path: root/dist
diff options
authorNicholas Clark <>2009-09-28 17:26:37 +0100
committerNicholas Clark <>2009-09-29 11:12:38 +0100
commit72388ea1ff94f31ed9f6362cae7518adaaff4ee7 (patch)
tree025aa6756b9e792f60025a81ab2aabf2c1baa78f /dist
parent1fce97d89d6c84177437299edf550a454eb785ff (diff)
Move threads from ext/ to dist/
Diffstat (limited to 'dist')
26 files changed, 5815 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dist/threads/Makefile.PL b/dist/threads/Makefile.PL
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b251797a42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/Makefile.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# Module makefile for threads (using ExtUtils::MakeMaker)
+require 5.008;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+# Used to check for a 'C' compiler
+sub check_cc
+ require File::Spec;
+ my $cmd = $_[0];
+ if (-x $cmd or MM->maybe_command($cmd)) {
+ return (1); # CC command found
+ }
+ for my $dir (File::Spec->path(), '.') {
+ my $abs = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $cmd);
+ if (-x $abs or MM->maybe_command($abs)) {
+ return (1); # CC command found
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub have_cc
+ eval { require Config_m; }; # ExtUtils::FakeConfig (+ ActivePerl)
+ if ($@) {
+ eval { require Config; }; # Everyone else
+ }
+ my @chunks = split(/ /, $Config::Config{cc});
+ # $Config{cc} may contain args; try to find out the program part
+ while (@chunks) {
+ if (check_cc("@chunks")) {
+ return (1); # CC command found
+ }
+ pop(@chunks);
+ }
+ return;
+# Build options for different environments
+my @conditional_params;
+if (not grep { $_ eq 'PERL_CORE=1' } @ARGV) {
+ # CPAN
+ # Verify that a 'C' compiler is available
+ if (! have_cc()) {
+ die("OS unsupported: ERROR: No 'C' compiler found to build 'threads'\n");
+ }
+ push(@conditional_params, 'DEFINE' => '-DHAS_PPPORT_H',
+ 'PREREQ_PM' => {
+ 'strict' => 0,
+ 'warnings' => 0,
+ 'overload' => 0,
+ 'Config' => 0,
+ 'Carp' => 0,
+ 'XSLoader' => 0,
+ 'Test::More' => 0,
+ 'ExtUtils::testlib' => 0,
+ 'Hash::Util' => 0,
+ 'IO::File' => 0,
+ });
+# Create Makefile
+ 'NAME' => 'threads',
+ 'AUTHOR' => 'Artur Bergman, Jerry D. Hedden <jdhedden AT cpan DOT org>',
+ 'VERSION_FROM' => '',
+ 'ABSTRACT_FROM' => '',
+ 'PM' => {
+ '' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/',
+ },
+ 'INSTALLDIRS' => 'perl',
+ ((ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION() lt '6.25') ?
+ ('PL_FILES' => { }) : ()),
+ ((ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION() gt '6.30') ?
+ ('LICENSE' => 'perl') : ()),
+ @conditional_params
+# Additional 'make' targets
+sub MY::postamble
+ return <<'_EXTRAS_';
+ @dos2unix `cat MANIFEST`
+ @$(CHMOD) 644 `cat MANIFEST`
+ @$(CHMOD) 755 examples/*.pl
+ @( cd /tmp; perl -e 'use Devel::PPPort; Devel::PPPort::WriteFile("ppport.h");' )
+ @if ! cmp -s ppport.h /tmp/ppport.h; then \
+ ( tkdiff ppport.h /tmp/ppport.h & ); \
+ perl /tmp/ppport.h; \
+ fi
+# EOF
diff --git a/dist/threads/hints/ b/dist/threads/hints/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0537ed810d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/hints/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# HP-UX 10.20 has different form for pthread_attr_getstacksize
+my $ver = `uname -r`;
+$ver =~ s/^\D*//;
+if ($ver =~ /^10.20/) {
+ if (exists($self->{'DEFINE'})) {
+ $self->{'DEFINE'} .= " -DHPUX1020";
+ } else {
+ $self->{'DEFINE'} = "-DHPUX1020";
+ }
diff --git a/dist/threads/hints/ b/dist/threads/hints/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..020f56d2f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/hints/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# explicit linking is required to ensure the use of versioned symbols
+$self->{LIBS} = ['-lpthread'] if $Config{libs} =~ /-lpthread/;
diff --git a/dist/threads/t/basic.t b/dist/threads/t/basic.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19ce793374
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/t/basic.t
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ use Config;
+ if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+use ExtUtils::testlib;
+sub ok {
+ my ($id, $ok, $name) = @_;
+ # You have to do it this way or VMS will get confused.
+ if ($ok) {
+ print("ok $id - $name\n");
+ } else {
+ print("not ok $id - $name\n");
+ printf("# Failed test at line %d\n", (caller)[2]);
+ }
+ return ($ok);
+ $| = 1;
+ print("1..33\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
+use threads;
+if ($threads::VERSION && ! $ENV{'PERL_CORE'}) {
+ print(STDERR "# Testing threads $threads::VERSION\n");
+ok(1, 1, 'Loaded');
+### Start of Testing ###
+ok(2, 1 == $threads::threads, "Check that threads::threads is true");
+sub test1 {
+ ok(3,'bar' eq $_[0], "Test that argument passing works");
+threads->create('test1', 'bar')->join();
+sub test2 {
+ ok(4,'bar' eq $_[0]->[0]->{'foo'}, "Test that passing arguments as references work");
+threads->create(\&test2, [{'foo' => 'bar'}])->join();
+sub test3 {
+ ok(5, shift() == 1, "Test a normal sub");
+threads->create(\&test3, 1)->join();
+sub test4 {
+ ok(6, 1, "Detach test");
+ my $thread1 = threads->create('test4');
+ $thread1->detach();
+ while ($thread1->is_running()) {
+ threads->yield();
+ sleep 1;
+ }
+ok(7, 1, "Detach test");
+sub test5 {
+ threads->create('test6')->join();
+ ok(9, 1, "Nested thread test");
+sub test6 {
+ ok(8, 1, "Nested thread test");
+sub test7 {
+ my $self = threads->self();
+ ok(10, $self->tid == 7, "Wanted 7, got ".$self->tid);
+ ok(11, threads->tid() == 7, "Wanted 7, got ".threads->tid());
+sub test8 {
+ my $self = threads->self();
+ ok(12, $self->tid == 8, "Wanted 8, got ".$self->tid);
+ ok(13, threads->tid() == 8, "Wanted 8, got ".threads->tid());
+ok(14, 0 == threads->self->tid(), "Check so that tid for threads work for main thread");
+ok(15, 0 == threads->tid(), "Check so that tid for threads work for main thread");
+ no warnings;
+ local *CLONE = sub {
+ ok(16, threads->tid() == 9, "Tid should be correct in the clone");
+ };
+ threads->create(sub {
+ ok(17, threads->tid() == 9, "And tid be 9 here too");
+ })->join();
+ sub Foo::DESTROY {
+ ok(19, threads->tid() == 10, "In destroy it should be correct too" )
+ }
+ my $foo;
+ threads->create(sub {
+ ok(18, threads->tid() == 10, "And tid be 10 here");
+ $foo = bless {}, 'Foo';
+ return undef;
+ })->join();
+my $thr1 = threads->create(sub {});
+my $thr2 = threads->create(sub {});
+my $thr3 = threads->object($thr1->tid());
+# Make sure both overloaded '==' and '!=' are working correctly
+ok(20, $thr1 != $thr2, 'Treads not equal');
+ok(21, !($thr1 == $thr2), 'Treads not equal');
+ok(22, $thr1 == $thr3, 'Threads equal');
+ok(23, !($thr1 != $thr3), 'Threads equal');
+ok(24, $thr1->_handle(), 'Handle method');
+ok(25, $thr2->_handle(), 'Handle method');
+ok(26, threads->object($thr1->tid())->tid() == 11, 'Object method');
+ok(27, threads->object($thr2->tid())->tid() == 12, 'Object method');
+my $sub = sub { ok(28, shift() == 1, "Test code ref"); };
+threads->create($sub, 1)->join();
+my $thrx = threads->object(99);
+ok(29, ! defined($thrx), 'No object');
+$thrx = threads->object();
+ok(30, ! defined($thrx), 'No object');
+$thrx = threads->object(undef);
+ok(31, ! defined($thrx), 'No object');
+$thrx = threads->object(0);
+ok(32, ! defined($thrx), 'No object');
+$thr1 = threads->create(sub {});
+ok(33, "$thr1" eq $thr1->tid(), 'Stringify');
+# EOF
diff --git a/dist/threads/t/blocks.t b/dist/threads/t/blocks.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..921679afae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/t/blocks.t
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ use Config;
+ if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+use ExtUtils::testlib;
+use threads;
+ if (! eval 'use threads::shared; 1') {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP threads::shared not available\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ $| = 1;
+ print("1..5\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
+my ($TEST, $COUNT, $TOTAL);
+ share($TEST);
+ $TEST = 1;
+ share($COUNT);
+ $COUNT = 0;
+ $TOTAL = 0;
+ok(1, 'Loaded');
+sub ok {
+ my ($ok, $name) = @_;
+ lock($TEST);
+ my $id = $TEST++;
+ # You have to do it this way or VMS will get confused.
+ if ($ok) {
+ print("ok $id - $name\n");
+ } else {
+ print("not ok $id - $name\n");
+ printf("# Failed test at line %d\n", (caller)[2]);
+ print(STDERR "# FAIL: $name\n") if (! $ENV{'PERL_CORE'});
+ }
+ return ($ok);
+### Start of Testing ###
+$SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { ok(0, "Warning: $_[0]"); };
+sub foo { lock($COUNT); $COUNT++; }
+sub baz { 42 }
+my $bthr;
+ $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { ok(0, "BEGIN: $_[0]"); };
+ $TOTAL++;
+ threads->create('foo')->join();
+ $TOTAL++;
+ threads->create(\&foo)->join();
+ $TOTAL++;
+ threads->create(sub { lock($COUNT); $COUNT++; })->join();
+ $TOTAL++;
+ threads->create('foo')->detach();
+ $TOTAL++;
+ threads->create(\&foo)->detach();
+ $TOTAL++;
+ threads->create(sub { lock($COUNT); $COUNT++; })->detach();
+ $bthr = threads->create('baz');
+my $mthr;
+MAIN: {
+ $TOTAL++;
+ threads->create('foo')->join();
+ $TOTAL++;
+ threads->create(\&foo)->join();
+ $TOTAL++;
+ threads->create(sub { lock($COUNT); $COUNT++; })->join();
+ $TOTAL++;
+ threads->create('foo')->detach();
+ $TOTAL++;
+ threads->create(\&foo)->detach();
+ $TOTAL++;
+ threads->create(sub { lock($COUNT); $COUNT++; })->detach();
+ $mthr = threads->create('baz');
+ok($mthr, 'Main thread');
+ok($bthr, 'BEGIN thread');
+ok($mthr->join() == 42, 'Main join');
+ok($bthr->join() == 42, 'BEGIN join');
+# Wait for detached threads to finish
+ threads->yield();
+ sleep(1);
+ lock($COUNT);
+ redo if ($COUNT < $TOTAL);
+# EOF
diff --git a/dist/threads/t/context.t b/dist/threads/t/context.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c2f3b22fd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/t/context.t
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ use Config;
+ if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+use ExtUtils::testlib;
+use threads;
+ if (! eval 'use threads::shared; 1') {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP threads::shared not available\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ $| = 1;
+ print("1..31\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
+my $TEST;
+ share($TEST);
+ $TEST = 1;
+ok(1, 'Loaded');
+sub ok {
+ my ($ok, $name) = @_;
+ lock($TEST);
+ my $id = $TEST++;
+ # You have to do it this way or VMS will get confused.
+ if ($ok) {
+ print("ok $id - $name\n");
+ } else {
+ print("not ok $id - $name\n");
+ printf("# Failed test at line %d\n", (caller)[2]);
+ }
+ return ($ok);
+### Start of Testing ###
+sub foo
+ my $context = shift;
+ my $wantarray = wantarray();
+ if ($wantarray) {
+ ok($context eq 'array', 'Array/list context');
+ return ('array');
+ } elsif (defined($wantarray)) {
+ ok($context eq 'scalar', 'Scalar context');
+ return 'scalar';
+ } else {
+ ok($context eq 'void', 'Void context');
+ return;
+ }
+my ($thr) = threads->create('foo', 'array');
+my ($res) = $thr->join();
+ok($res eq 'array', 'Implicit array context');
+$thr = threads->create('foo', 'scalar');
+$res = $thr->join();
+ok($res eq 'scalar', 'Implicit scalar context');
+threads->create('foo', 'void');
+($thr) = threads->list();
+$res = $thr->join();
+ok(! defined($res), 'Implicit void context');
+$thr = threads->create({'context' => 'array'}, 'foo', 'array');
+($res) = $thr->join();
+ok($res eq 'array', 'Explicit array context');
+($thr) = threads->create({'scalar' => 'scalar'}, 'foo', 'scalar');
+$res = $thr->join();
+ok($res eq 'scalar', 'Explicit scalar context');
+$thr = threads->create({'void' => 1}, 'foo', 'void');
+$res = $thr->join();
+ok(! defined($res), 'Explicit void context');
+sub bar
+ my $context = shift;
+ my $wantarray = threads->wantarray();
+ if ($wantarray) {
+ ok($context eq 'list', 'Array/list context');
+ return ('list');
+ } elsif (defined($wantarray)) {
+ ok($context eq 'scalar', 'Scalar context');
+ return 'scalar';
+ } else {
+ ok($context eq 'void', 'Void context');
+ return;
+ }
+($thr) = threads->create('bar', 'list');
+my $ctx = $thr->wantarray();
+ok($ctx, 'Implicit array context');
+($res) = $thr->join();
+ok($res eq 'list', 'Implicit array context');
+$thr = threads->create('bar', 'scalar');
+$ctx = $thr->wantarray();
+ok(defined($ctx) && !$ctx, 'Implicit scalar context');
+$res = $thr->join();
+ok($res eq 'scalar', 'Implicit scalar context');
+threads->create('bar', 'void');
+($thr) = threads->list();
+$ctx = $thr->wantarray();
+ok(! defined($ctx), 'Implicit void context');
+$res = $thr->join();
+ok(! defined($res), 'Implicit void context');
+$thr = threads->create({'context' => 'list'}, 'bar', 'list');
+$ctx = $thr->wantarray();
+ok($ctx, 'Explicit array context');
+($res) = $thr->join();
+ok($res eq 'list', 'Explicit array context');
+($thr) = threads->create({'scalar' => 'scalar'}, 'bar', 'scalar');
+$ctx = $thr->wantarray();
+ok(defined($ctx) && !$ctx, 'Explicit scalar context');
+$res = $thr->join();
+ok($res eq 'scalar', 'Explicit scalar context');
+$thr = threads->create({'void' => 1}, 'bar', 'void');
+$ctx = $thr->wantarray();
+ok(! defined($ctx), 'Explicit void context');
+$res = $thr->join();
+ok(! defined($res), 'Explicit void context');
+# EOF
diff --git a/dist/threads/t/end.t b/dist/threads/t/end.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b18bacac00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/t/end.t
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ use Config;
+ if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+use ExtUtils::testlib;
+use threads;
+ if (! eval 'use threads::shared; 1') {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP threads::shared not available\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ $| = 1;
+ print("1..6\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
+my $TEST;
+ share($TEST);
+ $TEST = 1;
+ok(1, 'Loaded');
+sub ok {
+ my ($ok, $name) = @_;
+ lock($TEST);
+ my $id = $TEST++;
+ # You have to do it this way or VMS will get confused.
+ if ($ok) {
+ print("ok $id - $name\n");
+ } else {
+ print("not ok $id - $name\n");
+ printf("# Failed test at line %d\n", (caller)[2]);
+ }
+ return ($ok);
+### Start of Testing ###
+# Test that END blocks are run in the thread that created them,
+# and not in any child threads.
+END {
+ ok(1, 'Main END block')
+threads->create(sub { eval "END { ok(1, '1st thread END block') }"})->join();
+threads->create(sub { eval "END { ok(1, '2nd thread END block') }"})->join();
+sub thread {
+ eval "END { ok(1, '4th thread END block') }";
+ threads->create(sub { eval "END { ok(1, '5th thread END block') }"})->join();
+# EOF
diff --git a/dist/threads/t/err.t b/dist/threads/t/err.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f5e0a19f82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/t/err.t
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ require($ENV{PERL_CORE} ? '../../t/' : './t/');
+ use Config;
+ if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
+ skip_all(q/Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'/);
+ }
+ plan(10);
+use ExtUtils::testlib;
+### Start of Testing ###
+no warnings 'threads';
+# Create a thread that generates an error
+my $thr = threads->create(sub { my $x = Foo->new(); });
+# Check that thread returns 'undef'
+my $result = $thr->join();
+ok(! defined($result), 'thread died');
+# Check error
+like($thr->error(), q/Can't locate object method/, 'thread error');
+# Create a thread that 'die's with an object
+$thr = threads->create(sub {
+ threads->yield();
+ sleep(1);
+ die(bless({ error => 'bogus' }, 'Err::Class'));
+ });
+my $err = $thr->error();
+ok(! defined($err), 'no error yet');
+# Check that thread returns 'undef'
+$result = $thr->join();
+ok(! defined($result), 'thread died');
+# Check that error object is retrieved
+$err = $thr->error();
+isa_ok($err, 'Err::Class', 'error object');
+is($err->{error}, 'bogus', 'error field');
+# Check that another thread can reference the error object
+my $thrx = threads->create(sub { die(bless($thr->error(), 'Foo')); });
+# Check that thread returns 'undef'
+$result = $thrx->join();
+ok(! defined($result), 'thread died');
+# Check that the rethrown error object is retrieved
+$err = $thrx->error();
+isa_ok($err, 'Foo', 'error object');
+is($err->{error}, 'bogus', 'error field');
+# EOF
diff --git a/dist/threads/t/exit.t b/dist/threads/t/exit.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34f248a4db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/t/exit.t
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ require($ENV{PERL_CORE} ? '../../t/' : './t/');
+ use Config;
+ if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
+ skip_all(q/Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'/);
+ }
+our $TODO;
+use ExtUtils::testlib;
+use threads;
+ if (! eval 'use threads::shared; 1') {
+ skip_all('threads::shared not available');
+ }
+ $| = 1;
+ print("1..18\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
+ok(1, 'Loaded');
+### Start of Testing ###
+$SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub {
+ my $msg = shift;
+ ok(0, "WARN in main: $msg");
+$SIG{'__DIE__'} = sub {
+ my $msg = shift;
+ ok(0, "DIE in main: $msg");
+my $thr = threads->create(sub {
+ threads->exit();
+ return (99); # Not seen
+ok($thr, 'Created: threads->exit()');
+my $rc = $thr->join();
+ok(! defined($rc), 'Exited: threads->exit()');
+run_perl(prog => 'use threads 1.74;' .
+ 'threads->exit(86);' .
+ 'exit(99);',
+ nolib => ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? 0 : 1,
+ switches => ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? [] : [ '-Mblib' ]);
+ local $TODO = 'VMS exit semantics not like POSIX exit semantics' if $^O eq 'VMS';
+ is($?>>8, 86, 'thread->exit(status) in main');
+$thr = threads->create({'exit' => 'thread_only'}, sub {
+ exit(1);
+ return (99); # Not seen
+ });
+ok($thr, 'Created: thread_only');
+$rc = $thr->join();
+ok(! defined($rc), 'Exited: thread_only');
+$thr = threads->create(sub {
+ threads->set_thread_exit_only(1);
+ exit(1);
+ return (99); # Not seen
+ok($thr, 'Created: threads->set_thread_exit_only');
+$rc = $thr->join();
+ok(! defined($rc), 'Exited: threads->set_thread_exit_only');
+my $WAIT :shared = 1;
+$thr = threads->create(sub {
+ lock($WAIT);
+ while ($WAIT) {
+ cond_wait($WAIT);
+ }
+ exit(1);
+ return (99); # Not seen
+ok($thr, 'Created: $thr->set_thread_exit_only');
+ lock($WAIT);
+ $WAIT = 0;
+ cond_broadcast($WAIT);
+$rc = $thr->join();
+ok(! defined($rc), 'Exited: $thr->set_thread_exit_only');
+run_perl(prog => 'use threads 1.74 qw(exit thread_only);' .
+ 'threads->create(sub { exit(99); })->join();' .
+ 'exit(86);',
+ nolib => ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? 0 : 1,
+ switches => ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? [] : [ '-Mblib' ]);
+ local $TODO = 'VMS exit semantics not like POSIX exit semantics' if $^O eq 'VMS';
+ is($?>>8, 86, "'use threads 'exit' => 'thread_only'");
+my $out = run_perl(prog => 'use threads 1.74;' .
+ 'threads->create(sub {' .
+ ' exit(99);' .
+ '});' .
+ 'sleep(1);' .
+ 'exit(86);',
+ nolib => ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? 0 : 1,
+ switches => ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? [] : [ '-Mblib' ],
+ stderr => 1);
+ local $TODO = 'VMS exit semantics not like POSIX exit semantics' if $^O eq 'VMS';
+ is($?>>8, 99, "exit(status) in thread");
+like($out, '1 finished and unjoined', "exit(status) in thread");
+$out = run_perl(prog => 'use threads 1.74 qw(exit thread_only);' .
+ 'threads->create(sub {' .
+ ' threads->set_thread_exit_only(0);' .
+ ' exit(99);' .
+ '});' .
+ 'sleep(1);' .
+ 'exit(86);',
+ nolib => ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? 0 : 1,
+ switches => ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? [] : [ '-Mblib' ],
+ stderr => 1);
+ local $TODO = 'VMS exit semantics not like POSIX exit semantics' if $^O eq 'VMS';
+ is($?>>8, 99, "set_thread_exit_only(0)");
+like($out, '1 finished and unjoined', "set_thread_exit_only(0)");
+run_perl(prog => 'use threads 1.74;' .
+ 'threads->create(sub {' .
+ ' $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { exit(99); };' .
+ ' die();' .
+ '})->join();' .
+ 'exit(86);',
+ nolib => ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? 0 : 1,
+ switches => ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? [] : [ '-Mblib' ]);
+ local $TODO = 'VMS exit semantics not like POSIX exit semantics' if $^O eq 'VMS';
+ is($?>>8, 99, "exit(status) in thread warn handler");
+$thr = threads->create(sub {
+ $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { threads->exit(); };
+ local $SIG{__DIE__} = 'DEFAULT';
+ die('Died');
+ok($thr, 'Created: threads->exit() in thread warn handler');
+$rc = $thr->join();
+ok(! defined($rc), 'Exited: threads->exit() in thread warn handler');
+# EOF
diff --git a/dist/threads/t/free.t b/dist/threads/t/free.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d41199af05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/t/free.t
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ # Import into its own package
+ {
+ package Test;
+ require($ENV{PERL_CORE} ? '../../t/' : './t/');
+ }
+ use Config;
+ if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
+ Test::skip_all(q/Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'/);
+ }
+use ExtUtils::testlib;
+use threads;
+ if (! eval 'use threads::shared; 1') {
+ Test::skip_all(q/threads::shared not available/);
+ }
+ require Thread::Queue;
+ $| = 1;
+ print("1..29\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
+Test::watchdog(120); # In case we get stuck
+my $q = Thread::Queue->new();
+my $TEST = 1;
+sub ok
+ $q->enqueue(@_);
+ while ($q->pending()) {
+ my $ok = $q->dequeue();
+ my $name = $q->dequeue();
+ my $id = $TEST++;
+ if ($ok) {
+ print("ok $id - $name\n");
+ } else {
+ print("not ok $id - $name\n");
+ printf("# Failed test at line %d\n", (caller)[2]);
+ }
+ }
+### Start of Testing ###
+ok(1, 'Loaded');
+# Tests freeing the Perl interperter for each thread
+# See for details
+my ($COUNT, $STARTED) :shared;
+sub threading_1 {
+ my $q = shift;
+ my $tid = threads->tid();
+ $q->enqueue($tid, "Thread $tid started");
+ my $id;
+ {
+ lock($STARTED);
+ $id = $STARTED;
+ }
+ if ($STARTED < 5) {
+ sleep(1);
+ threads->create('threading_1', $q)->detach();
+ }
+ if ($id == 1) {
+ sleep(2);
+ } elsif ($id == 2) {
+ sleep(6);
+ } elsif ($id == 3) {
+ sleep(3);
+ } elsif ($id == 4) {
+ sleep(1);
+ } else {
+ sleep(2);
+ }
+ lock($COUNT);
+ $COUNT++;
+ cond_signal($COUNT);
+ $q->enqueue($tid, "Thread $tid done");
+ $STARTED = 0;
+ $COUNT = 0;
+ threads->create('threading_1', $q)->detach();
+ {
+ my $cnt = 0;
+ while ($cnt < 5) {
+ {
+ lock($COUNT);
+ cond_wait($COUNT) if ($COUNT < 5);
+ $cnt = $COUNT;
+ }
+ threads->create(sub {
+ threads->create(sub { })->join();
+ })->join();
+ }
+ }
+ sleep(1);
+ok($COUNT == 5, "Done - $COUNT threads");
+sub threading_2 {
+ my $q = shift;
+ my $tid = threads->tid();
+ $q->enqueue($tid, "Thread $tid started");
+ {
+ lock($STARTED);
+ }
+ if ($STARTED < 5) {
+ threads->create('threading_2', $q)->detach();
+ }
+ threads->yield();
+ lock($COUNT);
+ $COUNT++;
+ cond_signal($COUNT);
+ $q->enqueue($tid, "Thread $tid done");
+ $STARTED = 0;
+ $COUNT = 0;
+ threads->create('threading_2', $q)->detach();
+ threads->create(sub {
+ threads->create(sub { })->join();
+ })->join();
+ {
+ lock($COUNT);
+ while ($COUNT < 5) {
+ cond_wait($COUNT);
+ }
+ }
+ sleep(1);
+ok($COUNT == 5, "Done - $COUNT threads");
+ threads->create(sub { })->join();
+ok(1, 'Join');
+sub threading_3 {
+ my $q = shift;
+ my $tid = threads->tid();
+ $q->enqueue($tid, "Thread $tid started");
+ {
+ threads->create(sub {
+ my $q = shift;
+ my $tid = threads->tid();
+ $q->enqueue($tid, "Thread $tid started");
+ sleep(1);
+ lock($COUNT);
+ $COUNT++;
+ cond_signal($COUNT);
+ $q->enqueue($tid, "Thread $tid done");
+ }, $q)->detach();
+ }
+ lock($COUNT);
+ $COUNT++;
+ cond_signal($COUNT);
+ $q->enqueue($tid, "Thread $tid done");
+ $COUNT = 0;
+ threads->create(sub {
+ threads->create('threading_3', $q)->detach();
+ {
+ lock($COUNT);
+ while ($COUNT < 2) {
+ cond_wait($COUNT);
+ }
+ }
+ })->join();
+ sleep(1);
+ok($COUNT == 2, "Done - $COUNT threads");
+# EOF
diff --git a/dist/threads/t/free2.t b/dist/threads/t/free2.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99761302c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/t/free2.t
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ # Import into its own package
+ {
+ package Test;
+ require($ENV{PERL_CORE} ? '../../t/' : './t/');
+ }
+ use Config;
+ if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
+ Test::skip_all(q/Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'/);
+ }
+use ExtUtils::testlib;
+use threads;
+ if (! eval 'use threads::shared; 1') {
+ Test::skip_all(q/threads::shared not available/);
+ }
+ if (($] < 5.008002) && ($threads::shared::VERSION < 0.92)) {
+ Test::skip_all(q/Needs threads::shared 0.92 or later/);
+ }
+ require Thread::Queue;
+ $| = 1;
+ print("1..78\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
+Test::watchdog(60); # In case we get stuck
+my $q = Thread::Queue->new();
+my $TEST = 1;
+sub ok
+ $q->enqueue(@_) if @_;
+ while ($q->pending()) {
+ my $ok = $q->dequeue();
+ my $name = $q->dequeue();
+ my $id = $TEST++;
+ if ($ok) {
+ print("ok $id - $name\n");
+ } else {
+ print("not ok $id - $name\n");
+ printf("# Failed test at line %d\n", (caller)[2]);
+ }
+ }
+### Start of Testing ###
+ok(1, 'Loaded');
+# Tests freeing the Perl interperter for each thread
+# See for details
+my $COUNT;
+my %READY;
+# Init a thread
+sub th_start
+ my $q = shift;
+ my $tid = threads->tid();
+ $q->enqueue($tid, "Thread $tid started");
+ threads->yield();
+ my $other;
+ {
+ lock(%READY);
+ # Create next thread
+ if ($tid < 18) {
+ my $next = 'th' . $tid;
+ my $th = threads->create($next, $q);
+ } else {
+ # Last thread signals first
+ th_signal($q, 1);
+ }
+ # Wait until signalled by another thread
+ while (! exists($READY{$tid})) {
+ cond_wait(%READY);
+ }
+ $other = delete($READY{$tid});
+ }
+ $q->enqueue($tid, "Thread $tid received signal from $other");
+ threads->yield();
+# Thread terminating
+sub th_done
+ my $q = shift;
+ my $tid = threads->tid();
+ lock($COUNT);
+ $COUNT++;
+ cond_signal($COUNT);
+ $q->enqueue($tid, "Thread $tid done");
+# Signal another thread to go
+sub th_signal
+ my $q = shift;
+ my $other = shift;
+ $other++;
+ my $tid = threads->tid();
+ $q->enqueue($tid, "Thread $tid signalling $other");
+ lock(%READY);
+ $READY{$other} = $tid;
+ cond_broadcast(%READY);
+sub th1
+ my $q = shift;
+ th_start($q);
+ threads->detach();
+ th_signal($q, 2);
+ th_signal($q, 6);
+ th_signal($q, 10);
+ th_signal($q, 14);
+ th_done($q);
+sub th2
+ my $q = shift;
+ th_start($q);
+ threads->detach();
+ th_signal($q, 4);
+ th_done($q);
+sub th6
+ my $q = shift;
+ th_start($q);
+ threads->detach();
+ th_signal($q, 8);
+ th_done($q);
+sub th10
+ my $q = shift;
+ th_start($q);
+ threads->detach();
+ th_signal($q, 12);
+ th_done($q);
+sub th14
+ my $q = shift;
+ th_start($q);
+ threads->detach();
+ th_signal($q, 16);
+ th_done($q);
+sub th4
+ my $q = shift;
+ th_start($q);
+ threads->detach();
+ th_signal($q, 3);
+ th_done($q);
+sub th8
+ my $q = shift;
+ th_start($q);
+ threads->detach();
+ th_signal($q, 7);
+ th_done($q);
+sub th12
+ my $q = shift;
+ th_start($q);
+ threads->detach();
+ th_signal($q, 13);
+ th_done($q);
+sub th16
+ my $q = shift;
+ th_start($q);
+ threads->detach();
+ th_signal($q, 17);
+ th_done($q);
+sub th3
+ my $q = shift;
+ my $tid = threads->tid();
+ my $other = 5;
+ th_start($q);
+ threads->detach();
+ th_signal($q, $other);
+ sleep(1);
+ $q->enqueue(1, "Thread $tid getting return from thread $other");
+ my $ret = threads->object($other+1)->join();
+ $q->enqueue($ret == $other+1, "Thread $tid saw that thread $other returned $ret");
+ th_done($q);
+sub th5
+ my $q = shift;
+ th_start($q);
+ th_done($q);
+ return (threads->tid());
+sub th7
+ my $q = shift;
+ my $tid = threads->tid();
+ my $other = 9;
+ th_start($q);
+ threads->detach();
+ th_signal($q, $other);
+ $q->enqueue(1, "Thread $tid getting return from thread $other");
+ my $ret = threads->object($other+1)->join();
+ $q->enqueue($ret == $other+1, "Thread $tid saw that thread $other returned $ret");
+ th_done($q);
+sub th9
+ my $q = shift;
+ th_start($q);
+ sleep(1);
+ th_done($q);
+ return (threads->tid());
+sub th13
+ my $q = shift;
+ my $tid = threads->tid();
+ my $other = 11;
+ th_start($q);
+ threads->detach();
+ th_signal($q, $other);
+ sleep(1);
+ $q->enqueue(1, "Thread $tid getting return from thread $other");
+ my $ret = threads->object($other+1)->join();
+ $q->enqueue($ret == $other+1, "Thread $tid saw that thread $other returned $ret");
+ th_done($q);
+sub th11
+ my $q = shift;
+ th_start($q);
+ th_done($q);
+ return (threads->tid());
+sub th17
+ my $q = shift;
+ my $tid = threads->tid();
+ my $other = 15;
+ th_start($q);
+ threads->detach();
+ th_signal($q, $other);
+ $q->enqueue(1, "Thread $tid getting return from thread $other");
+ my $ret = threads->object($other+1)->join();
+ $q->enqueue($ret == $other+1, "Thread $tid saw that thread $other returned $ret");
+ th_done($q);
+sub th15
+ my $q = shift;
+ th_start($q);
+ sleep(1);
+ th_done($q);
+ return (threads->tid());
+ $COUNT = 0;
+ threads->create('th1', $q);
+ {
+ lock($COUNT);
+ while ($COUNT < 17) {
+ cond_wait($COUNT);
+ ok(); # Prints out any intermediate results
+ }
+ }
+ sleep(1);
+ok($COUNT == 17, "Done - $COUNT threads");
+# EOF
diff --git a/dist/threads/t/join.t b/dist/threads/t/join.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2272e079d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/t/join.t
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ use Config;
+ if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+use ExtUtils::testlib;
+use threads;
+ if (! eval 'use threads::shared; 1') {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP threads::shared not available\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ $| = 1;
+ print("1..20\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
+my $TEST;
+ share($TEST);
+ $TEST = 1;
+ok(1, 'Loaded');
+sub ok {
+ my ($ok, $name) = @_;
+ lock($TEST);
+ my $id = $TEST++;
+ # You have to do it this way or VMS will get confused.
+ if ($ok) {
+ print("ok $id - $name\n");
+ } else {
+ print("not ok $id - $name\n");
+ printf("# Failed test at line %d\n", (caller)[2]);
+ }
+ return ($ok);
+sub skip {
+ ok(1, '# SKIP ' . $_[0]);
+### Start of Testing ###
+ my $retval = threads->create(sub { return ("hi") })->join();
+ ok($retval eq 'hi', "Check basic returnvalue");
+ my ($thread) = threads->create(sub { return (1,2,3) });
+ my @retval = $thread->join();
+ ok($retval[0] == 1 && $retval[1] == 2 && $retval[2] == 3,'');
+ my $retval = threads->create(sub { return [1] })->join();
+ ok($retval->[0] == 1,"Check that a array ref works",);
+ my $retval = threads->create(sub { return { foo => "bar" }})->join();
+ ok($retval->{foo} eq 'bar',"Check that hash refs work");
+ my $retval = threads->create( sub {
+ open(my $fh, "+>threadtest") || die $!;
+ print $fh "test\n";
+ return $fh;
+ })->join();
+ ok(ref($retval) eq 'GLOB', "Check that we can return FH $retval");
+ print $retval "test2\n";
+ close($retval);
+ unlink("threadtest");
+ my $test = "hi";
+ my $retval = threads->create(sub { return $_[0]}, \$test)->join();
+ ok($$retval eq 'hi','');
+ my $test = "hi";
+ share($test);
+ my $retval = threads->create(sub { return $_[0]}, \$test)->join();
+ ok($$retval eq 'hi','');
+ $test = "foo";
+ ok($$retval eq 'foo','');
+ my %foo;
+ share(%foo);
+ threads->create(sub {
+ my $foo;
+ share($foo);
+ $foo = "thread1";
+ return $foo{bar} = \$foo;
+ })->join();
+ ok(1,"");
+# We parse ps output so this is OS-dependent.
+if ($^O eq 'linux') {
+ # First modify $0 in a subthread.
+ #print "# mainthread: \$0 = $0\n";
+ threads->create(sub{ #print "# subthread: \$0 = $0\n";
+ $0 = "foobar";
+ #print "# subthread: \$0 = $0\n"
+ })->join;
+ #print "# mainthread: \$0 = $0\n";
+ #print "# pid = $$\n";
+ if (open PS, "ps -f |") { # Note: must work in (all) systems.
+ my ($sawpid, $sawexe);
+ while (<PS>) {
+ chomp;
+ #print "# [$_]\n";
+ if (/^\s*\S+\s+$$\s/) {
+ $sawpid++;
+ if (/\sfoobar\s*$/) { # Linux 2.2 leaves extra trailing spaces.
+ $sawexe++;
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close PS or die;
+ if ($sawpid) {
+ ok($sawpid && $sawexe, 'altering $0 is effective');
+ } else {
+ skip("\$0 check: did not see pid $$ in 'ps -f |'");
+ }
+ } else {
+ skip("\$0 check: opening 'ps -f |' failed: $!");
+ }
+} else {
+ skip("\$0 check: only on Linux");
+ my $t = threads->create(sub {});
+ $t->join();
+ threads->create(sub {})->join();
+ eval { $t->join(); };
+ ok(($@ =~ /Thread already joined/), "Double join works");
+ eval { $t->detach(); };
+ ok(($@ =~ /Cannot detach a joined thread/), "Detach joined thread");
+ my $t = threads->create(sub {});
+ $t->detach();
+ threads->create(sub {})->join();
+ eval { $t->detach(); };
+ ok(($@ =~ /Thread already detached/), "Double detach works");
+ eval { $t->join(); };
+ ok(($@ =~ /Cannot join a detached thread/), "Join detached thread");
+ # The "use IO::File" is not actually used for anything; its only purpose
+ # is incite a lot of calls to newCONSTSUB. See the p5p archives for
+ # the thread "maint@20974 or before broke mp2 ithreads test".
+ use IO::File;
+ # This coredumped between #20930 and #21000
+ $_->join for map threads->create(sub{ok($_, "stress newCONSTSUB")}), 1..2;
+ my $go : shared = 0;
+ my $t = threads->create( sub {
+ lock($go);
+ cond_wait($go) until $go;
+ });
+ my $joiner = threads->create(sub { $_[0]->join }, $t);
+ threads->yield();
+ sleep 1;
+ eval { $t->join; };
+ ok(($@ =~ /^Thread already joined at/)?1:0, "Join pending join");
+ { lock($go); $go = 1; cond_signal($go); }
+ $joiner->join;
+ my $go : shared = 0;
+ my $t = threads->create( sub {
+ eval { threads->self->join; };
+ ok(($@ =~ /^Cannot join self/), "Join self");
+ lock($go); $go = 1; cond_signal($go);
+ });
+ { lock ($go); cond_wait($go) until $go; }
+ $t->join;
+ my $go : shared = 0;
+ my $t = threads->create( sub {
+ lock($go); cond_wait($go) until $go;
+ });
+ my $joiner = threads->create(sub { $_[0]->join; }, $t);
+ threads->yield();
+ sleep 1;
+ eval { $t->detach };
+ ok(($@ =~ /^Cannot detach a joined thread at/)?1:0, "Detach pending join");
+ { lock($go); $go = 1; cond_signal($go); }
+ $joiner->join;
+# EOF
diff --git a/dist/threads/t/kill.t b/dist/threads/t/kill.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f09303364b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/t/kill.t
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ use Config;
+ if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+use ExtUtils::testlib;
+use threads;
+ if (! eval 'use threads::shared; 1') {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP threads::shared not available\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ local $SIG{'HUP'} = sub {};
+ my $thr = threads->create(sub {});
+ eval { $thr->kill('HUP') };
+ $thr->join();
+ if ($@ && $@ =~ /safe signals/) {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP Not using safe signals\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ require Thread::Queue;
+ require Thread::Semaphore;
+ $| = 1;
+ print("1..18\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
+my $q = Thread::Queue->new();
+my $TEST = 1;
+sub ok
+ $q->enqueue(@_);
+ while ($q->pending()) {
+ my $ok = $q->dequeue();
+ my $name = $q->dequeue();
+ my $id = $TEST++;
+ if ($ok) {
+ print("ok $id - $name\n");
+ } else {
+ print("not ok $id - $name\n");
+ printf("# Failed test at line %d\n", (caller)[2]);
+ }
+ }
+### Start of Testing ###
+ok(1, 'Loaded');
+### Thread cancel ###
+# Set up to capture warning when thread terminates
+my @errs :shared;
+$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push(@errs, @_); };
+sub thr_func {
+ my $q = shift;
+ # Thread 'cancellation' signal handler
+ $SIG{'KILL'} = sub {
+ $q->enqueue(1, 'Thread received signal');
+ die("Thread killed\n");
+ };
+ # Thread sleeps until signalled
+ $q->enqueue(1, 'Thread sleeping');
+ sleep(1) for (1..10);
+ # Should not go past here
+ $q->enqueue(0, 'Thread terminated normally');
+ return ('ERROR');
+# Create thread
+my $thr = threads->create('thr_func', $q);
+ok($thr && $thr->tid() == 2, 'Created thread');
+# Signal thread
+ok($thr->kill('KILL') == $thr, 'Signalled thread');
+# Cleanup
+my $rc = $thr->join();
+ok(! $rc, 'No thread return value');
+# Check for thread termination message
+ok(@errs && $errs[0] =~ /Thread killed/, 'Thread termination warning');
+### Thread suspend/resume ###
+sub thr_func2
+ my $q = shift;
+ my $sema = shift;
+ $q->enqueue($sema, 'Thread received semaphore');
+ # Set up the signal handler for suspension/resumption
+ $SIG{'STOP'} = sub {
+ $q->enqueue(1, 'Thread suspending');
+ $sema->down();
+ $q->enqueue(1, 'Thread resuming');
+ $sema->up();
+ };
+ # Set up the signal handler for graceful termination
+ my $term = 0;
+ $SIG{'TERM'} = sub {
+ $q->enqueue(1, 'Thread caught termination signal');
+ $term = 1;
+ };
+ # Do work until signalled to terminate
+ while (! $term) {
+ sleep(1);
+ }
+ $q->enqueue(1, 'Thread done');
+ return ('OKAY');
+# Create a semaphore for use in suspending the thread
+my $sema = Thread::Semaphore->new();
+ok($sema, 'Semaphore created');
+# Create a thread and send it the semaphore
+$thr = threads->create('thr_func2', $q, $sema);
+ok($thr && $thr->tid() == 3, 'Created thread');
+# Suspend the thread
+ok($thr->kill('STOP') == $thr, 'Suspended thread');
+# Allow the thread to continue
+# Terminate the thread
+ok($thr->kill('TERM') == $thr, 'Signalled thread to terminate');
+$rc = $thr->join();
+ok($rc eq 'OKAY', 'Thread return value');
+ok($thr->kill('TERM') == $thr, 'Ignore signal to terminated thread');
+# EOF
diff --git a/dist/threads/t/libc.t b/dist/threads/t/libc.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f6f6ed3ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/t/libc.t
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ require($ENV{PERL_CORE} ? '../../t/' : './t/');
+ use Config;
+ if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
+ skip_all(q/Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'/);
+ }
+ plan(11);
+use ExtUtils::testlib;
+### Start of Testing ###
+my $i = 10;
+my $y = 20000;
+my %localtime;
+for (1..$i) {
+ $localtime{$_} = localtime($_);
+my @threads;
+for (1..$i) {
+ $threads[$_] = threads->create(sub {
+ my $arg = shift;
+ my $localtime = $localtime{$arg};
+ my $error = 0;
+ for (1..$y) {
+ my $lt = localtime($arg);
+ if ($localtime ne $lt) {
+ $error++;
+ }
+ }
+ return $error;
+ }, $_);
+for (1..$i) {
+ is($threads[$_]->join(), 0, 'localtime() thread-safe');
+# EOF
diff --git a/dist/threads/t/list.t b/dist/threads/t/list.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ad0fadc80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/t/list.t
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ use Config;
+ if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+use ExtUtils::testlib;
+sub ok {
+ my ($id, $ok, $name) = @_;
+ # You have to do it this way or VMS will get confused.
+ if ($ok) {
+ print("ok $id - $name\n");
+ } else {
+ print("not ok $id - $name\n");
+ printf("# Failed test at line %d\n", (caller)[2]);
+ }
+ return ($ok);
+ $| = 1;
+ print("1..15\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
+use threads;
+ok(1, 1, 'Loaded');
+### Start of Testing ###
+ok(2, scalar @{[threads->list()]} == 0, 'No threads yet');
+threads->create(sub {})->join();
+ok(3, scalar @{[threads->list()]} == 0, 'Empty thread list after join');
+my $thread = threads->create(sub {});
+ok(4, scalar(threads->list()) == 1, 'Non-empty thread list');
+ok(5, threads->list() == 1, 'Non-empty thread list');
+ok(6, scalar @{[threads->list()]} == 0, 'Thread list empty again');
+ok(7, threads->list() == 0, 'Thread list empty again');
+$thread = threads->create(sub {
+ ok(8, threads->list() == 1, 'Non-empty thread list in thread');
+ ok(9, threads->self == (threads->list())[0], 'Self in thread list')
+threads->yield; # help out non-preemptive thread implementations
+sleep 1;
+ok(10, scalar(threads->list()) == 1, 'Thread count 1');
+ok(11, threads->list() == 1, 'Thread count 1');
+my $cnt = threads->list();
+ok(12, $cnt == 1, 'Thread count 1');
+my ($thr_x) = threads->list();
+ok(13, $thread == $thr_x, 'Thread in list');
+ok(14, scalar @{[threads->list()]} == 0, 'Thread list empty');
+ok(15, threads->list() == 0, 'Thread list empty');
+# EOF
diff --git a/dist/threads/t/no_threads.t b/dist/threads/t/no_threads.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ed1e96dc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/t/no_threads.t
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ use Config;
+ if ($Config{'useithreads'}) {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP Perl compiled with 'useithreads'\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+use ExtUtils::testlib;
+sub ok {
+ my ($id, $ok, $name) = @_;
+ # You have to do it this way or VMS will get confused.
+ if ($ok) {
+ print("ok $id - $name\n");
+ } else {
+ print("not ok $id - $name\n");
+ printf("# Failed test at line %d\n", (caller)[2]);
+ }
+ return ($ok);
+ $| = 1;
+ print("1..1\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
+eval 'use threads; 1';
+ok(1, (($@ =~ /not built to support thread/)?1:0), "No threads support");
+# EOF
diff --git a/dist/threads/t/problems.t b/dist/threads/t/problems.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec2bf0247a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/t/problems.t
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ use Config;
+ if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+use ExtUtils::testlib;
+use threads;
+ if (! eval 'use threads::shared; 1') {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP threads::shared not available\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ $| = 1;
+ if ($] == 5.008) {
+ print("1..11\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
+ } else {
+ print("1..15\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
+ }
+print("ok 1 - Loaded\n");
+### Start of Testing ###
+no warnings 'deprecated'; # Suppress warnings related to :unique
+use Hash::Util 'lock_keys';
+my $test :shared = 2;
+# Note that we can't use Test::More here, as we would need to call is()
+# from within the DESTROY() function at global destruction time, and
+# parts of Test::* may have already been freed by then
+sub is($$$)
+ my ($got, $want, $desc) = @_;
+ lock($test);
+ if ($got ne $want) {
+ print("# EXPECTED: $want\n");
+ print("# GOT: $got\n");
+ print("not ");
+ }
+ print("ok $test - $desc\n");
+ $test++;
+# This tests for too much destruction which was caused by cloning stashes
+# on join which led to double the dataspace under 5.8.0
+if ($] != 5.008)
+ sub Foo::DESTROY
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($package, $file, $line) = caller;
+ is(threads->tid(), $self->{tid}, "In destroy[$self->{tid}] it should be correct too" );
+ }
+ my $foo = bless {tid => 0}, 'Foo';
+ my $bar = threads->create(sub {
+ is(threads->tid(), 1, "And tid be 1 here");
+ $foo->{tid} = 1;
+ return ($foo);
+ })->join();
+ $bar->{tid} = 0;
+# This tests whether we can call Config::myconfig after threads have been
+# started (interpreter cloned). 5.8.1 and 5.8.2 contained a bug that would
+# disallow that to be done because an attempt was made to change a variable
+# with the :unique attribute.
+ lock($test);
+ if ($] == 5.008 || $] >= 5.008003) {
+ threads->create( sub {1} )->join;
+ my $not = eval { Config::myconfig() } ? '' : 'not ';
+ print "${not}ok $test - Are we able to call Config::myconfig after clone\n";
+ } else {
+ print "ok $test # SKIP Are we able to call Config::myconfig after clone\n";
+ }
+ $test++;
+# bugid 24383 - :unique hashes weren't being made readonly on interpreter
+# clone; check that they are.
+our $unique_scalar : unique;
+our @unique_array : unique;
+our %unique_hash : unique;
+threads->create(sub {
+ lock($test);
+ my $TODO = ":unique needs to be re-implemented in a non-broken way";
+ eval { $unique_scalar = 1 };
+ print $@ =~ /read-only/
+ ? '' : 'not ', "ok $test # TODO $TODO - unique_scalar\n";
+ $test++;
+ eval { $unique_array[0] = 1 };
+ print $@ =~ /read-only/
+ ? '' : 'not ', "ok $test # TODO $TODO - unique_array\n";
+ $test++;
+ if ($] >= 5.008003 && $^O ne 'MSWin32') {
+ eval { $unique_hash{abc} = 1 };
+ print $@ =~ /disallowed/
+ ? '' : 'not ', "ok $test # TODO $TODO - unique_hash\n";
+ } else {
+ print("ok $test # SKIP $TODO - unique_hash\n");
+ }
+ $test++;
+ })->join;
+# bugid #24940 :unique should fail on my and sub declarations
+for my $decl ('my $x : unique', 'sub foo : unique') {
+ {
+ lock($test);
+ if ($] >= 5.008005) {
+ eval $decl;
+ print $@ =~ /^The 'unique' attribute may only be applied to 'our' variables/
+ ? '' : 'not ', "ok $test - $decl\n";
+ } else {
+ print("ok $test # SKIP $decl\n");
+ }
+ $test++;
+ }
+# Returing a closure from a thread caused problems. If the last index in
+# the anon sub's pad wasn't for a lexical, then a core dump could occur.
+# Otherwise, there might be leaked scalars.
+# XXX DAPM 9-Jan-04 - backed this out for now - returning a closure from a
+# thread seems to crash win32
+# sub f {
+# my $x = "foo";
+# sub { $x."bar" };
+# }
+# my $string = threads->create(\&f)->join->();
+# print $string eq 'foobar' ? '' : 'not ', "ok $test - returning closure\n";
+# $test++;
+# Nothing is checking that total keys gets cloned correctly.
+my %h = (1,2,3,4);
+is(keys(%h), 2, "keys correct in parent");
+my $child = threads->create(sub { return (scalar(keys(%h))); })->join;
+is($child, 2, "keys correct in child");
+is(keys(%h), 1, "keys correct in parent with restricted hash");
+$child = threads->create(sub { return (scalar(keys(%h))); })->join;
+is($child, 1, "keys correct in child with restricted hash");
+# EOF
diff --git a/dist/threads/t/stack.t b/dist/threads/t/stack.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cfd6cf7c6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/t/stack.t
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ use Config;
+ if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+use ExtUtils::testlib;
+sub ok {
+ my ($id, $ok, $name) = @_;
+ # You have to do it this way or VMS will get confused.
+ if ($ok) {
+ print("ok $id - $name\n");
+ } else {
+ print("not ok $id - $name\n");
+ printf("# Failed test at line %d\n", (caller)[2]);
+ }
+ return ($ok);
+ $| = 1;
+ print("1..18\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
+use threads ('stack_size' => 128*4096);
+ok(1, 1, 'Loaded');
+### Start of Testing ###
+ok(2, threads->get_stack_size() == 128*4096,
+ 'Stack size set in import');
+ok(3, threads->set_stack_size(160*4096) == 128*4096,
+ 'Set returns previous value');
+ok(4, threads->get_stack_size() == 160*4096,
+ 'Get stack size');
+ sub {
+ ok(5, threads->get_stack_size() == 160*4096,
+ 'Get stack size in thread');
+ ok(6, threads->self()->get_stack_size() == 160*4096,
+ 'Thread gets own stack size');
+ ok(7, threads->set_stack_size(128*4096) == 160*4096,
+ 'Thread changes stack size');
+ ok(8, threads->get_stack_size() == 128*4096,
+ 'Get stack size in thread');
+ ok(9, threads->self()->get_stack_size() == 160*4096,
+ 'Thread stack size unchanged');
+ }
+ok(10, threads->get_stack_size() == 128*4096,
+ 'Default thread sized changed in thread');
+ { 'stack' => 160*4096 },
+ sub {
+ ok(11, threads->get_stack_size() == 128*4096,
+ 'Get stack size in thread');
+ ok(12, threads->self()->get_stack_size() == 160*4096,
+ 'Thread gets own stack size');
+ }
+my $thr = threads->create( { 'stack' => 160*4096 }, sub { } );
+ sub {
+ ok(13, threads->get_stack_size() == 128*4096,
+ 'Get stack size in thread');
+ ok(14, threads->self()->get_stack_size() == 160*4096,
+ 'Thread gets own stack size');
+ }
+ { 'stack' => 144*4096 },
+ sub {
+ ok(15, threads->get_stack_size() == 128*4096,
+ 'Get stack size in thread');
+ ok(16, threads->self()->get_stack_size() == 144*4096,
+ 'Thread gets own stack size');
+ ok(17, threads->set_stack_size(160*4096) == 128*4096,
+ 'Thread changes stack size');
+ }
+ok(18, threads->get_stack_size() == 160*4096,
+ 'Default thread sized changed in thread');
+# EOF
diff --git a/dist/threads/t/stack_env.t b/dist/threads/t/stack_env.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e36812f361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/t/stack_env.t
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ use Config;
+ if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+use ExtUtils::testlib;
+sub ok {
+ my ($id, $ok, $name) = @_;
+ # You have to do it this way or VMS will get confused.
+ if ($ok) {
+ print("ok $id - $name\n");
+ } else {
+ print("not ok $id - $name\n");
+ printf("# Failed test at line %d\n", (caller)[2]);
+ }
+ return ($ok);
+ $| = 1;
+ print("1..4\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
+use threads;
+ok(1, 1, 'Loaded');
+### Start of Testing ###
+ok(2, threads->get_stack_size() == 128*4096,
+ok(3, threads->set_stack_size(144*4096) == 128*4096,
+ 'Set returns previous value');
+ok(4, threads->get_stack_size() == 144*4096,
+ 'Get stack size');
+# EOF
diff --git a/dist/threads/t/state.t b/dist/threads/t/state.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e4f58ebce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/t/state.t
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ use Config;
+ if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+use ExtUtils::testlib;
+use threads;
+ if (! eval 'use threads::shared; 1') {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP threads::shared not available\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ $| = 1;
+ print("1..59\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
+my $TEST;
+ share($TEST);
+ $TEST = 1;
+ok(1, 'Loaded');
+sub ok {
+ my ($ok, $name) = @_;
+ lock($TEST);
+ my $id = $TEST++;
+ # You have to do it this way or VMS will get confused.
+ if ($ok) {
+ print("ok $id - $name\n");
+ } else {
+ print("not ok $id - $name\n");
+ printf("# Failed test at line %d\n", (caller)[2]);
+ }
+ return ($ok);
+### Start of Testing ###
+my ($READY, $GO, $DONE) :shared = (0, 0, 0);
+sub do_thread
+ {
+ lock($DONE);
+ $DONE = 0;
+ lock($READY);
+ $READY = 1;
+ cond_signal($READY);
+ }
+ lock($GO);
+ while (! $GO) {
+ cond_wait($GO);
+ }
+ $GO = 0;
+ lock($READY);
+ $READY = 0;
+ lock($DONE);
+ $DONE = 1;
+ cond_signal($DONE);
+sub wait_until_ready
+ lock($READY);
+ while (! $READY) {
+ cond_wait($READY);
+ }
+sub thread_go
+ {
+ lock($GO);
+ $GO = 1;
+ cond_signal($GO);
+ }
+ {
+ lock($DONE);
+ while (! $DONE) {
+ cond_wait($DONE);
+ }
+ }
+ threads->yield();
+ sleep(1);
+my $thr = threads->create('do_thread');
+ok($thr->is_running(), 'thread running');
+ok(threads->list(threads::running) == 1, 'thread running list');
+ok(! $thr->is_detached(), 'thread not detached');
+ok(! $thr->is_joinable(), 'thread not joinable');
+ok(threads->list(threads::joinable) == 0, 'thread joinable list');
+ok(threads->list(threads::all) == 1, 'thread list');
+ok(! $thr->is_running(), 'thread not running');
+ok(threads->list(threads::running) == 0, 'thread running list');
+ok(! $thr->is_detached(), 'thread not detached');
+ok($thr->is_joinable(), 'thread joinable');
+ok(threads->list(threads::joinable) == 1, 'thread joinable list');
+ok(threads->list(threads::all) == 1, 'thread list');
+ok(! $thr->is_running(), 'thread not running');
+ok(threads->list(threads::running) == 0, 'thread running list');
+ok(! $thr->is_detached(), 'thread not detached');
+ok(! $thr->is_joinable(), 'thread not joinable');
+ok(threads->list(threads::joinable) == 0, 'thread joinable list');
+ok(threads->list(threads::all) == 0, 'thread list');
+$thr = threads->create('do_thread');
+ok($thr->is_running(), 'thread running');
+ok(threads->list(threads::running) == 0, 'thread running list');
+ok($thr->is_detached(), 'thread detached');
+ok(! $thr->is_joinable(), 'thread not joinable');
+ok(threads->list(threads::joinable) == 0, 'thread joinable list');
+ok(threads->list(threads::all) == 0, 'thread list');
+ok(! $thr->is_running(), 'thread not running');
+ok(threads->list(threads::running) == 0, 'thread running list');
+ok($thr->is_detached(), 'thread detached');
+ok(! $thr->is_joinable(), 'thread not joinable');
+ok(threads->list(threads::joinable) == 0, 'thread joinable list');
+$thr = threads->create(sub {
+ ok(! threads->is_detached(), 'thread not detached');
+ ok(threads->list(threads::running) == 1, 'thread running list');
+ ok(threads->list(threads::joinable) == 0, 'thread joinable list');
+ ok(threads->list(threads::all) == 1, 'thread list');
+ threads->detach();
+ do_thread();
+ ok(threads->is_detached(), 'thread detached');
+ ok(threads->list(threads::running) == 0, 'thread running list');
+ ok(threads->list(threads::joinable) == 0, 'thread joinable list');
+ ok(threads->list(threads::all) == 0, 'thread list');
+ok($thr->is_running(), 'thread running');
+ok(threads->list(threads::running) == 0, 'thread running list');
+ok($thr->is_detached(), 'thread detached');
+ok(! $thr->is_joinable(), 'thread not joinable');
+ok(threads->list(threads::joinable) == 0, 'thread joinable list');
+ok(threads->list(threads::all) == 0, 'thread list');
+ok(! $thr->is_running(), 'thread not running');
+ok(threads->list(threads::running) == 0, 'thread running list');
+ok($thr->is_detached(), 'thread detached');
+ok(! $thr->is_joinable(), 'thread not joinable');
+ok(threads->list(threads::joinable) == 0, 'thread joinable list');
+ my $go : shared = 0;
+ my $t = threads->create( sub {
+ ok(! threads->is_detached(), 'thread not detached');
+ ok(threads->list(threads::running) == 1, 'thread running list');
+ ok(threads->list(threads::joinable) == 0, 'thread joinable list');
+ ok(threads->list(threads::all) == 1, 'thread list');
+ lock($go); $go = 1; cond_signal($go);
+ });
+ { lock ($go); cond_wait($go) until $go; }
+ $t->join;
+ my $rdy :shared = 0;
+ sub thr_ready
+ {
+ lock($rdy);
+ $rdy++;
+ cond_signal($rdy);
+ }
+ my $go :shared = 0;
+ sub thr_wait
+ {
+ lock($go);
+ cond_wait($go) until $go;
+ }
+ my $done :shared = 0;
+ sub thr_done
+ {
+ lock($done);
+ $done++;
+ cond_signal($done);
+ }
+ my $thr_routine = sub { thr_ready(); thr_wait(); thr_done(); };
+ # Create 8 threads:
+ # 3 running, blocking on $go
+ # 2 running, blocking on $go, join pending
+ # 2 running, blocking on join of above
+ # 1 finished, unjoined
+ for (1..3) { threads->create($thr_routine); }
+ foreach my $t (map {threads->create($thr_routine)} 1..2) {
+ threads->create(sub { thr_ready(); $_[0]->join; thr_done(); }, $t);
+ }
+ threads->create(sub { thr_ready(); thr_done(); });
+ {
+ lock($done);
+ cond_wait($done) until ($done == 1);
+ }
+ {
+ lock($rdy);
+ cond_wait($rdy) until ($rdy == 8);
+ }
+ threads->yield();
+ sleep(1);
+ ok(threads->list(threads::running) == 5, 'thread running list');
+ ok(threads->list(threads::joinable) == 1, 'thread joinable list');
+ ok(threads->list(threads::all) == 6, 'thread all list');
+ { lock($go); $go = 1; cond_broadcast($go); }
+ {
+ lock($done);
+ cond_wait($done) until ($done == 8);
+ }
+ threads->yield();
+ sleep(1);
+ ok(threads->list(threads::running) == 0, 'thread running list');
+ # Two awaiting join() have completed
+ ok(threads->list(threads::joinable) == 6, 'thread joinable list');
+ ok(threads->list(threads::all) == 6, 'thread all list');
+ for (threads->list) { $_->join; }
+# EOF
diff --git a/dist/threads/t/stress_cv.t b/dist/threads/t/stress_cv.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17380567a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/t/stress_cv.t
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ use Config;
+ if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+use ExtUtils::testlib;
+my $test = 0;
+sub ok {
+ my ($ok, $name) = @_;
+ $test++;
+ # You have to do it this way or VMS will get confused.
+ if ($ok) {
+ print("ok $test - $name\n");
+ } else {
+ print("not ok $test - $name\n");
+ printf("# Failed test at line %d\n", (caller)[2]);
+ }
+ return ($ok);
+ $| = 1;
+ print("1..61\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
+use threads;
+ok(1, 'Loaded');
+### Start of Testing ###
+my $cnt = 30;
+my @threads;
+for (1..$cnt) {
+ my $thr = threads->create(sub { my $ii = shift;
+ for (1..500000) { $ii++ } }, $_);
+ ok($thr, "Thread created - iter $_");
+ push(@threads, $thr);
+for (1..$cnt) {
+ my ($result, $thr);
+ $thr = $threads[$_-1];
+ $result = $thr->join if $thr;
+ ok($thr, "Thread joined - iter $_");
+# EOF
diff --git a/dist/threads/t/stress_re.t b/dist/threads/t/stress_re.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c25dae736
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/t/stress_re.t
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ use Config;
+ if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+use ExtUtils::testlib;
+my $test = 0;
+sub ok {
+ my ($ok, $name) = @_;
+ $test++;
+ # You have to do it this way or VMS will get confused.
+ if ($ok) {
+ print("ok $test - $name\n");
+ } else {
+ print("not ok $test - $name\n");
+ printf("# Failed test at line %d\n", (caller)[2]);
+ }
+ return ($ok);
+ $| = 1;
+ print("1..61\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
+use threads;
+ok(1, 'Loaded');
+### Start of Testing ###
+my $cnt = 30;
+sub stress_re {
+ my $s = "abcd" x (1000 + $_[0]);
+ my $t = '';
+ while ($s =~ /(.)/g) { $t .= $1 }
+ return ($s eq $t) ? 'ok' : 'not';
+my @threads;
+for (1..$cnt) {
+ my $thr = threads->create('stress_re', $_);
+ ok($thr, "Thread created - iter $_");
+ push(@threads, $thr);
+for (1..$cnt) {
+ my ($result, $thr);
+ $thr = $threads[$_-1];
+ $result = $thr->join if $thr;
+ ok($thr && defined($result) && ($result eq 'ok'), "Thread joined - iter $_");
+# EOF
diff --git a/dist/threads/t/stress_string.t b/dist/threads/t/stress_string.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7edbbcb8ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/t/stress_string.t
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ use Config;
+ if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
+ print("1..0 # SKIP Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+use ExtUtils::testlib;
+my $test = 0;
+sub ok {
+ my ($ok, $name) = @_;
+ $test++;
+ # You have to do it this way or VMS will get confused.
+ if ($ok) {
+ print("ok $test - $name\n");
+ } else {
+ print("not ok $test - $name\n");
+ printf("# Failed test at line %d\n", (caller)[2]);
+ }
+ return ($ok);
+ $| = 1;
+ print("1..61\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
+use threads;
+ok(1, 'Loaded');
+### Start of Testing ###
+my $cnt = 30;
+sub test9 {
+ my $i = shift;
+ for (1..500000) { $i++ };
+my @threads;
+for (1..$cnt) {
+ my $thr = threads->create('test9', $_);
+ ok($thr, "Thread created - iter $_");
+ push(@threads, $thr);
+for (1..$cnt) {
+ my ($result, $thr);
+ $thr = $threads[$_-1];
+ $result = $thr->join if $thr;
+ ok($thr, "Thread joined - iter $_");
+# EOF
diff --git a/dist/threads/t/thread.t b/dist/threads/t/thread.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b980c625c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/t/thread.t
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ require($ENV{PERL_CORE} ? '../../t/' : './t/');
+ use Config;
+ if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) {
+ skip_all(q/Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'/);
+ }
+use ExtUtils::testlib;
+use threads;
+ if (! eval 'use threads::shared; 1') {
+ skip_all('threads::shared not available');
+ }
+ $| = 1;
+ print("1..34\n"); ### Number of tests that will be run ###
+print("ok 1 - Loaded\n");
+### Start of Testing ###
+sub content {
+ print shift;
+ return shift;
+ my $t = threads->create(\&content, "ok 2\n", "ok 3\n", 1..1000);
+ print $t->join();
+ my $lock : shared;
+ my $t;
+ {
+ lock($lock);
+ $t = threads->create(sub { lock($lock); print "ok 5\n"});
+ print "ok 4\n";
+ }
+ $t->join();
+sub dorecurse {
+ my $val = shift;
+ my $ret;
+ print $val;
+ if(@_) {
+ $ret = threads->create(\&dorecurse, @_);
+ $ret->join;
+ }
+ my $t = threads->create(\&dorecurse, map { "ok $_\n" } 6..10);
+ $t->join();
+ # test that sleep lets other thread run
+ my $t = threads->create(\&dorecurse, "ok 11\n");
+ threads->yield; # help out non-preemptive thread implementations
+ sleep 1;
+ print "ok 12\n";
+ $t->join();
+ my $lock : shared;
+ sub islocked {
+ lock($lock);
+ my $val = shift;
+ my $ret;
+ print $val;
+ if (@_) {
+ $ret = threads->create(\&islocked, shift);
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ }
+my $t = threads->create(\&islocked, "ok 13\n", "ok 14\n");
+sub testsprintf {
+ my $testno = shift;
+ my $same = sprintf( "%0.f", $testno);
+ return $testno eq $same;
+sub threaded {
+ my ($string, $string_end) = @_;
+ # Do the match, saving the output in appropriate variables
+ $string =~ /(.*)(is)(.*)/;
+ # Yield control, allowing the other thread to fill in the match variables
+ threads->yield();
+ # Examine the match variable contents; on broken perls this fails
+ return $3 eq $string_end;
+ curr_test(15);
+ my $thr1 = threads->create(\&testsprintf, 15);
+ my $thr2 = threads->create(\&testsprintf, 16);
+ my $short = "This is a long string that goes on and on.";
+ my $shorte = " a long string that goes on and on.";
+ my $long = "This is short.";
+ my $longe = " short.";
+ my $foo = "This is bar bar bar.";
+ my $fooe = " bar bar bar.";
+ my $thr3 = new threads \&threaded, $short, $shorte;
+ my $thr4 = new threads \&threaded, $long, $longe;
+ my $thr5 = new threads \&testsprintf, 19;
+ my $thr6 = new threads \&testsprintf, 20;
+ my $thr7 = new threads \&threaded, $foo, $fooe;
+ ok($thr1->join());
+ ok($thr2->join());
+ ok($thr3->join());
+ ok($thr4->join());
+ ok($thr5->join());
+ ok($thr6->join());
+ ok($thr7->join());
+# test that 'yield' is importable
+package Test1;
+use threads 'yield';
+package main;
+# test async
+ my $th = async {return 1 };
+ ok($th);
+ ok($th->join());
+ # There is a miniscule chance this test case may falsely fail
+ # since it tests using rand()
+ my %rand : shared;
+ rand(10);
+ threads->create( sub { $rand{int(rand(10000000000))}++ } ) foreach 1..25;
+ $_->join foreach threads->list;
+ ok((keys %rand >= 23), "Check that rand() is randomized in new threads");
+# bugid #24165
+run_perl(prog => 'use threads 1.74;' .
+ 'sub a{threads->create(shift)} $t = a sub{};' .
+ '$t->tid; $t->join; $t->tid',
+ nolib => ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? 0 : 1,
+ switches => ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) ? [] : [ '-Mblib' ]);
+is($?, 0, 'coredump in global destruction');
+# Attempt to free unreferenced scalar...
+fresh_perl_is(<<'EOI', 'ok', { }, 'thread sub via scalar');
+ use threads;
+ my $test = sub {};
+ threads->create($test)->join();
+ print 'ok';
+# Attempt to free unreferenced scalar...
+fresh_perl_is(<<'EOI', 'ok', { }, 'thread sub via $_[0]');
+ use threads;
+ sub thr { threads->new($_[0]); }
+ thr(sub { })->join;
+ print 'ok';
+# [perl #45053] Memory corruption from eval return in void context
+fresh_perl_is(<<'EOI', 'ok', { }, 'void eval return');
+ use threads;
+ threads->create(sub { eval '1' });
+ $_->join() for threads->list;
+ print 'ok';
+# test CLONE_SKIP() functionality
+SKIP: {
+ skip('CLONE_SKIP not implemented in Perl < 5.8.7', 5) if ($] < 5.008007);
+ my %c : shared;
+ my %d : shared;
+ # ---
+ package A;
+ sub CLONE_SKIP { $c{"A-$_[0]"}++; 1; }
+ sub DESTROY { $d{"A-". ref $_[0]}++ }
+ package A1;
+ our @ISA = qw(A);
+ sub CLONE_SKIP { $c{"A1-$_[0]"}++; 1; }
+ sub DESTROY { $d{"A1-". ref $_[0]}++ }
+ package A2;
+ our @ISA = qw(A1);
+ # ---
+ package B;
+ sub CLONE_SKIP { $c{"B-$_[0]"}++; 0; }
+ sub DESTROY { $d{"B-" . ref $_[0]}++ }
+ package B1;
+ our @ISA = qw(B);
+ sub CLONE_SKIP { $c{"B1-$_[0]"}++; 1; }
+ sub DESTROY { $d{"B1-" . ref $_[0]}++ }
+ package B2;
+ our @ISA = qw(B1);
+ # ---
+ package C;
+ sub CLONE_SKIP { $c{"C-$_[0]"}++; 1; }
+ sub DESTROY { $d{"C-" . ref $_[0]}++ }
+ package C1;
+ our @ISA = qw(C);
+ sub CLONE_SKIP { $c{"C1-$_[0]"}++; 0; }
+ sub DESTROY { $d{"C1-" . ref $_[0]}++ }
+ package C2;
+ our @ISA = qw(C1);
+ # ---
+ package D;
+ sub DESTROY { $d{"D-" . ref $_[0]}++ }
+ package D1;
+ our @ISA = qw(D);
+ package main;
+ {
+ my @objs;
+ for my $class (qw(A A1 A2 B B1 B2 C C1 C2 D D1)) {
+ push @objs, bless [], $class;
+ }
+ sub f {
+ my $depth = shift;
+ my $cloned = ""; # XXX due to recursion, doesn't get initialized
+ $cloned .= "$_" =~ /ARRAY/ ? '1' : '0' for @objs;
+ is($cloned, ($depth ? '00010001111' : '11111111111'),
+ "objs clone skip at depth $depth");
+ threads->create( \&f, $depth+1)->join if $depth < 2;
+ @objs = ();
+ }
+ f(0);
+ }
+ curr_test(curr_test()+2);
+ ok(eq_hash(\%c,
+ {
+ qw(
+ A-A 2
+ A1-A1 2
+ A1-A2 2
+ B-B 2
+ B1-B1 2
+ B1-B2 2
+ C-C 2
+ C1-C1 2
+ C1-C2 2
+ )
+ }),
+ "counts of calls to CLONE_SKIP");
+ ok(eq_hash(\%d,
+ {
+ qw(
+ A-A 1
+ A1-A1 1
+ A1-A2 1
+ B-B 3
+ B1-B1 1
+ B1-B2 1
+ C-C 1
+ C1-C1 3
+ C1-C2 3
+ D-D 3
+ D-D1 3
+ )
+ }),
+ "counts of calls to DESTROY");
+# EOF
diff --git a/dist/threads/ b/dist/threads/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b9b2d8990
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/
@@ -0,0 +1,1066 @@
+package threads;
+use 5.008;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = '1.74';
+# Verify this Perl supports threads
+require Config;
+if (! $Config::Config{useithreads}) {
+ die("This Perl not built to support threads\n");
+# Complain if 'threads' is loaded after 'threads::shared'
+if ($threads::shared::threads_shared) {
+ warn <<'_MSG_';
+Warning, threads::shared has already been loaded. To
+enable shared variables, 'use threads' must be called
+before threads::shared or any module that uses it.
+# Declare that we have been loaded
+$threads::threads = 1;
+# Load the XS code
+require XSLoader;
+XSLoader::load('threads', $XS_VERSION);
+### Export ###
+sub import
+ my $class = shift; # Not used
+ # Exported subroutines
+ my @EXPORT = qw(async);
+ # Handle args
+ while (my $sym = shift) {
+ if ($sym =~ /^(?:stack|exit)/i) {
+ if (defined(my $arg = shift)) {
+ if ($sym =~ /^stack/i) {
+ threads->set_stack_size($arg);
+ } else {
+ $threads::thread_exit_only = $arg =~ /^thread/i;
+ }
+ } else {
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::croak("threads: Missing argument for option: $sym");
+ }
+ } elsif ($sym =~ /^str/i) {
+ import overload ('""' => \&tid);
+ } elsif ($sym =~ /^(?::all|yield)$/) {
+ push(@EXPORT, qw(yield));
+ } else {
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::croak("threads: Unknown import option: $sym");
+ }
+ }
+ # Export subroutine names
+ my $caller = caller();
+ foreach my $sym (@EXPORT) {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *{$caller.'::'.$sym} = \&{$sym};
+ }
+ # Set stack size via environment variable
+ if (exists($ENV{'PERL5_ITHREADS_STACK_SIZE'})) {
+ threads->set_stack_size($ENV{'PERL5_ITHREADS_STACK_SIZE'});
+ }
+### Methods, etc. ###
+# Exit from a thread (only)
+sub exit
+ my ($class, $status) = @_;
+ if (! defined($status)) {
+ $status = 0;
+ }
+ # Class method only
+ if (ref($class)) {
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::croak('Usage: threads->exit(status)');
+ }
+ $class->set_thread_exit_only(1);
+ CORE::exit($status);
+# 'Constant' args for threads->list()
+sub threads::all { }
+sub threads::running { 1 }
+sub threads::joinable { 0 }
+# 'new' is an alias for 'create'
+*new = \&create;
+# 'async' is a function alias for the 'threads->create()' method
+sub async (&;@)
+ unshift(@_, 'threads');
+ # Use "goto" trick to avoid pad problems from 5.8.1 (fixed in 5.8.2)
+ goto &create;
+# Thread object equality checking
+use overload (
+ '==' => \&equal,
+ '!=' => sub { ! equal(@_) },
+ 'fallback' => 1
+=head1 NAME
+threads - Perl interpreter-based threads
+=head1 VERSION
+This document describes threads version 1.74
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use threads ('yield',
+ 'stack_size' => 64*4096,
+ 'exit' => 'threads_only',
+ 'stringify');
+ sub start_thread {
+ my @args = @_;
+ print('Thread started: ', join(' ', @args), "\n");
+ }
+ my $thr = threads->create('start_thread', 'argument');
+ $thr->join();
+ threads->create(sub { print("I am a thread\n"); })->join();
+ my $thr2 = async { foreach (@files) { ... } };
+ $thr2->join();
+ if (my $err = $thr2->error()) {
+ warn("Thread error: $err\n");
+ }
+ # Invoke thread in list context (implicit) so it can return a list
+ my ($thr) = threads->create(sub { return (qw/a b c/); });
+ # or specify list context explicitly
+ my $thr = threads->create({'context' => 'list'},
+ sub { return (qw/a b c/); });
+ my @results = $thr->join();
+ $thr->detach();
+ # Get a thread's object
+ $thr = threads->self();
+ $thr = threads->object($tid);
+ # Get a thread's ID
+ $tid = threads->tid();
+ $tid = $thr->tid();
+ $tid = "$thr";
+ # Give other threads a chance to run
+ threads->yield();
+ yield();
+ # Lists of non-detached threads
+ my @threads = threads->list();
+ my $thread_count = threads->list();
+ my @running = threads->list(threads::running);
+ my @joinable = threads->list(threads::joinable);
+ # Test thread objects
+ if ($thr1 == $thr2) {
+ ...
+ }
+ # Manage thread stack size
+ $stack_size = threads->get_stack_size();
+ $old_size = threads->set_stack_size(32*4096);
+ # Create a thread with a specific context and stack size
+ my $thr = threads->create({ 'context' => 'list',
+ 'stack_size' => 32*4096,
+ 'exit' => 'thread_only' },
+ \&foo);
+ # Get thread's context
+ my $wantarray = $thr->wantarray();
+ # Check thread's state
+ if ($thr->is_running()) {
+ sleep(1);
+ }
+ if ($thr->is_joinable()) {
+ $thr->join();
+ }
+ # Send a signal to a thread
+ $thr->kill('SIGUSR1');
+ # Exit a thread
+ threads->exit();
+Since Perl 5.8, thread programming has been available using a model called
+I<interpreter threads> which provides a new Perl interpreter for each
+thread, and, by default, results in no data or state information being shared
+between threads.
+(Prior to Perl 5.8, I<5005threads> was available through the C<> API.
+This threading model has been deprecated, and was removed as of Perl 5.10.0.)
+As just mentioned, all variables are, by default, thread local. To use shared
+variables, you need to also load L<threads::shared>:
+ use threads;
+ use threads::shared;
+When loading L<threads::shared>, you must C<use threads> before you
+C<use threads::shared>. (C<threads> will emit a warning if you do it the
+other way around.)
+It is strongly recommended that you enable threads via C<use threads> as early
+as possible in your script.
+If needed, scripts can be written so as to run on both threaded and
+non-threaded Perls:
+ my $can_use_threads = eval 'use threads; 1';
+ if ($can_use_threads) {
+ # Do processing using threads
+ ...
+ } else {
+ # Do it without using threads
+ ...
+ }
+=item $thr = threads->create(FUNCTION, ARGS)
+This will create a new thread that will begin execution with the specified
+entry point function, and give it the I<ARGS> list as parameters. It will
+return the corresponding threads object, or C<undef> if thread creation failed.
+I<FUNCTION> may either be the name of a function, an anonymous subroutine, or
+a code ref.
+ my $thr = threads->create('func_name', ...);
+ # or
+ my $thr = threads->create(sub { ... }, ...);
+ # or
+ my $thr = threads->create(\&func, ...);
+The C<-E<gt>new()> method is an alias for C<-E<gt>create()>.
+=item $thr->join()
+This will wait for the corresponding thread to complete its execution. When
+the thread finishes, C<-E<gt>join()> will return the return value(s) of the
+entry point function.
+The context (void, scalar or list) for the return value(s) for C<-E<gt>join()>
+is determined at the time of thread creation.
+ # Create thread in list context (implicit)
+ my ($thr1) = threads->create(sub {
+ my @results = qw(a b c);
+ return (@results);
+ });
+ # or (explicit)
+ my $thr1 = threads->create({'context' => 'list'},
+ sub {
+ my @results = qw(a b c);
+ return (@results);
+ });
+ # Retrieve list results from thread
+ my @res1 = $thr1->join();
+ # Create thread in scalar context (implicit)
+ my $thr2 = threads->create(sub {
+ my $result = 42;
+ return ($result);
+ });
+ # Retrieve scalar result from thread
+ my $res2 = $thr2->join();
+ # Create a thread in void context (explicit)
+ my $thr3 = threads->create({'void' => 1},
+ sub { print("Hello, world\n"); });
+ # Join the thread in void context (i.e., no return value)
+ $thr3->join();
+See L</"THREAD CONTEXT"> for more details.
+If the program exits without all threads having either been joined or
+detached, then a warning will be issued.
+Calling C<-E<gt>join()> or C<-E<gt>detach()> on an already joined thread will
+cause an error to be thrown.
+=item $thr->detach()
+Makes the thread unjoinable, and causes any eventual return value to be
+discarded. When the program exits, any detached threads that are still
+running are silently terminated.
+If the program exits without all threads having either been joined or
+detached, then a warning will be issued.
+Calling C<-E<gt>join()> or C<-E<gt>detach()> on an already detached thread
+will cause an error to be thrown.
+=item threads->detach()
+Class method that allows a thread to detach itself.
+=item threads->self()
+Class method that allows a thread to obtain its own I<threads> object.
+=item $thr->tid()
+Returns the ID of the thread. Thread IDs are unique integers with the main
+thread in a program being 0, and incrementing by 1 for every thread created.
+=item threads->tid()
+Class method that allows a thread to obtain its own ID.
+=item "$thr"
+If you add the C<stringify> import option to your C<use threads> declaration,
+then using a threads object in a string or a string context (e.g., as a hash
+key) will cause its ID to be used as the value:
+ use threads qw(stringify);
+ my $thr = threads->create(...);
+ print("Thread $thr started...\n"); # Prints out: Thread 1 started...
+=item threads->object($tid)
+This will return the I<threads> object for the I<active> thread associated
+with the specified thread ID. Returns C<undef> if there is no thread
+associated with the TID, if the thread is joined or detached, if no TID is
+specified or if the specified TID is undef.
+=item threads->yield()
+This is a suggestion to the OS to let this thread yield CPU time to other
+threads. What actually happens is highly dependent upon the underlying
+thread implementation.
+You may do C<use threads qw(yield)>, and then just use C<yield()> in your
+=item threads->list()
+=item threads->list(threads::all)
+=item threads->list(threads::running)
+=item threads->list(threads::joinable)
+With no arguments (or using C<threads::all>) and in a list context, returns a
+list of all non-joined, non-detached I<threads> objects. In a scalar context,
+returns a count of the same.
+With a I<true> argument (using C<threads::running>), returns a list of all
+non-joined, non-detached I<threads> objects that are still running.
+With a I<false> argument (using C<threads::joinable>), returns a list of all
+non-joined, non-detached I<threads> objects that have finished running (i.e.,
+for which C<-E<gt>join()> will not I<block>).
+=item $thr1->equal($thr2)
+Tests if two threads objects are the same thread or not. This is overloaded
+to the more natural forms:
+ if ($thr1 == $thr2) {
+ print("Threads are the same\n");
+ }
+ # or
+ if ($thr1 != $thr2) {
+ print("Threads differ\n");
+ }
+(Thread comparison is based on thread IDs.)
+=item async BLOCK;
+C<async> creates a thread to execute the block immediately following
+it. This block is treated as an anonymous subroutine, and so must have a
+semicolon after the closing brace. Like C<threads-E<gt>create()>, C<async>
+returns a I<threads> object.
+=item $thr->error()
+Threads are executed in an C<eval> context. This method will return C<undef>
+if the thread terminates I<normally>. Otherwise, it returns the value of
+C<$@> associated with the thread's execution status in its C<eval> context.
+=item $thr->_handle()
+This I<private> method returns the memory location of the internal thread
+structure associated with a threads object. For Win32, this is a pointer to
+the C<HANDLE> value returned by C<CreateThread> (i.e., C<HANDLE *>); for other
+platforms, it is a pointer to the C<pthread_t> structure used in the
+C<pthread_create> call (i.e., C<pthread_t *>).
+This method is of no use for general Perl threads programming. Its intent is
+to provide other (XS-based) thread modules with the capability to access, and
+possibly manipulate, the underlying thread structure associated with a Perl
+=item threads->_handle()
+Class method that allows a thread to obtain its own I<handle>.
+The usual method for terminating a thread is to
+L<return()|perlfunc/"return EXPR"> from the entry point function with the
+appropriate return value(s).
+=item threads->exit()
+If needed, a thread can be exited at any time by calling
+C<threads-E<gt>exit()>. This will cause the thread to return C<undef> in a
+scalar context, or the empty list in a list context.
+When called from the I<main> thread, this behaves the same as C<exit(0)>.
+=item threads->exit(status)
+When called from a thread, this behaves like C<threads-E<gt>exit()> (i.e., the
+exit status code is ignored).
+When called from the I<main> thread, this behaves the same as C<exit(status)>.
+=item die()
+Calling C<die()> in a thread indicates an abnormal exit for the thread. Any
+C<$SIG{__DIE__}> handler in the thread will be called first, and then the
+thread will exit with a warning message that will contain any arguments passed
+in the C<die()> call.
+=item exit(status)
+Calling L<exit()|perlfunc/"exit EXPR"> inside a thread causes the whole
+application to terminate. Because of this, the use of C<exit()> inside
+threaded code, or in modules that might be used in threaded applications, is
+strongly discouraged.
+If C<exit()> really is needed, then consider using the following:
+ threads->exit() if threads->can('exit'); # Thread friendly
+ exit(status);
+=item use threads 'exit' => 'threads_only'
+This globally overrides the default behavior of calling C<exit()> inside a
+thread, and effectively causes such calls to behave the same as
+C<threads-E<gt>exit()>. In other words, with this setting, calling C<exit()>
+causes only the thread to terminate.
+Because of its global effect, this setting should not be used inside modules
+or the like.
+The I<main> thread is unaffected by this setting.
+=item threads->create({'exit' => 'thread_only'}, ...)
+This overrides the default behavior of C<exit()> inside the newly created
+thread only.
+=item $thr->set_thread_exit_only(boolean)
+This can be used to change the I<exit thread only> behavior for a thread after
+it has been created. With a I<true> argument, C<exit()> will cause only the
+thread to exit. With a I<false> argument, C<exit()> will terminate the
+The I<main> thread is unaffected by this call.
+=item threads->set_thread_exit_only(boolean)
+Class method for use inside a thread to change its own behavior for C<exit()>.
+The I<main> thread is unaffected by this call.
+The following boolean methods are useful in determining the I<state> of a
+=item $thr->is_running()
+Returns true if a thread is still running (i.e., if its entry point function
+has not yet finished or exited).
+=item $thr->is_joinable()
+Returns true if the thread has finished running, is not detached and has not
+yet been joined. In other words, the thread is ready to be joined, and a call
+to C<$thr-E<gt>join()> will not I<block>.
+=item $thr->is_detached()
+Returns true if the thread has been detached.
+=item threads->is_detached()
+Class method that allows a thread to determine whether or not it is detached.
+As with subroutines, the type of value returned from a thread's entry point
+function may be determined by the thread's I<context>: list, scalar or void.
+The thread's context is determined at thread creation. This is necessary so
+that the context is available to the entry point function via
+L<wantarray()|perlfunc/"wantarray">. The thread may then specify a value of
+the appropriate type to be returned from C<-E<gt>join()>.
+=head2 Explicit context
+Because thread creation and thread joining may occur in different contexts, it
+may be desirable to state the context explicitly to the thread's entry point
+function. This may be done by calling C<-E<gt>create()> with a hash reference
+as the first argument:
+ my $thr = threads->create({'context' => 'list'}, \&foo);
+ ...
+ my @results = $thr->join();
+In the above, the threads object is returned to the parent thread in scalar
+context, and the thread's entry point function C<foo> will be called in list
+(array) context such that the parent thread can receive a list (array) from
+the C<-E<gt>join()> call. (C<'array'> is synonymous with C<'list'>.)
+Similarly, if you need the threads object, but your thread will not be
+returning a value (i.e., I<void> context), you would do the following:
+ my $thr = threads->create({'context' => 'void'}, \&foo);
+ ...
+ $thr->join();
+The context type may also be used as the I<key> in the hash reference followed
+by a I<true> value:
+ threads->create({'scalar' => 1}, \&foo);
+ ...
+ my ($thr) = threads->list();
+ my $result = $thr->join();
+=head2 Implicit context
+If not explicitly stated, the thread's context is implied from the context
+of the C<-E<gt>create()> call:
+ # Create thread in list context
+ my ($thr) = threads->create(...);
+ # Create thread in scalar context
+ my $thr = threads->create(...);
+ # Create thread in void context
+ threads->create(...);
+=head2 $thr->wantarray()
+This returns the thread's context in the same manner as
+=head2 threads->wantarray()
+Class method to return the current thread's context. This returns the same
+value as running L<wantarray()|perlfunc/"wantarray"> inside the current
+thread's entry point function.
+The default per-thread stack size for different platforms varies
+significantly, and is almost always far more than is needed for most
+applications. On Win32, Perl's makefile explicitly sets the default stack to
+16 MB; on most other platforms, the system default is used, which again may be
+much larger than is needed.
+By tuning the stack size to more accurately reflect your application's needs,
+you may significantly reduce your application's memory usage, and increase the
+number of simultaneously running threads.
+Note that on Windows, address space allocation granularity is 64 KB,
+therefore, setting the stack smaller than that on Win32 Perl will not save any
+more memory.
+=item threads->get_stack_size();
+Returns the current default per-thread stack size. The default is zero, which
+means the system default stack size is currently in use.
+=item $size = $thr->get_stack_size();
+Returns the stack size for a particular thread. A return value of zero
+indicates the system default stack size was used for the thread.
+=item $old_size = threads->set_stack_size($new_size);
+Sets a new default per-thread stack size, and returns the previous setting.
+Some platforms have a minimum thread stack size. Trying to set the stack size
+below this value will result in a warning, and the minimum stack size will be
+Some Linux platforms have a maximum stack size. Setting too large of a stack
+size will cause thread creation to fail.
+If needed, C<$new_size> will be rounded up to the next multiple of the memory
+page size (usually 4096 or 8192).
+Threads created after the stack size is set will then either call
+C<pthread_attr_setstacksize()> I<(for pthreads platforms)>, or supply the
+stack size to C<CreateThread()> I<(for Win32 Perl)>.
+(Obviously, this call does not affect any currently extant threads.)
+=item use threads ('stack_size' => VALUE);
+This sets the default per-thread stack size at the start of the application.
+The default per-thread stack size may be set at the start of the application
+through the use of the environment variable C<PERL5_ITHREADS_STACK_SIZE>:
+ perl -e'use threads; print(threads->get_stack_size(), "\n")'
+This value overrides any C<stack_size> parameter given to C<use threads>. Its
+primary purpose is to permit setting the per-thread stack size for legacy
+threaded applications.
+=item threads->create({'stack_size' => VALUE}, FUNCTION, ARGS)
+To specify a particular stack size for any individual thread, call
+C<-E<gt>create()> with a hash reference as the first argument:
+ my $thr = threads->create({'stack_size' => 32*4096}, \&foo, @args);
+=item $thr2 = $thr1->create(FUNCTION, ARGS)
+This creates a new thread (C<$thr2>) that inherits the stack size from an
+existing thread (C<$thr1>). This is shorthand for the following:
+ my $stack_size = $thr1->get_stack_size();
+ my $thr2 = threads->create({'stack_size' => $stack_size}, FUNCTION, ARGS);
+When safe signals is in effect (the default behavior - see L</"Unsafe signals">
+for more details), then signals may be sent and acted upon by individual
+=over 4
+=item $thr->kill('SIG...');
+Sends the specified signal to the thread. Signal names and (positive) signal
+numbers are the same as those supported by
+L<kill()|perlfunc/"kill SIGNAL, LIST">. For example, 'SIGTERM', 'TERM' and
+(depending on the OS) 15 are all valid arguments to C<-E<gt>kill()>.
+Returns the thread object to allow for method chaining:
+ $thr->kill('SIG...')->join();
+Signal handlers need to be set up in the threads for the signals they are
+expected to act upon. Here's an example for I<cancelling> a thread:
+ use threads;
+ sub thr_func
+ {
+ # Thread 'cancellation' signal handler
+ $SIG{'KILL'} = sub { threads->exit(); };
+ ...
+ }
+ # Create a thread
+ my $thr = threads->create('thr_func');
+ ...
+ # Signal the thread to terminate, and then detach
+ # it so that it will get cleaned up automatically
+ $thr->kill('KILL')->detach();
+Here's another simplistic example that illustrates the use of thread
+signalling in conjunction with a semaphore to provide rudimentary I<suspend>
+and I<resume> capabilities:
+ use threads;
+ use Thread::Semaphore;
+ sub thr_func
+ {
+ my $sema = shift;
+ # Thread 'suspend/resume' signal handler
+ $SIG{'STOP'} = sub {
+ $sema->down(); # Thread suspended
+ $sema->up(); # Thread resumes
+ };
+ ...
+ }
+ # Create a semaphore and pass it to a thread
+ my $sema = Thread::Semaphore->new();
+ my $thr = threads->create('thr_func', $sema);
+ # Suspend the thread
+ $sema->down();
+ $thr->kill('STOP');
+ ...
+ # Allow the thread to continue
+ $sema->up();
+CAVEAT: The thread signalling capability provided by this module does not
+actually send signals via the OS. It I<emulates> signals at the Perl-level
+such that signal handlers are called in the appropriate thread. For example,
+sending C<$thr-E<gt>kill('STOP')> does not actually suspend a thread (or the
+whole process), but does cause a C<$SIG{'STOP'}> handler to be called in that
+thread (as illustrated above).
+As such, signals that would normally not be appropriate to use in the
+C<kill()> command (e.g., C<kill('KILL', $$)>) are okay to use with the
+C<-E<gt>kill()> method (again, as illustrated above).
+Correspondingly, sending a signal to a thread does not disrupt the operation
+the thread is currently working on: The signal will be acted upon after the
+current operation has completed. For instance, if the thread is I<stuck> on
+an I/O call, sending it a signal will not cause the I/O call to be interrupted
+such that the signal is acted up immediately.
+Sending a signal to a terminated thread is ignored.
+=head1 WARNINGS
+=over 4
+=item Perl exited with active threads:
+If the program exits without all threads having either been joined or
+detached, then this warning will be issued.
+NOTE: If the I<main> thread exits, then this warning cannot be suppressed
+using C<no warnings 'threads';> as suggested below.
+=item Thread creation failed: pthread_create returned #
+See the appropriate I<man> page for C<pthread_create> to determine the actual
+cause for the failure.
+=item Thread # terminated abnormally: ...
+A thread terminated in some manner other than just returning from its entry
+point function, or by using C<threads-E<gt>exit()>. For example, the thread
+may have terminated because of an error, or by using C<die>.
+=item Using minimum thread stack size of #
+Some platforms have a minimum thread stack size. Trying to set the stack size
+below this value will result in the above warning, and the stack size will be
+set to the minimum.
+=item Thread creation failed: pthread_attr_setstacksize(I<SIZE>) returned 22
+The specified I<SIZE> exceeds the system's maximum stack size. Use a smaller
+value for the stack size.
+If needed, thread warnings can be suppressed by using:
+ no warnings 'threads';
+in the appropriate scope.
+=head1 ERRORS
+=over 4
+=item This Perl not built to support threads
+The particular copy of Perl that you're trying to use was not built using the
+C<useithreads> configuration option.
+Having threads support requires all of Perl and all of the XS modules in the
+Perl installation to be rebuilt; it is not just a question of adding the
+L<threads> module (i.e., threaded and non-threaded Perls are binary
+=item Cannot change stack size of an existing thread
+The stack size of currently extant threads cannot be changed, therefore, the
+following results in the above error:
+ $thr->set_stack_size($size);
+=item Cannot signal threads without safe signals
+Safe signals must be in effect to use the C<-E<gt>kill()> signalling method.
+See L</"Unsafe signals"> for more details.
+=item Unrecognized signal name: ...
+The particular copy of Perl that you're trying to use does not support the
+specified signal being used in a C<-E<gt>kill()> call.
+Before you consider posting a bug report, please consult, and possibly post a
+message to the discussion forum to see if what you've encountered is a known
+=item Thread-safe modules
+See L<perlmod/"Making your module threadsafe"> when creating modules that may
+be used in threaded applications, especially if those modules use non-Perl
+data, or XS code.
+=item Using non-thread-safe modules
+Unfortunately, you may encounter Perl modules that are not I<thread-safe>.
+For example, they may crash the Perl interpreter during execution, or may dump
+core on termination. Depending on the module and the requirements of your
+application, it may be possible to work around such difficulties.
+If the module will only be used inside a thread, you can try loading the
+module from inside the thread entry point function using C<require> (and
+C<import> if needed):
+ sub thr_func
+ {
+ require Unsafe::Module
+ # Unsafe::Module->import(...);
+ ....
+ }
+If the module is needed inside the I<main> thread, try modifying your
+application so that the module is loaded (again using C<require> and
+C<-E<gt>import()>) after any threads are started, and in such a way that no
+other threads are started afterwards.
+If the above does not work, or is not adequate for your application, then file
+a bug report on L<> against the problematic module.
+=item Current working directory
+On all platforms except MSWin32, the setting for the current working directory
+is shared among all threads such that changing it in one thread (e.g., using
+C<chdir()>) will affect all the threads in the application.
+On MSWin32, each thread maintains its own the current working directory
+=item Environment variables
+Currently, on all platforms except MSWin32, all I<system> calls (e.g., using
+C<system()> or back-ticks) made from threads use the environment variable
+settings from the I<main> thread. In other words, changes made to C<%ENV> in
+a thread will not be visible in I<system> calls made by that thread.
+To work around this, set environment variables as part of the I<system> call.
+For example:
+ my $msg = 'hello';
+ system("FOO=$msg; echo \$FOO"); # Outputs 'hello' to STDOUT
+On MSWin32, each thread maintains its own set of environment variables.
+=item Parent-child threads
+On some platforms, it might not be possible to destroy I<parent> threads while
+there are still existing I<child> threads.
+=item Creating threads inside special blocks
+Creating threads inside C<BEGIN>, C<CHECK> or C<INIT> blocks should not be
+relied upon. Depending on the Perl version and the application code, results
+may range from success, to (apparently harmless) warnings of leaked scalar, or
+all the way up to crashing of the Perl interpreter.
+=item Unsafe signals
+Since Perl 5.8.0, signals have been made safer in Perl by postponing their
+handling until the interpreter is in a I<safe> state. See
+L<perl58delta/"Safe Signals"> and L<perlipc/"Deferred Signals (Safe Signals)">
+for more details.
+Safe signals is the default behavior, and the old, immediate, unsafe
+signalling behavior is only in effect in the following situations:
+=over 4
+=item * Perl has been built with C<PERL_OLD_SIGNALS> (see C<perl -V>).
+=item * The environment variable C<PERL_SIGNALS> is set to C<unsafe> (see L<perlrun/"PERL_SIGNALS">).
+=item * The module L<Perl::Unsafe::Signals> is used.
+If unsafe signals is in effect, then signal handling is not thread-safe, and
+the C<-E<gt>kill()> signalling method cannot be used.
+=item Returning closures from threads
+Returning closures from threads should not be relied upon. Depending of the
+Perl version and the application code, results may range from success, to
+(apparently harmless) warnings of leaked scalar, or all the way up to crashing
+of the Perl interpreter.
+=item Returning objects from threads
+Returning objects from threads does not work. Depending on the classes
+involved, you may be able to work around this by returning a serialized
+version of the object (e.g., using L<Data::Dumper> or L<Storable>), and then
+reconstituting it in the joining thread. If you're using Perl 5.10.0 or
+later, and if the class supports L<shared objects|threads::shared/"OBJECTS">,
+you can pass them via L<shared queues| Thread::Queue>.
+=item END blocks in threads
+It is possible to add L<END blocks|perlmod/"BEGIN, UNITCHECK, CHECK, INIT and
+END"> to threads by using L<require|perlfunc/"require VERSION"> or
+L<eval|perlfunc/"eval EXPR"> with the appropriate code. These C<END> blocks
+will then be executed when the thread's interpreter is destroyed (i.e., either
+during a C<-E<gt>join()> call, or at program termination).
+However, calling any L<threads> methods in such an C<END> block will most
+likely I<fail> (e.g., the application may hang, or generate an error) due to
+mutexes that are needed to control functionality within the L<threads> module.
+For this reason, the use of C<END> blocks in threads is B<strongly>
+=item Perl Bugs and the CPAN Version of L<threads>
+Support for threads extends beyond the code in this module (i.e.,
+F<> and F<threads.xs>), and into the Perl interpreter itself. Older
+versions of Perl contain bugs that may manifest themselves despite using the
+latest version of L<threads> from CPAN. There is no workaround for this other
+than upgrading to the latest version of Perl.
+Even with the latest version of Perl, it is known that certain constructs
+with threads may result in warning messages concerning leaked scalars or
+unreferenced scalars. However, such warnings are harmless, and may safely be
+You can search for L<threads> related bug reports at
+L<>. If needed submit any new bugs, problems,
+patches, etc. to: L<>
+Perl 5.8.0 or later
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<threads> Discussion Forum on CPAN:
+Annotated POD for L<threads>:
+Source repository:
+L<threads::shared>, L<perlthrtut>
+L<> and
+Perl threads mailing list:
+Stack size discussion:
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Artur Bergman E<lt>sky AT crucially DOT netE<gt>
+CPAN version produced by Jerry D. Hedden <jdhedden AT cpan DOT org>
+=head1 LICENSE
+threads is released under the same license as Perl.
+Richard Soderberg E<lt>perl AT crystalflame DOT netE<gt> -
+Helping me out tons, trying to find reasons for races and other weird bugs!
+Simon Cozens E<lt>simon AT brecon DOT co DOT ukE<gt> -
+Being there to answer zillions of annoying questions
+Rocco Caputo E<lt>troc AT netrus DOT netE<gt>
+Vipul Ved Prakash E<lt>mail AT vipul DOT netE<gt> -
+Helping with debugging
+Dean Arnold E<lt>darnold AT presicient DOT comE<gt> -
+Stack size API
diff --git a/dist/threads/threads.xs b/dist/threads/threads.xs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..7d0ad23c31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/threads/threads.xs
@@ -0,0 +1,1687 @@
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+/* Workaround for XSUB.h bug under WIN32 */
+#ifdef WIN32
+# undef setjmp
+# if !defined(__BORLANDC__)
+# define setjmp(x) _setjmp(x)
+# endif
+#ifdef HAS_PPPORT_H
+# define NEED_PL_signals
+# define NEED_newRV_noinc
+# define NEED_sv_2pv_flags
+# include "ppport.h"
+# include "threads.h"
+#ifdef WIN32
+# include <windows.h>
+ /* Supposed to be in Winbase.h */
+# endif
+# include <win32thread.h>
+# ifdef OS2
+typedef perl_os_thread pthread_t;
+# else
+# include <pthread.h>
+# endif
+# include <thread.h>
+# define PERL_THREAD_SETSPECIFIC(k,v) pthread_setspecific(k,v)
+# define PERL_THREAD_DETACH(t) pthread_detach(&(t))
+# else
+# define PERL_THREAD_DETACH(t) pthread_detach((t))
+# endif
+#if !defined(HAS_GETPAGESIZE) && defined(I_SYS_PARAM)
+# include <sys/param.h>
+/* Values for 'state' member */
+#define PERL_ITHR_DETACHED 1 /* Thread has been detached */
+#define PERL_ITHR_JOINED 2 /* Thread has been joined */
+#define PERL_ITHR_FINISHED 4 /* Thread has finished execution */
+#define PERL_ITHR_THREAD_EXIT_ONLY 8 /* exit() only exits current thread */
+#define PERL_ITHR_NONVIABLE 16 /* Thread creation failed */
+#define PERL_ITHR_DIED 32 /* Thread finished by dying */
+typedef struct _ithread {
+ struct _ithread *next; /* Next thread in the list */
+ struct _ithread *prev; /* Prev thread in the list */
+ PerlInterpreter *interp; /* The threads interpreter */
+ UV tid; /* Threads module's thread id */
+ perl_mutex mutex; /* Mutex for updating things in this struct */
+ int count; /* Reference count. See S_ithread_create. */
+ int state; /* Detached, joined, finished, etc. */
+ int gimme; /* Context of create */
+ SV *init_function; /* Code to run */
+ SV *params; /* Args to pass function */
+#ifdef WIN32
+ DWORD thr; /* OS's idea if thread id */
+ HANDLE handle; /* OS's waitable handle */
+ pthread_t thr; /* OS's handle for the thread */
+ IV stack_size;
+ SV *err; /* Error from abnormally terminated thread */
+ char *err_class; /* Error object's classname if applicable */
+#ifndef WIN32
+ sigset_t initial_sigmask; /* Thread wakes up with signals blocked */
+} ithread;
+#define MY_CXT_KEY "threads::_cxt" XS_VERSION
+typedef struct {
+ /* Used by Perl interpreter for thread context switching */
+ ithread *context;
+} my_cxt_t;
+#define MY_POOL_KEY "threads::_pool" XS_VERSION
+typedef struct {
+ /* Structure for 'main' thread
+ * Also forms the 'base' for the doubly-linked list of threads */
+ ithread main_thread;
+ /* Protects the creation and destruction of threads*/
+ perl_mutex create_destruct_mutex;
+ UV tid_counter;
+ IV joinable_threads;
+ IV running_threads;
+ IV detached_threads;
+ IV total_threads;
+ IV default_stack_size;
+ IV page_size;
+} my_pool_t;
+#define dMY_POOL \
+ SV *my_pool_sv = *hv_fetch(PL_modglobal, MY_POOL_KEY, \
+ sizeof(MY_POOL_KEY)-1, TRUE); \
+ my_pool_t *my_poolp = INT2PTR(my_pool_t*, SvUV(my_pool_sv))
+#define MY_POOL (*my_poolp)
+#ifndef WIN32
+/* Block most signals for calling thread, setting the old signal mask to
+ * oldmask, if it is not NULL */
+S_block_most_signals(sigset_t *oldmask)
+ sigset_t newmask;
+ sigfillset(&newmask);
+ /* Don't block certain "important" signals (stolen from mg.c) */
+#ifdef SIGILL
+ sigdelset(&newmask, SIGILL);
+#ifdef SIGBUS
+ sigdelset(&newmask, SIGBUS);
+#ifdef SIGSEGV
+ sigdelset(&newmask, SIGSEGV);
+#if defined(VMS)
+ /* no per-thread blocking available */
+ return sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &newmask, oldmask);
+ return pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &newmask, oldmask);
+#endif /* VMS */
+/* Set the signal mask for this thread to newmask */
+S_set_sigmask(sigset_t *newmask)
+#if defined(VMS)
+ return sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, newmask, NULL);
+ return pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, newmask, NULL);
+#endif /* VMS */
+#endif /* WIN32 */
+/* Used by Perl interpreter for thread context switching */
+STATIC void
+S_ithread_set(pTHX_ ithread *thread)
+ dMY_CXT;
+ MY_CXT.context = thread;
+STATIC ithread *
+ dMY_CXT;
+ return (MY_CXT.context);
+/* Free any data (such as the Perl interpreter) attached to an ithread
+ * structure. This is a bit like undef on SVs, where the SV isn't freed,
+ * but the PVX is. Must be called with thread->mutex already locked. Also,
+ * must be called with MY_POOL.create_destruct_mutex unlocked as destruction
+ * of the interpreter can lead to recursive destruction calls that could
+ * lead to a deadlock on that mutex.
+ */
+STATIC void
+S_ithread_clear(pTHX_ ithread *thread)
+ PerlInterpreter *interp;
+#ifndef WIN32
+ sigset_t origmask;
+ assert(((thread->state & PERL_ITHR_FINISHED) &&
+ (thread->state & PERL_ITHR_UNCALLABLE))
+ ||
+ (thread->state & PERL_ITHR_NONVIABLE));
+#ifndef WIN32
+ /* We temporarily set the interpreter context to the interpreter being
+ * destroyed. It's in no condition to handle signals while it's being
+ * taken apart.
+ */
+ S_block_most_signals(&origmask);
+ interp = thread->interp;
+ if (interp) {
+ dTHXa(interp);
+ S_ithread_set(aTHX_ thread);
+ SvREFCNT_dec(thread->params);
+ thread->params = Nullsv;
+ if (thread->err) {
+ SvREFCNT_dec(thread->err);
+ thread->err = Nullsv;
+ }
+ perl_destruct(interp);
+ perl_free(interp);
+ thread->interp = NULL;
+ }
+#ifndef WIN32
+ S_set_sigmask(&origmask);
+/* Decrement the refcount of an ithread, and if it reaches zero, free it.
+ * Must be called with the mutex held.
+ * On return, mutex is released (or destroyed).
+ */
+STATIC void
+S_ithread_free(pTHX_ ithread *thread)
+#ifdef WIN32
+ HANDLE handle;
+ if (! (thread->state & PERL_ITHR_NONVIABLE)) {
+ assert(thread->count > 0);
+ if (--thread->count > 0) {
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ return;
+ }
+ assert((thread->state & PERL_ITHR_FINISHED) &&
+ (thread->state & PERL_ITHR_UNCALLABLE));
+ }
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ /* Main thread (0) is immortal and should never get here */
+ assert(thread->tid != 0);
+ /* Remove from circular list of threads */
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&MY_POOL.create_destruct_mutex);
+ assert(thread->prev && thread->next);
+ thread->next->prev = thread->prev;
+ thread->prev->next = thread->next;
+ thread->next = NULL;
+ thread->prev = NULL;
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&MY_POOL.create_destruct_mutex);
+ /* Thread is now disowned */
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ S_ithread_clear(aTHX_ thread);
+#ifdef WIN32
+ handle = thread->handle;
+ thread->handle = NULL;
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ MUTEX_DESTROY(&thread->mutex);
+#ifdef WIN32
+ if (handle) {
+ CloseHandle(handle);
+ }
+ PerlMemShared_free(thread);
+ /* total_threads >= 1 is used to veto cleanup by the main thread,
+ * should it happen to exit while other threads still exist.
+ * Decrement this as the very last thing in the thread's existence.
+ * Otherwise, MY_POOL and global state such as PL_op_mutex may get
+ * freed while we're still using it.
+ */
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&MY_POOL.create_destruct_mutex);
+ MY_POOL.total_threads--;
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&MY_POOL.create_destruct_mutex);
+static void
+S_ithread_count_inc(pTHX_ ithread *thread)
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ thread->count++;
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex);
+/* Warn if exiting with any unjoined threads */
+ int veto_cleanup, warn;
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&MY_POOL.create_destruct_mutex);
+ veto_cleanup = (MY_POOL.total_threads > 0);
+ warn = (MY_POOL.running_threads || MY_POOL.joinable_threads);
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&MY_POOL.create_destruct_mutex);
+ if (warn) {
+ if (ckWARN_d(WARN_THREADS)) {
+ Perl_warn(aTHX_ "Perl exited with active threads:\n\t%"
+ IVdf " running and unjoined\n\t%"
+ IVdf " finished and unjoined\n\t%"
+ IVdf " running and detached\n",
+ MY_POOL.running_threads,
+ MY_POOL.joinable_threads,
+ MY_POOL.detached_threads);
+ }
+ }
+ return (veto_cleanup);
+/* Called from perl_destruct() in each thread. If it's the main thread,
+ * stop it from freeing everything if there are other threads still running.
+ */
+ return ((aTHX == MY_POOL.main_thread.interp) ? S_exit_warning(aTHX) : 0);
+/* MAGIC (in mg.h sense) hooks */
+ithread_mg_get(pTHX_ SV *sv, MAGIC *mg)
+ ithread *thread = (ithread *)mg->mg_ptr;
+ SvIV_set(sv, PTR2IV(thread));
+ SvIOK_on(sv);
+ return (0);
+ithread_mg_free(pTHX_ SV *sv, MAGIC *mg)
+ ithread *thread = (ithread *)mg->mg_ptr;
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ S_ithread_free(aTHX_ thread); /* Releases MUTEX */
+ return (0);
+ithread_mg_dup(pTHX_ MAGIC *mg, CLONE_PARAMS *param)
+ S_ithread_count_inc(aTHX_ (ithread *)mg->mg_ptr);
+ return (0);
+MGVTBL ithread_vtbl = {
+ ithread_mg_get, /* get */
+ 0, /* set */
+ 0, /* len */
+ 0, /* clear */
+ ithread_mg_free, /* free */
+ 0, /* copy */
+ ithread_mg_dup /* dup */
+/* Provided default, minimum and rational stack sizes */
+S_good_stack_size(pTHX_ IV stack_size)
+ /* Use default stack size if no stack size specified */
+ if (! stack_size) {
+ return (MY_POOL.default_stack_size);
+ }
+ /* Can't use less than minimum */
+ if (stack_size < PTHREAD_STACK_MIN) {
+ Perl_warn(aTHX_ "Using minimum thread stack size of %" IVdf, (IV)PTHREAD_STACK_MIN);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Round up to page size boundary */
+ if (MY_POOL.page_size <= 0) {
+#if defined(HAS_SYSCONF) && (defined(_SC_PAGESIZE) || defined(_SC_MMAP_PAGE_SIZE))
+# ifdef _SC_PAGESIZE
+ MY_POOL.page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
+# else
+ MY_POOL.page_size = sysconf(_SC_MMAP_PAGE_SIZE);
+# endif
+ if ((long)MY_POOL.page_size < 0) {
+ if (errno) {
+ SV * const error = get_sv("@", 0);
+ (void)SvUPGRADE(error, SVt_PV);
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "PANIC: sysconf: %s", SvPV_nolen(error));
+ } else {
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "PANIC: sysconf: pagesize unknown");
+ }
+ }
+ MY_POOL.page_size = getpagesize();
+# else
+# if defined(I_SYS_PARAM) && defined(PAGESIZE)
+ MY_POOL.page_size = PAGESIZE;
+# else
+ MY_POOL.page_size = 8192; /* A conservative default */
+# endif
+# endif
+ if (MY_POOL.page_size <= 0) {
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "PANIC: bad pagesize %" IVdf, (IV)MY_POOL.page_size);
+ }
+ }
+ stack_size = ((stack_size + (MY_POOL.page_size - 1)) / MY_POOL.page_size) * MY_POOL.page_size;
+ return (stack_size);
+/* Starts executing the thread.
+ * Passed as the C level function to run in the new thread.
+ */
+#ifdef WIN32
+S_ithread_run(LPVOID arg)
+STATIC void *
+S_ithread_run(void * arg)
+ ithread *thread = (ithread *)arg;
+ int jmp_rc = 0;
+ I32 oldscope;
+ int exit_app = 0; /* Thread terminated using 'exit' */
+ int exit_code = 0;
+ int died = 0; /* Thread terminated abnormally */
+ dTHXa(thread->interp);
+ /* Blocked until ->create() call finishes */
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ PERL_SET_CONTEXT(thread->interp);
+ S_ithread_set(aTHX_ thread);
+#ifndef WIN32
+ /* Thread starts with most signals blocked - restore the signal mask from
+ * the ithread struct.
+ */
+ S_set_sigmask(&thread->initial_sigmask);
+ PL_perl_destruct_level = 2;
+ {
+ AV *params = (AV *)SvRV(thread->params);
+ int len = (int)av_len(params)+1;
+ int ii;
+ dSP;
+ /* Put args on the stack */
+ for (ii=0; ii < len; ii++) {
+ XPUSHs(av_shift(params));
+ }
+ oldscope = PL_scopestack_ix;
+ JMPENV_PUSH(jmp_rc);
+ if (jmp_rc == 0) {
+ /* Run the specified function */
+ len = (int)call_sv(thread->init_function, thread->gimme|G_EVAL);
+ } else if (jmp_rc == 2) {
+ /* Thread exited */
+ exit_app = 1;
+ exit_code = STATUS_CURRENT;
+ while (PL_scopestack_ix > oldscope) {
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef WIN32
+ /* The interpreter is finished, so this thread can stop receiving
+ * signals. This way, our signal handler doesn't get called in the
+ * middle of our parent thread calling perl_destruct()...
+ */
+ S_block_most_signals(NULL);
+ /* Remove args from stack and put back in params array */
+ for (ii=len-1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
+ SV *sv = POPs;
+ if (jmp_rc == 0 && (thread->gimme & G_WANT) != G_VOID) {
+ av_store(params, ii, SvREFCNT_inc(sv));
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check for abnormal termination */
+ if (SvTRUE(ERRSV)) {
+ died = PERL_ITHR_DIED;
+ thread->err = newSVsv(ERRSV);
+ /* If ERRSV is an object, remember the classname and then
+ * rebless into 'main' so it will survive 'cloning'
+ */
+ if (sv_isobject(thread->err)) {
+ thread->err_class = HvNAME(SvSTASH(SvRV(thread->err)));
+ sv_bless(thread->err, gv_stashpv("main", 0));
+ }
+ if (ckWARN_d(WARN_THREADS)) {
+ oldscope = PL_scopestack_ix;
+ JMPENV_PUSH(jmp_rc);
+ if (jmp_rc == 0) {
+ /* Warn that thread died */
+ Perl_warn(aTHX_ "Thread %" UVuf " terminated abnormally: %" SVf, thread->tid, ERRSV);
+ } else if (jmp_rc == 2) {
+ /* Warn handler exited */
+ exit_app = 1;
+ exit_code = STATUS_CURRENT;
+ while (PL_scopestack_ix > oldscope) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Release function ref */
+ SvREFCNT_dec(thread->init_function);
+ thread->init_function = Nullsv;
+ }
+ PerlIO_flush((PerlIO *)NULL);
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&MY_POOL.create_destruct_mutex);
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ /* Mark as finished */
+ thread->state |= (PERL_ITHR_FINISHED | died);
+ /* Clear exit flag if required */
+ if (thread->state & PERL_ITHR_THREAD_EXIT_ONLY) {
+ exit_app = 0;
+ }
+ /* Adjust thread status counts */
+ if (thread->state & PERL_ITHR_DETACHED) {
+ MY_POOL.detached_threads--;
+ } else {
+ MY_POOL.running_threads--;
+ MY_POOL.joinable_threads++;
+ }
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&MY_POOL.create_destruct_mutex);
+ /* Exit application if required */
+ if (exit_app) {
+ oldscope = PL_scopestack_ix;
+ JMPENV_PUSH(jmp_rc);
+ if (jmp_rc == 0) {
+ /* Warn if there are unjoined threads */
+ S_exit_warning(aTHX);
+ } else if (jmp_rc == 2) {
+ /* Warn handler exited */
+ exit_code = STATUS_CURRENT;
+ while (PL_scopestack_ix > oldscope) {
+ }
+ }
+ my_exit(exit_code);
+ }
+ /* At this point, the interpreter may have been freed, so call
+ * free in the the context of of the 'main' interpreter which
+ * can't have been freed due to the veto_cleanup mechanism.
+ */
+ aTHX = MY_POOL.main_thread.interp;
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ S_ithread_free(aTHX_ thread); /* Releases MUTEX */
+#ifdef WIN32
+ return ((DWORD)0);
+ return (0);
+/* Type conversion helper functions */
+S_ithread_to_SV(pTHX_ SV *obj, ithread *thread, char *classname, bool inc)
+ SV *sv;
+ MAGIC *mg;
+ if (inc)
+ S_ithread_count_inc(aTHX_ thread);
+ if (! obj) {
+ obj = newSV(0);
+ }
+ sv = newSVrv(obj, classname);
+ sv_setiv(sv, PTR2IV(thread));
+ mg = sv_magicext(sv, Nullsv, PERL_MAGIC_shared_scalar, &ithread_vtbl, (char *)thread, 0);
+ mg->mg_flags |= MGf_DUP;
+ SvREADONLY_on(sv);
+ return (obj);
+STATIC ithread *
+S_SV_to_ithread(pTHX_ SV *sv)
+ /* Argument is a thread */
+ if (SvROK(sv)) {
+ return (INT2PTR(ithread *, SvIV(SvRV(sv))));
+ }
+ /* Argument is classname, therefore return current thread */
+ return (S_ithread_get(aTHX));
+/* threads->create()
+ * Called in context of parent thread.
+ * Called with MY_POOL.create_destruct_mutex locked. (Unlocked on error.)
+ */
+STATIC ithread *
+ pTHX_ SV *init_function,
+ IV stack_size,
+ int gimme,
+ int exit_opt,
+ SV *params)
+ ithread *thread;
+ ithread *current_thread = S_ithread_get(aTHX);
+ SV **tmps_tmp = PL_tmps_stack;
+ IV tmps_ix = PL_tmps_ix;
+#ifndef WIN32
+ int rc_stack_size = 0;
+ int rc_thread_create = 0;
+ /* Allocate thread structure in context of the main thread's interpreter */
+ {
+ PERL_SET_CONTEXT(MY_POOL.main_thread.interp);
+ thread = (ithread *)PerlMemShared_malloc(sizeof(ithread));
+ }
+ if (!thread) {
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&MY_POOL.create_destruct_mutex);
+ PerlLIO_write(PerlIO_fileno(Perl_error_log), PL_no_mem, strlen(PL_no_mem));
+ my_exit(1);
+ }
+ Zero(thread, 1, ithread);
+ /* Add to threads list */
+ thread->next = &MY_POOL.main_thread;
+ thread->prev = MY_POOL.main_thread.prev;
+ MY_POOL.main_thread.prev = thread;
+ thread->prev->next = thread;
+ MY_POOL.total_threads++;
+ /* 1 ref to be held by the local var 'thread' in S_ithread_run().
+ * 1 ref to be held by the threads object that we assume we will
+ * be embedded in upon our return.
+ * 1 ref to be the responsibility of join/detach, so we don't get
+ * freed until join/detach, even if no thread objects remain.
+ * This allows the following to work:
+ * { threads->create(sub{...}); } threads->object(1)->join;
+ */
+ thread->count = 3;
+ /* Block new thread until ->create() call finishes */
+ MUTEX_INIT(&thread->mutex);
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ thread->tid = MY_POOL.tid_counter++;
+ thread->stack_size = S_good_stack_size(aTHX_ stack_size);
+ thread->gimme = gimme;
+ thread->state = exit_opt;
+ /* "Clone" our interpreter into the thread's interpreter.
+ * This gives thread access to "static data" and code.
+ */
+ PerlIO_flush((PerlIO *)NULL);
+ S_ithread_set(aTHX_ thread);
+ SAVEBOOL(PL_srand_called); /* Save this so it becomes the correct value */
+ PL_srand_called = FALSE; /* Set it to false so we can detect if it gets
+ set during the clone */
+#ifndef WIN32
+ /* perl_clone() will leave us the new interpreter's context. This poses
+ * two problems for our signal handler. First, it sets the new context
+ * before the new interpreter struct is fully initialized, so our signal
+ * handler might find bogus data in the interpreter struct it gets.
+ * Second, even if the interpreter is initialized before a signal comes in,
+ * we would like to avoid that interpreter receiving notifications for
+ * signals (especially when they ought to be for the one running in this
+ * thread), until it is running in its own thread. Another problem is that
+ * the new thread will not have set the context until some time after it
+ * has started, so it won't be safe for our signal handler to run until
+ * that time.
+ *
+ * So we block most signals here, so the new thread will inherit the signal
+ * mask, and unblock them right after the thread creation. The original
+ * mask is saved in the thread struct so that the new thread can restore
+ * the original mask.
+ */
+ S_block_most_signals(&thread->initial_sigmask);
+#ifdef WIN32
+ thread->interp = perl_clone(aTHX, CLONEf_KEEP_PTR_TABLE | CLONEf_CLONE_HOST);
+ thread->interp = perl_clone(aTHX, CLONEf_KEEP_PTR_TABLE);
+ /* perl_clone() leaves us in new interpreter's context. As it is tricky
+ * to spot an implicit aTHX, create a new scope with aTHX matching the
+ * context for the duration of our work for new interpreter.
+ */
+ {
+ CLONE_PARAMS clone_param;
+ dTHXa(thread->interp);
+ /* Here we remove END blocks since they should only run in the thread
+ * they are created
+ */
+ SvREFCNT_dec(PL_endav);
+ PL_endav = newAV();
+ clone_param.flags = 0;
+ if (SvPOK(init_function)) {
+ thread->init_function = newSV(0);
+ sv_copypv(thread->init_function, init_function);
+ } else {
+ thread->init_function =
+ SvREFCNT_inc(sv_dup(init_function, &clone_param));
+ }
+ thread->params = sv_dup(params, &clone_param);
+ SvREFCNT_inc_void(thread->params);
+ /* The code below checks that anything living on the tmps stack and
+ * has been cloned (so it lives in the ptr_table) has a refcount
+ * higher than 0.
+ *
+ * If the refcount is 0 it means that a something on the stack/context
+ * was holding a reference to it and since we init_stacks() in
+ * perl_clone that won't get cleaned and we will get a leaked scalar.
+ * The reason it was cloned was that it lived on the @_ stack.
+ *
+ * Example of this can be found in bugreport 15837 where calls in the
+ * parameter list end up as a temp.
+ *
+ * One could argue that this fix should be in perl_clone.
+ */
+ while (tmps_ix > 0) {
+ SV* sv = (SV*)ptr_table_fetch(PL_ptr_table, tmps_tmp[tmps_ix]);
+ tmps_ix--;
+ if (sv && SvREFCNT(sv) == 0) {
+ SvREFCNT_inc_void(sv);
+ SvREFCNT_dec(sv);
+ }
+ }
+ SvTEMP_off(thread->init_function);
+ ptr_table_free(PL_ptr_table);
+ PL_ptr_table = NULL;
+ PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END;
+ }
+ S_ithread_set(aTHX_ current_thread);
+ /* Create/start the thread */
+#ifdef WIN32
+ thread->handle = CreateThread(NULL,
+ (DWORD)thread->stack_size,
+ S_ithread_run,
+ (LPVOID)thread,
+ &thread->thr);
+ {
+ STATIC pthread_attr_t attr;
+ STATIC int attr_inited = 0;
+ if (! attr_inited) {
+ pthread_attr_init(&attr);
+ attr_inited = 1;
+ }
+ /* Threads start out joinable */
+ PTHREAD_ATTR_SETDETACHSTATE(&attr, attr_joinable);
+# endif
+ /* Set thread's stack size */
+ if (thread->stack_size > 0) {
+ rc_stack_size = pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, (size_t)thread->stack_size);
+ }
+# endif
+ /* Create the thread */
+ if (! rc_stack_size) {
+ rc_thread_create = pthread_create(&thread->thr,
+ attr,
+ S_ithread_run,
+ (void *)thread);
+# else
+ pthread_attr_setscope(&attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM);
+# endif
+ rc_thread_create = pthread_create(&thread->thr,
+ &attr,
+ S_ithread_run,
+ (void *)thread);
+# endif
+ }
+#ifndef WIN32
+ /* Now it's safe to accept signals, since we're in our own interpreter's
+ * context and we have created the thread.
+ */
+ S_set_sigmask(&thread->initial_sigmask);
+ /* Try to get thread's actual stack size */
+ {
+ size_t stacksize;
+#ifdef HPUX1020
+ stacksize = pthread_attr_getstacksize(attr);
+ if (! pthread_attr_getstacksize(&attr, &stacksize))
+ if (stacksize > 0) {
+ thread->stack_size = (IV)stacksize;
+ }
+ }
+# endif
+ }
+ /* Check for errors */
+#ifdef WIN32
+ if (thread->handle == NULL) {
+ if (rc_stack_size || rc_thread_create) {
+ /* Must unlock mutex for destruct call */
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&MY_POOL.create_destruct_mutex);
+ sv_2mortal(params);
+ thread->state |= PERL_ITHR_NONVIABLE;
+ S_ithread_free(aTHX_ thread); /* Releases MUTEX */
+#ifndef WIN32
+ if (ckWARN_d(WARN_THREADS)) {
+ if (rc_stack_size) {
+ Perl_warn(aTHX_ "Thread creation failed: pthread_attr_setstacksize(%" IVdf ") returned %d", thread->stack_size, rc_stack_size);
+ } else {
+ Perl_warn(aTHX_ "Thread creation failed: pthread_create returned %d", rc_thread_create);
+ }
+ }
+ return (NULL);
+ }
+ MY_POOL.running_threads++;
+ sv_2mortal(params);
+ return (thread);
+#endif /* USE_ITHREADS */
+MODULE = threads PACKAGE = threads PREFIX = ithread_
+ char *classname;
+ ithread *thread;
+ SV *function_to_call;
+ AV *params;
+ HV *specs;
+ IV stack_size;
+ int context;
+ int exit_opt;
+ SV *thread_exit_only;
+ char *str;
+ int idx;
+ int ii;
+ if ((items >= 2) && SvROK(ST(1)) && SvTYPE(SvRV(ST(1)))==SVt_PVHV) {
+ if (--items < 2) {
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: threads->create(\\%%specs, function, ...)");
+ }
+ specs = (HV*)SvRV(ST(1));
+ idx = 1;
+ } else {
+ if (items < 2) {
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: threads->create(function, ...)");
+ }
+ specs = NULL;
+ idx = 0;
+ }
+ if (sv_isobject(ST(0))) {
+ /* $thr->create() */
+ classname = HvNAME(SvSTASH(SvRV(ST(0))));
+ thread = INT2PTR(ithread *, SvIV(SvRV(ST(0))));
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ stack_size = thread->stack_size;
+ exit_opt = thread->state & PERL_ITHR_THREAD_EXIT_ONLY;
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ } else {
+ /* threads->create() */
+ classname = (char *)SvPV_nolen(ST(0));
+ stack_size = MY_POOL.default_stack_size;
+ thread_exit_only = get_sv("threads::thread_exit_only", GV_ADD);
+ exit_opt = (SvTRUE(thread_exit_only))
+ }
+ function_to_call = ST(idx+1);
+ context = -1;
+ if (specs) {
+ /* stack_size */
+ if (hv_exists(specs, "stack", 5)) {
+ stack_size = SvIV(*hv_fetch(specs, "stack", 5, 0));
+ } else if (hv_exists(specs, "stacksize", 9)) {
+ stack_size = SvIV(*hv_fetch(specs, "stacksize", 9, 0));
+ } else if (hv_exists(specs, "stack_size", 10)) {
+ stack_size = SvIV(*hv_fetch(specs, "stack_size", 10, 0));
+ }
+ /* context */
+ if (hv_exists(specs, "context", 7)) {
+ str = (char *)SvPV_nolen(*hv_fetch(specs, "context", 7, 0));
+ switch (*str) {
+ case 'a':
+ case 'A':
+ case 'l':
+ case 'L':
+ context = G_ARRAY;
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ case 'S':
+ context = G_SCALAR;
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ case 'V':
+ context = G_VOID;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Invalid context: %s", str);
+ }
+ } else if (hv_exists(specs, "array", 5)) {
+ if (SvTRUE(*hv_fetch(specs, "array", 5, 0))) {
+ context = G_ARRAY;
+ }
+ } else if (hv_exists(specs, "list", 4)) {
+ if (SvTRUE(*hv_fetch(specs, "list", 4, 0))) {
+ context = G_ARRAY;
+ }
+ } else if (hv_exists(specs, "scalar", 6)) {
+ if (SvTRUE(*hv_fetch(specs, "scalar", 6, 0))) {
+ context = G_SCALAR;
+ }
+ } else if (hv_exists(specs, "void", 4)) {
+ if (SvTRUE(*hv_fetch(specs, "void", 4, 0))) {
+ context = G_VOID;
+ }
+ }
+ /* exit => thread_only */
+ if (hv_exists(specs, "exit", 4)) {
+ str = (char *)SvPV_nolen(*hv_fetch(specs, "exit", 4, 0));
+ exit_opt = (*str == 't' || *str == 'T')
+ }
+ }
+ if (context == -1) {
+ context = GIMME_V; /* Implicit context */
+ } else {
+ context |= (GIMME_V & (~(G_ARRAY|G_SCALAR|G_VOID)));
+ }
+ /* Function args */
+ params = newAV();
+ if (items > 2) {
+ for (ii=2; ii < items ; ii++) {
+ av_push(params, SvREFCNT_inc(ST(idx+ii)));
+ }
+ }
+ /* Create thread */
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&MY_POOL.create_destruct_mutex);
+ thread = S_ithread_create(aTHX_ function_to_call,
+ stack_size,
+ context,
+ exit_opt,
+ newRV_noinc((SV*)params));
+ if (! thread) {
+ XSRETURN_UNDEF; /* Mutex already unlocked */
+ }
+ ST(0) = sv_2mortal(S_ithread_to_SV(aTHX_ Nullsv, thread, classname, FALSE));
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&MY_POOL.create_destruct_mutex);
+ /* Let thread run */
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ /* XSRETURN(1); - implied */
+ char *classname;
+ ithread *thread;
+ int list_context;
+ IV count = 0;
+ int want_running = 0;
+ int state;
+ /* Class method only */
+ if (SvROK(ST(0))) {
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: threads->list(...)");
+ }
+ classname = (char *)SvPV_nolen(ST(0));
+ /* Calling context */
+ list_context = (GIMME_V == G_ARRAY);
+ /* Running or joinable parameter */
+ if (items > 1) {
+ want_running = SvTRUE(ST(1));
+ }
+ /* Walk through threads list */
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&MY_POOL.create_destruct_mutex);
+ for (thread =;
+ thread != &MY_POOL.main_thread;
+ thread = thread->next)
+ {
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ state = thread->state;
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ /* Ignore detached or joined threads */
+ if (state & PERL_ITHR_UNCALLABLE) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Filter per parameter */
+ if (items > 1) {
+ if (want_running) {
+ if (state & PERL_ITHR_FINISHED) {
+ continue; /* Not running */
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (! (state & PERL_ITHR_FINISHED)) {
+ continue; /* Still running - not joinable yet */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Push object on stack if list context */
+ if (list_context) {
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(S_ithread_to_SV(aTHX_ Nullsv, thread, classname, TRUE)));
+ }
+ count++;
+ }
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&MY_POOL.create_destruct_mutex);
+ /* If scalar context, send back count */
+ if (! list_context) {
+ XSRETURN_IV(count);
+ }
+ char *classname;
+ ithread *thread;
+ /* Class method only */
+ if ((items != 1) || SvROK(ST(0))) {
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: threads->self()");
+ }
+ classname = (char *)SvPV_nolen(ST(0));
+ thread = S_ithread_get(aTHX);
+ ST(0) = sv_2mortal(S_ithread_to_SV(aTHX_ Nullsv, thread, classname, TRUE));
+ /* XSRETURN(1); - implied */
+ ithread *thread;
+ thread = S_SV_to_ithread(aTHX_ ST(0));
+ XST_mUV(0, thread->tid);
+ /* XSRETURN(1); - implied */
+ ithread *thread;
+ ithread *current_thread;
+ int join_err;
+ AV *params = NULL;
+ int len;
+ int ii;
+#ifndef WIN32
+ int rc_join;
+ void *retval;
+ /* Object method only */
+ if ((items != 1) || ! sv_isobject(ST(0))) {
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: $thr->join()");
+ }
+ /* Check if the thread is joinable and not ourselves */
+ thread = S_SV_to_ithread(aTHX_ ST(0));
+ current_thread = S_ithread_get(aTHX);
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ if ((join_err = (thread->state & PERL_ITHR_UNCALLABLE))) {
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ (join_err & PERL_ITHR_DETACHED)
+ ? "Cannot join a detached thread"
+ : "Thread already joined");
+ } else if (thread->tid == current_thread->tid) {
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Cannot join self");
+ }
+ /* Mark as joined */
+ thread->state |= PERL_ITHR_JOINED;
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&MY_POOL.create_destruct_mutex);
+ MY_POOL.joinable_threads--;
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&MY_POOL.create_destruct_mutex);
+ /* Join the thread */
+#ifdef WIN32
+ if (WaitForSingleObject(thread->handle, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
+ /* Timeout/abandonment unexpected here; check $^E */
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "PANIC: underlying join failed");
+ };
+ if ((rc_join = pthread_join(thread->thr, &retval)) != 0) {
+ /* In progress/deadlock/unknown unexpected here; check $! */
+ errno = rc_join;
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "PANIC: underlying join failed");
+ };
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ /* Get the return value from the call_sv */
+ /* Objects do not survive this process - FIXME */
+ if ((thread->gimme & G_WANT) != G_VOID) {
+ AV *params_copy;
+ PerlInterpreter *other_perl;
+ CLONE_PARAMS clone_params;
+ params_copy = (AV *)SvRV(thread->params);
+ other_perl = thread->interp;
+ clone_params.stashes = newAV();
+ clone_params.flags = CLONEf_JOIN_IN;
+ PL_ptr_table = ptr_table_new();
+ S_ithread_set(aTHX_ thread);
+ /* Ensure 'meaningful' addresses retain their meaning */
+ ptr_table_store(PL_ptr_table, &other_perl->Isv_undef, &PL_sv_undef);
+ ptr_table_store(PL_ptr_table, &other_perl->Isv_no, &PL_sv_no);
+ ptr_table_store(PL_ptr_table, &other_perl->Isv_yes, &PL_sv_yes);
+ params = (AV *)sv_dup((SV*)params_copy, &clone_params);
+ S_ithread_set(aTHX_ current_thread);
+ SvREFCNT_dec(clone_params.stashes);
+ SvREFCNT_inc_void(params);
+ ptr_table_free(PL_ptr_table);
+ PL_ptr_table = NULL;
+ }
+ /* If thread didn't die, then we can free its interpreter */
+ if (! (thread->state & PERL_ITHR_DIED)) {
+ S_ithread_clear(aTHX_ thread);
+ }
+ S_ithread_free(aTHX_ thread); /* Releases MUTEX */
+ /* If no return values, then just return */
+ if (! params) {
+ }
+ /* Put return values on stack */
+ len = (int)AvFILL(params);
+ for (ii=0; ii <= len; ii++) {
+ SV* param = av_shift(params);
+ XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(param));
+ }
+ /* Free return value array */
+ SvREFCNT_dec(params);
+ ithread *thread;
+ int detach_err;
+ /* Detach the thread */
+ thread = S_SV_to_ithread(aTHX_ ST(0));
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&MY_POOL.create_destruct_mutex);
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ if (! (detach_err = (thread->state & PERL_ITHR_UNCALLABLE))) {
+ /* Thread is detachable */
+ thread->state |= PERL_ITHR_DETACHED;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ /* Windows has no 'detach thread' function */
+ PERL_THREAD_DETACH(thread->thr);
+ if (thread->state & PERL_ITHR_FINISHED) {
+ MY_POOL.joinable_threads--;
+ } else {
+ MY_POOL.running_threads--;
+ MY_POOL.detached_threads++;
+ }
+ }
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&MY_POOL.create_destruct_mutex);
+ if (detach_err) {
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ (detach_err & PERL_ITHR_DETACHED)
+ ? "Thread already detached"
+ : "Cannot detach a joined thread");
+ }
+ /* If thread is finished and didn't die,
+ * then we can free its interpreter */
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ if ((thread->state & PERL_ITHR_FINISHED) &&
+ ! (thread->state & PERL_ITHR_DIED))
+ {
+ S_ithread_clear(aTHX_ thread);
+ }
+ S_ithread_free(aTHX_ thread); /* Releases MUTEX */
+ ithread *thread;
+ char *sig_name;
+ IV signal;
+ /* Must have safe signals */
+ if (PL_signals & PERL_SIGNALS_UNSAFE_FLAG) {
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Cannot signal threads without safe signals");
+ }
+ /* Object method only */
+ if ((items != 2) || ! sv_isobject(ST(0))) {
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: $thr->kill('SIG...')");
+ }
+ /* Get signal */
+ sig_name = SvPV_nolen(ST(1));
+ if (isALPHA(*sig_name)) {
+ if (*sig_name == 'S' && sig_name[1] == 'I' && sig_name[2] == 'G') {
+ sig_name += 3;
+ }
+ if ((signal = whichsig(sig_name)) < 0) {
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Unrecognized signal name: %s", sig_name);
+ }
+ } else {
+ signal = SvIV(ST(1));
+ }
+ /* Set the signal for the thread */
+ thread = S_SV_to_ithread(aTHX_ ST(0));
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ if (thread->interp) {
+ dTHXa(thread->interp);
+ PL_psig_pend[signal]++;
+ PL_sig_pending = 1;
+ }
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ /* Return the thread to allow for method chaining */
+ ST(0) = ST(0);
+ /* XSRETURN(1); - implied */
+ sv_unmagic(SvRV(ST(0)), PERL_MAGIC_shared_scalar);
+ int are_equal = 0;
+ /* Compares TIDs to determine thread equality */
+ if (sv_isobject(ST(0)) && sv_isobject(ST(1))) {
+ ithread *thr1 = INT2PTR(ithread *, SvIV(SvRV(ST(0))));
+ ithread *thr2 = INT2PTR(ithread *, SvIV(SvRV(ST(1))));
+ are_equal = (thr1->tid == thr2->tid);
+ }
+ if (are_equal) {
+ XST_mYES(0);
+ } else {
+ /* Return 0 on false for backward compatibility */
+ XST_mIV(0, 0);
+ }
+ /* XSRETURN(1); - implied */
+ char *classname;
+ UV tid;
+ ithread *thread;
+ int state;
+ int have_obj = 0;
+ /* Class method only */
+ if (SvROK(ST(0))) {
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: threads->object($tid)");
+ }
+ classname = (char *)SvPV_nolen(ST(0));
+ if ((items < 2) || ! SvOK(ST(1))) {
+ }
+ /* threads->object($tid) */
+ tid = SvUV(ST(1));
+ /* Walk through threads list */
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&MY_POOL.create_destruct_mutex);
+ for (thread =;
+ thread != &MY_POOL.main_thread;
+ thread = thread->next)
+ {
+ /* Look for TID */
+ if (thread->tid == tid) {
+ /* Ignore if detached or joined */
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ state = thread->state;
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ if (! (state & PERL_ITHR_UNCALLABLE)) {
+ /* Put object on stack */
+ ST(0) = sv_2mortal(S_ithread_to_SV(aTHX_ Nullsv, thread, classname, TRUE));
+ have_obj = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&MY_POOL.create_destruct_mutex);
+ if (! have_obj) {
+ }
+ /* XSRETURN(1); - implied */
+ ithread *thread;
+ thread = S_SV_to_ithread(aTHX_ ST(0));
+#ifdef WIN32
+ XST_mUV(0, PTR2UV(&thread->handle));
+ XST_mUV(0, PTR2UV(&thread->thr));
+ /* XSRETURN(1); - implied */
+ IV stack_size;
+ if (sv_isobject(ST(0))) {
+ /* $thr->get_stack_size() */
+ ithread *thread = INT2PTR(ithread *, SvIV(SvRV(ST(0))));
+ stack_size = thread->stack_size;
+ } else {
+ /* threads->get_stack_size() */
+ stack_size = MY_POOL.default_stack_size;
+ }
+ XST_mIV(0, stack_size);
+ /* XSRETURN(1); - implied */
+ IV old_size;
+ if (items != 2) {
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: threads->set_stack_size($size)");
+ }
+ if (sv_isobject(ST(0))) {
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Cannot change stack size of an existing thread");
+ }
+ if (! looks_like_number(ST(1))) {
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Stack size must be numeric");
+ }
+ old_size = MY_POOL.default_stack_size;
+ MY_POOL.default_stack_size = S_good_stack_size(aTHX_ SvIV(ST(1)));
+ XST_mIV(0, old_size);
+ /* XSRETURN(1); - implied */
+ ithread *thread;
+ /* Object method only */
+ if ((items != 1) || ! sv_isobject(ST(0))) {
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: $thr->is_running()");
+ }
+ thread = INT2PTR(ithread *, SvIV(SvRV(ST(0))));
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ ST(0) = (thread->state & PERL_ITHR_FINISHED) ? &PL_sv_no : &PL_sv_yes;
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ /* XSRETURN(1); - implied */
+ ithread *thread;
+ thread = S_SV_to_ithread(aTHX_ ST(0));
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ ST(0) = (thread->state & PERL_ITHR_DETACHED) ? &PL_sv_yes : &PL_sv_no;
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ /* XSRETURN(1); - implied */
+ ithread *thread;
+ /* Object method only */
+ if ((items != 1) || ! sv_isobject(ST(0))) {
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: $thr->is_joinable()");
+ }
+ thread = INT2PTR(ithread *, SvIV(SvRV(ST(0))));
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ ST(0) = ((thread->state & PERL_ITHR_FINISHED) &&
+ ! (thread->state & PERL_ITHR_UNCALLABLE))
+ ? &PL_sv_yes : &PL_sv_no;
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ /* XSRETURN(1); - implied */
+ ithread *thread;
+ thread = S_SV_to_ithread(aTHX_ ST(0));
+ ST(0) = ((thread->gimme & G_WANT) == G_ARRAY) ? &PL_sv_yes :
+ ((thread->gimme & G_WANT) == G_VOID) ? &PL_sv_undef
+ /* G_SCALAR */ : &PL_sv_no;
+ /* XSRETURN(1); - implied */
+ ithread *thread;
+ if (items != 2) {
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: ->set_thread_exit_only(boolean)");
+ }
+ thread = S_SV_to_ithread(aTHX_ ST(0));
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ if (SvTRUE(ST(1))) {
+ thread->state |= PERL_ITHR_THREAD_EXIT_ONLY;
+ } else {
+ thread->state &= ~PERL_ITHR_THREAD_EXIT_ONLY;
+ }
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ ithread *thread;
+ SV *err = NULL;
+ /* Object method only */
+ if ((items != 1) || ! sv_isobject(ST(0))) {
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: $thr->err()");
+ }
+ thread = INT2PTR(ithread *, SvIV(SvRV(ST(0))));
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ /* If thread died, then clone the error into the calling thread */
+ if (thread->state & PERL_ITHR_DIED) {
+ PerlInterpreter *other_perl;
+ CLONE_PARAMS clone_params;
+ ithread *current_thread;
+ other_perl = thread->interp;
+ clone_params.stashes = newAV();
+ clone_params.flags = CLONEf_JOIN_IN;
+ PL_ptr_table = ptr_table_new();
+ current_thread = S_ithread_get(aTHX);
+ S_ithread_set(aTHX_ thread);
+ /* Ensure 'meaningful' addresses retain their meaning */
+ ptr_table_store(PL_ptr_table, &other_perl->Isv_undef, &PL_sv_undef);
+ ptr_table_store(PL_ptr_table, &other_perl->Isv_no, &PL_sv_no);
+ ptr_table_store(PL_ptr_table, &other_perl->Isv_yes, &PL_sv_yes);
+ err = sv_dup(thread->err, &clone_params);
+ S_ithread_set(aTHX_ current_thread);
+ SvREFCNT_dec(clone_params.stashes);
+ SvREFCNT_inc_void(err);
+ /* If error was an object, bless it into the correct class */
+ if (thread->err_class) {
+ sv_bless(err, gv_stashpv(thread->err_class, 1));
+ }
+ ptr_table_free(PL_ptr_table);
+ PL_ptr_table = NULL;
+ }
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&thread->mutex);
+ if (! err) {
+ }
+ ST(0) = sv_2mortal(err);
+ /* XSRETURN(1); - implied */
+#endif /* USE_ITHREADS */
+ SV *my_pool_sv = *hv_fetch(PL_modglobal, MY_POOL_KEY,
+ sizeof(MY_POOL_KEY)-1, TRUE);
+ my_pool_t *my_poolp = (my_pool_t*)SvPVX(newSV(sizeof(my_pool_t)-1));
+ Zero(my_poolp, 1, my_pool_t);
+ sv_setuv(my_pool_sv, PTR2UV(my_poolp));
+ PL_perl_destruct_level = 2;
+ MUTEX_INIT(&MY_POOL.create_destruct_mutex);
+ MUTEX_LOCK(&MY_POOL.create_destruct_mutex);
+ PL_threadhook = &Perl_ithread_hook;
+ MY_POOL.tid_counter = 1;
+ MY_POOL.default_stack_size = THREAD_CREATE_NEEDS_STACK;
+# endif
+ /* The 'main' thread is thread 0.
+ * It is detached (unjoinable) and immortal.
+ */
+ MUTEX_INIT(&MY_POOL.main_thread.mutex);
+ /* Head of the threads list */
+ = &MY_POOL.main_thread;
+ MY_POOL.main_thread.prev = &MY_POOL.main_thread;
+ MY_POOL.main_thread.count = 1; /* Immortal */
+ MY_POOL.main_thread.interp = aTHX;
+ MY_POOL.main_thread.state = PERL_ITHR_DETACHED; /* Detached */
+ MY_POOL.main_thread.stack_size = MY_POOL.default_stack_size;
+# ifdef WIN32
+ MY_POOL.main_thread.thr = GetCurrentThreadId();
+# else
+ MY_POOL.main_thread.thr = pthread_self();
+# endif
+ S_ithread_set(aTHX_ &MY_POOL.main_thread);
+ MUTEX_UNLOCK(&MY_POOL.create_destruct_mutex);
+#endif /* USE_ITHREADS */