path: root/cpan
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authorNicholas Clark <>2009-10-11 10:19:03 +0100
committerNicholas Clark <>2009-10-11 10:19:03 +0100
commit440f0407a5bf0dfc606fccdbfe0f3384856f264b (patch)
tree4122af34cbd72baecf6cb3e1628ff79ae8c385dc /cpan
parent07d75553cc77dd505d79c3054ee5e577d544e490 (diff)
Exclude CGI/t/fast.t from the core, as it relies on FCGI, which is not in core.
Whilst the test is designed to skip if FCGI is not present, that logic is now broken, and even if it were fixed, the as-implemented skip count is now wrong. We're never going to run this test, as core tests run with just the core's libraries in @INC, so I see no reason to ship it.
Diffstat (limited to 'cpan')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/cpan/CGI/t/fast.t b/cpan/CGI/t/fast.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 355ec82073..0000000000
--- a/cpan/CGI/t/fast.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#!./perl -w
-my $fcgi;
- local $@;
- eval { require FCGI };
- $fcgi = $@ ? 0 : 1;
-use Test::More tests => 10;
-# Shut up "used only once" warnings.
-() = $CGI::Q;
-() = $CGI::Fast::Ext_Request;
-SKIP: {
- skip( 'FCGI not installed, cannot continue', 7 ) unless $fcgi;
- use CGI::Fast;
- ok( my $q = CGI::Fast->new(), 'created new CGI::Fast object' );
- is( $q, $CGI::Q, 'checking to see if the object was stored properly' );
- is( $q->param(), (), 'no params' );
- ok( $q = CGI::Fast->new({ foo => 'bar' }), 'creating object with params' );
- is( $q->param('foo'), 'bar', 'checking passed param' );
- # if this is false, the package var will be empty
- is( $CGI::Fast::Ext_Request, undef, 'checking no active request' );
- is($CGI::PRIVATE_TEMPFILES,0, "reality check default value for CGI::PRIVATE_TEMPFILES");
- import CGI::Fast '-private_tempfiles';
- CGI::Fast->new;
- is($CGI::PRIVATE_TEMPFILES,1, "pragma in subclass set package variable in parent class. ");
- $q = CGI::Fast->new({ a => 1 });
- ok($q, "reality check: something was returned from CGI::Fast->new besides undef");
- is($CGI::PRIVATE_TEMPFILES,1, "package variable in parent class persists through multiple calls to CGI::Fast->new ");