path: root/cpan
diff options
authorNicholas Clark <>2009-09-26 10:31:05 +0100
committerNicholas Clark <>2009-09-26 10:31:05 +0100
commitcf5f4b29b16bfa18f01a9cdb618a7ea76890b80b (patch)
tree68b90c8e3aee5336f256772d6c516a8f048c4aed /cpan
parent4234ebd9a0ef45b17e00dd4cc8b1cd74492ec3e9 (diff)
Move CPANPLUS::Dist::Build from ext/ to cpan/
Diffstat (limited to 'cpan')
-rw-r--r--cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/dummy-CPAN/authors/01mailrc.txt.gzbin0 -> 180 bytes
-rw-r--r--cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/dummy-CPAN/modules/02packages.details.txt.gzbin0 -> 471 bytes
-rw-r--r--cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/dummy-CPAN/modules/ -> 583 bytes
-rw-r--r--cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/src/noxs/Foo-Bar-0.01.tar.gzbin0 -> 867 bytes
-rw-r--r--cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/src/xs/Foo-Bar-0.01.tar.gzbin0 -> 1541 bytes
11 files changed, 1480 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/ b/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a42e10ac3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/
@@ -0,0 +1,826 @@
+package CPANPLUS::Dist::Build;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use vars qw[@ISA $STATUS $VERSION];
+@ISA = qw[CPANPLUS::Dist];
+use CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants;
+### these constants were exported by CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants
+### in previous versions.. they do the same though. If we want to have
+### a normal 'use' here, up the dependency to CPANPLUS 0.056 or higher
+ require CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants;
+ CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants->import()
+ if not __PACKAGE__->can('BUILD') && __PACKAGE__->can('BUILD_DIR');
+use CPANPLUS::Error;
+use Config;
+use FileHandle;
+use Cwd;
+use version;
+use IPC::Cmd qw[run];
+use Params::Check qw[check];
+use Module::Load::Conditional qw[can_load check_install];
+use Locale::Maketext::Simple Class => 'CPANPLUS', Style => 'gettext';
+local $Params::Check::VERBOSE = 1;
+$VERSION = '0.40';
+=head1 NAME
+CPANPLUS::Dist::Build - CPANPLUS plugin to install packages that use Build.PL
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my $build = CPANPLUS::Dist->new(
+ format => 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build',
+ module => $modobj,
+ );
+ $build->prepare; # runs Build.PL
+ $build->create; # runs build && build test
+ $build->install; # runs build install
+C<CPANPLUS::Dist::Build> is a distribution class for C<Module::Build>
+related modules.
+Using this package, you can create, install and uninstall perl
+modules. It inherits from C<CPANPLUS::Dist>.
+Normal users won't have to worry about the interface to this module,
+as it functions transparently as a plug-in to C<CPANPLUS> and will
+just C<Do The Right Thing> when it's loaded.
+=over 4
+=item C<parent()>
+Returns the C<CPANPLUS::Module> object that parented this object.
+=item C<status()>
+Returns the C<Object::Accessor> object that keeps the status for
+this module.
+All accessors can be accessed as follows:
+ $build->status->ACCESSOR
+=over 4
+=item C<build_pl ()>
+Location of the Build file.
+Set to 0 explicitly if something went wrong.
+=item C<build ()>
+BOOL indicating if the C<Build> command was successful.
+=item C<test ()>
+BOOL indicating if the C<Build test> command was successful.
+=item C<prepared ()>
+BOOL indicating if the C<prepare> call exited succesfully
+This gets set after C<perl Build.PL>
+=item C<distdir ()>
+Full path to the directory in which the C<prepare> call took place,
+set after a call to C<prepare>.
+=item C<created ()>
+BOOL indicating if the C<create> call exited succesfully. This gets
+set after C<Build> and C<Build test>.
+=item C<installed ()>
+BOOL indicating if the module was installed. This gets set after
+C<Build install> exits successfully.
+=item uninstalled ()
+BOOL indicating if the module was uninstalled properly.
+=item C<_create_args ()>
+Storage of the arguments passed to C<create> for this object. Used
+for recursive calls when satisfying prerequisites.
+=item C<_install_args ()>
+Storage of the arguments passed to C<install> for this object. Used
+for recursive calls when satisfying prerequisites.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 $bool = CPANPLUS::Dist::Build->format_available();
+Returns a boolean indicating whether or not you can use this package
+to create and install modules in your environment.
+### check if the format is available ###
+sub format_available {
+ my $mod = "Module::Build";
+ unless( can_load( modules => { $mod => '0.2611' } ) ) {
+ error( loc( "You do not have '%1' -- '%2' not available",
+ $mod, __PACKAGE__ ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ return 1;
+=head2 $bool = $dist->init();
+Sets up the C<CPANPLUS::Dist::Build> object for use.
+Effectively creates all the needed status accessors.
+Called automatically whenever you create a new C<CPANPLUS::Dist> object.
+sub init {
+ my $dist = shift;
+ my $status = $dist->status;
+ $status->mk_accessors(qw[build_pl build test created installed uninstalled
+ _create_args _install_args _prepare_args
+ _mb_object _buildflags
+ ]);
+ ### just in case 'format_available' didn't get called
+ require Module::Build;
+ return 1;
+=head2 $bool = $dist->prepare([perl => '/path/to/perl', buildflags => 'EXTRA=FLAGS', force => BOOL, verbose => BOOL])
+C<prepare> prepares a distribution, running C<Build.PL>
+and establishing any prerequisites this
+distribution has.
+The variable C<PERL5_CPANPLUS_IS_EXECUTING> will be set to the full path
+of the C<Build.PL> that is being executed. This enables any code inside
+the C<Build.PL> to know that it is being installed via CPANPLUS.
+After a succcesfull C<prepare> you may call C<create> to create the
+distribution, followed by C<install> to actually install it.
+Returns true on success and false on failure.
+sub prepare {
+ ### just in case you already did a create call for this module object
+ ### just via a different dist object
+ my $dist = shift;
+ my $self = $dist->parent;
+ ### we're also the cpan_dist, since we don't need to have anything
+ ### prepared from another installer
+ $dist = $self->status->dist_cpan if $self->status->dist_cpan;
+ $self->status->dist_cpan( $dist ) unless $self->status->dist_cpan;
+ my $cb = $self->parent;
+ my $conf = $cb->configure_object;
+ my %hash = @_;
+ my $dir;
+ unless( $dir = $self->status->extract ) {
+ error( loc( "No dir found to operate on!" ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ my $args;
+ my( $force, $verbose, $buildflags, $perl, $prereq_target, $prereq_format,
+ $prereq_build );
+ { local $Params::Check::ALLOW_UNKNOWN = 1;
+ my $tmpl = {
+ force => { default => $conf->get_conf('force'),
+ store => \$force },
+ verbose => { default => $conf->get_conf('verbose'),
+ store => \$verbose },
+ perl => { default => $^X, store => \$perl },
+ buildflags => { default => $conf->get_conf('buildflags'),
+ store => \$buildflags },
+ prereq_target => { default => '', store => \$prereq_target },
+ prereq_format => { default => '',
+ store => \$prereq_format },
+ prereq_build => { default => 0, store => \$prereq_build },
+ };
+ $args = check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;
+ }
+ return 1 if $dist->status->prepared && !$force;
+ $dist->status->_prepare_args( $args );
+ ### chdir to work directory ###
+ my $orig = cwd();
+ unless( $cb->_chdir( dir => $dir ) ) {
+ error( loc( "Could not chdir to build directory '%1'", $dir ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ ### by now we've loaded module::build, and we're using the API, so
+ ### it's safe to remove CPANPLUS::inc from our inc path, especially
+ ### because it can trip up tests run under taint (just like EU::MM).
+ ### turn off our PERL5OPT so no modules from CPANPLUS::inc get
+ ### included in make test -- it should build without.
+ ### also, modules that run in taint mode break if we leave
+ ### our code ref in perl5opt
+ ### XXX we've removed the ENV settings from cp::inc, so only need
+ ### to reset the @INC
+ #local $ENV{PERL5OPT} = CPANPLUS::inc->original_perl5opt;
+ #local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = CPANPLUS::inc->original_perl5lib;
+ #local @INC = CPANPLUS::inc->original_inc;
+ ### this will generate warnings under anything lower than M::B 0.2606
+ my @buildflags = $dist->_buildflags_as_list( $buildflags );
+ $dist->status->_buildflags( $buildflags );
+ my $fail;
+ RUN: {
+ # 0.85_01
+ ### we resolve 'configure requires' here, so we can run the 'perl
+ ### Makefile.PL' command
+ ### XXX for tests: mock f_c_r to something that *can* resolve and
+ ### something that *doesnt* resolve. Check the error log for ok
+ ### on this step or failure
+ ### XXX make a seperate tarball to test for this scenario: simply
+ ### containing a for test purposes?
+ my $safe_ver = version->new('0.85_01');
+ if ( version->new($CPANPLUS::Internals::VERSION) >= $safe_ver )
+ { my $configure_requires = $dist->find_configure_requires;
+ my $ok = $dist->_resolve_prereqs(
+ format => $prereq_format,
+ verbose => $verbose,
+ prereqs => $configure_requires,
+ target => $prereq_target,
+ force => $force,
+ prereq_build => $prereq_build,
+ );
+ unless( $ok ) {
+ #### use $dist->flush to reset the cache ###
+ error( loc( "Unable to satisfy '%1' for '%2' " .
+ "-- aborting install",
+ 'configure_requires', $self->module ) );
+ $dist->status->prepared(0);
+ $fail++;
+ last RUN;
+ }
+ ### end of prereq resolving ###
+ }
+ # Wrap the exception that may be thrown here (should likely be
+ # done at a much higher level).
+ my $prep_output;
+ local $ENV{$env} = BUILD_PL->( $dir );
+ my $run_perl = $conf->get_program('perlwrapper');
+ my $cmd = [$perl, $run_perl, BUILD_PL->($dir), @buildflags];
+ unless ( scalar run( command => $cmd,
+ buffer => \$prep_output,
+ verbose => $verbose )
+ ) {
+ error( loc( "Build.PL failed: %1", $prep_output ) );
+ $fail++; last RUN;
+ }
+ msg( $prep_output, 0 );
+ my $prereqs = $self->status->prereqs;
+ $prereqs ||= $dist->_find_prereqs( verbose => $verbose,
+ dir => $dir,
+ perl => $perl,
+ buildflags => $buildflags );
+ }
+ ### send out test report? ###
+ if( $fail and $conf->get_conf('cpantest') ) {
+ $cb->_send_report(
+ module => $self,
+ failed => $fail,
+ buffer => CPANPLUS::Error->stack_as_string,
+ verbose => $verbose,
+ force => $force,
+ ) or error(loc("Failed to send test report for '%1'",
+ $self->module ) );
+ }
+ unless( $cb->_chdir( dir => $orig ) ) {
+ error( loc( "Could not chdir back to start dir '%1'", $orig ) );
+ }
+ ### save where we wrote this stuff -- same as extract dir in normal
+ ### installer circumstances
+ $dist->status->distdir( $self->status->extract );
+ return $dist->status->prepared( $fail ? 0 : 1 );
+sub _find_prereqs {
+ my $dist = shift;
+ my $self = $dist->parent;
+ my $cb = $self->parent;
+ my $conf = $cb->configure_object;
+ my %hash = @_;
+ my ($verbose, $dir, $buildflags, $perl);
+ my $tmpl = {
+ verbose => { default => $conf->get_conf('verbose'), store => \$verbose },
+ dir => { default => $self->status->extract, store => \$dir },
+ perl => { default => $^X, store => \$perl },
+ buildflags => { default => $conf->get_conf('buildflags'),
+ store => \$buildflags },
+ };
+ my $args = check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;
+ my $prereqs = {};
+ my $safe_ver = version->new('0.31_03');
+ my $content;
+ if ( version->new( $Module::Build::VERSION ) >= $safe_ver and IPC::Cmd->can_capture_buffer ) {
+ my @buildflags = $dist->_buildflags_as_list( $buildflags );
+ # Use the new Build action 'prereq_data'
+ my $run_perl = $conf->get_program('perlwrapper');
+ unless ( scalar run( command => [$perl, $run_perl, BUILD->($dir), 'prereq_data', @buildflags],
+ buffer => \$content,
+ verbose => 0 )
+ ) {
+ error( loc( "Build 'prereq_data' failed: %1 %2", $!, $content ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my $file = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, '_build', 'prereqs' );
+ return unless -f $file;
+ my $fh = FileHandle->new();
+ unless( $fh->open( $file ) ) {
+ error( loc( "Cannot open '%1': %2", $file, $! ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ $content = do { local $/; <$fh> };
+ }
+ return unless $content;
+ my $bphash = eval $content;
+ return unless $bphash and ref $bphash eq 'HASH';
+ foreach my $type ('requires', 'build_requires') {
+ next unless $bphash->{$type} and ref $bphash->{$type} eq 'HASH';
+ $prereqs->{$_} = $bphash->{$type}->{$_} for keys %{ $bphash->{$type} };
+ }
+ # Temporary fix
+ delete $prereqs->{'perl'};
+ ### allows for a user defined callback to filter the prerequisite
+ ### list as they see fit, to remove (or add) any prereqs they see
+ ### fit. The default installed callback will return the hashref in
+ ### an unmodified form
+ ### this callback got added after cpanplus 0.0562, so use a 'can'
+ ### to find out if it's supported. For older versions, we'll just
+ ### return the hashref as is ourselves.
+ my $href = $cb->_callbacks->can('filter_prereqs')
+ ? $cb->_callbacks->filter_prereqs->( $cb, $prereqs )
+ : $prereqs;
+ $self->status->prereqs( $href );
+ ### make sure it's not the same ref
+ return { %$href };
+=head2 $dist->create([perl => '/path/to/perl', buildflags => 'EXTRA=FLAGS', prereq_target => TARGET, force => BOOL, verbose => BOOL, skiptest => BOOL])
+C<create> preps a distribution for installation. This means it will
+run C<Build> and C<Build test>.
+This will also satisfy any prerequisites the module may have.
+If you set C<skiptest> to true, it will skip the C<Build test> stage.
+If you set C<force> to true, it will go over all the stages of the
+C<Build> process again, ignoring any previously cached results. It
+will also ignore a bad return value from C<Build test> and still allow
+the operation to return true.
+Returns true on success and false on failure.
+You may then call C<< $dist->install >> on the object to actually
+install it.
+sub create {
+ ### just in case you already did a create call for this module object
+ ### just via a different dist object
+ my $dist = shift;
+ my $self = $dist->parent;
+ ### we're also the cpan_dist, since we don't need to have anything
+ ### prepared from another installer
+ $dist = $self->status->dist_cpan if $self->status->dist_cpan;
+ $self->status->dist_cpan( $dist ) unless $self->status->dist_cpan;
+ my $cb = $self->parent;
+ my $conf = $cb->configure_object;
+ my %hash = @_;
+ my $dir;
+ unless( $dir = $self->status->extract ) {
+ error( loc( "No dir found to operate on!" ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ my $args;
+ my( $force, $verbose, $buildflags, $skiptest, $prereq_target,
+ $perl, $prereq_format, $prereq_build);
+ { local $Params::Check::ALLOW_UNKNOWN = 1;
+ my $tmpl = {
+ force => { default => $conf->get_conf('force'),
+ store => \$force },
+ verbose => { default => $conf->get_conf('verbose'),
+ store => \$verbose },
+ perl => { default => $^X, store => \$perl },
+ buildflags => { default => $conf->get_conf('buildflags'),
+ store => \$buildflags },
+ skiptest => { default => $conf->get_conf('skiptest'),
+ store => \$skiptest },
+ prereq_target => { default => '', store => \$prereq_target },
+ ### don't set the default format to 'build' -- that is wrong!
+ prereq_format => { #default => $self->status->installer_type,
+ default => '',
+ store => \$prereq_format },
+ prereq_build => { default => 0, store => \$prereq_build },
+ };
+ $args = check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;
+ }
+ # restore the state as we have created this already.
+ if ( $dist->status->created && !$force ) {
+ ### add this directory to your lib ###
+ $self->add_to_includepath();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ $dist->status->_create_args( $args );
+ ### is this dist prepared?
+ unless( $dist->status->prepared ) {
+ error( loc( "You have not successfully prepared a '%2' distribution ".
+ "yet -- cannot create yet", __PACKAGE__ ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ ### chdir to work directory ###
+ my $orig = cwd();
+ unless( $cb->_chdir( dir => $dir ) ) {
+ error( loc( "Could not chdir to build directory '%1'", $dir ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ ### by now we've loaded module::build, and we're using the API, so
+ ### it's safe to remove CPANPLUS::inc from our inc path, especially
+ ### because it can trip up tests run under taint (just like EU::MM).
+ ### turn off our PERL5OPT so no modules from CPANPLUS::inc get
+ ### included in make test -- it should build without.
+ ### also, modules that run in taint mode break if we leave
+ ### our code ref in perl5opt
+ ### XXX we've removed the ENV settings from cp::inc, so only need
+ ### to reset the @INC
+ #local $ENV{PERL5OPT} = CPANPLUS::inc->original_perl5opt;
+ #local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = CPANPLUS::inc->original_perl5lib;
+ #local @INC = CPANPLUS::inc->original_inc;
+ ### but do it *before* the new_from_context, as M::B seems
+ ### to be actually running the file...
+ ### an unshift in the block seems to be ignored.. somehow...
+ #{ my $lib = $self->best_path_to_module_build;
+ # unshift @INC, $lib if $lib;
+ #}
+ unshift @INC, $self->best_path_to_module_build
+ if $self->best_path_to_module_build;
+ ### this will generate warnings under anything lower than M::B 0.2606
+ my @buildflags = $dist->_buildflags_as_list( $buildflags );
+ $dist->status->_buildflags( $buildflags );
+ my $fail; my $prereq_fail; my $test_fail;
+ RUN: {
+ my $run_perl = $conf->get_program('perlwrapper');
+ ### this will set the directory back to the start
+ ### dir, so we must chdir /again/
+ my $ok = $dist->_resolve_prereqs(
+ force => $force,
+ format => $prereq_format,
+ verbose => $verbose,
+ prereqs => $self->status->prereqs,
+ target => $prereq_target,
+ prereq_build => $prereq_build,
+ );
+ unless( $cb->_chdir( dir => $dir ) ) {
+ error( loc( "Could not chdir to build directory '%1'", $dir ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ unless( $ok ) {
+ #### use $dist->flush to reset the cache ###
+ error( loc( "Unable to satisfy prerequisites for '%1' " .
+ "-- aborting install", $self->module ) );
+ $dist->status->build(0);
+ $fail++; $prereq_fail++;
+ last RUN;
+ }
+ my ($captured, $cmd);
+ if ( ON_VMS ) {
+ $cmd = [$perl, BUILD->($dir), @buildflags];
+ }
+ else {
+ $cmd = [$perl, $run_perl, BUILD->($dir), @buildflags];
+ }
+ unless ( scalar run( command => $cmd,
+ buffer => \$captured,
+ verbose => $verbose )
+ ) {
+ error( loc( "MAKE failed:\n%1", $captured ) );
+ $dist->status->build(0);
+ $fail++; last RUN;
+ }
+ msg( $captured, 0 );
+ $dist->status->build(1);
+ ### add this directory to your lib ###
+ $self->add_to_includepath();
+ ### this buffer will not include what tests failed due to a
+ ### M::B/Test::Harness bug. Reported as #9793 with patch
+ ### against 0.2607 on 26/1/2005
+ unless( $skiptest ) {
+ my $test_output;
+ if ( ON_VMS ) {
+ $cmd = [$perl, BUILD->($dir), "test", @buildflags];
+ }
+ else {
+ $cmd = [$perl, $run_perl, BUILD->($dir), "test", @buildflags];
+ }
+ unless ( scalar run( command => $cmd,
+ buffer => \$test_output,
+ verbose => $verbose )
+ ) {
+ error( loc( "MAKE TEST failed:\n%1 ", $test_output ) );
+ ### mark specifically *test* failure.. so we dont
+ ### send success on force...
+ $test_fail++;
+ if( !$force and !$cb->_callbacks->proceed_on_test_failure->(
+ $self, $@ )
+ ) {
+ $dist->status->test(0);
+ $fail++; last RUN;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ msg( loc( "MAKE TEST passed:\n%1", $test_output ), 0 );
+ #msg( $test_output, 0 );
+ $dist->status->test(1);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ msg(loc("Tests skipped"), $verbose);
+ }
+ }
+ unless( $cb->_chdir( dir => $orig ) ) {
+ error( loc( "Could not chdir back to start dir '%1'", $orig ) );
+ }
+ ### send out test report? ###
+ if( $conf->get_conf('cpantest') and not $prereq_fail ) {
+ $cb->_send_report(
+ module => $self,
+ failed => $test_fail || $fail,
+ buffer => CPANPLUS::Error->stack_as_string,
+ verbose => $verbose,
+ force => $force,
+ tests_skipped => $skiptest,
+ ) or error(loc("Failed to send test report for '%1'",
+ $self->module ) );
+ }
+ return $dist->status->created( $fail ? 0 : 1 );
+=head2 $dist->install([verbose => BOOL, perl => /path/to/perl])
+Actually installs the created dist.
+Returns true on success and false on failure.
+sub install {
+ ### just in case you already did a create call for this module object
+ ### just via a different dist object
+ my $dist = shift;
+ my $self = $dist->parent;
+ ### we're also the cpan_dist, since we don't need to have anything
+ ### prepared from another installer
+ $dist = $self->status->dist_cpan if $self->status->dist_cpan;
+ my $cb = $self->parent;
+ my $conf = $cb->configure_object;
+ my %hash = @_;
+ my $verbose; my $perl; my $force; my $buildflags;
+ { local $Params::Check::ALLOW_UNKNOWN = 1;
+ my $tmpl = {
+ verbose => { default => $conf->get_conf('verbose'),
+ store => \$verbose },
+ force => { default => $conf->get_conf('force'),
+ store => \$force },
+ buildflags => { default => $conf->get_conf('buildflags'),
+ store => \$buildflags },
+ perl => { default => $^X, store => \$perl },
+ };
+ my $args = check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;
+ $dist->status->_install_args( $args );
+ }
+ my $dir;
+ unless( $dir = $self->status->extract ) {
+ error( loc( "No dir found to operate on!" ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ my $orig = cwd();
+ unless( $cb->_chdir( dir => $dir ) ) {
+ error( loc( "Could not chdir to build directory '%1'", $dir ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ ### value set and false -- means failure ###
+ if( defined $self->status->installed &&
+ !$self->status->installed && !$force
+ ) {
+ error( loc( "Module '%1' has failed to install before this session " .
+ "-- aborting install", $self->module ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ my $fail;
+ my @buildflags = $dist->_buildflags_as_list( $buildflags );
+ my $run_perl = $conf->get_program('perlwrapper');
+ ### hmm, how is this going to deal with sudo?
+ ### for now, check effective uid, if it's not root,
+ ### shell out, otherwise use the method
+ if( $> ) {
+ ### don't worry about loading the right version of M::B anymore
+ ### the 'new_from_context' already added the 'right' path to
+ ### M::B at the top of the
+ my $cmd;
+ if ( ON_VMS ) {
+ $cmd = [$perl, BUILD->($dir), "install", @buildflags];
+ }
+ else {
+ $cmd = [$perl, $run_perl, BUILD->($dir), "install", @buildflags];
+ }
+ my $sudo = $conf->get_program('sudo');
+ unshift @$cmd, $sudo if $sudo;
+ my $buffer;
+ unless( scalar run( command => $cmd,
+ buffer => \$buffer,
+ verbose => $verbose )
+ ) {
+ error(loc("Could not run '%1': %2", 'Build install', $buffer));
+ $fail++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ my ($install_output, $cmd);
+ if ( ON_VMS ) {
+ $cmd = [$perl, BUILD->($dir), "install", @buildflags];
+ }
+ else {
+ $cmd = [$perl, $run_perl, BUILD->($dir), "install", @buildflags];
+ }
+ unless( scalar run( command => $cmd,
+ buffer => \$install_output,
+ verbose => $verbose )
+ ) {
+ error(loc("Could not run '%1': %2", 'Build install', $install_output));
+ $fail++;
+ }
+ else {
+ msg( $install_output, 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ unless( $cb->_chdir( dir => $orig ) ) {
+ error( loc( "Could not chdir back to start dir '%1'", $orig ) );
+ }
+ return $dist->status->installed( $fail ? 0 : 1 );
+### returns the string 'foo=bar --zot quux'
+### as the list 'foo=bar', '--zot', 'qux'
+sub _buildflags_as_list {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $flags = shift or return;
+ return Module::Build->split_like_shell($flags);
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Originally by Jos Boumans E<lt>kane@cpan.orgE<gt>. Brought to working
+condition by Ken Williams E<lt>kwilliams@cpan.orgE<gt>.
+Other hackery and currently maintained by Chris C<BinGOs> Williams ( no relation ). E<lt>bingos@cpan.orgE<gt>.
+=head1 LICENSE
+The CPAN++ interface (of which this module is a part of) is
+copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Jos Boumans E<lt>kane@cpan.orgE<gt>.
+All rights reserved.
+This library is free software;
+you may redistribute and/or modify it under the same
+terms as Perl itself.
+qq[Putting the Module::Build into CPANPLUS];
+# Local variables:
+# c-indentation-style: bsd
+# c-basic-offset: 4
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
+# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:
diff --git a/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Build/ b/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Build/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c04c247c6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/lib/CPANPLUS/Dist/Build/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+package CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Spec;
+ require Exporter;
+ use vars qw[$VERSION @ISA @EXPORT];
+ $VERSION = '0.40';
+ @ISA = qw[Exporter];
+use constant BUILD_DIR => sub { return @_
+ ? File::Spec->catdir($_[0], '_build')
+ : '_build';
+ };
+use constant BUILD => sub { my $file = @_
+ ? File::Spec->catfile($_[0], 'Build')
+ : 'Build';
+ ### on VMS, '.com' is appended when
+ ### creating the Build file
+ $file .= '.com' if $^O eq 'VMS';
+ return $file;
+ };
+=head1 NAME
+CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants - Constants for CPANPLUS::Dist::Build
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants;
+CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants provides some constants required by L<CPANPLUS::Dist::Build>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Originally by Jos Boumans E<lt>kane@cpan.orgE<gt>. Brought to working
+condition and currently maintained by Ken Williams E<lt>kwilliams@cpan.orgE<gt>.
+=head1 LICENSE
+The CPAN++ interface (of which this module is a part of) is
+copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Jos Boumans E<lt>kane@cpan.orgE<gt>.
+All rights reserved.
+This library is free software;
+you may redistribute and/or modify it under the same
+terms as Perl itself.
+# Local variables:
+# c-indentation-style: bsd
+# c-basic-offset: 4
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
+# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:
diff --git a/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/01_CPANPLUS-Dist-Build-Constants.t b/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/01_CPANPLUS-Dist-Build-Constants.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1be08473d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/01_CPANPLUS-Dist-Build-Constants.t
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+### make sure we can find our file
+ use FindBin;
+ require "$FindBin::Bin/inc/";
+BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't' };
+### this is to make devel::cover happy ###
+ use File::Spec;
+ require lib;
+ for (qw[../lib inc]) {
+ my $l = 'lib'; $l->import(File::Spec->rel2abs($_))
+ }
+use strict;
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+my $Class = 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build::Constants';
+use_ok( $Class );
+for my $name ( qw[BUILD BUILD_DIR] ) {
+ my $sub = $Class->can( $name );
+ ok( $sub, "$Class can $name" );
+ ok( $sub->(), " $name called OK" );
diff --git a/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/02_CPANPLUS-Dist-Build.t b/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/02_CPANPLUS-Dist-Build.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23f939831c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/02_CPANPLUS-Dist-Build.t
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+### make sure we can find our file
+ use FindBin;
+ require "$FindBin::Bin/inc/";
+use strict;
+use CPANPLUS::Configure;
+use CPANPLUS::Backend;
+use CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants;
+use CPANPLUS::Module::Fake;
+use CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake;
+use Config;
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+use File::Basename qw[basename];
+use Data::Dumper;
+use IPC::Cmd 'can_run';
+$SIG{__WARN__} = sub {warn @_ unless @_ && $_[0] =~ /redefined|isn't numeric/};
+# Load these two modules in advance, even though they would be
+# auto-loaded, because we want to override some of their subs.
+use ExtUtils::Packlist;
+use ExtUtils::Installed;
+my $Class = 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build';
+my $Utils = 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils';
+my $Have_CC = can_run($Config{'cc'} )? 1 : 0;
+my $Usedl = $Config{usedl} ? 1 : 0;
+my $Lib = File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->catdir( qw[dummy-perl] ));
+my $Src = File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->catdir( qw[src] ));
+my $Verbose = @ARGV ? 1 : 0;
+my $Conf = gimme_conf();
+my $CB = CPANPLUS::Backend->new( $Conf );
+#$Conf->set_conf( base => 'dummy-cpanplus' );
+#$Conf->set_conf( dist_type => '' );
+#$Conf->set_conf( verbose => $Verbose );
+#$Conf->set_conf( signature => 0 );
+### running tests will mess with the test output so skip 'm
+#$Conf->set_conf( skiptest => 1 );
+### create a fake object, so we don't use the actual module tree
+### make sure to add dslip data, so CPANPLUS doesn't try to find
+### it in another module in the package, for which it needs the
+### module tree
+my $Mod = CPANPLUS::Module::Fake->new(
+ module => 'Foo::Bar',
+ path => 'src',
+ author => CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake->new,
+ package => 'Foo-Bar-0.01.tar.gz',
+ dslip => 'RdpO?',
+ );
+### dmq tells us that we should run with /nologo
+### if using nmake, as it's very noise otherwise.
+### XXX copied from CPANPLUS' test include file!
+{ my $make = $Conf->get_program('make');
+ if( $make and basename($make) =~ /^nmake/i and
+ $make !~ m|/nologo|
+ ) {
+ $make .= ' /nologo';
+ $Conf->set_program( make => $make );
+ }
+ # path, cc needed?
+my %Map = ( noxs => 0,
+ xs => 1
+ );
+### Disable certain possible settings, so we dont accidentally
+### touch anything outside our sandbox
+ ### set buildflags to install in our dummy perl dir
+ $Conf->set_conf( buildflags => "install_base=$Lib" );
+ ### don't start sending test reports now... ###
+ $CB->_callbacks->send_test_report( sub { 0 } );
+ $Conf->set_conf( cpantest => 0 );
+ ### we dont need sudo -- we're installing in our own sandbox now
+ $Conf->set_program( sudo => undef );
+use_ok( $Class );
+ok( $Class->format_available, "Format is available" );
+while( my($path,$need_cc) = each %Map ) {
+ my $mod = $Mod->clone;
+ ok( $mod, "Module object created for '$path'" );
+ ### set the fetch location -- it's local
+ { my $where = File::Spec->rel2abs(
+ File::Spec->catfile( $Src, $path, $mod->package )
+ );
+ $mod->status->fetch( $where );
+ ok( -e $where, " Tarball '$where' exists" );
+ }
+ ok( $mod->prepare, " Preparing module" );
+ ok( $mod->status->dist_cpan,
+ " Dist registered as status" );
+ isa_ok( $mod->status->dist_cpan, $Class );
+ ok( $mod->status->dist_cpan->status->prepared,
+ " Prepared status registered" );
+ is( $mod->status->dist_cpan->status->distdir, $mod->status->extract,
+ " Distdir status registered properly" );
+ is( $mod->status->installer_type, INSTALLER_BUILD,
+ " Proper installer type found" );
+ ### we might not have a C compiler
+ SKIP: {
+ skip("Perl wasn't built with support for dynamic loading " .
+ "-- skipping compile tests", 5) unless $Usedl;
+ skip("The CC compiler listed in is not available " .
+ "-- skipping compile tests", 5) if $need_cc && !$Have_CC;
+ skip("Module::Build is not compiled with C support ".
+ "-- skipping compile tests", 5)
+ unless eval { require Module::Build::ConfigData;
+ Module::Build::ConfigData->feature('C_support') };
+ ok( $mod->create( ), "Creating module" );
+ ok( $mod->status->dist_cpan->status->created,
+ " Created status registered" );
+ ### install tests
+ SKIP: {
+ skip("Install tests require Module::Build 0.2606 or higher", 2)
+ unless $Module::Build::VERSION >= '0.2606';
+ ### flush the lib cache
+ ### otherwise, cpanplus thinks the module's already installed
+ ### since the blib is already in @INC
+ $CB->_flush( list => [qw|lib|] );
+ ### force the install, make sure the Dist::Build->install()
+ ### sub gets called
+ ok( $mod->install( force => 1 ),
+ "Installing module" );
+ ok( $mod->status->installed,
+ " Status says module installed" );
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ my $minversion = 0.2609;
+ skip(qq[Uninstalling requires at least Module::Build $minversion], 1)
+ unless eval { Module::Build->VERSION($minversion); 1 };
+ # The installation directory actually needs to be in @INC
+ # in order to test uninstallation
+ { my $libdir = File::Spec->catdir($Lib, 'lib', 'perl5');
+ # is documented to require unix-style paths
+ $libdir = VMS::Filespec::unixify($libdir) if $^O eq 'VMS';
+ 'lib'->import( $libdir );
+ }
+ # EU::Installed and CP+::M are only capable of searching
+ # for modules in the core directories. We need to fake
+ # them out with our own subs here.
+ my $packlist = find_module($mod->name . '::.packlist');
+ ok $packlist, "Found packlist";
+ my $p = ExtUtils::Packlist->new($packlist);
+ ok keys(%$p) > 0, "Packlist contains entries";
+ local *CPANPLUS::Module::installed_version = sub {1};
+ local *CPANPLUS::Module::packlist = sub { [$p] };
+ local *ExtUtils::Installed::files = sub { keys %$p };
+ ok( $mod->uninstall,"Uninstalling module" );
+ }
+ }
+ ### throw away all the extracted stuff
+ $Utils->_rmdir( dir => $Conf->get_conf('base') );
+### test ENV setting while running Build.PL code
+SKIP: { ### use print() not die() -- we're redirecting STDERR in tests!
+ skip("Can't test ENV{$env} -- no buffers available")
+ unless IPC::Cmd->can_capture_buffer;
+ my $clone = $Mod->clone;
+ ok( $clone, 'Testing ENV settings $dist->prepare' );
+ $clone->status->fetch( File::Spec->catfile($Src, 'noxs', $clone->package) );
+ ok( $clone->extract, ' Files extracted' );
+ ### write our own Build.PL file
+ my $build_pl = BUILD_PL->( $clone->status->extract );
+ { my $fh = OPEN_FILE->( $build_pl, '>' );
+ print $fh "die qq[ENV=\$ENV{$env}\n];";
+ close $fh;
+ }
+ ok( -e $build_pl, " File exists" );
+ ### clear errors
+ CPANPLUS::Error->flush;
+ ### since we're die'ing in the Build.PL, localize
+ ### $CPANPLUS::Error::ERROR_FH and redirect to devnull
+ ### so we dont spam the result through the test
+ ### as this is expected behaviour after all.
+ my $rv = do {
+ local *CPANPLUS::Error::ERROR_FH;
+ open $CPANPLUS::Error::ERROR_FH, ">", File::Spec->devnull;
+ $clone->prepare( force => 1 )
+ };
+ ok( !$rv, ' $mod->prepare failed' );
+ my $re = quotemeta( $build_pl );
+ like( CPANPLUS::Error->stack_as_string, qr/ENV=$re/,
+ " \$ENV $env set correctly during execution");
+ ### and the ENV var should no longer be set now
+ ok( !$ENV{$env}, " ENV var now unset" );
+sub find_module {
+ my $module = shift;
+ ### Don't add the .pm yet, in case it's a packlist or something
+ ### like ExtUtils::xsubpp.
+ my $file = File::Spec->catfile( split m/::/, $module );
+ my $candidate;
+ foreach (@INC) {
+ if (-e ($candidate = File::Spec->catfile($_, $file))
+ or
+ -e ($candidate = File::Spec->catfile($_, "$"))
+ or
+ -e ($candidate = File::Spec->catfile($_, 'auto', $file))
+ or
+ -e ($candidate = File::Spec->catfile($_, 'auto', "$"))
+ or
+ -e ($candidate = File::Spec->catfile($_, $Config{archname},
+ 'auto', $file))
+ or
+ -e ($candidate = File::Spec->catfile($_, $Config{archname},
+ 'auto', "$"))) {
+ return $candidate;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+# Local variables:
+# c-indentation-style: bsd
+# c-basic-offset: 4
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
+# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:
diff --git a/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/dummy-CPAN/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz b/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/dummy-CPAN/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92716ebc1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/dummy-CPAN/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/dummy-CPAN/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz b/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/dummy-CPAN/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..898bef1e22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/dummy-CPAN/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/dummy-CPAN/modules/ b/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/dummy-CPAN/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6574e158bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/dummy-CPAN/modules/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/dummy-perl/.hidden b/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/dummy-perl/.hidden
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/dummy-perl/.hidden
diff --git a/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/inc/ b/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/inc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8268b1167
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/inc/
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+### On VMS, the ENV is not reset after the program terminates.
+### So reset it here explicitly
+my ($old_env_path, $old_env_perl5lib);
+ use FindBin;
+ use File::Spec;
+ ### paths to our own 'lib' and 'inc' dirs
+ ### include them, relative from t/
+ my @paths = map { "$FindBin::Bin/$_" } qw[../lib inc];
+ ### absolute'ify the paths in @INC;
+ my @rel2abs = map { File::Spec->rel2abs( $_ ) }
+ grep { not File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $_ ) } @INC;
+ ### use require to make devel::cover happy
+ require lib;
+ for ( @paths, @rel2abs ) {
+ my $l = 'lib';
+ $l->import( $_ )
+ }
+ use Config;
+ ### and add them to the environment, so shellouts get them
+ $old_env_perl5lib = $ENV{'PERL5LIB'};
+ $ENV{'PERL5LIB'} = join $Config{'path_sep'},
+ grep { defined } $ENV{'PERL5LIB'}, @paths, @rel2abs;
+ ### add CPANPLUS' bin dir to the front of $ENV{PATH}, so that cpanp-run-perl
+ ### and friends get picked up, only under PERL_CORE though.
+ if ( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
+ $old_env_path = $ENV{PATH};
+ $ENV{'PATH'} = join $Config{'path_sep'},
+ grep { defined } "$FindBin::Bin/../../CPANPLUS/bin", $ENV{'PATH'};
+ }
+ ### Fix up the path to perl, as we're about to chdir
+ ### but only under perlcore, or if the path contains delimiters,
+ ### meaning it's relative, but not looked up in your $PATH
+ $^X = File::Spec->rel2abs( $^X )
+ if $ENV{PERL_CORE} or ( $^X =~ m|[/\\]| );
+ ### chdir to our own test dir, so we know all files are relative
+ ### to this point, no matter whether run from perlcore tests or
+ ### regular CPAN installs
+ chdir "$FindBin::Bin" if -d "$FindBin::Bin"
+ use IPC::Cmd;
+ ### Win32 has issues with redirecting FD's properly in IPC::Run:
+ ### Can't redirect fd #4 on Win32 at IPC/ line 2801
+ $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_RUN = 0 if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+ $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_RUN = 0 if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+### Use a $^O comparison, as depending on module at this time
+### may cause weird errors/warnings
+END {
+ if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+ ### VMS environment variables modified by this test need to be put back
+ ### path is "magic" on VMS, we can not tell if it really existed before
+ ### this was run, because VMS will magically pretend that a PATH
+ ### environment variable exists set to the current working directory
+ $ENV{PATH} = $old_env_path;
+ if (defined $old_env_perl5lib) {
+ $ENV{PERL5LIB} = $old_env_perl5lib;
+ } else {
+ delete $ENV{PERL5LIB};
+ }
+ }
+use strict;
+use CPANPLUS::Configure;
+use CPANPLUS::Error ();
+use File::Path qw[rmtree];
+use FileHandle;
+use File::Basename qw[basename];
+{ ### Force the ignoring of .po files for L::M::S
+ $INC{''} = __FILE__;
+ $Locale::Maketext::Lexicon::VERSION = 0;
+# prereq has to be in our package file && core!
+use constant TEST_CONF_PREREQ => 'Cwd';
+use constant TEST_CONF_MODULE => 'Foo::Bar::EU::NOXS';
+use constant TEST_CONF_MODULE_SUB => 'Foo::Bar::EU::NOXS::Sub';
+use constant TEST_CONF_AUTHOR => 'EUNOXS';
+use constant TEST_CONF_INST_MODULE => 'Foo::Bar';
+use constant TEST_CONF_INVALID_MODULE => 'fnurk';
+use constant TEST_CONF_MIRROR_DIR => 'dummy-localmirror';
+use constant TEST_CONF_CPAN_DIR => 'dummy-CPAN';
+use constant TEST_CONF_CPANPLUS_DIR => 'dummy-cpanplus';
+use constant TEST_CONF_INSTALL_DIR => File::Spec->rel2abs(
+ File::Spec->catdir(
+ 'install'
+ )
+ );
+### we might need this Some Day when we're installing into
+### our own sandbox. see t/20.t for details
+# use constant TEST_INSTALL_DIR => do {
+# my $dir = File::Spec->rel2abs( 'dummy-perl' );
+# ### clean up paths if we are on win32
+# ### dirs with spaces will be.. bad :(
+# $^O eq 'MSWin32'
+# ? Win32::GetShortPathName( $dir )
+# : $dir;
+# };
+# use constant TEST_INSTALL_DIR_LIB
+# => File::Spec->catdir( TEST_INSTALL_DIR, 'lib' );
+# use constant TEST_INSTALL_DIR_BIN
+# => File::Spec->catdir( TEST_INSTALL_DIR, 'bin' );
+# use constant TEST_INSTALL_DIR_MAN1
+# => File::Spec->catdir( TEST_INSTALL_DIR, 'man', 'man1' );
+# use constant TEST_INSTALL_DIR_MAN3
+# => File::Spec->catdir( TEST_INSTALL_DIR, 'man', 'man3' );
+# use constant TEST_INSTALL_DIR_ARCH
+# => File::Spec->catdir( TEST_INSTALL_DIR, 'arch' );
+# use constant TEST_INSTALL_EU_MM_FLAGS =>
+# ' INSTALLDIRS=site' .
+sub dummy_cpan_dir {
+ ### VMS needs this in directory format for rel2abs
+ my $test_dir = $^O eq 'VMS'
+ ? File::Spec->catdir(TEST_CONF_CPAN_DIR)
+ ### Convert to an absolute file specification
+ my $abs_test_dir = File::Spec->rel2abs($test_dir);
+ ### According to John M: the hosts path needs to be in UNIX format.
+ ### File::Spec::Unix->rel2abs does not work at all on VMS
+ $abs_test_dir = VMS::Filespec::unixify( $abs_test_dir ) if $^O eq 'VMS';
+ return $abs_test_dir;
+sub gimme_conf {
+ ### don't load any other configs than the heuristic one
+ ### during tests. They might hold broken/incorrect data
+ ### for our test suite. Bug [perl #43629] showed this.
+ my $conf = CPANPLUS::Configure->new( load_configs => 0 );
+ my $dummy_cpan = dummy_cpan_dir();
+ $conf->set_conf( hosts => [ {
+ path => $dummy_cpan,
+ scheme => 'file',
+ } ],
+ );
+ $conf->set_conf( base => File::Spec->rel2abs(TEST_CONF_CPANPLUS_DIR));
+ $conf->set_conf( dist_type => '' );
+ $conf->set_conf( signature => 0 );
+ $conf->set_conf( verbose => 1 ) if $ENV{ $Env };
+ ### never use a pager in the test suite
+ $conf->set_program( pager => '' );
+ ### dmq tells us that we should run with /nologo
+ ### if using nmake, as it's very noisy otherwise.
+ { my $make = $conf->get_program('make');
+ if( $make and basename($make) =~ /^nmake/i ) {
+ $conf->set_conf( makeflags => '/nologo' );
+ }
+ }
+ $conf->set_conf( source_engine => $ENV{CPANPLUS_SOURCE_ENGINE} )
+ _clean_test_dir( [
+ $conf->get_conf('base'),
+ ], ( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ? 0 : 1 ) );
+ return $conf;
+# placeholder
+### clean these files if we're under perl core
+END {
+ if ( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
+ _clean_test_dir( [
+ gimme_conf->get_conf('base'),
+ ], 0 ); # DO NOT be verbose under perl core -- makes tests fail
+ }
+### whenever we start a new script, we want to clean out our
+### old files from the test '.cpanplus' dir..
+sub _clean_test_dir {
+ my $dirs = shift || [];
+ my $verbose = shift || 0;
+ for my $dir ( @$dirs ) {
+ ### no point if it doesn't exist;
+ next unless -d $dir;
+ my $dh;
+ opendir $dh, $dir or die "Could not open basedir '$dir': $!";
+ while( my $file = readdir $dh ) {
+ next if $file =~ /^\./; # skip dot files
+ my $path = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, $file );
+ ### directory, rmtree it
+ if( -d $path ) {
+ ### John Malmberg reports yet another VMS issue:
+ ### A directory name on VMS in VMS format ends with .dir
+ ### when it is referenced as a file.
+ ### In UNIX format traditionally PERL on VMS does not remove the
+ ### '.dir', however the VMS C library conversion routines do
+ ### remove the '.dir' and the VMS C library routines can not
+ ### handle the '.dir' being present on UNIX format filenames.
+ ### So code doing the fixup has on VMS has to be able to handle
+ ### both UNIX format names and VMS format names.
+ ### XXX See
+ ### mailing-lists/perl5-porters/2007-10/msg00064.html
+ ### for details -- the below regex could use some touchups
+ ### according to John. M.
+ $file =~ s/\.dir$//i if $^O eq 'VMS';
+ my $dirpath = File::Spec->catdir( $dir, $file );
+ print "# Deleting directory '$dirpath'\n" if $verbose;
+ eval { rmtree( $dirpath ) };
+ warn "Could not delete '$dirpath' while cleaning up '$dir'"
+ if $@;
+ ### regular file
+ } else {
+ print "# Deleting file '$path'\n" if $verbose;
+ 1 while unlink $path;
+ }
+ }
+ close $dh;
+ }
+ return 1;
diff --git a/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/src/noxs/Foo-Bar-0.01.tar.gz b/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/src/noxs/Foo-Bar-0.01.tar.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d499cd40d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/src/noxs/Foo-Bar-0.01.tar.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/src/xs/Foo-Bar-0.01.tar.gz b/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/src/xs/Foo-Bar-0.01.tar.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a092523e36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build/t/src/xs/Foo-Bar-0.01.tar.gz
Binary files differ