulsen. All rights reserved.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+Bug reports and comments to You can also write
+to, but this code looks pretty hairy to me and I'm not
+sure I understand it!
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/ b/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e72abda55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+package CGI::Push;
+# See the bottom of this file for the POD documentation. Search for the
+# string '=head'.
+# You can run this file through either pod2man or pod2html to produce pretty
+# documentation in manual or html file format (these utilities are part of the
+# Perl 5 distribution).
+# Copyright 1995-2000, Lincoln D. Stein. All rights reserved.
+# It may be used and modified freely, but I do request that this copyright
+# notice remain attached to the file. You may modify this module as you
+# wish, but if you redistribute a modified version, please attach a note
+# listing the modifications you have made.
+# The most recent version and complete docs are available at:
+use CGI;
+use CGI::Util 'rearrange';
+@ISA = ('CGI');
+$CGI::DefaultClass = 'CGI::Push';
+$CGI::Push::AutoloadClass = 'CGI';
+# add do_push() and push_delay() to exported tags
+sub do_push {
+ my ($self,@p) = CGI::self_or_default(@_);
+ # unbuffer output
+ $| = 1;
+ srand;
+ my ($random) = sprintf("%08.0f",rand()*1E8);
+ my ($boundary) = "----=_NeXtPaRt$random";
+ my (@header);
+ my ($type,$callback,$delay,$last_page,$cookie,$target,$expires,$nph,@other) = rearrange([TYPE,NEXT_PAGE,DELAY,LAST_PAGE,[COOKIE,COOKIES],TARGET,EXPIRES,NPH],@p);
+ $type = 'text/html' unless $type;
+ $callback = \&simple_counter unless $callback && ref($callback) eq 'CODE';
+ $delay = 1 unless defined($delay);
+ $self->push_delay($delay);
+ $nph = 1 unless defined($nph);
+ my(@o);
+ foreach (@other) { push(@o,split("=")); }
+ push(@o,'-Target'=>$target) if defined($target);
+ push(@o,'-Cookie'=>$cookie) if defined($cookie);
+ push(@o,'-Type'=>"multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=\"$boundary\"");
+ push(@o,'-Server'=>" Push Module") if $nph;
+ push(@o,'-Status'=>'200 OK');
+ push(@o,'-nph'=>1) if $nph;
+ print $self->header(@o);
+ $boundary = "$CGI::CRLF--$boundary";
+ my (@contents) = &$callback($self,++$COUNTER);
+ # now we enter a little loop
+ while (1) {
+ print "Content-type: ${type}$CGI::CRLF$CGI::CRLF" unless $type =~ /^dynamic|heterogeneous$/i;
+ print @contents;
+ @contents = &$callback($self,++$COUNTER);
+ if ((@contents) && defined($contents[0])) {
+ print "${boundary}$CGI::CRLF";
+ do_sleep($self->push_delay()) if $self->push_delay();
+ } else {
+ if ($last_page && ref($last_page) eq 'CODE') {
+ print "${boundary}$CGI::CRLF";
+ do_sleep($self->push_delay()) if $self->push_delay();
+ print "Content-type: ${type}$CGI::CRLF$CGI::CRLF" unless $type =~ /^dynamic|heterogeneous$/i;
+ print &$last_page($self,$COUNTER);
+ }
+ print "${boundary}--$CGI::CRLF";
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+sub simple_counter {
+ my ($self,$count) = @_;
+ return $self->start_html("CGI::Push Default Counter"),
+ $self->h1("CGI::Push Default Counter"),
+ "This page has been updated ",$self->strong($count)," times.",
+ $self->hr(),
+ $self->a({'-href'=>''},' home page'),
+ $self->end_html;
+sub do_sleep {
+ my $delay = shift;
+ if ( ($delay >= 1) && ($delay!~/\./) ){
+ sleep($delay);
+ } else {
+ select(undef,undef,undef,$delay);
+ }
+sub push_delay {
+ my ($self,$delay) = CGI::self_or_default(@_);
+ return defined($delay) ? $self->{'.delay'} =
+ $delay : $self->{'.delay'};
+=head1 NAME
+CGI::Push - Simple Interface to Server Push
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use CGI::Push qw(:standard);
+ do_push(-next_page=>\&next_page,
+ -last_page=>\&last_page,
+ -delay=>0.5);
+ sub next_page {
+ my($q,$counter) = @_;
+ return undef if $counter >= 10;
+ return start_html('Test'),
+ h1('Visible'),"\n",
+ "This page has been called ", strong($counter)," times",
+ end_html();
+ }
+ sub last_page {
+ my($q,$counter) = @_;
+ return start_html('Done'),
+ h1('Finished'),
+ strong($counter - 1),' iterations.',
+ end_html;
+ }
+CGI::Push is a subclass of the CGI object created by It is
+specialized for server push operations, which allow you to create
+animated pages whose content changes at regular intervals.
+You provide CGI::Push with a pointer to a subroutine that will draw
+one page. Every time your subroutine is called, it generates a new
+page. The contents of the page will be transmitted to the browser
+in such a way that it will replace what was there beforehand. The
+technique will work with HTML pages as well as with graphics files,
+allowing you to create animated GIFs.
+Only Netscape Navigator supports server push. Internet Explorer
+browsers do not.
+=head1 USING CGI::Push
+CGI::Push adds one new method to the standard CGI suite, do_push().
+When you call this method, you pass it a reference to a subroutine
+that is responsible for drawing each new page, an interval delay, and
+an optional subroutine for drawing the last page. Other optional
+parameters include most of those recognized by the CGI header()
+You may call do_push() in the object oriented manner or not, as you
+ use CGI::Push;
+ $q = new CGI::Push;
+ $q->do_push(-next_page=>\&draw_a_page);
+ -or-
+ use CGI::Push qw(:standard);
+ do_push(-next_page=>\&draw_a_page);
+Parameters are as follows:
+=over 4
+=item -next_page
+ do_push(-next_page=>\&my_draw_routine);
+This required parameter points to a reference to a subroutine responsible for
+drawing each new page. The subroutine should expect two parameters
+consisting of the CGI object and a counter indicating the number
+of times the subroutine has been called. It should return the
+contents of the page as an B<array> of one or more items to print.
+It can return a false value (or an empty array) in order to abort the
+redrawing loop and print out the final page (if any)
+ sub my_draw_routine {
+ my($q,$counter) = @_;
+ return undef if $counter > 100;
+ return start_html('testing'),
+ h1('testing'),
+ "This page called $counter times";
+ }
+You are of course free to refer to create and use global variables
+within your draw routine in order to achieve special effects.
+=item -last_page
+This optional parameter points to a reference to the subroutine
+responsible for drawing the last page of the series. It is called
+after the -next_page routine returns a false value. The subroutine
+itself should have exactly the same calling conventions as the
+-next_page routine.
+=item -type
+This optional parameter indicates the content type of each page. It
+defaults to "text/html". Normally the module assumes that each page
+is of a homogenous MIME type. However if you provide either of the
+magic values "heterogeneous" or "dynamic" (the latter provided for the
+convenience of those who hate long parameter names), you can specify
+the MIME type -- and other header fields -- on a per-page basis. See
+"heterogeneous pages" for more details.
+=item -delay
+This indicates the delay, in seconds, between frames. Smaller delays
+refresh the page faster. Fractional values are allowed.
+B<If not specified, -delay will default to 1 second>
+=item -cookie, -target, -expires, -nph
+These have the same meaning as the like-named parameters in
+If not specified, -nph will default to 1 (as needed for many servers, see below).
+=head2 Heterogeneous Pages
+Ordinarily all pages displayed by CGI::Push share a common MIME type.
+However by providing a value of "heterogeneous" or "dynamic" in the
+do_push() -type parameter, you can specify the MIME type of each page
+on a case-by-case basis.
+If you use this option, you will be responsible for producing the
+HTTP header for each page. Simply modify your draw routine to
+look like this:
+ sub my_draw_routine {
+ my($q,$counter) = @_;
+ return header('text/html'), # note we're producing the header here
+ start_html('testing'),
+ h1('testing'),
+ "This page called $counter times";
+ }
+You can add any header fields that you like, but some (cookies and
+status fields included) may not be interpreted by the browser. One
+interesting effect is to display a series of pages, then, after the
+last page, to redirect the browser to a new URL. Because redirect()
+does b<not> work, the easiest way is with a -refresh header field,
+as shown below:
+ sub my_draw_routine {
+ my($q,$counter) = @_;
+ return undef if $counter > 10;
+ return header('text/html'), # note we're producing the header here
+ start_html('testing'),
+ h1('testing'),
+ "This page called $counter times";
+ }
+ sub my_last_page {
+ return header(-refresh=>'5; URL=http://somewhere.else/finished.html',
+ -type=>'text/html'),
+ start_html('Moved'),
+ h1('This is the last page'),
+ 'Goodbye!'
+ hr,
+ end_html;
+ }
+=head2 Changing the Page Delay on the Fly
+If you would like to control the delay between pages on a page-by-page
+basis, call push_delay() from within your draw routine. push_delay()
+takes a single numeric argument representing the number of seconds you
+wish to delay after the current page is displayed and before
+displaying the next one. The delay may be fractional. Without
+parameters, push_delay() just returns the current delay.
+Server push scripts must be installed as no-parsed-header (NPH)
+scripts in order to work correctly on many servers. On Unix systems,
+this is most often accomplished by prefixing the script's name with "nph-".
+Recognition of NPH scripts happens automatically with WebSTAR and
+Microsoft IIS. Users of other servers should see their documentation
+for help.
+Apache web server from version 1.3b2 on does not need server
+push scripts installed as NPH scripts: the -nph parameter to do_push()
+may be set to a false value to disable the extra headers needed by an
+NPH script.
+Copyright 1995-1998, Lincoln D. Stein. All rights reserved.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+Address bug reports and comments to:
+=head1 BUGS
+This section intentionally left blank.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<CGI::Carp>, L<CGI>
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/ b/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a311080e49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+package CGI::Switch;
+use CGI;
+$VERSION = '1.01';
+=head1 NAME
+CGI::Switch - Backward compatibility module for defunct CGI::Switch
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Do not use this module. It is deprecated.
+=head1 ABSTRACT
+=head1 BUGS
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/ b/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a0ea2be93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/lib/CGI/
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+package CGI::Util;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @EXPORT_OK @ISA $EBCDIC @A2E @E2A);
+require Exporter;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(rearrange rearrange_header make_attributes unescape escape
+ expires ebcdic2ascii ascii2ebcdic);
+$VERSION = '3.45';
+$EBCDIC = "\t" ne "\011";
+# (ord('^') == 95) for codepage 1047 as on os390, vmesa
+@A2E = (
+ 0, 1, 2, 3, 55, 45, 46, 47, 22, 5, 21, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
+ 16, 17, 18, 19, 60, 61, 50, 38, 24, 25, 63, 39, 28, 29, 30, 31,
+ 64, 90,127,123, 91,108, 80,125, 77, 93, 92, 78,107, 96, 75, 97,
+ 240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,122, 94, 76,126,110,111,
+ 124,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,209,210,211,212,213,214,
+ 215,216,217,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233,173,224,189, 95,109,
+ 121,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,145,146,147,148,149,150,
+ 151,152,153,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,192, 79,208,161, 7,
+ 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 6, 23, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 9, 10, 27,
+ 48, 49, 26, 51, 52, 53, 54, 8, 56, 57, 58, 59, 4, 20, 62,255,
+ 65,170, 74,177,159,178,106,181,187,180,154,138,176,202,175,188,
+ 144,143,234,250,190,160,182,179,157,218,155,139,183,184,185,171,
+ 100,101, 98,102, 99,103,158,104,116,113,114,115,120,117,118,119,
+ 172,105,237,238,235,239,236,191,128,253,254,251,252,186,174, 89,
+ 68, 69, 66, 70, 67, 71,156, 72, 84, 81, 82, 83, 88, 85, 86, 87,
+ 140, 73,205,206,203,207,204,225,112,221,222,219,220,141,142,223
+ );
+@E2A = (
+ 0, 1, 2, 3,156, 9,134,127,151,141,142, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
+ 16, 17, 18, 19,157, 10, 8,135, 24, 25,146,143, 28, 29, 30, 31,
+ 128,129,130,131,132,133, 23, 27,136,137,138,139,140, 5, 6, 7,
+ 144,145, 22,147,148,149,150, 4,152,153,154,155, 20, 21,158, 26,
+ 32,160,226,228,224,225,227,229,231,241,162, 46, 60, 40, 43,124,
+ 38,233,234,235,232,237,238,239,236,223, 33, 36, 42, 41, 59, 94,
+ 45, 47,194,196,192,193,195,197,199,209,166, 44, 37, 95, 62, 63,
+ 248,201,202,203,200,205,206,207,204, 96, 58, 35, 64, 39, 61, 34,
+ 216, 97, 98, 99,100,101,102,103,104,105,171,187,240,253,254,177,
+ 176,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,170,186,230,184,198,164,
+ 181,126,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,161,191,208, 91,222,174,
+ 172,163,165,183,169,167,182,188,189,190,221,168,175, 93,180,215,
+ 123, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73,173,244,246,242,243,245,
+ 125, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82,185,251,252,249,250,255,
+ 92,247, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90,178,212,214,210,211,213,
+ 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,179,219,220,217,218,159
+ );
+if ($EBCDIC && ord('^') == 106) { # as in the BS2000 posix-bc coded character set
+ $A2E[91] = 187; $A2E[92] = 188; $A2E[94] = 106; $A2E[96] = 74;
+ $A2E[123] = 251; $A2E[125] = 253; $A2E[126] = 255; $A2E[159] = 95;
+ $A2E[162] = 176; $A2E[166] = 208; $A2E[168] = 121; $A2E[172] = 186;
+ $A2E[175] = 161; $A2E[217] = 224; $A2E[219] = 221; $A2E[221] = 173;
+ $A2E[249] = 192;
+ $E2A[74] = 96; $E2A[95] = 159; $E2A[106] = 94; $E2A[121] = 168;
+ $E2A[161] = 175; $E2A[173] = 221; $E2A[176] = 162; $E2A[186] = 172;
+ $E2A[187] = 91; $E2A[188] = 92; $E2A[192] = 249; $E2A[208] = 166;
+ $E2A[221] = 219; $E2A[224] = 217; $E2A[251] = 123; $E2A[253] = 125;
+ $E2A[255] = 126;
+ }
+elsif ($EBCDIC && ord('^') == 176) { # as in codepage 037 on os400
+ $A2E[10] = 37; $A2E[91] = 186; $A2E[93] = 187; $A2E[94] = 176;
+ $A2E[133] = 21; $A2E[168] = 189; $A2E[172] = 95; $A2E[221] = 173;
+ $E2A[21] = 133; $E2A[37] = 10; $E2A[95] = 172; $E2A[173] = 221;
+ $E2A[176] = 94; $E2A[186] = 91; $E2A[187] = 93; $E2A[189] = 168;
+# Smart rearrangement of parameters to allow named parameter
+# calling. We do the rearrangement if:
+# the first parameter begins with a -
+sub rearrange {
+ my ($order,@param) = @_;
+ my ($result, $leftover) = _rearrange_params( $order, @param );
+ push @$result, make_attributes( $leftover, defined $CGI::Q ? $CGI::Q->{escape} : 1 )
+ if keys %$leftover;
+ @$result;
+sub rearrange_header {
+ my ($order,@param) = @_;
+ my ($result,$leftover) = _rearrange_params( $order, @param );
+ push @$result, make_attributes( $leftover, 0, 1 ) if keys %$leftover;
+ @$result;
+sub _rearrange_params {
+ my($order,@param) = @_;
+ return [] unless @param;
+ if (ref($param[0]) eq 'HASH') {
+ @param = %{$param[0]};
+ } else {
+ return \@param
+ unless (defined($param[0]) && substr($param[0],0,1) eq '-');
+ }
+ # map parameters into positional indices
+ my ($i,%pos);
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach (@$order) {
+ foreach (ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$_ : $_) { $pos{lc($_)} = $i; }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ my (@result,%leftover);
+ $#result = $#$order; # preextend
+ while (@param) {
+ my $key = lc(shift(@param));
+ $key =~ s/^\-//;
+ if (exists $pos{$key}) {
+ $result[$pos{$key}] = shift(@param);
+ } else {
+ $leftover{$key} = shift(@param);
+ }
+ }
+ return \@result, \%leftover;
+sub make_attributes {
+ my $attr = shift;
+ return () unless $attr && ref($attr) && ref($attr) eq 'HASH';
+ my $escape = shift || 0;
+ my $do_not_quote = shift;
+ my $quote = $do_not_quote ? '' : '"';
+ my(@att);
+ foreach (keys %{$attr}) {
+ my($key) = $_;
+ $key=~s/^\-//; # get rid of initial - if present
+ # old way: breaks EBCDIC!
+ # $key=~tr/A-Z_/a-z-/; # parameters are lower case, use dashes
+ ($key="\L$key") =~ tr/_/-/; # parameters are lower case, use dashes
+ my $value = $escape ? simple_escape($attr->{$_}) : $attr->{$_};
+ push(@att,defined($attr->{$_}) ? qq/$key=$quote$value$quote/ : qq/$key/);
+ }
+ return @att;
+sub simple_escape {
+ return unless defined(my $toencode = shift);
+ $toencode =~ s{&}{&amp;}gso;
+ $toencode =~ s{<}{&lt;}gso;
+ $toencode =~ s{>}{&gt;}gso;
+ $toencode =~ s{\"}{&quot;}gso;
+# Doesn't work. Can't work. forget it.
+# $toencode =~ s{\x8b}{&#139;}gso;
+# $toencode =~ s{\x9b}{&#155;}gso;
+ $toencode;
+sub utf8_chr {
+ my $c = shift(@_);
+ if ($] >= 5.006){
+ require utf8;
+ my $u = chr($c);
+ utf8::encode($u); # drop utf8 flag
+ return $u;
+ }
+ if ($c < 0x80) {
+ return sprintf("%c", $c);
+ } elsif ($c < 0x800) {
+ return sprintf("%c%c", 0xc0 | ($c >> 6), 0x80 | ($c & 0x3f));
+ } elsif ($c < 0x10000) {
+ return sprintf("%c%c%c",
+ 0xe0 | ($c >> 12),
+ 0x80 | (($c >> 6) & 0x3f),
+ 0x80 | ( $c & 0x3f));
+ } elsif ($c < 0x200000) {
+ return sprintf("%c%c%c%c",
+ 0xf0 | ($c >> 18),
+ 0x80 | (($c >> 12) & 0x3f),
+ 0x80 | (($c >> 6) & 0x3f),
+ 0x80 | ( $c & 0x3f));
+ } elsif ($c < 0x4000000) {
+ return sprintf("%c%c%c%c%c",
+ 0xf8 | ($c >> 24),
+ 0x80 | (($c >> 18) & 0x3f),
+ 0x80 | (($c >> 12) & 0x3f),
+ 0x80 | (($c >> 6) & 0x3f),
+ 0x80 | ( $c & 0x3f));
+ } elsif ($c < 0x80000000) {
+ return sprintf("%c%c%c%c%c%c",
+ 0xfc | ($c >> 30),
+ 0x80 | (($c >> 24) & 0x3f),
+ 0x80 | (($c >> 18) & 0x3f),
+ 0x80 | (($c >> 12) & 0x3f),
+ 0x80 | (($c >> 6) & 0x3f),
+ 0x80 | ( $c & 0x3f));
+ } else {
+ return utf8_chr(0xfffd);
+ }
+# unescape URL-encoded data
+sub unescape {
+ shift() if @_ > 0 and (ref($_[0]) || (defined $_[1] && $_[0] eq $CGI::DefaultClass));
+ my $todecode = shift;
+ return undef unless defined($todecode);
+ $todecode =~ tr/+/ /; # pluses become spaces
+ if ($EBCDIC) {
+ $todecode =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/chr $A2E[hex($1)]/ge;
+ } else {
+ # handle surrogate pairs first -- dankogai
+ $todecode =~ s{
+ %u([Dd][89a-bA-B][0-9a-fA-F]{2}) # hi
+ %u([Dd][c-fC-F][0-9a-fA-F]{2}) # lo
+ }{
+ utf8_chr(
+ 0x10000
+ + (hex($1) - 0xD800) * 0x400
+ + (hex($2) - 0xDC00)
+ )
+ }gex;
+ $todecode =~ s/%(?:([0-9a-fA-F]{2})|u([0-9a-fA-F]{4}))/
+ defined($1)? chr hex($1) : utf8_chr(hex($2))/ge;
+ }
+ return $todecode;
+# URL-encode data
+# We cannot use the %u escapes, they were rejected by W3C, so the official
+# way is %XX-escaped utf-8 encoding.
+# Naturally, Unicode strings have to be converted to their utf-8 byte
+# representation. (No action is required on 5.6.)
+# Byte strings were traditionally used directly as a sequence of octets.
+# This worked if they actually represented binary data (i.e. in CGI::Compress).
+# This also worked if these byte strings were actually utf-8 encoded; e.g.,
+# when the source file used utf-8 without the apropriate "use utf8;".
+# This fails if the byte string is actually a Latin 1 encoded string, but it
+# was always so and cannot be fixed without breaking the binary data case.
+# -- Stepan Kasal <>
+sub escape {
+ shift() if @_ > 1 and ( ref($_[0]) || (defined $_[1] && $_[0] eq $CGI::DefaultClass));
+ my $toencode = shift;
+ return undef unless defined($toencode);
+ utf8::encode($toencode) if ($] > 5.007 && utf8::is_utf8($toencode));
+ if ($EBCDIC) {
+ $toencode=~s/([^a-zA-Z0-9_.~-])/uc sprintf("%%%02x",$E2A[ord($1)])/eg;
+ } else {
+ $toencode=~s/([^a-zA-Z0-9_.~-])/uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/eg;
+ }
+ return $toencode;
+# This internal routine creates date strings suitable for use in
+# cookies and HTTP headers. (They differ, unfortunately.)
+# Thanks to Mark Fisher for this.
+sub expires {
+ my($time,$format) = @_;
+ $format ||= 'http';
+ my(@MON)=qw/Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec/;
+ my(@WDAY) = qw/Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat/;
+ # pass through preformatted dates for the sake of expire_calc()
+ $time = expire_calc($time);
+ return $time unless $time =~ /^\d+$/;
+ # make HTTP/cookie date string from GMT'ed time
+ # (cookies use '-' as date separator, HTTP uses ' ')
+ my($sc) = ' ';
+ $sc = '-' if $format eq "cookie";
+ my($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday) = gmtime($time);
+ $year += 1900;
+ return sprintf("%s, %02d$sc%s$sc%04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT",
+ $WDAY[$wday],$mday,$MON[$mon],$year,$hour,$min,$sec);
+# This internal routine creates an expires time exactly some number of
+# hours from the current time. It incorporates modifications from
+# Mark Fisher.
+sub expire_calc {
+ my($time) = @_;
+ my(%mult) = ('s'=>1,
+ 'm'=>60,
+ 'h'=>60*60,
+ 'd'=>60*60*24,
+ 'M'=>60*60*24*30,
+ 'y'=>60*60*24*365);
+ # format for time can be in any of the forms...
+ # "now" -- expire immediately
+ # "+180s" -- in 180 seconds
+ # "+2m" -- in 2 minutes
+ # "+12h" -- in 12 hours
+ # "+1d" -- in 1 day
+ # "+3M" -- in 3 months
+ # "+2y" -- in 2 years
+ # "-3m" -- 3 minutes ago(!)
+ # If you don't supply one of these forms, we assume you are
+ # specifying the date yourself
+ my($offset);
+ if (!$time || (lc($time) eq 'now')) {
+ $offset = 0;
+ } elsif ($time=~/^\d+/) {
+ return $time;
+ } elsif ($time=~/^([+-]?(?:\d+|\d*\.\d*))([smhdMy])/) {
+ $offset = ($mult{$2} || 1)*$1;
+ } else {
+ return $time;
+ }
+ return (time+$offset);
+sub ebcdic2ascii {
+ my $data = shift;
+ $data =~ s/(.)/chr $E2A[ord($1)]/ge;
+ $data;
+sub ascii2ebcdic {
+ my $data = shift;
+ $data =~ s/(.)/chr $A2E[ord($1)]/ge;
+ $data;
+=head1 NAME
+CGI::Util - Internal utilities used by CGI module
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+no public subroutines
+Copyright 1995-1998, Lincoln D. Stein. All rights reserved.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+Address bug reports and comments to: When sending
+bug reports, please provide the version of, the version of
+Perl, the name and version of your Web server, and the name and
+version of the operating system you are using. If the problem is even
+remotely browser dependent, please provide information about the
+affected browers as well.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/Dump.t b/cpan/CGI/t/Dump.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fafb5b22eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/Dump.t
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+use CGI;
+my $cgi = CGI->new('<a>=<b>');
+like($cgi->Dump, qr/\Q&lt;a&gt;/, 'param names are HTML escaped by Dump()');
+like($cgi->Dump, qr/\Q&lt;b&gt;/, 'param values are HTML escaped by Dump()');
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/apache.t b/cpan/CGI/t/apache.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f92155c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/apache.t
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+# Due to a bug in older versions of MakeMaker & Test::Harness, we must
+# ensure the blib's are in @INC, else we might use the core
+use lib qw(blib/lib blib/arch);
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 1;
+# Can't do much with this other than make sure it loads properly
+BEGIN { use_ok('CGI::Apache') };
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/can.t b/cpan/CGI/t/can.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..720eb493e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/can.t
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+# Due to a bug in older versions of MakeMaker & Test::Harness, we must
+# ensure the blib's are in @INC, else we might use the core
+use lib qw(blib/lib blib/arch);
+use Test::More tests => 2;
+BEGIN{ use_ok('CGI'); }
+can_ok('CGI', qw/cookie param/); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/carp.t b/cpan/CGI/t/carp.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d20a4fe9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/carp.t
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+# -*- Mode: cperl; coding: utf-8; cperl-indent-level: 2 -*-
+#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+# Due to a bug in older versions of MakeMaker & Test::Harness, we must
+# ensure the blib's are in @INC, else we might use the core
+use lib qw(blib/lib blib/arch);
+use Test::More tests => 41;
+use IO::Handle;
+BEGIN { use_ok('CGI::Carp') };
+# Test id
+# directly invoked
+my $expect_f = __FILE__;
+my $expect_l = __LINE__ + 1;
+my ($file, $line, $id) = CGI::Carp::id(0);
+is($file, $expect_f, "file");
+is($line, $expect_l, "line");
+is($id, "carp.t", "id");
+# one level of indirection
+sub id1 { my $level = shift; return CGI::Carp::id($level); };
+$expect_l = __LINE__ + 1;
+($file, $line, $id) = id1(1);
+is($file, $expect_f, "file");
+is($line, $expect_l, "line");
+is($id, "carp.t", "id");
+# two levels of indirection
+sub id2 { my $level = shift; return id1($level); };
+$expect_l = __LINE__ + 1;
+($file, $line, $id) = id2(2);
+is($file, $expect_f, "file");
+is($line, $expect_l, "line");
+is($id, "carp.t", "id");
+# Test stamp
+my $stamp = "/^\\[
+ ([a-z]{3}\\s){2}\\s?
+ [\\s\\d:]+
+ \\]\\s$id:/ix";
+ $stamp,
+ "Time in correct format");
+sub stamp1 {return CGI::Carp::stamp()};
+sub stamp2 {return stamp1()};
+like(stamp2(), $stamp, "Time in correct format");
+# Test warn and _warn
+# set some variables to control what's going on.
+$CGI::Carp::WARN = 0;
+my $q_file = quotemeta($file);
+# Test that realwarn is called
+ local $^W = 0;
+ eval "sub CGI::Carp::realwarn {return 'Called realwarn'};";
+$expect_l = __LINE__ + 1;
+is(CGI::Carp::warn("There is a problem"),
+ "Called realwarn",
+ "CGI::Carp::warn calls CORE::warn");
+# Test that message is constructed correctly
+eval 'sub CGI::Carp::realwarn {my $mess = shift; return $mess};';
+$expect_l = __LINE__ + 1;
+like(CGI::Carp::warn("There is a problem"),
+ "/] $id: There is a problem at $q_file line $expect_l.".'$/',
+ "CGI::Carp::warn builds correct message");
+# Test that _warn is called at the correct time
+$CGI::Carp::WARN = 1;
+my $warn_expect_l = $expect_l = __LINE__ + 1;
+like(CGI::Carp::warn("There is a problem"),
+ "/] $id: There is a problem at $q_file line $expect_l.".'$/',
+ "CGI::Carp::warn builds correct message");
+# Test ineval
+ok(!CGI::Carp::ineval, 'ineval returns false when not in eval');
+eval {ok(CGI::Carp::ineval, 'ineval returns true when in eval');};
+# Test die
+# set some variables to control what's going on.
+$CGI::Carp::WRAP = 0;
+$expect_l = __LINE__ + 1;
+eval { CGI::Carp::die('There is a problem'); };
+ '/^There is a problem/',
+ 'CGI::Carp::die calls CORE::die without altering argument in eval');
+# Test that realwarn is called
+ local $^W = 0;
+ eval 'sub CGI::Carp::realdie {my $mess = shift; return $mess};';
+like(CGI::Carp::die('There is a problem'),
+ $stamp,
+ 'CGI::Carp::die calls CORE::die, but adds stamp');
+# Test set_message
+is(CGI::Carp::set_message('My new Message'),
+ 'My new Message',
+ 'CGI::Carp::set_message returns new message');
+ 'My new Message',
+ 'CGI::Carp::set_message message set correctly');
+# set the message back to the empty string so that the tests later
+# work properly.
+# Test set_progname
+import CGI::Carp qw(name=new_progname);
+ 'new_progname',
+ 'CGI::Carp::import set program name correctly');
+ 'newer_progname',
+ 'CGI::Carp::set_progname returns new program name');
+ 'newer_progname',
+ 'CGI::Carp::set_progname program name set correctly');
+# set the message back to the empty string so that the tests later
+# work properly.
+is (CGI::Carp::set_progname(undef),undef,"CGI::Carp::set_progname returns unset name correctly");
+is ($CGI::Carp::PROGNAME,undef,"CGI::Carp::set_progname program name unset correctly");
+# Test warnings_to_browser
+is($CGI::Carp::EMIT_WARNINGS, 0, "Warnings turned off");
+# turn off STDOUT (prevents spurious warnings to screen
+tie *STDOUT, 'StoreStuff' or die "Can't tie STDOUT";
+my $fake_out = join '', <STDOUT>;
+untie *STDOUT;
+my $fname = $0;
+$fname =~ tr/<>-/\253\273\255/; # _warn does this so we have to also
+is( $fake_out, "<!-- warning: There is a problem at $fname line $warn_expect_l. -->\n",
+ 'warningsToBrowser() on' );
+is($CGI::Carp::EMIT_WARNINGS, 1, "Warnings turned off");
+# Test fatals_to_browser
+package StoreStuff;
+ my $class = shift;
+ bless [], $class;
+sub PRINT {
+ my $self = shift;
+ push @$self, @_;
+ my $self = shift;
+ shift @$self;
+package main;
+tie *STDOUT, "StoreStuff";
+# do tests
+my @result;
+$result[0] .= $_ while (<STDOUT>);
+CGI::Carp::fatalsToBrowser('Message to the world');
+$result[1] .= $_ while (<STDOUT>);
+$result[2] .= $_ while (<STDOUT>);
+CGI::Carp::set_message('Override the message passed in'),
+CGI::Carp::fatalsToBrowser('Message to the world');
+$result[3] .= $_ while (<STDOUT>);
+# now restore STDOUT
+untie *STDOUT;
+ '/Content-type: text/html/',
+ "Default string has header");
+ok($result[0] !~ /Message to the world/, "Custom message not in default string");
+ '/Message to the world/',
+ "Custom Message appears in output");
+ok($result[0] !~ /foo\, "Server Admin does not appear in default message");
+ '/',
+ "Server Admin appears in output");
+ '/Message to the world/',
+ "Custom message not in result");
+ '/Override the message passed in/',
+ "Correct message in string");
+# Test to_filehandle
+sub buffer {
+ CGI::Carp::to_filehandle (@_);
+tie *STORE, "StoreStuff";
+require FileHandle;
+my $fh = FileHandle->new;
+ok( defined buffer(\*STORE), '\*STORE returns proper filehandle');
+ok( defined buffer( $fh ), '$fh returns proper filehandle');
+ok( defined buffer('::STDOUT'), 'STDIN returns proper filehandle');
+ok( defined buffer(*main::STDOUT), 'STDIN returns proper filehandle');
+ok(!defined buffer("WIBBLE"), '"WIBBLE" doesn\'t returns proper filehandle');
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/cookie.t b/cpan/CGI/t/cookie.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..539ac7a26e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/cookie.t
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+use strict;
+# Due to a bug in older versions of MakeMaker & Test::Harness, we must
+# ensure the blib's are in @INC, else we might use the core
+use lib qw(blib/lib blib/arch);
+use Test::More tests => 96;
+use CGI::Util qw(escape unescape);
+use POSIX qw(strftime);
+# make sure module loaded
+BEGIN {use_ok('CGI::Cookie');}
+my @test_cookie = (
+ 'foo=123; bar=qwerty; baz=wibble; qux=a1',
+ 'foo=123; bar=qwerty; baz=wibble;',
+ 'foo=vixen; bar=cow; baz=bitch; qux=politician',
+ 'foo=a%20phrase; bar=yes%2C%20a%20phrase; baz=%5Ewibble; qux=%27',
+ );
+# Test parse
+ my $result = CGI::Cookie->parse($test_cookie[0]);
+ is(ref($result), 'HASH', "Hash ref returned in scalar context");
+ my @result = CGI::Cookie->parse($test_cookie[0]);
+ is(@result, 8, "returns correct number of fields");
+ @result = CGI::Cookie->parse($test_cookie[1]);
+ is(@result, 6, "returns correct number of fields");
+ my %result = CGI::Cookie->parse($test_cookie[0]);
+ is($result{foo}->value, '123', "cookie foo is correct");
+ is($result{bar}->value, 'qwerty', "cookie bar is correct");
+ is($result{baz}->value, 'wibble', "cookie baz is correct");
+ is($result{qux}->value, 'a1', "cookie qux is correct");
+# Test fetch
+ # make sure there are no cookies in the environment
+ delete $ENV{HTTP_COOKIE};
+ delete $ENV{COOKIE};
+ my %result = CGI::Cookie->fetch();
+ ok(keys %result == 0, "No cookies in environment, returns empty list");
+ # now set a cookie in the environment and try again
+ $ENV{HTTP_COOKIE} = $test_cookie[2];
+ %result = CGI::Cookie->fetch();
+ ok(eq_set([keys %result], [qw(foo bar baz qux)]),
+ "expected cookies extracted");
+ is(ref($result{foo}), 'CGI::Cookie', 'Type of objects returned is correct');
+ is($result{foo}->value, 'vixen', "cookie foo is correct");
+ is($result{bar}->value, 'cow', "cookie bar is correct");
+ is($result{baz}->value, 'bitch', "cookie baz is correct");
+ is($result{qux}->value, 'politician', "cookie qux is correct");
+ # Delete that and make sure it goes away
+ delete $ENV{HTTP_COOKIE};
+ %result = CGI::Cookie->fetch();
+ ok(keys %result == 0, "No cookies in environment, returns empty list");
+ # try another cookie in the other environment variable thats supposed to work
+ $ENV{COOKIE} = $test_cookie[3];
+ %result = CGI::Cookie->fetch();
+ ok(eq_set([keys %result], [qw(foo bar baz qux)]),
+ "expected cookies extracted");
+ is(ref($result{foo}), 'CGI::Cookie', 'Type of objects returned is correct');
+ is($result{foo}->value, 'a phrase', "cookie foo is correct");
+ is($result{bar}->value, 'yes, a phrase', "cookie bar is correct");
+ is($result{baz}->value, '^wibble', "cookie baz is correct");
+ is($result{qux}->value, "'", "cookie qux is correct");
+# Test raw_fetch
+ # make sure there are no cookies in the environment
+ delete $ENV{HTTP_COOKIE};
+ delete $ENV{COOKIE};
+ my %result = CGI::Cookie->raw_fetch();
+ ok(keys %result == 0, "No cookies in environment, returns empty list");
+ # now set a cookie in the environment and try again
+ $ENV{HTTP_COOKIE} = $test_cookie[2];
+ %result = CGI::Cookie->raw_fetch();
+ ok(eq_set([keys %result], [qw(foo bar baz qux)]),
+ "expected cookies extracted");
+ is(ref($result{foo}), '', 'Plain scalar returned');
+ is($result{foo}, 'vixen', "cookie foo is correct");
+ is($result{bar}, 'cow', "cookie bar is correct");
+ is($result{baz}, 'bitch', "cookie baz is correct");
+ is($result{qux}, 'politician', "cookie qux is correct");
+ # Delete that and make sure it goes away
+ delete $ENV{HTTP_COOKIE};
+ %result = CGI::Cookie->raw_fetch();
+ ok(keys %result == 0, "No cookies in environment, returns empty list");
+ # try another cookie in the other environment variable thats supposed to work
+ $ENV{COOKIE} = $test_cookie[3];
+ %result = CGI::Cookie->raw_fetch();
+ ok(eq_set([keys %result], [qw(foo bar baz qux)]),
+ "expected cookies extracted");
+ is(ref($result{foo}), '', 'Plain scalar returned');
+ is($result{foo}, 'a%20phrase', "cookie foo is correct");
+ is($result{bar}, 'yes%2C%20a%20phrase', "cookie bar is correct");
+ is($result{baz}, '%5Ewibble', "cookie baz is correct");
+ is($result{qux}, '%27', "cookie qux is correct");
+# Test new
+ # Try new with full information provided
+ my $c = CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'foo',
+ -value => 'bar',
+ -expires => '+3M',
+ -domain => '',
+ -path => '/cgi-bin/database',
+ -secure => 1
+ );
+ is(ref($c), 'CGI::Cookie', 'new returns objects of correct type');
+ is($c->name , 'foo', 'name is correct');
+ is($c->value , 'bar', 'value is correct');
+ like($c->expires, '/^[a-z]{3},\s*\d{2}-[a-z]{3}-\d{4}/i', 'expires in correct format');
+ is($c->domain , '', 'domain is correct');
+ is($c->path , '/cgi-bin/database', 'path is correct');
+ ok($c->secure , 'secure attribute is set');
+ # now try it with the only two manditory values (should also set the default path)
+ $c = CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'baz',
+ -value => 'qux',
+ );
+ is(ref($c), 'CGI::Cookie', 'new returns objects of correct type');
+ is($c->name , 'baz', 'name is correct');
+ is($c->value , 'qux', 'value is correct');
+ ok(!defined $c->expires, 'expires is not set');
+ ok(!defined $c->domain , 'domain attributeis not set');
+ is($c->path, '/', 'path atribute is set to default');
+ ok(!defined $c->secure , 'secure attribute is set');
+# I'm really not happy about the restults of this section. You pass
+# the new method invalid arguments and it just merilly creates a
+# broken object :-)
+# I've commented them out because they currently pass but I don't
+# think they should. I think this is testing broken behaviour :-(
+# # This shouldn't work
+# $c = CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'baz' );
+# is(ref($c), 'CGI::Cookie', 'new returns objects of correct type');
+# is($c->name , 'baz', 'name is correct');
+# ok(!defined $c->value, "Value is undefined ");
+# ok(!defined $c->expires, 'expires is not set');
+# ok(!defined $c->domain , 'domain attributeis not set');
+# is($c->path , '/', 'path atribute is set to default');
+# ok(!defined $c->secure , 'secure attribute is set');
+# Test as_string
+ my $c = CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'Jam',
+ -value => 'Hamster',
+ -expires => '+3M',
+ -domain => '',
+ -path => '/',
+ -secure => 1
+ );
+ my $name = $c->name;
+ like($c->as_string, "/$name/", "Stringified cookie contains name");
+ my $value = $c->value;
+ like($c->as_string, "/$value/", "Stringified cookie contains value");
+ my $expires = $c->expires;
+ like($c->as_string, "/$expires/", "Stringified cookie contains expires");
+ my $domain = $c->domain;
+ like($c->as_string, "/$domain/", "Stringified cookie contains domain");
+ my $path = $c->path;
+ like($c->as_string, "/$path/", "Stringified cookie contains path");
+ like($c->as_string, '/secure/', "Stringified cookie contains secure");
+ $c = CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'Hamster-Jam',
+ -value => 'Tulip',
+ );
+ $name = $c->name;
+ like($c->as_string, "/$name/", "Stringified cookie contains name");
+ $value = $c->value;
+ like($c->as_string, "/$value/", "Stringified cookie contains value");
+ ok($c->as_string !~ /expires/, "Stringified cookie has no expires field");
+ ok($c->as_string !~ /domain/, "Stringified cookie has no domain field");
+ $path = $c->path;
+ like($c->as_string, "/$path/", "Stringified cookie contains path");
+ ok($c->as_string !~ /secure/, "Stringified cookie does not contain secure");
+# Test compare
+ my $c1 = CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'Jam',
+ -value => 'Hamster',
+ -expires => '+3M',
+ -domain => '',
+ -path => '/',
+ -secure => 1
+ );
+ # have to use $c1->expires because the time will occasionally be
+ # different between the two creates causing spurious failures.
+ my $c2 = CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'Jam',
+ -value => 'Hamster',
+ -expires => $c1->expires,
+ -domain => '',
+ -path => '/',
+ -secure => 1
+ );
+ # This looks titally whacked, but it does the -1, 0, 1 comparison
+ # thing so 0 means they match
+ is($c1->compare("$c1"), 0, "Cookies are identical");
+ is($c1->compare("$c2"), 0, "Cookies are identical");
+ $c1 = CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'Jam',
+ -value => 'Hamster',
+ -domain => ''
+ );
+ # have to use $c1->expires because the time will occasionally be
+ # different between the two creates causing spurious failures.
+ $c2 = CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'Jam',
+ -value => 'Hamster',
+ );
+ # This looks titally whacked, but it does the -1, 0, 1 comparison
+ # thing so 0 (i.e. false) means they match
+ is($c1->compare("$c1"), 0, "Cookies are identical");
+ ok($c1->compare("$c2"), "Cookies are not identical");
+ $c2->domain('');
+ is($c1->compare("$c2"), 0, "Cookies are identical");
+# Test name, value, domain, secure, expires and path
+ my $c = CGI::Cookie->new(-name => 'Jam',
+ -value => 'Hamster',
+ -expires => '+3M',
+ -domain => '',
+ -path => '/',
+ -secure => 1
+ );
+ is($c->name, 'Jam', 'name is correct');
+ is($c->name('Clash'), 'Clash', 'name is set correctly');
+ is($c->name, 'Clash', 'name now returns updated value');
+ # this is insane! it returns a simple scalar but can't accept one as
+ # an argument, you have to give it an arrary ref. It's totally
+ # inconsitent with these other methods :-(
+ is($c->value, 'Hamster', 'value is correct');
+ is($c->value(['Gerbil']), 'Gerbil', 'value is set correctly');
+ is($c->value, 'Gerbil', 'value now returns updated value');
+ my $exp = $c->expires;
+ like($c->expires, '/^[a-z]{3},\s*\d{2}-[a-z]{3}-\d{4}/i', 'expires is correct');
+ like($c->expires('+12h'), '/^[a-z]{3},\s*\d{2}-[a-z]{3}-\d{4}/i', 'expires is set correctly');
+ like($c->expires, '/^[a-z]{3},\s*\d{2}-[a-z]{3}-\d{4}/i', 'expires now returns updated value');
+ isnt($c->expires, $exp, "Expiry time has changed");
+ is($c->domain, '', 'domain is correct');
+ is($c->domain(''), '', 'domain is set correctly');
+ is($c->domain, '', 'domain now returns updated value');
+ is($c->path, '/', 'path is correct');
+ is($c->path('/basket/'), '/basket/', 'path is set correctly');
+ is($c->path, '/basket/', 'path now returns updated value');
+ ok($c->secure, 'secure attribute is set');
+ ok(!$c->secure(0), 'secure attribute is cleared');
+ ok(!$c->secure, 'secure attribute is cleared');
+# Apache2?::Cookie compatibility.
+ my $r = Apache::Faker->new;
+ isa_ok $r, 'Apache';
+ ok my $c = CGI::Cookie->new(
+ $r,
+ -name => 'Foo',
+ -value => 'Bar',
+ ), 'Pass an Apache object to the CGI::Cookie constructor';
+ isa_ok $c, 'CGI::Cookie';
+ ok $c->bake($r), 'Bake the cookie';
+ ok eq_array( $r->{check}, [ 'Set-Cookie', $c->as_string ]),
+ 'bake() should call headers_out->set()';
+ $r = Apache2::Faker->new;
+ isa_ok $r, 'Apache2::RequestReq';
+ ok $c = CGI::Cookie->new(
+ $r,
+ -name => 'Foo',
+ -value => 'Bar',
+ ), 'Pass an Apache::RequestReq object to the CGI::Cookie constructor';
+ isa_ok $c, 'CGI::Cookie';
+ ok $c->bake($r), 'Bake the cookie';
+ ok eq_array( $r->{check}, [ 'Set-Cookie', $c->as_string ]),
+ 'bake() should call headers_out->set()';
+package Apache::Faker;
+sub new { bless {}, shift }
+sub isa {
+ my ($self, $pkg) = @_;
+ return $pkg eq 'Apache';
+sub headers_out { shift }
+sub add { shift->{check} = \@_; }
+package Apache2::Faker;
+sub new { bless {}, shift }
+sub isa {
+ my ($self, $pkg) = @_;
+ return $pkg eq 'Apache2::RequestReq';
+sub headers_out { shift }
+sub add { shift->{check} = \@_; }
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/fast.t b/cpan/CGI/t/fast.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..45f8e1271c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/fast.t
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#!./perl -w
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+# Due to a bug in older versions of MakeMaker & Test::Harness, we must
+# ensure the blib's are in @INC, else we might use the core
+use lib qw(blib/lib blib/arch);
+my $fcgi;
+ local $@;
+ eval { require FCGI };
+ $fcgi = $@ ? 0 : 1;
+use Test::More tests => 7;
+# Shut up "used only once" warnings.
+() = $CGI::Q;
+() = $CGI::Fast::Ext_Request;
+SKIP: {
+ skip( 'FCGI not installed, cannot continue', 7 ) unless $fcgi;
+ use_ok( CGI::Fast );
+ ok( my $q = CGI::Fast->new(), 'created new CGI::Fast object' );
+ is( $q, $CGI::Q, 'checking to see if the object was stored properly' );
+ is( $q->param(), (), 'no params' );
+ ok( $q = CGI::Fast->new({ foo => 'bar' }), 'creating obect with params' );
+ is( $q->param('foo'), 'bar', 'checking passed param' );
+ # if this is false, the package var will be empty
+ is( $CGI::Fast::Ext_Request, '', 'checking no active request' );
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/form.t b/cpan/CGI/t/form.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b532db9841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/form.t
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+use Test::More tests => 22;
+BEGIN { use_ok('CGI'); };
+use CGI (':standard','-no_debug','-tabindex');
+my $CRLF = "\015\012";
+if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ $CRLF = "\n"; # via web server carriage is inserted automatically
+if (ord("\t") != 9) { # EBCDIC?
+ $CRLF = "\r\n";
+# Set up a CGI environment
+$ENV{QUERY_STRING} = 'game=chess&game=checkers&weather=dull';
+$ENV{PATH_INFO} = '/somewhere/else';
+$ENV{PATH_TRANSLATED} = '/usr/local/somewhere/else';
+$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} ='/cgi-bin/foo.cgi';
+$ENV{SERVER_PORT} = 8080;
+ qq(<form method="get" action="foobar" enctype="multipart/form-data">\n),
+ "start_form()");
+ qq(<input type="submit" tabindex="1" name=".submit" />),
+ "submit()");
+is(submit(-name => 'foo',
+ -value => 'bar'),
+ qq(<input type="submit" tabindex="2" name="foo" value="bar" />),
+ "submit(-name,-value)");
+is(submit({-name => 'foo',
+ -value => 'bar'}),
+ qq(<input type="submit" tabindex="3" name="foo" value="bar" />),
+ "submit({-name,-value})");
+is(textfield(-name => 'weather'),
+ qq(<input type="text" name="weather" tabindex="4" value="dull" />),
+ "textfield({-name})");
+is(textfield(-name => 'weather',
+ -value => 'nice'),
+ qq(<input type="text" name="weather" tabindex="5" value="dull" />),
+ "textfield({-name,-value})");
+is(textfield(-name => 'weather',
+ -value => 'nice',
+ -override => 1),
+ qq(<input type="text" name="weather" tabindex="6" value="nice" />),
+ "textfield({-name,-value,-override})");
+is(checkbox(-name => 'weather',
+ -value => 'nice'),
+ qq(<label><input type="checkbox" name="weather" value="nice" tabindex="7" />weather</label>),
+ "checkbox()");
+is(checkbox(-name => 'weather',
+ -value => 'nice',
+ -label => 'forecast'),
+ qq(<label><input type="checkbox" name="weather" value="nice" tabindex="8" />forecast</label>),
+ "checkbox()");
+is(checkbox(-name => 'weather',
+ -value => 'nice',
+ -label => 'forecast',
+ -checked => 1,
+ -override => 1),
+ qq(<label><input type="checkbox" name="weather" value="nice" tabindex="9" checked="checked" />forecast</label>),
+ "checkbox()");
+is(checkbox(-name => 'weather',
+ -value => 'dull',
+ -label => 'forecast'),
+ qq(<label><input type="checkbox" name="weather" value="dull" tabindex="10" checked="checked" />forecast</label>),
+ "checkbox()");
+is(radio_group(-name => 'game'),
+ qq(<label><input type="radio" name="game" value="chess" checked="checked" tabindex="11" />chess</label> <label><input type="radio" name="game" value="checkers" tabindex="12" />checkers</label>),
+ 'radio_group()');
+is(radio_group(-name => 'game',
+ -labels => {'chess' => 'ping pong'}),
+ qq(<label><input type="radio" name="game" value="chess" checked="checked" tabindex="13" />ping pong</label> <label><input type="radio" name="game" value="checkers" tabindex="14" />checkers</label>),
+ 'radio_group()');
+is(checkbox_group(-name => 'game',
+ -Values => [qw/checkers chess cribbage/]),
+ qq(<label><input type="checkbox" name="game" value="checkers" checked="checked" tabindex="15" />checkers</label> <label><input type="checkbox" name="game" value="chess" checked="checked" tabindex="16" />chess</label> <label><input type="checkbox" name="game" value="cribbage" tabindex="17" />cribbage</label>),
+ 'checkbox_group()');
+is(checkbox_group(-name => 'game',
+ '-values' => [qw/checkers chess cribbage/],
+ '-defaults' => ['cribbage'],
+ -override=>1),
+ qq(<label><input type="checkbox" name="game" value="checkers" tabindex="18" />checkers</label> <label><input type="checkbox" name="game" value="chess" tabindex="19" />chess</label> <label><input type="checkbox" name="game" value="cribbage" checked="checked" tabindex="20" />cribbage</label>),
+ 'checkbox_group()');
+is(popup_menu(-name => 'game',
+ '-values' => [qw/checkers chess cribbage/],
+ -default => 'cribbage',
+ -override => 1),
+ '<select name="game" tabindex="21" >
+<option value="checkers">checkers</option>
+<option value="chess">chess</option>
+<option selected="selected" value="cribbage">cribbage</option>
+ 'popup_menu()');
+is(scrolling_list(-name => 'game',
+ '-values' => [qw/checkers chess cribbage/],
+ -default => 'cribbage',
+ -override=>1),
+ '<select name="game" tabindex="22" size="3">
+<option value="checkers">checkers</option>
+<option value="chess">chess</option>
+<option selected="selected" value="cribbage">cribbage</option>
+ 'scrolling_list()');
+is(checkbox_group(-name => 'game',
+ -Values => [qw/checkers chess cribbage/],
+ -disabled => ['checkers']),
+ qq(<label><input type="checkbox" name="game" value="checkers" checked="checked" tabindex="23" disabled='1'/><span style="color:gray">checkers</span></label> <label><input type="checkbox" name="game" value="chess" checked="checked" tabindex="24" />chess</label> <label><input type="checkbox" name="game" value="cribbage" tabindex="25" />cribbage</label>),
+ 'checkbox_group()');
+my $optgroup = optgroup(-name=>'optgroup_name',
+ -Values => ['moe','catch'],
+ -attributes=>{'catch'=>{'class'=>'red'}});
+ qq(<optgroup label="optgroup_name">
+<option value="moe">moe</option>
+<option class="red" value="catch">catch</option>
+ 'optgroup()');
+ -Values=>[qw/eenie meenie minie/, $optgroup],
+ -labels=>{'eenie'=>'one',
+ 'meenie'=>'two',
+ 'minie'=>'three'},
+ -default=>'meenie'),
+ qq(<select name="menu_name" tabindex="26" >
+<option value="eenie">one</option>
+<option selected="selected" value="meenie">two</option>
+<option value="minie">three</option>
+<optgroup label="optgroup_name">
+<option value="moe">moe</option>
+<option class="red" value="catch">catch</option>
+ 'popup_menu() + optgroup()');
+ -Values=>[qw/eenie meenie minie/, $optgroup],
+ -labels=>{'eenie'=>'one',
+ 'meenie'=>'two',
+ 'minie'=>'three'},
+ -default=>'meenie'),
+ qq(<select name="menu_name" tabindex="27" size="4">
+<option value="eenie">one</option>
+<option selected="selected" value="meenie">two</option>
+<option value="minie">three</option>
+<optgroup label="optgroup_name">
+<option value="moe">moe</option>
+<option class="red" value="catch">catch</option>
+ 'scrolling_list() + optgroup()');
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/function.t b/cpan/CGI/t/function.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ff67d581b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/function.t
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+# Test ability to retrieve HTTP request info
+######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
+use lib '.','..','../blib/lib','../blib/arch';
+BEGIN {$| = 1; print "1..32\n"; }
+END {print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;}
+use Config;
+use CGI (':standard','keywords');
+$loaded = 1;
+print "ok 1\n";
+######################### End of black magic.
+# util
+sub test {
+ local($^W) = 0;
+ my($num, $true,$msg) = @_;
+ print($true ? "ok $num\n" : "not ok $num $msg\n");
+my $CRLF = "\015\012";
+# A peculiarity of sending "\n" through MBX|Socket|web-server on VMS
+# is that a CR character gets inserted automatically in the web server
+# case but not internal to perl's double quoted strings "\n". This
+# test would need to be modified to use the "\015\012" on VMS if it
+# were actually run through a web server.
+# Thanks to Peter Prymmer for this
+if ($^O eq 'VMS') { $CRLF = "\n"; }
+# Web servers on EBCDIC hosts are typically set up to do an EBCDIC -> ASCII
+# translation hence CRLF is used as \r\n within on such machines.
+if (ord("\t") != 9) { $CRLF = "\r\n"; }
+# Web servers on EBCDIC hosts are typically set up to do an EBCDIC -> ASCII
+# translation hence CRLF is used as \r\n within on such machines.
+if (ord("\t") != 9) { $CRLF = "\r\n"; }
+# Set up a CGI environment
+$ENV{QUERY_STRING} ='game=chess&game=checkers&weather=dull';
+$ENV{PATH_INFO} ='/somewhere/else';
+$ENV{PATH_TRANSLATED} ='/usr/local/somewhere/else';
+$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} ='/cgi-bin/foo.cgi';
+$ENV{SERVER_PORT} = 8080;
+$ENV{HTTP_LOVE} = 'true';
+test(2,request_method() eq 'GET',"CGI::request_method()");
+test(3,query_string() eq 'game=chess;game=checkers;weather=dull',"CGI::query_string()");
+test(4,param() == 2,"CGI::param()");
+test(5,join(' ',sort {$a cmp $b} param()) eq 'game weather',"CGI::param()");
+test(6,param('game') eq 'chess',"CGI::param()");
+test(7,param('weather') eq 'dull',"CGI::param()");
+test(8,join(' ',param('game')) eq 'chess checkers',"CGI::param()");
+test(9,param(-name=>'foo',-value=>'bar'),'CGI::param() put');
+test(10,param(-name=>'foo') eq 'bar','CGI::param() get');
+test(11,query_string() eq 'game=chess;game=checkers;weather=dull;foo=bar',"CGI::query_string() redux");
+test(12,http('love') eq 'true',"CGI::http()");
+test(13,script_name() eq '/cgi-bin/foo.cgi',"CGI::script_name()");
+test(14,url() eq '',"CGI::url()");
+test(15,self_url() eq
+ ';game=checkers;weather=dull;foo=bar',
+ "CGI::url()");
+test(16,url(-absolute=>1) eq '/cgi-bin/foo.cgi','CGI::url(-absolute=>1)');
+test(17,url(-relative=>1) eq 'foo.cgi','CGI::url(-relative=>1)');
+test(18,url(-relative=>1,-path=>1) eq 'foo.cgi/somewhere/else','CGI::url(-relative=>1,-path=>1)');
+test(19,url(-relative=>1,-path=>1,-query=>1) eq
+ 'foo.cgi/somewhere/else?game=chess;game=checkers;weather=dull;foo=bar',
+ 'CGI::url(-relative=>1,-path=>1,-query=>1)');
+test(21,join(' ',keywords()) eq 'mary had a little lamb','CGI::keywords');
+test(22,join(' ',param('keywords')) eq 'mary had a little lamb','CGI::keywords');
+if ($Config{d_fork}) {
+ $test_string = 'game=soccer&game=baseball&weather=nice';
+ $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH}=length($test_string);
+ $ENV{QUERY_STRING}='big_balls=basketball&small_balls=golf';
+ if (open(CHILD,"|-")) { # cparent
+ print CHILD $test_string;
+ close CHILD;
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ # at this point, we're in a new (child) process
+ test(23,param('weather') eq 'nice',"CGI::param() from POST");
+ test(24,(url_param('big_balls') eq 'basketball'),"CGI::url_param()");
+} else {
+ print "ok 23 # Skip\n";
+ print "ok 24 # Skip\n";
+test(25,redirect('http://somewhere.else') eq "Status: 302 Found${CRLF}Location: http://somewhere.else${CRLF}${CRLF}","CGI::redirect() 1");
+my $h = redirect(-Location=>'http://somewhere.else',-Type=>'text/html');
+test(26,$h eq "Status: 302 Found${CRLF}Location: http://somewhere.else${CRLF}Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1${CRLF}${CRLF}","CGI::redirect() 2");
+test(27,redirect(-Location=>'http://somewhere.else/bin/foo&bar',-Type=>'text/html') eq "Status: 302 Found${CRLF}Location: http://somewhere.else/bin/foo&bar${CRLF}Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1${CRLF}${CRLF}","CGI::redirect() 2");
+test(28,escapeHTML('CGI') eq 'CGI','escapeHTML(CGI) failing again');
+test(29, charset("UTF-8") && header() eq "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8${CRLF}${CRLF}", "UTF-8 charset");
+test(30, !charset("") && header() eq "Content-Type: text/html${CRLF}${CRLF}", "Empty charset");
+test(31, header(-foo=>'bar') eq "Foo: bar${CRLF}Content-Type: text/html${CRLF}${CRLF}", "Custom header");
+test(32, start_form(-action=>'one',name=>'two',onsubmit=>'three') eq qq(<form method="post" action="one" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="three" name="two">\n), "initial dash followed by undashed arguments");
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/html.t b/cpan/CGI/t/html.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49cc595950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/html.t
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+# Test ability to retrieve HTTP request info
+######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
+use lib '../blib/lib','../blib/arch';
+END {print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;}
+use CGI (':standard','-no_debug','*h3','start_table');
+$loaded = 1;
+print "ok 1\n";
+ $| = 1; print "1..28\n";
+ if( $] > 5.006 ) {
+ # no utf8
+ require utf8; # we contain Latin-1
+ utf8->unimport;
+ }
+######################### End of black magic.
+my $CRLF = "\015\012";
+if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ $CRLF = "\n"; # via web server carriage is inserted automatically
+if (ord("\t") != 9) { # EBCDIC?
+ $CRLF = "\r\n";
+# util
+sub test {
+ local($^W) = 0;
+ my($num, $true,$msg) = @_;
+ print($true ? "ok $num\n" : "not ok $num $msg\n");
+# all the automatic tags
+test(2,h1() eq '<h1 />',"single tag");
+test(3,h1('fred') eq '<h1>fred</h1>',"open/close tag");
+test(4,h1('fred','agnes','maura') eq '<h1>fred agnes maura</h1>',"open/close tag multiple");
+test(5,h1({-align=>'CENTER'},'fred') eq '<h1 align="CENTER">fred</h1>',"open/close tag with attribute");
+test(6,h1({-align=>undef},'fred') eq '<h1 align>fred</h1>',"open/close tag with orphan attribute");
+test(7,h1({-align=>'CENTER'},['fred','agnes']) eq
+ '<h1 align="CENTER">fred</h1> <h1 align="CENTER">agnes</h1>',
+ "distributive tag with attribute");
+ local($") = '-';
+ test(8,h1('fred','agnes','maura') eq '<h1>fred-agnes-maura</h1>',"open/close tag \$\" interpolation");
+test(9,header() eq "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1${CRLF}${CRLF}","header()");
+test(10,header(-type=>'image/gif') eq "Content-Type: image/gif${CRLF}${CRLF}","header()");
+test(11,header(-type=>'image/gif',-status=>'500 Sucks') eq "Status: 500 Sucks${CRLF}Content-Type: image/gif${CRLF}${CRLF}","header()");
+test(12,header(-nph=>1) =~ m!HTTP/1.0 200 OK${CRLF}Server: cmdline${CRLF}Date:.+${CRLF}Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1${CRLF}${CRLF}!,"header()");
+test(13,start_html() eq <<END,"start_html()");
+<!DOCTYPE html
+ PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+ "">
+<html xmlns="" lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US">
+<title>Untitled Document</title>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
+ ;
+test(14,start_html(-Title=>'The world of foo') eq <<END,"start_html()");
+<!DOCTYPE html
+ PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+ "">
+<html xmlns="" lang="en-US" xml:lang="en-US">
+<title>The world of foo</title>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
+ ;
+# Note that this test will turn off XHTML until we make a new CGI object.
+test(15,start_html(-dtd=>"-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.2//FR",-lang=>'fr') eq <<END,"start_html()");
+<!DOCTYPE html
+<html lang="fr"><head><title>Untitled Document</title>
+ ;
+test(16,($cookie=cookie(-name=>'fred',-value=>['chocolate','chip'],-path=>'/')) eq 'fred=chocolate&chip; path=/',"cookie()");
+my $h = header(-Cookie=>$cookie);
+test(17,$h =~ m!^Set-Cookie: fred=chocolate&chip\; path=/${CRLF}Date:.*${CRLF}Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1${CRLF}${CRLF}!s,
+ "header(-cookie)");
+test(18,start_h3 eq '<h3>');
+test(19,end_h3 eq '</h3>');
+test(20,start_table({-border=>undef}) eq '<table border>');
+test(21,h1(escapeHTML("this is <not> \x8bright\x9b")) eq '<h1>this is &lt;not&gt; &#8249;right&#8250;</h1>');
+if (ord("\t") == 9) {
+test(22,h1(escapeHTML("this is <not> \x8bright\x9b")) eq '<h1>this is &lt;not&gt; ‹right›</h1>');
+else {
+test(22,h1(escapeHTML("this is <not> \x8bright\x9b")) eq '<h1>this is &lt;not&gt; »rightº</h1>');
+test(23,i(p('hello there')) eq '<i><p>hello there</p></i>');
+my $q = new CGI;
+test(24,$q->h1('hi') eq '<h1>hi</h1>');
+test(25,$q->p({title=>"hello world&egrave;"},'hello &aacute;') eq '<p title="hello world&amp;egrave;">hello &aacute;</p>');
+test(26,$q->p({title=>"hello world&egrave;"},'hello &aacute;') eq '<p title="hello world&egrave;">hello &aacute;</p>');
+test(27,p({title=>"hello world&egrave;"},'hello &aacute;') eq '<p title="hello world&amp;egrave;">hello &aacute;</p>');
+test(28,header(-type=>'image/gif',-charset=>'UTF-8') eq "Content-Type: image/gif; charset=UTF-8${CRLF}${CRLF}","header()");
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/no_tabindex.t b/cpan/CGI/t/no_tabindex.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c9a7fb8fb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/no_tabindex.t
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+# Due to a bug in older versions of MakeMaker & Test::Harness, we must
+# ensure the blib's are in @INC, else we might use the core
+use lib qw(. ./blib/lib ./blib/arch);
+use Test::More tests => 18;
+BEGIN { use_ok('CGI'); };
+use CGI (':standard','-no_debug');
+my $CRLF = "\015\012";
+if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ $CRLF = "\n"; # via web server carriage is inserted automatically
+if (ord("\t") != 9) { # EBCDIC?
+ $CRLF = "\r\n";
+# Set up a CGI environment
+$ENV{QUERY_STRING} = 'game=chess&game=checkers&weather=dull';
+$ENV{PATH_INFO} = '/somewhere/else';
+$ENV{PATH_TRANSLATED} = '/usr/local/somewhere/else';
+$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} ='/cgi-bin/foo.cgi';
+$ENV{SERVER_PORT} = 8080;
+ok( (not $CGI::TABINDEX), "Tab index turned off.");
+ qq(<input type="submit" name=".submit" />),
+ "submit()");
+is(submit(-name => 'foo',
+ -value => 'bar'),
+ qq(<input type="submit" name="foo" value="bar" />),
+ "submit(-name,-value)");
+is(submit({-name => 'foo',
+ -value => 'bar'}),
+ qq(<input type="submit" name="foo" value="bar" />),
+ "submit({-name,-value})");
+is(textfield(-name => 'weather'),
+ qq(<input type="text" name="weather" value="dull" />),
+ "textfield({-name})");
+is(textfield(-name => 'weather',
+ -value => 'nice'),
+ qq(<input type="text" name="weather" value="dull" />),
+ "textfield({-name,-value})");
+is(textfield(-name => 'weather',
+ -value => 'nice',
+ -override => 1),
+ qq(<input type="text" name="weather" value="nice" />),
+ "textfield({-name,-value,-override})");
+is(checkbox(-name => 'weather',
+ -value => 'nice'),
+ qq(<label><input type="checkbox" name="weather" value="nice" />weather</label>),
+ "checkbox()");
+is(checkbox(-name => 'weather',
+ -value => 'nice',
+ -label => 'forecast'),
+ qq(<label><input type="checkbox" name="weather" value="nice" />forecast</label>),
+ "checkbox()");
+is(checkbox(-name => 'weather',
+ -value => 'nice',
+ -label => 'forecast',
+ -checked => 1,
+ -override => 1),
+ qq(<label><input type="checkbox" name="weather" value="nice" checked="checked" />forecast</label>),
+ "checkbox()");
+is(checkbox(-name => 'weather',
+ -value => 'dull',
+ -label => 'forecast'),
+ qq(<label><input type="checkbox" name="weather" value="dull" checked="checked" />forecast</label>),
+ "checkbox()");
+is(radio_group(-name => 'game'),
+ qq(<label><input type="radio" name="game" value="chess" checked="checked" />chess</label> <label><input type="radio" name="game" value="checkers" />checkers</label>),
+ 'radio_group()');
+is(radio_group(-name => 'game',
+ -labels => {'chess' => 'ping pong'}),
+ qq(<label><input type="radio" name="game" value="chess" checked="checked" />ping pong</label> <label><input type="radio" name="game" value="checkers" />checkers</label>),
+ 'radio_group()');
+is(checkbox_group(-name => 'game',
+ -Values => [qw/checkers chess cribbage/]),
+ qq(<label><input type="checkbox" name="game" value="checkers" checked="checked" />checkers</label> <label><input type="checkbox" name="game" value="chess" checked="checked" />chess</label> <label><input type="checkbox" name="game" value="cribbage" />cribbage</label>),
+ 'checkbox_group()');
+is(checkbox_group(-name => 'game',
+ '-values' => [qw/checkers chess cribbage/],
+ '-defaults' => ['cribbage'],
+ -override=>1),
+ qq(<label><input type="checkbox" name="game" value="checkers" />checkers</label> <label><input type="checkbox" name="game" value="chess" />chess</label> <label><input type="checkbox" name="game" value="cribbage" checked="checked" />cribbage</label>),
+ 'checkbox_group()');
+is(popup_menu(-name => 'game',
+ '-values' => [qw/checkers chess cribbage/],
+ -default => 'cribbage',
+ -override => 1),
+ '<select name="game" >
+<option value="checkers">checkers</option>
+<option value="chess">chess</option>
+<option selected="selected" value="cribbage">cribbage</option>
+ 'popup_menu()');
+ -default=>'starting value',
+ -rows=>10,
+ -columns=>50),
+ '<textarea name="foo" rows="10" cols="50">starting value</textarea>',
+ 'textarea()');
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/popup_menu.t b/cpan/CGI/t/popup_menu.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c7d33ee62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/popup_menu.t
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Tests for popup_menu();
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+use CGI;
+my $q = CGI->new;
+is ( $q->popup_menu(-name=>"foo", - values=>[0,1], -default=>0),
+'<select name="foo" >
+<option selected="selected" value="0">0</option>
+<option value="1">1</option>
+, 'popup_menu(): basic test, including 0 as a default value');
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/pretty.t b/cpan/CGI/t/pretty.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3c19c0c98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/pretty.t
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#!/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use lib '.', 't/lib','../blib/lib','./blib/lib';
+use Test::More tests => 18;
+BEGIN { use_ok('CGI::Pretty') };
+# This is silly use_ok should take arguments
+use CGI::Pretty (':all');
+is(h1(), '<h1 />
+',"single tag");
+is(ol(li('fred'),li('ethel')), <<HTML, "basic indentation");
+ <li>
+ fred
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ ethel
+ </li>
+is(p('hi',pre('there'),'frog'), <<HTML, "<pre> tags");
+ hi <pre>there</pre>
+ frog
+is(h1({-align=>'CENTER'},'fred'), <<HTML, "open/close tag with attribute");
+<h1 align="CENTER">
+ fred
+is(h1({-align=>undef},'fred'), <<HTML,"open/close tag with orphan attribute");
+<h1 align>
+ fred
+is(h1({-align=>'CENTER'},['fred','agnes']), <<HTML, "distributive tag with attribute");
+<h1 align="CENTER">
+ fred
+<h1 align="CENTER">
+ agnes
+is(p('hi',a({-href=>'frog'},'there'),'frog'), <<HTML, "as-is");
+ hi <a href="frog">there</a>
+ frog
+is(p([ qw( hi there frog ) ] ), <<HTML, "array-reference");
+ hi
+ there
+ frog
+is(p(p(p('hi'), 'there' ), 'frog'), <<HTML, "nested tags");
+ <p>
+ <p>
+ hi
+ </p>
+ there
+ </p>
+ frog
+is(table(TR(td(table(TR(td('hi', 'there', 'frog')))))), <<HTML, "nested as-is tags");
+ <tr>
+ <td><table>
+ <tr>
+ <td>hi there frog</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table></td>
+ </tr>
+is(table(TR(td(table(TR(td( [ qw( hi there frog ) ])))))), <<HTML, "nested as-is array-reference");
+ <tr>
+ <td><table>
+ <tr>
+ <td>hi</td>
+ <td>there</td>
+ <td>frog</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table></td>
+ </tr>
+$CGI::Pretty::INDENT = $CGI::Pretty::LINEBREAK = "";
+is(h1(), '<h1 />',"single tag (pretty turned off)");
+is(h1('fred'), '<h1>fred</h1>',"open/close tag (pretty turned off)");
+is(h1('fred','agnes','maura'), '<h1>fred agnes maura</h1>',"open/close tag multiple (pretty turned off)");
+is(h1({-align=>'CENTER'},'fred'), '<h1 align="CENTER">fred</h1>',"open/close tag with attribute (pretty turned off)");
+is(h1({-align=>undef},'fred'), '<h1 align>fred</h1>',"open/close tag with orphan attribute (pretty turned off)");
+is(h1({-align=>'CENTER'},['fred','agnes']), '<h1 align="CENTER">fred</h1> <h1 align="CENTER">agnes</h1>',
+ "distributive tag with attribute (pretty turned off)");
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/push.t b/cpan/CGI/t/push.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c48d60ba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/push.t
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#!./perl -wT
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+# Due to a bug in older versions of MakeMaker & Test::Harness, we must
+# ensure the blib's are in @INC, else we might use the core
+use lib qw(blib/lib blib/arch);
+use Test::More tests => 12;
+use_ok( 'CGI::Push' );
+ok( my $q = CGI::Push->new(), 'create a new CGI::Push object' );
+# test the simple_counter() method
+like( join('', $q->simple_counter(10)) , '/updated.+?10.+?times./', 'counter' );
+# test do_sleep, except we don't want to bog down the tests
+# there's also a potential timing-related failure lurking here
+# change this variable at your own risk
+my $sleep_in_tests = 0;
+SKIP: {
+ skip( 'do_sleep() test may take a while', 1 ) unless $sleep_in_tests;
+ my $time = time;
+ CGI::Push::do_sleep(2);
+ is(time - $time, 2, 'slept for a while' );
+# test push_delay()
+ok( ! defined $q->push_delay(), 'no initial delay' );
+is( $q->push_delay(.5), .5, 'set a delay' );
+my $out = tie *STDOUT, 'TieOut';
+# next_page() to be called twice, last_page() once, no delay
+my %vars = (
+ -next_page => sub { return if $_[1] > 2; 'next page' },
+ -last_page => sub { 'last page' },
+ -delay => 0,
+# this seems to appear on every page
+like( $$out, '/WARNING: YOUR BROWSER/', 'unsupported browser warning' );
+# these should appear correctly
+is( ($$out =~ s/next page//g), 2, 'next_page callback called appropriately' );
+is( ($$out =~ s/last page//g), 1, 'last_page callback called appropriately' );
+# send a fake content type (header capitalization varies in CGI, CGI::Push)
+$$out = '';
+$q->do_push(%vars, -type => 'fake' );
+like( $$out, '/Content-[Tt]ype: fake/', 'set custom Content-type' );
+# use our own counter, as $COUNTER in CGI::Push is now off
+my $i;
+$$out = '';
+# no delay, custom headers from callback, only call callback once
+ -delay => 0,
+ -type => 'dynamic',
+ -next_page => sub {
+ return if $i++;
+ return $_[0]->header('text/plain'), 'arduk';
+ },
+# header capitalization again, our word should appear only once
+like( $$out, '/ype: text\/plain/', 'set custom Content-type in next_page()' );
+is( $$out =~ s/arduk//g, 1, 'found text from next_page()' );
+package TieOut;
+ bless( \(my $text), $_[0] );
+sub PRINT {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $$self .= join( $/, @_ );
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/query_string.t b/cpan/CGI/t/query_string.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a792232683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/query_string.t
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Tests for the query_string() method.
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+use CGI;
+ my $q1 = CGI->new('b=2;a=1;a=1');
+ my $q2 = CGI->new('b=2&a=1&a=1');
+ is($q1->query_string
+ ,$q2->query_string
+ , "query string format is returned with the same delimiter regardless of input.");
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/request.t b/cpan/CGI/t/request.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..959986bc6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/request.t
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+# Test ability to retrieve HTTP request info
+######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
+use lib '.','../blib/lib','../blib/arch';
+BEGIN {$| = 1; print "1..34\n"; }
+END {print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;}
+use CGI ();
+use Config;
+$loaded = 1;
+print "ok 1\n";
+######################### End of black magic.
+# util
+sub test {
+ local($^W) = 0;
+ my($num, $true,$msg) = @_;
+ print($true ? "ok $num\n" : "not ok $num $msg\n");
+# Set up a CGI environment
+$ENV{QUERY_STRING} = 'game=chess&game=checkers&weather=dull';
+$ENV{PATH_INFO} = '/somewhere/else';
+$ENV{PATH_TRANSLATED} = '/usr/local/somewhere/else';
+$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} = '/cgi-bin/foo.cgi';
+$ENV{SERVER_PORT} = 8080;
+$ENV{HTTP_LOVE} = 'true';
+$q = new CGI;
+test(3,$q->request_method eq 'GET',"CGI::request_method()");
+test(4,$q->query_string eq 'game=chess;game=checkers;weather=dull',"CGI::query_string()");
+test(5,$q->param() == 2,"CGI::param()");
+test(6,join(' ',sort $q->param()) eq 'game weather',"CGI::param()");
+test(7,$q->param('game') eq 'chess',"CGI::param()");
+test(8,$q->param('weather') eq 'dull',"CGI::param()");
+test(9,join(' ',$q->param('game')) eq 'chess checkers',"CGI::param()");
+test(10,$q->param(-name=>'foo',-value=>'bar'),'CGI::param() put');
+test(11,$q->param(-name=>'foo') eq 'bar','CGI::param() get');
+test(12,$q->query_string eq 'game=chess;game=checkers;weather=dull;foo=bar',"CGI::query_string() redux");
+test(13,$q->http('love') eq 'true',"CGI::http()");
+test(14,$q->script_name eq '/cgi-bin/foo.cgi',"CGI::script_name()");
+test(15,$q->url eq '',"CGI::url()");
+test(16,$q->self_url eq
+ ';game=checkers;weather=dull;foo=bar',
+ "CGI::url()");
+test(17,$q->url(-absolute=>1) eq '/cgi-bin/foo.cgi','CGI::url(-absolute=>1)');
+test(18,$q->url(-relative=>1) eq 'foo.cgi','CGI::url(-relative=>1)');
+test(19,$q->url(-relative=>1,-path=>1) eq 'foo.cgi/somewhere/else','CGI::url(-relative=>1,-path=>1)');
+test(20,$q->url(-relative=>1,-path=>1,-query=>1) eq
+ 'foo.cgi/somewhere/else?game=chess;game=checkers;weather=dull;foo=bar',
+ 'CGI::url(-relative=>1,-path=>1,-query=>1)');
+test(22,$q=new CGI,"CGI::new() redux");
+test(23,join(' ',$q->keywords) eq 'mary had a little lamb','CGI::keywords');
+test(24,join(' ',$q->param('keywords')) eq 'mary had a little lamb','CGI::keywords');
+test(25,$q=new CGI('foo=bar&foo=baz'),"CGI::new() redux");
+test(26,$q->param('foo') eq 'bar','CGI::param() redux');
+test(27,$q=new CGI({'foo'=>'bar','bar'=>'froz'}),"CGI::new() redux 2");
+test(28,$q->param('bar') eq 'froz',"CGI::param() redux 2");
+# test tied interface
+my $p = $q->Vars;
+test(29,$p->{bar} eq 'froz',"tied interface fetch");
+$p->{bar} = join("\0",qw(foo bar baz));
+test(30,join(' ',$q->param('bar')) eq 'foo bar baz','tied interface store');
+test(31,exists $p->{bar});
+# test posting
+if ($Config{d_fork}) {
+ $test_string = 'game=soccer&game=baseball&weather=nice';
+ $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH}=length($test_string);
+ $ENV{QUERY_STRING}='big_balls=basketball&small_balls=golf';
+ if (open(CHILD,"|-")) { # cparent
+ print CHILD $test_string;
+ close CHILD;
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ # at this point, we're in a new (child) process
+ test(32,$q=new CGI,"CGI::new() from POST");
+ test(33,$q->param('weather') eq 'nice',"CGI::param() from POST");
+ test(34,$q->url_param('big_balls') eq 'basketball',"CGI::url_param()");
+} else {
+ print "ok 32 # Skip\n";
+ print "ok 33 # Skip\n";
+ print "ok 34 # Skip\n";
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/start_end_asterisk.t b/cpan/CGI/t/start_end_asterisk.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d67c9dae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/start_end_asterisk.t
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+use strict;
+# Due to a bug in older versions of MakeMaker & Test::Harness, we must
+# ensure the blib's are in @INC, else we might use the core
+use lib qw(blib/lib blib/arch);
+use Test::More tests => 45;
+use CGI qw(:standard *h1 *h2 *h3 *h4 *h5 *h6 *table *ul *li *ol *td *b *i *u *div);
+is(start_h1(), "<h1>", "start_h1"); # TEST
+is(start_h1({class => 'hello'}), "<h1 class=\"hello\">", "start_h1 with param"); # TEST
+is(end_h1(), "</h1>", "end_h1"); # TEST
+is(start_h2(), "<h2>", "start_h2"); # TEST
+is(start_h2({class => 'hello'}), "<h2 class=\"hello\">", "start_h2 with param"); # TEST
+is(end_h2(), "</h2>", "end_h2"); # TEST
+is(start_h3(), "<h3>", "start_h3"); # TEST
+is(start_h3({class => 'hello'}), "<h3 class=\"hello\">", "start_h3 with param"); # TEST
+is(end_h3(), "</h3>", "end_h3"); # TEST
+is(start_h4(), "<h4>", "start_h4"); # TEST
+is(start_h4({class => 'hello'}), "<h4 class=\"hello\">", "start_h4 with param"); # TEST
+is(end_h4(), "</h4>", "end_h4"); # TEST
+is(start_h5(), "<h5>", "start_h5"); # TEST
+is(start_h5({class => 'hello'}), "<h5 class=\"hello\">", "start_h5 with param"); # TEST
+is(end_h5(), "</h5>", "end_h5"); # TEST
+is(start_h6(), "<h6>", "start_h6"); # TEST
+is(start_h6({class => 'hello'}), "<h6 class=\"hello\">", "start_h6 with param"); # TEST
+is(end_h6(), "</h6>", "end_h6"); # TEST
+is(start_table(), "<table>", "start_table"); # TEST
+is(start_table({class => 'hello'}), "<table class=\"hello\">", "start_table with param"); # TEST
+is(end_table(), "</table>", "end_table"); # TEST
+is(start_ul(), "<ul>", "start_ul"); # TEST
+is(start_ul({class => 'hello'}), "<ul class=\"hello\">", "start_ul with param"); # TEST
+is(end_ul(), "</ul>", "end_ul"); # TEST
+is(start_li(), "<li>", "start_li"); # TEST
+is(start_li({class => 'hello'}), "<li class=\"hello\">", "start_li with param"); # TEST
+is(end_li(), "</li>", "end_li"); # TEST
+is(start_ol(), "<ol>", "start_ol"); # TEST
+is(start_ol({class => 'hello'}), "<ol class=\"hello\">", "start_ol with param"); # TEST
+is(end_ol(), "</ol>", "end_ol"); # TEST
+is(start_td(), "<td>", "start_td"); # TEST
+is(start_td({class => 'hello'}), "<td class=\"hello\">", "start_td with param"); # TEST
+is(end_td(), "</td>", "end_td"); # TEST
+is(start_b(), "<b>", "start_b"); # TEST
+is(start_b({class => 'hello'}), "<b class=\"hello\">", "start_b with param"); # TEST
+is(end_b(), "</b>", "end_b"); # TEST
+is(start_i(), "<i>", "start_i"); # TEST
+is(start_i({class => 'hello'}), "<i class=\"hello\">", "start_i with param"); # TEST
+is(end_i(), "</i>", "end_i"); # TEST
+is(start_u(), "<u>", "start_u"); # TEST
+is(start_u({class => 'hello'}), "<u class=\"hello\">", "start_u with param"); # TEST
+is(end_u(), "</u>", "end_u"); # TEST
+is(start_div(), "<div>", "start_div"); # TEST
+is(start_div({class => 'hello'}), "<div class=\"hello\">", "start_div with param"); # TEST
+is(end_div(), "</div>", "end_div"); # TEST
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/start_end_end.t b/cpan/CGI/t/start_end_end.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2eeed60c09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/start_end_end.t
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+use strict;
+# Due to a bug in older versions of MakeMaker & Test::Harness, we must
+# ensure the blib's are in @INC, else we might use the core
+use lib qw(blib/lib blib/arch);
+use Test::More tests => 45;
+use CGI qw(:standard end_h1 end_h2 end_h3 end_h4 end_h5 end_h6 end_table end_ul end_li end_ol end_td end_b end_i end_u end_div);
+is(start_h1(), "<h1>", "start_h1"); # TEST
+is(start_h1({class => 'hello'}), "<h1 class=\"hello\">", "start_h1 with param"); # TEST
+is(end_h1(), "</h1>", "end_h1"); # TEST
+is(start_h2(), "<h2>", "start_h2"); # TEST
+is(start_h2({class => 'hello'}), "<h2 class=\"hello\">", "start_h2 with param"); # TEST
+is(end_h2(), "</h2>", "end_h2"); # TEST
+is(start_h3(), "<h3>", "start_h3"); # TEST
+is(start_h3({class => 'hello'}), "<h3 class=\"hello\">", "start_h3 with param"); # TEST
+is(end_h3(), "</h3>", "end_h3"); # TEST
+is(start_h4(), "<h4>", "start_h4"); # TEST
+is(start_h4({class => 'hello'}), "<h4 class=\"hello\">", "start_h4 with param"); # TEST
+is(end_h4(), "</h4>", "end_h4"); # TEST
+is(start_h5(), "<h5>", "start_h5"); # TEST
+is(start_h5({class => 'hello'}), "<h5 class=\"hello\">", "start_h5 with param"); # TEST
+is(end_h5(), "</h5>", "end_h5"); # TEST
+is(start_h6(), "<h6>", "start_h6"); # TEST
+is(start_h6({class => 'hello'}), "<h6 class=\"hello\">", "start_h6 with param"); # TEST
+is(end_h6(), "</h6>", "end_h6"); # TEST
+is(start_table(), "<table>", "start_table"); # TEST
+is(start_table({class => 'hello'}), "<table class=\"hello\">", "start_table with param"); # TEST
+is(end_table(), "</table>", "end_table"); # TEST
+is(start_ul(), "<ul>", "start_ul"); # TEST
+is(start_ul({class => 'hello'}), "<ul class=\"hello\">", "start_ul with param"); # TEST
+is(end_ul(), "</ul>", "end_ul"); # TEST
+is(start_li(), "<li>", "start_li"); # TEST
+is(start_li({class => 'hello'}), "<li class=\"hello\">", "start_li with param"); # TEST
+is(end_li(), "</li>", "end_li"); # TEST
+is(start_ol(), "<ol>", "start_ol"); # TEST
+is(start_ol({class => 'hello'}), "<ol class=\"hello\">", "start_ol with param"); # TEST
+is(end_ol(), "</ol>", "end_ol"); # TEST
+is(start_td(), "<td>", "start_td"); # TEST
+is(start_td({class => 'hello'}), "<td class=\"hello\">", "start_td with param"); # TEST
+is(end_td(), "</td>", "end_td"); # TEST
+is(start_b(), "<b>", "start_b"); # TEST
+is(start_b({class => 'hello'}), "<b class=\"hello\">", "start_b with param"); # TEST
+is(end_b(), "</b>", "end_b"); # TEST
+is(start_i(), "<i>", "start_i"); # TEST
+is(start_i({class => 'hello'}), "<i class=\"hello\">", "start_i with param"); # TEST
+is(end_i(), "</i>", "end_i"); # TEST
+is(start_u(), "<u>", "start_u"); # TEST
+is(start_u({class => 'hello'}), "<u class=\"hello\">", "start_u with param"); # TEST
+is(end_u(), "</u>", "end_u"); # TEST
+is(start_div(), "<div>", "start_div"); # TEST
+is(start_div({class => 'hello'}), "<div class=\"hello\">", "start_div with param"); # TEST
+is(end_div(), "</div>", "end_div"); # TEST
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/start_end_start.t b/cpan/CGI/t/start_end_start.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94768c1696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/start_end_start.t
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+use strict;
+# Due to a bug in older versions of MakeMaker & Test::Harness, we must
+# ensure the blib's are in @INC, else we might use the core
+use lib qw(blib/lib blib/arch);
+use Test::More tests => 45;
+use CGI qw(:standard start_h1 start_h2 start_h3 start_h4 start_h5 start_h6 start_table start_ul start_li start_ol start_td start_b start_i start_u start_div);
+is(start_h1(), "<h1>", "start_h1"); # TEST
+is(start_h1({class => 'hello'}), "<h1 class=\"hello\">", "start_h1 with param"); # TEST
+is(end_h1(), "</h1>", "end_h1"); # TEST
+is(start_h2(), "<h2>", "start_h2"); # TEST
+is(start_h2({class => 'hello'}), "<h2 class=\"hello\">", "start_h2 with param"); # TEST
+is(end_h2(), "</h2>", "end_h2"); # TEST
+is(start_h3(), "<h3>", "start_h3"); # TEST
+is(start_h3({class => 'hello'}), "<h3 class=\"hello\">", "start_h3 with param"); # TEST
+is(end_h3(), "</h3>", "end_h3"); # TEST
+is(start_h4(), "<h4>", "start_h4"); # TEST
+is(start_h4({class => 'hello'}), "<h4 class=\"hello\">", "start_h4 with param"); # TEST
+is(end_h4(), "</h4>", "end_h4"); # TEST
+is(start_h5(), "<h5>", "start_h5"); # TEST
+is(start_h5({class => 'hello'}), "<h5 class=\"hello\">", "start_h5 with param"); # TEST
+is(end_h5(), "</h5>", "end_h5"); # TEST
+is(start_h6(), "<h6>", "start_h6"); # TEST
+is(start_h6({class => 'hello'}), "<h6 class=\"hello\">", "start_h6 with param"); # TEST
+is(end_h6(), "</h6>", "end_h6"); # TEST
+is(start_table(), "<table>", "start_table"); # TEST
+is(start_table({class => 'hello'}), "<table class=\"hello\">", "start_table with param"); # TEST
+is(end_table(), "</table>", "end_table"); # TEST
+is(start_ul(), "<ul>", "start_ul"); # TEST
+is(start_ul({class => 'hello'}), "<ul class=\"hello\">", "start_ul with param"); # TEST
+is(end_ul(), "</ul>", "end_ul"); # TEST
+is(start_li(), "<li>", "start_li"); # TEST
+is(start_li({class => 'hello'}), "<li class=\"hello\">", "start_li with param"); # TEST
+is(end_li(), "</li>", "end_li"); # TEST
+is(start_ol(), "<ol>", "start_ol"); # TEST
+is(start_ol({class => 'hello'}), "<ol class=\"hello\">", "start_ol with param"); # TEST
+is(end_ol(), "</ol>", "end_ol"); # TEST
+is(start_td(), "<td>", "start_td"); # TEST
+is(start_td({class => 'hello'}), "<td class=\"hello\">", "start_td with param"); # TEST
+is(end_td(), "</td>", "end_td"); # TEST
+is(start_b(), "<b>", "start_b"); # TEST
+is(start_b({class => 'hello'}), "<b class=\"hello\">", "start_b with param"); # TEST
+is(end_b(), "</b>", "end_b"); # TEST
+is(start_i(), "<i>", "start_i"); # TEST
+is(start_i({class => 'hello'}), "<i class=\"hello\">", "start_i with param"); # TEST
+is(end_i(), "</i>", "end_i"); # TEST
+is(start_u(), "<u>", "start_u"); # TEST
+is(start_u({class => 'hello'}), "<u class=\"hello\">", "start_u with param"); # TEST
+is(end_u(), "</u>", "end_u"); # TEST
+is(start_div(), "<div>", "start_div"); # TEST
+is(start_div({class => 'hello'}), "<div class=\"hello\">", "start_div with param"); # TEST
+is(end_div(), "</div>", "end_div"); # TEST
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/switch.t b/cpan/CGI/t/switch.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac58618a7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/switch.t
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+# Due to a bug in older versions of MakeMaker & Test::Harness, we must
+# ensure the blib's are in @INC, else we might use the core
+use lib qw(blib/lib blib/arch);
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 1;
+# Can't do much with this other than make sure it loads properly
+BEGIN { use_ok('CGI::Switch') };
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/unescapeHTML.t b/cpan/CGI/t/unescapeHTML.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc0f750f0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/unescapeHTML.t
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+use CGI 'unescapeHTML';
+is( unescapeHTML( '&amp;'), '&', 'unescapeHTML: &');
+is( unescapeHTML( '&quot;'), '"', 'unescapeHTML: "');
+TODO: {
+ local $TODO = 'waiting on patch. Reference:';
+ is( unescapeHTML( 'Bob & Tom went to the store; Where did you go?'),
+ 'Bob & Tom went to the store; Where did you go?', 'unescapeHTML: a case where &...; should not be escaped.');
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/upload.t b/cpan/CGI/t/upload.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0989f1d560
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/upload.t
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+# Emanuele Zeppieri, Mark Stosberg #
+# Shamelessly stolen from Data::FormValidator and CGI::Upload #
+# Due to a bug in older versions of MakeMaker & Test::Harness, we must
+# ensure the blib's are in @INC, else we might use the core
+use lib qw(. ./blib/lib ./blib/arch);
+use strict;
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+use CGI;
+# %ENV setup.
+my %myenv;
+ %myenv = (
+ 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/test.cgi',
+ 'SERVER_NAME' => '',
+ 'HTTP_CONNECTION' => 'TE, close',
+ 'SCRIPT_URI' => '',
+ 'CONTENT_LENGTH' => 3285,
+ 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' => '/home/usr/test.cgi',
+ 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' => 'Apache/1.3.27 (Unix) ',
+ 'HTTP_TE' => 'deflate,gzip;q=0.3',
+ 'QUERY_STRING' => '',
+ 'REMOTE_PORT' => '1855',
+ 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/2.1.1; X11)',
+ 'SERVER_PORT' => '80',
+ 'REMOTE_ADDR' => '',
+ 'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'multipart/form-data; boundary=xYzZY',
+ 'PATH' => '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin',
+ 'REQUEST_URI' => '/test.cgi',
+ 'SCRIPT_URL' => '/test.cgi',
+ 'SERVER_ADDR' => '',
+ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' => '/home/develop',
+ 'HTTP_HOST' => ''
+ );
+ for my $key (keys %myenv) {
+ $ENV{$key} = $myenv{$key};
+ }
+END {
+ for my $key (keys %myenv) {
+ delete $ENV{$key};
+ }
+# Simulate the upload (really, multiple uploads contained in a single stream).
+my $q;
+ local *STDIN;
+ open STDIN, '<t/upload_post_text.txt'
+ or die 'missing test file t/upload_post_text.txt';
+ binmode STDIN;
+ $q = CGI->new;
+# Check that the file names retrieved by CGI are correct.
+is( $q->param('does_not_exist_gif'), 'does_not_exist.gif', 'filename_2' );
+is( $q->param('100;100_gif') , '100;100.gif' , 'filename_3' );
+is( $q->param('300x300_gif') , '300x300.gif' , 'filename_4' );
+ my $test = "multiple file names are handled right with same-named upload fields";
+ my @hello_names = $q->param('hello_world');
+ is ($hello_names[0],'goodbye_world.txt',$test. "...first file");
+ is ($hello_names[1],'hello_world.txt',$test. "...second file");
+# Now check that the upload method works.
+ok( defined $q->upload('does_not_exist_gif'), 'upload_basic_2' );
+ok( defined $q->upload('100;100_gif') , 'upload_basic_3' );
+ok( defined $q->upload('300x300_gif') , 'upload_basic_4' );
+ my $test = "file handles have expected length for multi-valued field. ";
+ my ($goodbye_fh,$hello_fh) = $q->upload('hello_world');
+ # Go to end of file;
+ seek($goodbye_fh,0,2);
+ # How long is the file?
+ is(tell($goodbye_fh), 15, "$test..first file");
+ # Go to end of file;
+ seek($hello_fh,0,2);
+ # How long is the file?
+ is(tell($hello_fh), 13, "$test..second file");
+ my $test = "300x300_gif has expected length";
+ my $fh1 = $q->upload('300x300_gif');
+ is(tell($fh1), 0, "First object: filehandle starts with position set at zero");
+ # Go to end of file;
+ seek($fh1,0,2);
+ # How long is the file?
+ is(tell($fh1), 1656, $test);
+my $q2 = CGI->new;
+ my $test = "Upload filehandles still work after calling CGI->new a second time";
+ $q->param('new','zoo');
+ is($q2->param('new'),undef,
+ "Reality Check: params set in one object instance don't appear in another instance");
+ my $fh2 = $q2->upload('300x300_gif');
+ is(tell($fh2), 0, " the state of a file handle shouldn't be carried to a new object instance, either.");
+ # Go to end of file;
+ seek($fh2,0,2);
+ # How long is the file?
+ is(tell($fh2), 1656, $test);
+ my $test = "multi-valued uploads are reset properly";
+ my ($dont_care, $hello_fh2) = $q2->upload('hello_world');
+ is(tell($hello_fh2), 0, $test);
+# vim: nospell
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/uploadInfo.t b/cpan/CGI/t/uploadInfo.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..970429b8bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/uploadInfo.t
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+# Emanuele Zeppieri, Mark Stosberg #
+# Shamelessly stolen from Data::FormValidator and CGI::Upload #
+# Due to a bug in older versions of MakeMaker & Test::Harness, we must
+# ensure the blib's are in @INC, else we might use the core
+use lib qw(. ./blib/lib ./blib/arch);
+use strict;
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+use CGI;
+# %ENV setup.
+my %myenv;
+ %myenv = (
+ 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/test.cgi',
+ 'SERVER_NAME' => '',
+ 'HTTP_CONNECTION' => 'TE, close',
+ 'SCRIPT_URI' => '',
+ 'CONTENT_LENGTH' => 3285,
+ 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' => '/home/usr/test.cgi',
+ 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' => 'Apache/1.3.27 (Unix) ',
+ 'HTTP_TE' => 'deflate,gzip;q=0.3',
+ 'QUERY_STRING' => '',
+ 'REMOTE_PORT' => '1855',
+ 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/2.1.1; X11)',
+ 'SERVER_PORT' => '80',
+ 'REMOTE_ADDR' => '',
+ 'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'multipart/form-data; boundary=xYzZY',
+ 'PATH' => '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin',
+ 'REQUEST_URI' => '/test.cgi',
+ 'SCRIPT_URL' => '/test.cgi',
+ 'SERVER_ADDR' => '',
+ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' => '/home/develop',
+ 'HTTP_HOST' => ''
+ );
+ for my $key (keys %myenv) {
+ $ENV{$key} = $myenv{$key};
+ }
+END {
+ for my $key (keys %myenv) {
+ delete $ENV{$key};
+ }
+# Simulate the upload (really, multiple uploads contained in a single stream).
+my $q;
+ local *STDIN;
+ open STDIN, '<t/upload_post_text.txt'
+ or die 'missing test file t/upload_post_text.txt';
+ binmode STDIN;
+ $q = CGI->new;
+ my $test = "uploadInfo: basic test";
+ my $fh = $q->upload('300x300_gif');
+ is( $q->uploadInfo($fh)->{'Content-Type'}, "image/gif", $test);
+my $q2 = CGI->new;
+ my $test = "uploadInfo: works with second object instance";
+ my $fh = $q2->upload('300x300_gif');
+ is( $q2->uploadInfo($fh)->{'Content-Type'}, "image/gif", $test);
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/upload_post_text.txt b/cpan/CGI/t/upload_post_text.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91393f064c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/upload_post_text.txt
Binary files differ
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/user_agent.t b/cpan/CGI/t/user_agent.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a4880dc7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/user_agent.t
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Test the user_agent method.
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+use CGI;
+my $q = CGI->new;
+is($q->user_agent, undef, 'user_agent: undef test');
+$ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} = 'mark';
+is($q->user_agent, 'mark', 'user_agent: basic test');
+ok($q->user_agent('ma.*'), 'user_agent: positive regex test');
+ok(!$q->user_agent('BOOM.*'), 'user_agent: negative regex test');
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/util-58.t b/cpan/CGI/t/util-58.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75c0ea9723
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/util-58.t
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# test CGI::Util::escape
+use Test::More tests => 4;
+# Byte strings should be escaped byte by byte:
+# 1) not a valid utf-8 sequence:
+my $uri = "pe\x{f8}\x{ed}\x{e8}ko.ogg";
+is(CGI::Util::escape($uri), "pe%F8%ED%E8ko.ogg", "Escape a Latin-2 string");
+# 2) is a valid utf-8 sequence, but not an UTF-8-flagged string
+# This happens often: people write utf-8 strings to source, but forget
+# to tell perl about it by "use utf8;"--this is obviously wrong, but we
+# have to handle it gracefully, for compatibility with under
+# perl-5.8.x
+$uri = "pe\x{c5}\x{99}\x{c3}\x{ad}\x{c4}\x{8d}ko.ogg";
+is(CGI::Util::escape($uri), "pe%C5%99%C3%AD%C4%8Dko.ogg",
+ "Escape an utf-8 byte string");
+ # This tests CGI::Util::escape() when fed with UTF-8-flagged string
+ # -- dankogai
+ skip("Unicode strings not available in $]", 1) if ($] < 5.008);
+ $uri = "\x{5c0f}\x{98fc} \x{5f3e}.txt"; # KOGAI, Dan, in Kanji
+ is(CGI::Util::escape($uri), "%E5%B0%8F%E9%A3%BC%20%E5%BC%BE.txt",
+ "Escape string with UTF-8 flag");
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/util.t b/cpan/CGI/t/util.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..702a4695d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CGI/t/util.t
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+# Test ability to escape() and unescape() punctuation characters
+# except for qw(- . _).
+######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
+use lib '../blib/lib','../blib/arch';
+BEGIN {$| = 1; print "1..57\n"; }
+END {print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;}
+use Config;
+use CGI::Util qw(escape unescape);
+$loaded = 1;
+print "ok 1\n";
+######################### End of black magic.
+# util
+sub test {
+ local($^W) = 0;
+ my($num, $true,$msg) = @_;
+ print($true ? "ok $num\n" : "not ok $num $msg\n");
+# ASCII order, ASCII codepoints, ASCII repertoire
+my %punct = (
+ ' ' => '20', '!' => '21', '"' => '22', '#' => '23',
+ '$' => '24', '%' => '25', '&' => '26', '\'' => '27',
+ '(' => '28', ')' => '29', '*' => '2A', '+' => '2B',
+ ',' => '2C', '/' => '2F', # '-' => '2D', '.' => '2E'
+ ':' => '3A', ';' => '3B', '<' => '3C', '=' => '3D',
+ '>' => '3E', '?' => '3F', '[' => '5B', '\\' => '5C',
+ ']' => '5D', '^' => '5E', '`' => '60', # '_' => '5F',
+ '{' => '7B', '|' => '7C', '}' => '7D', # '~' => '7E',
+ );
+# The sort order may not be ASCII on EBCDIC machines:
+my $i = 1;
+foreach(sort(keys(%punct))) {
+ $i++;
+ my $escape = "AbC\%$punct{$_}dEF";
+ my $cgi_escape = escape("AbC$_" . "dEF");
+ test($i, $escape eq $cgi_escape , "# $escape ne $cgi_escape");
+ $i++;
+ my $unescape = "AbC$_" . "dEF";
+ my $cgi_unescape = unescape("AbC\%$punct{$_}dEF");
+ test($i, $unescape eq $cgi_unescape , "# $unescape ne $cgi_unescape");