path: root/lib/ExtUtils/
diff options
authorAndy Dougherty <>1995-06-06 01:17:58 +0000
committerAndy Dougherty <>1995-06-06 01:17:58 +0000
commit005c1a0e007f6f2f3efe461d6a5930a88ccb88fb (patch)
tree176ab6c84a969d3a3254ab0a653d72a12022c12b /lib/ExtUtils/
parentc296029969658ed2c8d9a223d4b09026463ca970 (diff)
This is my patch patch.1k for perl5.001.
This patch brings you MakeMaker-4.15. This is MakeMaker-4.13 plus patches to provide the LD_RUN_PATH environment variable for building shared libraries, and the appropriate -I flags for running xsubpp while building perl. To apply, change to your perl directory, run the command above, then apply with patch -p1 -N < thispatch. After you apply this patch, you should apply patch.1l. Patch and enjoy, Andy Dougherty Dept. of Physics Lafayette College, Easton PA 18042
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ExtUtils/')
1 files changed, 264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ExtUtils/ b/lib/ExtUtils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a76006e321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ExtUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+package ExtUtils::Manifest;
+=head1 NAME
+ExtUtils::Manifest - utilities to write and check a MANIFEST file
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+C<require ExtUtils::Manifest;>
+Mkmanifest() writes all files in and below the current directory to a
+file named C<MANIFEST> in the current directory. It works similar to
+ find . -print
+but in doing so checks each line in an existing C<MANIFEST> file and
+includes any comments that are found in the existing C<MANIFEST> file
+in the new one. Anything between white space and an end of line within
+a C<MANIFEST> file is considered to be a comment. Filenames and
+comments are seperated by one or more TAB characters in the
+output. All files that match any regular expression in a file
+C<MANIFEST.SKIP> (if such a file exists) are ignored.
+Manicheck() checks if all the files within a C<MANIFEST> in the current
+directory really do exist.
+Filecheck() finds files below the current directory that are not
+mentioned in the C<MANIFEST> file. An optional file C<MANIFEST.SKIP>
+will be consulted. Any file matching a regular expression in such a
+file will not be reported as missing in the C<MANIFEST> file.
+Fullcheck() does both a manicheck() and a filecheck().
+Maniread($file) reads a named C<MANIFEST> file (defaults to
+C<MANIFEST> in the current directory) and returns a HASH reference
+with files being the keys and comments being the values of the HASH.
+I<Manicopy($read,$target)> copies the files that are the keys in the
+HASH I<%$read> to the named target directory. The HASH reference
+I<$read> is typically returned by the maniread() function. This
+function is useful for producing a directory tree identical to the
+intended distribution tree.
+The file MANIFEST.SKIP may contain regular expressions of files that
+should be ignored by mkmanifest() and filecheck(). The regular
+expressions should appear one on each line. A typical example:
+ \bRCS\b
+ ^Makefile$
+ ~$
+ \.html$
+ \.old$
+ ^blib/
+ ^MakeMaker-\d
+=head1 EXPORT_OK
+C<&mkmanifest>, C<&manicheck>, C<&filecheck>, C<&fullcheck>,
+C<&maniread>, and C<&manicopy> are exportable.
+All diagnostic output is sent to C<STDERR>.
+=item C<Not in MANIFEST:> I<file>
+is reported if a file is found, that is missing in the C<MANIFEST>
+file which is excluded by a regular expression in the file
+=item C<No such file:> I<file>
+is reported if a file mentioned in a C<MANIFEST> file does not
+=item C<MANIFEST:> I<$!>
+is reported if C<MANIFEST> could not be opened.
+=item C<Added to MANIFEST:> I<file>
+is reported by mkmanifest() if $Verbose is set and a file is added
+to MANIFEST. $Verbose is set to 1 by default.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Andreas Koenig F<E<lt>koenig@franz.ww.TU-Berlin.DEE<gt>>
+require Exporter;
+@EXPORT_OK = ('mkmanifest', 'manicheck', 'fullcheck', 'filecheck',
+ 'maniread', 'manicopy');
+use File::Find;
+use Carp;
+$Debug = 0;
+$Verbose = 1;
+($Version) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.4 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
+$Version = $Version; #avoid warning
+$Quiet = 0;
+sub mkmanifest {
+ my $manimiss = 0;
+ my $read = maniread() or $manimiss++;
+ $read = {} if $manimiss;
+ my $matches = _maniskip();
+ my $found = manifind();
+ my($key,$val,$file,%all);
+ my %all = (%$found, %$read);
+ local *M;
+ rename "MANIFEST", "MANIFEST.bak" unless $manimiss;
+ open M, ">MANIFEST" or die "Could not open MANIFEST: $!";
+ foreach $file (sort keys %all) {
+ next if &$matches($file);
+ if ($Verbose){
+ warn "Added to MANIFEST: $file\n" unless exists $read->{$file};
+ }
+ my $tabs = (5 - (length($file)+1)/8);
+ $tabs = 1 if $tabs < 1;
+ $tabs = 0 unless $all{$file};
+ print M $file, "\t" x $tabs, $all{$file}, "\n";
+ }
+ close M;
+sub manifind {
+ local $found = {};
+ find(sub {return if -d $_;
+ (my $name = $File::Find::name) =~ s|./||;
+ warn "Debug: diskfile $name\n" if $Debug;
+ $found->{$name} = "";}, ".");
+ $found;
+sub fullcheck {
+ _manicheck(3);
+sub manicheck {
+ return @{(_manicheck(1))[0]};
+sub filecheck {
+ return @{(_manicheck(2))[1]};
+sub _manicheck {
+ my($arg) = @_;
+ my $read = maniread();
+ my $file;
+ my(@missfile,@missentry);
+ if ($arg & 1){
+ my $found = manifind();
+ foreach $file (sort keys %$read){
+ warn "Debug: manicheck checking from MANIFEST $file\n" if $Debug;
+ unless ( exists $found->{$file} ) {
+ warn "No such file: $file\n" unless $Quiet;
+ push @missfile, $file;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($arg & 2){
+ $read ||= {};
+ my $matches = _maniskip();
+ my $found = manifind();
+ foreach $file (sort keys %$found){
+ next if &$matches($file);
+ warn "Debug: manicheck checking from disk $file\n" if $Debug;
+ unless ( exists $read->{$file} ) {
+ warn "Not in MANIFEST: $file\n" unless $Quiet;
+ push @missentry, $file;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ (\@missfile,\@missentry);
+sub maniread {
+ my ($mfile) = @_;
+ $mfile = "MANIFEST" unless defined $mfile;
+ my $read = {};
+ local *M;
+ unless (open M, $mfile){
+ warn "$mfile: $!";
+ return $read;
+ }
+ while (<M>){
+ chomp;
+ /^(\S+)\s*(.*)/ and $read->{$1}=$2;
+ }
+ close M;
+ $read;
+# returns an anonymous sub that decides if an argument matches
+sub _maniskip {
+ my ($mfile) = @_;
+ my $matches = sub {0};
+ my @skip ;
+ my $mfile = "MANIFEST.SKIP" unless defined $mfile;
+ local *M;
+ return $matches unless -f $mfile;
+ open M, $mfile or return $matches;
+ while (<M>){
+ chomp;
+ next if /^\s*$/;
+ push @skip, $_;
+ }
+ close M;
+ my $sub = "\$matches = "
+ . "sub { my(\$arg)=\@_; return 1 if "
+ . join (" || ", (map {s!/!\\/!g; "\$arg =~ m/$_/o "} @skip), 0)
+ . " }";
+ eval $sub;
+ print "Debug: $sub\n" if $Debug;
+ $matches;
+sub manicopy {
+ my($read,$target)=@_;
+ croak "manicopy() called without target argument" unless defined $target;
+ require File::Path;
+ require File::Basename;
+ my(%dirs,$file);
+ foreach $file (keys %$read){
+ my $dir = File::Basename::dirname($file);
+ File::Path::mkpath("$target/$dir");
+ cp_if_diff($file, "$target/$file");
+ }
+sub cp_if_diff {
+ my($from,$to)=@_;
+ -f $from || carp "$0: $from not found";
+ system "cmp", "-s", $from, $to;
+ if ($?) {
+ unlink($to); # In case we don't have write permissions.
+ (system 'cp', $from, $to) == 0 or confess "system 'cp': $!";
+ }