path: root/ext/XS-APItest
diff options
authorBen Morrow <>2009-12-07 19:00:04 +0000
committerRafael Garcia-Suarez <>2010-07-12 10:40:48 +0200
commit13b6b3bc35857242218431a6326dd7a59703afdd (patch)
treed443284290399d620c43b875b0d3e356439db735 /ext/XS-APItest
parentbb6c22e795117e6d984471c0be74c8b3302b3b9a (diff)
Systematic tests for the block hooks.
I've left the dummy implementation of @{^C_S_C} in, as it's actually useful for some of the other tests. (Something simpler would work just as well, of course.)
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/XS-APItest')
7 files changed, 460 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/ext/XS-APItest/APItest.xs b/ext/XS-APItest/APItest.xs
index 35533fcf8e..2f2a8a7d18 100644
--- a/ext/XS-APItest/APItest.xs
+++ b/ext/XS-APItest/APItest.xs
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ typedef struct {
SV *sv;
GV *cscgv;
AV *cscav;
+ AV *bhkav;
+ bool bhk_record;
} my_cxt_t;
@@ -245,7 +247,7 @@ rmagical_a_dummy(pTHX_ IV idx, SV *sv) {
STATIC MGVTBL rmagical_b = { 0 };
-blockhook_start(pTHX_ int full)
+blockhook_csc_start(pTHX_ int full)
AV *const cur = GvAV(MY_CXT.cscgv);
@@ -265,7 +267,7 @@ blockhook_start(pTHX_ int full)
-blockhook_pre_end(pTHX_ OP **o)
+blockhook_csc_pre_end(pTHX_ OP **o)
@@ -277,6 +279,54 @@ blockhook_pre_end(pTHX_ OP **o)
+STATIC void
+blockhook_test_start(pTHX_ int full)
+ dMY_CXT;
+ AV *av;
+ if (MY_CXT.bhk_record) {
+ av = newAV();
+ av_push(av, newSVpvs("start"));
+ av_push(av, newSViv(full));
+ av_push(MY_CXT.bhkav, newRV_noinc(MUTABLE_SV(av)));
+ }
+STATIC void
+blockhook_test_pre_end(pTHX_ OP **o)
+ dMY_CXT;
+ if (MY_CXT.bhk_record)
+ av_push(MY_CXT.bhkav, newSVpvs("pre_end"));
+STATIC void
+blockhook_test_post_end(pTHX_ OP **o)
+ dMY_CXT;
+ if (MY_CXT.bhk_record)
+ av_push(MY_CXT.bhkav, newSVpvs("post_end"));
+STATIC void
+blockhook_test_eval(pTHX_ OP *const o)
+ dMY_CXT;
+ AV *av;
+ if (MY_CXT.bhk_record) {
+ av = newAV();
+ av_push(av, newSVpvs("eval"));
+ av_push(av, newSVpv(OP_NAME(o), 0));
+ av_push(MY_CXT.bhkav, newRV_noinc(MUTABLE_SV(av)));
+ }
+STATIC BHK bhk_csc, bhk_test;
#include ""
MODULE = XS::APItest:Hash PACKAGE = XS::APItest::Hash
@@ -629,19 +679,27 @@ PROTOTYPES: DISABLE
- BHK *bhk;
MY_CXT.i = 99; = newSVpv("initial",0);
+ MY_CXT.bhkav = get_av("XS::APItest::bhkav", GV_ADDMULTI);
+ MY_CXT.bhk_record = 0;
+ BhkENTRY_set(&bhk_test, start, blockhook_test_start);
+ BhkENTRY_set(&bhk_test, pre_end, blockhook_test_pre_end);
+ BhkENTRY_set(&bhk_test, post_end, blockhook_test_post_end);
+ BhkENTRY_set(&bhk_test, eval, blockhook_test_eval);
+ Perl_blockhook_register(aTHX_ &bhk_test);
MY_CXT.cscgv = gv_fetchpvs("XS::APItest::COMPILE_SCOPE_CONTAINER",
MY_CXT.cscav = GvAV(MY_CXT.cscgv);
- Newxz(bhk, 1, BHK);
- BhkENTRY_set(bhk, start, blockhook_start);
- BhkENTRY_set(bhk, pre_end, blockhook_pre_end);
- Perl_blockhook_register(aTHX_ bhk);
+ BhkENTRY_set(&bhk_csc, start, blockhook_csc_start);
+ BhkENTRY_set(&bhk_csc, pre_end, blockhook_csc_pre_end);
+ Perl_blockhook_register(aTHX_ &bhk_csc);
@@ -650,8 +708,10 @@ CLONE(...)
MY_CXT_CLONE; = newSVpv("initial_clone",0);
MY_CXT.cscgv = gv_fetchpvs("XS::APItest::COMPILE_SCOPE_CONTAINER",
MY_CXT.cscav = NULL;
+ MY_CXT.bhkav = get_av("XS::APItest::bhkav", GV_ADDMULTI);
+ MY_CXT.bhk_record = 0;
@@ -1022,3 +1082,11 @@ sv_count()
RETVAL = PL_sv_count;
+bhk_record(bool on)
+ dMY_CXT;
+ MY_CXT.bhk_record = on;
+ if (on)
+ av_clear(MY_CXT.bhkav);
diff --git a/ext/XS-APItest/t/ b/ext/XS-APItest/t/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29914eb634
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/XS-APItest/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+package t::BHK;
+sub import {
+ shift;
+ unless (@_) {
+ XS::APItest::bhk_record(1);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($_[0] eq "push") {
+ push @XS::APItest::bhkav, $_[1];
+ return;
+ }
+sub unimport { XS::APItest::bhk_record(0) }
diff --git a/ext/XS-APItest/t/ b/ext/XS-APItest/t/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..30679e4877
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/XS-APItest/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+{ 1 }
diff --git a/ext/XS-APItest/t/ b/ext/XS-APItest/t/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56409c5215
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/XS-APItest/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+package t::Markers;
+push @XS::APItest::bhkav, "run/pm";
+use t::BHK push => "compile/pm/before";
+sub import {
+ use t::BHK push => "compile/pm/inside";
+ push @XS::APItest::bhkav, "run/import";
+use t::BHK push => "compile/pm/after";
diff --git a/ext/XS-APItest/t/ b/ext/XS-APItest/t/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0afc6045cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/XS-APItest/t/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ext/XS-APItest/t/blockhooks-csc.t b/ext/XS-APItest/t/blockhooks-csc.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54b3e5c837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/XS-APItest/t/blockhooks-csc.t
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 12;
+use XS::APItest;
+ # this has to be a full glob alias, since the GvAV gets replaced
+my %destroyed;
+ package CounterObject;
+ sub new {
+ my ($class, $name) = @_;
+ return bless { name => $name }, $class;
+ }
+ sub name {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->{name};
+ }
+ sub DESTROY {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $destroyed{ $self->name }++;
+ }
+ package ReplaceCounter;
+ $INC{''} = __FILE__;
+ sub import {
+ my ($self, $counter) = @_;
+ $COMPILE_SCOPE_CONTAINER[-1] = CounterObject->new($counter);
+ }
+ package InstallCounter;
+ $INC{''} = __FILE__;
+ sub import {
+ my ($class, $counter) = @_;
+ push @COMPILE_SCOPE_CONTAINER, CounterObject->new($counter);
+ }
+ package TestCounter;
+ $INC{''} = __FILE__;
+ sub import {
+ my ($class, $counter, $number, $message) = @_;
+ $number = 1
+ unless defined $number;
+ $message = "counter $counter is found $number times"
+ unless defined $message;
+ ::is scalar(grep { $_->name eq $counter } @{COMPILE_SCOPE_CONTAINER}),
+ $number,
+ $message;
+ }
+ use InstallCounter 'root';
+ use InstallCounter '3rd-party';
+ {
+ BEGIN { ok(!keys %destroyed, 'nothing destroyed yet'); }
+ use ReplaceCounter 'replace';
+ BEGIN { ok(!keys %destroyed, 'nothing destroyed yet'); }
+ use TestCounter '3rd-party', 0, '3rd-party no longer visible';
+ use TestCounter 'replace', 1, 'replacement now visible';
+ use TestCounter 'root';
+ BEGIN { ok(!keys %destroyed, 'nothing destroyed yet'); }
+ }
+ ok $destroyed{replace}, 'replacement has been destroyed after end of outer scope';
+ }
+ use TestCounter 'root', 1, 'root visible again';
+ use TestCounter 'replace', 0, 'lower replacement no longer visible';
+ use TestCounter '3rd-party';
+ok $destroyed{ $_ }, "$_ has been destroyed after end of outer scope"
+ for 'root', '3rd-party';
diff --git a/ext/XS-APItest/t/blockhooks.t b/ext/XS-APItest/t/blockhooks.t
index 54b3e5c837..a39c3f5274 100644
--- a/ext/XS-APItest/t/blockhooks.t
+++ b/ext/XS-APItest/t/blockhooks.t
@@ -1,98 +1,286 @@
-use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 12;
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 17;
use XS::APItest;
+use t::BHK (); # make sure it gets compiled early
- # this has to be a full glob alias, since the GvAV gets replaced
+BEGIN { package XS::APItest; *main::bhkav = \@XS::APItest::bhkav }
-my %destroyed;
+# 'use t::BHK' switches on recording hooks, and clears @bhkav.
+# 'no t::BHK' switches recording off again.
+# 'use t::BHK push => "foo"' pushes onto @bhkav
- package CounterObject;
+BEGIN { diag "## COMPILE TIME ##" }
+diag "## RUN TIME ##";
- sub new {
- my ($class, $name) = @_;
- return bless { name => $name }, $class;
- }
+use t::BHK;
+ 1;
+no t::BHK;
- sub name {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return $self->{name};
- }
+BEGIN { is_deeply \@bhkav, [], "no blocks" }
- sub DESTROY {
- my ($self) = @_;
- $destroyed{ $self->name }++;
+use t::BHK;
+ {
+ 1;
+no t::BHK;
+BEGIN { is_deeply \@bhkav,
+ [[start => 1], qw/pre_end post_end/],
+ "plain block";
+use t::BHK;
+ if (1) { 1 }
+no t::BHK;
- package ReplaceCounter;
- $INC{''} = __FILE__;
+BEGIN { is_deeply \@bhkav,
+ [
+ [start => 1],
+ [start => 0],
+ qw/pre_end post_end/,
+ qw/pre_end post_end/,
+ ],
+ "if block";
- sub import {
- my ($self, $counter) = @_;
- $COMPILE_SCOPE_CONTAINER[-1] = CounterObject->new($counter);
+use t::BHK;
+ for (1) { 1 }
+no t::BHK;
+BEGIN { is_deeply \@bhkav,
+ [
+ [start => 1],
+ [start => 0],
+ qw/pre_end post_end/,
+ qw/pre_end post_end/,
+ ],
+ "for loop";
+use t::BHK;
+ {
+ { 1; }
+no t::BHK;
- package InstallCounter;
- $INC{''} = __FILE__;
+BEGIN { is_deeply \@bhkav,
+ [
+ [start => 1],
+ [start => 1],
+ qw/pre_end post_end/,
+ qw/pre_end post_end/,
+ ],
+ "nested blocks";
- sub import {
- my ($class, $counter) = @_;
- push @COMPILE_SCOPE_CONTAINER, CounterObject->new($counter);
+use t::BHK;
+ use t::BHK push => "before";
+ {
+ use t::BHK push => "inside";
+ use t::BHK push => "after";
+no t::BHK;
- package TestCounter;
- $INC{''} = __FILE__;
+BEGIN { is_deeply \@bhkav,
+ [
+ "before",
+ [start => 1],
+ "inside",
+ qw/pre_end post_end/,
+ "after"
+ ],
+ "hooks called in the correct places";
- sub import {
- my ($class, $counter, $number, $message) = @_;
+use t::BHK;
+ BEGIN { 1 }
+no t::BHK;
- $number = 1
- unless defined $number;
- $message = "counter $counter is found $number times"
- unless defined $message;
+BEGIN { is_deeply \@bhkav,
+ [
+ [start => 1],
+ qw/pre_end post_end/,
+ ],
+ "BEGIN block";
- ::is scalar(grep { $_->name eq $counter } @{COMPILE_SCOPE_CONTAINER}),
- $number,
- $message;
- }
+use t::BHK; t::BHK->import;
+ eval "1";
+no t::BHK; t::BHK->unimport;
+BEGIN { is_deeply \@bhkav, [], "string eval (compile)" }
+is_deeply \@bhkav,
+ [
+ [eval => "entereval"],
+ [start => 1],
+ qw/pre_end post_end/,
+ ],
+ "string eval (run)";
+delete @INC{qw{t/ t/}};
+ do "t/";
+is_deeply \@bhkav,
+ [
+ [eval => "dofile"],
+ [start => 1],
+ qw/pre_end post_end/,
+ ],
+ "do file (null)";
+ do "t/";
+is_deeply \@bhkav,
+ [
+ [eval => "dofile"],
+ [start => 1],
+ [start => 1],
+ qw/pre_end post_end/,
+ qw/pre_end post_end/,
+ ],
+ "do file (single block)";
+delete @INC{qw{t/ t/}};
+ require t::Null;
+is_deeply \@bhkav,
+ [
+ [eval => "require"],
+ [start => 1],
+ qw/pre_end post_end/,
+ ],
+ "require (null)";
+ require t::Block;
+is_deeply \@bhkav,
+ [
+ [eval => "require"],
+ [start => 1],
+ [start => 1],
+ qw/pre_end post_end/,
+ qw/pre_end post_end/,
+ ],
+ "require (single block)";
+BEGIN { delete $INC{"t/"} }
+use t::BHK;
+ use t::Block;
+no t::BHK;
+BEGIN { is_deeply \@bhkav,
+ [
+ [eval => "require"],
+ [start => 1],
+ [start => 1],
+ qw/pre_end post_end/,
+ qw/pre_end post_end/,
+ ],
+ "use (single block)";
- use InstallCounter 'root';
- use InstallCounter '3rd-party';
+BEGIN { delete $INC{"t/"} }
- {
- BEGIN { ok(!keys %destroyed, 'nothing destroyed yet'); }
+use t::BHK;
+ use t::BHK push => "compile/main/before";
+ use t::Markers;
+ use t::BHK push => "compile/main/after";
+no t::BHK;
- use ReplaceCounter 'replace';
+BEGIN { is_deeply \@bhkav,
+ [
+ "compile/main/before",
+ [eval => "require"],
+ [start => 1],
+ "compile/pm/before",
+ [start => 1],
+ "compile/pm/inside",
+ qw/pre_end post_end/,
+ "compile/pm/after",
+ qw/pre_end post_end/,
+ "run/pm",
+ "run/import",
+ "compile/main/after",
+ ],
+ "use with markers";
- BEGIN { ok(!keys %destroyed, 'nothing destroyed yet'); }
+# OK, now some *really* evil stuff...
- use TestCounter '3rd-party', 0, '3rd-party no longer visible';
- use TestCounter 'replace', 1, 'replacement now visible';
- use TestCounter 'root';
+ package EvalDestroy;
- BEGIN { ok(!keys %destroyed, 'nothing destroyed yet'); }
- }
+ sub DESTROY { $_[0]->() }
- ok $destroyed{replace}, 'replacement has been destroyed after end of outer scope';
+use t::BHK;
+ {
+ # grumbleSCOPECHECKgrumble
+ bless sub {
+ push @bhkav, "DESTROY";
+ }, "EvalDestroy";
+ }
+ 1;
+no t::BHK;
- use TestCounter 'root', 1, 'root visible again';
- use TestCounter 'replace', 0, 'lower replacement no longer visible';
- use TestCounter '3rd-party';
+BEGIN { is_deeply \@bhkav,
+ [
+ [start => 1], # block
+ [start => 1], # BEGIN
+ [start => 1], # sub
+ qw/pre_end post_end/,
+ qw/pre_end post_end/,
+ "pre_end",
+ "post_end",
+ ],
+ "compile-time DESTROY comes between pre_ and post_end";
-ok $destroyed{ $_ }, "$_ has been destroyed after end of outer scope"
- for 'root', '3rd-party';
+use t::BHK;
+ {
+ bless sub {
+ eval "{1}";
+ }, "EvalDestroy";
+ }
+ 1;
+ }
+no t::BHK;
+BEGIN { is_deeply \@bhkav,
+ [
+ [start => 1], # block
+ [start => 1], # BEGIN
+ [start => 1], # sub
+ qw/pre_end post_end/,
+ qw/pre_end post_end/,
+ "pre_end",
+ [eval => "entereval"],
+ [start => 1], # eval
+ [start => 1], # block inside eval
+ qw/pre_end post_end/,
+ qw/pre_end post_end/,
+ "post_end",
+ ],
+ "evil eval-in-DESTROY tricks";