path: root/lib/Archive/Tar
diff options
authorRafael Garcia-Suarez <>2005-06-21 12:01:07 +0000
committerRafael Garcia-Suarez <>2005-06-21 12:01:07 +0000
commit39713df493e0bfd95f001dd75d5926ec9fa719bf (patch)
treeb6c3afb1e853cdc0a6391b74fc963bfc05d756df /lib/Archive/Tar
parent69c678eb3bbbed7a7896fd9a2e52b0bbb93d4c3e (diff)
Add Archive::Tar 1.24, except ptar for now
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@24922
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Archive/Tar')
-rw-r--r--lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/long/bar.tarbin0 -> 10240 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/long/foo.tgzbin0 -> 331 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/short/bar.tarbin0 -> 10240 bytes
-rw-r--r--lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/short/foo.tgzbin0 -> 145 bytes
12 files changed, 1587 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Archive/Tar/ b/lib/Archive/Tar/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe5bb14726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Archive/Tar/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+package Archive::Tar::Constant;
+ require Exporter;
+ $VERSION= '0.02';
+ @ISA = qw[Exporter];
+ @EXPORT = qw[
+ ];
+ require Time::Local if $^O eq "MacOS";
+use constant FILE => 0;
+use constant HARDLINK => 1;
+use constant SYMLINK => 2;
+use constant CHARDEV => 3;
+use constant BLOCKDEV => 4;
+use constant DIR => 5;
+use constant FIFO => 6;
+use constant SOCKET => 8;
+use constant UNKNOWN => 9;
+use constant LONGLINK => 'L';
+use constant LABEL => 'V';
+use constant BUFFER => 4096;
+use constant HEAD => 512;
+use constant BLOCK => 512;
+use constant BLOCK_SIZE => sub { my $n = int($_[0]/BLOCK); $n++ if $_[0] % BLOCK; $n * BLOCK };
+use constant TAR_PAD => sub { my $x = shift || return; return "\0" x (BLOCK - ($x % BLOCK) ) };
+use constant TAR_END => "\0" x BLOCK;
+use constant READ_ONLY => sub { shift() ? 'rb' : 'r' };
+use constant WRITE_ONLY => sub { $_[0] ? 'wb' . shift : 'w' };
+use constant MODE_READ => sub { $_[0] =~ /^r/ ? 1 : 0 };
+# Pointless assigment to make -w shut up
+my $getpwuid; $getpwuid = 'unknown' unless eval { my $f = getpwuid (0); };
+my $getgrgid; $getgrgid = 'unknown' unless eval { my $f = getgrgid (0); };
+use constant UNAME => sub { $getpwuid || scalar getpwuid( shift() ) };
+use constant GNAME => sub { $getgrgid || scalar getgrgid( shift() ) };
+use constant UID => $>;
+use constant GID => (split ' ', $) )[0];
+use constant MODE => do { 0666 & (0777 & ~umask) };
+use constant STRIP_MODE => sub { shift() & 0777 };
+use constant CHECK_SUM => " ";
+use constant UNPACK => 'A100 A8 A8 A8 A12 A12 A8 A1 A100 A6 A2 A32 A32 A8 A8 A155 x12';
+use constant PACK => 'a100 a8 a8 a8 a12 a12 A8 a1 a100 a6 a2 a32 a32 a8 a8 a155 x12';
+use constant NAME_LENGTH => 100;
+use constant PREFIX_LENGTH => 155;
+use constant TIME_OFFSET => ($^O eq "MacOS") ? Time::Local::timelocal(0,0,0,1,0,70) : 0;
+use constant MAGIC => "ustar";
+use constant TAR_VERSION => "00";
+use constant LONGLINK_NAME => '././@LongLink';
+use constant ZLIB => do { eval { require IO::Zlib }; $@ ? 0 : 1 };
+use constant GZIP_MAGIC_NUM => qr/^(?:\037\213|\037\235)/;
+use constant CAN_CHOWN => do { ($> == 0 and $^O ne "MacOS" and $^O ne "MSWin32") };
+use constant CAN_READLINK => ($^O ne 'MSWin32' and $^O !~ /RISC(?:[ _])?OS/i and $^O ne 'VMS');
+use constant ON_UNIX => ($^O ne 'MSWin32' and $^O ne 'MacOS' and $^O ne 'VMS');
diff --git a/lib/Archive/Tar/ b/lib/Archive/Tar/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a310ee9de9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Archive/Tar/
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+package Archive::Tar::File;
+use strict;
+use IO::File;
+use File::Spec::Unix ();
+use File::Spec ();
+use File::Basename ();
+use Archive::Tar::Constant;
+use vars qw[@ISA $VERSION];
+@ISA = qw[Archive::Tar];
+$VERSION = '0.02';
+### set value to 1 to oct() it during the unpack ###
+my $tmpl = [
+ name => 0, # string
+ mode => 1, # octal
+ uid => 1, # octal
+ gid => 1, # octal
+ size => 1, # octal
+ mtime => 1, # octal
+ chksum => 1, # octal
+ type => 0, # character
+ linkname => 0, # string
+ magic => 0, # string
+ version => 0, # 2 bytes
+ uname => 0, # string
+ gname => 0, # string
+ devmajor => 1, # octal
+ devminor => 1, # octal
+ prefix => 0,
+### end UNPACK items ###
+ raw => 0, # the raw data chunk
+ data => 0, # the data associated with the file --
+ # This might be very memory intensive
+### install get/set accessors for this object.
+for ( my $i=0; $i<scalar @$tmpl ; $i+=2 ) {
+ my $key = $tmpl->[$i];
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *{__PACKAGE__."::$key"} = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{$key} = $_[0] if @_;
+ ### just in case the key is not there or undef or something ###
+ { local $^W = 0;
+ return $self->{$key};
+ }
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+Archive::Tar::File - a subclass for in-memory extracted file from Archive::Tar
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my @items = $tar->get_files;
+ print $_->name, ' ', $_->size, "\n" for @items;
+ print $object->get_content;
+ $object->replace_content('new content');
+ $object->rename( 'new/full/path/to/file.c' );
+Archive::Tar::Files provides a neat little object layer for in-memory
+extracted files. It's mostly used internally in Archive::Tar to tidy
+up the code, but there's no reason users shouldn't use this API as
+=head2 Accessors
+A lot of the methods in this package are accessors to the various
+fields in the tar header:
+=over 4
+=item name
+The file's name
+=item mode
+The file's mode
+=item uid
+The user id owning the file
+=item gid
+The group id owning the file
+=item size
+File size in bytes
+=item mtime
+Modification time. Adjusted to mac-time on MacOS if required
+=item chksum
+Checksum field for the tar header
+=item type
+File type -- numeric, but comparable to exported constants -- see
+Archive::Tar's documentation
+=item linkname
+If the file is a symlink, the file it's pointing to
+=item magic
+Tar magic string -- not useful for most users
+=item version
+Tar version string -- not useful for most users
+=item uname
+The user name that owns the file
+=item gname
+The group name that owns the file
+=item devmajor
+Device major number in case of a special file
+=item devminor
+Device minor number in case of a special file
+=item prefix
+Any directory to prefix to the extraction path, if any
+=item raw
+Raw tar header -- not useful for most users
+=head1 Methods
+=head2 new( file => $path )
+Returns a new Archive::Tar::File object from an existing file.
+Returns undef on failure.
+=head2 new( data => $path, $data, $opt )
+Returns a new Archive::Tar::File object from data.
+C<$path> defines the file name (which need not exist), C<$data> the
+file contents, and C<$opt> is a reference to a hash of attributes
+which may be used to override the default attributes (fields in the
+tar header), which are described above in the Accessors section.
+Returns undef on failure.
+=head2 new( chunk => $chunk )
+Returns a new Archive::Tar::File object from a raw 512-byte tar
+archive chunk.
+Returns undef on failure.
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $what = shift;
+ my $obj = ($what eq 'chunk') ? __PACKAGE__->_new_from_chunk( @_ ) :
+ ($what eq 'file' ) ? __PACKAGE__->_new_from_file( @_ ) :
+ ($what eq 'data' ) ? __PACKAGE__->_new_from_data( @_ ) :
+ undef;
+ return $obj;
+### copies the data, creates a clone ###
+sub clone {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return bless { %$self }, ref $self;
+sub _new_from_chunk {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $chunk = shift or return;
+ ### makes it start at 0 actually... :) ###
+ my $i = -1;
+ my %entry = map {
+ $tmpl->[++$i] => $tmpl->[++$i] ? oct $_ : $_
+ } map { /^([^\0]*)/ } unpack( UNPACK, $chunk );
+ my $obj = bless \%entry, $class;
+ ### magic is a filetype string.. it should have something like 'ustar' or
+ ### something similar... if the chunk is garbage, skip it
+ return unless $obj->magic !~ /\W/;
+ ### store the original chunk ###
+ $obj->raw( $chunk );
+ $obj->type(FILE) if ( (!length $obj->type) or ($obj->type =~ /\W/) );
+ $obj->type(DIR) if ( ($obj->is_file) && ($obj->name =~ m|/$|) );
+ return $obj;
+sub _new_from_file {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $path = shift or return;
+ my $type = __PACKAGE__->_filetype($path);
+ my $data = '';
+ unless ($type == DIR) {
+ my $fh = IO::File->new;
+ $fh->open($path) or return;
+ ### binmode needed to read files properly on win32 ###
+ binmode $fh;
+ $data = do { local $/; <$fh> };
+ close $fh;
+ }
+ my @items = qw[mode uid gid size mtime];
+ my %hash = map { shift(@items), $_ } (lstat $path)[2,4,5,7,9];
+ ### you *must* set size == 0 on symlinks, or the next entry will be
+ ### though of as the contents of the symlink, which is wrong.
+ ### this fixes bug #7937
+ $hash{size} = 0 if ($type == DIR or $type == SYMLINK);
+ $hash{mtime} -= TIME_OFFSET;
+ ### strip the high bits off the mode, which we don't need to store
+ $hash{mode} = STRIP_MODE->( $hash{mode} );
+ ### probably requires some file path munging here ... ###
+ ### name and prefix are set later
+ my $obj = {
+ %hash,
+ name => '',
+ chksum => CHECK_SUM,
+ type => $type,
+ linkname => ($type == SYMLINK and CAN_READLINK)
+ ? readlink $path
+ : '',
+ magic => MAGIC,
+ version => TAR_VERSION,
+ uname => UNAME->( $hash{uid} ),
+ gname => GNAME->( $hash{gid} ),
+ devmajor => 0, # not handled
+ devminor => 0, # not handled
+ prefix => '',
+ data => $data,
+ };
+ bless $obj, $class;
+ ### fix up the prefix and file from the path
+ my($prefix,$file) = $obj->_prefix_and_file( $path );
+ $obj->prefix( $prefix );
+ $obj->name( $file );
+ return $obj;
+sub _new_from_data {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $path = shift or return;
+ my $data = shift; return unless defined $data;
+ my $opt = shift;
+ my $obj = {
+ data => $data,
+ name => '',
+ mode => MODE,
+ uid => UID,
+ gid => GID,
+ size => length $data,
+ mtime => time - TIME_OFFSET,
+ chksum => CHECK_SUM,
+ type => FILE,
+ linkname => '',
+ magic => MAGIC,
+ version => TAR_VERSION,
+ uname => UNAME->( UID ),
+ gname => GNAME->( GID ),
+ devminor => 0,
+ devmajor => 0,
+ prefix => '',
+ };
+ ### overwrite with user options, if provided ###
+ if( $opt and ref $opt eq 'HASH' ) {
+ for my $key ( keys %$opt ) {
+ ### don't write bogus options ###
+ next unless exists $obj->{$key};
+ $obj->{$key} = $opt->{$key};
+ }
+ }
+ bless $obj, $class;
+ ### fix up the prefix and file from the path
+ my($prefix,$file) = $obj->_prefix_and_file( $path );
+ $obj->prefix( $prefix );
+ $obj->name( $file );
+ return $obj;
+sub _prefix_and_file {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $path = shift;
+ my ($vol, $dirs, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path, $self->is_dir );
+ my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir( $dirs );
+ ### so sometimes the last element is '' -- probably when trailing
+ ### dir slashes are encountered... this is is of course pointless,
+ ### so remove it
+ pop @dirs while @dirs and not length $dirs[-1];
+ ### if it's a directory, then $file might be empty
+ $file = pop @dirs if $self->is_dir and not length $file;
+ my $prefix = File::Spec::Unix->catdir(
+ grep { length } $vol, @dirs
+ );
+ return( $prefix, $file );
+sub _filetype {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $file = shift or return;
+ return SYMLINK if (-l $file); # Symlink
+ return FILE if (-f _); # Plain file
+ return DIR if (-d _); # Directory
+ return FIFO if (-p _); # Named pipe
+ return SOCKET if (-S _); # Socket
+ return BLOCKDEV if (-b _); # Block special
+ return CHARDEV if (-c _); # Character special
+ ### shouldn't happen, this is when making archives, not reading ###
+ return LONGLINK if ( $file eq LONGLINK_NAME );
+ return UNKNOWN; # Something else (like what?)
+### this method 'downgrades' a file to plain file -- this is used for
+### symlinks when FOLLOW_SYMLINKS is true.
+sub _downgrade_to_plainfile {
+ my $entry = shift;
+ $entry->type( FILE );
+ $entry->mode( MODE );
+ $entry->linkname('');
+ return 1;
+=head2 full_path
+Returns the full path from the tar header; this is basically a
+concatenation of the C<prefix> and C<name> fields.
+sub full_path {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ### if prefix field is emtpy
+ return $self->name unless defined $self->prefix and length $self->prefix;
+ ### or otherwise, catfile'd
+ return File::Spec::Unix->catfile( $self->prefix, $self->name );
+=head2 validate
+Done by Archive::Tar internally when reading the tar file:
+validate the header against the checksum to ensure integer tar file.
+Returns true on success, false on failure
+sub validate {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $raw = $self->raw;
+ ### don't know why this one is different from the one we /write/ ###
+ substr ($raw, 148, 8) = " ";
+ return unpack ("%16C*", $raw) == $self->chksum ? 1 : 0;
+=head2 has_content
+Returns a boolean to indicate whether the current object has content.
+Some special files like directories and so on never will have any
+content. This method is mainly to make sure you don't get warnings
+for using uninitialized values when looking at an object's content.
+sub has_content {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return defined $self->data() && length $self->data() ? 1 : 0;
+=head2 get_content
+Returns the current content for the in-memory file
+sub get_content {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->data( );
+=head2 get_content_by_ref
+Returns the current content for the in-memory file as a scalar
+reference. Normal users won't need this, but it will save memory if
+you are dealing with very large data files in your tar archive, since
+it will pass the contents by reference, rather than make a copy of it
+sub get_content_by_ref {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return \$self->{data};
+=head2 replace_content( $content )
+Replace the current content of the file with the new content. This
+only affects the in-memory archive, not the on-disk version until
+you write it.
+Returns true on success, false on failure.
+sub replace_content {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $data = shift || '';
+ $self->data( $data );
+ $self->size( length $data );
+ return 1;
+=head2 rename( $new_name )
+Rename the current file to $new_name.
+Note that you must specify a Unix path for $new_name, since per tar
+standard, all files in the archive must be Unix paths.
+Returns true on success and false on failure.
+sub rename {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $path = shift or return;
+ my ($prefix,$file) = $self->_prefix_and_file( $path );
+ $self->name( $file );
+ $self->prefix( $prefix );
+ return 1;
+=head1 Convenience methods
+To quickly check the type of a C<Archive::Tar::File> object, you can
+use the following methods:
+=over 4
+=item is_file
+Returns true if the file is of type C<file>
+=item is_dir
+Returns true if the file is of type C<dir>
+=item is_hardlink
+Returns true if the file is of type C<hardlink>
+=item is_symlink
+Returns true if the file is of type C<symlink>
+=item is_chardev
+Returns true if the file is of type C<chardev>
+=item is_blockdev
+Returns true if the file is of type C<blockdev>
+=item is_fifo
+Returns true if the file is of type C<fifo>
+=item is_socket
+Returns true if the file is of type C<socket>
+=item is_longlink
+Returns true if the file is of type C<LongLink>.
+Should not happen after a successful C<read>.
+=item is_label
+Returns true if the file is of type C<Label>.
+Should not happen after a successful C<read>.
+=item is_unknown
+Returns true if the file type is C<unknown>
+#stupid perl5.5.3 needs to warn if it's not numeric
+sub is_file { local $^W; FILE == $_[0]->type }
+sub is_dir { local $^W; DIR == $_[0]->type }
+sub is_hardlink { local $^W; HARDLINK == $_[0]->type }
+sub is_symlink { local $^W; SYMLINK == $_[0]->type }
+sub is_chardev { local $^W; CHARDEV == $_[0]->type }
+sub is_blockdev { local $^W; BLOCKDEV == $_[0]->type }
+sub is_fifo { local $^W; FIFO == $_[0]->type }
+sub is_socket { local $^W; SOCKET == $_[0]->type }
+sub is_unknown { local $^W; UNKNOWN == $_[0]->type }
+sub is_longlink { local $^W; LONGLINK eq $_[0]->type }
+sub is_label { local $^W; LABEL eq $_[0]->type }
diff --git a/lib/Archive/Tar/t/01_use.t b/lib/Archive/Tar/t/01_use.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0641086306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Archive/Tar/t/01_use.t
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+use Test::More tests => 2;
+use strict;
+use_ok('Archive::Tar') or diag 'Archive::Tar not found -- exit' && die;
+my $tar = new Archive::Tar;
+isa_ok( $tar, 'Archive::Tar', 'Object created' );
diff --git a/lib/Archive/Tar/t/02_methods.t b/lib/Archive/Tar/t/02_methods.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..20e37b4d22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Archive/Tar/t/02_methods.t
@@ -0,0 +1,770 @@
+ if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
+ chdir '../lib/Archive/Tar' if -d '../lib/Archive/Tar';
+ }
+ use lib '../../..';
+BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't' }
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+use strict;
+use lib '../lib';
+use Cwd;
+use IO::File;
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Path;
+use File::Spec ();
+use File::Spec::Unix ();
+use File::Basename ();
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Archive::Tar;
+use Archive::Tar::Constant;
+### XXX TODO:
+### * change to fullname
+### * add tests for global variables
+### set up the environment ###
+ ### dirs filename contents
+ [ [], 'c', qr/^iiiiiiiiiiii\s*$/ ],
+ [ [], 'd', qr/^uuuuuuuu\s*$/ ],
+### includes binary data
+my $ALL_CHARS = join '', "\r\n", map( chr, 1..255 ), "zzz\n\r";
+### @EXPECTBIN is used to ensure that $tarbin is written in the right
+### order and that the contents and order match exactly when extracted
+my @EXPECTBIN = (
+ ### dirs filename contents ###
+ [ [], 'bIn11', $ALL_CHARS x 11 ],
+ [ [], 'bIn3', $ALL_CHARS x 3 ],
+ [ [], 'bIn4', $ALL_CHARS x 4 ],
+ [ [], 'bIn1', $ALL_CHARS ],
+ [ [], 'bIn2', $ALL_CHARS x 2 ],
+### @EXPECTX is used to ensure that $tarx is written in the right
+### order and that the contents and order match exactly when extracted
+### the 'x/x' extraction used to fail before A::T 1.08
+my @EXPECTX = (
+ ### dirs filename contents
+ [ [ 'x' ], 'k', '', ],
+ [ [ 'x' ], 'x', 'j', ], # failed before A::T 1.08
+my $LONG_FILE = qq[directory/really-really-really-really-really-really-really-really-really-really-really-really-really-really-really-really-really-really-really-really-really-really-really-really-really-really-really-really-long-directory-name/myfile];
+### wintendo can't deal with too long paths, so we might have to skip tests ###
+my $TOO_LONG = ($^O eq 'MSWin32' or $^O eq 'cygwin')
+ && length( cwd(). $LONG_FILE ) > 247;
+### warn if we are going to skip long file names
+$TOO_LONG ? diag("No long filename support - long filename extraction disabled")
+ : ( push @EXPECT_NORMAL, [ [], $LONG_FILE, qr/^hello\s*$/] ) ;
+my @ROOT = grep { length } 'src', $TOO_LONG ? 'short' : 'long';
+my $ZLIB = eval { require IO::Zlib; 1 } ? 1 : 0;
+my $NO_UNLINK = $ARGV[0] ? 1 : 0;
+### enable debugging?
+$Archive::Tar::DEBUG = 1 if $ARGV[1];
+### tests for binary and x/x files
+my $TARBIN = Archive::Tar->new;
+my $TARX = Archive::Tar->new;
+### paths to a .tar and .tgz file to use for tests
+my $TAR_FILE = File::Spec->catfile( @ROOT, 'bar.tar' );
+my $TGZ_FILE = File::Spec->catfile( @ROOT, 'foo.tgz' );
+my $OUT_TAR_FILE = File::Spec->catfile( @ROOT, 'out.tar' );
+my $OUT_TGZ_FILE = File::Spec->catfile( @ROOT, 'out.tgz' );
+copy( File::Basename::basename($0), 'copy' );
+my $COMPRESS_FILE = 'copy';
+chmod 0644, $COMPRESS_FILE;
+### done setting up environment ###
+### did we probe IO::Zlib support ok? ###
+{ is( Archive::Tar->can_handle_compressed_files, $ZLIB,
+ "Proper IO::Zlib support detected" );
+### tar error tests
+{ my $tar = Archive::Tar->new;
+ ok( $tar, "Object created" );
+ isa_ok( $tar, 'Archive::Tar');
+ local $Archive::Tar::WARN = 0;
+ ### should be empty to begin with
+ is( $tar->error, '', "The error string is empty" );
+ ### try a read on nothing
+ my @list = $tar->read();
+ ok(!(scalar @list), "Function read returns 0 files on error" );
+ ok( $tar->error, " error string is non empty" );
+ like( $tar->error, qr/No file to read from/,
+ " error string from create()" );
+ unlike( $tar->error, qr/add/, " error string does not contain add" );
+ ### now, add empty data
+ my $obj = $tar->add_data( '' );
+ ok( !$obj, "'add_data' returns undef on error" );
+ ok( $tar->error, " error string is non empty" );
+ like( $tar->error, qr/add/, " error string contains add" );
+ unlike( $tar->error, qr/create/," error string does not contain create" );
+ ### check if ->error eq $error
+ is( $tar->error, $Archive::Tar::error,
+ '$error matches error() method' );
+### read tests ###
+{ ### normal tar + gz compressed file
+ my $archive = $TAR_FILE;
+ my $compressed = $TGZ_FILE;
+ my $tar = Archive::Tar->new;
+ my $gzip = 0;
+ ### check we got the object
+ ok( $tar, "Object created" );
+ isa_ok( $tar, 'Archive::Tar');
+ for my $type( $archive, $compressed ) {
+ my $state = $gzip ? 'compressed' : 'uncompressed';
+ SKIP: {
+ ### skip gz compressed archives wihtout IO::Zlib
+ skip( "No IO::Zlib - cannot read compressed archives",
+ 4 + 2 * (scalar @EXPECT_NORMAL)
+ ) if( $gzip and !$ZLIB);
+ ### ->read test
+ { my @list = $tar->read( $type );
+ my $cnt = scalar @list;
+ my $expect = scalar __PACKAGE__->get_expect();
+ ok( $cnt, "Reading $state file using 'read()'" );
+ is( $cnt, $expect, " All files accounted for" );
+ for my $file ( @list ) {
+ ok( $file, "Got File object" );
+ isa_ok( $file, "Archive::Tar::File" );
+ next unless $file->is_file;
+ my $name = $file->full_path;
+ my($expect_name, $expect_content) =
+ get_expect_name_and_contents( $name, \@EXPECT_NORMAL );
+ ### ->fullname!
+ ok($expect_name," Found expected file '$name'" );
+ like($tar->get_content($name), $expect_content,
+ " Content OK" );
+ }
+ }
+ ### list_archive test
+ { my @list = Archive::Tar->list_archive( $archive );
+ my $cnt = scalar @list;
+ my $expect = scalar __PACKAGE__->get_expect();
+ ok( $cnt, "Reading $state file using 'list_archive'");
+ is( $cnt, $expect, " All files accounted for" );
+ for my $file ( @list ) {
+ next if __PACKAGE__->is_dir( $file ); # directories
+ my($expect_name, $expect_content) =
+ get_expect_name_and_contents( $file, \@EXPECT_NORMAL );
+ ok( $expect_name,
+ " Found expected file '$file'" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ### now we try gz compressed archives
+ $gzip++;
+ }
+### add files tests ###
+{ my @add = map { File::Spec->catfile( @ROOT, @$_ ) } ['b'];
+ my @addunix = map { File::Spec::Unix->catfile( @ROOT, @$_ ) } ['b'];
+ my $tar = Archive::Tar->new;
+ ### check we got the object
+ ok( $tar, "Object created" );
+ isa_ok( $tar, 'Archive::Tar');
+ ### add the files
+ { my @files = $tar->add_files( @add );
+ is( scalar @files, scalar @add,
+ "Adding files");
+ is( $files[0]->name, 'b', " Proper name" );
+ is( $files[0]->is_file, 1, " Proper type" );
+ like( $files[0]->get_content, qr/^bbbbbbbbbbb\s*$/,
+ " Content OK" );
+ ### check if we have then in our tar object
+ for my $file ( @addunix ) {
+ ok( $tar->contains_file($file),
+ " File found in archive" );
+ }
+ }
+ ### check adding files doesn't conflict with a secondary archive
+ ### old A::T bug, we should keep testing for it
+ { my $tar2 = Archive::Tar->new;
+ my @added = $tar2->add_files( $COMPRESS_FILE );
+ my @count = $tar2->list_files;
+ is( scalar @added, 1, "Added files to secondary archive" );
+ is( scalar @added, scalar @count,
+ " Does not conflict with first archive" );
+ ### check the adding of directories
+ my @add_dirs = File::Spec->catfile( @ROOT );
+ my @dirs = $tar2->add_files( @add_dirs );
+ is( scalar @dirs, scalar @add_dirs,
+ "Adding dirs");
+ ok( $dirs[0]->is_dir, " Proper type" );
+ }
+### add data tests ###
+ { ### standard data ###
+ my @to_add = ( 'a', 'aaaaa' );
+ my $tar = Archive::Tar->new;
+ ### check we got the object
+ ok( $tar, "Object created" );
+ isa_ok( $tar, 'Archive::Tar');
+ ### add a new file item as data
+ my $obj = $tar->add_data( @to_add );
+ ok( $obj, "Adding data" );
+ is( $obj->name, $to_add[0], " Proper name" );
+ is( $obj->is_file, 1, " Proper type" );
+ like( $obj->get_content, qr/^$to_add[1]\s*$/,
+ " Content OK" );
+ }
+ { ### binary data +
+ ### dir/file structure -- x/y always went ok, x/x used to extract
+ ### in the wrong way -- this test catches that
+ for my $list ( [$TARBIN, \@EXPECTBIN],
+ ) {
+ ### XXX GLOBAL! changes may affect other tests!
+ my($tar,$struct) = @$list;
+ for my $aref ( @$struct ) {
+ my ($dirs,$file,$data) = @$aref;
+ my $path = File::Spec::Unix->catfile(
+ grep { length } @$dirs, $file );
+ my $obj = $tar->add_data( $path, $data );
+ ok( $obj, "Adding data '$file'" );
+ is( $obj->full_path, $path,
+ " Proper name" );
+ ok( $obj->is_file, " Proper type" );
+ is( $obj->get_content, $data,
+ " Content OK" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### rename/replace_content tests ###
+{ my $tar = Archive::Tar->new;
+ my $from = 'c';
+ my $to = 'e';
+ ### read in the file, check the proper files are there
+ ok( $tar->read( $TAR_FILE ), "Read in '$TAR_FILE'" );
+ ok( $tar->get_files($from), " Found file '$from'" );
+ { local $Archive::Tar::WARN = 0;
+ ok(!$tar->get_files($to), " File '$to' not yet found" );
+ }
+ ### rename an entry, check the rename has happened
+ ok( $tar->rename( $from, $to ), " Renamed '$from' to '$to'" );
+ ok( $tar->get_files($to), " File '$to' now found" );
+ { local $Archive::Tar::WARN = 0;
+ ok(!$tar->get_files($from), " File '$from' no longer found'");
+ }
+ ### now, replace the content
+ my($expect_name, $expect_content) =
+ get_expect_name_and_contents( $from, \@EXPECT_NORMAL );
+ like( $tar->get_content($to), $expect_content,
+ "Original content of '$from' in '$to'" );
+ ok( $tar->replace_content( $to, $from ),
+ " Set content for '$to' to '$from'" );
+ is( $tar->get_content($to), $from,
+ " Content for '$to' is indeed '$from'" );
+### remove tests ###
+{ my $remove = 'c';
+ my $tar = Archive::Tar->new;
+ ok( $tar->read( $TAR_FILE ), "Read in '$TAR_FILE'" );
+ ### remove returns the files left, which should be equal to list_files
+ is( scalar($tar->remove($remove)), scalar($tar->list_files),
+ "Removing file '$remove'" );
+ ### so what's left should be all expected files minus 1
+ is( scalar($tar->list_files), scalar(__PACKAGE__->get_expect) - 1,
+ " Proper files remaining" );
+### write + read + extract tests ###
+SKIP: {
+ skip('no IO::String', 326) if !$Archive::Tar::HAS_PERLIO &&
+ !$Archive::Tar::HAS_IO_STRING;
+ my $tar = Archive::Tar->new;
+ my $new = Archive::Tar->new;
+ ok( $tar->read( $TAR_FILE ), "Read in '$TAR_FILE'" );
+ for my $aref ( [$tar, \@EXPECT_NORMAL],
+ ) {
+ my($obj,$struct) = @$aref;
+ ### check if we stringify it ok
+ { my $string = $obj->write;
+ ok( $string, "Stringified tar file has size" );
+ cmp_ok( length($string) % BLOCK, '==', 0,
+ "Tar archive stringified" );
+ }
+ ### write tar tests
+ { my $out = $OUT_TAR_FILE;
+ { ### write()
+ ok( $obj->write($out),
+ "Wrote tarfile using 'write'" );
+ check_tar_file( $out );
+ check_tar_object( $obj, $struct );
+ ### now read it in again
+ ok( $new->read( $out ),
+ "Read '$out' in again" );
+ check_tar_object( $new, $struct );
+ ### now extract it again
+ ok( $new->extract, "Extracted '$out' with 'extract'" );
+ check_tar_extract( $new, $struct );
+ rm( $out ) unless $NO_UNLINK;
+ }
+ { ### create_archive()
+ ok( Archive::Tar->create_archive( $out, 0, $COMPRESS_FILE ),
+ "Wrote tarfile using 'create_archive'" );
+ check_tar_file( $out );
+ ### now extract it again
+ ok( Archive::Tar->extract_archive( $out ),
+ "Extracted file using 'extract_archive'");
+ rm( $out ) unless $NO_UNLINK;
+ }
+ }
+ ## write tgz tests
+ { my $out = $OUT_TGZ_FILE;
+ SKIP: {
+ ### weird errors from scalar(@x,@y,@z), dot it this way...
+ my $file_cnt;
+ map { $file_cnt += scalar @$_ } \@EXPECT_NORMAL, \@EXPECTBIN,
+ my $cnt = 5 + # the tests below
+ (5*3*2) + # check_tgz_file
+ # check_tar_object fixed tests
+ (3 * 2 * (2 + $file_cnt)) +
+ ((4*$file_cnt) + 1);# check_tar_extract tests
+ skip( "No IO::Zlib - cannot write compressed archives", $cnt )
+ unless $ZLIB;
+ { ### write()
+ ok($obj->write($out, 1),
+ "Writing compressed file using 'write'" );
+ check_tgz_file( $out );
+ check_tar_object( $obj, $struct );
+ ### now read it in again
+ ok( $new->read( $out ),
+ "Read '$out' in again" );
+ check_tar_object( $new, $struct );
+ ### now extract it again
+ ok( $new->extract,
+ "Extracted '$out' again" );
+ check_tar_extract( $new, $struct );
+ rm( $out ) unless $NO_UNLINK;
+ }
+ { ### create_archive()
+ ok( Archive::Tar->create_archive( $out, 1, $COMPRESS_FILE ),
+ "Wrote gzip file using 'create_archive'" );
+ check_tgz_file( $out );
+ ### now extract it again
+ ok( Archive::Tar->extract_archive( $out, 1 ),
+ "Extracted file using 'extract_archive'");
+ rm( $out ) unless $NO_UNLINK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### limited read + extract tests ###
+{ my $tar = Archive::Tar->new;
+ my @files = $tar->read( $TAR_FILE, 0, { limit => 1 } );
+ my $obj = $files[0];
+ is( scalar @files, 1, "Limited read" );
+ my ($name,$content) = get_expect_name_and_contents(
+ $obj->full_path, \@EXPECT_NORMAL );
+ is( $obj->name, $name, " Expected file found" );
+ ### extract this single file to cwd()
+ for my $meth (qw[extract extract_file]) {
+ ok( $tar->$meth( $obj->full_path ),
+ "Extracted '$name' to cwd() with $meth" );
+ ok( -e $obj->full_path, " Extracted file exists" );
+ rm( $obj->full_path ) unless $NO_UNLINK;
+ }
+ ### extract this file to @ROOT
+ ### can only do that with 'extract_file', not with 'extract'
+ for my $meth (qw[extract_file]) {
+ my $outpath = File::Spec->catdir( @ROOT );
+ my $outfile = File::Spec->catfile( $outpath, $$ ); #$obj->full_path );
+ ok( $tar->$meth( $obj->full_path, $outfile ),
+ "Extracted file '$name' to $outpath with $meth" );
+ ok( -e $outfile, " Extracted file '$outfile' exists" );
+ rm( $outfile ) unless $NO_UNLINK;
+ }
+### clear tests ###
+{ my $tar = Archive::Tar->new;
+ my @files = $tar->read( $TAR_FILE );
+ my $cnt = $tar->list_files();
+ ok( $cnt, "Found old data" );
+ ok( $tar->clear, " Clearing old data" );
+ my $new_cnt = $tar->list_files;
+ ok( !$new_cnt, " Old data cleared" );
+### $DO_NOT_USE_PREFIX tests
+{ my $tar = Archive::Tar->new;
+ ### first write a tar file without prefix
+ { my ($obj) = $tar->add_files( $COMPRESS_FILE );
+ my $dir = ''; # dir is empty!
+ my $file = File::Basename::basename( $COMPRESS_FILE );
+ ok( $obj, "File added" );
+ isa_ok( $obj, "Archive::Tar::File" );
+ ### internal storage ###
+ is( $obj->name, $file, " Name set to '$file'" );
+ is( $obj->prefix, $dir, " Prefix set to '$dir'" );
+ ### write the tar file without a prefix in it
+ local $Archive::Tar::DO_NOT_USE_PREFIX = 1;
+ ok( $tar->write( $OUT_TAR_FILE ),
+ " Tar file written" );
+ ### and forget all about it...
+ $tar->clear;
+ }
+ ### now read it back in, there should be no prefix
+ { ok( $tar->read( $OUT_TAR_FILE ),
+ "Tar file read in again" );
+ my ($obj) = $tar->get_files;
+ ok( $obj, " File retrieved" );
+ isa_ok( $obj, "Archive::Tar::File" );
+ is( $obj->name, $COMPRESS_FILE,
+ " Name now set to '$COMPRESS_FILE'" );
+ is( $obj->prefix, '', " Prefix now empty" );
+ my $re = quotemeta $COMPRESS_FILE;
+ like( $obj->raw, qr/^$re/, " Prefix + name in name slot of header" );
+ }
+ rm( $OUT_TAR_FILE ) unless $NO_UNLINK;
+### clean up stuff
+END {
+ for my $struct ( \@EXPECT_NORMAL, \@EXPECTBIN, \@EXPECTX ) {
+ for my $aref (@$struct) {
+ my $dir = $aref->[0]->[0];
+ rmtree $dir if $dir && -d $dir && not $NO_UNLINK;
+ }
+ }
+ my ($dir) = File::Spec::Unix->splitdir( $LONG_FILE );
+ rmtree $dir if $dir && -d $dir && not $NO_UNLINK;
+### helper subs ###
+sub get_expect {
+ return map {
+ split '/', $_
+ } map {
+ File::Spec::Unix->catfile(
+ grep { defined } @{$_->[0]}, $_->[1]
+ )
+sub is_dir {
+ my $file = pop();
+ return $file =~ m|/$| ? 1 : 0;
+sub rm {
+ my $x = shift;
+ is_dir($x) ? rmtree($x) : unlink $x;
+sub check_tar_file {
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $filesize = -s $file;
+ my $contents = slurp_binfile( $file );
+ ok( defined( $contents ), " File read" );
+ ok( $filesize, " File written size=$filesize" );
+ cmp_ok( $filesize % BLOCK, '==', 0,
+ " File size is a multiple of 512" );
+ cmp_ok( length($contents), '==', $filesize,
+ " File contents match size" );
+ is( TAR_END x 2, substr( $contents, -(BLOCK*2) ),
+ " Ends with 1024 null bytes" );
+ return $contents;
+sub check_tgz_file {
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $filesize = -s $file;
+ my $contents = slurp_gzfile( $file );
+ my $uncompressedsize = length $contents;
+ ok( defined( $contents ), " File read and uncompressed" );
+ ok( $filesize, " File written size=$filesize uncompressed size=$uncompressedsize" );
+ cmp_ok( $uncompressedsize % BLOCK, '==', 0,
+ " Uncompressed size is a multiple of 512" );
+ is( TAR_END x 2, substr($contents, -(BLOCK*2)),
+ " Ends with 1024 null bytes" );
+ cmp_ok( $filesize, '<', $uncompressedsize,
+ " Compressed size < uncompressed size" );
+ return $contents;
+sub check_tar_object {
+ my $obj = shift;
+ my $struct = shift or return;
+ ### amount of files (not dirs!) there should be in the object
+ my $expect = scalar @$struct;
+ my @files = grep { $_->is_file } $obj->get_files;
+ ### count how many files there are in the object
+ ok( scalar @files, " Found some files in the archive" );
+ is( scalar @files, $expect, " Found expected number of files" );
+ for my $file (@files) {
+ ### XXX ->fullname
+ #my $path = File::Spec::Unix->catfile(
+ # grep { length } $file->prefix, $file->name );
+ my($ename,$econtent) =
+ get_expect_name_and_contents( $file->full_path, $struct );
+ ok( $file->is_file, " It is a file" );
+ is( $file->full_path, $ename,
+ " Name matches expected name" );
+ like( $file->get_content, $econtent,
+ " Content as expected" );
+ }
+sub check_tar_extract {
+ my $tar = shift;
+ my $struct = shift;
+ my @dirs;
+ for my $file ($tar->get_files) {
+ push @dirs, $file && next if $file->is_dir;
+ my $path = $file->full_path;
+ my($ename,$econtent) =
+ get_expect_name_and_contents( $path, $struct );
+ is( $ename, $path, " Expected file found" );
+ ok( -e $path, " File '$path' exists" );
+ my $fh;
+ open $fh, "$path" or warn "Error opening file '$path': $!\n";
+ binmode $fh;
+ ok( $fh, " Opening file" );
+ my $content = do{local $/;<$fh>}; chomp $content;
+ like( $content, qr/$econtent/,
+ " Contents OK" );
+ unlink $path unless $NO_UNLINK;
+ ### alternate extract path tests
+ ### to abs and rel paths
+ { for my $outpath ( File::Spec->catdir( @ROOT ),
+ File::Spec->rel2abs(
+ File::Spec->catdir( @ROOT )
+ )
+ ) {
+ my $outfile = File::Spec->catfile( $outpath, $$ );
+ ok( $tar->extract_file( $file->full_path, $outfile ),
+ " Extracted file '$path' to $outfile" );
+ ok( -e $outfile," Extracted file '$outfile' exists" );
+ rm( $outfile ) unless $NO_UNLINK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ### now check if list_files is returning the same info as get_files
+ is_deeply( [$tar->list_files], [ map { $_->full_path } $tar->get_files],
+ " Verified via list_files as well" );
+ #do { rmtree $_->full_path if -d $_->full_path && not $NO_UNLINK }
+ # for @dirs;
+sub slurp_binfile {
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $fh = IO::File->new;
+ $fh->open( $file ) or warn( "Error opening '$file': $!" ), return undef;
+ binmode $fh;
+ local $/;
+ return <$fh>;
+sub slurp_gzfile {
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $str;
+ my $buff;
+ require IO::Zlib;
+ my $fh = new IO::Zlib;
+ $fh->open( $file, READ_ONLY->(1) )
+ or warn( "Error opening '$file' with IO::Zlib" ), return undef;
+ $str .= $buff while $fh->read( $buff, 4096 ) > 0;
+ $fh->close();
+ return $str;
+sub get_expect_name_and_contents {
+ my $find = shift;
+ my $struct = shift or return;
+ ### find the proper name + contents for this file from
+ ### the expect structure
+ my ($name, $content) =
+ map {
+ @$_;
+ } grep {
+ $_->[0] eq $find
+ } map {
+ [ ### full path ###
+ File::Spec::Unix->catfile(
+ grep { length } @{$_->[0]}, $_->[1]
+ ),
+ ### regex
+ $_->[2],
+ ]
+ } @$struct;
+ ### not a qr// yet?
+ unless( ref $content ) {
+ my $x = quotemeta ($content || '');
+ $content = qr/$x/;
+ }
+ unless( $name ) {
+ warn "Could not find '$find' in " . Dumper $struct;
+ }
+ return ($name, $content);
diff --git a/lib/Archive/Tar/t/03_file.t b/lib/Archive/Tar/t/03_file.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d4e7553ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Archive/Tar/t/03_file.t
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+### This program tests Archive::Tar::File ###
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+use strict;
+use File::Spec::Unix ();
+use Archive::Tar::File;
+use Archive::Tar::Constant;
+my $all_chars = join '', "\r\n", map( chr, 0..255 ), "zzz\n\r";
+my $start_time = time() - 1 - TIME_OFFSET;
+my $replace_contents = $all_chars x 42;
+my $rename_path = 'x/yy/42';
+my ($rename_dir, $rename_file) = dir_and_file( $rename_path );
+my @test_files = (
+ ### pathname contents optional hash of attributes ###
+ [ 'x/bIn1', $all_chars ],
+ [ 'bIn2', $all_chars x 2 ],
+ [ 'bIn0', '' ],
+ ### keep this one as the last entry
+ [ 'x/yy/z', '', { type => DIR,
+ mode => 0777,
+ uid => 42,
+ gid => 43,
+ uname => 'Ford',
+ gname => 'Prefect',
+ mtime => $start_time } ],
+### new( data => ... ) tests ###
+for my $f ( @test_files ) {
+ my $unix_path = $f->[0];
+ my $contents = $f->[1];
+ my $attr = $f->[2] || {};
+ my ($dir, $file) = dir_and_file( $unix_path );
+ my $obj = Archive::Tar::File->new( data => $unix_path, $contents, $attr );
+ isa_ok( $obj, 'Archive::Tar::File', "Object created" );
+ is( $obj->name, $file, " name '$file' ok" );
+ is( $obj->prefix, $dir, " prefix '$dir' ok" );
+ is( $obj->size, length($contents), " size ok" );
+ is( $obj->mode, exists($attr->{mode}) ? $attr->{mode} : MODE,
+ " mode ok" );
+ is( $obj->uid, exists($attr->{uid}) ? $attr->{uid} : UID,
+ " uid ok" );
+ is( $obj->gid, exists($attr->{gid}) ? $attr->{gid} : GID,
+ " gid ok" );
+ is( $obj->uname, exists($attr->{uname}) ? $attr->{uname} : UNAME->(UID ),
+ " uname ok" );
+ is( $obj->gname, exists($attr->{gname}) ? $attr->{gname} : GNAME->( GID ),
+ " gname ok" );
+ is( $obj->type, exists($attr->{type}) ? $attr->{type} : FILE,
+ " type ok" );
+ if (exists($attr->{mtime})) {
+ is( $obj->mtime, $attr->{mtime}, " mtime matches" );
+ } else {
+ cmp_ok( $obj->mtime, '>', $start_time, " mtime after start time" );
+ }
+ ok( $obj->chksum, " chksum ok" );
+ ok( $obj->version, " version ok" );
+ ok( ! $obj->linkname, " linkname ok" );
+ ok( ! $obj->devmajor, " devmajor ok" );
+ ok( ! $obj->devminor, " devminor ok" );
+ ok( ! $obj->raw, " raw ok" );
+ ### test type checkers
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "Attributes defined, may not be plainfile", 11 if keys %$attr;
+ ok( $obj->is_file, " Object is a file" );
+ for my $name (qw[dir hardlink symlink chardev blockdev fifo
+ socket unknown longlink label ]
+ ) {
+ my $method = 'is_' . $name;
+ ok(!$obj->$method(), " Object is not a '$name'");
+ }
+ }
+ ### Use "ok" not "is" to avoid binary data screwing up the screen ###
+ ok( $obj->get_content eq $contents, " get_content ok" );
+ ok( ${$obj->get_content_by_ref} eq $contents,
+ " get_content_by_ref ok" );
+ is( $obj->has_content, length($contents) ? 1 : 0,
+ " has_content ok" );
+ ok( $obj->replace_content( $replace_contents ),
+ " replace_content ok" );
+ ok( $obj->get_content eq $replace_contents, " get_content ok" );
+ ok( $obj->replace_content( $contents ), " replace_content ok" );
+ ok( $obj->get_content eq $contents, " get_content ok" );
+ ok( $obj->rename( $rename_path ), " rename ok" );
+ is( $obj->name, $rename_file, " name '$file' ok" );
+ is( $obj->prefix, $rename_dir, " prefix '$dir' ok" );
+ ok( $obj->rename( $unix_path ), " rename ok" );
+ is( $obj->name, $file, " name '$file' ok" );
+ is( $obj->prefix, $dir, " prefix '$dir' ok" );
+ ### clone tests ###
+ my $clone = $obj->clone;
+ isnt( $obj, $clone, "Clone is different object" );
+ is_deeply( $obj, $clone, " Clone holds same data" );
+### _downgrade_to_plainfile
+{ my $aref = $test_files[-1];
+ my $unix_path = $aref->[0];
+ my $contents = $aref->[1];
+ my $attr = $aref->[2];
+ my $obj = Archive::Tar::File->new( data => $unix_path, $contents, $attr );
+ ### check if the object is as expected
+ isa_ok( $obj, 'Archive::Tar::File' );
+ ok( $obj->is_dir, " Is a directory" );
+ ### do the downgrade
+ ok( $obj->_downgrade_to_plainfile, " Downgraded to plain file" );
+ ### now check if it's downgraded
+ ok( $obj->is_file, " Is now a file" );
+ is( $obj->linkname, '', " No link entered" );
+ is( $obj->mode, MODE, " Mode as expected" );
+### helper subs ###
+sub dir_and_file {
+ my $unix_path = shift;
+ my ($vol, $dirs, $file) = File::Spec::Unix->splitpath( $unix_path );
+ my $dir = File::Spec::Unix->catdir( grep { length } $vol,
+ File::Spec::Unix->splitdir( $dirs ) );
+ return ( $dir, $file );
diff --git a/lib/Archive/Tar/t/99_pod.t b/lib/Archive/Tar/t/99_pod.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e4084c680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Archive/Tar/t/99_pod.t
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+use Test::More;
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Find;
+use strict;
+eval 'use Test::Pod';
+plan skip_all => "Test::Pod v0.95 required for testing POD"
+ if $@ || $Test::Pod::VERSION < 0.95;
+my @files;
+find( sub { push @files, $File::Find::name if /\.p(?:l|m|od)$/ },
+ File::Spec->catfile( qw(blib lib) ) );
+plan tests => scalar @files;
+for my $file ( @files ) {
+ pod_file_ok( $file );
diff --git a/lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/long/b b/lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/long/b
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38f6d2d61d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/long/b
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/long/bar.tar b/lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/long/bar.tar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4a12bd075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/long/bar.tar
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/long/foo.tgz b/lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/long/foo.tgz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98657c01f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/long/foo.tgz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/short/b b/lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/short/b
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38f6d2d61d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/short/b
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/short/bar.tar b/lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/short/bar.tar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf5fd276ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/short/bar.tar
Binary files differ
diff --git a/lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/short/foo.tgz b/lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/short/foo.tgz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de54e7d0bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Archive/Tar/t/src/short/foo.tgz
Binary files differ