path: root/ext/XS-APItest
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authorDavid Mitchell <>2010-10-02 11:13:09 +0100
committerDavid Mitchell <>2010-10-03 20:52:10 +0100
commit4aca2f62efca883199d7975f34b7fb876c280366 (patch)
tree578ea7884fd21e514009d504531c2483228fd998 /ext/XS-APItest
parent95f567513aaa04ffb8bb9d148aff1a85b1eff161 (diff)
eval_sv() and eval_pv() don't fail on syntax err
[perl #3719] eval_sv("some syntax err") cleared $@ and didn't return a failure indication. This also affected eval_pv() which calls eval_sv(). Fix this and add lots of tests.
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/XS-APItest')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/ext/XS-APItest/t/call.t b/ext/XS-APItest/t/call.t
index 9a84f88a51..b048a9705e 100644
--- a/ext/XS-APItest/t/call.t
+++ b/ext/XS-APItest/t/call.t
@@ -11,12 +11,16 @@ use strict;
require '../../t/';
- plan(342);
+ plan(392);
+# f(): general test sub to be called by call_sv() etc.
+# Return the called args, but with the first arg replaced with 'b',
+# and the last arg replaced with x/y/z depending on context
sub f {
unshift @_, 'b';
@@ -186,6 +190,90 @@ is($@, "its_dead_jim\n", "eval_pv('d()', 0) - \$@");
is(eval { eval_pv('d()', 1) } , undef, "eval { eval_pv('d()', 1) }");
is($@, "its_dead_jim\n", "eval { eval_pv('d()', 1) } - \$@");
+# #3719 - check that the eval call variants handle exceptions correctly,
+# and do the right thing with $@, both with and without G_KEEPERR set.
+sub f99 { 99 };
+for my $fn_type (0..2) { # 0:eval_pv 1:eval_sv 2:call_sv
+ my $warn_msg;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn_msg = $_[0] };
+ for my $code_type (0..3) {
+ # call_sv can only handle function names, not code snippets
+ next if $fn_type == 2 and ($code_type == 1 or $code_type == 2);
+ my $code = (
+ 'f99', # ok
+ '$x=', # compile-time err
+ 'BEGIN { die "die in BEGIN"}', # compile-time exception
+ 'd', # run-time exception
+ )[$code_type];
+ for my $keep (0, G_KEEPERR) {
+ next if $keep == G_KEEPERR; # XXX not fixed yet
+ my $keep_desc = $keep ? 'G_KEEPERR' : '0';
+ my $desc;
+ my $expect = ($code_type == 0) ? 1 : 0;
+ undef $warn_msg;
+ $@ = 'pre-err';
+ my @ret;
+ if ($fn_type == 0) { # eval_pv
+ # eval_pv returns its result rather than a 'succeed' boolean
+ $expect = $expect ? '99' : undef;
+ # eval_pv doesn't support G_KEEPERR, but it has a croak
+ # boolean arg instead, so switch on that instead
+ if ($keep) {
+ $desc = "eval { eval_pv('$code', 1) }";
+ @ret = eval { eval_pv($code, 1); '99' };
+ # die in eval returns empty list
+ push @ret, undef unless @ret;
+ }
+ else {
+ $desc = "eval_pv('$code', 0)";
+ @ret = eval_pv($code, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($fn_type == 1) { # eval_sv
+ $desc = "eval_sv('$code', G_ARRAY|$keep_desc)";
+ @ret = eval_sv($code, G_ARRAY|$keep);
+ }
+ elsif ($fn_type == 2) { # call_sv
+ $desc = "call_sv('$code', G_EVAL|G_ARRAY|$keep_desc)";
+ @ret = call_sv($code, G_EVAL|G_ARRAY|$keep);
+ }
+ is(scalar @ret, ($code_type == 0 && $fn_type != 0) ? 2 : 1,
+ "$desc - number of returned args");
+ is($ret[-1], $expect, "$desc - return value");
+ if ($keep && $fn_type != 0) {
+ is($@, 'pre-err', "$desc - \$@ unmodified");
+ $@ = $warn_msg;
+ }
+ else {
+ is($warn_msg, undef, "$desc - __WARN__ not called");
+ unlike($@, 'pre-err', "$desc - \$@ modified");
+ }
+ like($@,
+ (
+ qr/^$/,
+ qr/syntax error/,
+ qr/die in BEGIN/,
+ qr/its_dead_jim/,
+ )[$code_type],
+ "$desc - the correct error message");
+ }
+ }
# DAPM 9-Aug-04. A taint test in eval_sv() could die after setting up
# a new jump level but before pushing an eval context, leading to
# stack corruption