path: root/ext/B/t
diff options
authorAdrian M. Enache <>2003-07-31 06:49:40 +0300
committerJarkko Hietaniemi <>2003-07-31 05:06:11 +0000
commit46983aadfac6b944b1ca63d7d2d411068cfd6b1c (patch)
tree61246964ab993161f85a14450c03a17b69b266b6 /ext/B/t
parent6b60bc8c20f4a67591b13726b877b2e48fad78f6 (diff)
test for B::Bytecode/ByteLoader
Message-ID: <20030731004940.GB1266@ratsnest.hole> (but use instead of manual `$^X ...`) p4raw-id: //depot/perl@20366
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/B/t')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/B/t/bytecode.t b/ext/B/t/bytecode.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ac865212a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/B/t/bytecode.t
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = qw(../lib);
+ require './'; # for run_perl()
+use strict;
+my $test = '';
+END { 1 while unlink $test }
+undef $/;
+my @tests = split /\n###+\n/, <DATA>;
+print "1..".($#tests+1)."\n";
+my $cnt = 1;
+for (@tests) {
+ my $got;
+ my ($script, $expect) = split />>>+\n/;
+ $expect =~ s/\n$//;
+ open T, ">$test"; print T $script; close T;
+ $got = run_perl(switches => "-MO=Bytecode,-H,-o$test",
+ progfile => $test);
+ unless ($?) {
+ $got = run_perl(progfile => $test);
+ unless ($?) {
+ if ($got =~ /^$expect$/) {
+ print "ok $cnt\n";
+ next;
+ } else {
+ print <<"EOT"; next;
+not ok $cnt
+--------- SCRIPT
+--------- GOT
+--------- EXPECT
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print <<"EOT";
+--------- SCRIPT
+--------- $?
+} continue {
+ $cnt++;
+print 'hi'
+for (1,2,3) { print if /\d/ }
+$_ = "xyxyx"; %j=(1,2); s/x/$j{print('z')}/ge; print $_
+$_ = "xyxyx"; %j=(1,2); s/x/$j{print('z')}/g; print $_
+split /a/,"bananarama"; print @_
+{ package P; sub x { print 'ya' } x }
+@z = split /:/,"b:r:n:f:g"; print @z
+sub AUTOLOAD { print 1 } &{"a"}()
+my $l = 3; $x = sub { print $l }; &$x
+my $i = 1;
+my $foo = sub {$i = shift if @_};
+print <.*>
+$_="\xff\xff"; use utf8; utf8::encode $_; print $_
+$x="Cannot use"; print index $x, "Can"
+my $i=6; eval "print \$i\n"
+BEGIN { %h=(1=>2,3=>4) } print $h{3}
+open our $T,"a"
+print <DATA>
+BEGIN { tie @a, __PACKAGE__; sub TIEARRAY { bless{} } sub FETCH { 1 } }
+print $a[1]
+my $i=3; print 1 .. $i
+my $h = { a=>3, b=>1 }; print sort {$h->{$a} <=> $h->{$b}} keys %$h
+print sort { my $p; $b <=> $a } 1,4,3