path: root/eg
diff options
authorLarry Wall <>1988-06-05 00:00:00 +0000
committerLarry Wall <>1988-06-05 00:00:00 +0000
commit378cc40b38293ffc7298c6a7ed3cd740ad79be52 (patch)
tree87bedf9adc5c88847a2e2d85963df5f94435aaf5 /eg
parenta4de7c03d0bdc29d9d3a18abad4ac2628182ed7b (diff)
perl 2.0 (no announcement message available)perl-2.0
Some of the enhancements from Perl1 included: * New regexp routines derived from Henry Spencer's. o Support for /(foo|bar)/. o Support for /(foo)*/ and /(foo)+/. o \s for whitespace, \S for non-, \d for digit, \D nondigit * Local variables in blocks, subroutines and evals. * Recursive subroutine calls are now supported. * Array values may now be interpolated into lists: unlink 'foo', 'bar', @trashcan, 'tmp'; * File globbing. * Use of <> in array contexts returns the whole file or glob list. * New iterator for normal arrays, foreach, that allows both read and write. * Ability to open pipe to a forked off script for secure pipes in setuid scripts. * File inclusion via do ''; * More file tests, including -t to see if, for instance, stdin is a terminal. File tests now behave in a more correct manner. You can do file tests on filehandles as well as filenames. The special filetests -T and -B test a file to see if it's text or binary. * An eof can now be used on each file of the <> input for such purposes as resetting the line numbers or appending to each file of an inplace edit. * Assignments can now function as lvalues, so you can say things like ($HOST = $host) =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; ($obj = $src) =~ s/\.c$/.o/; * You can now do certain file operations with a variable which holds the name of a filehandle, e.g. open(++$incl,$includefilename); $foo = <$incl>; * Warnings are now available (with -w) on use of uninitialized variables and on identifiers that are mentioned only once, and on reference to various undefined things. * There is now a wait operator. * There is now a sort operator. * The manual is now not lying when it says that perl is generally faster than sed. I hope.
Diffstat (limited to 'eg')
28 files changed, 1477 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eg/ADB b/eg/ADB
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a43b90380
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/ADB
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# $Header: ADB,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:16:39 root Exp $
+# This script is only useful when used in your crash directory.
+$num = shift;
+exec 'adb', '-k', "vmunix.$num", "vmcore.$num";
diff --git a/eg/README b/eg/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bec7538f83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/README
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+This stuff is supplied on an as-is basis--little attempt has been made to make
+any of it portable. It's mostly here to give you an idea of what perl code
+looks like, and what tricks and idioms are used.
+System administrators responsible for many computers will enjoy the items
+down in the g directory very much. The scan directory contains the beginnings
+of a system to check on and report various kinds of anomalies.
+If you machine doesn't support #!, the first thing you'll want to do is
+replace the #! with a couple of lines that look like this:
+ eval "exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 $*"
+ if $running_under_some_shell;
+being sure to include any flags that were on the #! line. A supplied script
+called "nih" will translate perl scripts in place for you:
+ nih g/g??
diff --git a/eg/changes b/eg/changes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db9b7b1d53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/changes
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -P
+# $Header: changes,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:16:41 root Exp $
+($dir, $days) = @ARGV;
+$dir = '/' if $dir eq '';
+$days = '14' if $days eq '';
+# Masscomps do things differently from Suns
+#if defined(mc300) || defined(mc500) || defined(mc700)
+open(Find, "find $dir -mtime -$days -print |") ||
+ die "changes: can't run find";
+open(Find, "find $dir \\( -fstype nfs -prune \\) -o -mtime -$days -ls |") ||
+ die "changes: can't run find";
+while (<Find>) {
+#if defined(mc300) || defined(mc500) || defined(mc700)
+ $x = `/bin/ls -ild $_`;
+ $_ = $x;
+ ($inode,$perm,$links,$owner,$group,$size,$month,$day,$time,$name)
+ = split(' ');
+ ($inode,$blocks,$perm,$links,$owner,$group,$size,$month,$day,$time,$name)
+ = split(' ');
+ printf("%10s%3s %-8s %-8s%9s %3s %2s %s\n",
+ $perm,$links,$owner,$group,$size,$month,$day,$name);
diff --git a/eg/dus b/eg/dus
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c7ff94340
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/dus
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# $Header: dus,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:16:44 root Exp $
+# This script does a du -s on any directories in the current directory that
+# are not mount points for another filesystem.
+ $blksize,$blocks) = stat('.');
+open(ls,'ls -F1|');
+while (<ls>) {
+ chop;
+ next unless s|/$||;
+ ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,
+ $blksize,$blocks) = stat($_);
+ next unless $dev == $mydev;
+ push(@ary,$_);
+exec 'du', '-s', @ary;
diff --git a/eg/findcp b/eg/findcp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57cac2e367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/findcp
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# $Header: findcp,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:16:47 root Exp $
+# This is a wrapper around the find command that pretends find has a switch
+# of the form -cp host:destination. It presumes your find implements -ls.
+# It uses tar to do the actual copy. If your tar knows about the I switch
+# you may prefer to use findtar, since this one has to do the tar in batches.
+sub copy {
+ `tar cf - $list | rsh $desthost cd $destdir '&&' tar xBpf -`;
+$sourcedir = $ARGV[0];
+if ($sourcedir =~ /^\//) {
+ $ARGV[0] = '.';
+ unless (chdir($sourcedir)) { die "Can't find directory: $sourcedir"; }
+$args = join(' ',@ARGV);
+if ($args =~ s/-cp *([^ ]+)/-ls/) {
+ $dest = $1;
+ if ($dest =~ /(.*):(.*)/) {
+ $desthost = $1;
+ $destdir = $2;
+ }
+ else {
+ die "Malformed destination--should be host:directory";
+ }
+else {
+ die("No destination specified");
+open(find,"find $args |") || die "Can't run find for you.";
+while (<find>) {
+ @x = split(' ');
+ if ($x[2] =~ /^d/) { next;}
+ chop($filename = $x[10]);
+ if (length($list) > 5000) {
+ do copy();
+ $list = '';
+ }
+ else {
+ $list .= ' ';
+ }
+ $list .= $filename;
+if ($list) {
+ do copy();
diff --git a/eg/findtar b/eg/findtar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b604b396f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/findtar
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# $Header: findtar,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:16:49 root Exp $
+# findtar takes find-style arguments and spits out a tarfile on stdout.
+# It won't work unless your find supports -ls and your tar the I flag.
+$args = join(' ',@ARGV);
+open(find,"/usr/bin/find $args -ls |") || die "Can't run find for you.";
+open(tar,"| /bin/tar cIf - -") || die "Can't run tar for you.";
+while (<find>) {
+ @x = split(' ');
+ if ($x[2] =~ /^d/) { print tar '-d ';}
+ print tar $x[10],"\n";
diff --git a/eg/g/gcp b/eg/g/gcp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b4a9a79f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/g/gcp
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# $Header: gcp,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:17:02 root Exp $
+# Here is a script to do global rcps. See man page.
+$#ARGV >= 1 || die "Not enough arguments.\n";
+if ($ARGV[0] eq '-r') {
+ $rcp = 'rcp -r';
+ shift;
+} else {
+ $rcp = 'rcp';
+$args = $rcp;
+$dest = $ARGV[$#ARGV];
+$SIG{'INT'} = 'CONT';
+while ($arg = shift) {
+ if ($arg =~ /^([-a-zA-Z0-9_+]+):/) {
+ if ($systype && $systype ne $1) {
+ die "Can't mix system type specifers ($systype vs $1).\n";
+ }
+ $#ARGV < 0 || $arg !~ /:$/ || die "No source file specified.\n";
+ $systype = $1;
+ $args .= " $arg";
+ } else {
+ if ($#ARGV >= 0) {
+ if ($arg =~ /^[\/~]/) {
+ $arg =~ /^(.*)\// && ($dir = $1);
+ } else {
+ if (!$pwd) {
+ chop($pwd = `pwd`);
+ }
+ $dir = $pwd;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($olddir && $dir ne $olddir && $dest =~ /:$/) {
+ $args .= " $dest$olddir; $rcp";
+ }
+ $olddir = $dir;
+ $args .= " $arg";
+ }
+die "No system type specified.\n" unless $systype;
+$args =~ s/:$/:$olddir/;
+chop($thishost = `hostname`);
+$one_of_these = ":$systype:";
+if ($systype =~ s/\+/[+]/g) {
+ $one_of_these =~ s/\+/:/g;
+$one_of_these =~ s/-/:-/g;
+@ARGV = ();
+push(@ARGV,'.grem') if -f '.grem';
+push(@ARGV,'.ghosts') if -f '.ghosts';
+$remainder = '';
+line: while (<>) {
+ s/[ \t]*\n//;
+ if (!$_ || /^#/) {
+ next line;
+ }
+ if (/^([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)=(.+)/) {
+ $name = $1; $repl = $2;
+ $repl =~ s/\+/:/g;
+ $repl =~ s/-/:-/g;
+ $one_of_these =~ s/:$name:/:$repl:/;
+ $repl =~ s/:/:-/g;
+ $one_of_these =~ s/:-$name:/:-$repl:/g;
+ next line;
+ }
+ @gh = split(' ');
+ $host = $gh[0];
+ next line if $host eq $thishost; # should handle aliases too
+ $wanted = 0;
+ foreach $class (@gh) {
+ $wanted++ if index($one_of_these,":$class:") >= 0;
+ $wanted = -9999 if index($one_of_these,":-$class:") >= 0;
+ }
+ if ($wanted > 0) {
+ ($cmd = $args) =~ s/[ \t]$systype:/ $host:/g;
+ print "$cmd\n";
+ $result = `$cmd 2>&1`;
+ $remainder .= "$host+" if
+ $result =~ /Connection timed out|Permission denied/;
+ print $result;
+ }
+if ($remainder) {
+ chop($remainder);
+ open(grem,">.grem") || (printf stderr "Can't create .grem\n");
+ print grem 'rem=', $remainder, "\n";
+ close(grem);
+ print 'rem=', $remainder, "\n";
+sub CLEANUP {
+ exit;
+sub CONT {
+ print "Continuing...\n"; # Just ignore the signal that kills rcp
+ $remainder .= "$host+";
diff --git a/eg/g/ b/eg/g/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83c5d85ca4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/g/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+.\" $Header:,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:17:05 root Exp $
+.TH GCP 1C "13 May 1988"
+gcp \- global file copy
+.B gcp
+file1 file2
+.B gcp
+.B \-r
+] file ... directory
+.I gcp
+works just like rcp(1C) except that you may specify a set of hosts to copy files
+from or to.
+The host sets are defined in the file /etc/ghosts.
+(An individual host name can be used as a set containing one member.)
+You can give a command like
+ gcp /etc/motd sun:
+to copy your /etc/motd file to /etc/motd on all the Suns.
+If, on the other hand, you say
+ gcp /a/foo /b/bar sun:/tmp
+then your files will be copied to /tmp on all the Suns.
+The general rule is that if you don't specify the destination directory,
+files go to the same directory they are in currently.
+You may specify the union of two or more sets by using + as follows:
+ gcp /a/foo /b/bar 750+mc:
+which will copy /a/foo to /a/foo on all 750's and Masscomps, and then copy
+/b/bar to /b/bar on all 750's and Masscomps.
+Commonly used sets should be defined in /etc/ghosts.
+For example, you could add a line that says
+ pep=manny+moe+jack
+Another way to do that would be to add the word "pep" after each of the host
+ manny sun3 pep
+ moe sun3 pep
+ jack sun3 pep
+Hosts and sets of host can also be excluded:
+ foo=sun-sun2
+Any host so excluded will never be included, even if a subsequent set on the
+line includes it:
+ foo=abc+def
+ bar=xyz-abc+foo
+comes out to xyz+def.
+You can define private host sets by creating .ghosts in your current directory
+with entries just like /etc/ghosts.
+Also, if there is a file .grem, it defines "rem" to be the remaining hosts
+from the last gsh or gcp that didn't succeed everywhere.
+Interrupting with a SIGINT will cause the rcp to the current host to be skipped
+and execution resumed with the next host.
+To stop completely, send a SIGQUIT.
+All the bugs of rcp, since it calls rcp.
diff --git a/eg/g/ged b/eg/g/ged
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb7c222b3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/g/ged
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# $Header: ged,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:17:08 root Exp $
+# Does inplace edits on a set of files on a set of machines.
+# Typical invokation:
+# ged vax+sun /etc/passwd
+# s/Freddy/Freddie/;
+# ^D
+$class = shift;
+$files = join(' ',@ARGV);
+die "Usage: ged class files <perlcmds\n" unless $files;
+exec "gsh", $class, "-d", "perl -pi.bak - $files";
+die "Couldn't execute gsh for some reason, stopped";
diff --git a/eg/g/ghosts b/eg/g/ghosts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96ec771c4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/g/ghosts
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# This first section gives alternate sets defined in terms of the sets given
+# by the second section. The order is important--all references must be
+# forward references.
+# This second section defines the basic sets. Each host should have a line
+# that specifies which sets it is a member of. Extra sets should be separated
+# by white space. (The first section isn't strictly necessary, since all sets
+# could be defined in the second section, but then it wouldn't be so readable.)
+basvax 8600 src
+cdb0 sun3 sys
+cdb1 sun3 sys
+cdb2 sun3 sys
+chief sun3 src
+tis0 sun3
+manny sun3 sys
+moe sun3 sys
+jack sun3 sys
+disney sun3 sys
+huey sun3 nd
+dewey sun3 nd
+louie sun3 nd
+bizet sun2 src sys
+gif0 mc src
+mc0 mc
+dtv0 mc
diff --git a/eg/g/gsh b/eg/g/gsh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50ce1f7b00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/g/gsh
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# $Header: gsh,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:17:20 root Exp $
+# Do rsh globally--see man page
+$SIG{'QUIT'} = 'quit'; # install signal handler for SIGQUIT
+sub getswitches {
+ while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) { # parse switches
+ $ARGV[0] =~ /^-h/ && ($showhost++,$silent++,shift,next);
+ $ARGV[0] =~ /^-s/ && ($silent++,shift,next);
+ $ARGV[0] =~ /^-d/ && ($dodist++,shift,next);
+ $ARGV[0] =~ /^-n/ && ($n=' -n',shift,next);
+ $ARGV[0] =~ /^-l/ && ($l=' -l ' . $ARGV[1],shift,shift,next);
+ last;
+ }
+do getswitches(); # get any switches before class
+$systype = shift; # get name representing set of hosts
+do getswitches(); # same switches allowed after class
+if ($dodist) { # distribute input over all rshes?
+ `cat >/tmp/gsh$$`; # get input into a handy place
+ $dist = " </tmp/gsh$$"; # each rsh takes input from there
+$cmd = join(' ',@ARGV); # remaining args constitute the command
+$cmd =~ s/'/'"'"'/g; # quote any embedded single quotes
+$one_of_these = ":$systype:"; # prepare to expand "macros"
+$one_of_these =~ s/\+/:/g; # we hope to end up with list of
+$one_of_these =~ s/-/:-/g; # colon separated attributes
+@ARGV = ();
+push(@ARGV,'.grem') if -f '.grem';
+push(@ARGV,'.ghosts') if -f '.ghosts';
+$remainder = '';
+line: while (<>) { # for each line of ghosts
+ s/[ \t]*\n//; # trim trailing whitespace
+ if (!$_ || /^#/) { # skip blank line or comment
+ next line;
+ }
+ if (/^(\w+)=(.+)/) { # a macro line?
+ $name = $1; $repl = $2;
+ $repl =~ s/\+/:/g;
+ $repl =~ s/-/:-/g;
+ $one_of_these =~ s/:$name:/:$repl:/; # do expansion in "wanted" list
+ $repl =~ s/:/:-/g;
+ $one_of_these =~ s/:-$name:/:-$repl:/;
+ next line;
+ }
+ # we have a normal line
+ @attr = split(' '); # a list of attributes to match against
+ # which we put into an array
+ $host = $attr[0]; # the first attribute is the host name
+ if ($showhost) {
+ $showhost = "$host:\t";
+ }
+ $wanted = 0;
+ foreach $attr (@attr) { # iterate over attribute array
+ $wanted++ if index($one_of_these,":$attr:") >= 0;
+ $wanted = -9999 if index($one_of_these,":-$attr:") >= 0;
+ }
+ if ($wanted > 0) {
+ print "rsh $host$l$n '$cmd'\n" unless $silent;
+ $SIG{'INT'} = 'DEFAULT';
+ if (open(pipe,"rsh $host$l$n '$cmd'$dist 2>&1|")) { # start an rsh
+ $SIG{'INT'} = 'cont';
+ for ($iter=0; <pipe>; $iter++) {
+ unless ($iter) {
+ $remainder .= "$host+"
+ if /Connection timed out|Permission denied/;
+ }
+ print $showhost,$_;
+ }
+ close(pipe);
+ } else {
+ $SIG{'INT'} = 'cont';
+ print "(Can't execute rsh.)\n";
+ }
+ }
+unlink "/tmp/gsh$$" if $dodist;
+if ($remainder) {
+ chop($remainder);
+ open(grem,">.grem") || (printf stderr "Can't make a .grem file\n");
+ print grem 'rem=', $remainder, "\n";
+ close(grem);
+ print 'rem=', $remainder, "\n";
+# here are a couple of subroutines that serve as signal handlers
+sub cont {
+ print "\rContinuing...\n";
+ $remainder .= "$host+";
+sub quit {
+ $| = 1;
+ print "\r";
+ $SIG{'INT'} = '';
+ kill 2, $$;
diff --git a/eg/g/ b/eg/g/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4522129df0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/g/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+.\" $Header:,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:17:23 root Exp $
+.TH GSH 8 "13 May 1988"
+gsh \- global shell
+.B gsh
+.I host
+.I command
+.I gsh
+works just like rsh(1C) except that you may specify a set of hosts to execute
+the command on.
+The host sets are defined in the file /etc/ghosts.
+(An individual host name can be used as a set containing one member.)
+You can give a command like
+ gsh sun /etc/mungmotd
+to run /etc/mungmotd on all your Suns.
+You may specify the union of two or more sets by using + as follows:
+ gsh 750+mc /etc/mungmotd
+which will run mungmotd on all 750's and Masscomps.
+Commonly used sets should be defined in /etc/ghosts.
+For example, you could add a line that says
+ pep=manny+moe+jack
+Another way to do that would be to add the word "pep" after each of the host
+ manny sun3 pep
+ moe sun3 pep
+ jack sun3 pep
+Hosts and sets of host can also be excluded:
+ foo=sun-sun2
+Any host so excluded will never be included, even if a subsequent set on the
+line includes it:
+ foo=abc+def
+ bar=xyz-abc+foo
+comes out to xyz+def.
+You can define private host sets by creating .ghosts in your current directory
+with entries just like /etc/ghosts.
+Also, if there is a file .grem, it defines "rem" to be the remaining hosts
+from the last gsh or gcp that didn't succeed everywhere.
+Options include all those defined by rsh, as well as
+.IP "\-d" 8
+Causes gsh to collect input till end of file, and then distribute that input
+to each invokation of rsh.
+.IP "\-h" 8
+Rather than print out the command followed by the output, merely prepends the
+host name to each line of output.
+.IP "\-s" 8
+Do work silently.
+Interrupting with a SIGINT will cause the rsh to the current host to be skipped
+and execution resumed with the next host.
+To stop completely, send a SIGQUIT.
+All the bugs of rsh, since it calls rsh.
+Also, will not properly return data from the remote execution that contains
+null characters.
diff --git a/eg/myrup b/eg/myrup
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c32c99ccd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/myrup
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# $Header: myrup,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:16:51 root Exp $
+# This was a customization of ruptime requested by someone here who wanted
+# to be able to find the least loaded machine easily. It uses the
+# /etc/ghosts file that's defined for gsh and gcp to prune down the
+# number of entries to those hosts we have administrative control over.
+print "node load (u)\n------- --------\n";
+open(ghosts,'/etc/ghosts') || die "Can't open /etc/ghosts";
+line: while (<ghosts>) {
+ next line if /^#/;
+ next line if /^$/;
+ next line if /=/;
+ ($host) = split;
+ $wanted{$host} = 1;
+open(ruptime,'ruptime|') || die "Can't run ruptime";
+open(sort,'|sort +1n');
+while (<ruptime>) {
+ ($host,$upness,$foo,$users,$foo,$foo,$load) = split(/[\s,]+/);
+ if ($wanted{$host} && $upness eq 'up') {
+ printf sort "%s\t%s (%d)\n", $host, $load, $users;
+ }
diff --git a/eg/nih b/eg/nih
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15cb60f496
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/nih
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+eval "exec /usr/bin/perl -Spi.bak $0 $*"
+ if $running_under_some_shell;
+# $Header: nih,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:16:54 root Exp $
+# This script makes #! scripts directly executable on machines that don't
+# support #!. It edits in place any scripts mentioned on the command line.
+s|^#!(.*)|#!$1\neval "exec $1 -S \$0 \$*"\n\tif \$running_under_some_shell;|
+ if $. == 1;
diff --git a/eg/rmfrom b/eg/rmfrom
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0fca30413e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/rmfrom
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -n
+# $Header: rmfrom,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:16:57 root Exp $
+# A handy (but dangerous) script to put after a find ... -print.
+chop; unlink;
diff --git a/eg/scan/scan_df b/eg/scan/scan_df
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca316425e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/scan/scan_df
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -P
+# $Header: scan_df,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:17:56 root Exp $
+# This report points out filesystems that are in danger of overflowing.
+(chdir '/usr/adm/private/memories') || die "Can't cd.";
+`df >newdf`;
+open(Df, 'olddf');
+while (<Df>) {
+ ($fs,$kbytes,$used,$avail,$capacity,$mounted_on) = split;
+ next if $fs =~ /:/;
+ next if $fs eq '';
+ $oldused{$fs} = $used;
+open(Df, 'newdf') || die "scan_df: can't open newdf";
+while (<Df>) {
+ ($fs,$kbytes,$used,$avail,$capacity,$mounted_on) = split;
+ next if $fs =~ /:/;
+ next if $fs eq '';
+ $oldused = $oldused{$fs};
+ next if ($oldused == $used && $capacity < 99); # inactive filesystem
+ if ($capacity >= 90) {
+#if defined(mc300) || defined(mc500) || defined(mc700)
+ $_ = substr($_,0,13) . ' ' . substr($_,13,1000);
+ $kbytes /= 2; # translate blocks to K
+ $used /= 2;
+ $oldused /= 2;
+ $avail /= 2;
+ $diff = int($used - $oldused);
+ if ($avail < $diff * 2) { # mark specially if in danger
+ $mounted_on .= ' *';
+ }
+ next if $diff < 50 && $mounted_on eq '/';
+ $fs =~ s|/dev/||;
+ if ($diff >= 0) {
+ $diff = '(+' . $diff . ')';
+ }
+ else {
+ $diff = '(' . $diff . ')';
+ }
+ printf "%-8s%8d%8d %-8s%8d%7s %s\n",
+ $fs,$kbytes,$used,$diff,$avail,$capacity,$mounted_on;
+ }
diff --git a/eg/scan/scan_last b/eg/scan/scan_last
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25d7843e30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/scan/scan_last
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -P
+# $Header: scan_last,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:17:58 root Exp $
+# This reports who was logged on at weird hours
+($dy, $mo, $lastdt) = split(/ +/,`date`);
+open(Last, 'exec last 2>&1 |') || die "scan_last: can't run last";
+while (<Last>) {
+#if defined(mc300) || defined(mc500) || defined(mc700)
+ $_ = substr($_,0,19) . substr($_,23,100);
+ next if /^$/;
+ (print),next if m|^/|;
+ $login = substr($_,0,8);
+ $tty = substr($_,10,7);
+ $from = substr($_,19,15);
+ $day = substr($_,36,3);
+ $mo = substr($_,40,3);
+ $dt = substr($_,44,2);
+ $hr = substr($_,47,2);
+ $min = substr($_,50,2);
+ $dash = substr($_,53,1);
+ $tohr = substr($_,55,2);
+ $tomin = substr($_,58,2);
+ $durhr = substr($_,63,2);
+ $durmin = substr($_,66,2);
+ next unless $hr;
+ next if $login eq 'reboot ';
+ next if $login eq 'shutdown';
+ if ($dt != $lastdt) {
+ if ($lastdt < $dt) {
+ $seen += $dt - $lastdt;
+ }
+ else {
+ $seen++;
+ }
+ $lastdt = $dt;
+ }
+ $inat = $hr + $min / 60;
+ if ($tohr =~ /^[a-z]/) {
+ $outat = 12; # something innocuous
+ } else {
+ $outat = $tohr + $tomin / 60;
+ }
+ last if $seen + ($inat < 8) > 1;
+ if ($inat < 5 || $inat > 21 || $outat < 6 || $outat > 23) {
+ print;
+ }
diff --git a/eg/scan/scan_messages b/eg/scan/scan_messages
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f8ab2b58b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/scan/scan_messages
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -P
+# $Header: scan_messages,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:17:46 root Exp $
+# This prints out extraordinary console messages. You'll need to customize.
+chdir('/usr/adm/private/memories') || die "Can't cd.";
+$maxpos = `cat oldmsgs 2>&1`;
+#if defined(mc300) || defined(mc500) || defined(mc700)
+open(Msgs, '/dev/null') || die "scan_messages: can't open messages";
+open(Msgs, '/usr/adm/messages') || die "scan_messages: can't open messages";
+ $blksize,$blocks) = stat(Msgs);
+if ($size < $maxpos) { # Did somebody truncate messages file?
+ $maxpos = 0;
+seek(Msgs,$maxpos,0); # Start where we left off last time.
+while (<Msgs>) {
+ s/\[(\d+)\]/#/ && s/$1/#/g;
+#ifdef vax
+ $_ =~ s/[A-Z][a-z][a-z] +\w+ +[0-9:]+ +\w+ +//;
+ next if /root@.*:/;
+ next if /^vmunix: 4.3 BSD UNIX/;
+ next if /^vmunix: Copyright/;
+ next if /^vmunix: avail mem =/;
+ next if /^vmunix: SBIA0 at /;
+ next if /^vmunix: disk ra81 is/;
+ next if /^vmunix: dmf. at uba/;
+ next if /^vmunix: dmf.:.*asynch/;
+ next if /^vmunix: ex. at uba/;
+ next if /^vmunix: ex.: HW/;
+ next if /^vmunix: il. at uba/;
+ next if /^vmunix: il.: hardware/;
+ next if /^vmunix: ra. at uba/;
+ next if /^vmunix: ra.: media/;
+ next if /^vmunix: real mem/;
+ next if /^vmunix: syncing disks/;
+ next if /^vmunix: tms/;
+ next if /^vmunix: tmscp. at uba/;
+ next if /^vmunix: uba. at /;
+ next if /^vmunix: uda. at /;
+ next if /^vmunix: uda.: unit . ONLIN/;
+ next if /^vmunix: .*buffers containing/;
+ next if /^syslogd: .*newslog/;
+ next if /unknown service/;
+ next if /^\.\.\.$/;
+ if (/^[A-Z][a-z][a-z] [ 0-9][0-9] [ 0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]/) {
+ $pfx = '';
+ next;
+ }
+ next if /^[ \t]*$/;
+ next if /^[ 0-9]*done$/;
+ if (/^A/) {
+ next if /^Accounting [sr]/;
+ }
+ elsif (/^C/) {
+ next if /^Called from/;
+ next if /^Copyright/;
+ }
+ elsif (/^E/) {
+ next if /^End traceback/;
+ next if /^Ethernet address =/;
+ }
+ elsif (/^K/) {
+ next if /^KERNEL MODE/;
+ }
+ elsif (/^R/) {
+ next if /^Rebooting Unix/;
+ }
+ elsif (/^S/) {
+ next if /^Sun UNIX 4\.2 Release/;
+ }
+ elsif (/^W/) {
+ next if /^WARNING: clock gained/;
+ }
+ elsif (/^a/) {
+ next if /^arg /;
+ next if /^avail mem =/;
+ }
+ elsif (/^b/) {
+ next if /^bwtwo[0-9] at /;
+ }
+ elsif (/^c/) {
+ next if /^cgone[0-9] at /;
+ next if /^cdp[0-9] at /;
+ next if /^csr /;
+ }
+ elsif (/^d/) {
+ next if /^dcpa: init/;
+ next if /^done$/;
+ next if /^dts/;
+ next if /^dump i\/o error/;
+ next if /^dumping to dev/;
+ next if /^dump succeeded/;
+ $pfx = '*' if /^dev = /;
+ }
+ elsif (/^e/) {
+ next if /^end \*\*/;
+ next if /^error in copy/;
+ }
+ elsif (/^f/) {
+ next if /^found /;
+ }
+ elsif (/^i/) {
+ next if /^ib[0-9] at /;
+ next if /^ie[0-9] at /;
+ }
+ elsif (/^l/) {
+ next if /^le[0-9] at /;
+ }
+ elsif (/^m/) {
+ next if /^mem = /;
+ next if /^mt[0-9] at /;
+ next if /^mti[0-9] at /;
+ $pfx = '*' if /^mode = /;
+ }
+ elsif (/^n/) {
+ next if /^not found /;
+ }
+ elsif (/^p/) {
+ next if /^page map /;
+ next if /^pi[0-9] at /;
+ $pfx = '*' if /^panic/;
+ }
+ elsif (/^q/) {
+ next if /^qqq /;
+ }
+ elsif (/^r/) {
+ next if /^read /;
+ next if /^revarp: Requesting/;
+ next if /^root [od]/;
+ }
+ elsif (/^s/) {
+ next if /^sc[0-9] at /;
+ next if /^sd[0-9] at /;
+ next if /^sd[0-9]: </;
+ next if /^si[0-9] at /;
+ next if /^si_getstatus/;
+ next if /^sk[0-9] at /;
+ next if /^skioctl/;
+ next if /^skopen/;
+ next if /^skprobe/;
+ next if /^skread/;
+ next if /^skwrite/;
+ next if /^sky[0-9] at /;
+ next if /^st[0-9] at /;
+ next if /^st0:.*load/;
+ next if /^stat1 = /;
+ next if /^syncing disks/;
+ next if /^syslogd: going down on signal 15/;
+ }
+ elsif (/^t/) {
+ next if /^timeout [0-9]/;
+ next if /^tm[0-9] at /;
+ next if /^tod[0-9] at /;
+ next if /^tv [0-9]/;
+ $pfx = '*' if /^trap address/;
+ }
+ elsif (/^u/) {
+ next if /^unit nsk/;
+ next if /^use one of/;
+ $pfx = '' if /^using/;
+ next if /^using [0-9]+ buffers/;
+ }
+ elsif (/^x/) {
+ next if /^xy[0-9] at /;
+ next if /^write [0-9]/;
+ next if /^xy[0-9]: </;
+ next if /^xyc[0-9] at /;
+ }
+ elsif (/^y/) {
+ next if /^yyy [0-9]/;
+ }
+ elsif (/^z/) {
+ next if /^zs[0-9] at /;
+ }
+ $pfx = '*' if /^[a-z]+:$/;
+ s/pid [0-9]+: //;
+ if (/last message repeated ([0-9]+) time/) {
+ $seen{$last} += $1;
+ next;
+ }
+ s/^/$pfx/ if $pfx;
+ unless ($seen{$_}++) {
+ push(@seen,$_);
+ }
+ $last = $_;
+$max = tell(Msgs);
+open(tmp,'|sort >oldmsgs.tmp') || die "Can't create tmp file.";
+while ($_ = pop(@seen)) {
+ print tmp $_;
+open(tmp,'oldmsgs.tmp') || die "Can't reopen tmp file.";
+while (<tmp>) {
+ if (/^nd:/) {
+ next if $seen{$_} < 20;
+ }
+ if (/NFS/) {
+ next if $seen{$_} < 20;
+ }
+ if (/no carrier/) {
+ next if $seen{$_} < 20;
+ }
+ if (/silo overflow/) {
+ next if $seen{$_} < 20;
+ }
+ print $seen{$_},":\t",$_;
+print `rm -f oldmsgs.tmp 2>&1; echo $max > oldmsgs 2>&1`;
diff --git a/eg/scan/scan_passwd b/eg/scan/scan_passwd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62ef1e7794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/scan/scan_passwd
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# $Header: scan_passwd,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:17:49 root Exp $
+# This scans passwd file for security holes.
+open(Pass,'/etc/passwd') || die "Can't open passwd file";
+# $dotriv = (`date` =~ /^Mon/);
+$dotriv = 1;
+while (<Pass>) {
+ ($login,$pass,$uid,$gid,$gcos,$home,$shell) = split(/:/);
+ if ($shell eq '') {
+ print "Short: $_";
+ }
+ next if /^[+]/;
+ if ($pass eq '') {
+ if (index(":sync:lpq:+:", ":$login:") < 0) {
+ print "No pass: $login\t$gcos\n";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($dotriv && crypt($login,substr($pass,0,2)) eq $pass) {
+ print "Trivial: $login\t$gcos\n";
+ }
+ if ($uid == 0) {
+ if ($login !~ /^.?root$/ && $pass ne '*') {
+ print "Extra root: $_";
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/eg/scan/scan_ps b/eg/scan/scan_ps
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb33b87ae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/scan/scan_ps
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -P
+# $Header: scan_ps,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:17:51 root Exp $
+# This looks for looping processes.
+#if defined(mc300) || defined(mc500) || defined(mc700)
+open(Ps, '/bin/ps -el|') || die "scan_ps: can't run ps";
+while (<Ps>) {
+ next if /rwhod/;
+ print if index(' T', substr($_,62,1)) < 0;
+open(Ps, '/bin/ps auxww|') || die "scan_ps: can't run ps";
+while (<Ps>) {
+ next if /dataserver/;
+ next if /nfsd/;
+ next if /update/;
+ next if /ypserv/;
+ next if /rwhod/;
+ next if /routed/;
+ next if /pagedaemon/;
+#ifdef vax
+ ($user,$pid,$cpu,$mem,$sz,$rss,$tt,$stat,$start,$time) = split;
+ ($user,$pid,$cpu,$mem,$sz,$rss,$tt,$stat,$time) = split;
+ print if length($time) > 4;
diff --git a/eg/scan/scan_sudo b/eg/scan/scan_sudo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0a99ee0c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/scan/scan_sudo
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -P
+# $Header: scan_sudo,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:18:01 root Exp $
+# Analyze the sudo log.
+chdir('/usr/adm/private/memories') || die "Can't cd.";
+if (open(Oldsudo,'oldsudo')) {
+ $maxpos = <Oldsudo>;
+ close Oldsudo;
+else {
+ $maxpos = 0;
+ `echo 0 >oldsudo`;
+unless (open(Sudo, '/usr/adm/sudo.log')) {
+ print "Somebody removed sudo.log!!!\n" if $maxpos;
+ exit 0;
+ $blksize,$blocks) = stat(Sudo);
+if ($size < $maxpos) {
+ $maxpos = 0;
+ print "Somebody reset sudo.log!!!\n";
+while (<Sudo>) {
+ s/^.* :[ \t]+//;
+ s/ipcrm.*/ipcrm/;
+ s/kill.*/kill/;
+ unless ($seen{$_}++) {
+ push(@seen,$_);
+ }
+ $last = $_;
+$max = tell(Sudo);
+open(tmp,'|sort >oldsudo.tmp') || die "Can't create tmp file.";
+while ($_ = pop(@seen)) {
+ print tmp $_;
+open(tmp,'oldsudo.tmp') || die "Can't reopen tmp file.";
+while (<tmp>) {
+ print $seen{$_},":\t",$_;
+print `(rm -f oldsudo.tmp; echo $max > oldsudo) 2>&1`;
diff --git a/eg/scan/scan_suid b/eg/scan/scan_suid
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f62705504
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/scan/scan_suid
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -P
+# $Header: scan_suid,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:17:54 root Exp $
+# Look for new setuid root files.
+chdir '/usr/adm/private/memories' || die "Can't cd.";
+ $blksize,$blocks) = stat('oldsuid');
+if ($nlink) {
+ $lasttime = $mtime;
+ $tmp = $ctime - $atime;
+ if ($tmp <= 0 || $tmp >= 10) {
+ print "WARNING: somebody has read oldsuid!\n";
+ }
+ $tmp = $ctime - $mtime;
+ if ($tmp <= 0 || $tmp >= 10) {
+ print "WARNING: somebody has modified oldsuid!!!\n";
+ }
+} else {
+ $lasttime = time - 60 * 60 * 24; # one day ago
+$thistime = time;
+#if defined(mc300) || defined(mc500) || defined(mc700)
+open(Find, 'find / -perm -04000 -print |') ||
+ die "scan_find: can't run find";
+open(Find, 'find / \( -fstype nfs -prune \) -o -perm -04000 -ls |') ||
+ die "scan_find: can't run find";
+open(suid, '>newsuid.tmp');
+while (<Find>) {
+#if defined(mc300) || defined(mc500) || defined(mc700)
+ $x = `/bin/ls -il $_`;
+ $_ = $x;
+ s/^ *//;
+ ($inode,$perm,$links,$owner,$group,$size,$month,$day,$time,$name)
+ = split;
+ s/^ *//;
+ ($inode,$blocks,$perm,$links,$owner,$group,$size,$month,$day,$time,$name)
+ = split;
+ if ($perm =~ /[sS]/ && $owner eq 'root') {
+ ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,
+ $blksize,$blocks) = stat($name);
+ $foo = sprintf("%10s%3s %-8s %-8s%9s %3s %2s %s %s\n",
+ $perm,$links,$owner,$group,$size,$month,$day,$name,$inode);
+ print suid $foo;
+ if ($ctime > $lasttime) {
+ if ($ctime > $thistime) {
+ print "Future file: $foo";
+ }
+ else {
+ $ct .= $foo;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+print `sort +7 -8 newsuid.tmp >newsuid 2>&1`;
+$foo = `/bin/diff oldsuid newsuid 2>&1`;
+print "Differences in suid info:\n",$foo if $foo;
+print `mv oldsuid oldoldsuid 2>&1; mv newsuid oldsuid 2>&1`;
+print `touch oldsuid 2>&1;sleep 2 2>&1;chmod o+w oldsuid 2>&1`;
+print `rm -f newsuid.tmp 2>&1`;
+@ct = split(/\n/,$ct);
+$ct = '';
+$* = 1;
+while ($#ct >= 0) {
+ $tmp = shift(@ct);
+ unless ($foo =~ "^>.*$tmp\n") { $ct .= "$tmp\n"; }
+print "Inode changed since last time:\n",$ct if $ct;
diff --git a/eg/scan/scanner b/eg/scan/scanner
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25e953d402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/scan/scanner
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# $Header: scanner,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:17:42 root Exp $
+# This runs all the scan_* routines on all the machines in /etc/ghosts.
+# We run this every morning at about 6 am:
+# !/bin/sh
+# cd /usr/adm/private
+# decrypt scanner | perl >scan.out 2>&1
+# mail admin <scan.out
+# Note that the scan_* files should be encrypted with the key "-inquire", and
+# scanner should be encrypted somehow so that people can't find that key.
+# I leave it up to you to figure out how to unencrypt it before executing.
+$ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/ucb:.';
+$| = 1; # command buffering on stdout
+print "Subject: bizarre happenings\n\n";
+(chdir '/usr/adm/private') || die "Can't cd.";
+if ($#ARGV >= 0) {
+ @scanlist = @ARGV;
+} else {
+ @scanlist = split(/[ \t\n]+/,`echo scan_*`);
+scan: while ($scan = shift(@scanlist)) {
+ print "\n********** $scan **********\n";
+ $showhost++;
+ $systype = 'all';
+ open(ghosts, '/etc/ghosts') || die 'No /etc/ghosts file';
+ $one_of_these = ":$systype:";
+ if ($systype =~ s/\+/[+]/g) {
+ $one_of_these =~ s/\+/:/g;
+ }
+ line: while (<ghosts>) {
+ s/[ \t]*\n//;
+ if (!$_ || /^#/) {
+ next line;
+ }
+ if (/^([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)=(.+)/) {
+ $name = $1; $repl = $2;
+ $repl =~ s/\+/:/g;
+ $one_of_these =~ s/:$name:/:$repl:/;
+ next line;
+ }
+ @gh = split;
+ $host = $gh[0];
+ if ($showhost) { $showhost = "$host:\t"; }
+ class: while ($class = pop(gh)) {
+ if (index($one_of_these,":$class:") >=0) {
+ $iter = 0;
+ `exec crypt -inquire <$scan >.x 2>/dev/null`;
+ unless (open(scan,'.x')) {
+ print "Can't run $scan.";
+ next scan;
+ }
+ $cmd = <scan>;
+ unless ($cmd =~ s/#!(.*)\n/$1/) {
+ $cmd = '/usr/bin/perl';
+ }
+ close(scan);
+ if (open(pipe,"exec rsh $host '$cmd' <.x|")) {
+ sleep(5);
+ unlink '.x';
+ while (<pipe>) {
+ last if $iter++ > 1000; # must be looping
+ next if /^[0-9.]+u [0-9.]+s/;
+ print $showhost,$_;
+ }
+ close(pipe);
+ } else {
+ print "(Can't execute rsh.)\n";
+ }
+ last class;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/eg/shmkill b/eg/shmkill
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba288d8e0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/shmkill
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# $Header: shmkill,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:16:59 root Exp $
+# A script to call from crontab periodically when people are leaving shared
+# memory sitting around unattached.
+open(ipcs,'ipcs -m -o|') || die "Can't run ipcs";
+while (<ipcs>) {
+ $tmp = index($_,'NATTCH');
+ $pos = $tmp if $tmp >= 0;
+ if (/^m/) {
+ ($m,$id,$key,$mode,$owner,$group,$attach) = split;
+ if ($attach != substr($_,$pos,6)) {
+ die "Different ipcs format--can't parse!";
+ }
+ if ($attach == 0) {
+ push(@goners,'-m',$id);
+ }
+ }
+exec 'ipcrm', @goners if $#goners >= 0;
diff --git a/eg/van/empty b/eg/van/empty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11a55583e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/van/empty
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# $Header: empty,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:17:39 root Exp $
+# This script empties a trashcan.
+$recursive = shift if $ARGV[0] eq '-r';
+@ARGV = '.' if $#ARGV < 0;
+chop($pwd = `pwd`);
+dir: foreach $dir (@ARGV) {
+ unless (chdir $dir) {
+ print stderr "Can't find directory $dir\n";
+ next dir;
+ }
+ if ($recursive) {
+ do cmd('find . -name .deleted -exec /bin/rm -rf {} ;');
+ }
+ else {
+ if (-d '.deleted') {
+ do cmd('rm -rf .deleted');
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($dir eq '.' && $pwd =~ m|/\.deleted$|) {
+ chdir '..';
+ do cmd('rm -rf .deleted');
+ }
+ else {
+ print stderr "No trashcan found in directory $dir\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+continue {
+ chdir $pwd;
+# force direct execution with no shell
+sub cmd {
+ system split(' ',join(' ',@_));
diff --git a/eg/van/unvanish b/eg/van/unvanish
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a83c81232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/van/unvanish
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# $Header: unvanish,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:17:30 root Exp $
+sub it {
+ if ($olddir ne '.') {
+ chop($pwd = `pwd`) if $pwd eq '';
+ (chdir $olddir) || die "Directory $olddir is not accesible";
+ }
+ unless ($olddir eq '.deleted') {
+ if (-d '.deleted') {
+ chdir '.deleted' || die "Directory .deleted is not accesible";
+ }
+ else {
+ chop($pwd = `pwd`) if $pwd eq '';
+ die "Directory .deleted does not exist" unless $pwd =~ /\.deleted$/;
+ }
+ }
+ print `mv $startfiles$filelist..$force`;
+ if ($olddir ne '.') {
+ (chdir $pwd) || die "Can't get back to original directory: $pwd";
+ }
+if ($#ARGV < 0) {
+ open(lastcmd,'.deleted/.lastcmd') ||
+ open(lastcmd,'.lastcmd') ||
+ die "No previous vanish in this dir";
+ $ARGV = <lastcmd>;
+ close(lastcmd);
+ @ARGV = split(/[\n ]+/,$ARGV);
+while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
+ $_ = shift;
+ /^-f/ && ($force = ' >/dev/null 2>&1');
+ /^-i/ && ($interactive = 1);
+ if (/^-+$/) {
+ $startfiles = '- ';
+ last;
+ }
+while ($file = shift) {
+ if ($file =~ s|^(.*)/||) {
+ $dir = $1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $dir = '.';
+ }
+ if ($dir ne $olddir) {
+ do it() if $olddir;
+ $olddir = $dir;
+ }
+ if ($interactive) {
+ print "unvanish: restore $dir/$file? ";
+ next unless <stdin> =~ /^y/i;
+ }
+ $filelist .= $file; $filelist .= ' ';
+do it() if $olddir;
diff --git a/eg/van/vanexp b/eg/van/vanexp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29b42e8edf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/van/vanexp
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# $Header: vanexp,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:17:34 root Exp $
+# This is for running from a find at night to expire old .deleteds
+$can = $ARGV[0];
+exit 1 unless $can =~ /.deleted$/;
+ $blksize,$blocks) = stat($can);
+exit 0 unless $size;
+if (time - $mtime > 2 * 24 * 60 * 60) {
+ `/bin/rm -rf $can`;
+else {
+ `find $can -ctime +2 -exec rm -f {} \;`;
diff --git a/eg/van/vanish b/eg/van/vanish
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b665e7c8d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eg/van/vanish
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# $Header: vanish,v 2.0 88/06/05 00:17:36 root Exp $
+sub it {
+ if ($olddir ne '.') {
+ chop($pwd = `pwd`) if $pwd eq '';
+ (chdir $olddir) || die "Directory $olddir is not accesible";
+ }
+ if (!-d .deleted) {
+ print `mkdir .deleted; chmod 775 .deleted`;
+ die "You can't remove files from $olddir" if $?;
+ }
+ $filelist =~ s/ $//;
+ $filelist =~ s/#/\\#/g;
+ if ($filelist !~ /^[ \t]*$/) {
+ open(lastcmd,'>.deleted/.lastcmd');
+ print lastcmd $filelist,"\n";
+ close(lastcmd);
+ print `/bin/mv $startfiles$filelist .deleted$force`;
+ }
+ if ($olddir ne '.') {
+ (chdir $pwd) || die "Can't get back to original directory: $pwd";
+ }
+while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
+ $_ = shift;
+ /^-f/ && ($force = ' >/dev/null 2>&1');
+ /^-i/ && ($interactive = 1);
+ if (/^-+$/) {
+ $startfiles = '- ';
+ last;
+ }
+chop($pwd = `pwd`);
+while ($file = shift) {
+ if ($file =~ s|^(.*)/||) {
+ $dir = $1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $dir = '.';
+ }
+ if ($interactive) {
+ print "vanish: remove $dir/$file? ";
+ next unless <stdin> =~ /^y/i;
+ }
+ if ($file eq '.deleted') {
+ print stderr "To delete .deleted (the trashcan) use the 'empty' command.\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($dir ne $olddir) {
+ do it() if $olddir;
+ $olddir = $dir;
+ }
+ $filelist .= $file; $filelist .= ' ';
+do it() if $olddir;