path: root/lib/CPANPLUS/t/02_CPANPLUS-Internals.t
diff options
authorChris Williams <>2009-09-07 12:31:13 +0100
committerChris Williams <>2009-09-07 12:31:13 +0100
commitd96f3acdb6c3a0d893560dfcd859c48cf537e55d (patch)
tree87b5572a188e447397c36bf81e9bf05282d7cd34 /lib/CPANPLUS/t/02_CPANPLUS-Internals.t
parentd0f1d92ce76eb6a82a7cfbdf9212e766122a40c0 (diff)
Move CPANPLUS from lib/ to ext/
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/CPANPLUS/t/02_CPANPLUS-Internals.t')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 147 deletions
diff --git a/lib/CPANPLUS/t/02_CPANPLUS-Internals.t b/lib/CPANPLUS/t/02_CPANPLUS-Internals.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 84b78f3ade..0000000000
--- a/lib/CPANPLUS/t/02_CPANPLUS-Internals.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-### make sure we can find our file
- use FindBin;
- require "$FindBin::Bin/inc/";
-use strict;
-use Test::More 'no_plan';
-use CPANPLUS::Configure;
-use CPANPLUS::Backend;
-use CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants;
-use Module::Load::Conditional qw[can_load];
-use Data::Dumper;
-my $cb = CPANPLUS::Backend->new( CPANPLUS::Configure->new() );
-isa_ok($cb, 'CPANPLUS::Internals');
-is($cb->_id, $cb->_last_id, "Comparing ID's");
-### delete/store/retrieve id tests ###
-{ my $del = $cb->_remove_id( $cb->_id );
- ok( $del, "ID deleted" );
- isa_ok( $del, "CPANPLUS::Internals" );
- is( $del, $cb, " Deleted ID matches last object" );
- my $id = $cb->_store_id( $del );
- ok( $id, "ID stored" );
- is( $id, $cb->_id, " Stored proper ID" );
- my $obj = $cb->_retrieve_id( $id );
- ok( $obj, "Object retrieved from ID" );
- isa_ok( $obj, 'CPANPLUS::Internals' );
- is( $obj->_id, $id, " Retrieved ID properly" );
- my @obs = $cb->_return_all_objects();
- ok( scalar(@obs), "Returned objects" );
- is( scalar(@obs), 1, " Proper amount of objects found" );
- is( $obs[0]->_id, $id, " Proper ID found on object" );
- my $lid = $cb->_last_id;
- ok( $lid, "Found last registered ID" );
- is( $lid, $id, " ID matches last object" );
- my $iid = $cb->_inc_id;
- ok( $iid, "Incremented ID" );
- is( $iid, $id+1, " ID matched last ID + 1" );
-### host ok test ###
- my $host = $cb->configure_object->get_conf('hosts')->[0];
- is( $cb->_host_ok( host => $host ), 1, "Host ok" );
- is( $cb->_add_fail_host(host => $host), 1, " Host now marked as bad" );
- is( $cb->_host_ok( host => $host ), 0, " Host still bad" );
- ok( $cb->_flush( list => ['hosts'] ), " Hosts flushed" );
- is( $cb->_host_ok( host => $host ), 1, " Host now ok again" );
-### flush loads test
-{ my $mod = 'Benchmark';
- my $file = $mod . '.pm';
- ### XXX whitebox test -- mark this module as unloadable
- $Module::Load::Conditional::CACHE->{$mod}->{usable} = 0;
- ok( !can_load( modules => { $mod => 0 }, verbose => 0 ),
- "'$mod' not loaded" );
- ok( $cb->flush('load'), " 'load' cache flushed" );
- ok( can_load( modules => { $mod => 0 }, verbose => 0 ),
- " '$mod' loaded" );
-### add to inc path tests
-{ my $meth = '_add_to_includepath';
- can_ok( $cb, $meth );
- my $p5lib = $ENV{PERL5LIB} || '';
- my $inc = "@INC";
- ok( $cb->$meth( directories => [$$] ),
- " CB->$meth( $$ )" );
- my $new_p5lib = $ENV{PERL5LIB};
- my $new_inc = "@INC";
- isnt( $p5lib, $new_p5lib, " PERL5LIB is now: $new_p5lib" );
- like( $new_p5lib, qr/$$/, " Matches $$" );
- isnt( $inc, $new_inc, ' @INC is expanded with: ' . $$ );
- like( $new_inc, qr/$$/, " Matches $$" );
- ok( $cb->$meth( directories => [$$] ),
- " CB->$meth( $$ ) again" );
- is( "@INC", $new_inc, ' @INC unchanged' );
- is( $new_p5lib, $ENV{PERL5LIB},
- " PERL5LIB unchanged" );
-### callback registering tests ###
-{ my $callback_map = {
- ### name default value
- install_prerequisite => 1, # install prereqs when 'ask' is set?
- edit_test_report => 0, # edit the prepared test report?
- send_test_report => 1, # send the test report?
- munge_test_report => $$, # munge the test report
- filter_prereqs => $$, # limit prereqs
- proceed_on_test_failure => 0, # continue on failed 'make test'?
- munge_dist_metafile => $$, # munge the metailfe
- };
- for my $callback ( keys %$callback_map ) {
- { my $rv = $callback_map->{$callback};
- is( $rv, $cb->_callbacks->$callback->( $0, $$ ),
- "Default callback '$callback' called" );
- like( CPANPLUS::Error->stack_as_string, qr/DEFAULT '\S+' HANDLER/s,
- " Default handler warning recorded" );
- CPANPLUS::Error->flush;
- }
- ### try to register the callback
- my $ok = $cb->_register_callback(
- name => $callback,
- code => sub { return $callback }
- );
- ok( $ok, "Registered callback '$callback' ok" );
- my $sub = $cb->_callbacks->$callback;
- ok( $sub, " Retrieved callback" );
- ok( IS_CODEREF->($sub), " Callback is a sub" );
- my $rv = $sub->();
- ok( $rv, " Callback called ok" );
- is( $rv, $callback, " Got expected return value" );
- }
-# Local variables:
-# c-indentation-style: bsd
-# c-basic-offset: 4
-# indent-tabs-mode: nil
-# End:
-# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4: