path: root/jpl/Test
diff options
authorGurusamy Sarathy <>1998-11-30 01:30:44 +0000
committerGurusamy Sarathy <>1998-11-30 01:30:44 +0000
commit93e0cdbd0f68fd8d8d75c3510f7893c1ebaa26ae (patch)
treea6c84af1c502bc73fa1730324995f4e1fcb207b3 /jpl/Test
parenta8710ca18eb34a984d0dfab8503448f77a53b379 (diff)
parent57dea26d80db9a1b455ef89cc843930fe18b0369 (diff)
branch jpl from perlext to perl
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@2410
Diffstat (limited to 'jpl/Test')
2 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jpl/Test/Makefile.PL b/jpl/Test/Makefile.PL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3dd1f84411
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jpl/Test/Makefile.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ or die "You have not run setvars to set your environment variables.\n" .
+ "See the JPL README file for more information.\n";
+use Config;
+eval `$JPL_HOME/setvars -perl`;
+chop($WHAT = `pwd`);
+$WHAT =~ s#.*/##;
+if ($^O eq 'linux') {
+ $flags = "-Dbool=char"; # avoid builtin bool altogether
+ $libs = "-lc -lm -ldl";
+else {
+ $flags = "";
+ $libs = "-lc -lm -ldl";
+chop($cwd = `pwd`);
+($jpldir = $cwd) =~ s#/[^/]*$##;
+open(MAKEFILE, ">Makefile");
+print MAKEFILE <<"SUBS";
+CC = $Config{cc}
+PERL = perl$]
+ARCHNAME = $Config{archname}
+PERLARCHDIR = $Config{archlib}
+FLAGS = $Config{cccdlflags} $Config{ccdlflags} $Config{lddlflags} $flags
+ -I\$(JAVA_HOME)/include \\
+ -I\$(JAVA_HOME)/include/$^O \\
+ -I\$(JAVA_HOME)/include/genunix
+LIBS = $libs
+.SUFFIXES: .jpl .class
+ $(PERL) -MJPL::Compile -e "file('$*.jpl')"
+all: $(WHAT).class lib$(WHAT).so
+debug: $(WHAT)_g.class lib$(WHAT)
+lib$(WHAT).so: $(WHAT).c $(JPL_HOME)/lib/$(ARCHNAME)/
+ $(CC) $(FLAGS) $(INCL) $(WHAT).c \
+ $(JPL_HOME)/lib/$(ARCHNAME)/ \
+ $(LIBS) \
+ -o lib$(WHAT).so
+lib$(WHAT) $(WHAT).c $(JPL_HOME)/lib/$(ARCHNAME)/
+ $(CC) -g $(FLAGS) $(INCL) $(WHAT).c \
+ $(JPL_HOME)/lib/$(ARCHNAME)/ \
+ $(LIBS) \
+ -o lib$(WHAT)
+install: all
+ cp $(WHAT).class $(JPL_HOME)/lib
+ cp lib$(WHAT).so $(JPL_HOME)/lib/$(ARCHNAME)
+ cp $(WHAT).pl $(JPL_HOME)/perl
+ rm -f $(WHAT).c $(WHAT).h \
+ $(WHAT)*.class $(WHAT)*.pl lib$(WHAT).so $(WHAT)*.java
+distclean: clean
+ rm -f Makefile
+close MAKEFILE;
diff --git a/jpl/Test/Test.jpl b/jpl/Test/Test.jpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab6a1ce56d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jpl/Test/Test.jpl
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+import java.util.*;
+public class Test {
+ int myint = 123;
+ double mydouble = 3.14159265;
+ String mystring = "my string";
+ static String ourstring = "our string";
+ static boolean embedded = false;
+ int array[] = {1,2,3};
+ Vector v;
+ public Test() {
+ v = new Vector();
+ v.addElement("Hello");
+ printfields();
+ Vector x = perlTryVec(v);
+ x.addElement("World");
+ Vector y = perlTryVec(x);
+ if (!embedded) System.err.println("Thank you, perlTryVec!");
+ if (!embedded) System.err.println(retchars());
+ if (!embedded) System.err.println("Thank you, retchars!");
+ String[] s = retstrings();
+ if (!embedded) System.err.println(s[0] + s[1] + s[2] + s[3]);
+ if (!embedded) System.err.println("Thank you, retstrings!");
+ Object[] o = retobjects(v, x, y);
+ if (!embedded) System.err.println(o[1]);
+ if (!embedded) System.err.println(o[3]);
+ if (!embedded) System.err.println(o[4]);
+ if (!embedded) System.err.println("Thank you, retobjects!");
+ passarray(s);
+ if (!embedded) System.err.println(s[0] + s[1] + s[2] + s[3]);
+ if (!embedded) System.err.println("Thank you, passarray!");
+ printfields();
+ if (!embedded) System.err.println("Thank you, printfields!");
+ setfields();
+ if (!embedded) System.err.println("Thank you, setfields!");
+ printfields();
+ if (!embedded) System.err.println("Thank you, printfields!");
+ }
+ perl Vector perlTryVec(Vector v) throws RuntimeException {{
+ print "v is: $v\n";
+ print "v isa: ", ref $v,"\n";
+ print "In perlTryVec() - Vector size is: ", $v->size([],['int']), "\n";
+ @foo = times;
+ $size ||= getmeth('size', [], ['int']);
+ for ($i = 10000; $i; --$i) {
+ $x = $v->$size();
+ }
+ @bar = times;
+ printf "%5.2fu %5.2fs\n", $bar[0] - $foo[0], $bar[1] - $foo[1];
+ return $v;
+ }}
+ perl char[] retchars() {{
+ print "In retchars()\n";
+ return [65,66,67];
+ }}
+ perl String[] retstrings() {{
+ print "In retstrings()\n";
+ return [1,2,3,"many"];
+ }}
+ perl Object[] retobjects(Vector v, Vector x, Vector y) {{
+ print "In retstrings()\n";
+ return [$v, $x, $y, "this is only a test", 123];
+ }}
+ perl void passarray(String[] s) {{
+ print "In passarray()\n";
+ print "s = $s\n";
+ $t = GetObjectArrayElement($s,3);
+ print "t = $t\n";
+ $x = GetStringUTFChars($t);
+ print "$x\n";
+ $t = SetObjectArrayElement($s,3,NewStringUTF("infinity"));
+ }}
+ perl void printfields() {{
+ $| = 1;
+ eval {print $self->v->toString____s(), "\n";};
+ print $@ if $@;
+ print $self->myint, "\n";
+ print $self->mydouble, "\n";
+ print $self->mystring, "\n";
+ print JPL::Test->ourstring, "\n";
+ @nums = GetIntArrayElements($self->array());
+ print "@nums\n";
+ @nums = unpack("i*", scalar GetIntArrayElements($self->array()));
+ print "@nums\n";
+ }}
+ perl void setfields() {{
+ $self->myint(321);
+ $self->mydouble(2.7182918);
+ $self->mystring("MY STRING!!!");
+ JPL::Test->ourstring("OUR STRING!!!");
+ }}
+ public static void main(String[] argv) {
+ if (java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(argv) > 0 &&
+ argv[0].equals("-nothanks"))
+ embedded = true;
+ Test f = new Test();
+ if (!embedded) System.err.println("Thank you, Test!");
+ }