path: root/cpan
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authorCraig A. Berry <>2013-05-31 20:26:11 -0500
committerCraig A. Berry <>2013-05-31 20:26:11 -0500
commitcc37ebcee3a931a3822ae6ff30415eba7a1a4540 (patch)
treeb4d1ec1be90aa6af0d608c39e452ce0a473e4afa /cpan
parentd2a68ca8e9f23a357624176e0b4b7a3d63913441 (diff)
Fix ExtUtils::Constant test failure on VMS.
Awaiting upstream application for many months now at: But it's not at all clear that this module is even maintained as the only two "maintainers" are former pumpkings who probably had to become maintainers in order to cut a Perl release. From the message originally submitted upstream: It turns out the easiest and most robust way to handle the fact that filename case may or may not be preserved is simply to do all filename comparisons in a case blind fashion. This is safe to do because there is no practical possibility of distinct filenames that differ only by case, especially with the short list of well-known files being considered here.
Diffstat (limited to 'cpan')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/cpan/ExtUtils-Constant/t/Constant.t b/cpan/ExtUtils-Constant/t/Constant.t
index 5cc6f498db..d6b45668da 100644
--- a/cpan/ExtUtils-Constant/t/Constant.t
+++ b/cpan/ExtUtils-Constant/t/Constant.t
@@ -39,31 +39,7 @@ $make = $ENV{MAKE} if exists $ENV{MAKE};
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' && $make eq 'nmake') { $make .= " -nologo"; }
# VMS may be using something other than MMS/MMK
-my $mms_or_mmk = 0;
-my $vms_lc = 0;
-my $vms_nodot = 0;
-if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
- $mms_or_mmk = 1 if (($make eq 'MMK') || ($make eq 'MMS'));
- $vms_lc = 1;
- $vms_nodot = 1;
- my $vms_unix_rpt = 0;
- my $vms_efs = 0;
- my $vms_efs_case = 0;
- if (eval 'require VMS::Feature') {
- $vms_unix_rpt = VMS::Feature::current("filename_unix_report");
- $vms_efs = VMS::Feature::current("efs_case_preserve");
- $vms_efs_case = VMS::Feature::current("efs_charset");
- } else {
- my $unix_rpt = $ENV{'DECC$FILENAME_UNIX_REPORT'} || '';
- my $efs_charset = $ENV{'DECC$EFS_CHARSET'} || '';
- my $efs_case = $ENV{'DECC$EFS_CASE_PRESERVE'} || '';
- $vms_unix_rpt = $unix_rpt =~ /^[ET1]/i;
- $vms_efs = $efs_charset =~ /^[ET1]/i;
- $vms_efs_case = $efs_case =~ /^[ET1]/i;
- }
- $vms_lc = 0 if $vms_efs_case;
- $vms_nodot = 0 if $vms_unix_rpt;
+my $mms_or_mmk = ($make =~ m/^MM(S|K)/i) ? 1 : 0;
# Renamed by make clean
my $makefile = ($mms_or_mmk ? 'descrip' : 'Makefile');
@@ -125,12 +101,12 @@ package main;
sub check_for_bonus_files {
my $dir = shift;
- my %expect = map {($vms_lc ? lc($_) : $_), 1} @_;
+ my %expect = map {($^O eq 'VMS' ? lc($_) : $_), 1} @_;
my $fail;
opendir DIR, $dir or die "opendir '$dir': $!";
while (defined (my $entry = readdir DIR)) {
- $entry =~ s/\.$// if $vms_nodot; # delete trailing dot that indicates no extension
+ $entry =~ s/(.*?)\.?$/\L$1/ if $^O eq 'VMS';
next if $expect{$entry};
print "# Extra file '$entry'\n";
$fail = 1;