path: root/ext/Encode
diff options
authorNick Ing-Simmons <>2000-12-13 23:16:13 +0000
committerNick Ing-Simmons <>2000-12-13 23:16:13 +0000
commit017e2addf6da99b3f648d9518de5a848be394ab8 (patch)
treea616df4fe9e14299b549f5c1ee0dd5d027258431 /ext/Encode
parent511c2ff04fc070a9b9389f53ec595d85ce870c80 (diff)
Beginings of compiled encodings - checked in as a snapshot of thoughts
so far and so it does not get lost. p4raw-id: //depot/perlio@8103
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/Encode')
3 files changed, 417 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/Encode/compile b/ext/Encode/compile
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..e2db8abb85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/Encode/compile
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+#!../../perl -w
+@INC = '../../lib';
+use strict;
+sub encode_U
+ my $uv = shift;
+ if ($uv < 0x80)
+ {
+ return chr($uv)
+ }
+ if ($uv < 0x800)
+ {
+ return chr(($uv >> 6) | 0xC0).
+ chr(($uv & 0x3F) | 0x80);
+ }
+ return chr(($uv >> 12) | 0xE0).
+ chr((($uv >> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80).
+ chr(($uv & 0x3F) | 0x80);
+sub encode_S
+ my ($ch,$page) = @_;
+ return chr($ch);
+sub encode_D
+ my ($ch,$page) = @_;
+ return chr($page).chr($ch);
+sub encode_M
+ my ($ch,$page) = @_;
+ return &encode_D if $page;
+ return &encode_S;
+my $cname = shift(@ARGV);
+open(C,">$cname") || die "Cannot open $cname:$!";
+print C "#include \"encode.h\"\n";
+my %encoding;
+my %strings;
+foreach my $enc (@ARGV)
+ {
+ my ($name) = $enc =~ /^.*?([\w-]+)(\.enc)$/;
+ if (open(E,$enc))
+ {
+ compile(\*E,$name,\*C);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ warn "Cannot open $enc for $name:$!";
+ }
+ }
+print C "encode_t encodings[] = {\n";
+foreach my $enc (sort keys %encoding)
+ {
+ print C " {",join(',',"\"$enc\"",@{$encoding{$enc}}),"},\n";
+ }
+print C " {0,0,0,0,0}\n};\n";
+sub compile
+ my ($fh,$name,$ch) = @_;
+ my $e2u = {};
+ my $u2e = {};
+ my $type;
+ while ($type = <$fh>)
+ {
+ last if $type !~ /^\s*#/;
+ }
+ chomp($type);
+ return if $type eq 'E';
+ my ($def,$sym,$pages) = split(/\s+/,scalar(<$fh>));
+ warn "t=$type s=$sym d=$def p=$pages $name\n";
+ my $rep = '';
+ {
+ my $v = hex($def);
+ no strict 'refs';
+ $rep = &{"encode_$type"}($v & 0xFF, ($v >> 8) & 0xffe);
+ }
+ while ($pages--)
+ {
+ my $line = <$fh>;
+ chomp($line);
+ my $page = hex($line);
+ my $ch = 0;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < 16; $i++)
+ {
+ my $line = <$fh>;
+ for (my $j = 0; $j < 16; $j++)
+ {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $ech = &{"encode_$type"}($ch,$page);
+ my $val = hex(substr($line,0,4,''));
+ if ($val || (!$ch && !$page))
+ {
+ my $uch = encode_U($val);
+ enter($e2u,$ech,$uch,$e2u);
+ enter($u2e,$uch,$ech,$u2e);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # No character at this position
+ # enter($e2u,$ech,undef,$e2u);
+ }
+ $ch++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ output($ch,$name.'_utf8',$e2u);
+ output($ch,'utf8_'.$name,$u2e);
+ $encoding{$name} = [$e2u->{Cname},$u2e->{Cname},
+ outstring($ch,$e2u->{Cname}.'_def',$rep),length($rep)];
+sub enter
+ my ($a,$s,$d,$t) = @_;
+ $t = $a if @_ < 4;
+ my $b = substr($s,0,1);
+ my $e = $a->{$b};
+ unless ($e)
+ { # 0 1 2 3 4 5
+ $e = [$b,$b,'',{},length($s),0];
+ $a->{$b} = $e;
+ }
+ if (length($s) > 1)
+ {
+ enter($e->[3],substr($s,1),$d,$t);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $e->[2] = $d;
+ $e->[3] = $t;
+ $e->[5] = length($d);
+ }
+sub outstring
+ my ($fh,$name,$s) = @_;
+ my $sym = $strings{$s};
+ unless ($sym)
+ {
+ if (1)
+ {
+ foreach my $o (keys %strings)
+ {
+ my $i = index($o,$s);
+ if ($i >= 0)
+ {
+ $sym = $strings{$o};
+ $sym .= sprintf("+0x%02x",$i) if ($i);
+ return $sym;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $strings{$s} = $sym = $name;
+ printf $fh "static const U8 %s[%d] =\n",$name,length($s);
+ while (length($s))
+ {
+ my $c = substr($s,0,16,'');
+ print $fh '"',join('',map(sprintf('\x%02x',ord($_)),split(//,$c))),'"';
+ print $fh "\n" if length($s);
+ }
+ printf $fh ";\n\n";
+ }
+ return $sym;
+sub output
+ my ($fh,$name,$a) = @_;
+ $name =~ s/\W+/_/g;
+ $a->{Cname} = $name;
+ my @keys = grep(ref($a->{$_}),sort keys %$a);
+ print $fh "\nstatic encpage_t $name\[\];\n";
+ # Sub-tables
+ my %str;
+ my $l;
+ my @ent;
+ foreach my $b (@keys)
+ {
+ my ($s,$f,$out,$t,$end) = @{$a->{$b}};
+ if (defined($l) &&
+ ord($b) == ord($a->{$l}[1])+1 &&
+ $a->{$l}[3] == $a->{$b}[3] &&
+ $a->{$l}[4] == $a->{$b}[4] &&
+ $a->{$l}[5] == $a->{$b}[5] )
+ {
+ my $i = ord($b)-ord($a->{$l}[0]);
+ $a->{$l}[1] = $b;
+ $a->{$l}[2] .= $a->{$b}[2];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $l = $b;
+ push(@ent,$b);
+ }
+ unless (exists $t->{Cname})
+ {
+ output($fh,sprintf("%s_%02x",$name,ord($s)),$t);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ord($keys[-1]) < 255)
+ {
+ my $t = chr(ord($keys[-1])+1);
+ $a->{$t} = [$t,chr(255),undef,$a,0,0];
+ push(@ent,$t);
+ }
+ # String tables
+ foreach my $b (@ent)
+ {
+ next unless $a->{$b}[5];
+ my $s = ord($a->{$b}[0]);
+ my $e = ord($a->{$b}[1]);
+ outstring($fh,sprintf("%s__%02x_%02x",$name,$s,$e),$a->{$b}[2]);
+ }
+ print $fh "\n";
+ print $fh "static encpage_t $name\[",scalar(@ent),"] = {\n";
+ foreach my $b (@ent)
+ {
+ my ($s,$e,$out,$t,$end,$l) = @{$a->{$b}};
+ my $sc = ord($s);
+ my $ec = ord($e);
+ print $fh "{";
+ if ($l)
+ {
+ printf $fh outstring($fh,'',$out);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print $fh "0";
+ }
+ print $fh ",",$t->{Cname};
+ printf $fh ",0x%02x,0x%02x,$end},\n",$sc,$ec;
+ }
+ print $fh "};\n\n";
diff --git a/ext/Encode/encengine.c b/ext/Encode/encengine.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a73be737e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/Encode/encengine.c
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+Data structures for encoding transformations.
+Perl works internally in either a native 'byte' encoding or
+in UTF-8 encoded Unicode. We have no immediate need for a "wchar_t"
+representation. When we do we can use utf8_to_uv().
+Most character encodings are either simple byte mappings or
+variable length multi-byte encodings. UTF-8 can be viewed as a
+rather extreme case of the latter.
+So to solve an important part of perl's encode needs we need to solve the
+"multi-byte -> multi-byte" case. The simple byte forms are then just degenerate
+case. (Where one of multi-bytes will usually be UTF-8.)
+The other type of encoding is a shift encoding where a prefix sequence
+determines what subsequent bytes mean. Such encodings have state.
+We also need to handle case where a character in one encoding has to be
+represented as multiple characters in the other. e.g. letter+diacritic.
+The process can be considered as pseudo perl:
+my $dst = '';
+while (length($src))
+ {
+ my $size = $count($src);
+ my $in_seq = substr($src,0,$size,'');
+ my $out_seq = $s2d_hash{$in_seq};
+ if (defined $out_seq)
+ {
+ $dst .= $out_seq;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # an error condition
+ }
+ }
+return $dst;
+That has the following components:
+ &src_count - a "rule" for how many bytes make up the next character in the
+ source.
+ %s2d_hash - a mapping from input sequences to output sequences
+The problem with that scheme is that it does not allow the output
+character repertoire to affect the characters considered from the
+So we use a "trie" representation which can also be considered
+a state machine:
+my $dst = '';
+my $seq = \@s2d_seq;
+my $next = \@s2d_next;
+while (length($src))
+ {
+ my $byte = $substr($src,0,1,'');
+ my $out_seq = $seq->[$byte];
+ if (defined $out_seq)
+ {
+ $dst .= $out_seq;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # an error condition
+ }
+ ($next,$seq) = @$next->[$byte] if $next;
+ }
+return $dst;
+There is now a pair of data structures to represent everything.
+It is valid for output sequence at a particular point to
+be defined but zero length, that just means "don't know yet".
+For the single byte case there is no 'next' so new tables will be the same as
+the original tables. For a multi-byte case a prefix byte will flip to the tables
+for the next page (adding nothing to the output), then the tables for the page
+will provide the actual output and set tables back to original base page.
+This scheme can also handle shift encodings.
+A slight enhancement to the scheme also allows for look-ahead - if
+we add a flag to re-add the removed byte to the source we could handle
+ a" -> ä
+ ab -> a (and take b back please)
+#include <EXTERN.h>
+#include <perl.h>
+#define U8 U8
+#include "encode.h"
+translate(encpage_t *enc, const U8 *src, STRLEN slen, U8 *dst, STRLEN dlen)
+ const U8 *send = src+slen;
+ U8 *dend = dst+dlen;
+ U8 *dptr = dst;
+ while (src < send)
+ {
+ encpage_t *e = enc;
+ U8 byte = *src++;
+ while (byte > e->max)
+ e++;
+ if (byte >= e->min)
+ {
+ STRLEN n = e->dlen;
+ if (n)
+ {
+ const U8 *out = e->seq+n*(byte - e->min);
+ STRLEN n = *out++;
+ if (dptr+n <= dend)
+ {
+ if (dst)
+ Copy(out,dptr,n,U8);
+ dptr += n;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* No room */
+ }
+ }
+ enc = e->next;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Cannot represent */
+ }
+ }
+ return dptr-dst;
diff --git a/ext/Encode/encode.h b/ext/Encode/encode.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..10f8386ed2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/Encode/encode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#ifndef U8
+typedef unsigned char U8;
+typedef struct encpage_s encpage_t;
+struct encpage_s
+ const U8 *seq;
+ encpage_t *next;
+ U8 min;
+ U8 max;
+ U8 dlen;
+ U8 slen;
+typedef struct encode_s encode_t;
+struct encode_s
+ const char *name;
+ encpage_t *t_utf8;
+ encpage_t *f_utf8;
+ const U8 *rep;
+ int replen;