path: root/ext
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authorNicholas Clark <>2009-09-26 05:55:28 +0100
committerNicholas Clark <>2009-09-26 05:55:28 +0100
commite853d2264b77e2bdc0758f8ab38e819629763e81 (patch)
treeb3d56f32ce3c9c2cd3f92f7e91f24ef4417176c0 /ext
parentad73611d3a91f38464b3d95e2d6b43d4a57ef82f (diff)
Move autodie from ext/ to cpan/
Diffstat (limited to 'ext')
64 files changed, 0 insertions, 5773 deletions
diff --git a/ext/autodie/lib/ b/ext/autodie/lib/
deleted file mode 100755
index 18e71ed21a..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1374 +0,0 @@
-package Fatal;
-use 5.008; # 5.8.x needed for autodie
-use Carp;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Tie::RefHash; # To cache subroutine refs
-use constant PERL510 => ( $] >= 5.010 );
-use constant LEXICAL_TAG => q{:lexical};
-use constant VOID_TAG => q{:void};
-use constant INSIST_TAG => q{!};
-use constant ERROR_NOARGS => 'Cannot use lexical %s with no arguments';
-use constant ERROR_VOID_LEX => VOID_TAG.' cannot be used with lexical scope';
-use constant ERROR_LEX_FIRST => LEXICAL_TAG.' must be used as first argument';
-use constant ERROR_NO_LEX => "no %s can only start with ".LEXICAL_TAG;
-use constant ERROR_BADNAME => "Bad subroutine name for %s: %s";
-use constant ERROR_NOTSUB => "%s is not a Perl subroutine";
-use constant ERROR_NOT_BUILT => "%s is neither a builtin, nor a Perl subroutine";
-use constant ERROR_NOHINTS => "No user hints defined for %s";
-use constant ERROR_CANT_OVERRIDE => "Cannot make the non-overridable builtin %s fatal";
-use constant ERROR_NO_IPC_SYS_SIMPLE => "IPC::System::Simple required for Fatalised/autodying system()";
-use constant ERROR_IPC_SYS_SIMPLE_OLD => "IPC::System::Simple version %f required for Fatalised/autodying system(). We only have version %f";
-use constant ERROR_AUTODIE_CONFLICT => q{"no autodie '%s'" is not allowed while "use Fatal '%s'" is in effect};
-use constant ERROR_FATAL_CONFLICT => q{"use Fatal '%s'" is not allowed while "no autodie '%s'" is in effect};
-use constant ERROR_58_HINTS => q{Non-subroutine %s hints for %s are not supported under Perl 5.8.x};
-# Older versions of IPC::System::Simple don't support all the
-# features we need.
-use constant MIN_IPC_SYS_SIMPLE_VER => 0.12;
-# All the Fatal/autodie modules share the same version number.
-our $VERSION = '2.06_01';
-our $Debug ||= 0;
-# EWOULDBLOCK values for systems that don't supply their own.
-# Even though this is defined with our, that's to help our
-# test code. Please don't rely upon this variable existing in
-# the future.
-our %_EWOULDBLOCK = (
- MSWin32 => 33,
-# We have some tags that can be passed in for use with import.
-# These are all assumed to be CORE::
-my %TAGS = (
- ':io' => [qw(:dbm :file :filesys :ipc :socket
- read seek sysread syswrite sysseek )],
- ':dbm' => [qw(dbmopen dbmclose)],
- ':file' => [qw(open close flock sysopen fcntl fileno binmode
- ioctl truncate)],
- ':filesys' => [qw(opendir closedir chdir link unlink rename mkdir
- symlink rmdir readlink umask)],
- ':ipc' => [qw(:msg :semaphore :shm pipe)],
- ':msg' => [qw(msgctl msgget msgrcv msgsnd)],
- ':threads' => [qw(fork)],
- ':semaphore'=>[qw(semctl semget semop)],
- ':shm' => [qw(shmctl shmget shmread)],
- ':system' => [qw(system exec)],
- # Can we use qw(getpeername getsockname)? What do they do on failure?
- # TODO - Can socket return false?
- ':socket' => [qw(accept bind connect getsockopt listen recv send
- setsockopt shutdown socketpair)],
- # Our defaults don't include system(), because it depends upon
- # an optional module, and it breaks the exotic form.
- #
- # This *may* change in the future. I'd love IPC::System::Simple
- # to be a dependency rather than a recommendation, and hence for
- # system() to be autodying by default.
- ':default' => [qw(:io :threads)],
- # Version specific tags. These allow someone to specify
- # use autodie qw(:1.994) and know exactly what they'll get.
- ':1.994' => [qw(:default)],
- ':1.995' => [qw(:default)],
- ':1.996' => [qw(:default)],
- ':1.997' => [qw(:default)],
- ':1.998' => [qw(:default)],
- ':1.999' => [qw(:default)],
- ':1.999_01' => [qw(:default)],
- ':2.00' => [qw(:default)],
- ':2.01' => [qw(:default)],
- ':2.02' => [qw(:default)],
- ':2.03' => [qw(:default)],
- ':2.04' => [qw(:default)],
- ':2.05' => [qw(:default)],
- ':2.06' => [qw(:default)],
- ':2.06_01' => [qw(:default)],
-$TAGS{':all'} = [ keys %TAGS ];
-# This hash contains subroutines for which we should
-# subroutine() // die() rather than subroutine() || die()
-my %Use_defined_or;
-# CORE::open returns undef on failure. It can legitimately return
-# 0 on success, eg: open(my $fh, '-|') || exec(...);
- CORE::fork
- CORE::recv
- CORE::send
- CORE::open
- CORE::fileno
- CORE::read
- CORE::readlink
- CORE::sysread
- CORE::syswrite
- CORE::sysseek
- CORE::umask
-)} = ();
-# Cached_fatalised_sub caches the various versions of our
-# fatalised subs as they're produced. This means we don't
-# have to build our own replacement of CORE::open and friends
-# for every single package that wants to use them.
-my %Cached_fatalised_sub = ();
-# Every time we're called with package scope, we record the subroutine
-# (including package or CORE::) in %Package_Fatal. This allows us
-# to detect illegal combinations of autodie and Fatal, and makes sure
-# we don't accidently make a Fatal function autodying (which isn't
-# very useful).
-my %Package_Fatal = ();
-# The first time we're called with a user-sub, we cache it here.
-# In the case of a "no autodie ..." we put back the cached copy.
-my %Original_user_sub = ();
-# Is_fatalised_sub simply records a big map of fatalised subroutine
-# refs. It means we can avoid repeating work, or fatalising something
-# we've already processed.
-my %Is_fatalised_sub = ();
-tie %Is_fatalised_sub, 'Tie::RefHash';
-# We use our package in a few hash-keys. Having it in a scalar is
-# convenient. The "guard $PACKAGE" string is used as a key when
-# setting up lexical guards.
-my $PACKAGE_GUARD = "guard $PACKAGE";
-my $NO_PACKAGE = "no $PACKAGE"; # Used to detect 'no autodie'
-# Here's where all the magic happens when someone write 'use Fatal'
-# or 'use autodie'.
-sub import {
- my $class = shift(@_);
- my $void = 0;
- my $lexical = 0;
- my $insist_hints = 0;
- my ($pkg, $filename) = caller();
- @_ or return; # 'use Fatal' is a no-op.
- # If we see the :lexical flag, then _all_ arguments are
- # changed lexically
- if ($_[0] eq LEXICAL_TAG) {
- $lexical = 1;
- shift @_;
- # If we see no arguments and :lexical, we assume they
- # wanted ':default'.
- if (@_ == 0) {
- push(@_, ':default');
- }
- # Don't allow :lexical with :void, it's needlessly confusing.
- if ( grep { $_ eq VOID_TAG } @_ ) {
- croak(ERROR_VOID_LEX);
- }
- }
- if ( grep { $_ eq LEXICAL_TAG } @_ ) {
- # If we see the lexical tag as the non-first argument, complain.
- }
- my @fatalise_these = @_;
- # Thiese subs will get unloaded at the end of lexical scope.
- my %unload_later;
- # This hash helps us track if we've alredy done work.
- my %done_this;
- # NB: we're using while/shift rather than foreach, since
- # we'll be modifying the array as we walk through it.
- while (my $func = shift @fatalise_these) {
- if ($func eq VOID_TAG) {
- # When we see :void, set the void flag.
- $void = 1;
- } elsif ($func eq INSIST_TAG) {
- $insist_hints = 1;
- } elsif (exists $TAGS{$func}) {
- # When it's a tag, expand it.
- push(@fatalise_these, @{ $TAGS{$func} });
- } else {
- # Otherwise, fatalise it.
- # Check to see if there's an insist flag at the front.
- # If so, remove it, and insist we have hints for this sub.
- my $insist_this;
- if ($func =~ s/^!//) {
- $insist_this = 1;
- }
- # TODO: Even if we've already fatalised, we should
- # check we've done it with hints (if $insist_hints).
- # If we've already made something fatal this call,
- # then don't do it twice.
- next if $done_this{$func};
- # We're going to make a subroutine fatalistic.
- # However if we're being invoked with 'use Fatal qw(x)'
- # and we've already been called with 'no autodie qw(x)'
- # in the same scope, we consider this to be an error.
- # Mixing Fatal and autodie effects was considered to be
- # needlessly confusing on p5p.
- my $sub = $func;
- $sub = "${pkg}::$sub" unless $sub =~ /::/;
- # If we're being called as Fatal, and we've previously
- # had a 'no X' in scope for the subroutine, then complain
- # bitterly.
- if (! $lexical and $^H{$NO_PACKAGE}{$sub}) {
- croak(sprintf(ERROR_FATAL_CONFLICT, $func, $func));
- }
- # We're not being used in a confusing way, so make
- # the sub fatal. Note that _make_fatal returns the
- # old (original) version of the sub, or undef for
- # built-ins.
- my $sub_ref = $class->_make_fatal(
- $func, $pkg, $void, $lexical, $filename,
- ( $insist_this || $insist_hints )
- );
- $done_this{$func}++;
- $Original_user_sub{$sub} ||= $sub_ref;
- # If we're making lexical changes, we need to arrange
- # for them to be cleaned at the end of our scope, so
- # record them here.
- $unload_later{$func} = $sub_ref if $lexical;
- }
- }
- if ($lexical) {
- # Dark magic to have autodie work under 5.8
- # Copied from namespace::clean, that copied it from
- # autobox, that found it on an ancient scroll written
- # in blood.
- # This magic bit causes %^H to be lexically scoped.
- $^H |= 0x020000;
- # Our package guard gets invoked when we leave our lexical
- # scope.
- push(@ { $^H{$PACKAGE_GUARD} }, autodie::Scope::Guard->new(sub {
- $class->_install_subs($pkg, \%unload_later);
- }));
- }
- return;
-# The code here is originally lifted from namespace::clean,
-# by Robert "phaylon" Sedlacek.
-# It's been redesigned after feedback from ikegami on perlmonks.
-# See . Ikegami rocks.
-# Given a package, and hash of (subname => subref) pairs,
-# we install the given subroutines into the package. If
-# a subref is undef, the subroutine is removed. Otherwise
-# it replaces any existing subs which were already there.
-sub _install_subs {
- my ($class, $pkg, $subs_to_reinstate) = @_;
- my $pkg_sym = "${pkg}::";
- while(my ($sub_name, $sub_ref) = each %$subs_to_reinstate) {
- my $full_path = $pkg_sym.$sub_name;
- # Copy symbols across to temp area.
- no strict 'refs'; ## no critic
- local *__tmp = *{ $full_path };
- # Nuke the old glob.
- { no strict; delete $pkg_sym->{$sub_name}; } ## no critic
- # Copy innocent bystanders back. Note that we lose
- # formats; it seems that Perl versions up to 5.10.0
- # have a bug which causes copying formats to end up in
- # the scalar slot. Thanks to Ben Morrow for spotting this.
- foreach my $slot (qw( SCALAR ARRAY HASH IO ) ) {
- next unless defined *__tmp{ $slot };
- *{ $full_path } = *__tmp{ $slot };
- }
- # Put back the old sub (if there was one).
- if ($sub_ref) {
- no strict; ## no critic
- *{ $pkg_sym . $sub_name } = $sub_ref;
- }
- }
- return;
-sub unimport {
- my $class = shift;
- # Calling "no Fatal" must start with ":lexical"
- if ($_[0] ne LEXICAL_TAG) {
- croak(sprintf(ERROR_NO_LEX,$class));
- }
- shift @_; # Remove :lexical
- my $pkg = (caller)[0];
- # If we've been called with arguments, then the developer
- # has explicitly stated 'no autodie qw(blah)',
- # in which case, we disable Fatalistic behaviour for 'blah'.
- my @unimport_these = @_ ? @_ : ':all';
- while (my $symbol = shift @unimport_these) {
- if ($symbol =~ /^:/) {
- # Looks like a tag! Expand it!
- push(@unimport_these, @{ $TAGS{$symbol} });
- next;
- }
- my $sub = $symbol;
- $sub = "${pkg}::$sub" unless $sub =~ /::/;
- # If 'blah' was already enabled with Fatal (which has package
- # scope) then, this is considered an error.
- if (exists $Package_Fatal{$sub}) {
- croak(sprintf(ERROR_AUTODIE_CONFLICT,$symbol,$symbol));
- }
- # Record 'no autodie qw($sub)' as being in effect.
- # This is to catch conflicting semantics elsewhere
- # (eg, mixing Fatal with no autodie)
- $^H{$NO_PACKAGE}{$sub} = 1;
- if (my $original_sub = $Original_user_sub{$sub}) {
- # Hey, we've got an original one of these, put it back.
- $class->_install_subs($pkg, { $symbol => $original_sub });
- next;
- }
- # We don't have an original copy of the sub, on the assumption
- # it's core (or doesn't exist), we'll just nuke it.
- $class->_install_subs($pkg,{ $symbol => undef });
- }
- return;
-# TODO - This is rather terribly inefficient right now.
-# NB: Perl::Critic's dump-autodie-tag-contents depends upon this
-# continuing to work.
- my %tag_cache;
- sub _expand_tag {
- my ($class, $tag) = @_;
- if (my $cached = $tag_cache{$tag}) {
- return $cached;
- }
- if (not exists $TAGS{$tag}) {
- croak "Invalid exception class $tag";
- }
- my @to_process = @{$TAGS{$tag}};
- my @taglist = ();
- while (my $item = shift @to_process) {
- if ($item =~ /^:/) {
- push(@to_process, @{$TAGS{$item}} );
- } else {
- push(@taglist, "CORE::$item");
- }
- }
- $tag_cache{$tag} = \@taglist;
- return \@taglist;
- }
-# This code is from the original Fatal. It scares me.
-# It is 100% compatible with the 5.10.0 Fatal module, right down
-# to the scary 'XXXX' comment. ;)
-sub fill_protos {
- my $proto = shift;
- my ($n, $isref, @out, @out1, $seen_semi) = -1;
- while ($proto =~ /\S/) {
- $n++;
- push(@out1,[$n,@out]) if $seen_semi;
- push(@out, $1 . "{\$_[$n]}"), next if $proto =~ s/^\s*\\([\@%\$\&])//;
- push(@out, "\$_[$n]"), next if $proto =~ s/^\s*([_*\$&])//;
- push(@out, "\@_[$n..\$#_]"), last if $proto =~ s/^\s*(;\s*)?\@//;
- $seen_semi = 1, $n--, next if $proto =~ s/^\s*;//; # XXXX ????
- die "Internal error: Unknown prototype letters: \"$proto\"";
- }
- push(@out1,[$n+1,@out]);
- return @out1;
-# This is a backwards compatible version of _write_invocation. It's
-# recommended you don't use it.
-sub write_invocation {
- my ($core, $call, $name, $void, @args) = @_;
- return Fatal->_write_invocation(
- $core, $call, $name, $void,
- 0, # Lexical flag
- undef, # Sub, unused in legacy mode
- undef, # Subref, unused in legacy mode.
- @args
- );
-# This version of _write_invocation is used internally. It's not
-# recommended you call it from external code, as the interface WILL
-# change in the future.
-sub _write_invocation {
- my ($class, $core, $call, $name, $void, $lexical, $sub, $sref, @argvs) = @_;
- if (@argvs == 1) { # No optional arguments
- my @argv = @{$argvs[0]};
- shift @argv;
- return $class->_one_invocation($core,$call,$name,$void,$sub,! $lexical, $sref, @argv);
- } else {
- my $else = "\t";
- my (@out, @argv, $n);
- while (@argvs) {
- @argv = @{shift @argvs};
- $n = shift @argv;
- push @out, "${else}if (\@_ == $n) {\n";
- $else = "\t} els";
- push @out, $class->_one_invocation($core,$call,$name,$void,$sub,! $lexical, $sref, @argv);
- }
- push @out, qq[
- }
- die "Internal error: $name(\@_): Do not expect to get ", scalar(\@_), " arguments";
- ];
- return join '', @out;
- }
-# This is a slim interface to ensure backward compatibility with
-# anyone doing very foolish things with old versions of Fatal.
-sub one_invocation {
- my ($core, $call, $name, $void, @argv) = @_;
- return Fatal->_one_invocation(
- $core, $call, $name, $void,
- undef, # Sub. Unused in back-compat mode.
- 1, # Back-compat flag
- undef, # Subref, unused in back-compat mode.
- @argv
- );
-# This is the internal interface that generates code.
-# NOTE: This interface WILL change in the future. Please do not
-# call this subroutine directly.
-# TODO: Whatever's calling this code has already looked up hints. Pass
-# them in, rather than look them up a second time.
-sub _one_invocation {
- my ($class, $core, $call, $name, $void, $sub, $back_compat, $sref, @argv) = @_;
- # If someone is calling us directly (a child class perhaps?) then
- # they could try to mix void without enabling backwards
- # compatibility. We just don't support this at all, so we gripe
- # about it rather than doing something unwise.
- if ($void and not $back_compat) {
- Carp::confess("Internal error: :void mode not supported with $class");
- }
- # @argv only contains the results of the in-built prototype
- # function, and is therefore safe to interpolate in the
- # code generators below.
- # TODO - The following clobbers context, but that's what the
- # old Fatal did. Do we care?
- if ($back_compat) {
- # Use Fatal qw(system) will never be supported. It generated
- # a compile-time error with legacy Fatal, and there's no reason
- # to support it when autodie does a better job.
- if ($call eq 'CORE::system') {
- return q{
- croak("UNIMPLEMENTED: use Fatal qw(system) not supported.");
- };
- }
- local $" = ', ';
- if ($void) {
- return qq/return (defined wantarray)?$call(@argv):
- $call(@argv) || croak "Can't $name(\@_)/ .
- ($core ? ': $!' : ', \$! is \"$!\"') . '"'
- } else {
- return qq{return $call(@argv) || croak "Can't $name(\@_)} .
- ($core ? ': $!' : ', \$! is \"$!\"') . '"';
- }
- }
- # The name of our original function is:
- # $call if the function is CORE
- # $sub if our function is non-CORE
- # The reason for this is that $call is what we're actualling
- # calling. For our core functions, this is always
- # CORE::something. However for user-defined subs, we're about to
- # replace whatever it is that we're calling; as such, we actually
- # calling a subroutine ref.
- my $human_sub_name = $core ? $call : $sub;
- # Should we be testing to see if our result is defined, or
- # just true?
- my $use_defined_or;
- my $hints; # All user-sub hints, including list hints.
- if ( $core ) {
- # Core hints are built into autodie.
- $use_defined_or = exists ( $Use_defined_or{$call} );
- }
- else {
- # User sub hints are looked up using autodie::hints,
- # since users may wish to add their own hints.
- require autodie::hints;
- $hints = autodie::hints->get_hints_for( $sref );
- # We'll look up the sub's fullname. This means we
- # get better reports of where it came from in our
- # error messages, rather than what imported it.
- $human_sub_name = autodie::hints->sub_fullname( $sref );
- }
- # Checks for special core subs.
- if ($call eq 'CORE::system') {
- # Leverage IPC::System::Simple if we're making an autodying
- # system.
- local $" = ", ";
- # We need to stash $@ into $E, rather than using
- # local $@ for the whole sub. If we don't then
- # any exceptions from internal errors in autodie/Fatal
- # will mysteriously disappear before propogating
- # upwards.
- return qq{
- my \$retval;
- my \$E;
- {
- local \$@;
- eval {
- \$retval = IPC::System::Simple::system(@argv);
- };
- \$E = \$@;
- }
- if (\$E) {
- # TODO - This can't be overridden in child
- # classes!
- die autodie::exception::system->new(
- function => q{CORE::system}, args => [ @argv ],
- message => "\$E", errno => \$!,
- );
- }
- return \$retval;
- };
- }
- local $" = ', ';
- # If we're going to throw an exception, here's the code to use.
- my $die = qq{
- die $class->throw(
- function => q{$human_sub_name}, args => [ @argv ],
- pragma => q{$class}, errno => \$!,
- context => \$context, return => \$retval,
- eval_error => \$@
- )
- };
- if ($call eq 'CORE::flock') {
- # flock needs special treatment. When it fails with
- # LOCK_UN and EWOULDBLOCK, then it's not really fatal, it just
- # means we couldn't get the lock right now.
- local $@; # Don't blat anyone else's $@.
- # Ensure that our vendor supports EWOULDBLOCK. If they
- # don't (eg, Windows), then we use known values for its
- # equivalent on other systems.
- || _autocroak("Internal error - can't overload flock - EWOULDBLOCK not defined on this system.");
- require Fcntl; # For Fcntl::LOCK_NB
- return qq{
- my \$context = wantarray() ? "list" : "scalar";
- # Try to flock. If successful, return it immediately.
- my \$retval = $call(@argv);
- return \$retval if \$retval;
- # If we failed, but we're using LOCK_NB and
- # returned EWOULDBLOCK, it's not a real error.
- if (\$_[1] & Fcntl::LOCK_NB() and \$! == $EWOULDBLOCK ) {
- return \$retval;
- }
- # Otherwise, we failed. Die noisily.
- $die;
- };
- }
- # AFAIK everything that can be given an unopned filehandle
- # will fail if it tries to use it, so we don't really need
- # the 'unopened' warning class here. Especially since they
- # then report the wrong line number.
- # Other warnings are disabled because they produce excessive
- # complaints from smart-match hints under 5.10.1.
- my $code = qq[
- no warnings qw(unopened uninitialized numeric);
- if (wantarray) {
- my \@results = $call(@argv);
- my \$retval = \\\@results;
- my \$context = "list";
- ];
- if ( $hints and ( ref($hints->{list} ) || "" ) eq 'CODE' ) {
- # NB: Subroutine hints are passed as a full list.
- # This differs from the 5.10.0 smart-match behaviour,
- # but means that context unaware subroutines can use
- # the same hints in both list and scalar context.
- $code .= qq{
- if ( \$hints->{list}->(\@results) ) { $die };
- };
- }
- elsif ( PERL510 and $hints ) {
- $code .= qq{
- if ( \@results ~~ \$hints->{list} ) { $die };
- };
- }
- elsif ( $hints ) {
- croak sprintf(ERROR_58_HINTS, 'list', $sub);
- }
- else {
- $code .= qq{
- # An empty list, or a single undef is failure
- if (! \@results or (\@results == 1 and ! defined \$results[0])) {
- $die;
- }
- }
- }
- # Tidy up the end of our wantarray call.
- $code .= qq[
- return \@results;
- }
- ];
- # Otherwise, we're in scalar context.
- # We're never in a void context, since we have to look
- # at the result.
- $code .= qq{
- my \$retval = $call(@argv);
- my \$context = "scalar";
- };
- if ( $hints and ( ref($hints->{scalar} ) || "" ) eq 'CODE' ) {
- # We always call code refs directly, since that always
- # works in 5.8.x, and always works in 5.10.1
- return $code .= qq{
- if ( \$hints->{scalar}->(\$retval) ) { $die };
- return \$retval;
- };
- }
- elsif (PERL510 and $hints) {
- return $code . qq{
- if ( \$retval ~~ \$hints->{scalar} ) { $die };
- return \$retval;
- };
- }
- elsif ( $hints ) {
- croak sprintf(ERROR_58_HINTS, 'scalar', $sub);
- }
- return $code .
- ( $use_defined_or ? qq{
- $die if not defined \$retval;
- return \$retval;
- } : qq{
- return \$retval || $die;
- } ) ;
-# This returns the old copy of the sub, so we can
-# put it back at end of scope.
-# TODO : Check to make sure prototypes are restored correctly.
-# TODO: Taking a huge list of arguments is awful. Rewriting to
-# take a hash would be lovely.
-# TODO - BACKCOMPAT - This is not yet compatible with 5.10.0
-sub _make_fatal {
- my($class, $sub, $pkg, $void, $lexical, $filename, $insist) = @_;
- my($name, $code, $sref, $real_proto, $proto, $core, $call, $hints);
- my $ini = $sub;
- $sub = "${pkg}::$sub" unless $sub =~ /::/;
- # Figure if we're using lexical or package semantics and
- # twiddle the appropriate bits.
- if (not $lexical) {
- $Package_Fatal{$sub} = 1;
- }
- # TODO - We *should* be able to do skipping, since we know when
- # we've lexicalised / unlexicalised a subroutine.
- $name = $sub;
- $name =~ s/.*::// or $name =~ s/^&//;
- warn "# _make_fatal: sub=$sub pkg=$pkg name=$name void=$void\n" if $Debug;
- croak(sprintf(ERROR_BADNAME, $class, $name)) unless $name =~ /^\w+$/;
- if (defined(&$sub)) { # user subroutine
- # NOTE: Previously we would localise $@ at this point, so
- # the following calls to eval {} wouldn't interfere with anything
- # that's already in $@. Unfortunately, it would also stop
- # any of our croaks from triggering(!), which is even worse.
- # This could be something that we've fatalised that
- # was in core.
- if ( $Package_Fatal{$sub} and do { local $@; eval { prototype "CORE::$name" } } ) {
- # Something we previously made Fatal that was core.
- # This is safe to replace with an autodying to core
- # version.
- $core = 1;
- $call = "CORE::$name";
- $proto = prototype $call;
- # We return our $sref from this subroutine later
- # on, indicating this subroutine should be placed
- # back when we're finished.
- $sref = \&$sub;
- } else {
- # If this is something we've already fatalised or played with,
- # then look-up the name of the original sub for the rest of
- # our processing.
- $sub = $Is_fatalised_sub{\&$sub} || $sub;
- # A regular user sub, or a user sub wrapping a
- # core sub.
- $sref = \&$sub;
- $proto = prototype $sref;
- $call = '&$sref';
- require autodie::hints;
- $hints = autodie::hints->get_hints_for( $sref );
- # If we've insisted on hints, but don't have them, then
- # bail out!
- if ($insist and not $hints) {
- croak(sprintf(ERROR_NOHINTS, $name));
- }
- # Otherwise, use the default hints if we don't have
- # any.
- $hints ||= autodie::hints::DEFAULT_HINTS();
- }
- } elsif ($sub eq $ini && $sub !~ /^CORE::GLOBAL::/) {
- # Stray user subroutine
- croak(sprintf(ERROR_NOTSUB,$sub));
- } elsif ($name eq 'system') {
- # If we're fatalising system, then we need to load
- # helper code.
- # The business with $E is to avoid clobbering our caller's
- # $@, and to avoid $@ being localised when we croak.
- my $E;
- {
- local $@;
- eval {
- require IPC::System::Simple; # Only load it if we need it.
- require autodie::exception::system;
- };
- $E = $@;
- }
- if ($E) { croak ERROR_NO_IPC_SYS_SIMPLE; }
- # Make sure we're using a recent version of ISS that actually
- # support fatalised system.
- if ($IPC::System::Simple::VERSION < MIN_IPC_SYS_SIMPLE_VER) {
- croak sprintf(
- $IPC::System::Simple::VERSION
- );
- }
- $call = 'CORE::system';
- $name = 'system';
- $core = 1;
- } elsif ($name eq 'exec') {
- # Exec doesn't have a prototype. We don't care. This
- # breaks the exotic form with lexical scope, and gives
- # the regular form a "do or die" beaviour as expected.
- $call = 'CORE::exec';
- $name = 'exec';
- $core = 1;
- } else { # CORE subroutine
- my $E;
- {
- local $@;
- $proto = eval { prototype "CORE::$name" };
- $E = $@;
- }
- croak(sprintf(ERROR_NOT_BUILT,$name)) if $E;
- croak(sprintf(ERROR_CANT_OVERRIDE,$name)) if not defined $proto;
- $core = 1;
- $call = "CORE::$name";
- }
- if (defined $proto) {
- $real_proto = " ($proto)";
- } else {
- $real_proto = '';
- $proto = '@';
- }
- my $true_name = $core ? $call : $sub;
- # TODO: This caching works, but I don't like using $void and
- # $lexical as keys. In particular, I suspect our code may end up
- # wrapping already wrapped code when autodie and Fatal are used
- # together.
- # NB: We must use '$sub' (the name plus package) and not
- # just '$name' (the short name) here. Failing to do so
- # results code that's in the wrong package, and hence has
- # access to the wrong package filehandles.
- if (my $subref = $Cached_fatalised_sub{$class}{$sub}{$void}{$lexical}) {
- $class->_install_subs($pkg, { $name => $subref });
- return $sref;
- }
- $code = qq[
- sub$real_proto {
- local(\$", \$!) = (', ', 0); # TODO - Why do we do this?
- ];
- # Don't have perl whine if exec fails, since we'll be handling
- # the exception now.
- $code .= "no warnings qw(exec);\n" if $call eq "CORE::exec";
- my @protos = fill_protos($proto);
- $code .= $class->_write_invocation($core, $call, $name, $void, $lexical, $sub, $sref, @protos);
- $code .= "}\n";
- warn $code if $Debug;
- # I thought that changing package was a monumental waste of
- # time for CORE subs, since they'll always be the same. However
- # that's not the case, since they may refer to package-based
- # filehandles (eg, with open).
- #
- # There is potential to more aggressively cache core subs
- # that we know will never want to interact with package variables
- # and filehandles.
- {
- no strict 'refs'; ## no critic # to avoid: Can't use string (...) as a symbol ref ...
- my $E;
- {
- local $@;
- $code = eval("package $pkg; use Carp; $code"); ## no critic
- $E = $@;
- }
- if (not $code) {
- croak("Internal error in autodie/Fatal processing $true_name: $E");
- }
- }
- # Now we need to wrap our fatalised sub inside an itty bitty
- # closure, which can detect if we've leaked into another file.
- # Luckily, we only need to do this for lexical (autodie)
- # subs. Fatal subs can leak all they want, it's considered
- # a "feature" (or at least backwards compatible).
- # TODO: Cache our leak guards!
- # TODO: This is pretty hairy code. A lot more tests would
- # be really nice for this.
- my $leak_guard;
- if ($lexical) {
- $leak_guard = qq<
- package $pkg;
- sub$real_proto {
- # If we're inside a string eval, we can end up with a
- # whacky filename. The following code allows autodie
- # to propagate correctly into string evals.
- my \$caller_level = 0;
- my \$caller;
- while ( (\$caller = (caller \$caller_level)[1]) =~ m{^\\(eval \\d+\\)\$} ) {
- # If our filename is actually an eval, and we
- # reach it, then go to our autodying code immediatately.
- goto &\$code if (\$caller eq \$filename);
- \$caller_level++;
- }
- # We're now out of the eval stack.
- # If we're called from the correct file, then use the
- # autodying code.
- goto &\$code if ((caller \$caller_level)[1] eq \$filename);
- # Oh bother, we've leaked into another file. Call the
- # original code. Note that \$sref may actually be a
- # reference to a Fatalised version of a core built-in.
- # That's okay, because Fatal *always* leaks between files.
- goto &\$sref if \$sref;
- >;
- # If we're here, it must have been a core subroutine called.
- # Warning: The following code may disturb some viewers.
- # TODO: It should be possible to combine this with
- # write_invocation().
- foreach my $proto (@protos) {
- local $" = ", "; # So @args is formatted correctly.
- my ($count, @args) = @$proto;
- $leak_guard .= qq<
- if (\@_ == $count) {
- return $call(@args);
- }
- >;
- }
- $leak_guard .= qq< croak "Internal error in Fatal/autodie. Leak-guard failure"; } >;
- # warn "$leak_guard\n";
- my $E;
- {
- local $@;
- $leak_guard = eval $leak_guard; ## no critic
- $E = $@;
- }
- die "Internal error in $class: Leak-guard installation failure: $E" if $E;
- }
- my $installed_sub = $leak_guard || $code;
- $class->_install_subs($pkg, { $name => $installed_sub });
- $Cached_fatalised_sub{$class}{$sub}{$void}{$lexical} = $installed_sub;
- # Cache that we've now overriddent this sub. If we get called
- # again, we may need to find that find subroutine again (eg, for hints).
- $Is_fatalised_sub{$installed_sub} = $sref;
- return $sref;
-# This subroutine exists primarily so that child classes can override
-# it to point to their own exception class. Doing this is significantly
-# less complex than overriding throw()
-sub exception_class { return "autodie::exception" };
- my %exception_class_for;
- my %class_loaded;
- sub throw {
- my ($class, @args) = @_;
- # Find our exception class if we need it.
- my $exception_class =
- $exception_class_for{$class} ||= $class->exception_class;
- if (not $class_loaded{$exception_class}) {
- if ($exception_class =~ /[^\w:']/) {
- confess "Bad exception class '$exception_class'.\nThe '$class->exception_class' method wants to use $exception_class\nfor exceptions, but it contains characters which are not word-characters or colons.";
- }
- # Alas, Perl does turn barewords into modules unless they're
- # actually barewords. As such, we're left doing a string eval
- # to make sure we load our file correctly.
- my $E;
- {
- local $@; # We can't clobber $@, it's wrong!
- eval "require $exception_class"; ## no critic
- $E = $@; # Save $E despite ending our local.
- }
- # We need quotes around $@ to make sure it's stringified
- # while still in scope. Without them, we run the risk of
- # $@ having been cleared by us exiting the local() block.
- confess "Failed to load '$exception_class'.\nThis may be a typo in the '$class->exception_class' method,\nor the '$exception_class' module may not exist.\n\n $E" if $E;
- $class_loaded{$exception_class}++;
- }
- return $exception_class->new(@args);
- }
-# For some reason, dying while replacing our subs doesn't
-# kill our calling program. It simply stops the loading of
-# autodie and keeps going with everything else. The _autocroak
-# sub allows us to die with a vegence. It should *only* ever be
-# used for serious internal errors, since the results of it can't
-# be captured.
-sub _autocroak {
- warn Carp::longmess(@_);
- exit(255); # Ugh!
-package autodie::Scope::Guard;
-# This code schedules the cleanup of subroutines at the end of
-# scope. It's directly inspired by chocolateboy's excellent
-# Scope::Guard module.
-sub new {
- my ($class, $handler) = @_;
- return bless $handler, $class;
-sub DESTROY {
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->();
-=head1 NAME
-Fatal - Replace functions with equivalents which succeed or die
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Fatal qw(open close);
- open(my $fh, "<", $filename); # No need to check errors!
- use File::Copy qw(move);
- use Fatal qw(move);
- move($file1, $file2); # No need to check errors!
- sub juggle { . . . }
- Fatal->import('juggle');
-B<Fatal has been obsoleted by the new L<autodie> pragma.> Please use
-L<autodie> in preference to C<Fatal>. L<autodie> supports lexical scoping,
-throws real exception objects, and provides much nicer error messages.
-The use of C<:void> with Fatal is discouraged.
-C<Fatal> provides a way to conveniently replace
-functions which normally return a false value when they fail with
-equivalents which raise exceptions if they are not successful. This
-lets you use these functions without having to test their return
-values explicitly on each call. Exceptions can be caught using
-C<eval{}>. See L<perlfunc> and L<perlvar> for details.
-The do-or-die equivalents are set up simply by calling Fatal's
-C<import> routine, passing it the names of the functions to be
-replaced. You may wrap both user-defined functions and overridable
-CORE operators (except C<exec>, C<system>, C<print>, or any other
-built-in that cannot be expressed via prototypes) in this way.
-If the symbol C<:void> appears in the import list, then functions
-named later in that import list raise an exception only when
-these are called in void context--that is, when their return
-values are ignored. For example
- use Fatal qw/:void open close/;
- # properly checked, so no exception raised on error
- if (not open(my $fh, '<', '/bogotic') {
- warn "Can't open /bogotic: $!";
- }
- # not checked, so error raises an exception
- close FH;
-The use of C<:void> is discouraged, as it can result in exceptions
-not being thrown if you I<accidentally> call a method without
-void context. Use L<autodie> instead if you need to be able to
-disable autodying/Fatal behaviour for a small block of code.
-=over 4
-=item Bad subroutine name for Fatal: %s
-You've called C<Fatal> with an argument that doesn't look like
-a subroutine name, nor a switch that this version of Fatal
-=item %s is not a Perl subroutine
-You've asked C<Fatal> to try and replace a subroutine which does not
-exist, or has not yet been defined.
-=item %s is neither a builtin, nor a Perl subroutine
-You've asked C<Fatal> to replace a subroutine, but it's not a Perl
-built-in, and C<Fatal> couldn't find it as a regular subroutine.
-It either doesn't exist or has not yet been defined.
-=item Cannot make the non-overridable %s fatal
-You've tried to use C<Fatal> on a Perl built-in that can't be
-overridden, such as C<print> or C<system>, which means that
-C<Fatal> can't help you, although some other modules might.
-See the L</"SEE ALSO"> section of this documentation.
-=item Internal error: %s
-You've found a bug in C<Fatal>. Please report it using
-the C<perlbug> command.
-=head1 BUGS
-C<Fatal> clobbers the context in which a function is called and always
-makes it a scalar context, except when the C<:void> tag is used.
-This problem does not exist in L<autodie>.
-"Used only once" warnings can be generated when C<autodie> or C<Fatal>
-is used with package filehandles (eg, C<FILE>). It's strongly recommended
-you use scalar filehandles instead.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Original module by Lionel Cons (CERN).
-Prototype updates by Ilya Zakharevich <>.
-L<autodie> support, bugfixes, extended diagnostics, C<system>
-support, and major overhauling by Paul Fenwick <>
-=head1 LICENSE
-This module is free software, you may distribute it under the
-same terms as Perl itself.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<autodie> for a nicer way to use lexical Fatal.
-L<IPC::System::Simple> for a similar idea for calls to C<system()>
-and backticks.
diff --git a/ext/autodie/lib/ b/ext/autodie/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e8e7094c7..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
-package autodie;
-use 5.008;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Fatal ();
-our @ISA = qw(Fatal);
-our $VERSION;
- $VERSION = '2.06_01';
-use constant ERROR_WRONG_FATAL => q{
-Incorrect version of loaded by autodie.
-The autodie pragma uses an updated version of Fatal to do its
-heavy lifting. We seem to have loaded Fatal version %s, which is
-probably the version that came with your version of Perl. However
-autodie needs version %s, which would have come bundled with
-You may be able to solve this problem by adding the following
-line of code to your main program, before any use of Fatal or
- use lib "%s";
-# We have to check we've got the right version of Fatal before we
-# try to compile the rest of our code, lest we use a constant
-# that doesn't exist.
- # If we have the wrong Fatal, then we've probably loaded the system
- # one, not our own. Complain, and give a useful hint. ;)
- if ($Fatal::VERSION ne $VERSION) {
- my $autodie_path = $INC{''};
- $autodie_path =~ s/autodie\.pm//;
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak sprintf(
- ERROR_WRONG_FATAL, $Fatal::VERSION, $VERSION, $autodie_path
- );
- }
-# When passing args to Fatal we want to keep the first arg
-# (our package) in place. Hence the splice.
-sub import {
- splice(@_,1,0,Fatal::LEXICAL_TAG);
- goto &Fatal::import;
-sub unimport {
- splice(@_,1,0,Fatal::LEXICAL_TAG);
- goto &Fatal::unimport;
-=head1 NAME
-autodie - Replace functions with ones that succeed or die with lexical scope
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use autodie; # Recommended: implies 'use autodie qw(:default)'
- use autodie qw(:all); # Recommended more: defaults and system/exec.
- use autodie qw(open close); # open/close succeed or die
- open(my $fh, "<", $filename); # No need to check!
- {
- no autodie qw(open); # open failures won't die
- open(my $fh, "<", $filename); # Could fail silently!
- no autodie; # disable all autodies
- }
- bIlujDI' yIchegh()Qo'; yIHegh()!
- It is better to die() than to return() in failure.
- -- Klingon programming proverb.
-The C<autodie> pragma provides a convenient way to replace functions
-that normally return false on failure with equivalents that throw
-an exception on failure.
-The C<autodie> pragma has I<lexical scope>, meaning that functions
-and subroutines altered with C<autodie> will only change their behaviour
-until the end of the enclosing block, file, or C<eval>.
-If C<system> is specified as an argument to C<autodie>, then it
-uses L<IPC::System::Simple> to do the heavy lifting. See the
-description of that module for more information.
-Exceptions produced by the C<autodie> pragma are members of the
-L<autodie::exception> class. The preferred way to work with
-these exceptions under Perl 5.10 is as follows:
- use feature qw(switch);
- eval {
- use autodie;
- open(my $fh, '<', $some_file);
- my @records = <$fh>;
- # Do things with @records...
- close($fh);
- };
- given ($@) {
- when (undef) { say "No error"; }
- when ('open') { say "Error from open"; }
- when (':io') { say "Non-open, IO error."; }
- when (':all') { say "All other autodie errors." }
- default { say "Not an autodie error at all." }
- }
-Under Perl 5.8, the C<given/when> structure is not available, so the
-following structure may be used:
- eval {
- use autodie;
- open(my $fh, '<', $some_file);
- my @records = <$fh>;
- # Do things with @records...
- close($fh);
- };
- if ($@ and $@->isa('autodie::exception')) {
- if ($@->matches('open')) { print "Error from open\n"; }
- if ($@->matches(':io' )) { print "Non-open, IO error."; }
- } elsif ($@) {
- # A non-autodie exception.
- }
-See L<autodie::exception> for further information on interrogating
-Autodie uses a simple set of categories to group together similar
-built-ins. Requesting a category type (starting with a colon) will
-enable autodie for all built-ins beneath that category. For example,
-requesting C<:file> will enable autodie for C<close>, C<fcntl>,
-C<fileno>, C<open> and C<sysopen>.
-The categories are currently:
- :all
- :default
- :io
- read
- seek
- sysread
- sysseek
- syswrite
- :dbm
- dbmclose
- dbmopen
- :file
- binmode
- close
- fcntl
- fileno
- flock
- ioctl
- open
- sysopen
- truncate
- :filesys
- chdir
- closedir
- opendir
- link
- mkdir
- readlink
- rename
- rmdir
- symlink
- unlink
- :ipc
- pipe
- :msg
- msgctl
- msgget
- msgrcv
- msgsnd
- :semaphore
- semctl
- semget
- semop
- :shm
- shmctl
- shmget
- shmread
- :socket
- accept
- bind
- connect
- getsockopt
- listen
- recv
- send
- setsockopt
- shutdown
- socketpair
- :threads
- fork
- :system
- system
- exec
-Note that while the above category system is presently a strict
-hierarchy, this should not be assumed.
-A plain C<use autodie> implies C<use autodie qw(:default)>. Note that
-C<system> and C<exec> are not enabled by default. C<system> requires
-the optional L<IPC::System::Simple> module to be installed, and enabling
-C<system> or C<exec> will invalidate their exotic forms. See L</BUGS>
-below for more details.
-The syntax:
- use autodie qw(:1.994);
-allows the C<:default> list from a particular version to be used. This
-provides the convenience of using the default methods, but the surety
-that no behavorial changes will occur if the C<autodie> module is
-C<autodie> can be enabled for all of Perl's built-ins, including
-C<system> and C<exec> with:
- use autodie qw(:all);
-=head2 flock
-It is not considered an error for C<flock> to return false if it fails
-to an C<EWOULDBLOCK> (or equivalent) condition. This means one can
-still use the common convention of testing the return value of
-C<flock> when called with the C<LOCK_NB> option:
- use autodie;
- if ( flock($fh, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) ) {
- # We have a lock
- }
-Autodying C<flock> will generate an exception if C<flock> returns
-false with any other error.
-=head2 system/exec
-The C<system> built-in is considered to have failed in the following
-=over 4
-=item *
-The command does not start.
-=item *
-The command is killed by a signal.
-=item *
-The command returns a non-zero exit value (but see below).
-On success, the autodying form of C<system> returns the I<exit value>
-rather than the contents of C<$?>.
-Additional allowable exit values can be supplied as an optional first
-argument to autodying C<system>:
- system( [ 0, 1, 2 ], $cmd, @args); # 0,1,2 are good exit values
-C<autodie> uses the L<IPC::System::Simple> module to change C<system>.
-See its documentation for further information.
-Applying C<autodie> to C<system> or C<exec> causes the exotic
-forms C<system { $cmd } @args > or C<exec { $cmd } @args>
-to be considered a syntax error until the end of the lexical scope.
-If you really need to use the exotic form, you can call C<CORE::system>
-or C<CORE::exec> instead, or use C<no autodie qw(system exec)> before
-calling the exotic form.
-=head1 GOTCHAS
-Functions called in list context are assumed to have failed if they
-return an empty list, or a list consisting only of a single undef
-=over 4
-=item :void cannot be used with lexical scope
-The C<:void> option is supported in L<Fatal>, but not
-C<autodie>. To workaround this, C<autodie> may be explicitly disabled until
-the end of the current block with C<no autodie>.
-To disable autodie for only a single function (eg, open)
-use C<no autodie qw(open)>.
-=item No user hints defined for %s
-You've insisted on hints for user-subroutines, either by pre-pending
-a C<!> to the subroutine name itself, or earlier in the list of arguments
-to C<autodie>. However the subroutine in question does not have
-any hints available.
-See also L<Fatal/DIAGNOSTICS>.
-=head1 BUGS
-"Used only once" warnings can be generated when C<autodie> or C<Fatal>
-is used with package filehandles (eg, C<FILE>). Scalar filehandles are
-strongly recommended instead.
-When using C<autodie> or C<Fatal> with user subroutines, the
-declaration of those subroutines must appear before the first use of
-C<Fatal> or C<autodie>, or have been exported from a module.
-Attempting to use C<Fatal> or C<autodie> on other user subroutines will
-result in a compile-time error.
-Due to a bug in Perl, C<autodie> may "lose" any format which has the
-same name as an autodying built-in or function.
-C<autodie> may not work correctly if used inside a file with a
-name that looks like a string eval, such as F<eval (3)>.
-=head2 autodie and string eval
-Due to the current implementation of C<autodie>, unexpected results
-may be seen when used near or with the string version of eval.
-I<None of these bugs exist when using block eval>.
-Under Perl 5.8 only, C<autodie> I<does not> propagate into string C<eval>
-statements, although it can be explicitly enabled inside a string
-Under Perl 5.10 only, using a string eval when C<autodie> is in
-effect can cause the autodie behaviour to leak into the surrounding
-scope. This can be worked around by using a C<no autodie> at the
-end of the scope to explicitly remove autodie's effects, or by
-avoiding the use of string eval.
-I<None of these bugs exist when using block eval>. The use of
-C<autodie> with block eval is considered good practice.
-Please report bugs via the CPAN Request Tracker at
-=head1 FEEDBACK
-If you find this module useful, please consider rating it on the
-CPAN Ratings service at
-L<> .
-The module author loves to hear how C<autodie> has made your life
-better (or worse). Feedback can be sent to
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Copyright 2008-2009, Paul Fenwick E<lt><gt>
-=head1 LICENSE
-This module is free software. You may distribute it under the
-same terms as Perl itself.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Fatal>, L<autodie::exception>, L<autodie::hints>, L<IPC::System::Simple>
-I<Perl tips, autodie> at
-Mark Reed and Roland Giersig -- Klingon translators.
-See the F<AUTHORS> file for full credits. The latest version of this
-file can be found at
-L<> .
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8646099c4c..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/lib/autodie/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,741 +0,0 @@
-package autodie::exception;
-use 5.008;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Carp qw(croak);
-our $DEBUG = 0;
-use overload
- q{""} => "stringify"
-# Overload smart-match only if we're using 5.10
-use if ($] >= 5.010), overload => '~~' => "matches";
-our $VERSION = '2.06_01';
-my $PACKAGE = __PACKAGE__; # Useful to have a scalar for hash keys.
-=head1 NAME
-autodie::exception - Exceptions from autodying functions.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- eval {
- use autodie;
- open(my $fh, '<', 'some_file.txt');
- ...
- };
- if (my $E = $@) {
- say "Ooops! ",$E->caller," had problems: $@";
- }
-When an L<autodie> enabled function fails, it generates an
-C<autodie::exception> object. This can be interrogated to
-determine further information about the error that occurred.
-This document is broken into two sections; those methods that
-are most useful to the end-developer, and those methods for
-anyone wishing to subclass or get very familiar with
-=head2 Common Methods
-These methods are intended to be used in the everyday dealing
-of exceptions.
-The following assume that the error has been copied into
-a separate scalar:
- if ($E = $@) {
- ...
- }
-This is not required, but is recommended in case any code
-is called which may reset or alter C<$@>.
-=head3 args
- my $array_ref = $E->args;
-Provides a reference to the arguments passed to the subroutine
-that died.
-sub args { return $_[0]->{$PACKAGE}{args}; }
-=head3 function
- my $sub = $E->function;
-The subroutine (including package) that threw the exception.
-sub function { return $_[0]->{$PACKAGE}{function}; }
-=head3 file
- my $file = $E->file;
-The file in which the error occurred (eg, C<> or
-sub file { return $_[0]->{$PACKAGE}{file}; }
-=head3 package
- my $package = $E->package;
-The package from which the exceptional subroutine was called.
-sub package { return $_[0]->{$PACKAGE}{package}; }
-=head3 caller
- my $caller = $E->caller;
-The subroutine that I<called> the exceptional code.
-sub caller { return $_[0]->{$PACKAGE}{caller}; }
-=head3 line
- my $line = $E->line;
-The line in C<< $E->file >> where the exceptional code was called.
-sub line { return $_[0]->{$PACKAGE}{line}; }
-=head3 context
- my $context = $E->context;
-The context in which the subroutine was called. This can be
-'list', 'scalar', or undefined (unknown). It will never be 'void', as
-C<autodie> always captures the return value in one way or another.
-sub context { return $_[0]->{$PACKAGE}{context} }
-=head3 return
- my $return_value = $E->return;
-The value(s) returned by the failed subroutine. When the subroutine
-was called in a list context, this will always be a reference to an
-array containing the results. When the subroutine was called in
-a scalar context, this will be the actual scalar returned.
-sub return { return $_[0]->{$PACKAGE}{return} }
-=head3 errno
- my $errno = $E->errno;
-The value of C<$!> at the time when the exception occurred.
-B<NOTE>: This method will leave the main C<autodie::exception> class
-and become part of a role in the future. You should only call
-C<errno> for exceptions where C<$!> would reasonably have been
-set on failure.
-# TODO: Make errno part of a role. It doesn't make sense for
-# everything.
-sub errno { return $_[0]->{$PACKAGE}{errno}; }
-=head3 eval_error
- my $old_eval_error = $E->eval_error;
-The contents of C<$@> immediately after autodie triggered an
-exception. This may be useful when dealing with modules such
-as L<Text::Balanced> that set (but do not throw) C<$@> on error.
-sub eval_error { return $_[0]->{$PACKAGE}{eval_error}; }
-=head3 matches
- if ( $e->matches('open') ) { ... }
- if ( $e ~~ 'open' ) { ... }
-C<matches> is used to determine whether a
-given exception matches a particular role. On Perl 5.10,
-using smart-match (C<~~>) with an C<autodie::exception> object
-will use C<matches> underneath.
-An exception is considered to match a string if:
-=over 4
-=item *
-For a string not starting with a colon, the string exactly matches the
-package and subroutine that threw the exception. For example,
-C<MyModule::log>. If the string does not contain a package name,
-C<CORE::> is assumed.
-=item *
-For a string that does start with a colon, if the subroutine
-throwing the exception I<does> that behaviour. For example, the
-C<CORE::open> subroutine does C<:file>, C<:io> and C<:all>.
-See L<autodie/CATEGORIES> for futher information.
- my (%cache);
- sub matches {
- my ($this, $that) = @_;
- # TODO - Handle references
- croak "UNIMPLEMENTED" if ref $that;
- my $sub = $this->function;
- if ($DEBUG) {
- my $sub2 = $this->function;
- warn "Smart-matching $that against $sub / $sub2\n";
- }
- # Direct subname match.
- return 1 if $that eq $sub;
- return 1 if $that !~ /:/ and "CORE::$that" eq $sub;
- return 0 if $that !~ /^:/;
- # Cached match / check tags.
- require Fatal;
- if (exists $cache{$sub}{$that}) {
- return $cache{$sub}{$that};
- }
- # This rather awful looking line checks to see if our sub is in the
- # list of expanded tags, caches it, and returns the result.
- return $cache{$sub}{$that} = grep { $_ eq $sub } @{ $this->_expand_tag($that) };
- }
-# This exists primarily so that child classes can override or
-# augment it if they wish.
-sub _expand_tag {
- my ($this, @args) = @_;
- return Fatal->_expand_tag(@args);
-=head2 Advanced methods
-The following methods, while usable from anywhere, are primarily
-intended for developers wishing to subclass C<autodie::exception>,
-write code that registers custom error messages, or otherwise
-work closely with the C<autodie::exception> model.
-# The table below records customer formatters.
-# TODO - Should this be a package var instead?
-# TODO - Should these be in a completely different file, or
-# perhaps loaded on demand? Most formatters will never
-# get used in most programs.
-my %formatter_of = (
- 'CORE::close' => \&_format_close,
- 'CORE::open' => \&_format_open,
- 'CORE::dbmopen' => \&_format_dbmopen,
- 'CORE::flock' => \&_format_flock,
-# TODO: Our tests only check LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB is properly
-# formatted. Try other combinations and ensure they work
-# correctly.
-sub _format_flock {
- my ($this) = @_;
- require Fcntl;
- my $filehandle = $this->args->[0];
- my $raw_mode = $this->args->[1];
- my $mode_type;
- my $lock_unlock;
- if ($raw_mode & Fcntl::LOCK_EX() ) {
- $lock_unlock = "lock";
- $mode_type = "for exclusive access";
- }
- elsif ($raw_mode & Fcntl::LOCK_SH() ) {
- $lock_unlock = "lock";
- $mode_type = "for shared access";
- }
- elsif ($raw_mode & Fcntl::LOCK_UN() ) {
- $lock_unlock = "unlock";
- $mode_type = "";
- }
- else {
- # I've got no idea what they're trying to do.
- $lock_unlock = "lock";
- $mode_type = "with mode $raw_mode";
- }
- my $cooked_filehandle;
- if ($filehandle and not ref $filehandle) {
- # A package filehandle with a name!
- $cooked_filehandle = " $filehandle";
- }
- else {
- # Otherwise we have a scalar filehandle.
- $cooked_filehandle = '';
- }
- local $! = $this->errno;
- return "Can't $lock_unlock filehandle$cooked_filehandle $mode_type: $!";
-# Default formatter for CORE::dbmopen
-sub _format_dbmopen {
- my ($this) = @_;
- my @args = @{$this->args};
- # TODO: Presently, $args flattens out the (usually empty) hash
- # which is passed as the first argument to dbmopen. This is
- # a bug in our args handling code (taking a reference to it would
- # be better), but for the moment we'll just examine the end of
- # our arguments list for message formatting.
- my $mode = $args[-1];
- my $file = $args[-2];
- # If we have a mask, then display it in octal, not decimal.
- # We don't do this if it already looks octalish, or doesn't
- # look like a number.
- if ($mode =~ /^[^\D0]\d+$/) {
- $mode = sprintf("0%lo", $mode);
- };
- local $! = $this->errno;
- return "Can't dbmopen(%hash, '$file', $mode): '$!'";
-# Default formatter for CORE::close
-sub _format_close {
- my ($this) = @_;
- my $close_arg = $this->args->[0];
- local $! = $this->errno;
- # If we've got an old-style filehandle, mention it.
- if ($close_arg and not ref $close_arg) {
- return "Can't close filehandle '$close_arg': '$!'";
- }
- # TODO - This will probably produce an ugly error. Test and fix.
- return "Can't close($close_arg) filehandle: '$!'";
-# Default formatter for CORE::open
-use constant _FORMAT_OPEN => "Can't open '%s' for %s: '%s'";
-sub _format_open_with_mode {
- my ($this, $mode, $file, $error) = @_;
- my $wordy_mode;
- if ($mode eq '<') { $wordy_mode = 'reading'; }
- elsif ($mode eq '>') { $wordy_mode = 'writing'; }
- elsif ($mode eq '>>') { $wordy_mode = 'appending'; }
- return sprintf _FORMAT_OPEN, $file, $wordy_mode, $error if $wordy_mode;
- Carp::confess("Internal autodie::exception error: Don't know how to format mode '$mode'.");
-sub _format_open {
- my ($this) = @_;
- my @open_args = @{$this->args};
- # Use the default formatter for single-arg and many-arg open
- if (@open_args <= 1 or @open_args >= 4) {
- return $this->format_default;
- }
- # For two arg open, we have to extract the mode
- if (@open_args == 2) {
- my ($fh, $file) = @open_args;
- if (ref($fh) eq "GLOB") {
- $fh = '$fh';
- }
- my ($mode) = $file =~ m{
- ^\s* # Spaces before mode
- (
- (?> # Non-backtracking subexp.
- < # Reading
- |>>? # Writing/appending
- )
- )
- [^&] # Not an ampersand (which means a dup)
- }x;
- if (not $mode) {
- # Maybe it's a 2-arg open without any mode at all?
- # Detect the most simple case for this, where our
- # file consists only of word characters.
- if ( $file =~ m{^\s*\w+\s*$} ) {
- $mode = '<'
- }
- else {
- # Otherwise, we've got no idea what's going on.
- # Use the default.
- return $this->format_default;
- }
- }
- # Localising $! means perl make make it a pretty error for us.
- local $! = $this->errno;
- return $this->_format_open_with_mode($mode, $file, $!);
- }
- # Here we must be using three arg open.
- my $file = $open_args[2];
- local $! = $this->errno;
- my $mode = $open_args[1];
- local $@;
- my $msg = eval { $this->_format_open_with_mode($mode, $file, $!); };
- return $msg if $msg;
- # Default message (for pipes and odd things)
- return "Can't open '$file' with mode '$open_args[1]': '$!'";
-=head3 register
- autodie::exception->register( 'CORE::open' => \&mysub );
-The C<register> method allows for the registration of a message
-handler for a given subroutine. The full subroutine name including
-the package should be used.
-Registered message handlers will receive the C<autodie::exception>
-object as the first parameter.
-sub register {
- my ($class, $symbol, $handler) = @_;
- croak "Incorrect call to autodie::register" if @_ != 3;
- $formatter_of{$symbol} = $handler;
-=head3 add_file_and_line
- say "Problem occurred",$@->add_file_and_line;
-Returns the string C< at %s line %d>, where C<%s> is replaced with
-the filename, and C<%d> is replaced with the line number.
-Primarily intended for use by format handlers.
-# Simply produces the file and line number; intended to be added
-# to the end of error messages.
-sub add_file_and_line {
- my ($this) = @_;
- return sprintf(" at %s line %d\n", $this->file, $this->line);
-=head3 stringify
- say "The error was: ",$@->stringify;
-Formats the error as a human readable string. Usually there's no
-reason to call this directly, as it is used automatically if an
-C<autodie::exception> object is ever used as a string.
-Child classes can override this method to change how they're
-sub stringify {
- my ($this) = @_;
- my $call = $this->function;
- if ($DEBUG) {
- my $dying_pkg = $this->package;
- my $sub = $this->function;
- my $caller = $this->caller;
- warn "Stringifing exception for $dying_pkg :: $sub / $caller / $call\n";
- }
- # TODO - This isn't using inheritance. Should it?
- if ( my $sub = $formatter_of{$call} ) {
- return $sub->($this) . $this->add_file_and_line;
- }
- return $this->format_default . $this->add_file_and_line;
-=head3 format_default
- my $error_string = $E->format_default;
-This produces the default error string for the given exception,
-I<without using any registered message handlers>. It is primarily
-intended to be called from a message handler when they have
-been passed an exception they don't want to format.
-Child classes can override this method to change how default
-messages are formatted.
-# TODO: This produces ugly errors. Is there any way we can
-# dig around to find the actual variable names? I know perl 5.10
-# does some dark and terrible magicks to find them for undef warnings.
-sub format_default {
- my ($this) = @_;
- my $call = $this->function;
- local $! = $this->errno;
- # TODO: This is probably a good idea for CORE, is it
- # a good idea for other subs?
- # Trim package name off dying sub for error messages.
- $call =~ s/.*:://;
- # Walk through all our arguments, and...
- #
- # * Replace undef with the word 'undef'
- # * Replace globs with the string '$fh'
- # * Quote all other args.
- my @args = @{ $this->args() };
- foreach my $arg (@args) {
- if (not defined($arg)) { $arg = 'undef' }
- elsif (ref($arg) eq "GLOB") { $arg = '$fh' }
- else { $arg = qq{'$arg'} }
- }
- # Format our beautiful error.
- return "Can't $call(". join(q{, }, @args) . "): $!" ;
- # TODO - Handle user-defined errors from hash.
- # TODO - Handle default error messages.
-=head3 new
- my $error = autodie::exception->new(
- args => \@_,
- function => "CORE::open",
- errno => $!,
- context => 'scalar',
- return => undef,
- );
-Creates a new C<autodie::exception> object. Normally called
-directly from an autodying function. The C<function> argument
-is required, its the function we were trying to call that
-generated the exception. The C<args> parameter is optional.
-The C<errno> value is optional. In versions of C<autodie::exception>
-1.99 and earlier the code would try to automatically use the
-current value of C<$!>, but this was unreliable and is no longer
-Atrributes such as package, file, and caller are determined
-automatically, and cannot be specified.
-sub new {
- my ($class, @args) = @_;
- my $this = {};
- bless($this,$class);
- # I'd love to use EVERY here, but it causes our code to die
- # because it wants to stringify our objects before they're
- # initialised, causing everything to explode.
- $this->_init(@args);
- return $this;
-sub _init {
- my ($this, %args) = @_;
- # Capturing errno here is not necessarily reliable.
- my $original_errno = $!;
- our $init_called = 1;
- my $class = ref $this;
- # We're going to walk up our call stack, looking for the
- # first thing that doesn't look like our exception
- # code, autodie/Fatal, or some whacky eval.
- my ($package, $file, $line, $sub);
- my $depth = 0;
- while (1) {
- $depth++;
- ($package, $file, $line, $sub) = CORE::caller($depth);
- # Skip up the call stack until we find something outside
- # of the Fatal/autodie/eval space.
- next if $package->isa('Fatal');
- next if $package->isa($class);
- next if $package->isa(__PACKAGE__);
- next if $file =~ /^\(eval\s\d+\)$/;
- last;
- }
- # We now have everything correct, *except* for our subroutine
- # name. If it's __ANON__ or (eval), then we need to keep on
- # digging deeper into our stack to find the real name. However we
- # don't update our other information, since that will be correct
- # for our current exception.
- my $first_guess_subroutine = $sub;
- while (defined $sub and $sub =~ /^\(eval\)$|::__ANON__$/) {
- $depth++;
- $sub = (CORE::caller($depth))[3];
- }
- # If we end up falling out the bottom of our stack, then our
- # __ANON__ guess is the best we can get. This includes situations
- # where we were called from the top level of a program.
- if (not defined $sub) {
- $sub = $first_guess_subroutine;
- }
- $this->{$PACKAGE}{package} = $package;
- $this->{$PACKAGE}{file} = $file;
- $this->{$PACKAGE}{line} = $line;
- $this->{$PACKAGE}{caller} = $sub;
- $this->{$PACKAGE}{package} = $package;
- $this->{$PACKAGE}{errno} = $args{errno} || 0;
- $this->{$PACKAGE}{context} = $args{context};
- $this->{$PACKAGE}{return} = $args{return};
- $this->{$PACKAGE}{eval_error} = $args{eval_error};
- $this->{$PACKAGE}{args} = $args{args} || [];
- $this->{$PACKAGE}{function}= $args{function} or
- croak("$class->new() called without function arg");
- return $this;
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<autodie>, L<autodie::exception::system>
-=head1 LICENSE
-Copyright (C)2008 Paul Fenwick
-This is free software. You may modify and/or redistribute this
-code under the same terms as Perl 5.10 itself, or, at your option,
-any later version of Perl 5.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Paul Fenwick E<lt><gt>
diff --git a/ext/autodie/lib/autodie/exception/ b/ext/autodie/lib/autodie/exception/
deleted file mode 100644
index 07cd1c9a03..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/lib/autodie/exception/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-package autodie::exception::system;
-use 5.008;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use base 'autodie::exception';
-use Carp qw(croak);
-our $VERSION = '2.06_01';
-=head1 NAME
-autodie::exception::system - Exceptions from autodying system().
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- eval {
- use autodie qw(system);
- system($cmd, @args);
- };
- if (my $E = $@) {
- say "Ooops! ",$E->caller," had problems: $@";
- }
-This is a L<autodie::exception> class for failures from the
-C<system> command.
-Presently there is no way to interrogate an C<autodie::exception::system>
-object for the command, exit status, and other information you'd expect
-such an object to hold. The interface will be expanded to accommodate
-this in the future.
-sub _init {
- my ($this, %args) = @_;
- $this->{$PACKAGE}{message} = $args{message}
- || croak "'message' arg not supplied to autodie::exception::system->new";
- return $this->SUPER::_init(%args);
-=head2 stringify
-When stringified, C<autodie::exception::system> objects currently
-use the message generated by L<IPC::System::Simple>.
-sub stringify {
- my ($this) = @_;
- return $this->{$PACKAGE}{message} . $this->add_file_and_line;
-=head1 LICENSE
-Copyright (C)2008 Paul Fenwick
-This is free software. You may modify and/or redistribute this
-code under the same terms as Perl 5.10 itself, or, at your option,
-any later version of Perl 5.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Paul Fenwick E<lt><gt>
diff --git a/ext/autodie/lib/autodie/ b/ext/autodie/lib/autodie/
deleted file mode 100644
index e7be03a047..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/lib/autodie/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,598 +0,0 @@
-package autodie::hints;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use constant PERL58 => ( $] < 5.009 );
-our $VERSION = '2.06_01';
-=head1 NAME
-autodie::hints - Provide hints about user subroutines to autodie
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- package Your::Module;
- our %DOES = ( 'autodie::hints::provider' => 1 );
- return {
- foo => { scalar => HINTS, list => SOME_HINTS },
- bar => { scalar => HINTS, list => MORE_HINTS },
- }
- }
- # Later, in your main program...
- use Your::Module qw(foo bar);
- use autodie qw(:default foo bar);
- foo(); # succeeds or dies based on scalar hints
- # Alternatively, hints can be set on subroutines we've
- # imported.
- use autodie::hints;
- use Some::Module qw(think_positive);
- autodie::hints->set_hints_for(
- \&think_positive,
- {
- fail => sub { $_[0] <= 0 }
- }
- )
- }
- use autodie qw(think_positive);
- think_positive(...); # Returns positive or dies.
-=head2 Introduction
-The L<autodie> pragma is very smart when it comes to working with
-Perl's built-in functions. The behaviour for these functions are
-fixed, and C<autodie> knows exactly how they try to signal failure.
-But what about user-defined subroutines from modules? If you use
-C<autodie> on a user-defined subroutine then it assumes the following
-behaviour to demonstrate failure:
-=item *
-A false value, in scalar context
-=item *
-An empty list, in list context
-=item *
-A list containing a single undef, in list context
-All other return values (including the list of the single zero, and the
-list containing a single empty string) are considered successful. However,
-real-world code isn't always that easy. Perhaps the code you're working
-with returns a string containing the word "FAIL" upon failure, or a
-two element list containing C<(undef, "human error message")>. To make
-autodie work with these sorts of subroutines, we have
-the I<hinting interface>.
-The hinting interface allows I<hints> to be provided to C<autodie>
-on how it should detect failure from user-defined subroutines. While
-these I<can> be provided by the end-user of C<autodie>, they are ideally
-written into the module itself, or into a helper module or sub-class
-of C<autodie> itself.
-=head2 What are hints?
-A I<hint> is a subroutine or value that is checked against the
-return value of an autodying subroutine. If the match returns true,
-C<autodie> considers the subroutine to have failed.
-If the hint provided is a subroutine, then C<autodie> will pass
-the complete return value to that subroutine. If the hint is
-any other value, then C<autodie> will smart-match against the
-value provided. In Perl 5.8.x there is no smart-match operator, and as such
-only subroutine hints are supported in these versions.
-Hints can be provided for both scalar and list contexts. Note
-that an autodying subroutine will never see a void context, as
-C<autodie> always needs to capture the return value for examination.
-Autodying subroutines called in void context act as if they're called
-in a scalar context, but their return value is discarded after it
-has been checked.
-=head2 Example hints
-Hints may consist of scalars, array references, regular expressions and
-subroutine references. You can specify different hints for how
-failure should be identified in scalar and list contexts.
-These examples apply for use in the C<AUTODIE_HINTS> subroutine and when
-calling C<autodie::hints->set_hints_for()>.
-The most common context-specific hints are:
- # Scalar failures always return undef:
- { scalar => undef }
- # Scalar failures return any false value [default expectation]:
- { scalar => sub { ! $_[0] } }
- # Scalar failures always return zero explicitly:
- { scalar => '0' }
- # List failures always return an empty list:
- { list => [] }
- # List failures return () or (undef) [default expectation]:
- { list => sub { ! @_ || @_ == 1 && !defined $_[0] } }
- # List failures return () or a single false value:
- { list => sub { ! @_ || @_ == 1 && !$_[0] } }
- # List failures return (undef, "some string")
- { list => sub { @_ == 2 && !defined $_[0] } }
- # Unsuccessful foo() returns 'FAIL' or '_FAIL' in scalar context,
- # returns (-1) in list context...
- autodie::hints->set_hints_for(
- \&foo,
- {
- scalar => qr/^ _? FAIL $/xms,
- list => [-1],
- }
- );
- # Unsuccessful foo() returns 0 in all contexts...
- autodie::hints->set_hints_for(
- \&foo,
- {
- scalar => 0,
- list => [0],
- }
- );
-This "in all contexts" construction is very common, and can be
-abbreviated, using the 'fail' key. This sets both the C<scalar>
-and C<list> hints to the same value:
- # Unsuccessful foo() returns 0 in all contexts...
- autodie::hints->set_hints_for(
- \&foo,
- {
- fail => sub { @_ == 1 and defined $_[0] and $_[0] == 0 }
- }
- );
- # Unsuccessful think_positive() returns negative number on failure...
- autodie::hints->set_hints_for(
- \&think_positive,
- {
- fail => sub { $_[0] < 0 }
- }
- );
- # Unsuccessful my_system() returns non-zero on failure...
- autodie::hints->set_hints_for(
- \&my_system,
- {
- fail => sub { $_[0] != 0 }
- }
- );
-=head1 Manually setting hints from within your program
-If you are using a module which returns something special on failure, then
-you can manually create hints for each of the desired subroutines. Once
-the hints are specified, they are available for all files and modules loaded
-thereafter, thus you can move this work into a module and it will still
- use Some::Module qw(foo bar);
- use autodie::hints;
- autodie::hints->set_hints_for(
- \&foo,
- {
- scalar => SCALAR_HINT,
- list => LIST_HINT,
- }
- );
- autodie::hints->set_hints_for(
- \&bar,
- { fail => SOME_HINT, }
- );
-It is possible to pass either a subroutine reference (recommended) or a fully
-qualified subroutine name as the first argument. This means you can set hints
-on modules that I<might> get loaded:
- use autodie::hints;
- autodie::hints->set_hints_for(
- 'Some::Module:bar', { fail => SCALAR_HINT, }
- );
-This technique is most useful when you have a project that uses a
-lot of third-party modules. You can define all your possible hints
-in one-place. This can even be in a sub-class of autodie. For
- package my::autodie;
- use parent qw(autodie);
- use autodie::hints;
- autodie::hints->set_hints_for(...);
- 1;
-You can now C<use my::autodie>, which will work just like the standard
-C<autodie>, but is now aware of any hints that you've set.
-=head1 Adding hints to your module
-C<autodie> provides a passive interface to allow you to declare hints for
-your module. These hints will be found and used by C<autodie> if it
-is loaded, but otherwise have no effect (or dependencies) without autodie.
-To set these, your module needs to declare that it I<does> the
-C<autodie::hints::provider> role. This can be done by writing your
-own C<DOES> method, using a system such as C<Class::DOES> to handle
-the heavy-lifting for you, or declaring a C<%DOES> package variable
-with a C<autodie::hints::provider> key and a corresponding true value.
-Note that checking for a C<%DOES> hash is an C<autodie>-only
-short-cut. Other modules do not use this mechanism for checking
-roles, although you can use the C<Class::DOES> module from the
-CPAN to allow it.
-In addition, you must define a C<AUTODIE_HINTS> subroutine that returns
-a hash-reference containing the hints for your subroutines:
- package Your::Module;
- # We can use the Class::DOES from the CPAN to declare adherence
- # to a role.
- use Class::DOES 'autodie::hints::provider' => 1;
- # Alternatively, we can declare the role in %DOES. Note that
- # this is an autodie specific optimisation, although Class::DOES
- # can be used to promote this to a true role declaration.
- our %DOES = ( 'autodie::hints::provider' => 1 );
- # Finally, we must define the hints themselves.
- return {
- foo => { scalar => HINTS, list => SOME_HINTS },
- bar => { scalar => HINTS, list => MORE_HINTS },
- baz => { fail => HINTS },
- }
- }
-This allows your code to set hints without relying on C<autodie> and
-C<autodie::hints> being loaded, or even installed. In this way your
-code can do the right thing when C<autodie> is installed, but does not
-need to depend upon it to function.
-=head1 Insisting on hints
-When a user-defined subroutine is wrapped by C<autodie>, it will
-use hints if they are available, and otherwise reverts to the
-I<default behaviour> described in the introduction of this document.
-This can be problematic if we expect a hint to exist, but (for
-whatever reason) it has not been loaded.
-We can ask autodie to I<insist> that a hint be used by prefixing
-an exclamation mark to the start of the subroutine name. A lone
-exclamation mark indicates that I<all> subroutines after it must
-have hints declared.
- # foo() and bar() must have their hints defined
- use autodie qw( !foo !bar baz );
- # Everything must have hints (recommended).
- use autodie qw( ! foo bar baz );
- # bar() and baz() must have their hints defined
- use autodie qw( foo ! bar baz );
- # Enable autodie for all of Perl's supported built-ins,
- # as well as for foo(), bar() and baz(). Everything must
- # have hints.
- use autodie qw( ! :all foo bar baz );
-If hints are not available for the specified subroutines, this will cause a
-compile-time error. Insisting on hints for Perl's built-in functions
-(eg, C<open> and C<close>) is always successful.
-Insisting on hints is I<strongly> recommended.
-# TODO: implement regular expression hints
-use constant UNDEF_ONLY => sub { not defined $_[0] };
-use constant EMPTY_OR_UNDEF => sub {
- ! @_ or
- @_==1 && !defined $_[0]
-use constant EMPTY_ONLY => sub { @_ == 0 };
-use constant EMPTY_OR_FALSE => sub {
- ! @_ or
- @_==1 && !$_[0]
-use constant SINGLE_TRUE => sub { @_ == 1 and not $_[0] };
-use constant DEFAULT_HINTS => {
- scalar => UNDEF_ONLY,
- list => EMPTY_OR_UNDEF,
-use constant HINTS_PROVIDER => 'autodie::hints::provider';
-use base qw(Exporter);
-our $DEBUG = 0;
-# Only ( undef ) is a strange but possible situation for very
-# badly written code. It's not supported yet.
-my %Hints = (
- 'File::Copy::copy' => { scalar => SINGLE_TRUE, list => SINGLE_TRUE },
- 'File::Copy::move' => { scalar => SINGLE_TRUE, list => SINGLE_TRUE },
- 'File::Copy::cp' => { scalar => SINGLE_TRUE, list => SINGLE_TRUE },
- 'File::Copy::mv' => { scalar => SINGLE_TRUE, list => SINGLE_TRUE },
-# Start by using Sub::Identify if it exists on this system.
-eval { require Sub::Identify; Sub::Identify->import('get_code_info'); };
-# If it doesn't exist, we'll define our own. This code is directly
-# taken from Rafael Garcia's Sub::Identify 0.04, used under the same
-# license as Perl itself.
-if ($@) {
- require B;
- no warnings 'once';
- *get_code_info = sub ($) {
- my ($coderef) = @_;
- ref $coderef or return;
- my $cv = B::svref_2object($coderef);
- $cv->isa('B::CV') or return;
- # bail out if GV is undefined
- $cv->GV->isa('B::SPECIAL') and return;
- return ($cv->GV->STASH->NAME, $cv->GV->NAME);
- };
-sub sub_fullname {
- return join( '::', get_code_info( $_[1] ) );
-my %Hints_loaded = ();
-sub load_hints {
- my ($class, $sub) = @_;
- my ($package) = ( $sub =~ /(.*)::/ );
- if (not defined $package) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak(
- "Internal error in autodie::hints::load_hints - no package found.
- ");
- }
- # Do nothing if we've already tried to load hints for
- # this package.
- return if $Hints_loaded{$package}++;
- my $hints_available = 0;
- {
- no strict 'refs'; ## no critic
- if ($package->can('DOES') and $package->DOES(HINTS_PROVIDER) ) {
- $hints_available = 1;
- }
- elsif ( PERL58 and $package->isa(HINTS_PROVIDER) ) {
- $hints_available = 1;
- }
- elsif ( ${"${package}::DOES"}{HINTS_PROVIDER.""} ) {
- $hints_available = 1;
- }
- }
- return if not $hints_available;
- my %package_hints = %{ $package->AUTODIE_HINTS };
- foreach my $sub (keys %package_hints) {
- my $hint = $package_hints{$sub};
- # Ensure we have a package name.
- $sub = "${package}::$sub" if $sub !~ /::/;
- # TODO - Currently we don't check for conflicts, should we?
- $Hints{$sub} = $hint;
- $class->normalise_hints(\%Hints, $sub);
- }
- return;
-sub normalise_hints {
- my ($class, $hints, $sub) = @_;
- if ( exists $hints->{$sub}->{fail} ) {
- if ( exists $hints->{$sub}->{scalar} or
- exists $hints->{$sub}->{list}
- ) {
- # TODO: Turn into a proper diagnostic.
- require Carp;
- local $Carp::CarpLevel = 1;
- Carp::croak("fail hints cannot be provided with either scalar or list hints for $sub");
- }
- # Set our scalar and list hints.
- $hints->{$sub}->{scalar} =
- $hints->{$sub}->{list} = delete $hints->{$sub}->{fail};
- return;
- }
- # Check to make sure all our hints exist.
- foreach my $hint (qw(scalar list)) {
- if ( not exists $hints->{$sub}->{$hint} ) {
- # TODO: Turn into a proper diagnostic.
- require Carp;
- local $Carp::CarpLevel = 1;
- Carp::croak("$hint hint missing for $sub");
- }
- }
- return;
-sub get_hints_for {
- my ($class, $sub) = @_;
- my $subname = $class->sub_fullname( $sub );
- # If we have hints loaded for a sub, then return them.
- if ( exists $Hints{ $subname } ) {
- return $Hints{ $subname };
- }
- # If not, we try to load them...
- $class->load_hints( $subname );
- # ...and try again!
- if ( exists $Hints{ $subname } ) {
- return $Hints{ $subname };
- }
- # It's the caller's responsibility to use defaults if desired.
- # This allows on autodie to insist on hints if needed.
- return;
-sub set_hints_for {
- my ($class, $sub, $hints) = @_;
- if (ref $sub) {
- $sub = $class->sub_fullname( $sub );
- require Carp;
- $sub or Carp::croak("Attempts to set_hints_for unidentifiable subroutine");
- }
- if ($DEBUG) {
- warn "autodie::hints: Setting $sub to hints: $hints\n";
- }
- $Hints{ $sub } = $hints;
- $class->normalise_hints(\%Hints, $sub);
- return;
-=head1 Diagnostics
-=over 4
-=item Attempts to set_hints_for unidentifiable subroutine
-You've called C<< autodie::hints->set_hints_for() >> using a subroutine
-reference, but that reference could not be resolved back to a
-subroutine name. It may be an anonymous subroutine (which can't
-be made autodying), or may lack a name for other reasons.
-If you receive this error with a subroutine that has a real name,
-then you may have found a bug in autodie. See L<autodie/BUGS>
-for how to report this.
-=item fail hints cannot be provided with either scalar or list hints for %s
-When defining hints, you can either supply both C<list> and
-C<scalar> keywords, I<or> you can provide a single C<fail> keyword.
-You can't mix and match them.
-=item %s hint missing for %s
-You've provided either a C<scalar> hint without supplying
-a C<list> hint, or vice-versa. You I<must> supply both C<scalar>
-and C<list> hints, I<or> a single C<fail> hint.
-=item *
-Dr Damian Conway for suggesting the hinting interface and providing the
-example usage.
-=item *
-Jacinta Richardson for translating much of my ideas into this
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Copyright 2009, Paul Fenwick E<lt><gt>
-=head1 LICENSE
-This module is free software. You may distribute it under the
-same terms as Perl itself.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<autodie>, L<Class::DOES>
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/00-load.t b/ext/autodie/t/00-load.t
deleted file mode 100755
index d07fcaefbe..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/00-load.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#!perl -T
-use Test::More tests => 1;
- use_ok( 'Fatal' );
-# diag( "Testing Fatal $Fatal::VERSION, Perl $], $^X" );
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/Fatal.t b/ext/autodie/t/Fatal.t
deleted file mode 100755
index a291837d13..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/Fatal.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use constant NO_SUCH_FILE => "this_file_or_dir_had_better_not_exist_XYZZY";
-use Test::More tests => 17;
-use Fatal qw(open close :void opendir);
-eval { open FOO, "<".NO_SUCH_FILE }; # Two arg open
-like($@, qr/^Can't open/, q{Package Fatal::open});
-is(ref $@, "", "Regular fatal throws a string");
-my $foo = 'FOO';
-for ('$foo', "'$foo'", "*$foo", "\\*$foo") {
- eval qq{ open $_, '<$0' };
- is($@,"", "Open using filehandle named - $_");
- like(scalar(<$foo>), qr{^#!.*/perl}, "File contents using - $_");
- eval qq{ close FOO };
- is($@,"", "Close filehandle using - $_");
-eval { opendir FOO, NO_SUCH_FILE };
-like($@, qr{^Can't open}, "Package :void Fatal::opendir");
-eval { my $a = opendir FOO, NO_SUCH_FILE };
-is($@, "", "Package :void Fatal::opendir in scalar context");
-eval { Fatal->import(qw(print)) };
- $@, qr{Cannot make the non-overridable builtin print fatal},
- "Can't override print"
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/autodie.t b/ext/autodie/t/autodie.t
deleted file mode 100755
index c528a160a4..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/autodie.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use constant NO_SUCH_FILE => 'this_file_had_so_better_not_be_here';
-use Test::More tests => 19;
- use autodie qw(open);
- eval { open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE); };
- like($@,qr{Can't open},"autodie qw(open) in lexical scope");
- no autodie qw(open);
- eval { open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE); };
- is($@,"","no autodie qw(open) in lexical scope");
- use autodie qw(open);
- eval { open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE); };
- like($@,qr{Can't open},"autodie qw(open) in lexical scope 2");
- no autodie; # Should turn off all autodying subs
- eval { open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE); };
- is($@,"","no autodie in lexical scope 2");
- # Turn our pragma on one last time, so we can verify that
- # falling out of this block reverts it back to previous
- # behaviour.
- use autodie qw(open);
- eval { open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE); };
- like($@,qr{Can't open},"autodie qw(open) in lexical scope 3");
-eval { open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE); };
-is($@,"","autodie open outside of lexical scope");
-eval {
- use autodie; # Should turn on everything
- open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE);
-like($@, qr{Can't open}, "vanilla use autodie turns on everything.");
-eval { open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE); };
-is($@,"","vanilla autodie cleans up");
- use autodie qw(:io);
- eval { open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE); };
- like($@,qr{Can't open},"autodie q(:io) makes autodying open");
- no autodie qw(:io);
- eval { open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE); };
- is($@,"", "no autodie qw(:io) disabled autodying open");
- package Testing_autodie;
- use Test::More;
- use constant NO_SUCH_FILE => ::NO_SUCH_FILE();
- use Fatal qw(open);
- eval { open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE); };
- like($@, qr{Can't open}, "Package fatal working");
- is(ref $@,"","Old Fatal throws strings");
- {
- use autodie qw(open);
- ok(1,"use autodie allowed with Fatal");
- eval { open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE); };
- like($@, qr{Can't open}, "autodie and Fatal works");
- isa_ok($@, "autodie::exception"); # autodie throws real exceptions
- }
- eval { open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE); };
- like($@, qr{Can't open}, "Package fatal working after autodie");
- is(ref $@,"","Old Fatal throws strings after autodie");
- eval " no autodie qw(open); ";
- ok($@,"no autodie on Fataled sub an error.");
- eval "
- no autodie qw(close);
- use Fatal 'close';
- ";
- like($@, qr{not allowed}, "Using fatal after autodie is an error.");
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/ b/ext/autodie/t/
deleted file mode 100644
index e8e824c522..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-package main;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-# Calls open, while still in the main package. This shouldn't
-# be autodying.
-sub leak_test {
- return open(my $fh, '<', $_[0]);
-package autodie_test_module;
-# This should be calling CORE::open
-sub your_open {
- return open(my $fh, '<', $_[0]);
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/backcompat.t b/ext/autodie/t/backcompat.t
deleted file mode 100755
index acb81245b8..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/backcompat.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use Fatal qw(open);
-use Test::More tests => 2;
-use constant NO_SUCH_FILE => "xyzzy_this_file_is_not_here";
-eval {
- open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE);
-my $old_msg = qr{Can't open\(GLOB\(0x[0-9a-f]+\), <, xyzzy_this_file_is_not_here\): .* at \(eval \d+\)(?:\[.*?\])? line \d+\s+main::__ANON__\('GLOB\(0x[0-9a-f]+\)',\s*'<',\s*'xyzzy_this_file_is_not_here'\) called at \S+ line \d+\s+eval \Q{...}\E called at \S+ line \d+};
-like($@,$old_msg,"Backwards compat ugly messages");
-is(ref($@),"", "Exception is a string, not an object");
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/basic_exceptions.t b/ext/autodie/t/basic_exceptions.t
deleted file mode 100755
index c732dd587d..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/basic_exceptions.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 19;
-use constant NO_SUCH_FILE => "this_file_had_better_not_exist";
-my $line;
-eval {
- use autodie ':io';
- $line = __LINE__; open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE);
-like($@, qr/Can't open '\w+' for reading: /, "Prety printed open msg");
-like($@, qr{\Q$0\E}, "Our file mention in error message");
-like($@, qr{for reading: '.+'}, "Error should be in single-quotes");
-like($@->errno,qr/./, "Errno should not be empty");
-like($@, qr{\n$}, "Errors should end with a newline");
-is($@->file, $0, "Correct file");
-is($@->function, 'CORE::open', "Correct dying sub");
-is($@->package, __PACKAGE__, "Correct package");
-is($@->caller,__PACKAGE__."::__ANON__", "Correct caller");
-is($@->line, $line, "Correct line");
-is($@->args->[1], '<', 'Correct mode arg');
-is($@->args->[2], NO_SUCH_FILE, 'Correct filename arg');
-ok($@->matches('open'), 'Looks like an error from open');
-ok($@->matches(':io'), 'Looks like an error from :io');
-is($@->context, 'scalar', 'Open called in scalar/void context');
-is($@->return,undef,'Open should return undef on failure');
-# Testing of caller info with a real subroutine.
-my $line2;
-sub xyzzy {
- use autodie ':io';
- $line2 = __LINE__; open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE);
- return;
-eval { xyzzy(); };
-isa_ok($@, 'autodie::exception');
-is($@->caller, __PACKAGE__."::xyzzy", "Subroutine caller test");
-is($@->line, $line2, "Subroutine line test");
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/binmode.t b/ext/autodie/t/binmode.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 317a41303c..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/binmode.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use Test::More 'no_plan';
-# These are a bunch of general tests for working with files and
-# filehandles.
-my $r = "default";
-eval {
- no warnings;
- $r = binmode(FOO);
-is($@,"","Sanity: binmode(FOO) doesn't usually throw exceptions");
-is($r,undef,"Sanity: binmode(FOO) returns undef");
-eval {
- use autodie qw(binmode);
- no warnings;
- binmode(FOO);
-ok($@, "autodie qw(binmode) should cause failing binmode to die.");
-isa_ok($@,"autodie::exception", "binmode exceptions are in autodie::exception");
-eval {
- use autodie;
- no warnings;
- binmode(FOO);
-ok($@, "autodie (default) should cause failing binmode to die.");
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/blog_hints.t b/ext/autodie/t/blog_hints.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 395cb14342..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/blog_hints.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More 'no_plan';
-use FindBin;
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-use Some::Module qw(some_sub);
-use my::autodie qw(! some_sub);
-eval { some_sub() };
-isnt("$@", "", "some_sub should die in void/scalar context");
-isa_ok($@, 'autodie::exception');
-is($@->context, 'scalar');
-is($@->function, 'Some::Module::some_sub');
-like("$@", qr/can't be called in scalar context/);
-my @returns = eval { some_sub(0); };
-is($@, "", "Good call to some_sub");
-is_deeply(\@returns, [1,2,3], "Returns unmolested");
-@returns = eval { some_sub(1) };
-is($@->return->[0], undef);
-is($@->return->[1], 'Insufficient credit');
-like("$@", qr/Insufficient credit/);
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/caller.t b/ext/autodie/t/caller.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 1874353627..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/caller.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use autodie;
-use Test::More 'no_plan';
-use FindBin qw($Bin);
-use lib "$Bin/lib";
-use Caller_helper;
-use constant NO_SUCH_FILE => "kiwifoo_is_so_much_fun";
-eval {
- foo();
-isa_ok($@, 'autodie::exception');
-is($@->caller, 'main::foo', "Caller should be main::foo");
-sub foo {
- use autodie;
- open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE);
-eval {
- Caller_helper::foo();
-isa_ok($@, 'autodie::exception');
-is($@->line, $Caller_helper::line, "External line number check");
-is($@->file, $INC{""}, "External filename check");
-is($@->package, "Caller_helper", "External package check");
-is($@->caller, "Caller_helper::foo", "External subname check");
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/context.t b/ext/autodie/t/context.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 39b86497c6..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/context.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-plan 'no_plan';
-sub list_return {
- return if @_;
- return qw(foo bar baz);
-sub list_return2 {
- return if @_;
- return qw(foo bar baz);
-# Returns a list presented to it, but also returns a single
-# undef if given a list of a single undef. This mimics the
-# behaviour of many user-defined subs and built-ins (eg: open) that
-# always return undef regardless of context.
-sub list_mirror {
- return undef if (@_ == 1 and not defined $_[0]);
- return @_;
-use Fatal qw(list_return);
-use Fatal qw(:void list_return2);
-TODO: {
- # Clobbering context was documented as a bug in the original
- # Fatal, so we'll still consider it a bug here.
- local $TODO = "Fatal clobbers context, just like it always has.";
- my @list = list_return();
- is_deeply(\@list,[qw(foo bar baz)],'fatal sub works in list context');
-eval {
- my @line = list_return(1); # Should die
-ok($@,"List return fatalised");
-### Tests where we've fatalised our function with :void ###
-my @list2 = list_return2();
-is_deeply(\@list2,[qw(foo bar baz)],'fatal sub works in list context');
-eval {
- my @line = list_return2(1); # Shouldn't die
-ok(! $@,"void List return fatalised survives when non-void");
-eval {
- list_return2(1);
-ok($@,"void List return fatalised");
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/context_lexical.t b/ext/autodie/t/context_lexical.t
deleted file mode 100755
index ce50b75c4b..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/context_lexical.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-plan 'no_plan';
-# Returns a list presented to it, but also returns a single
-# undef if given a list of a single undef. This mimics the
-# behaviour of many user-defined subs and built-ins (eg: open) that
-# always return undef regardless of context.
-# We also do an 'empty return' if no arguments are passed. This
-# mimics the PBP guideline for returning nothing.
-sub list_mirror {
- return undef if (@_ == 1 and not defined $_[0]);
- return if not @_;
- return @_;
-### autodie clobbering tests ###
-eval {
- list_mirror();
-is($@, "", "No autodie, no fatality");
-eval {
- use autodie qw(list_mirror);
- list_mirror();
-ok($@, "Autodie fatality for empty return in void context");
-eval {
- list_mirror();
-is($@, "", "No autodie, no fatality (after autodie used)");
-eval {
- use autodie qw(list_mirror);
- list_mirror(undef);
-ok($@, "Autodie fatality for undef return in void context");
-eval {
- use autodie qw(list_mirror);
- my @list = list_mirror();
-ok($@,"Autodie fatality for empty list return");
-eval {
- use autodie qw(list_mirror);
- my @list = list_mirror(undef);
-ok($@,"Autodie fatality for undef list return");
-eval {
- use autodie qw(list_mirror);
- my @list = list_mirror("tada");
-ok(! $@,"No Autodie fatality for defined list return");
-eval {
- use autodie qw(list_mirror);
- my $single = list_mirror("tada");
-ok(! $@,"No Autodie fatality for defined scalar return");
-eval {
- use autodie qw(list_mirror);
- my $single = list_mirror(undef);
-ok($@,"Autodie fatality for undefined scalar return");
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/crickey.t b/ext/autodie/t/crickey.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 91a7d7837a..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/crickey.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use FindBin;
-use Test::More 'no_plan';
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-use constant NO_SUCH_FILE => "crickey_mate_this_file_isnt_here_either";
-use autodie::test::au qw(open);
-eval {
- open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE);
-ok(my $e = $@, 'Strewth! autodie::test::au should throw an exception on failure');
-isa_ok($e, 'autodie::test::au::exception',
- 'Yeah mate, that should be our test exception.');
-like($e, qr/time for a beer/, "Time for a beer mate?");
-like( eval { $e->time_for_a_beer; },
- qr/time for a beer/, "It's always a good time for a beer."
-ok($e->matches('open'), "Should be a fair dinkum error from open");
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/dbmopen.t b/ext/autodie/t/dbmopen.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 31698e65be..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/dbmopen.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use Test::More qw(no_plan);
-use constant ERROR_REGEXP => qr{Can't dbmopen\(%hash, 'foo/bar/baz', 0666\):};
-my $return = "default";
-eval {
- $return = dbmopen(my %foo, "foo/bar/baz", 0666);
-ok(!$return, "Sanity: dbmopen usually returns false on failure");
-ok(!$@, "Sanity: dbmopen doesn't usually throw exceptions");
-eval {
- use autodie;
- dbmopen(my %foo, "foo/bar/baz", 0666);
-ok($@, "autodie allows dbmopen to throw errors.");
-isa_ok($@, "autodie::exception", "... errors are of the correct type");
-like($@, ERROR_REGEXP, "Message should include number in octal, not decimal");
-eval {
- use autodie;
- my %bar = ( foo => 1, bar => 2 );
- dbmopen(%bar, "foo/bar/baz", 0666);
-like($@, ERROR_REGEXP, "Correct formatting even with non-empty dbmopen hash");
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/exception_class.t b/ext/autodie/t/exception_class.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 127893bcbf..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/exception_class.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use FindBin;
-use Test::More 'no_plan';
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-use constant NO_SUCH_FILE => "this_file_had_better_not_exist_xyzzy";
-### Tests with non-existent exception class.
-my $open_success = eval {
- use autodie::test::missing qw(open); # Uses non-existent exceptions
- open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE);
- 1;
-is($open_success,undef,"Open should fail");
-isnt($@,"",'$@ should not be empty');
-is(ref($@),"",'$@ should not be a reference or object');
-like($@, qr/Failed to load/, '$@ should contain bad exception class msg');
-#### Tests with malformed exception class.
-my $open_success2 = eval {
- use autodie::test::badname qw(open);
- open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE);
- 1;
-is($open_success2,undef,"Open should fail");
-isnt($@,"",'$@ should not be empty');
-is(ref($@),"",'$@ should not be a reference or object');
-like($@, qr/Bad exception class/, '$@ should contain bad exception class msg');
-### Tests with well-formed exception class (in Klingon)
-my $open_success3 = eval {
- use pujHa'ghach qw(open); #' <-- this makes my editor happy
- open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE);
- 1;
-is($open_success3,undef,"Open should fail");
-isnt("$@","",'$@ should not be empty');
-isa_ok($@, "pujHa'ghach::Dotlh", '$@ should be a Klingon exception');
-like($@, qr/lujqu'/, '$@ should contain Klingon text');
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/exceptions.t b/ext/autodie/t/exceptions.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 2f8c2382fc..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/exceptions.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-BEGIN { plan skip_all => "Perl 5.10 only tests" if $] < 5.010; }
-# These are tests that depend upon 5.10 (eg, smart-match).
-# Basic tests should go in basic_exceptions.t
-use 5.010;
-use constant NO_SUCH_FILE => 'this_file_had_better_not_exist_xyzzy';
-plan 'no_plan';
-eval {
- use autodie ':io';
- open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE);
-ok($@, "Exception thrown" );
-ok($@ ~~ 'open', "Exception from open" );
-ok($@ ~~ ':file', "Exception from open / class :file" );
-ok($@ ~~ ':io', "Exception from open / class :io" );
-ok($@ ~~ ':all', "Exception from open / class :all" );
-eval {
- no warnings 'once'; # To prevent the following close from complaining.
-ok(! $@, "Close without autodie should fail silent");
-eval {
- use autodie ':io';
-like($@, qr{Can't close filehandle 'THIS_FILEHANDLE_AINT_OPEN'},"Nice msg from close");
-ok($@, "Exception thrown" );
-ok($@ ~~ 'close', "Exception from close" );
-ok($@ ~~ ':file', "Exception from close / class :file" );
-ok($@ ~~ ':io', "Exception from close / class :io" );
-ok($@ ~~ ':all', "Exception from close / class :all" );
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/exec.t b/ext/autodie/t/exec.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 0d4439a8c1..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/exec.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 3;
-eval {
- use autodie qw(exec);
- exec("this_command_had_better_not_exist", 1);
-isa_ok($@,"autodie::exception", "failed execs should die");
-ok($@->matches('exec'), "exception should match exec");
-ok($@->matches(':system'), "exception should match :system");
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/filehandles.t b/ext/autodie/t/filehandles.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 5bdf732e2c..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/filehandles.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-package main;
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-# We may see failures with package filehandles if Fatal/autodie
-# incorrectly pulls out a cached subroutine from a different package.
-# We're using Fatal because package filehandles are likely to
-# see more use with Fatal than autodie.
-use Fatal qw(open);
-eval {
- open(FILE, '<', $0);
-if ($@) {
- # Holy smokes! We couldn't even open our own file, bail out...
- plan skip_all => q{Can't open $0 for filehandle tests}
-plan tests => 4;
-my $line = <FILE>;
-like($line, qr{perl}, 'Looks like we opened $0 correctly');
-package autodie::test;
-use Test::More;
-use Fatal qw(open);
-eval {
- open(FILE2, '<', $0);
-is($@,"",'Opened $0 in autodie::test');
-my $line2 = <FILE2>;
-like($line2, qr{perl}, '...and we can read from $0 fine');
-package main;
-# This shouldn't read anything, because FILE2 should be inside
-# autodie::test
-no warnings; # Otherwise we see problems with FILE2
-my $wrong_line = <FILE2>;
-ok(! defined($wrong_line),q{Filehandles shouldn't leak between packages});
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/fileno.t b/ext/autodie/t/fileno.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 2b9c2598e7..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/fileno.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 8;
-# Basic sanity tests.
-is(fileno(STDIN), 0, "STDIN fileno looks sane");
-is(fileno(STDOUT),1, "STDOUT looks sane");
-my $dummy = "foo";
-ok(!defined(fileno($dummy)), "Non-filehandles shouldn't be defined.");
-my $fileno = eval {
- use autodie qw(fileno);
- fileno(STDIN);
-is($@,"","fileno(STDIN) shouldn't die");
-is($fileno,0,"autodying fileno(STDIN) should be 0");
-$fileno = eval {
- use autodie qw(fileno);
- fileno(STDOUT);
-is($@,"","fileno(STDOUT) shouldn't die");
-is($fileno,1,"autodying fileno(STDOUT) should be 1");
-$fileno = eval {
- use autodie qw(fileno);
- fileno($dummy);
-isa_ok($@,"autodie::exception", 'autodying fileno($dummy) should die');
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/flock.t b/ext/autodie/t/flock.t
deleted file mode 100755
index a7550bad6a..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/flock.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-use Fcntl qw(:flock);
-require Fatal;
- || $Fatal::_EWOULDBLOCK{$^O}
- || plan skip_all => "EWOULDBLOCK not defined on this system";
-my ($self_fh, $self_fh2);
-eval {
- use autodie;
- open($self_fh, '<', $0);
- open($self_fh2, '<', $0);
- open(SELF, '<', $0);
-if ($@) {
- plan skip_all => "Cannot lock this test on this system.";
-my $flock_return = eval { flock($self_fh, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB); };
-if (not $flock_return) {
- plan skip_all => "flock on my own test not supported on this system.";
-my $flock_return2 = flock($self_fh2, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB);
-if ($flock_return2) {
- plan skip_all => "this test requires locking a file twice with ".
- "different filehandles to fail";
-$flock_return = flock($self_fh, LOCK_UN);
-if (not $flock_return) {
- plan skip_all => "Odd, I can't unlock a file with flock on this system.";
-# If we're here, then we can lock and unlock our own file.
-plan 'no_plan';
-ok( flock($self_fh, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB), "Test file locked");
-my $return;
-eval {
- use autodie qw(flock);
- $return = flock($self_fh2, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB);
-is($!+0, $EWOULDBLOCK, "Double-flocking should be EWOULDBLOCK");
-ok(!$return, "flocking a file twice should fail");
-is($@, "", "Non-blocking flock should not fail on EWOULDBLOCK");
-# These are old tests which I'd love to resurrect, but they need
-# a reliable way of getting flock to throw exceptions but with
-# minimal blocking. They may turn into author tests.
-eval {
- use autodie;
- flock($self_fh2, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB);
-ok($@, "Locking a file twice throws an exception with vanilla autodie");
-isa_ok($@, "autodie::exception", "Exception is from autodie::exception");
-like($@, qr/LOCK_EX/, "error message contains LOCK_EX switch");
-like($@, qr/LOCK_NB/, "error message contains LOCK_NB switch");
-unlike($@, qr/GLOB/ , "error doesn't include ugly GLOB mention");
-eval {
- use autodie;
- flock(SELF, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB);
-ok($@, "Locking a package filehanlde twice throws exception with vanilla autodie");
-isa_ok($@, "autodie::exception", "Exception is from autodie::exception");
-like($@, qr/LOCK_EX/, "error message contains LOCK_EX switch");
-like($@, qr/LOCK_NB/, "error message contains LOCK_NB switch");
-like($@, qr/SELF/ , "error mentions actual filehandle name.");
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/format-clobber.t b/ext/autodie/t/format-clobber.t
deleted file mode 100755
index ee8e8bd5c8..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/format-clobber.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use FindBin;
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-use Test::More tests => 21;
-our ($pvio, $pvfm);
-# Since we use use_ok, this is effectively 'compile time'.
-ok( defined *OtherTypes::foo{SCALAR},
- "SCALAR slot intact at compile time" );
-ok( defined *OtherTypes::foo{ARRAY},
- "ARRAY slot intact at compile time" );
-ok( defined *OtherTypes::foo{HASH},
- "HASH slot intact at compile time" );
-ok( defined *OtherTypes::foo{IO},
- "IO slot intact at compile time" );
-ok( defined *OtherTypes::foo{FORMAT},
- "FORMAT slot intact at compile time" );
-is( $OtherTypes::foo, 23,
- "SCALAR slot correct at compile time" );
-is( $OtherTypes::foo[0], "bar",
- "ARRAY slot correct at compile time" );
-is( $OtherTypes::foo{mouse}, "trap",
- "HASH slot correct at compile time" );
-is( *OtherTypes::foo{IO}, $pvio,
- "IO slot correct at compile time" );
-is( *OtherTypes::foo{FORMAT}, $pvfm,
- "FORMAT slot correct at compile time" );
-eval q{
- ok( defined *OtherTypes::foo{SCALAR},
- "SCALAR slot intact at run time" );
- ok( defined *OtherTypes::foo{ARRAY},
- "ARRAY slot intact at run time" );
- ok( defined *OtherTypes::foo{HASH},
- "HASH slot intact at run time" );
- ok( defined *OtherTypes::foo{IO},
- "IO slot intact at run time" );
- TODO: {
- local $TODO = "Copying formats fails due to a bug in Perl.";
- ok( defined *OtherTypes::foo{FORMAT},
- "FORMAT slot intact at run time" );
- }
- is( $OtherTypes::foo, 23,
- "SCALAR slot correct at run time" );
- is( $OtherTypes::foo[0], "bar",
- "ARRAY slot correct at run time" );
- is( $OtherTypes::foo{mouse}, "trap",
- "HASH slot correct at run time" );
- is( *OtherTypes::foo{IO}, $pvio,
- "IO slot correct at run time" );
- TODO: {
- local $TODO = "Copying formats fails due to a bug in Perl.";
- is( *OtherTypes::foo{FORMAT}, $pvfm,
- "FORMAT slot correct at run time" );
- }
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/hints.t b/ext/autodie/t/hints.t
deleted file mode 100755
index b508fee235..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/hints.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use autodie::hints;
-use FindBin;
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-use File::Copy qw(copy move cp mv);
-use Test::More 'no_plan';
-use constant NO_SUCH_FILE => "this_file_had_better_not_exist";
-use constant NO_SUCH_FILE2 => "this_file_had_better_not_exist_xyzzy";
-use constant PERL510 => ( $] >= 5.0100 );
-use constant PERL5101 => ( $] >= 5.0101 );
-use constant PERL5102 => ( $] >= 5.0102 );
-# File::Copy states that all subroutines return '0' on failure.
-# However both Windows and VMS may return other false values
-# (notably empty-string) on failure. This constant indicates
-# whether we should skip some tests because the return values
-# from File::Copy may not be what's in the documentation.
-use constant WEIRDO_FILE_COPY =>
- ( ! PERL5102 and ( $^O eq "MSWin32" or $^O eq "VMS" ));
-use Hints_test qw(
- fail_on_empty fail_on_false fail_on_undef
-use autodie qw(fail_on_empty fail_on_false fail_on_undef);
-diag("Sub::Identify ", exists( $INC{'Sub/'} ) ? "is" : "is not",
- " loaded") if (! $ENV{PERL_CORE});
-my $hints = "autodie::hints";
-# Basic hinting tests
-is( $hints->sub_fullname(\&copy), 'File::Copy::copy' , "Id: copy" );
- $hints->sub_fullname(\&cp),
- PERL5101 ? 'File::Copy::cp' : 'File::Copy::copy' , "Id: cp"
-is( $hints->sub_fullname(\&move), 'File::Copy::move' , "Id: move" );
-is( $hints->sub_fullname(\&mv),
- PERL5101 ? 'File::Copy::mv' : 'File::Copy::move' , "Id: mv"
-if (PERL510) {
- ok( $hints->get_hints_for(\&copy)->{scalar}->(0) ,
- "copy() hints should fail on 0 for scalars."
- );
- ok( $hints->get_hints_for(\&copy)->{list}->(0) ,
- "copy() hints should fail on 0 for lists."
- );
-# Scalar context test
-eval {
- use autodie qw(copy);
- my $scalar_context = copy(NO_SUCH_FILE, NO_SUCH_FILE2);
-isnt("$@", "", "Copying in scalar context should throw an error.");
-isa_ok($@, "autodie::exception");
-is($@->function, "File::Copy::copy", "Function should be original name");
-SKIP: {
- skip("File::Copy is weird on Win32/VMS before 5.10.1", 1)
- is($@->return, 0, "File::Copy returns zero on failure");
-is($@->context, "scalar", "File::Copy called in scalar context");
-# List context test.
-eval {
- use autodie qw(copy);
- my @list_context = copy(NO_SUCH_FILE, NO_SUCH_FILE2);
-isnt("$@", "", "Copying in list context should throw an error.");
-isa_ok($@, "autodie::exception");
-is($@->function, "File::Copy::copy", "Function should be original name");
-SKIP: {
- skip("File::Copy is weird on Win32/VMS before 5.10.1", 1)
- is_deeply($@->return, [0], "File::Copy returns zero on failure");
-is($@->context, "list", "File::Copy called in list context");
-# Tests on loaded funcs.
-my %tests = (
- # Test code # Exception expected?
- 'fail_on_empty()' => 1,
- 'fail_on_empty(0)' => 0,
- 'fail_on_empty(undef)' => 0,
- 'fail_on_empty(1)' => 0,
- 'fail_on_false()' => 1,
- 'fail_on_false(0)' => 1,
- 'fail_on_false(undef)' => 1,
- 'fail_on_false(1)' => 0,
- 'fail_on_undef()' => 1,
- 'fail_on_undef(0)' => 0,
- 'fail_on_undef(undef)' => 1,
- 'fail_on_undef(1)' => 0,
-# On Perl 5.8, autodie doesn't correctly propagate into string evals.
-# The following snippet forces the use of autodie inside the eval if
-# we really really have to. For 5.10+, we don't want to include this
-# fix, because the tests will act as a canary if we screw up string
-# eval propagation.
-my $perl58_fix = (
- $] >= 5.010 ?
- "" :
- "use autodie qw(fail_on_empty fail_on_false fail_on_undef); "
-while (my ($test, $exception_expected) = each %tests) {
- eval "
- $perl58_fix
- my \@array = $test;
- ";
- if ($exception_expected) {
- isnt("$@", "", $test);
- }
- else {
- is($@, "", $test);
- }
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/hints_insist.t b/ext/autodie/t/hints_insist.t
deleted file mode 100755
index ab618d2325..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/hints_insist.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use autodie;
-use Test::More tests => 5;
-use FindBin qw($Bin);
-use lib "$Bin/lib";
-use Hints_provider_does qw(always_pass always_fail no_hints);
-eval "use autodie qw( ! always_pass always_fail); ";
-is("$@", "", "Insisting on good hints (distributed insist)");
-is(always_pass(), "foo", "Always_pass() should still work");
-is(always_fail(), "foo", "Always_pass() should still work");
-eval "use autodie qw(!always_pass !always_fail); ";
-is("$@", "", "Insisting on good hints (individual insist)");
-my $ret = eval "use autodie qw(!no_hints); 1;";
-isnt("$@", "", "Asking for non-existent hints");
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/hints_pod_examples.t b/ext/autodie/t/hints_pod_examples.t
deleted file mode 100755
index a3c6f0f553..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/hints_pod_examples.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use autodie::hints;
-use Test::More;
-use constant PERL510 => ( $] >= 5.010 );
- if (not PERL510) {
- plan skip_all => "Only subroutine hints supported in 5.8.x";
- }
- else {
- plan 'no_plan';
- }
-use FindBin;
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-use Hints_pod_examples qw(
- undef_scalar false_scalar zero_scalar empty_list default_list
- empty_or_false_list undef_n_error_list foo re_fail bar
- think_positive my_system
-use autodie qw( !
- undef_scalar false_scalar zero_scalar empty_list default_list
- empty_or_false_list undef_n_error_list foo re_fail bar
- think_positive my_system
-my %scalar_tests = (
- # Test code # Exception expected?
- 'undef_scalar()' => 1,
- 'undef_scalar(1)', => 0,
- 'undef_scalar(0)', => 0,
- 'undef_scalar("")', => 0,
- 'false_scalar(0)', => 1,
- 'false_scalar()', => 1,
- 'false_scalar(undef)', => 1,
- 'false_scalar("")', => 1,
- 'false_scalar(1)', => 0,
- 'false_scalar("1")', => 0,
- 'zero_scalar("0")', => 1,
- 'zero_scalar(0)', => 1,
- 'zero_scalar(1)', => 0,
- 'zero_scalar(undef)', => 0,
- 'zero_scalar("")', => 0,
- 'foo(0)', => 1,
- 'foo(undef)', => 0,
- 'foo(1)', => 0,
- 'bar(0)', => 1,
- 'bar(undef)', => 0,
- 'bar(1)', => 0,
- 're_fail(-1)', => 0,
- 're_fail("FAIL")', => 1,
- 're_fail("_FAIL")', => 1,
- 're_fail("_fail")', => 0,
- 're_fail("fail")', => 0,
- 'think_positive(-1)' => 1,
- 'think_positive(-2)' => 1,
- 'think_positive(0)' => 0,
- 'think_positive(1)' => 0,
- 'think_positive(2)' => 0,
- 'my_system(1)' => 1,
- 'my_system(2)' => 1,
- 'my_system(0)' => 0,
-my %list_tests = (
- 'empty_list()', => 1,
- 'empty_list(())', => 1,
- 'empty_list([])', => 0,
- 'empty_list(0)', => 0,
- 'empty_list("")', => 0,
- 'empty_list(undef)', => 0,
- 'default_list()', => 1,
- 'default_list(0)', => 0,
- 'default_list("")', => 0,
- 'default_list(undef)', => 1,
- 'default_list(1)', => 0,
- 'default_list("str")', => 0,
- 'default_list(1, 2)', => 0,
- 'empty_or_false_list()', => 1,
- 'empty_or_false_list(())', => 1,
- 'empty_or_false_list(0)', => 1,
- 'empty_or_false_list(undef)',=> 1,
- 'empty_or_false_list("")', => 1,
- 'empty_or_false_list("0")', => 1,
- 'empty_or_false_list(1,2)', => 0,
- 'empty_or_false_list("a")', => 0,
- 'undef_n_error_list(undef, 1)' => 1,
- 'undef_n_error_list(undef, "a")' => 1,
- 'undef_n_error_list()' => 0,
- 'undef_n_error_list(0, 1)' => 0,
- 'undef_n_error_list("", 1)' => 0,
- 'undef_n_error_list(1)' => 0,
- 'foo(0)', => 1,
- 'foo(undef)', => 0,
- 'foo(1)', => 0,
- 'bar(0)', => 1,
- 'bar(undef)', => 0,
- 'bar(1)', => 0,
- 're_fail(-1)', => 1,
- 're_fail("FAIL")', => 0,
- 're_fail("_FAIL")', => 0,
- 're_fail("_fail")', => 0,
- 're_fail("fail")', => 0,
- 'think_positive(-1)' => 1,
- 'think_positive(-2)' => 1,
- 'think_positive(0)' => 0,
- 'think_positive(1)' => 0,
- 'think_positive(2)' => 0,
- 'my_system(1)' => 1,
- 'my_system(2)' => 1,
- 'my_system(0)' => 0,
-# On Perl 5.8, autodie doesn't correctly propagate into string evals.
-# The following snippet forces the use of autodie inside the eval if
-# we really really have to. For 5.10+, we don't want to include this
-# fix, because the tests will act as a canary if we screw up string
-# eval propagation.
-my $perl58_fix = (
- PERL510 ?
- q{} :
- q{use autodie qw(
- undef_scalar false_scalar zero_scalar empty_list default_list
- empty_or_false_list undef_n_error_list foo re_fail bar
- think_positive my_system bizarro_system
- );}
-# Some of the tests provide different hints for scalar or list context
-while (my ($test, $exception_expected) = each %scalar_tests) {
- eval "
- $perl58_fix
- my \$scalar = $test;
- ";
- if ($exception_expected) {
- isnt("$@", "", "scalar test - $test");
- }
- else {
- is($@, "", "scalar test - $test");
- }
-while (my ($test, $exception_expected) = each %list_tests) {
- eval "
- $perl58_fix
- my \@array = $test;
- ";
- if ($exception_expected) {
- isnt("$@", "", "array test - $test");
- }
- else {
- is($@, "", "array test - $test");
- }
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/hints_provider_does.t b/ext/autodie/t/hints_provider_does.t
deleted file mode 100755
index a671b73e13..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/hints_provider_does.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use autodie;
-use Test::More 'no_plan';
-use FindBin qw($Bin);
-use lib "$Bin/lib";
-use Hints_provider_does qw(always_pass always_fail);
-use autodie qw(always_pass always_fail);
-eval { my $x = always_pass() };
-is("$@", "", "always_pass in scalar context");
-eval { my @x = always_pass() };
-is("$@", "", "always_pass in list context");
-eval { my $x = always_fail() };
-isnt("$@", "", "always_fail in scalar context");
-eval { my @x = always_fail() };
-isnt("$@", "", "always_fail in list context");
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/hints_provider_easy_does_it.t b/ext/autodie/t/hints_provider_easy_does_it.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 2606ff8cb3..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/hints_provider_easy_does_it.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use autodie;
-use Test::More 'no_plan';
-use FindBin qw($Bin);
-use lib "$Bin/lib";
-use Hints_provider_easy_does_it qw(always_pass always_fail);
-use autodie qw(always_pass always_fail);
-eval { my $x = always_pass() };
-is("$@", "", "always_pass in scalar context");
-eval { my @x = always_pass() };
-is("$@", "", "always_pass in list context");
-eval { my $x = always_fail() };
-isnt("$@", "", "always_fail in scalar context");
-eval { my @x = always_fail() };
-isnt("$@", "", "always_fail in list context");
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/hints_provider_isa.t b/ext/autodie/t/hints_provider_isa.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 022b34f525..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/hints_provider_isa.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use autodie;
-use Test::More 'no_plan';
-use FindBin qw($Bin);
-use lib "$Bin/lib";
-use Hints_provider_isa qw(always_pass always_fail);
-use autodie qw(always_pass always_fail);
-eval { my $x = always_pass() };
-is("$@", "", "always_pass in scalar context");
-eval { my @x = always_pass() };
-is("$@", "", "always_pass in list context");
-eval { my $x = always_fail() };
-isnt("$@", "", "always_fail in scalar context");
-eval { my @x = always_fail() };
-isnt("$@", "", "always_fail in list context");
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/internal-backcompat.t b/ext/autodie/t/internal-backcompat.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 9f7196c3c5..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/internal-backcompat.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Fatal;
-use Test::More 'no_plan';
-# Tests to determine if Fatal's internal interfaces remain backwards
-# compatible.
-# WARNING: This file contains a lot of very ugly code, hard-coded
-# strings, and nasty API calls. It may frighten small children.
-# Viewer discretion is advised.
-# fill_protos. This hasn't been changed since the original Fatal,
-# and so should always be the same.
-my %protos = (
- '$' => [ [ 1, '$_[0]' ] ],
- '$$' => [ [ 2, '$_[0]', '$_[1]' ] ],
- '$$@' => [ [ 3, '$_[0]', '$_[1]', '@_[2..$#_]' ] ],
- '\$' => [ [ 1, '${$_[0]}' ] ],
- '\%' => [ [ 1, '%{$_[0]}' ] ],
- '\%;$*' => [ [ 1, '%{$_[0]}' ], [ 2, '%{$_[0]}', '$_[1]' ],
- [ 3, '%{$_[0]}', '$_[1]', '$_[2]' ] ],
-while (my ($proto, $code) = each %protos) {
- is_deeply( [ Fatal::fill_protos($proto) ], $code, $proto);
-# write_invocation tests
-no warnings 'qw';
-# Technically the outputted code varies from the classical Fatal.
-# However the changes are mostly whitespace. Those that aren't are
-# improvements to error messages.
-my @write_invocation_calls = (
- [
- # Core # Call # Name # Void # Args
- [ 1, 'CORE::open', 'open', 0, [ 1, qw($_[0]) ],
- [ 2, qw($_[0] $_[1]) ],
- [ 3, qw($_[0] $_[1] @_[2..$#_])]
- ],
- q{ if (@_ == 1) {
-return CORE::open($_[0]) || croak "Can't open(@_): $!" } elsif (@_ == 2) {
-return CORE::open($_[0], $_[1]) || croak "Can't open(@_): $!" } elsif (@_ == 3) {
-return CORE::open($_[0], $_[1], @_[2..$#_]) || croak "Can't open(@_): $!"
- }
- die "Internal error: open(@_): Do not expect to get ", scalar(@_), " arguments";
- }
- ]
-foreach my $test (@write_invocation_calls) {
- is(Fatal::write_invocation( @{ $test->[0] } ), $test->[1], 'write_inovcation');
-# one_invocation tests.
-my @one_invocation_calls = (
- # Core # Call # Name # Void # Args
- [
- [ 1, 'CORE::open', 'open', 0, qw($_[0] $_[1] @_[2..$#_]) ],
- q{return CORE::open($_[0], $_[1], @_[2..$#_]) || croak "Can't open(@_): $!"},
- ],
- [
- [ 1, 'CORE::open', 'open', 1, qw($_[0] $_[1] @_[2..$#_]) ],
- q{return (defined wantarray)?CORE::open($_[0], $_[1], @_[2..$#_]):
- CORE::open($_[0], $_[1], @_[2..$#_]) || croak "Can't open(@_): $!"},
- ],
-foreach my $test (@one_invocation_calls) {
- is(Fatal::one_invocation( @{ $test->[0] } ), $test->[1], 'one_inovcation');
-# TODO: _make_fatal
-# Since this subroutine has always started with an underscore,
-# I think it's pretty clear that it's internal-only. I'm not
-# testing it here, and it doesn't yet have backcompat.
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/internal.t b/ext/autodie/t/internal.t
deleted file mode 100755
index c1189444cb..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/internal.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use constant NO_SUCH_FILE => "this_file_or_dir_had_better_not_exist_XYZZY";
-use Test::More tests => 6;
-# Lexical tests using the internal interface.
-eval { Fatal->import(qw(:lexical :void)) };
-like($@, qr{:void cannot be used with lexical}, ":void can't be used with :lexical");
-eval { Fatal->import(qw(open close :lexical)) };
-like($@, qr{:lexical must be used as first}, ":lexical must come first");
- use Fatal qw(:lexical chdir);
- eval { chdir(NO_SUCH_FILE); };
- like ($@, qr/^Can't chdir/, "Lexical fatal chdir");
- no Fatal qw(:lexical chdir);
- eval { chdir(NO_SUCH_FILE); };
- is ($@, "", "No lexical fatal chdir");
-eval { chdir(NO_SUCH_FILE); };
-is($@, "", "Lexical chdir becomes non-fatal out of scope.");
-eval { Fatal->import('2+2'); };
-like($@,qr{Bad subroutine name},"Can't use fatal with invalid sub names");
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/lethal.t b/ext/autodie/t/lethal.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 244d2f82b2..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/lethal.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use FindBin;
-use Test::More tests => 4;
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
-use lethal qw(open);
-use constant NO_SUCH_FILE => "this_file_had_better_not_exist";
-eval {
- open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE);
-ok($@, "lethal throws an exception");
-isa_ok($@, 'autodie::exception','...which is the correct class');
-ok($@->matches('open'), "...which matches open");
-is($@->file,__FILE__, "...which reports the correct file");
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/lib/ b/ext/autodie/t/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ee9c69c07..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-package Caller_helper;
-our $line;
-sub foo {
- use autodie;
- $line = __LINE__; open(my $fh, '<', "no_such_file_here");
- return;
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/lib/ b/ext/autodie/t/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index d88d98e106..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-package Hints_pod_examples;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use base qw(Exporter);
-our %DOES = ( 'autodie::hints::provider' => 1 );
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
- undef_scalar false_scalar zero_scalar empty_list default_list
- empty_or_false_list undef_n_error_list foo re_fail bar
- think_positive my_system bizarro_system
-use autodie::hints;
- return {
- # Scalar failures always return undef:
- undef_scalar => { fail => undef },
- # Scalar failures return any false value [default behaviour]:
- false_scalar => { fail => sub { return ! $_[0] } },
- # Scalar failures always return zero explicitly:
- zero_scalar => { fail => '0' },
- # List failures always return empty list:
- # We never want these called in a scalar context
- empty_list => { scalar => sub { 1 }, list => [] },
- # List failures return C<()> or C<(undef)> [default expectation]:
- default_list => { fail => sub { ! @_ || @_ == 1 && !defined $_[0] } },
- # List failures return C<()> or a single false value:
- empty_or_false_list => { fail => sub { ! @_ || @_ == 1 && !$_[0] } },
- # List failures return (undef, "some string")
- undef_n_error_list => { fail => sub { @_ == 2 && !defined $_[0] } },
- };
-# Define some subs that all just return their arguments
-sub undef_scalar { return wantarray ? @_ : $_[0] }
-sub false_scalar { return wantarray ? @_ : $_[0] }
-sub zero_scalar { return wantarray ? @_ : $_[0] }
-sub empty_list { return wantarray ? @_ : $_[0] }
-sub default_list { return wantarray ? @_ : $_[0] }
-sub empty_or_false_list { return wantarray ? @_ : $_[0] }
-sub undef_n_error_list { return wantarray ? @_ : $_[0] }
-# Unsuccessful foo() returns 0 in all contexts...
- \&foo,
- {
- scalar => 0,
- list => [0],
- }
-sub foo { return wantarray ? @_ : $_[0] }
-# Unsuccessful re_fail() returns 'FAIL' or '_FAIL' in scalar context,
-# returns (-1) in list context...
- \&re_fail,
- {
- scalar => qr/^ _? FAIL $/xms,
- list => [-1],
- }
-sub re_fail { return wantarray ? @_ : $_[0] }
-# Unsuccessful bar() returns 0 in all contexts...
- \&bar,
- {
- scalar => 0,
- list => [0],
- }
-sub bar { return wantarray ? @_ : $_[0] }
-# Unsuccessful think_positive() returns negative number on failure...
- \&think_positive,
- {
- scalar => sub { $_[0] < 0 },
- list => sub { $_[0] < 0 },
- }
-sub think_positive { return wantarray ? @_ : $_[0] }
-# Unsuccessful my_system() returns non-zero on failure...
- \&my_system,
- {
- scalar => sub { $_[0] != 0 },
- list => sub { $_[0] != 0 },
- }
-sub my_system { return wantarray ? @_ : $_[0] };
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/lib/ b/ext/autodie/t/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 403e4b49f7..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-package Hints_provider_does;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use base qw(Exporter);
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw(always_fail always_pass no_hints);
-sub DOES {
- my ($class, $arg) = @_;
- return 1 if ($arg eq 'autodie::hints::provider');
- return $class->SUPER::DOES($arg) if $class->SUPER::can('DOES');
- return $class->isa($arg);
-my $package = __PACKAGE__;
- return {
- always_fail => { list => sub { 1 }, scalar => sub { 1 } },
- always_pass => { list => sub { 0 }, scalar => sub { 0 } },
- };
-sub always_fail { return "foo" };
-sub always_pass { return "foo" };
-sub no_hints { return "foo" };
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/lib/ b/ext/autodie/t/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 27dbcb2425..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-package Hints_provider_easy_does_it;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use base qw(Exporter);
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw(always_fail always_pass no_hints);
-our %DOES = ( 'autodie::hints::provider' => 1 );
-my $package = __PACKAGE__;
- return {
- always_fail => { list => sub { 1 }, scalar => sub { 1 } },
- always_pass => { list => sub { 0 }, scalar => sub { 0 } },
- };
-sub always_fail { return "foo" };
-sub always_pass { return "foo" };
-sub no_hints { return "foo" };
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/lib/ b/ext/autodie/t/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index ad15e3b258..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-package Hints_provider_isa;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use base qw(Exporter);
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw(always_fail always_pass no_hints);
-{ package autodie::hints::provider; }
-push(our @ISA, 'autodie::hints::provider');
-my $package = __PACKAGE__;
- return {
- always_fail => { list => sub { 1 }, scalar => sub { 1 } },
- always_pass => { list => sub { 0 }, scalar => sub { 0 } },
- };
-sub always_fail { return "foo" };
-sub always_pass { return "foo" };
-sub no_hints { return "foo" };
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/lib/ b/ext/autodie/t/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 40107880cd..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-package Hints_test;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use base qw(Exporter);
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
- fail_on_empty fail_on_false fail_on_undef
-use autodie::hints;
-# Create some dummy subs that just return their arguments.
-sub fail_on_empty { return @_; }
-sub fail_on_false { return @_; }
-sub fail_on_undef { return @_; }
-# Set them to different failure modes when used with autodie.
- \&fail_on_empty, {
- list => autodie::hints::EMPTY_ONLY ,
- scalar => autodie::hints::EMPTY_ONLY
- }
- \&fail_on_false, {
- list => autodie::hints::EMPTY_OR_FALSE ,
- scalar => autodie::hints::EMPTY_OR_FALSE
- }
- \&fail_on_undef, {
- list => autodie::hints::EMPTY_OR_UNDEF ,
- scalar => autodie::hints::EMPTY_OR_UNDEF
- }
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/lib/ b/ext/autodie/t/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 122a356d9f..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-package OtherTypes;
-no warnings;
-our $foo = 23;
-our @foo = "bar";
-our %foo = (mouse => "trap");
-open foo, "<", $0;
-format foo =
- $main::pvio = *foo{IO};
- $main::pvfm = *foo{FORMAT};
-sub foo { 1 }
-use autodie 'foo';
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/lib/Some/ b/ext/autodie/t/lib/Some/
deleted file mode 100644
index a24ec93f66..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/lib/Some/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-package Some::Module;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use base qw(Exporter);
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw(some_sub);
-# This is an example of a subroutine that returns (undef, $msg)
-# to signal failure.
-sub some_sub {
- my ($arg) = @_;
- if ($arg) {
- return (undef, "Insufficient credit");
- }
- return (1,2,3);
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/lib/autodie/test/ b/ext/autodie/t/lib/autodie/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a50e8f101..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/lib/autodie/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-package autodie::test::au;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use base qw(autodie);
-use autodie::test::au::exception;
-sub throw {
- my ($this, @args) = @_;
- return autodie::test::au::exception->new(@args);
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/lib/autodie/test/au/ b/ext/autodie/t/lib/autodie/test/au/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5811fc1ea6..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/lib/autodie/test/au/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-package autodie::test::au::exception;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use base qw(autodie::exception);
-sub time_for_a_beer {
- return "Now's a good time for a beer.";
-sub stringify {
- my ($this) = @_;
- my $base_str = $this->SUPER::stringify;
- return "$base_str\n" . $this->time_for_a_beer;
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/lib/autodie/test/ b/ext/autodie/t/lib/autodie/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a621a9112..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/lib/autodie/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-package autodie::test::badname;
-use base qw(autodie);
-sub exception_class {
- return 'autodie::test::badname::$@#%'; # Doesn't exist!
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/lib/autodie/test/ b/ext/autodie/t/lib/autodie/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index b6166a53a4..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/lib/autodie/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-package autodie::test::missing;
-use base qw(autodie);
-sub exception_class {
- return "autodie::test::missing::exception"; # Doesn't exist!
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/lib/ b/ext/autodie/t/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index a49600a58a..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-package lethal;
-# A dummy package showing how we can trivially subclass autodie
-# to our tastes.
-use base qw(autodie);
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/lib/my/ b/ext/autodie/t/lib/my/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ad12505a4..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/lib/my/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-package my::autodie;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use base qw(autodie);
-use autodie::exception;
-use autodie::hints;
- 'Some::Module::some_sub' => {
- scalar => sub { 1 }, # No calling in scalar/void context
- list => sub { @_ == 2 and not defined $_[0] }
- },
- 'Some::Module::some_sub' => sub {
- my ($E) = @_;
- if ($E->context eq "scalar") {
- return "some_sub() can't be called in scalar context";
- }
- my $error = $E->return->[1];
- return "some_sub() failed: $error";
- }
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/lib/pujHa/ b/ext/autodie/t/lib/pujHa/
deleted file mode 100644
index a55164b1a2..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/lib/pujHa/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-package pujHa'ghach;
-# Translator notes: reH Hegh is Kligon for "always dying".
-# It was the original name for this testing pragma, but
-# it lacked an apostrophe, which better shows how Perl is
-# useful in Klingon naming schemes.
-# The new name is pujHa'ghach is "thing which is not weak".
-# puj -> be weak (verb)
-# -Ha' -> not
-# ghach -> normalise -Ha' verb into noun.
-# I'm not use if -wI' should be used here. pujwI' is "thing which
-# is weak". One could conceivably use "pujHa'wI'" for "thing which
-# is not weak".
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use base qw(autodie);
-sub exception_class {
- return "pujHa'ghach::Dotlh"; # Dotlh - status
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/lib/pujHa/ghach/ b/ext/autodie/t/lib/pujHa/ghach/
deleted file mode 100644
index c7bbf8b1f6..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/lib/pujHa/ghach/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-package pujHa'ghach::Dotlh;
-# Translator notes: Dotlh = status
-# Ideally this should be le'wI' - Thing that is exceptional. ;)
-# Unfortunately that results in a file called .pm, which may cause
-# problems on some filesystems.
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use base qw(autodie::exception);
-sub stringify {
- my ($this) = @_;
- my $error = $this->SUPER::stringify;
- return "QaghHommeyHeylIjmo':\n" . # Due to your apparent minor errors
- "$error\n" .
- "lujqu'"; # Epic fail
-# The following was a really neat idea, but currently autodie
-# always pushes values in $! to format them, which loses the
-# Klingon translation.
-use Errno qw(:POSIX);
-use Scalar::Util qw(dualvar);
-my %translation_for = (
- EPERM() => q{Dachaw'be'}, # You do not have permission
- ENOENT() => q{De' vItu'laHbe'}, # I cannot find this information.
-sub errno {
- my ($this) = @_;
- my $errno = int $this->SUPER::errno;
- warn "In tlhIngan errno - $errno\n";
- if ( my $tlhIngan = $translation_for{ $errno } ) {
- return dualvar( $errno, $tlhIngan );
- }
- return $!;
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/mkdir.t b/ext/autodie/t/mkdir.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 7bd6529086..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/mkdir.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-use FindBin qw($Bin);
-use constant TMPDIR => "$Bin/mkdir_test_delete_me";
-# Delete our directory if it's there
-rmdir TMPDIR;
-# See if we can create directories and remove them
-mkdir TMPDIR or plan skip_all => "Failed to make test directory";
-# Test the directory was created
--d TMPDIR or plan skip_all => "Failed to make test directory";
-# Try making it a second time (this should fail)
-if(mkdir TMPDIR) { plan skip_all => "Attempt to remake a directory succeeded";}
-# See if we can remove the directory
-rmdir TMPDIR or plan skip_all => "Failed to remove directory";
-# Check that the directory was removed
-if(-d TMPDIR) { plan skip_all => "Failed to delete test directory"; }
-# Try to delete second time
-if(rmdir TMPDIR) { plan skip_all => "Able to rmdir directory twice"; }
-plan tests => 12;
-# Create a directory (this should succeed)
-eval {
- use autodie;
- mkdir TMPDIR;
-is($@, "", "mkdir returned success");
-ok(-d TMPDIR, "Successfully created test directory");
-# Try to create it again (this should fail)
-eval {
- use autodie;
- mkdir TMPDIR;
-ok($@, "Re-creating directory causes failure.");
-isa_ok($@, "autodie::exception", "... errors are of the correct type");
-ok($@->matches("mkdir"), "... it's also a mkdir object");
-ok($@->matches(":filesys"), "... and a filesys object");
-# Try to delete directory (this should succeed)
-eval {
- use autodie;
- rmdir TMPDIR;
-is($@, "", "rmdir returned success");
-ok(! -d TMPDIR, "Successfully removed test directory");
-# Try to delete directory again (this should fail)
-eval {
- use autodie;
- rmdir TMPDIR;
-ok($@, "Re-deleting directory causes failure.");
-isa_ok($@, "autodie::exception", "... errors are of the correct type");
-ok($@->matches("rmdir"), "... it's also a rmdir object");
-ok($@->matches(":filesys"), "... and a filesys object");
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/open.t b/ext/autodie/t/open.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 9964ba0350..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/open.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use Test::More 'no_plan';
-use constant NO_SUCH_FILE => "this_file_had_better_not_exist";
-use autodie;
-eval { open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE); };
-ok($@, "3-arg opening non-existent file fails");
-like($@, qr/for reading/, "Well-formatted 3-arg open failure");
-eval { open(my $fh, "< ".NO_SUCH_FILE) };
-ok($@, "2-arg opening non-existent file fails");
-like($@, qr/for reading/, "Well-formatted 2-arg open failure");
-unlike($@, qr/GLOB\(0x/, "No ugly globs in 2-arg open messsage");
-# RT 47520. 2-argument open without mode would repeat the file
-# and line number.
-eval {
- use autodie;
- open(my $fh, NO_SUCH_FILE);
-isa_ok($@, 'autodie::exception');
-like( $@, qr/at \S+ line \d+/, "At least one mention");
-unlike($@, qr/at \S+ line \d+\s+at \S+ line \d+/, "...but not too mentions");
-# RT 47520-ish. 2-argument open without a mode should be marked
-# as 'for reading'.
-like($@, qr/for reading/, "Well formatted 2-arg open without mode");
-# We also shouldn't get repeated messages, even if the default mode
-# was used. Single-arg open always falls through to the default
-# formatter.
-eval {
- use autodie;
- open( NO_SUCH_FILE . "" );
-isa_ok($@, 'autodie::exception');
-like( $@, qr/at \S+ line \d+/, "At least one mention");
-unlike($@, qr/at \S+ line \d+\s+at \S+ line \d+/, "...but not too mentions");
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/recv.t b/ext/autodie/t/recv.t
deleted file mode 100755
index cfaa679144..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/recv.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 8;
-use Socket;
-use autodie qw(socketpair);
-# All of this code is based around recv returning an empty
-# string when it gets data from a local machine (using AF_UNIX),
-# but returning an undefined value on error. Fatal/autodie
-# should be able to tell the difference.
-my ($sock1, $sock2);
-socketpair($sock1, $sock2, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC);
-my $buffer;
-send($sock1, "xyz", 0);
-my $ret = recv($sock2, $buffer, 2, 0);
-use autodie qw(recv);
-SKIP: {
- skip('recv() never returns empty string with socketpair emulation',4)
- if ($ret);
- is($buffer,'xy',"recv() operational without autodie");
- # Read the last byte from the socket.
- eval { $ret = recv($sock2, $buffer, 1, 0); };
- is($@, "", "recv should not die on returning an emtpy string.");
- is($buffer,"z","recv() operational with autodie");
- is($ret,"","recv returns undying empty string for local sockets");
-eval {
- # STDIN isn't a socket, so this should fail.
- recv(STDIN,$buffer,1,0);
-ok($@,'recv dies on returning undef');
-$buffer = "# Not an empty string\n";
-# Terminate writing for $sock1
-shutdown($sock1, 1);
-eval {
- use autodie qw(send);
- # Writing to a socket terminated for writing should fail.
- send($sock1,$buffer,0);
-ok($@,'send dies on returning undef');
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/repeat.t b/ext/autodie/t/repeat.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 5f85f1218c..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/repeat.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use Test::More 'no_plan';
-use constant NO_SUCH_FILE => "this_file_had_better_not_exist";
-eval {
- use autodie qw(open open open);
- open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE);
-ok($@->matches('open'),"Exception from open");
-eval {
- open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE);
-is($@,"","Repeated autodie should not leak");
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/scope_leak.t b/ext/autodie/t/scope_leak.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 529daa3ecd..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/scope_leak.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use FindBin;
-# Check for %^H leaking across file boundries. Many thanks
-# to chocolateboy for pointing out this can be a problem.
-use lib $FindBin::Bin;
-use Test::More 'no_plan';
-use constant NO_SUCH_FILE => 'this_file_had_better_not_exist';
-use autodie qw(open);
-eval {
- open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE);
-ok($@, "basic autodie test");
-use autodie_test_module;
-# If things don't work as they should, then the file we've
-# just loaded will still have an autodying main::open (although
-# its own open should be unaffected).
-eval {
- leak_test(NO_SUCH_FILE);
-is($@,"","autodying main::open should not leak to other files");
-eval {
- autodie_test_module::your_open(NO_SUCH_FILE);
-is($@,"","Other package open should be unaffected");
-# Due to odd filenames reported when doing string evals,
-# older versions of autodie would not propogate into string evals.
-eval q{
- open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE);
-TODO: {
- local $TODO = "No known way of propagating into string eval in 5.8"
- if $] < 5.010;
- ok($@, "Failing-open string eval should throw an exception");
- isa_ok($@, 'autodie::exception');
-eval q{
- no autodie;
- open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE);
-is("$@","","disabling autodie in string context should work");
-eval {
- open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE);
-ok($@,"...but shouldn't disable it for the calling code.");
-isa_ok($@, 'autodie::exception');
-eval q{
- no autodie;
- use autodie qw(open);
- open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE);
-ok($@,"Wacky flipping of autodie in string eval should work too!");
-isa_ok($@, 'autodie::exception');
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/string-eval-basic.t b/ext/autodie/t/string-eval-basic.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 62e55006ea..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/string-eval-basic.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 3;
-use constant NO_SUCH_FILE => 'this_file_had_better_not_exist';
-# Keep this test alone in its file as it can be hidden by using autodie outside
-# the eval.
-# Just to make sure we're absolutely not encountering any weird $@ clobbering
-# events, we'll capture a result from our string eval.
-my $result = eval q{
- use autodie "open";
- open(my $fh, '<', NO_SUCH_FILE);
- 1;
-ok( ! $result, "Eval should fail with autodie/no such file");
-ok($@, "enabling autodie in string eval should throw an exception");
-isa_ok($@, 'autodie::exception');
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/string-eval-leak.t b/ext/autodie/t/string-eval-leak.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 329bcfa40e..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/string-eval-leak.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 2;
-# Under Perl 5.10.x, a string eval can cause a copy to be taken of
-# %^H, which delays stringification of our scope guard objects,
-# which in turn causes autodie to leak. These tests check to see
-# if we've successfully worked around this issue.
-eval {
- {
- use autodie;
- eval "1";
- }
- open(my $fh, '<', 'this_file_had_better_not_exist');
-TODO: {
- local $TODO;
- if ( $] >= 5.010 ) {
- $TODO = "Autodie can leak near string evals in 5.10.x";
- }
- is("$@","","Autodie should not leak out of scope");
-# However, we can plug the leak with 'no autodie'.
-no autodie;
-eval {
- open(my $fh, '<', 'this_file_had_better_not_exist');
-is("$@","",'no autodie should be able to workaround this bug');
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/sysopen.t b/ext/autodie/t/sysopen.t
deleted file mode 100755
index ab489b7830..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/sysopen.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use Test::More 'no_plan';
-use Fcntl;
-use autodie qw(sysopen);
-use constant NO_SUCH_FILE => "this_file_had_better_not_be_here_at_all";
-my $fh;
-eval {
- sysopen($fh, $0, O_RDONLY);
-is($@, "", "sysopen can open files that exist");
-like(scalar( <$fh> ), qr/perl/, "Data in file read");
-eval {
- sysopen(my $fh2, NO_SUCH_FILE, O_RDONLY);
-isa_ok($@, 'autodie::exception', 'Opening a bad file fails with sysopen');
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/truncate.t b/ext/autodie/t/truncate.t
deleted file mode 100755
index e69ee32d2e..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/truncate.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
-use IO::Handle;
-my $tmpfh = tempfile();
-my $truncate_status;
-eval {
- $truncate_status = truncate($tmpfh, 0);
-if ($@ || !defined($truncate_status)) {
- plan skip_all => 'Truncate not implemented or not working on this system';
-plan tests => 3;
-SKIP: {
- my $can_truncate_stdout = truncate(\*STDOUT,0);
- if ($can_truncate_stdout) {
- skip("This system thinks we can truncate STDOUT. Suuure!", 1);
- }
- eval {
- use autodie;
- truncate(\*STDOUT,0);
- };
- isa_ok($@, 'autodie::exception', "Truncating STDOUT should throw an exception");
-eval {
- use autodie;
- no warnings 'once';
- truncate(\*FOO, 0);
-isa_ok($@, 'autodie::exception', "Truncating an unopened file is wrong.");
-$tmpfh->print("Hello World");
-eval {
- use autodie;
- truncate($tmpfh, 0);
-is($@, "", "Truncating a normal file should be fine");
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/unlink.t b/ext/autodie/t/unlink.t
deleted file mode 100755
index f301500fda..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/unlink.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use Test::More;
-use FindBin qw($Bin);
-use constant TMPFILE => "$Bin/unlink_test_delete_me";
-# Create a file to practice unlinking
-open(my $fh, ">", TMPFILE)
- or plan skip_all => "Unable to create test file: $!";
-print {$fh} "Test\n";
-close $fh;
-# Check that file now exists
--e TMPFILE or plan skip_all => "Failed to create test file";
-# Check we can unlink
-unlink TMPFILE;
-# Check it's gone
-if(-e TMPFILE) {plan skip_all => "Failed to delete test file: $!";}
-# Re-create file
-open(my $fh2, ">", TMPFILE)
- or plan skip_all => "Unable to create test file: $!";
-print {$fh2} "Test\n";
-close $fh2;
-# Check that file now exists
--e TMPFILE or plan skip_all => "Failed to create test file";
-plan tests => 6;
-# Try to delete directory (this should succeed)
-eval {
- use autodie;
- unlink TMPFILE;
-is($@, "", "Unlink appears to have been successful");
-ok(! -e TMPFILE, "File does not exist");
-# Try to delete file again (this should fail)
-eval {
- use autodie;
- unlink TMPFILE;
-ok($@, "Re-unlinking file causes failure.");
-isa_ok($@, "autodie::exception", "... errors are of the correct type");
-ok($@->matches("unlink"), "... it's also a unlink object");
-ok($@->matches(":filesys"), "... and a filesys object");
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/user-context.t b/ext/autodie/t/user-context.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 65b6a8876a..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/user-context.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More 'no_plan';
-use File::Copy;
-use constant NO_SUCH_FILE => 'this_file_had_better_not_exist';
-use constant EXCEPTION => 'autodie::exception';
-# describes a situation where
-# using autodie on user-defined functions can fail, depending upon
-# their context. These tests attempt to detect this bug.
-eval {
- use autodie qw(copy);
- copy(NO_SUCH_FILE, 'xyzzy');
-isa_ok($@,EXCEPTION,"Copying a non-existent file should throw an error");
-eval {
- use autodie qw(copy);
- my $x = copy(NO_SUCH_FILE, 'xyzzy');
-isa_ok($@,EXCEPTION,"This shouldn't change with scalar context");
-eval {
- use autodie qw(copy);
- my @x = copy(NO_SUCH_FILE, 'xyzzy');
-isa_ok($@,EXCEPTION,"This shouldn't change with array context");
-# For good measure, test with built-ins.
-eval {
- use autodie qw(open);
- open(my $fh, '<', 'xyzzy');
-isa_ok($@,EXCEPTION,"Opening a non-existent file should throw an error");
-eval {
- use autodie qw(open);
- my $x = open(my $fh, '<', 'xyzzy');
-isa_ok($@,EXCEPTION,"This shouldn't change with scalar context");
-eval {
- use autodie qw(open);
- my @x = open(my $fh, '<', 'xyzzy');
-isa_ok($@,EXCEPTION,"This shouldn't change with array context");
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/usersub.t b/ext/autodie/t/usersub.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 4266804ca9..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/usersub.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use Test::More 'no_plan';
-sub mytest {
- return $_[0];
-is(mytest(q{foo}),q{foo},"Mytest returns input");
-my $return = eval { mytest(undef); };
-ok(!defined($return), "mytest returns undef without autodie");
-is($@,"","Mytest doesn't throw an exception without autodie");
-$return = eval {
- use autodie qw(mytest);
- mytest('foo');
-is($return,'foo',"Mytest returns input with autodie");
-is($@,"","No error should be thrown");
-$return = eval {
- use autodie qw(mytest);
- mytest(undef);
-isa_ok($@,'autodie::exception',"autodie mytest/undef throws exception");
-# We set initial values here because we're expecting $data to be
-# changed to undef later on. Having it as undef to begin with means
-# we can't see mytest(undef) working correctly.
-my ($data, $data2) = (1,1);
-eval {
- use autodie qw(mytest);
- {
- no autodie qw(mytest);
- $data = mytest(undef);
- $data2 = mytest('foo');
- }
-is($@,"","no autodie can counter use autodie for user subs");
-ok(!defined($data), "mytest(undef) should return undef");
-is($data2, "foo", "mytest(foo) should return foo");
-eval {
- mytest(undef);
-is($@,"","No lingering failure effects");
-$return = eval {
- mytest("bar");
-is($return,"bar","No lingering return effects");
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/version.t b/ext/autodie/t/version.t
deleted file mode 100755
index a729129e88..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/version.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 4;
-# For the moment, we'd like all our versions to be the same.
-# In order to play nicely with some code scanners, they need to be
-# hard-coded into the files, rather than just nicking the version
-# from autodie::exception at run-time.
-require Fatal;
-require autodie;
-require autodie::hints;
-require autodie::exception;
-require autodie::exception::system;
-is($Fatal::VERSION, $autodie::VERSION);
-is($autodie::VERSION, $autodie::exception::VERSION);
-is($autodie::exception::VERSION, $autodie::exception::system::VERSION);
-is($Fatal::VERSION, $autodie::hints::VERSION);
diff --git a/ext/autodie/t/version_tag.t b/ext/autodie/t/version_tag.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 7cb533329e..0000000000
--- a/ext/autodie/t/version_tag.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 3;
-eval {
- use autodie qw(:1.994);
- open(my $fh, '<', 'this_file_had_better_not_exist.txt');
-isa_ok($@, 'autodie::exception', "Basic version tags work");
-# Expanding :1.00 should fail, there was no autodie :1.00
-eval { my $foo = autodie->_expand_tag(":1.00"); };
-isnt($@,"","Expanding :1.00 should fail");
-my $version = $autodie::VERSION;
-# Expanding our current version should work!
-eval { my $foo = autodie->_expand_tag(":$version"); };
-is($@,"","Expanding :$version should succeed");