path: root/gv.c
diff options
authorYves Orton <>2006-12-29 22:45:51 +0100
committerRafael Garcia-Suarez <>2007-01-04 14:30:02 +0000
commit44a2ac759eaf811ea851bdf9177a51bf9b95b5ce (patch)
treede91bdd2393df02ca17ddee82d06318cda92010e /gv.c
parent1f2e791661e807f561a2d5dd8f2b6a4e339e444e (diff)
Re: [PATCH] Change implementation of %+ to use a proper tied hash interface and add support for %-
Message-ID: <> p4raw-id: //depot/perl@29682
Diffstat (limited to 'gv.c')
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/gv.c b/gv.c
index 4878d80fb9..b6fa4d0ff0 100644
--- a/gv.c
+++ b/gv.c
@@ -664,28 +664,44 @@ Perl_gv_autoload4(pTHX_ HV *stash, const char *name, STRLEN len, I32 method)
return gv;
-/* The "gv" parameter should be the glob known to Perl code as *!
- * The scalar must already have been magicalized.
+/* require_tie_mod() internal routine for requiring a module
+ * that implements the logic of automatical ties like %! and %-
+ *
+ * The "gv" parameter should be the glob.
+ * "varpv" holds the name of the var, used for error messages
+ * "namesv" holds the module name
+ * "methpv" holds the method name to test for to check that things
+ * are working reasonably close to as expected
+ * "flags" if flag & 1 then save the scalar before loading.
+ * For the protection of $! to work (it is set by this routine)
+ * the sv slot must already be magicalized.
-STATIC void
-S_require_errno(pTHX_ GV *gv)
+S_require_tie_mod(pTHX_ GV *gv, const char *varpv, SV* namesv, const char *methpv,const U32 flags)
- HV* stash = gv_stashpvs("Errno", FALSE);
- if (!stash || !(gv_fetchmethod(stash, "TIEHASH"))) {
+ HV* stash = gv_stashsv(namesv, FALSE);
+ if (!stash || !(gv_fetchmethod(stash, methpv))) {
+ SV *module = newSVsv(namesv);
- save_scalar(gv); /* keep the value of $! */
- Perl_load_module(aTHX_ PERL_LOADMOD_NOIMPORT,
- newSVpvs("Errno"), NULL);
+ if ( flags & 1 )
+ save_scalar(gv);
+ Perl_load_module(aTHX_ PERL_LOADMOD_NOIMPORT, module, NULL);
- stash = gv_stashpvs("Errno", FALSE);
- if (!stash || !(gv_fetchmethod(stash, "TIEHASH")))
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Can't use %%! because is not available");
+ stash = gv_stashsv(namesv, FALSE);
+ if (!stash)
+ Perl_croak( aTHX_ "panic: Can't use %%%s because %"SVf" is not available",
+ varpv, module);
+ else if (!gv_fetchmethod(stash, methpv))
+ Perl_croak( aTHX_ "panic: Can't use %%%s because %"SVf" does not support method %s",
+ varpv, module, methpv);
+ return stash;
@@ -976,8 +992,14 @@ Perl_gv_fetchpvn_flags(pTHX_ const char *nambeg, STRLEN full_len, I32 flags,
if (add) {
gv_init_sv(gv, sv_type);
- if (*name=='!' && sv_type == SVt_PVHV && len==1)
- require_errno(gv);
+ if (sv_type == SVt_PVHV && len == 1 ) {
+ if (*name == '!')
+ require_tie_mod(gv, "!", newSVpvs("Errno"), "TIEHASH", 1);
+ else
+ if (*name == '-' || *name == '+')
+ require_tie_mod(gv, name, newSVpvs("re::Tie::Hash::NamedCapture"), "FETCH", 0);
+ }
return gv;
} else if (no_init) {
@@ -1156,25 +1178,45 @@ Perl_gv_fetchpvn_flags(pTHX_ const char *nambeg, STRLEN full_len, I32 flags,
goto magicalize;
case '!':
- /* If %! has been used, automatically load
- The require will itself set errno, so in order to
- preserve its value we have to set up the magic
- now (rather than going to magicalize)
- */
+ GvMULTI_on(gv);
+ /* If %! has been used, automatically load */
sv_magic(GvSVn(gv), (SV*)gv, PERL_MAGIC_sv, name, len);
+ /* magicalization must be done before require_tie_mod is called */
if (sv_type == SVt_PVHV)
- require_errno(gv);
+ require_tie_mod(gv, "!", newSVpvs("Errno"), "TIEHASH", 1);
case '-':
- {
- AV* const av = GvAVn(gv);
- sv_magic((SV*)av, NULL, PERL_MAGIC_regdata, NULL, 0);
- SvREADONLY_on(av);
- goto magicalize;
+ case '+':
+ GvMULTI_on(gv); /* no used once warnings here */
+ {
+ bool plus = (*name == '+');
+ SV *stashname = newSVpvs("re::Tie::Hash::NamedCapture");
+ AV* const av = GvAVn(gv);
+ HV *const hv = GvHVn(gv);
+ HV *const hv_tie = newHV();
+ SV *tie = newRV_noinc((SV*)hv_tie);
+ sv_bless(tie, gv_stashsv(stashname,1));
+ hv_magic(hv, (GV*)tie, PERL_MAGIC_tied);
+ sv_magic((SV*)av, (plus ? (SV*)av : NULL), PERL_MAGIC_regdata, NULL, 0);
+ sv_magic(GvSVn(gv), (SV*)gv, PERL_MAGIC_sv, name, len);
+ if (plus)
+ SvREADONLY_on(GvSVn(gv));
+ else
+ Perl_hv_store(aTHX_ hv_tie, STR_WITH_LEN("all"), newSViv(1), 0);
+ SvREADONLY_on(hv);
+ SvREADONLY_on(tie);
+ SvREADONLY_on(av);
+ if (sv_type == SVt_PVHV)
+ require_tie_mod(gv, name, stashname, "FETCH", 0);
+ break;
case '*':
case '#':
@@ -1192,18 +1234,6 @@ Perl_gv_fetchpvn_flags(pTHX_ const char *nambeg, STRLEN full_len, I32 flags,
hv_magic(hv, NULL, PERL_MAGIC_hints);
goto magicalize;
- case '+':
- GvMULTI_on(gv);
- {
- AV* const av = GvAVn(gv);
- HV* const hv = GvHVn(gv);
- sv_magic((SV*)av, (SV*)av, PERL_MAGIC_regdata, NULL, 0);
- SvREADONLY_on(av);
- hv_magic(hv, NULL, PERL_MAGIC_regdata_names);
- SvREADONLY_on(hv);
- }
case '\023': /* $^S */
case '1':
case '2':