path: root/ext
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authorIlya Zakharevich <>2003-04-21 15:44:37 -0700
committerJarkko Hietaniemi <>2003-08-12 08:41:49 +0000
commitd7f44de216e72597099819403690905e87b0a15f (patch)
tree0711b4c3f1a30b17298b4580b286e5ef8477383c /ext
parent4a6602376e46f7ce9ede73b10063d105a533f05a (diff)
XSLoader revisted
Message-ID: <> (the XSLoader doc hunk; the h2xs looks like a behavioural change) p4raw-id: //depot/perl@20634
Diffstat (limited to 'ext')
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/DynaLoader/XSLoader_pm.PL b/ext/DynaLoader/XSLoader_pm.PL
index 9e6d42b3c1..9f3aaed83c 100644
--- a/ext/DynaLoader/XSLoader_pm.PL
+++ b/ext/DynaLoader/XSLoader_pm.PL
@@ -160,6 +160,164 @@ For more complicated interface see L<DynaLoader>. Many (most)
features of DynaLoader are not implemented in XSLoader, like for
example the dl_load_flags is not honored by XSLoader.
+=head2 Migration from C<DynaLoader>
+A typical module using L<DynaLoader|DynaLoader> starts like this:
+ package YourPackage;
+ require DynaLoader;
+ our @ISA = qw( OnePackage OtherPackage DynaLoader );
+ our $VERSION = '0.01';
+ bootstrap YourPackage $VERSION;
+Change this to
+ package YourPackage;
+ use XSLoader;
+ our @ISA = qw( OnePackage OtherPackage );
+ our $VERSION = '0.01';
+ XSLoader::load 'YourPackage', $VERSION;
+In other words: replace C<require DynaLoader> by C<use XSLoader>, remove
+C<DynaLoader> from @ISA, change C<bootstrap> by C<XSLoader::load>. Do not
+forget to quote the name of your package on the C<XSLoader::load> line,
+and add comma (C<,>) before the arguments ($VERSION above).
+Of course, if @ISA contained only C<DynaLoader>, there is no need to have the
+@ISA assignment at all; moreover, if instead of C<our> one uses
+ use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+one can remove this reference to @ISA together with the @ISA assignment
+If no $VERSION was specified on the C<bootstrap> line, the last line becomes
+ XSLoader::load 'YourPackage';
+=head2 Backward compatible boilerplate
+If you want to have your cake and eat it too, you need a more complicated
+ package YourPackage;
+ use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+ @ISA = qw( OnePackage OtherPackage );
+ $VERSION = '0.01';
+ eval {
+ require XSLoader;
+ XSLoader::load('YourPackage', $VERSION);
+ 1;
+ } or do {
+ require DynaLoader;
+ push @ISA, 'DynaLoader';
+ bootstrap YourPackage $VERSION;
+ };
+The parentheses about XSLoader::load() arguments are needed since we replaced
+C<use XSLoader> by C<require>, so the compiler does not know that a function
+XSLoader::load() is present.
+This boilerplate uses the low-overhead C<XSLoader> if present; if used with
+an antic Perl which has no C<XSLoader>, it falls back to using C<DynaLoader>.
+=head1 Order of initialization: early load()
+I<Skip this section if the XSUB functions are supposed to be called from other
+modules only; read it only if you call your XSUBs from the code in your module,
+or have a C<BOOT:> section in your XS file (see L<perlxs/"The BOOT: Keyword">).
+What is described here is equally applicable to L<DynaLoader|DynaLoader>
+A sufficiently complicated module using XS would have both Perl code (defined
+in F<>) and XS code (defined in F<YourPackage.xs>). If this
+Perl code makes calls into this XS code, and/or this XS code makes calls to
+the Perl code, one should be careful with the order of initialization.
+The call to XSLoader::load() (or bootstrap()) has three side effects:
+=item *
+if $VERSION was specified, a sanity check is done to insure that the versions
+of the F<.pm> and the (compiled) F<.xs> parts are compatible;
+=item *
+The XSUBs are made accessible from Perl;
+=item *
+If the C<BOOT:> section was present in F<.xs> file, the code there is called.
+Consequently, if the code in F<.pm> file makes calls to these XSUBs, it is
+convenient to have XSUBs installed before the Perl code is defined; for
+example, this makes prototypes for XSUBs visible to this Perl code.
+Alternatively, if the C<BOOT:> section makes calls to Perl functions (or
+uses Perl variables) defined in F<.pm> file, they must be defined prior to
+the call to XSLoader::load() (or bootstrap()).
+The first situation being much more frequent, it makes sense to rewrite the
+boilerplate as
+ package YourPackage;
+ use XSLoader;
+ use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+ @ISA = qw( OnePackage OtherPackage );
+ $VERSION = '0.01';
+ # Put Perl code used in the BOOT: section here
+ XSLoader::load 'YourPackage', $VERSION;
+ }
+ # Put Perl code making calls into XSUBs here
+=head2 The most hairy case
+If the interdependence of your C<BOOT:> section and Perl code is
+more complicated than this (e.g., the C<BOOT:> section makes calls to Perl
+functions which make calls to XSUBs with prototypes), get rid of the C<BOOT:>
+section altogether. Replace it with a function onBOOT(), and call it like
+ package YourPackage;
+ use XSLoader;
+ use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+ @ISA = qw( OnePackage OtherPackage );
+ $VERSION = '0.01';
+ XSLoader::load 'YourPackage', $VERSION;
+ }
+ # Put Perl code used in onBOOT() function here; calls to XSUBs are
+ # prototype-checked.
+ onBOOT;
+ # Put Perl initialization code assuming that XS is initialized here
+To reduce the overhead as much as possible, only one possible location
+is checked to find the extension DLL (this location is where C<make install>
+would put the DLL). If not found, the search for the DLL is transparently
+delegated to C<DynaLoader>, which looks for the DLL along the @INC list.
+In particular, this is applicable to the structure of @INC used for testing
+not-yet-installed extensions. This means that the overhead of running
+uninstalled extension may be much more than running the same extension after
+C<make install>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Ilya Zakharevich: extraction from DynaLoader.