path: root/ext/Encode/bin/ucmlint
diff options
authorSteve Peters <>2008-03-12 14:20:49 +0000
committerSteve Peters <>2008-03-12 14:20:49 +0000
commit0dbed2e582e5e5a1aa8cf32cd879b06d966ccbc2 (patch)
tree44b66c4baeaab6c0d7df3785d601b1c57ee91c69 /ext/Encode/bin/ucmlint
parent711e8db2defd635d78bc9d3e168dbd0a8a3b89fa (diff)
Upgrade to Encode-2.24
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@33493
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/Encode/bin/ucmlint')
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/ext/Encode/bin/ucmlint b/ext/Encode/bin/ucmlint
index c5d755b74a..622376d885 100644
--- a/ext/Encode/bin/ucmlint
+++ b/ext/Encode/bin/ucmlint
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-# $Id: ucmlint,v 2.1 2006/05/03 18:24:10 dankogai Exp $
+# $Id: ucmlint,v 2.2 2008/03/12 09:51:11 dankogai Exp $
use strict;
-our $VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 2.1 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r };
+our $VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 2.2 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r };
use Getopt::Std;
our %Opt;
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ $0 -[Dehfv] [ucm files ...]
$| = 1;
-my (%Hdr, %U2E, %E2U);
+my (%Hdr, %U2E, %E2U, %Fallback);
my $in_charmap = 0;
my $nerror = 0;
my $nwarning = 0;
@@ -39,92 +39,94 @@ sub nit($;$){
my ($msg, $level) = @_;
my $lstr;
if ($level == 2){
- $lstr = 'notice';
+ $lstr = 'notice';
}elsif ($level == 1){
- $lstr = 'warning'; $nwarning++;
+ $lstr = 'warning'; $nwarning++;
- $lstr = 'error'; $nerror++;
+ $lstr = 'error'; $nerror++;
print "$ARGV:$lstr in line $.: $msg\n";
for $ARGV (@ARGV){
open UCM, $ARGV or die "$ARGV:$!";
- %Hdr = %U2E = %E2U = ();
+ %Hdr = %U2E = %E2U = %Fallback = ();
$in_charmap = $nerror = $nwarning = 0;
$. = 0;
- chomp;
- s/\s*#.*$//o; /^$/ and next;
- if ($_ eq "CHARMAP"){
- $in_charmap = 1;
- for my $must (qw/code_set_name mb_cur_min mb_cur_max/){
- exists $Hdr{$must} or nit "<$must> nonexistent";
- }
- $Hdr{mb_cur_min} > $Hdr{mb_cur_max}
- and nit sprintf("mb_cur_min(%d) > mb_cur_max(%d)",
- $Hdr{mb_cur_min},$Hdr{mb_cur_max});
- $in_charmap = 1;
- next;
- }
- unless ($in_charmap){
- my($hkey, $hvalue) = /^<(\S+)>\s+[\"\']?([^\"\']+)/o or next;
- $Opt{D} and warn "$hkey => $hvalue";
- if ($hkey eq "code_set_name"){ # name check
- exists $Hdr{code_set_name}
- and nit "Duplicate <code_set_name>: $hkey";
- }
- if ($hkey eq "code_set_alias"){ # alias check
- $hvalue eq $Hdr{code_set_name}
- and nit qq(alias "$hvalue" is already in <code_set_name>);
- }
- $Hdr{$hkey} = $hvalue;
- }else{
- my $name = $Hdr{code_set_name};
- my($unistr, $encstr, $fb) = /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s(\S+)/o or next;
- $Opt{v} and nit $_, 2;
- my $uni = uniparse($unistr);
- my $enc = encparse($encstr);
- $fb =~ /^\|([0123])$/ or nit "malformed fallback: $fb";
- $fb = $1;
- $Opt{f} and $fb = 0;
- unless ($fb == 1){ # check uni -> enc
- if (exists $U2E{$uni}){
- nit "dupe encode map: U$uni => $U2E{$uni} and $enc", 1;
- }else{
- $U2E{$uni} = $enc;
- if ($Opt{e} and $fb != 3) {
- my $e = hex2enc($enc);
- my $u = hex2uni($uni);
- my $eu = Encode::encode($name, $u);
- $e eq $eu
- or nit qq(encode('$name', $uni) != $enc);
+ chomp;
+ s/\s*#.*$//o; /^$/ and next;
+ if ($_ eq "CHARMAP"){
+ $in_charmap = 1;
+ for my $must (qw/code_set_name mb_cur_min mb_cur_max/){
+ exists $Hdr{$must} or nit "<$must> nonexistent";
+ $Hdr{mb_cur_min} > $Hdr{mb_cur_max}
+ and nit sprintf("mb_cur_min(%d) > mb_cur_max(%d)",
+ $Hdr{mb_cur_min},$Hdr{mb_cur_max});
+ $in_charmap = 1;
+ next;
- }
- unless ($fb == 3){ # check enc -> uni
- if (exists $E2U{$enc}){
- nit "dupe decode map: $enc => U$E2U{$enc} and U$uni", 1;
+ unless ($in_charmap){
+ my($hkey, $hvalue) = /^<(\S+)>\s+[\"\']?([^\"\']+)/o or next;
+ $Opt{D} and warn "$hkey => $hvalue";
+ if ($hkey eq "code_set_name"){ # name check
+ exists $Hdr{code_set_name}
+ and nit "Duplicate <code_set_name>: $hkey";
+ }
+ if ($hkey eq "code_set_alias"){ # alias check
+ $hvalue eq $Hdr{code_set_name}
+ and nit qq(alias "$hvalue" is already in <code_set_name>);
+ }
+ $Hdr{$hkey} = $hvalue;
- $E2U{$enc} = $uni;
- if ($Opt{e} and $fb != 1) {
- my $e = hex2enc($enc);
- my $u = hex2uni($uni);
- $Opt{D} and warn "$uni, $enc";
- my $de = Encode::decode($name, $e);
- $de eq $u
- or nit qq(decode('$name', $enc) != $uni);
+ my $name = $Hdr{code_set_name};
+ my($unistr, $encstr, $fb) = /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s(\S+)/o or next;
+ $Opt{v} and nit $_, 2;
+ my $uni = uniparse($unistr);
+ my $enc = encparse($encstr);
+ $fb =~ /^\|([0123])$/ or nit "malformed fallback: $fb";
+ $fb = $1;
+ $Opt{f} and $fb = 0;
+ unless ($fb == 3){ # check uni -> enc
+ if (exists $U2E{$uni}){
+ nit "dupe encode map: U$uni => $U2E{$uni} and $enc", 1;
+ }else{
+ $U2E{$uni} = $enc;
+ $Fallback{$uni}{$enc} = 1 if $fb == 1;
+ if ($Opt{e}) {
+ my $e = hex2enc($enc);
+ my $u = hex2uni($uni);
+ my $eu = Encode::encode($name, $u);
+ $e eq $eu
+ or nit qq(encode('$name', $uni) != $enc);
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($fb == 1){ # check enc -> uni
+ if (exists $E2U{$enc}){
+ nit "dupe decode map: $enc => U$E2U{$enc} and U$uni", 1;
+ }else{
+ $E2U{$enc} = $uni;
+ $Fallback{$enc}{$uni} = 1 if $fb == 3;
+ if ($Opt{e}) {
+ my $e = hex2enc($enc);
+ my $u = hex2uni($uni);
+ $Opt{D} and warn "$uni, $enc";
+ my $de = Encode::decode($name, $e);
+ $de eq $u
+ or nit qq(decode('$name', $enc) != $uni);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # warn "$uni, $enc, $fb";
- }
- # warn "$uni, $enc, $fb";
- }
$in_charmap or nit "Where is CHARMAP?";
printf ("$ARGV: %s error%s found\n",
- ($nerror == 0 ? 'no' : $nerror),
- ($nerror > 1 ? 's' : ''));
+ ($nerror == 0 ? 'no' : $nerror),
+ ($nerror > 1 ? 's' : ''));
@@ -138,14 +140,14 @@ sub hex2uni{
sub checkRT{
for my $uni (keys %E2U){
- my $enc = $U2E{$uni} or next; # okay
- $E2U{$U2E{$uni}} eq $uni or
- nit "RT failure: U$uni => $enc =>U$E2U{$U2E{$uni}}";
+ my $enc = $U2E{$uni} or next; # okay
+ $E2U{$U2E{$uni}} eq $uni or $Fallback{$uni}{$enc} or
+ nit "RT failure: U$uni => $enc =>U$E2U{$U2E{$uni}}";
for my $enc (keys %E2U){
- my $uni = $E2U{$enc} or next; # okay
- $U2E{$E2U{$enc}} eq $enc or
- nit "RT failure: $enc => U$uni => $U2E{$E2U{$enc}}";
+ my $uni = $E2U{$enc} or next; # okay
+ $U2E{$E2U{$enc}} eq $enc or $Fallback{$enc}{$uni} or
+ nit "RT failure: $enc => U$uni => $U2E{$E2U{$enc}}";
@@ -155,8 +157,8 @@ sub uniparse{
my @u;
push @u, $1 while($str =~ /\G<U(.*?)>/ig);
for my $u (@u){
- $u =~ /^([0-9A-Za-z]+)$/o
- or nit "malformed Unicode character: $u";
+ $u =~ /^([0-9A-Za-z]+)$/o
+ or nit "malformed Unicode character: $u";
return join(',', @u);
@@ -165,10 +167,10 @@ sub encparse{
my $str = shift;
my @e;
for my $e (split /\\x/io, $str){
- $e or next; # first \x
- $e =~ /^([0-9A-Za-z]{1,2})$/io
- or nit "Hex $e in $str is bogus";
- push @e, $1;
+ $e or next; # first \x
+ $e =~ /^([0-9A-Za-z]{1,2})$/io
+ or nit "Hex $e in $str is bogus";
+ push @e, $1;
return join(',', @e);