path: root/cpan/IO-Compress
diff options
authorSteve Hay <>2009-10-09 12:44:11 +0100
committerSteve Hay <>2009-10-09 12:44:11 +0100
commitd5e5b609fb43776b7a5cc8de59b1520e4c7f1866 (patch)
tree5e9ed8e38878dbb753da619d19c0cf62b856d5ff /cpan/IO-Compress
parent5c7da53cc0fa3db2a0adc93851fae037de310655 (diff)
Add missing IO-Compress test file
The original IO-Compress patch: omitted the file (but strangely included the entry "t/cz-03zlib-v1.t*" [sic] in the MANIFEST file that it mistakenly included). Also note in that IO-Compress is now in cpan/ not dist/, and mark UPSTREAM as 'cpan'.
Diffstat (limited to 'cpan/IO-Compress')
1 files changed, 1188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cpan/IO-Compress/t/cz-03zlib-v1.t b/cpan/IO-Compress/t/cz-03zlib-v1.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7358f4a5f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/IO-Compress/t/cz-03zlib-v1.t
@@ -0,0 +1,1188 @@
+ if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = ("../lib", "lib/compress");
+ }
+use lib qw(t t/compress);
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use bytes;
+use Test::More ;
+use CompTestUtils;
+use Symbol;
+ # use Test::NoWarnings, if available
+ my $extra = 0 ;
+ $extra = 1
+ if eval { require Test::NoWarnings ; import Test::NoWarnings; 1 };
+ my $count = 0 ;
+ if ($] < 5.005) {
+ $count = 390 ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $count = 401 ;
+ }
+ plan tests => $count + $extra ;
+ use_ok('Compress::Zlib', 2) ;
+ use_ok('IO::Compress::Gzip::Constants') ;
+ use_ok('IO::Compress::Gzip', qw($GzipError)) ;
+my $hello = <<EOM ;
+hello world
+this is a test
+my $len = length $hello ;
+# Check zlib_version and ZLIB_VERSION are the same.
+is Compress::Zlib::zlib_version, ZLIB_VERSION,
+ "ZLIB_VERSION matches Compress::Zlib::zlib_version" ;
+# generate a long random string
+my $contents = '' ;
+foreach (1 .. 5000)
+ { $contents .= chr int rand 256 }
+my $x ;
+my $fil;
+# compress/uncompress tests
+# =========================
+eval { compress([1]); };
+ok $@ =~ m#not a scalar reference#
+ or print "# $@\n" ;;
+eval { uncompress([1]); };
+ok $@ =~ m#not a scalar reference#
+ or print "# $@\n" ;;
+$hello = "hello mum" ;
+my $keep_hello = $hello ;
+my $compr = compress($hello) ;
+ok $compr ne "" ;
+my $keep_compr = $compr ;
+my $uncompr = uncompress ($compr) ;
+ok $hello eq $uncompr ;
+ok $hello eq $keep_hello ;
+ok $compr eq $keep_compr ;
+# compress a number
+$hello = 7890 ;
+$keep_hello = $hello ;
+$compr = compress($hello) ;
+ok $compr ne "" ;
+$keep_compr = $compr ;
+$uncompr = uncompress ($compr) ;
+ok $hello eq $uncompr ;
+ok $hello eq $keep_hello ;
+ok $compr eq $keep_compr ;
+# bigger compress
+$compr = compress ($contents) ;
+ok $compr ne "" ;
+$uncompr = uncompress ($compr) ;
+ok $contents eq $uncompr ;
+# buffer reference
+$compr = compress(\$hello) ;
+ok $compr ne "" ;
+$uncompr = uncompress (\$compr) ;
+ok $hello eq $uncompr ;
+# bad level
+$compr = compress($hello, 1000) ;
+ok ! defined $compr;
+# change level
+$compr = compress($hello, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION) ;
+ok defined $compr;
+$uncompr = uncompress (\$compr) ;
+ok $hello eq $uncompr ;
+# corrupt data
+$compr = compress(\$hello) ;
+ok $compr ne "" ;
+substr($compr,0, 1) = "\xFF";
+ok !defined uncompress (\$compr) ;
+# deflate/inflate - small buffer
+# ==============================
+$hello = "I am a HAL 9000 computer" ;
+my @hello = split('', $hello) ;
+my ($err, $X, $status);
+ok (($x, $err) = deflateInit( {-Bufsize => 1} ) ) ;
+ok $x ;
+ok $err == Z_OK ;
+my $Answer = '';
+foreach (@hello)
+ ($X, $status) = $x->deflate($_) ;
+ last unless $status == Z_OK ;
+ $Answer .= $X ;
+ok $status == Z_OK ;
+ok ((($X, $status) = $x->flush())[1] == Z_OK ) ;
+$Answer .= $X ;
+my @Answer = split('', $Answer) ;
+my $k;
+ok (($k, $err) = inflateInit( {-Bufsize => 1}) ) ;
+ok $k ;
+ok $err == Z_OK ;
+my $GOT = '';
+my $Z;
+foreach (@Answer)
+ ($Z, $status) = $k->inflate($_) ;
+ $GOT .= $Z ;
+ last if $status == Z_STREAM_END or $status != Z_OK ;
+ok $status == Z_STREAM_END ;
+ok $GOT eq $hello ;
+title 'deflate/inflate - small buffer with a number';
+# ==============================
+$hello = 6529 ;
+ok (($x, $err) = deflateInit( {-Bufsize => 1} ) ) ;
+ok $x ;
+ok $err == Z_OK ;
+ok !defined $x->msg() ;
+ok $x->total_in() == 0 ;
+ok $x->total_out() == 0 ;
+$Answer = '';
+ ($X, $status) = $x->deflate($hello) ;
+ $Answer .= $X ;
+ok $status == Z_OK ;
+ok ((($X, $status) = $x->flush())[1] == Z_OK ) ;
+$Answer .= $X ;
+ok !defined $x->msg() ;
+ok $x->total_in() == length $hello ;
+ok $x->total_out() == length $Answer ;
+@Answer = split('', $Answer) ;
+ok (($k, $err) = inflateInit( {-Bufsize => 1}) ) ;
+ok $k ;
+ok $err == Z_OK ;
+ok !defined $k->msg() ;
+ok $k->total_in() == 0 ;
+ok $k->total_out() == 0 ;
+$GOT = '';
+foreach (@Answer)
+ ($Z, $status) = $k->inflate($_) ;
+ $GOT .= $Z ;
+ last if $status == Z_STREAM_END or $status != Z_OK ;
+ok $status == Z_STREAM_END ;
+ok $GOT eq $hello ;
+ok !defined $k->msg() ;
+is $k->total_in(), length $Answer ;
+ok $k->total_out() == length $hello ;
+title 'deflate/inflate - larger buffer';
+# ==============================
+ok $x = deflateInit() ;
+ok ((($X, $status) = $x->deflate($contents))[1] == Z_OK) ;
+my $Y = $X ;
+ok ((($X, $status) = $x->flush() )[1] == Z_OK ) ;
+$Y .= $X ;
+ok $k = inflateInit() ;
+($Z, $status) = $k->inflate($Y) ;
+ok $status == Z_STREAM_END ;
+ok $contents eq $Z ;
+title 'deflate/inflate - preset dictionary';
+# ===================================
+my $dictionary = "hello" ;
+ok $x = deflateInit({-Level => Z_BEST_COMPRESSION,
+ -Dictionary => $dictionary}) ;
+my $dictID = $x->dict_adler() ;
+($X, $status) = $x->deflate($hello) ;
+ok $status == Z_OK ;
+($Y, $status) = $x->flush() ;
+ok $status == Z_OK ;
+$X .= $Y ;
+$x = 0 ;
+ok $k = inflateInit(-Dictionary => $dictionary) ;
+($Z, $status) = $k->inflate($X);
+ok $status == Z_STREAM_END ;
+ok $k->dict_adler() == $dictID;
+ok $hello eq $Z ;
+#while (1) {
+# ($Z, $status) = $k->inflate($X) ;
+# last if $status == Z_STREAM_END or $status != Z_OK ;
+#print "status=[$status] hello=[$hello] Z=[$Z]\n";
+#ok $status == Z_STREAM_END ;
+#ok $hello eq $Z
+# or print "status=[$status] hello=[$hello] Z=[$Z]\n";
+title 'inflate - check remaining buffer after Z_STREAM_END';
+# ===================================================
+ ok $x = deflateInit(-Level => Z_BEST_COMPRESSION ) ;
+ ($X, $status) = $x->deflate($hello) ;
+ ok $status == Z_OK ;
+ ($Y, $status) = $x->flush() ;
+ ok $status == Z_OK ;
+ $X .= $Y ;
+ $x = 0 ;
+ ok $k = inflateInit() ;
+ my $first = substr($X, 0, 2) ;
+ my $last = substr($X, 2) ;
+ ($Z, $status) = $k->inflate($first);
+ ok $status == Z_OK ;
+ ok $first eq "" ;
+ $last .= "appendage" ;
+ my $T;
+ ($T, $status) = $k->inflate($last);
+ ok $status == Z_STREAM_END ;
+ ok $hello eq $Z . $T ;
+ ok $last eq "appendage" ;
+title 'memGzip & memGunzip';
+ my $name = "test.gz" ;
+ my $buffer = <<EOM;
+some sample
+ my $len = length $buffer ;
+ my ($x, $uncomp) ;
+ # create an in-memory gzip file
+ my $dest = Compress::Zlib::memGzip($buffer) ;
+ ok length $dest ;
+ # write it to disk
+ ok open(FH, ">$name") ;
+ binmode(FH);
+ print FH $dest ;
+ close FH ;
+ # uncompress with gzopen
+ ok my $fil = gzopen($name, "rb") ;
+ is $fil->gzread($uncomp, 0), 0 ;
+ ok (($x = $fil->gzread($uncomp)) == $len) ;
+ ok ! $fil->gzclose ;
+ ok $uncomp eq $buffer ;
+ 1 while unlink $name ;
+ # now check that memGunzip can deal with it.
+ my $ungzip = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip($dest) ;
+ ok defined $ungzip ;
+ ok $buffer eq $ungzip ;
+ # now do the same but use a reference
+ $dest = Compress::Zlib::memGzip(\$buffer) ;
+ ok length $dest ;
+ # write it to disk
+ ok open(FH, ">$name") ;
+ binmode(FH);
+ print FH $dest ;
+ close FH ;
+ # uncompress with gzopen
+ ok $fil = gzopen($name, "rb") ;
+ ok (($x = $fil->gzread($uncomp)) == $len) ;
+ ok ! $fil->gzclose ;
+ ok $uncomp eq $buffer ;
+ # now check that memGunzip can deal with it.
+ my $keep = $dest;
+ $ungzip = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$dest) ;
+ ok defined $ungzip ;
+ ok $buffer eq $ungzip ;
+ # check memGunzip can cope with missing gzip trailer
+ my $minimal = substr($keep, 0, -1) ;
+ $ungzip = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$minimal) ;
+ ok defined $ungzip ;
+ ok $buffer eq $ungzip ;
+ $minimal = substr($keep, 0, -2) ;
+ $ungzip = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$minimal) ;
+ ok defined $ungzip ;
+ ok $buffer eq $ungzip ;
+ $minimal = substr($keep, 0, -3) ;
+ $ungzip = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$minimal) ;
+ ok defined $ungzip ;
+ ok $buffer eq $ungzip ;
+ $minimal = substr($keep, 0, -4) ;
+ $ungzip = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$minimal) ;
+ ok defined $ungzip ;
+ ok $buffer eq $ungzip ;
+ $minimal = substr($keep, 0, -5) ;
+ $ungzip = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$minimal) ;
+ ok defined $ungzip ;
+ ok $buffer eq $ungzip ;
+ $minimal = substr($keep, 0, -6) ;
+ $ungzip = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$minimal) ;
+ ok defined $ungzip ;
+ ok $buffer eq $ungzip ;
+ $minimal = substr($keep, 0, -7) ;
+ $ungzip = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$minimal) ;
+ ok defined $ungzip ;
+ ok $buffer eq $ungzip ;
+ $minimal = substr($keep, 0, -8) ;
+ $ungzip = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$minimal) ;
+ ok defined $ungzip ;
+ ok $buffer eq $ungzip ;
+ $minimal = substr($keep, 0, -9) ;
+ $ungzip = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$minimal) ;
+ ok ! defined $ungzip ;
+ 1 while unlink $name ;
+ # check corrupt header -- too short
+ $dest = "x" ;
+ my $result = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip($dest) ;
+ ok !defined $result ;
+ # check corrupt header -- full of junk
+ $dest = "x" x 200 ;
+ $result = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip($dest) ;
+ ok !defined $result ;
+ # corrupt header - 1st byte wrong
+ my $bad = $keep ;
+ substr($bad, 0, 1) = "\xFF" ;
+ $ungzip = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$bad) ;
+ ok ! defined $ungzip ;
+ # corrupt header - 2st byte wrong
+ $bad = $keep ;
+ substr($bad, 1, 1) = "\xFF" ;
+ $ungzip = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$bad) ;
+ ok ! defined $ungzip ;
+ # corrupt header - method not deflated
+ $bad = $keep ;
+ substr($bad, 2, 1) = "\xFF" ;
+ $ungzip = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$bad) ;
+ ok ! defined $ungzip ;
+ # corrupt header - reserverd bits used
+ $bad = $keep ;
+ substr($bad, 3, 1) = "\xFF" ;
+ $ungzip = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$bad) ;
+ ok ! defined $ungzip ;
+ # corrupt trailer - length wrong
+ $bad = $keep ;
+ substr($bad, -8, 4) = "\xFF" x 4 ;
+ $ungzip = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$bad) ;
+ ok ! defined $ungzip ;
+ # corrupt trailer - CRC wrong
+ $bad = $keep ;
+ substr($bad, -4, 4) = "\xFF" x 4 ;
+ $ungzip = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$bad) ;
+ ok ! defined $ungzip ;
+ title "Check all bytes can be handled";
+ my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;
+ my $data = join '', map { chr } 0x00 .. 0xFF;
+ $data .= "\r\nabd\r\n";
+ my $fil;
+ ok $fil = gzopen($name, "wb") ;
+ is $fil->gzwrite($data), length $data ;
+ ok ! $fil->gzclose();
+ my $input;
+ ok $fil = gzopen($name, "rb") ;
+ is $fil->gzread($input), length $data ;
+ ok ! $fil->gzclose();
+ ok $input eq $data;
+ title "Check all bytes can be handled - transparent mode";
+ writeFile($name, $data);
+ ok $fil = gzopen($name, "rb") ;
+ is $fil->gzread($input), length $data ;
+ ok ! $fil->gzclose();
+ ok $input eq $data;
+title 'memGunzip with a gzopen created file';
+ my $name = "test.gz" ;
+ my $buffer = <<EOM;
+some sample
+ ok $fil = gzopen($name, "wb") ;
+ ok $fil->gzwrite($buffer) == length $buffer ;
+ ok ! $fil->gzclose ;
+ my $compr = readFile($name);
+ ok length $compr ;
+ my $unc = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip($compr) ;
+ ok defined $unc ;
+ ok $buffer eq $unc ;
+ 1 while unlink $name ;
+ # Check - MAX_WBITS
+ # =================
+ $hello = "Test test test test test";
+ @hello = split('', $hello) ;
+ ok (($x, $err) = deflateInit( -Bufsize => 1, -WindowBits => -MAX_WBITS() ) ) ;
+ ok $x ;
+ ok $err == Z_OK ;
+ $Answer = '';
+ foreach (@hello)
+ {
+ ($X, $status) = $x->deflate($_) ;
+ last unless $status == Z_OK ;
+ $Answer .= $X ;
+ }
+ ok $status == Z_OK ;
+ ok ((($X, $status) = $x->flush())[1] == Z_OK ) ;
+ $Answer .= $X ;
+ @Answer = split('', $Answer) ;
+ # Undocumented corner -- extra byte needed to get inflate to return
+ # Z_STREAM_END when done.
+ push @Answer, " " ;
+ ok (($k, $err) = inflateInit(-Bufsize => 1, -WindowBits => -MAX_WBITS()) ) ;
+ ok $k ;
+ ok $err == Z_OK ;
+ $GOT = '';
+ foreach (@Answer)
+ {
+ ($Z, $status) = $k->inflate($_) ;
+ $GOT .= $Z ;
+ last if $status == Z_STREAM_END or $status != Z_OK ;
+ }
+ ok $status == Z_STREAM_END ;
+ ok $GOT eq $hello ;
+ # inflateSync
+ # create a deflate stream with flush points
+ my $hello = "I am a HAL 9000 computer" x 2001 ;
+ my $goodbye = "Will I dream?" x 2010;
+ my ($err, $answer, $X, $status, $Answer);
+ ok (($x, $err) = deflateInit() ) ;
+ ok $x ;
+ ok $err == Z_OK ;
+ ($Answer, $status) = $x->deflate($hello) ;
+ ok $status == Z_OK ;
+ # create a flush point
+ ok ((($X, $status) = $x->flush(Z_FULL_FLUSH))[1] == Z_OK ) ;
+ $Answer .= $X ;
+ ($X, $status) = $x->deflate($goodbye) ;
+ ok $status == Z_OK ;
+ $Answer .= $X ;
+ ok ((($X, $status) = $x->flush())[1] == Z_OK ) ;
+ $Answer .= $X ;
+ my ($first, @Answer) = split('', $Answer) ;
+ my $k;
+ ok (($k, $err) = inflateInit()) ;
+ ok $k ;
+ ok $err == Z_OK ;
+ ($Z, $status) = $k->inflate($first) ;
+ ok $status == Z_OK ;
+ # skip to the first flush point.
+ while (@Answer)
+ {
+ my $byte = shift @Answer;
+ $status = $k->inflateSync($byte) ;
+ last unless $status == Z_DATA_ERROR;
+ }
+ ok $status == Z_OK;
+ my $GOT = '';
+ my $Z = '';
+ foreach (@Answer)
+ {
+ my $Z = '';
+ ($Z, $status) = $k->inflate($_) ;
+ $GOT .= $Z if defined $Z ;
+ # print "x $status\n";
+ last if $status == Z_STREAM_END or $status != Z_OK ;
+ }
+ # zlib 1.0.9 returns Z_STREAM_END here, all others return Z_DATA_ERROR
+ ok $status == Z_DATA_ERROR || $status == Z_STREAM_END ;
+ ok $GOT eq $goodbye ;
+ # Check inflateSync leaves good data in buffer
+ $Answer =~ /^(.)(.*)$/ ;
+ my ($initial, $rest) = ($1, $2);
+ ok (($k, $err) = inflateInit()) ;
+ ok $k ;
+ ok $err == Z_OK ;
+ ($Z, $status) = $k->inflate($initial) ;
+ ok $status == Z_OK ;
+ $status = $k->inflateSync($rest) ;
+ ok $status == Z_OK;
+ ($GOT, $status) = $k->inflate($rest) ;
+ ok $status == Z_DATA_ERROR ;
+ ok $Z . $GOT eq $goodbye ;
+ # deflateParams
+ my $hello = "I am a HAL 9000 computer" x 2001 ;
+ my $goodbye = "Will I dream?" x 2010;
+ my ($input, $err, $answer, $X, $status, $Answer);
+ ok (($x, $err) = deflateInit(-Level => Z_BEST_COMPRESSION,
+ -Strategy => Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY) ) ;
+ ok $x ;
+ ok $err == Z_OK ;
+ ok $x->get_Level() == Z_BEST_COMPRESSION;
+ ok $x->get_Strategy() == Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY;
+ ($Answer, $status) = $x->deflate($hello) ;
+ ok $status == Z_OK ;
+ $input .= $hello;
+ # error cases
+ eval { $x->deflateParams() };
+ #like $@, mkErr("^Compress::Raw::Zlib::deflateParams needs Level and/or Strategy");
+ like $@, "/^Compress::Raw::Zlib::deflateParams needs Level and/or Strategy/";
+ eval { $x->deflateParams(-Joe => 3) };
+ like $@, "/^Compress::Raw::Zlib::deflateStream::deflateParams: unknown key value/";
+ #like $@, mkErr("^Compress::Raw::Zlib::deflateStream::deflateParams: unknown key value(s) Joe");
+ #ok $@ =~ /^Compress::Zlib::deflateStream::deflateParams: unknown key value\(s\) Joe at/
+ # or print "# $@\n" ;
+ ok $x->get_Level() == Z_BEST_COMPRESSION;
+ ok $x->get_Strategy() == Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY;
+ # change both Level & Strategy
+ $status = $x->deflateParams(-Level => Z_BEST_SPEED, -Strategy => Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY) ;
+ ok $status == Z_OK ;
+ ok $x->get_Level() == Z_BEST_SPEED;
+ ok $x->get_Strategy() == Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY;
+ ($X, $status) = $x->deflate($goodbye) ;
+ ok $status == Z_OK ;
+ $Answer .= $X ;
+ $input .= $goodbye;
+ # change only Level
+ $status = $x->deflateParams(-Level => Z_NO_COMPRESSION) ;
+ ok $status == Z_OK ;
+ ok $x->get_Level() == Z_NO_COMPRESSION;
+ ok $x->get_Strategy() == Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY;
+ ($X, $status) = $x->deflate($goodbye) ;
+ ok $status == Z_OK ;
+ $Answer .= $X ;
+ $input .= $goodbye;
+ # change only Strategy
+ $status = $x->deflateParams(-Strategy => Z_FILTERED) ;
+ ok $status == Z_OK ;
+ ok $x->get_Level() == Z_NO_COMPRESSION;
+ ok $x->get_Strategy() == Z_FILTERED;
+ ($X, $status) = $x->deflate($goodbye) ;
+ ok $status == Z_OK ;
+ $Answer .= $X ;
+ $input .= $goodbye;
+ ok ((($X, $status) = $x->flush())[1] == Z_OK ) ;
+ $Answer .= $X ;
+ my ($first, @Answer) = split('', $Answer) ;
+ my $k;
+ ok (($k, $err) = inflateInit()) ;
+ ok $k ;
+ ok $err == Z_OK ;
+ ($Z, $status) = $k->inflate($Answer) ;
+ ok $status == Z_STREAM_END
+ or print "# status $status\n";
+ ok $Z eq $input ;
+ # error cases
+ eval { deflateInit(-Level) };
+ like $@, '/^Compress::Zlib::deflateInit: Expected even number of parameters, got 1/';
+ eval { inflateInit(-Level) };
+ like $@, '/^Compress::Zlib::inflateInit: Expected even number of parameters, got 1/';
+ eval { deflateInit(-Joe => 1) };
+ ok $@ =~ /^Compress::Zlib::deflateInit: unknown key value\(s\) Joe at/;
+ eval { inflateInit(-Joe => 1) };
+ ok $@ =~ /^Compress::Zlib::inflateInit: unknown key value\(s\) Joe at/;
+ eval { deflateInit(-Bufsize => 0) };
+ ok $@ =~ /^.*?: Bufsize must be >= 1, you specified 0 at/;
+ eval { inflateInit(-Bufsize => 0) };
+ ok $@ =~ /^.*?: Bufsize must be >= 1, you specified 0 at/;
+ eval { deflateInit(-Bufsize => -1) };
+ #ok $@ =~ /^.*?: Bufsize must be >= 1, you specified -1 at/;
+ ok $@ =~ /^Compress::Zlib::deflateInit: Parameter 'Bufsize' must be an unsigned int, got '-1'/;
+ eval { inflateInit(-Bufsize => -1) };
+ ok $@ =~ /^Compress::Zlib::inflateInit: Parameter 'Bufsize' must be an unsigned int, got '-1'/;
+ eval { deflateInit(-Bufsize => "xxx") };
+ ok $@ =~ /^Compress::Zlib::deflateInit: Parameter 'Bufsize' must be an unsigned int, got 'xxx'/;
+ eval { inflateInit(-Bufsize => "xxx") };
+ ok $@ =~ /^Compress::Zlib::inflateInit: Parameter 'Bufsize' must be an unsigned int, got 'xxx'/;
+ eval { gzopen([], 0) ; } ;
+ ok $@ =~ /^gzopen: file parameter is not a filehandle or filename at/
+ or print "# $@\n" ;
+# my $x = Symbol::gensym() ;
+# eval { gzopen($x, 0) ; } ;
+# ok $@ =~ /^gzopen: file parameter is not a filehandle or filename at/
+# or print "# $@\n" ;
+if ($] >= 5.005)
+ # test inflate with a substr
+ ok my $x = deflateInit() ;
+ ok ((my ($X, $status) = $x->deflate($contents))[1] == Z_OK) ;
+ my $Y = $X ;
+ ok ((($X, $status) = $x->flush() )[1] == Z_OK ) ;
+ $Y .= $X ;
+ my $append = "Appended" ;
+ $Y .= $append ;
+ ok $k = inflateInit() ;
+ #($Z, $status) = $k->inflate(substr($Y, 0, -1)) ;
+ ($Z, $status) = $k->inflate(substr($Y, 0)) ;
+ ok $status == Z_STREAM_END ;
+ ok $contents eq $Z ;
+ is $Y, $append;
+if ($] >= 5.005)
+ # deflate/inflate in scalar context
+ ok my $x = deflateInit() ;
+ my $X = $x->deflate($contents);
+ my $Y = $X ;
+ $X = $x->flush();
+ $Y .= $X ;
+ my $append = "Appended" ;
+ $Y .= $append ;
+ ok $k = inflateInit() ;
+ $Z = $k->inflate(substr($Y, 0, -1)) ;
+ #$Z = $k->inflate(substr($Y, 0)) ;
+ ok $contents eq $Z ;
+ is $Y, $append;
+ title 'CRC32' ;
+ # CRC32 of this data should have the high bit set
+ # value in ascii is ZgRNtjgSUW
+ my $data = "\x5a\x67\x52\x4e\x74\x6a\x67\x53\x55\x57";
+ my $expected_crc = 0xCF707A2B ; # 3480255019
+ my $crc = crc32($data) ;
+ is $crc, $expected_crc;
+ title 'Adler32' ;
+ # adler of this data should have the high bit set
+ # value in ascii is lpscOVsAJiUfNComkOfWYBcPhHZ[bT
+ my $data = "\x6c\x70\x73\x63\x4f\x56\x73\x41\x4a\x69\x55\x66" .
+ "\x4e\x43\x6f\x6d\x6b\x4f\x66\x57\x59\x42\x63\x50" .
+ "\x68\x48\x5a\x5b\x62\x54";
+ my $expected_crc = 0xAAD60AC7 ; # 2866154183
+ my $crc = adler32($data) ;
+ is $crc, $expected_crc;
+ # memGunzip - input > 4K
+ my $contents = '' ;
+ foreach (1 .. 20000)
+ { $contents .= chr int rand 256 }
+ ok my $compressed = Compress::Zlib::memGzip(\$contents) ;
+ ok length $compressed > 4096 ;
+ ok my $out = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$compressed) ;
+ ok $contents eq $out ;
+ is length $out, length $contents ;
+ # memGunzip Header Corruption Tests
+ my $string = <<EOM;
+some text
+ my $good ;
+ ok my $x = new IO::Compress::Gzip \$good, Append => 1, -HeaderCRC => 1 ;
+ ok $x->write($string) ;
+ ok $x->close ;
+ {
+ title "Header Corruption - Fingerprint wrong 1st byte" ;
+ my $buffer = $good ;
+ substr($buffer, 0, 1) = 'x' ;
+ ok ! Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$buffer) ;
+ }
+ {
+ title "Header Corruption - Fingerprint wrong 2nd byte" ;
+ my $buffer = $good ;
+ substr($buffer, 1, 1) = "\xFF" ;
+ ok ! Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$buffer) ;
+ }
+ {
+ title "Header Corruption - CM not 8";
+ my $buffer = $good ;
+ substr($buffer, 2, 1) = 'x' ;
+ ok ! Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$buffer) ;
+ }
+ {
+ title "Header Corruption - Use of Reserved Flags";
+ my $buffer = $good ;
+ substr($buffer, 3, 1) = "\xff";
+ ok ! Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$buffer) ;
+ }
+ title "Header Corruption - Truncated in Extra";
+ my $string = <<EOM;
+some text
+ my $truncated ;
+ ok my $x = new IO::Compress::Gzip \$truncated, Append => 1, -HeaderCRC => 1, Strict => 0,
+ -ExtraField => "hello" x 10 ;
+ ok $x->write($string) ;
+ ok $x->close ;
+ substr($truncated, $index) = '' ;
+ ok ! Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$truncated) ;
+my $Name = "fred" ;
+for my $index ( GZIP_MIN_HEADER_SIZE .. GZIP_MIN_HEADER_SIZE + length($Name) -1)
+ title "Header Corruption - Truncated in Name";
+ my $string = <<EOM;
+some text
+ my $truncated ;
+ ok my $x = new IO::Compress::Gzip \$truncated, Append => 1, -Name => $Name;
+ ok $x->write($string) ;
+ ok $x->close ;
+ substr($truncated, $index) = '' ;
+ ok ! Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$truncated) ;
+my $Comment = "comment" ;
+for my $index ( GZIP_MIN_HEADER_SIZE .. GZIP_MIN_HEADER_SIZE + length($Comment) -1)
+ title "Header Corruption - Truncated in Comment";
+ my $string = <<EOM;
+some text
+ my $truncated ;
+ ok my $x = new IO::Compress::Gzip \$truncated, -Comment => $Comment;
+ ok $x->write($string) ;
+ ok $x->close ;
+ substr($truncated, $index) = '' ;
+ ok ! Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$truncated) ;
+ title "Header Corruption - Truncated in CRC";
+ my $string = <<EOM;
+some text
+ my $truncated ;
+ ok my $x = new IO::Compress::Gzip \$truncated, -HeaderCRC => 1;
+ ok $x->write($string) ;
+ ok $x->close ;
+ substr($truncated, $index) = '' ;
+ ok ! Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$truncated) ;
+ title "memGunzip can cope with a gzip header with all possible fields";
+ my $string = <<EOM;
+some text
+ my $buffer ;
+ ok my $x = new IO::Compress::Gzip \$buffer,
+ -Append => 1,
+ -Strict => 0,
+ -HeaderCRC => 1,
+ -Name => "Fred",
+ -ExtraField => "Extra",
+ -Comment => 'Comment';
+ ok $x->write($string) ;
+ ok $x->close ;
+ ok defined $buffer ;
+ ok my $got = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip($buffer)
+ or diag "gzerrno is $gzerrno" ;
+ is $got, $string ;
+ # Trailer Corruption tests
+ my $string = <<EOM;
+some text
+ my $good ;
+ ok my $x = new IO::Compress::Gzip \$good, Append => 1 ;
+ ok $x->write($string) ;
+ ok $x->close ;
+ foreach my $trim (-8 .. -1)
+ {
+ my $got = $trim + 8 ;
+ title "Trailer Corruption - Trailer truncated to $got bytes" ;
+ my $buffer = $good ;
+ substr($buffer, $trim) = '';
+ ok my $u = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$buffer) ;
+ ok $u eq $string;
+ }
+ {
+ title "Trailer Corruption - Length Wrong, CRC Correct" ;
+ my $buffer = $good ;
+ substr($buffer, -4, 4) = pack('V', 1234);
+ ok ! Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$buffer) ;
+ }
+ {
+ title "Trailer Corruption - Length Wrong, CRC Wrong" ;
+ my $buffer = $good ;
+ substr($buffer, -4, 4) = pack('V', 1234);
+ substr($buffer, -8, 4) = pack('V', 1234);
+ ok ! Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$buffer) ;
+ }
+sub slurp
+ my $name = shift ;
+ my $input;
+ my $fil = gzopen($name, "rb") ;
+ ok $fil , "opened $name";
+ cmp_ok $fil->gzread($input, 50000), ">", 0, "read more than zero bytes";
+ ok ! $fil->gzclose(), "closed ok";
+ return $input;
+sub trickle
+ my $name = shift ;
+ my $got;
+ my $input;
+ $fil = gzopen($name, "rb") ;
+ ok $fil, "opened ok";
+ while ($fil->gzread($input, 50000) > 0)
+ {
+ $got .= $input;
+ $input = '';
+ }
+ ok ! $fil->gzclose(), "closed ok";
+ return $got;
+ return $input;
+ title "Append & MultiStream Tests";
+ # rt.24041
+ my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;
+ my $data1 = "the is the first";
+ my $data2 = "and this is the second";
+ my $trailing = "some trailing data";
+ my $fil;
+ title "One file";
+ $fil = gzopen($name, "wb") ;
+ ok $fil, "opened first file";
+ is $fil->gzwrite($data1), length $data1, "write data1" ;
+ ok ! $fil->gzclose(), "Closed";
+ is slurp($name), $data1, "got expected data from slurp";
+ is trickle($name), $data1, "got expected data from trickle";
+ title "Two files";
+ $fil = gzopen($name, "ab") ;
+ ok $fil, "opened second file";
+ is $fil->gzwrite($data2), length $data2, "write data2" ;
+ ok ! $fil->gzclose(), "Closed";
+ is slurp($name), $data1 . $data2, "got expected data from slurp";
+ is trickle($name), $data1 . $data2, "got expected data from trickle";
+ title "Trailing Data";
+ open F, ">>$name";
+ print F $trailing;
+ close F;
+ is slurp($name), $data1 . $data2 . $trailing, "got expected data from slurp" ;
+ is trickle($name), $data1 . $data2 . $trailing, "got expected data from trickle" ;
+ title "gzclose & gzflush return codes";
+ # rt.29215
+ my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;
+ my $data1 = "the is some text";
+ my $status;
+ $fil = gzopen($name, "wb") ;
+ ok $fil, "opened first file";
+ is $fil->gzwrite($data1), length $data1, "write data1" ;
+ $status = $fil->gzflush(0xfff);
+ ok $status, "flush not ok" ;
+ is $status, Z_STREAM_ERROR;
+ ok ! $fil->gzflush(), "flush ok" ;
+ ok ! $fil->gzclose(), "Closed";