path: root/dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/lib
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authorSteffen Mueller <>2013-05-22 21:57:59 +0200
committerSteffen Mueller <>2013-06-25 08:00:25 +0200
commit42dec8cfd2525f918d33c27c30c864005682b786 (patch)
treea243819080c78da3c68f06080d210bff5951c1b5 /dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/lib
parent33de40a5a571ddfe03de5490b56560c86bcdf7c4 (diff)
EU::ParseXS: Fix targetable size detection
Adds new / vastly improved tests for 'targetable'. Also improves targetable documentation.
Diffstat (limited to 'dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/lib')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps/ b/dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps/
index 6ae4e0e58b..918785c1ab 100644
--- a/dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps/
+++ b/dist/ExtUtils-ParseXS/lib/ExtUtils/Typemaps/
@@ -95,16 +95,23 @@ sub cleaned_code {
=head2 targetable
-This is an obscure optimization that used to live in C<ExtUtils::ParseXS>
+This is an obscure but effective optimization that used to
+live in C<ExtUtils::ParseXS> directly. Not implementing it
+should never result in incorrect use of typemaps, just less
+efficient code.
In a nutshell, this will check whether the output code
-involves calling C<set_iv>, C<set_uv>, C<set_nv>, C<set_pv> or C<set_pvn>
-to set the special C<$arg> placeholder to a new value
+involves calling C<sv_setiv>, C<sv_setuv>, C<sv_setnv>, C<sv_setpv> or
+C<sv_setpvn> to set the special C<$arg> placeholder to a new value
B<AT THE END OF THE OUTPUT CODE>. If that is the case, the code is
eligible for using the C<TARG>-related macros to optimize this.
Thus the name of the method: C<targetable>.
+If this optimization is applicable, C<ExtUtils::ParseXS> will
+emit a C<dXSTARG;> definition at the start of the generate XSUB code,
+and type (see below) dependent code to set C<TARG> and push it on
+the stack at the end of the generated XSUB code.
If the optimization can not be applied, this returns undef.
If it can be applied, this method returns a hash reference containing
the following information:
@@ -113,7 +120,7 @@ the following information:
with_size: Bool indicating whether this is the sv_setpvn variant
what: The code that actually evaluates to the output scalar
what_size: If "with_size", this has the string length (as code,
- not constant)
+ not constant, including leading comma)
@@ -128,7 +135,14 @@ sub targetable {
\( (??{ $bal }) \)
- ]xo;
+ ]x;
+ my $bal_no_comma = qr[
+ (?:
+ (?>[^(),]+)
+ |
+ \( (??{ $bal }) \)
+ )+
+ ]x;
# matches variations on (SV*)
my $sv_cast = qr[
@@ -155,9 +169,9 @@ sub targetable {
\( \s*
$sv_cast \$arg \s* , \s*
- ( (??{ $bal }) ) # Set from
- ( (??{ $size }) )? # Possible sizeof set-from
- \) \s* ; \s* $
+ ( $bal_no_comma ) # Set from
+ ( $size )? # Possible sizeof set-from
+ \s* \) \s* ; \s* $