path: root/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc
diff options
authorSteve Peters <>2007-05-08 16:40:51 +0000
committerSteve Peters <>2007-05-08 16:40:51 +0000
commitc039cd6f5b504f5261909679470822bc57c2e3d5 (patch)
treeca19df9c2c034097e8316a437d12cc14a98c1e4b /ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc
parentc1d8f74eb4326dca73e3ac3f73812dff8489ecf7 (diff)
Upgrade to Math-BigInt-FastCalc-0.14
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@31172
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc')
3 files changed, 60 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/ b/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/
index 5b2ea2fdde..3797def032 100644
--- a/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/
+++ b/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ use vars qw/@ISA $VERSION $BASE $BASE_LEN/;
@ISA = qw(DynaLoader);
-$VERSION = '0.13';
+$VERSION = '0.14';
bootstrap Math::BigInt::FastCalc $VERSION;
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ BEGIN
from_hex from_bin from_oct as_hex as_bin as_oct
zeros length base_len
xor or and
+ alen 1ex
no strict 'refs';
@@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ Further streamlining (api_version 1 etc.) by Tels 2004-2007.
=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Math::BigInt>, L<Math::BigFloat>, L<Math::BigInt::BitVect>,
+L<Math::BigInt>, L<Math::BigFloat>,
L<Math::BigInt::GMP>, L<Math::BigInt::FastCalc> and L<Math::BigInt::Pari>.
diff --git a/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/Makefile.PL b/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/Makefile.PL
index 1b97072799..b63213bcd2 100644
--- a/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/Makefile.PL
+++ b/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/Makefile.PL
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ WriteMakefile(
'NAME' => 'Math::BigInt::FastCalc',
'PREREQ_PM' => {
- 'Math::BigInt' => 1.79,
+ 'Math::BigInt' => 1.83,
INSTALLDIRS => 'perl',
diff --git a/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/t/bigintfc.t b/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/t/bigintfc.t
index 43ec195c17..a89ed91461 100644
--- a/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/t/bigintfc.t
+++ b/ext/Math/BigInt/FastCalc/t/bigintfc.t
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ BEGIN
chdir 't' if -d 't';
unshift @INC, '../lib'; # for running manually
unshift @INC, '../blib/arch'; # for running manually
- plan tests => 308;
+ plan tests => 359;
use Math::BigInt::FastCalc;
@@ -93,31 +93,44 @@ ok ($C->_is_odd($C->_one()),1); ok ($C->_is_odd($C->_zero())||0,0);
ok ($C->_is_even($C->_one()) || 0,0); ok ($C->_is_even($C->_zero()),1);
# _len
-$x = $C->_new("1"); ok ($C->_len($x),1);
-$x = $C->_new("12"); ok ($C->_len($x),2);
-$x = $C->_new("123"); ok ($C->_len($x),3);
-$x = $C->_new("1234"); ok ($C->_len($x),4);
-$x = $C->_new("12345"); ok ($C->_len($x),5);
-$x = $C->_new("123456"); ok ($C->_len($x),6);
-$x = $C->_new("1234567"); ok ($C->_len($x),7);
-$x = $C->_new("12345678"); ok ($C->_len($x),8);
-$x = $C->_new("123456789"); ok ($C->_len($x),9);
-$x = $C->_new("8"); ok ($C->_len($x),1);
-$x = $C->_new("21"); ok ($C->_len($x),2);
-$x = $C->_new("321"); ok ($C->_len($x),3);
-$x = $C->_new("4321"); ok ($C->_len($x),4);
-$x = $C->_new("54321"); ok ($C->_len($x),5);
-$x = $C->_new("654321"); ok ($C->_len($x),6);
-$x = $C->_new("7654321"); ok ($C->_len($x),7);
-$x = $C->_new("87654321"); ok ($C->_len($x),8);
-$x = $C->_new("987654321"); ok ($C->_len($x),9);
-for (my $i = 1; $i < 9; $i++)
+for my $method (qw/_alen _len/)
- my $a = "$i" . '0' x ($i-1);
- $x = $C->_new($a);
- print "# Tried len '$a'\n" unless ok ($C->_len($x),$i);
+ $x = $C->_new("1"); ok ($C->$method($x),1);
+ $x = $C->_new("12"); ok ($C->$method($x),2);
+ $x = $C->_new("123"); ok ($C->$method($x),3);
+ $x = $C->_new("1234"); ok ($C->$method($x),4);
+ $x = $C->_new("12345"); ok ($C->$method($x),5);
+ $x = $C->_new("123456"); ok ($C->$method($x),6);
+ $x = $C->_new("1234567"); ok ($C->$method($x),7);
+ $x = $C->_new("12345678"); ok ($C->$method($x),8);
+ $x = $C->_new("123456789"); ok ($C->$method($x),9);
+ $x = $C->_new("8"); ok ($C->$method($x),1);
+ $x = $C->_new("21"); ok ($C->$method($x),2);
+ $x = $C->_new("321"); ok ($C->$method($x),3);
+ $x = $C->_new("4321"); ok ($C->$method($x),4);
+ $x = $C->_new("54321"); ok ($C->$method($x),5);
+ $x = $C->_new("654321"); ok ($C->$method($x),6);
+ $x = $C->_new("7654321"); ok ($C->$method($x),7);
+ $x = $C->_new("87654321"); ok ($C->$method($x),8);
+ $x = $C->_new("987654321"); ok ($C->$method($x),9);
+ $x = $C->_new("0"); ok ($C->$method($x),1);
+ $x = $C->_new("20"); ok ($C->$method($x),2);
+ $x = $C->_new("320"); ok ($C->$method($x),3);
+ $x = $C->_new("4320"); ok ($C->$method($x),4);
+ $x = $C->_new("54320"); ok ($C->$method($x),5);
+ $x = $C->_new("654320"); ok ($C->$method($x),6);
+ $x = $C->_new("7654320"); ok ($C->$method($x),7);
+ $x = $C->_new("87654320"); ok ($C->$method($x),8);
+ $x = $C->_new("987654320"); ok ($C->$method($x),9);
+ for (my $i = 1; $i < 9; $i++)
+ {
+ my $a = "$i" . '0' x ($i-1);
+ $x = $C->_new($a);
+ print "# Tried len '$a'\n" unless ok ($C->_len($x),$i);
+ }
# _digit
@@ -360,19 +373,29 @@ ok ($C->_str(scalar $C->_or($x,$y)),7);
$x = $C->_new("5"); $y = $C->_new("3");
ok ($C->_str(scalar $C->_and($x,$y)),1);
-# _from_hex, _from_bin
+# _from_hex, _from_bin, _from_oct
ok ($C->_str( $C->_from_hex("0xFf")),255);
ok ($C->_str( $C->_from_bin("0b10101011")),160+11);
+ok ($C->_str( $C->_from_oct("0100")), 8*8);
+ok ($C->_str( $C->_from_oct("01000")), 8*8*8);
+ok ($C->_str( $C->_from_oct("010001")), 8*8*8*8+1);
+ok ($C->_str( $C->_from_oct("010007")), 8*8*8*8+7);
-# _as_hex, _as_bin
+# _as_hex, _as_bin, as_oct
ok ($C->_str( $C->_from_hex( $C->_as_hex( $C->_new("128")))), 128);
ok ($C->_str( $C->_from_bin( $C->_as_bin( $C->_new("128")))), 128);
-ok ($C->_str( $C->_from_hex( $C->_as_hex( $C->_new("0")))), 0);
-ok ($C->_str( $C->_from_bin( $C->_as_bin( $C->_new("0")))), 0);
-ok ($C->_as_hex( $C->_new("0")), '0x0');
-ok ($C->_as_bin( $C->_new("0")), '0b0');
-ok ($C->_as_hex( $C->_new("12")), '0xc');
-ok ($C->_as_bin( $C->_new("12")), '0b1100');
+ok ($C->_str( $C->_from_oct( $C->_as_oct( $C->_new("128")))), 128);
+ok ($C->_str( $C->_from_oct( $C->_as_oct( $C->_new("123456")))), 123456);
+ok ($C->_str( $C->_from_oct( $C->_as_oct( $C->_new("123456789")))), "123456789");
+ok ($C->_str( $C->_from_oct( $C->_as_oct( $C->_new("1234567890123")))), "1234567890123");
+# _1ex
+ok ($C->_str($C->_1ex(0)), "1");
+ok ($C->_str($C->_1ex(1)), "10");
+ok ($C->_str($C->_1ex(2)), "100");
+ok ($C->_str($C->_1ex(12)), "1000000000000");
+ok ($C->_str($C->_1ex(16)), "10000000000000000");
# _check
$x = $C->_new("123456789");