path: root/cpan
diff options
authorNicholas Clark <>2009-10-02 16:47:45 +0100
committerNicholas Clark <>2009-10-02 16:47:45 +0100
commit152f7782c2e5d37b72e6c1ef26ba1da3f5269fcb (patch)
tree26278007db0e82f6668166cc6ad471442e33ac76 /cpan
parent204606f4ac32e12078eeffffcd758292ce910d1b (diff)
Move Text::Soundex from ext/ to cpan/
Diffstat (limited to 'cpan')
5 files changed, 782 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cpan/Text-Soundex/Changes b/cpan/Text-Soundex/Changes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41c78b15fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Text-Soundex/Changes
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+Revision history for Perl extension Text::Soundex.
+3.02 Sun Feb 02 02:54:00 EST 2003 <>
+The U8 type was over-used in 3.00 and 3.01. Now, "U8 *" is used only as a
+pointer into the UTF-8 string. Also, unicode now works properly on
+Perl 5.6.x as the utf8_to_uv() function is used instead of utf8n_to_uvchr()
+when compiled under a version of Perl earlier than 5.8.0.
+3.01 Sun Jan 26 16:30:00 EST 2003 <>
+A bug with non-UTF 8 strings that contain non-ASCII alphabetic characters
+was fixed. The soundex_unicode() and soundex_nara_unicode() wrapper
+routines were included and the documentation refers the user to the
+excellent Text::Unidecode module to perform soundex encodings using
+unicode strings. The Perl versions of the routines have been further
+optimized, and correct a border case involving non-alphabetic characters
+at the beginning of the string.
+3.00 Sun Jan 26 04:08:00 EST 2003 <>
+Updated documentation, simplified the Perl interface, and updated
+the XS code to be faster, and to properly work with UTF-8 strings.
+UNICODE characters outside the ASCII range (0x00 - 0x7F) are
+considered to be non-alphabetic for the purposes of the soundex
+2.10 Sun Feb 15 15:29:38 EST 1998 <>
+I've put in a version of my XS code and fully integrated it with the
+existing 100% perl mechanism. The change should be virtually transparent
+to the user. XS code is approx 7.5 times faster.
+ - Mark Mielke
+2.00 Thu Jan 1 16:22:11 1998 <>
+Incorporated Mark Mielke's rewritten version of the main soundex routine
+and made the file simpler.
diff --git a/cpan/Text-Soundex/README b/cpan/Text-Soundex/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c3b588e09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Text-Soundex/README
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+Text::Soundex - Implementation of the soundex algorithm.
+Basic Usage:
+ Soundex is used to do a one way transformation of a name, converting
+ a character string given as input into a set of codes representing
+ the identifiable sounds those characters might make in the output.
+ For example:
+ use Text::Soundex;
+ print soundex("Mark"), "\n"; # prints: M620
+ print soundex("Marc"), "\n"; # prints: M620
+ print soundex("Hansen"), "\n"; # prints: H525
+ print soundex("Hanson"), "\n"; # prints: H525
+ print soundex("Henson"), "\n"; # prints: H525
+ In many situations, code such as the following:
+ if ($name1 eq $name2) {
+ ...
+ }
+ Can be substituted with:
+ if (soundex($name1) eq soundex($name2)) {
+ ...
+ }
+ Once the archive has been unpacked then the following steps are needed
+ to build, test and install the module (to be done in the directory which
+ contains the Makefile.PL)
+ perl Makefile.PL
+ make
+ make test
+ If the make test succeeds then the next step may need to be run as root
+ (on a Unix-like system) or with special privileges on other systems.
+ make install
+ If you do not want to use the XS code (for whatever reason) do the following
+ instead of the above:
+ perl Makefile.PL --no-xs
+ make
+ make test
+ make install
+ If any of the tests report 'not ok' and you are running perl 5.6.0 or later
+ then please contact Mark Mielke <>
+ Version 3.03:
+ Updated to allow the XS implementation to work properly under an
+ EBCDIC/EBCDIC-UTF8 character set environment.
+ Updated documentation to better describe the history of the
+ soundex algorithm and how it applies to this module.
+ Version 3.02:
+ 3.01 and 3.00 used the 'U8' type incorrectly causing some strict
+ compilers to complain or refuse to compile the XS code. Also, Unicode
+ support did not work properly for Perl 5.6.x. Both of these problems
+ are now fixed.
+ Version 3.01:
+ A bug with non-UTF 8 strings that contain non-ASCII alphabetic characters
+ was fixed. The soundex_unicode() and soundex_nara_unicode() wrapper
+ routines were included and the documentation refers the user to the
+ excellent Text::Unidecode module to perform soundex encodings using
+ unicode strings. The Perl versions of the routines have been further
+ optimized, and correct a border case involving non-alphabetic characters
+ at the beginning of the string.
+ Version 3.00:
+ Support for UTF-8 strings (unicode strings) is now in place. Note
+ that this allows UTF-8 strings to be passed to the XS version of
+ the soundex() routine. The Soundex algorithm treats characters
+ outside the ascii range (0x00 - 0x7F) as if they were not
+ alphabetical.
+ The interface has been simplified. In order to explicitly use the
+ non-XS implementation of soundex():
+ use Text::Soundex ();
+ $code = Text::Soundex::soundex_noxs($name);
+ In order to use the NARA soundex algorithm:
+ use Text::Soundex 'soundex_nara';
+ $code = soundex_nara($name);
+ Use of the ':NARA-Ruleset' import directive is now obsolete. To
+ emulate the old behaviour:
+ use Text::Soundex ();
+ *soundex = \&Text::Soundex::soundex_nara;
+ $code = soundex($name);
+ Version 2.20:
+ This version includes support for the algorithm used to index
+ the U.S. Federal Censuses. There is a slight descrepancy in the
+ definition for a soundex code which is not commonly known or
+ recognized involved similar sounding letters being seperated
+ by the characters H or W. This is defined as the NARA ruleset,
+ as this descrepency was discovered by them. (Calling it "the
+ US Census ruleset" was too unwieldy...)
+ NARA can be found at:
+ The algorithm used by NARA can be found at:
+ Version 2.00:
+ This version is a full re-write of the 1.0 engine by Mark Mielke.
+ The goal was for speed... and this was achieved. There is an optional
+ XS module which can be used completely transparently by the user
+ which offers a further speed increase of a factor of more than 7.5X.
+ Version 1.00:
+ This version can be found in the perl core distribution from at
+ least Perl 5.8.0 and down. It was written by Mike Stok. It can be
+ identified by the fact that it does not contain a $VERSION
+ in the beginning of the module, and as well it uses an RCS
+ tag with a version of 1.x. This version, before some perl5'ish
+ packaging was introduced, was actually written for perl4.
diff --git a/cpan/Text-Soundex/ b/cpan/Text-Soundex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..598b8a8fe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Text-Soundex/
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+# -*- perl -*-
+# (c) Copyright 1998-2007 by Mark Mielke
+# Freedom to use these sources for whatever you want, as long as credit
+# is given where credit is due, is hereby granted. You may make modifications
+# where you see fit but leave this copyright somewhere visible. As well, try
+# to initial any changes you make so that if I like the changes I can
+# incorporate them into later versions.
+# - Mark Mielke <>
+package Text::Soundex;
+require 5.006;
+use Exporter ();
+use XSLoader ();
+use strict;
+our $VERSION = '3.03_01';
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw(soundex soundex_unicode soundex_nara soundex_nara_unicode
+ $soundex_nocode);
+our @EXPORT = qw(soundex soundex_nara $soundex_nocode);
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our $nocode;
+# Previous releases of Text::Soundex made $nocode available as $soundex_nocode.
+# For now, this part of the interface is exported and maintained.
+# In the feature, $soundex_nocode will be deprecated.
+*Text::Soundex::soundex_nocode = \$nocode;
+sub soundex_noxs
+ # Original Soundex algorithm
+ my @results = map {
+ my $code = uc($_);
+ $code =~ tr/AaEeHhIiOoUuWwYyBbFfPpVvCcGgJjKkQqSsXxZzDdTtLlMmNnRr//cd;
+ if (length($code)) {
+ my $firstchar = substr($code, 0, 1);
+ $code =~ tr[AaEeHhIiOoUuWwYyBbFfPpVvCcGgJjKkQqSsXxZzDdTtLlMmNnRr]
+ [0000000000000000111111112222222222222222333344555566]s;
+ ($code = substr($code, 1)) =~ tr/0//d;
+ substr($firstchar . $code . '000', 0, 4);
+ } else {
+ $nocode;
+ }
+ } @_;
+ wantarray ? @results : $results[0];
+sub soundex_nara
+ # US census (NARA) algorithm.
+ my @results = map {
+ my $code = uc($_);
+ $code =~ tr/AaEeHhIiOoUuWwYyBbFfPpVvCcGgJjKkQqSsXxZzDdTtLlMmNnRr//cd;
+ if (length($code)) {
+ my $firstchar = substr($code, 0, 1);
+ $code =~ tr[AaEeHhIiOoUuWwYyBbFfPpVvCcGgJjKkQqSsXxZzDdTtLlMmNnRr]
+ [0000990000009900111111112222222222222222333344555566]s;
+ $code =~ s/(.)9\1/$1/gs;
+ ($code = substr($code, 1)) =~ tr/09//d;
+ substr($firstchar . $code . '000', 0, 4);
+ } else {
+ $nocode
+ }
+ } @_;
+ wantarray ? @results : $results[0];
+sub soundex_unicode
+ require Text::Unidecode unless defined &Text::Unidecode::unidecode;
+ soundex(Text::Unidecode::unidecode(@_));
+sub soundex_nara_unicode
+ require Text::Unidecode unless defined &Text::Unidecode::unidecode;
+ soundex_nara(Text::Unidecode::unidecode(@_));
+eval { XSLoader::load(__PACKAGE__, $VERSION) };
+if (defined(&soundex_xs)) {
+ *soundex = \&soundex_xs;
+} else {
+ *soundex = \&soundex_noxs;
+ *soundex_xs = sub {
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::croak("XS implementation of Text::Soundex::soundex_xs() ".
+ "could not be loaded");
+ };
+# Implementation of the soundex algorithm.
+# Some of this documention was written by Mike Stok.
+# Examples:
+# Euler, Ellery -> E460
+# Gauss, Ghosh -> G200
+# Hilbert, Heilbronn -> H416
+# Knuth, Kant -> K530
+# Lloyd, Ladd -> L300
+# Lukasiewicz, Lissajous -> L222
+=head1 NAME
+Text::Soundex - Implementation of the soundex algorithm.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Text::Soundex;
+ # Original algorithm.
+ $code = soundex($name); # Get the soundex code for a name.
+ @codes = soundex(@names); # Get the list of codes for a list of names.
+ # American Soundex variant (NARA) - Used for US census data.
+ $code = soundex_nara($name); # Get the soundex code for a name.
+ @codes = soundex_nara(@names); # Get the list of codes for a list of names.
+ # Redefine the value that soundex() will return if the input string
+ # contains no identifiable sounds within it.
+ $Text::Soundex::nocode = 'Z000';
+Soundex is a phonetic algorithm for indexing names by sound, as
+pronounced in English. The goal is for names with the same
+pronunciation to be encoded to the same representation so that they
+can be matched despite minor differences in spelling. Soundex is the
+most widely known of all phonetic algorithms and is often used
+(incorrectly) as a synonym for "phonetic algorithm". Improvements to
+Soundex are the basis for many modern phonetic algorithms. (Wikipedia,
+This module implements the original soundex algorithm developed by
+Robert Russell and Margaret Odell, patented in 1918 and 1922, as well
+as a variation called "American Soundex" used for US census data, and
+current maintained by the National Archives and Records Administration
+The soundex algorithm may be recognized from Donald Knuth's
+B<The Art of Computer Programming>. The algorithm described by
+Knuth is the NARA algorithm.
+The value returned for strings which have no soundex encoding is
+defined using C<$Text::Soundex::nocode>. The default value is C<undef>,
+however values such as C<'Z000'> are commonly used alternatives.
+For backward compatibility with older versions of this module the
+C<$Text::Soundex::nocode> is exported into the caller's namespace as
+In scalar context, C<soundex()> returns the soundex code of its first
+argument. In list context, a list is returned in which each element is the
+soundex code for the corresponding argument passed to C<soundex()>. For
+example, the following code assigns @codes the value C<('M200', 'S320')>:
+ @codes = soundex qw(Mike Stok);
+To use C<Text::Soundex> to generate codes that can be used to search one
+of the publically available US Censuses, a variant of the soundex
+algorithm must be used:
+ use Text::Soundex;
+ $code = soundex_nara($name);
+An example of where these algorithm differ follows:
+ use Text::Soundex;
+ print soundex("Ashcraft"), "\n"; # prints: A226
+ print soundex_nara("Ashcraft"), "\n"; # prints: A261
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+Donald Knuth's examples of names and the soundex codes they map to
+are listed below:
+ Euler, Ellery -> E460
+ Gauss, Ghosh -> G200
+ Hilbert, Heilbronn -> H416
+ Knuth, Kant -> K530
+ Lloyd, Ladd -> L300
+ Lukasiewicz, Lissajous -> L222
+ $code = soundex 'Knuth'; # $code contains 'K530'
+ @list = soundex qw(Lloyd Gauss); # @list contains 'L300', 'G200'
+As the soundex algorithm was originally used a B<long> time ago in the US
+it considers only the English alphabet and pronunciation. In particular,
+non-ASCII characters will be ignored. The recommended method of dealing
+with characters that have accents, or other unicode characters, is to use
+the Text::Unidecode module available from CPAN. Either use the module
+ use Text::Soundex;
+ use Text::Unidecode;
+ print soundex(unidecode("Fran\xE7ais")), "\n"; # Prints "F652\n"
+Or use the convenient wrapper routine:
+ use Text::Soundex 'soundex_unicode';
+ print soundex_unicode("Fran\xE7ais"), "\n"; # Prints "F652\n"
+Since the soundex algorithm maps a large space (strings of arbitrary
+length) onto a small space (single letter plus 3 digits) no inference
+can be made about the similarity of two strings which end up with the
+same soundex code. For example, both C<Hilbert> and C<Heilbronn> end
+up with a soundex code of C<H416>.
+This module is currently maintain by Mark Mielke (C<>).
+=head1 HISTORY
+Version 3 is a significant update to provide support for versions of
+Perl later than Perl 5.004. Specifically, the XS version of the
+soundex() subroutine understands strings that are encoded using UTF-8
+(unicode strings).
+Version 2 of this module was a re-write by Mark Mielke (C<>)
+to improve the speed of the subroutines. The XS version of the soundex()
+subroutine was introduced in 2.00.
+Version 1 of this module was written by Mike Stok (C<>)
+and was included into the Perl core library set.
+Dave Carlsen (C<>) made the request for the NARA
+algorithm to be included. The NARA soundex page can be viewed at:
+Ian Phillips (C<>) and Rich Pinder (C<>)
+supplied ideas and spotted mistakes for v1.x.
diff --git a/cpan/Text-Soundex/Soundex.xs b/cpan/Text-Soundex/Soundex.xs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1496338452
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Text-Soundex/Soundex.xs
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+/* -*- c -*- */
+/* (c) Copyright 1998-2003 by Mark Mielke
+ *
+ * Freedom to use these sources for whatever you want, as long as credit
+ * is given where credit is due, is hereby granted. You may make modifications
+ * where you see fit but leave this copyright somewhere visible. As well try
+ * to initial any changes you make so that if i like the changes i can
+ * incorporate them into any later versions of mine.
+ *
+ * - Mark Mielke <>
+ */
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+#define SOUNDEX_ACCURACY (4) /* The maximum code length... (should be>=2) */
+#if !(PERL_REVISION >= 5 && PERL_VERSION >= 8)
+# define utf8n_to_uvchr utf8_to_uv
+static char sv_soundex_table[0x100];
+static void sv_soundex_initialize (void)
+ memset(&sv_soundex_table[0], '\0', sizeof(sv_soundex_table));
+ sv_soundex_table['A'] = '0';
+ sv_soundex_table['a'] = '0';
+ sv_soundex_table['E'] = '0';
+ sv_soundex_table['e'] = '0';
+ sv_soundex_table['H'] = '0';
+ sv_soundex_table['h'] = '0';
+ sv_soundex_table['I'] = '0';
+ sv_soundex_table['i'] = '0';
+ sv_soundex_table['O'] = '0';
+ sv_soundex_table['o'] = '0';
+ sv_soundex_table['U'] = '0';
+ sv_soundex_table['u'] = '0';
+ sv_soundex_table['W'] = '0';
+ sv_soundex_table['w'] = '0';
+ sv_soundex_table['Y'] = '0';
+ sv_soundex_table['y'] = '0';
+ sv_soundex_table['B'] = '1';
+ sv_soundex_table['b'] = '1';
+ sv_soundex_table['F'] = '1';
+ sv_soundex_table['f'] = '1';
+ sv_soundex_table['P'] = '1';
+ sv_soundex_table['p'] = '1';
+ sv_soundex_table['V'] = '1';
+ sv_soundex_table['v'] = '1';
+ sv_soundex_table['C'] = '2';
+ sv_soundex_table['c'] = '2';
+ sv_soundex_table['G'] = '2';
+ sv_soundex_table['g'] = '2';
+ sv_soundex_table['J'] = '2';
+ sv_soundex_table['j'] = '2';
+ sv_soundex_table['K'] = '2';
+ sv_soundex_table['k'] = '2';
+ sv_soundex_table['Q'] = '2';
+ sv_soundex_table['q'] = '2';
+ sv_soundex_table['S'] = '2';
+ sv_soundex_table['s'] = '2';
+ sv_soundex_table['X'] = '2';
+ sv_soundex_table['x'] = '2';
+ sv_soundex_table['Z'] = '2';
+ sv_soundex_table['z'] = '2';
+ sv_soundex_table['D'] = '3';
+ sv_soundex_table['d'] = '3';
+ sv_soundex_table['T'] = '3';
+ sv_soundex_table['t'] = '3';
+ sv_soundex_table['L'] = '4';
+ sv_soundex_table['l'] = '4';
+ sv_soundex_table['M'] = '5';
+ sv_soundex_table['m'] = '5';
+ sv_soundex_table['N'] = '5';
+ sv_soundex_table['n'] = '5';
+ sv_soundex_table['R'] = '6';
+ sv_soundex_table['r'] = '6';
+static SV *sv_soundex (SV *source)
+ char *source_p;
+ char *source_end;
+ {
+ STRLEN source_len;
+ source_p = SvPV(source, source_len);
+ source_end = &source_p[source_len];
+ }
+ while (source_p != source_end)
+ {
+ char codepart_last = sv_soundex_table[(unsigned char) *source_p];
+ if (codepart_last != '\0')
+ {
+ char *code_p = SvPVX(code);
+ char *code_end = &code_p[SOUNDEX_ACCURACY];
+ SvPOK_only(code);
+ *code_p++ = toupper(*source_p++);
+ while (source_p != source_end && code_p != code_end)
+ {
+ char c = *source_p++;
+ char codepart = sv_soundex_table[(unsigned char) c];
+ if (codepart != '\0')
+ if (codepart != codepart_last && (codepart_last = codepart) != '0')
+ *code_p++ = codepart;
+ }
+ while (code_p != code_end)
+ *code_p++ = '0';
+ *code_end = '\0';
+ return code;
+ }
+ source_p++;
+ }
+ return SvREFCNT_inc(perl_get_sv("Text::Soundex::nocode", FALSE));
+static SV *sv_soundex_utf8 (SV* source)
+ U8 *source_p;
+ U8 *source_end;
+ {
+ STRLEN source_len;
+ source_p = (U8 *) SvPV(source, source_len);
+ source_end = &source_p[source_len];
+ }
+ while (source_p < source_end)
+ {
+ STRLEN offset;
+ UV c = utf8n_to_uvchr(source_p, source_end-source_p, &offset, 0);
+ char codepart_last = (c <= 0xFF) ? sv_soundex_table[c] : '\0';
+ source_p = (offset >= 1) ? &source_p[offset] : source_end;
+ if (codepart_last != '\0')
+ {
+ char *code_p = SvPVX(code);
+ char *code_end = &code_p[SOUNDEX_ACCURACY];
+ SvPOK_only(code);
+ *code_p++ = toupper(c);
+ while (source_p != source_end && code_p != code_end)
+ {
+ char codepart;
+ c = utf8n_to_uvchr(source_p, source_end-source_p, &offset, 0);
+ codepart = (c <= 0xFF) ? sv_soundex_table[c] : '\0';
+ source_p = (offset >= 1) ? &source_p[offset] : source_end;
+ if (codepart != '\0')
+ if (codepart != codepart_last && (codepart_last = codepart) != '0')
+ *code_p++ = codepart;
+ }
+ while (code_p != code_end)
+ *code_p++ = '0';
+ *code_end = '\0';
+ return code;
+ }
+ source_p++;
+ }
+ return SvREFCNT_inc(perl_get_sv("Text::Soundex::nocode", FALSE));
+MODULE = Text::Soundex PACKAGE = Text::Soundex
+soundex_xs (...)
+ sv_soundex_initialize();
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < items; i++)
+ {
+ SV *sv = ST(i);
+ if (DO_UTF8(sv))
+ sv = sv_soundex_utf8(sv);
+ else
+ sv = sv_soundex(sv);
+ PUSHs(sv_2mortal(sv));
+ }
diff --git a/cpan/Text-Soundex/t/Soundex.t b/cpan/Text-Soundex/t/Soundex.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a48fb4abe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Text-Soundex/t/Soundex.t
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# $Id: soundex.t,v 1.2 1994/03/24 00:30:27 mike Exp $
+# test module for
+# $Log: soundex.t,v $
+# Revision 1.2 1994/03/24 00:30:27 mike
+# Subtle bug (any excuse :-) spotted by Rich Pinder <>
+# in the way I handles leasing characters which were different but had
+# the same soundex code. This showed up comparing it with Oracle's
+# soundex output.
+# Revision 1.1 1994/03/02 13:03:02 mike
+# Initial revision
+use Text::Soundex;
+$test = 0;
+print "1..13\n";
+while (<DATA>)
+ chop;
+ next if /^\s*;?#/;
+ next if /^\s*$/;
+ ++$test;
+ $bad = 0;
+ if (/^eval\s+/)
+ {
+ ($try = $_) =~ s/^eval\s+//;
+ eval ($try);
+ if ($@)
+ {
+ $bad++;
+ print "not ok $test\n";
+ print "# eval '$try' returned $@";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (/^\(/)
+ {
+ ($in, $out) = split (':');
+ $try = "\@expect = $out; \@got = &soundex $in;";
+ eval ($try);
+ if (@expect != @got)
+ {
+ $bad++;
+ print "not ok $test\n";
+ print "# expected ", scalar @expect, " results, got ", scalar @got, "\n";
+ print "# expected (", join (', ', @expect),
+ ") got (", join (', ', @got), ")\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (@got)
+ {
+ $expect = shift @expect;
+ $got = shift @got;
+ if ($expect ne $got)
+ {
+ $bad++;
+ print "not ok $test\n";
+ print "# expected $expect, got $got\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ($in, $out) = split (':');
+ $try = "\$expect = $out; \$got = &soundex ($in);";
+ eval ($try);
+ if ($expect ne $got)
+ {
+ $bad++;
+ print "not ok $test\n";
+ print "# expected $expect, got $got\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print "ok $test\n" unless $bad;
+# 1..6
+# Knuth's test cases, scalar in, scalar out
+# 7..8
+# check default bad code
+'2 + 2 = 4':undef
+# 9
+# check array in, array out
+('Ellery', 'Ghosh', 'Heilbronn', 'Kant', 'Ladd', 'Lissajous'):('E460', 'G200', 'H416', 'K530', 'L300', 'L222')
+# 10
+# check array with explicit undef
+('Mike', undef, 'Stok'):('M200', undef, 'S320')
+# 11..12
+# check setting $Text::Soundex::noCode
+eval $soundex_nocode = 'Z000';
+('Mike', undef, 'Stok'):('M200', 'Z000', 'S320')
+# 13
+# a subtle difference between me & oracle, spotted by Rich Pinder
+# <>